This week on Fully Ramblomatic, Yahtzee reviewed Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster. Support us on Patreon: / secondwindgroup Second Wind Merch Store:
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Larry Chiang is still Chinese/Taiwanese, just not an offensive stereo type. They tried to render him realistic, with actual health and safety meat prep clothing on.. His original depiction was a Japanese stereotype of filthy Chinese butchers.
Same! I’ll never forget getting my 360 that day and giving DR a try just to be dejected that in order to read ANYTHING on screen, I needed an HDTV… Brb going to get my VA authorized so I can get my arthritis checked
Speaking as an Italian, a nationality very often stereotyped, it's not that stereotypes are bad, it's what they're supposed to do that can be bad. If it's meant to laugh at people because they're weird ugly and dumb, well that's a bad stereotype. If it's meant to portray in a comedic way certain aspects of a certain culture without vilifying it, that's a good stereotype and I'm going to laugh together with whoever made it. I'll never not laugh at the 🤌🏻 jokes
in fact iirc there were talks of cutting him out of something Looney Tunes related due to being problematic and there was massive backlash from the Mexican and Latin American communities (I was a cook at the time and many of my co-workers were some form of hispanic and were talking about it all week lol)
Progressive people never bother asking minorities what they think. Wealthy urban elites think they can speak for minorities. Like famously trying to tell Hispanic people to use LatinX, which isn't how Spanish works. My wife is fine with Mexican, or if anything, Xhicana, because that IS how Spanish works, and Chicano/Xhicano/etc are actual Hispanic movements. Not just white people telling brown people how to think and speak.
My mall still has lots of people in it because Malls > Amazon for three reasons. 1: It's a safe-ish public space for teenagers to hang out that doesn't make their parents panic heart attack themselves if their teen kid tells them that's where they're going. The internet is ABSOLUTELY NOT that, and as someone who grew up on it through my teenage years, you absolutely cannot convince me other wise. 2: What's better than one day shipping? Immediate shipping as in you buy it and you immediately have it. It's not like Amazon actually follows through on that, at least where I live they almost NEVER do. And also it's not like Amazon can't run out of stock, they just don't tell you until after they take your money, usually when you ask them why they didn't one day ship to you within one day. I know this second point is a me issue, but maybe it'll be resolved when they eventually actually build that warehouse here they promised, but they haven't so it is so I am bringing it up. 3. They don't lie to you about the price. Amazon next day "guaranteed" shipping is not only available only to Prime Members, an up charge in of itself that comes with other benefits, but also you get up charged for picking that option. They roll the extra cost into the price without telling you. Don't get me wrong I understand why they charge extra for that option, it's a massive logistical head ache on their end, but the least that I think they should do is tell me up front instead of trying to hide it from me and thus lying through omission.
Bro the tiny HD text on my friend's grandmother's television in his basement. That was actual. We didn't even know where we were supposed to be going we were just smashing zombies for like 2 hours. S*** that took me back lol
I remember that. The rca cables couldn't display the text well at all. I remember having to buy my first hdmi cable as a kid for my old ass flatscreen.
He only said that to not spoil too much about the sandbox. You have a lot of other weapons you'll want to use than just the mini chainsaws and the katana. The game makes the story very hard at first to let you have fun, learn the sandbox and level up, before coming back to the main "serious" story later after the appetizer. And the later part of the story and gameplay definitely doesn't fall off. It, again, changes from lighthearted hell to a heavyhearted hell. The game wants the soldiers and human enemies to be difficult and scary. And the npcs to be hard to keep alive (they even have unique death cutscenes to play into that).
Mini chainsaw + the sharp weapon magazines were all you needed. Plus its pretty much essential to kill the clown because the survivor unlocks the shortcut
Not sure if it's the same in the Remaster, but my favorite go-to strategy for the clown psycho was to make a quick spitfire smoothie and spit on him to death. He could deflect bullets and break melee weapons with his chainsaws, but had no answer for saliva. Almost felt bad for him.
@@N3wguy321 Something I love about Dead Rising is how creative you can get with the way you handle problems by using whatever tools the environment lends you.
I love it when reviews mention that there's a Steam release of the original version of a remastered game, because my first instinct is always, "oh, so I should buy that instead."
both dead rising and metal gear delta are facing this dilemma for me right now, why should i buy the remake when i just have the original on steam, and its aged like fine wine?
