It was easy to calculate this equation in my mind because the LCD was one of the denominator in the problem. I took it a step further by thinking that if you divide any number by a smaller denominator the result will be larger. For example 16/2 is greater than 16/4 . 8 is greater than 4. You can change this to an algebra equation: x/2>x/4. My rule is if x is the same. The result will always be greater. Amazing how I remembered the math skills I learned over half a century ago. It did help taking an algebra course just before I graduated my online College a little over a decade ago.
I love math and I'd love to be great at it like you, but for me, it's easier to understand which is smaller/larger with the same numerator. The way I interpret the original fraction is; 1/8 has less parts than 1/16, therefore, 1/16 is the smaller fraction. In simpler terms, if you cut a pie into 8 slices, rather than 16, you will have much larger slices, making 1/8 larger. Maybe I am looking at it wrong or even in a way that encourages bad thinking, but that is how I interpreted it originally. I'm currently taking quantitative methods and cost accounting in college and I need to get better with fractions and more complex algebra. I love your videos because reading an e-Text does not help me, but your videos do!
Of course, 1/8 is bigger than 1/16. One should not need to find the LCD to figure that out. Imagine if you have a pizza, and you have to share it among 8 people vs 16 people. Of course you’ll get a bigger slice of pizza if you only have to split it among fewer people.
With due respect i am not able to comprehend why the elongated explanation given that at the very first glance-milliseconds-the answer is obvious given that the numerators of the fractions are identical. The more times you divide a numerator the smaller it gets. Always.
trying to figure out which comment to go with here. either: pitter patter let's get 'at her - video really starts at about the 4 minute mark; or I checked the website and none of the courses listed there prepare you for the Hogwarts Entrance Exam (Alacazam Prep)...
I can't believe it took him over nine minutes to solve one simple problem that I could do in my head in less than ten seconds.
Way too much talking .he really goes on ,yada yada yada
Be nice or stop watching him.. Jeesh kiddo
1/16th is smaller than 1/8th
It was easy to calculate this equation in my mind because the LCD was one of the denominator in the problem. I took it a step further by thinking that if you divide any number by a smaller denominator the result will be larger. For example 16/2 is greater than 16/4 . 8 is greater than 4. You can change this to an algebra equation: x/2>x/4. My rule is if x is the same. The result will always be greater. Amazing how I remembered the math skills I learned over half a century ago. It did help taking an algebra course just before I graduated my online College a little over a decade ago.
I love math and I'd love to be great at it like you, but for me, it's easier to understand which is smaller/larger with the same numerator. The way I interpret the original fraction is; 1/8 has less parts than 1/16, therefore, 1/16 is the smaller fraction. In simpler terms, if you cut a pie into 8 slices, rather than 16, you will have much larger slices, making 1/8 larger. Maybe I am looking at it wrong or even in a way that encourages bad thinking, but that is how I interpreted it originally.
I'm currently taking quantitative methods and cost accounting in college and I need to get better with fractions and more complex algebra. I love your videos because reading an e-Text does not help me, but your videos do!
Of course, 1/8 is bigger than 1/16. One should not need to find the LCD to figure that out. Imagine if you have a pizza, and you have to share it among 8 people vs 16 people. Of course you’ll get a bigger slice of pizza if you only have to split it among fewer people.
1÷4^2 =1/16. 1/16
Tell me the frickin answer yada yada yada
Like your videos but make them shorter.
Use the visual example of "which is more, a glass that is half empty, or a glass that is half full? ;-)
Oh and i love your videos.
It takes 1 step. just solve for the denominators
Did it in my head . !/and 1/16. !/8 is two xtimes the value of 1/116. Please- a challenge. ( Although I am a retired Maths teacher.)
Simple math
Large denominator, small answer
With due respect i am not able to comprehend why the elongated explanation given that at the very first glance-milliseconds-the answer is obvious given that the numerators of the fractions are identical. The more times you divide a numerator the smaller it gets. Always.
Are you the LPL?
Yay, I got it correct so I receive a happy face!
Highschool pte calc is low standard
trying to figure out which comment to go with here. either:
pitter patter let's get 'at her - video really starts at about the 4 minute mark; or
I checked the website and none of the courses listed there prepare you for the Hogwarts Entrance Exam (Alacazam Prep)...
Ffs just tell me the answer unfollowed
These videos could be so good if he would just get to the point.
Again 10 miles to determine if 1/8 is smaller than 1/16, are you serious!
If possible, make your intro shorter. .your videos help me understand basic math clearly