@@Degalon And that's why the era of the lazy remake should end at PS1 games, because after that, 3d games stopped being naturally ugly. There's remaking to do, but it's gameplay modernization more than just graphics. Dead Rising Remake should have added combo weapons instead, along with fixing the last act.
@@sassytabasco I mean I’m not complaining, I’d much rather have the remake and original stand side by side on the storefront instead of taking the original down. And if there’s any upside it’s like 10 bucks now compared to the remakes 50.
Only problem there is that the majority of players are still on console/mobile, and when companies like Sony and Konami decide they want to largely ignore their history other than the occasional extremely altered remake, the majority of the gaming community will remain gleefully unaware of changes for changes sake.
This reminds me of when Ubisoft gave my PC U-Play account Beyond Good and Evil for free. The legitimate, official, high-tech version... didn't work, wouldn't even boot. You know what version of Beyond Good and Evil works perfectly fine? The -Dolphi- GameCube version.
Yahtzee hit the nail on the head, with the OG strat. Go to the coffee shop, 3 OJs and the Katana, go fight Adam, take his mini chainsaw and there you go, might as well roll the credits now.
Killing the convicts and taking the machine gun off the jeep was my strategy for killing Adam. Get far away enough for him to start blowing his balloons, let him have it, repeat until he's dead. I used the SMG found in the Al Fresca Plaza's fountain and the one on the blue awning in Paradise Plaza to kill the convicts.
At least with this one, if you didn't like the remaster, the original is still on steam and does not get pulled like certain other remasters *coughGTAcough*. That being said, the videogame voices actors were part of the charm. New Frank does a pretty good job but Brad just sounds.. rough.. just woof. Sad they couldn't get back Steven Blum for the PTSD Psychopath. I honestly wouldn't mind them remastering Dead Rising 2. Love me those weapon combos. (plus Chucks one liners)
Best performer/performance in original game: Probably John Kassir as Adam or Steve Blum as Cliff. Best performer/performance in new game: I'd assume Xanthe Hyunh as Jessie. Kinda understandable why that's where they shelled out for a "bigger name", but still. How cheap are you being with the voice acting that getting John Kassir or Steve Blum back is beyond the pale?
Strange as it is, removing the Erotica category feels kinda like a mistake? Frank being kinda scummy felt like an important part of his character, because the mall is supposed to be a lethal trap for people with more greed than sense, and it felt like making Frank actually search out the truth instead of just chasing trends was kinda his character development. Without at least _something_ like the Erotica category, it feels like he just kinda becomes a conventional sassy hero; more Shaun than Dawn, if you will.
Given that the game is a love letter to 80s horror films like Dawn of the Dead, removing gratuitous violence and nudity feels like they're missing the point entirely so as to not offend a minority of people that likely won't ever play it.
@@baldian3 I made a "Pub of the dead" map back when Pavlov used Steam workshop for UCG, it was mildly popular enough that I think people would enjoy a "Defend the pub from zombies" game.
It's so odd as a big fan of the original because the script is almost exactly the same but none of the voice actors are so you're hearing lines you know well delivered differently
Thirty seconds in and I’m howling, I don’t even know what the game is like. Yahtzee, been watching for 10 years, I know you don’t read the comments much, but thanks for still doing this. You provide six minutes of hilarity every week, and inspire me to keep on doing my creative stuff with your other works. Also, just to be that guy, bring back dev diary, I know that was a blast for you too. Cheers.
You forgot to mention that George Romero sued the makers for having a zombie apocalypse in a shopping mall, which was similar to Romero's "Dawn of the Dead" film. The suit was thrown out by the judge due to the theme of consumerism not existing in Dead Rising.
@@NoobsDeSroobs yeah, FIFA would have been a better pick. Not sure how I could get a gig releasing the same game every year for decades, but it would beat working.
Para ser honesto por primera vez esto fue cosa de Japóneses Capcom no es gringo sino japones y de hecho este remake fue desarrollado en una subsidiaria en China específicamente.
That is another thing that people are missing as to how old this game "Weirdly massive shopping me", it is so big because malls where suppose to be the cities of the future. They where suppose to have been a lot more important than just a place to buy some stuff THAT is how old this game is XD
Fun fact: This was one of the few games I played that gave me a nightmare. Not the zombies or the psychopaths or anything: the time limit. In my dream, I suddenly learned that every time you saved the game, it advanced the game's timer a bit (not a real thing, just a gameplay feature in my nightmare,) which meant that because I saved a lot early in the game, I now could never save again or I would miss all the deadlines. It was like my brain was trying to wake me up, but my subconscious wouldn't let me stop dreaming because that would mean saving, which would mean I lost the game.
I hate this remaster but to be fair, DeadRising 2-4 were done by a Canadian team and published by Capcom, whereas DR1 (and seemingly this remaster) were actually developed by Capcom
You might be surprised. Paper Mario Thousand Year Door remake was done by much of the same team who curbstomped that series into the pavement, but the key creative director of the post-wii entries was busy working on Metroid Prime 4, so the original director was freed from his 15 year banishment to Fire Emblem TCG hell to come back and work on it. And it was excellent!
My main memories of the original including laughing loads while watching someone else playing in a Mega Man costume with a horse's head, and then struggling to get into it myself when I actually got to play it. I love the concept, completely loathed the need to handhold the NPCs. Still in two minds whether to pick up the remaster...
@@merman1974 one of the things they did in this remaster is make the NPCs a lot smarter, like they are in dead rising 2. If that was your main gripe with the original, the remaster might be worth it.
Dunno why the Vietnam vet wasn't brought up during the censorship part. Completely removed the context of that character when they changed his dialogue.
@@qwefg3fucking lol, since when? I can’t go outside without someone blaming communism for their hydrangeas not blooming, what planet are you living on?
I guess he figured when he was talking broadly about those kinds of changes he figured you could asume he meant all of them, did he really need to rattle off a checklist?
He still asks frank where the guerilla's hide out is, mentions his fellow troops and talks about the war in his dying breath. It's not like he isn't a vietnam vet still.
So, fun fact for anyone who cares: If you manage to score "Saint" in this version of the game, you're awarded a special magazine that, if you pick it up, gives you infinite durability for every item you pick up. Which also translates to infinite ammo for the guns. Now THAT'S how you update a challenge reward. I suggest nabbing the "DIY Fireworks" magazine tucked away in the North Plaza to go along with it since throwing infinite exploding soda cans at zombies makes me giggle.
This has just reminded me that I REALLY need to go back and finish the original Dead Rising on steam. I started it AGES ago and got distracted during a steam sale then forgot about it. It's even still installed all I need to do is remember to play it.
I remember HD games being "unreadable" on CRTs. Specifically the enemy radar on some FPS game I played being absolutely useless because it was all one indiscernible soup. I switched to playing on my pc monitor for the next 5 years or so. Luckily you could let the PS3 put out video through hdmi while the audio went through the analog out which I could hook up to my speakers.
This remaster even existing is kind of ironic. Even though tone is all over the place in DR1, I thought it (maybe accidentally) had something meaningful to say about Americans' overconsumption at any cost - spoiler, but in the DR franchise zombies exist because an experiment to produce beef in greater quantities went wrong. DR2 continued that "sins of excess" tone being set in Vegas. I'm almost definitely reading too much into it.
Capcom got sued for copyright infringement by the production company that made Dawn of the Dead. Their main legal defense was that the game didn't have any meaningful social commentary.
Think Dead Rising is still worth playing because it doesn't feel like an Ubisoft open world. There is reason to explore beyond just cleaning up objectives
Yahtz, you've always been a funny bloke, but this is, I think, the first time I've ever had to pause one of your videos to just have a good cackle at a joke. Jesus christ. "It used to fuck up psychopaths like a Dead By Daylight balance patch" KILLED me. God I've played too much dbd
i stopped playing around when Wesker/the painter came out, i got into it when the Clown was the newest killler (psplus free game) played it for years, but the power creep eventually made the survivors so functionally invincible that playing killer felt like playing wiley coyote trying to chase 4 roadrunners. Have they ever fixed the balance or are survivors still essentially just bullying the killer?
4 місяці тому+1
Dead Rising was one of the first games I got together with my first console when I started working. I'm pretty sure I spent most of my time in that game driving around the underground tunnels in order to unlock the Mega blaster.
I got all the way to the end of DR back in the day, when you have a fist fight with Liquid on top of Metal Gear. I mean, when you have a fist fight on top of a tank with bad army guy. Could never quite kill him, and couldn't bring myself to go back and grind or start the game over again, so that was that...
whosithisgit figured it out. If you jump off the turret back onto the main body of the tank, the boss won't pursue you and will aimlessly mill around on the turret, allowing you to get a sneak attack in when you climb back on. Rinse and repeat.
Yeah it definitely stumped me the first time getting there, too. It's the only point in the game where you're basically required to use melee abilities, so if you're not used to that or you haven't leveled enough to unlock them you're going to have a bad time.
I fully remember soft locking myself out of this game when it first came out because the text wasn’t displaying properly on my old tv, similar thing happened in RDR1. Those were truly the days.
Personally I think Deadrising 2's biggest issue also stemmed from its game changing new addition which was the combo weapons. Every weaponized item was pretty much made useless by comparison so you'd get to the point where you actually had to take time out of whatever you were doing to go find a crafting room to make whatever thing could be actually reliable to use. Certain crafting rooms also had the ingredients for certain combos laying around nearby that would respawn every so often making those ones a place you'd return to constantly to pick up the weapon again like you had mentioned regarding the chainsaws. It's really up to the player to decide where the series started falling off but I'd argue that while 1 and 2 were on pretty even ground, 2's gimmicks started it rolling towards the downturn.
3:48 I love everyone using Speedy Gonzalez when literally every Mexican from America to ... well, Mexico was like "Hey we love Speedy!" but it's still the most family friendly way to talk about racism. Still I'm very happy with the remaster. Because I got it for free. So I'm happy with it. If I put out of my own wallet well, DOWN WITH THE CORPO BORPOS!
Beyond glad he mentioned the mini chainsaws from Adam the Clown, easily the most busted weapon in the game when you get 3-4 manuals to exponentially increase it's durability. You want easy mode? Go get those.
usually good for 80 kills, but you get 3x durability with 3 books, and infinite with that cheat book you get for the saint achievement. Honestly, that's part of the fun. The game actually rewards you with unlocks for most achievements.
Kind of. There were three major censorship points that are noted for this version of the game compared to the original. The Erotica genre for photos were removed. According to the developers of the remake, it was removed due to not feeling appropriate for Frank to do in a crisis such as this. However, while the genre was removed and you don't earn points from some Erotica stuff, not all of them were removed. More specifically near the end of the game, there is one survivor mission you get where she asks you to take pictures while she does a bunch of provocative poses. These were all considered part of the Erotica genre before, however in the remake, while not labeled under Erotica, they notably give you more points. So I think the issue might stem from the developers feeling it was inappropriate for Frank to be rewarded for taking erotic photos of woman without consent more then anything. But that might admittedly be me more reading to much into things. (As a side note, this removal also removed Kent showing off his 'sexiest' shot which does take away a little from how derange Kent actually is. Though I am also partly glad for the change since there were infamously only three opportunities for you to easily get an Erotica photo with enough points for his quest.) However, with that said, Jo herself is a funny case as apparently she now has jiggle physics to her, and she has more vile lines as well according to some folks who are more knowledgeable about this than I am. Jessie, meanwhile, is pretty much the same, maybe a bit more sexual with her new model. Isabella has a line that I don't believe was in the original where she basically tells Frank to stop staring at her butt during the boss fight. And I believe there are more changes in this regard with the expansion on Survivors that I don't have active notes for. All of which further my thought that they specifically didn't want Frank to be seen as a deviant rather than them wanting to censor sexuality from the game entirely. As for the other two changes, I am pretty sure they are, in part, to appeal more to the Chinese market. The big one is Cliff Hudson's more blatant mentions of Vietnam being removed. The context clues are still kind of there if you look for them, but yeah. This is the part that really kind of sucks for me as it does take away from his character. The other is Larry Chiang being given a completely new model given how his original model was pretty racist. On one hand, he is clearly meant to be Chinese given his name didn't get changed at all, but he is definitely white passing now. Like most people think he's meant to be an American and I can't argue against that because he looks like Al from Toy Story 2. I suspect the drastic change is due to them wanting to not only step away from the racist allegations as much as they can, but again, it wouldn't be unfair to say it also likely is to better appeal to the Chinese market. TLDR: The Erotica genre removal seem to be around not awarding Frank for taking those photos without consent more than actually removing sexual content from the game entirely while the other censorship points are probably more to help sell the game in China. Overall, it is up to an individual to decide if these changes outweigh the positives that the remaster offers, especially as the original is still available in most digital stores and playable on most modern hardware. So if you rather buy and play the original, that thankfully remains an option for those want it.
@@xxGhostXIIIxx weirdly that’s also been said about Raccoon city. I mean if you didn’t know America and someone said American mid west I guess it’s easy to assume you start at the middle and move westward to get the Midwest
I don’t understand why visual remasters of games are so widely accepted, often even praised. When it comes to movies, people flip their shit if remastered versions change anything drastic, but games do the equivalent of reshooting every scene with newer equipment. I understand fixing jankyness, controls etc but always feel like something is lost when graphics are overhauled or major features are changed
A lot of the time it's because the graphics that were touted as 'realistic' and groundbreaking in the original have aged embarrassingly poorly, and the remastering basically make it look like what people believe it to have looked like through their nostalgia filter. Of course you get games like Wind Waker with stylised art that looked fine back then (despite the 'cartoony' complaints) and look fine now, leaving the graphics team without much to do but crank up the bloom.
@cookieface80 Legit. Games used to be art first, business second. That changes I feel around the 2010s. Now players play games as a service, and Nikky Minashe in Call Of Duty. Occasionally a new game is artwork. Those are indie games not intended to rake in money.
Don't forget the books that make the mini-chainsaw nearly indestructible. And yes I played Dead Rising on a CRT and YES I complained about the size of the text.
Weirdly massive shopping malls in the mid west were a thing. I remember having to drive an hour to get to a proper city and the weirdly large mall there as an attraction.
I've never played the game personally but had a room mate that beat it so repeatedly and thoroughly that I'd bet money he could finish the main story blindfolded. Ah back in the days when you could only afford two games a year so you played them absolutely to death instead of now where I own 50+ games I haven't even booted up let alone the other 50 I never finished.
"Excuse me, Mr. Janitor? Do you think maybe we could, I dunno, _bar_ the door, or push a sofa in front of it, or something, rather than welding it shut? Something tells me I might want to lead some survivors back this way, and getting septuagenarians to the ventilation system is a bear... No, don't ask me-" (glances at experience level) "-how I know that..."
Mini chainsaw had 3 magazines that affected it, each multipling the durability by 3. Sharp, sport, and psycho. Last mag was in the final segment of the mall.
Fascinatingly, if you ever checked out the Fear and Hunger series of RPG maker absolutely unfairly hard roguelike/survival horror/jrpgs, they are described in the same way by the people who'd mastered them - as games where, unlike many modern roguelikes, with each new run you don't earn points for upgrades or unlocks but the knowledge necessary to survive and understand how the game works and how to beat it.
yeah that always threw me too, like the beginning plaza is the size of a regular mall, but the entire thing was a full on theme park that dwarfed the town itself you see in the helicopter intro.
My introduction to the series was when I got it for the Wii, and I’ll tell you what. It doesn’t matter if it’s easier, what matters is swinging around a wiimote like a chainsaw and a golf club while “chopping til you drop.” Perfect game until the army shows up. That part is no longer canon if you ask me. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I feel like 'Yahtzee's review show' has really developed since the move. Like it just feels fresher in the way that implies a bit more creative freedom and a bit less weird studio oversight. its amazing it still feels fresh. This is intended as praise.
I suppose part of the design choices does bring up an interesting discussion. At what point does a racial stereotype cross a line of being such a parody/satire/caricature that it lacks the sincerity to be genuinely racist? At what point does the presence of a stereotype more directly mock itself by its existence than the group the stereotype was made about? As for the bit about removing the erotica bonus on photographs, like that's actually going stop people from doing it anyway. Those who just did it for the points won't care and those who just want to take pictures of cleavage will do it for their own self amusement even if they don't get rewarded for it.
@@RogueLGand also it's a Chinese company working on the remaster Expecting them to keep insults to communism (the government they literally are forced to live under) is asking people to risk their lives for a video game line I wouldn't expect anything that offends anyone to remain because that's not what dead rising is
extremely bigoted people aren't good at noticing when they're being made fun of. they look at the comically stupid stereotype and think "yup they got it right." satire is dying for a reason
Yeah, regarding the erotica stuff, another commenter made the point that it's just about not rewarding the player for the frankly predatory behavior of taking photos *without consent* (he noted there's still a quest in the game where a female NPC asks you to take certain revealing photos). I think we can all get behind the idea of predatory behavior not being rewarded by the game
@@VemoNotRated You seem to have such a hollywood-like understanding of the world lol. Nobody's "risking their life" for leaving the vietnam veteran dude in the game. The more likely explanation is that directly referencing the invasion of vietnam in this fashion was deemed too dark for the mood of the game, or maybe too crass or disrespectful to the victims of US troops. Of course, you can still tell what he's supposed to be if you pay attention, but that's about all you can do without making major changes to the character.
Does the remaster still have the megaman blaster you can unlock by killing the population of Willamette in zombies? That was fun, and makes the challenges of the game trivial, but fun. The easiest way to grind it out was driving the respawning vehicles around the mall's underground service tunnels.
@@RogueLGthat's a lame change. The ridiculousness of the challenge was why it was so satisfying to complete. Now you just have to play the game enough and you're guaranteed to get a weapon that's practically a cheat.
@@andrewsilva9721 well play the original and drive around the parking garage for ten hours instead then? I’d rather just play the game because you aren’t getting it in one or two play throughs anyway
@@andrewsilva9721 It's because the RE engine can't handle as many zombies on screen, so it's damn near impossible to get it in a single playthrough now. The tunnels are damn near empty.
@@Vuohenmor he’s still there, his model is just no longer a racist stereotype. The psycho is still Larry Chang but he’s now like an asian American you would find in the midwest.
@@RogueLG I don’t even know what’s racist about Larry in the first place other than the fact that he’s a very wacky weird looking villain character who happens to be Chinese… he doesn’t look like a stereotype IMO. Literally every side characters in DeadRising is some wacky character or negative, satirical stereotype of American culture… they ESPECIALLY love to make a punching bag out of the southern US in the DeadRising series. But that’s what makes the series good is edgy, wacky low brow satire
Back then, I got the key for the Underground Tunnels, got in a vehicle, then mowed down as many zombies as I could. Rinse and repeat until you unlock the achievement for killing the equivalent of the population in zombies, then get the basic ending. The second go around is when I REALLY play the Level 50...with the OHKO Real Mega Buster. I wonder if that got nerfed or not.
Man Dead Rising 1 is still my favorite of the franchise even tho I've played the heck out of DR2 off record which imo is the best of the series But nothing will ever beat little middle school me playing the game for 14 hours straight one summer trying to get 7 days survivor only to get rewarded with Arthur's probably used Boxers
lol I had to leave the game paused while going with my grandma into town for the day and then leave it paused over night and beg her not to turn it off, because I was trying to unlock the megaman gun and laser sword in Overtime mode where you have to survive for so long and kill so many zombies.
I forgot about Dead Rising 4 and Hank East. xD Capcom seems to have gotten their shit together since though. Resident Evil 6 & Dead Rising 4 are to pretend they were just a fever dream.
In what world? 3 and 4make were both terrible, SF6 is passable, but ruining all that good will by constant milking. Dragons Dogma was just...more Dragons Dogma. Nothing's changed. Hell, they've gone downhill. At least RE6 didn't come stuffed to the gills with 'skip this' MTX.
Holy shit I remember getting Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts and being unable to make out most of the text on my CRT, even after getting the four-digit codes for those towers I had to guess the digits
Kind of glad i got the og steam bundle of dead rising games a few sales ago. Something to be said about older non PC content that hits like an aged wine. Like Tropic Thunder or old Looney Toons/Tom & Jerry.
We're coming up on our one year anniversary already in November! If you've enjoyed our work, consider joining us over on Patreon as we prep for 2025!
see now you've given me something i need to see now, glaswegian speedy.
Larry Chiang is still Chinese/Taiwanese, just not an offensive stereo type. They tried to render him realistic, with actual health and safety meat prep clothing on..
His original depiction was a Japanese stereotype of filthy Chinese butchers.
I'm astonished Yahtzee resisted the urge to misname Frank West as Wank Fest briefly at the start.
I bet yahtzee hates you because he didn't think of it first 😂😂
I prefer "Hank East"
He's had enough fun-sized mars bars to snack on, so he's in a good mood.
You can't disrespect Frank West like that. He cowered wars you know.
What do you think this is? Dead Rising 4?
jesus fuck. i'm one of those people that complained about not being able to read the text in og dead rising and now my knee caps are dissolving.
Same! I’ll never forget getting my 360 that day and giving DR a try just to be dejected that in order to read ANYTHING on screen, I needed an HDTV…
Brb going to get my VA authorized so I can get my arthritis checked
Now I’ve got a 4K display but still can’t read anything because my eyes went to hell.
I brought my 360 to a rich friend’s house just to use their HDTV and see what the hell I was missing.
The more you think about it, the worse you feel. Quick! Have a midlife crisis to take your mind off of it!
Back pain flair kicking in as I was reading this. Peak
BTW, speedy gonzales is loved by mexican and latin american communities in the US. He's always portrayed as smart and cunning.
Speaking as an Italian, a nationality very often stereotyped, it's not that stereotypes are bad, it's what they're supposed to do that can be bad.
If it's meant to laugh at people because they're weird ugly and dumb, well that's a bad stereotype. If it's meant to portray in a comedic way certain aspects of a certain culture without vilifying it, that's a good stereotype and I'm going to laugh together with whoever made it. I'll never not laugh at the 🤌🏻 jokes
in fact iirc there were talks of cutting him out of something Looney Tunes related due to being problematic and there was massive backlash from the Mexican and Latin American communities (I was a cook at the time and many of my co-workers were some form of hispanic and were talking about it all week lol)
Same as being Irish and having potatoes. It's a stereotype but you can do a lot of fantastic foods with potatoes.
Progressive people never bother asking minorities what they think. Wealthy urban elites think they can speak for minorities. Like famously trying to tell Hispanic people to use LatinX, which isn't how Spanish works. My wife is fine with Mexican, or if anything, Xhicana, because that IS how Spanish works, and Chicano/Xhicano/etc are actual Hispanic movements. Not just white people telling brown people how to think and speak.
The same thing happened to Apu from the Simpsons, despite the fact that he's one of the smartest/most educated and nicest characters in Springfield.
Alongside the CRTV thing, the original game also indicates how old it is by depicting people actually being present at a mall.
My mall still has lots of people in it because Malls > Amazon for three reasons.
1: It's a safe-ish public space for teenagers to hang out that doesn't make their parents panic heart attack themselves if their teen kid tells them that's where they're going. The internet is ABSOLUTELY NOT that, and as someone who grew up on it through my teenage years, you absolutely cannot convince me other wise.
2: What's better than one day shipping? Immediate shipping as in you buy it and you immediately have it. It's not like Amazon actually follows through on that, at least where I live they almost NEVER do. And also it's not like Amazon can't run out of stock, they just don't tell you until after they take your money, usually when you ask them why they didn't one day ship to you within one day. I know this second point is a me issue, but maybe it'll be resolved when they eventually actually build that warehouse here they promised, but they haven't so it is so I am bringing it up.
3. They don't lie to you about the price. Amazon next day "guaranteed" shipping is not only available only to Prime Members, an up charge in of itself that comes with other benefits, but also you get up charged for picking that option. They roll the extra cost into the price without telling you. Don't get me wrong I understand why they charge extra for that option, it's a massive logistical head ache on their end, but the least that I think they should do is tell me up front instead of trying to hide it from me and thus lying through omission.
@@ronnieraccoon lmao
Bro the tiny HD text on my friend's grandmother's television in his basement. That was actual. We didn't even know where we were supposed to be going we were just smashing zombies for like 2 hours. S*** that took me back lol
Yeah, I was still playing on CRT at that point, so it was blurry on top of being small.
Dead Rising, no shit, literally made me buy an HDTV.
My siblings and I had the same experience with Skyrim
We were astonished at how easily we could read books when my family upgraded to HD
I remember that. The rca cables couldn't display the text well at all. I remember having to buy my first hdmi cable as a kid for my old ass flatscreen.
Just love the image of your friend's grandmother watching and cheering you on.
"Yes, eviscerate them with your chainsaw pookie!"
Well it’s good to know the old “orange juice and katana” build is still viable.
Which is also a viable build in Souls-games. To think this was the precursor all along.
And don't forget the SMG on the blue awning next to the stairs that's along the way to the coffee shop.
@@Roronoa2zoro You even get early katana in ds1 by robing the store.
The real question is if you can still wipe out the population of the town with a convertible to unlock the Mega Buster.
He only said that to not spoil too much about the sandbox. You have a lot of other weapons you'll want to use than just the mini chainsaws and the katana. The game makes the story very hard at first to let you have fun, learn the sandbox and level up, before coming back to the main "serious" story later after the appetizer. And the later part of the story and gameplay definitely doesn't fall off. It, again, changes from lighthearted hell to a heavyhearted hell. The game wants the soldiers and human enemies to be difficult and scary. And the npcs to be hard to keep alive (they even have unique death cutscenes to play into that).
Mini chainsaw + the sharp weapon magazines were all you needed. Plus its pretty much essential to kill the clown because the survivor unlocks the shortcut
Not sure if it's the same in the Remaster, but my favorite go-to strategy for the clown psycho was to make a quick spitfire smoothie and spit on him to death. He could deflect bullets and break melee weapons with his chainsaws, but had no answer for saliva. Almost felt bad for him.
@N3wguy321 hilarious that you can spit on him until he dies and its a good strat
@@N3wguy321 Something I love about Dead Rising is how creative you can get with the way you handle problems by using whatever tools the environment lends you.
@@N3wguy321 i believe speedrunners beat the final boss of overtime mode by spitting on his knees, or they did at some point at least
@@N3wguy321 I never knew that lol
I love it when reviews mention that there's a Steam release of the original version of a remastered game, because my first instinct is always, "oh, so I should buy that instead."
both dead rising and metal gear delta are facing this dilemma for me right now, why should i buy the remake when i just have the original on steam, and its aged like fine wine?
@@Degalon And that's why the era of the lazy remake should end at PS1 games, because after that, 3d games stopped being naturally ugly. There's remaking to do, but it's gameplay modernization more than just graphics. Dead Rising Remake should have added combo weapons instead, along with fixing the last act.
@@sassytabasco I mean I’m not complaining, I’d much rather have the remake and original stand side by side on the storefront instead of taking the original down. And if there’s any upside it’s like 10 bucks now compared to the remakes 50.
Only problem there is that the majority of players are still on console/mobile, and when companies like Sony and Konami decide they want to largely ignore their history other than the occasional extremely altered remake, the majority of the gaming community will remain gleefully unaware of changes for changes sake.
This reminds me of when Ubisoft gave my PC U-Play account Beyond Good and Evil for free. The legitimate, official, high-tech version... didn't work, wouldn't even boot.
You know what version of Beyond Good and Evil works perfectly fine? The -Dolphi- GameCube version.
Yahtzee hit the nail on the head, with the OG strat. Go to the coffee shop, 3 OJs and the Katana, go fight Adam, take his mini chainsaw and there you go, might as well roll the credits now.
But the books.
Which is why I never used the chainsaws more than once or twice. The real fun of the game was finding that everything else was weapons.
Killing the convicts and taking the machine gun off the jeep was my strategy for killing Adam. Get far away enough for him to start blowing his balloons, let him have it, repeat until he's dead. I used the SMG found in the Al Fresca Plaza's fountain and the one on the blue awning in Paradise Plaza to kill the convicts.
Mannequin torso was stronger.
Can you fight the Psychopaths in any order you want or do you have to fight them in order ?
At least with this one, if you didn't like the remaster, the original is still on steam and does not get pulled like certain other remasters *coughGTAcough*. That being said, the videogame voices actors were part of the charm. New Frank does a pretty good job but Brad just sounds.. rough.. just woof. Sad they couldn't get back Steven Blum for the PTSD Psychopath. I honestly wouldn't mind them remastering Dead Rising 2. Love me those weapon combos. (plus Chucks one liners)
"Yeah, you're on fire."
(Chuck's awesome. We love us an underdog dad who fights to keep his family happy )
Best performer/performance in original game: Probably John Kassir as Adam or Steve Blum as Cliff. Best performer/performance in new game: I'd assume Xanthe Hyunh as Jessie. Kinda understandable why that's where they shelled out for a "bigger name", but still. How cheap are you being with the voice acting that getting John Kassir or Steve Blum back is beyond the pale?
For bonus points in a Dead Rising 2 remaster, bundle in Off The Record as an optional side/bonus mode.
The new blender book functions as pseudo combo weapons, like two knives makes the machete, or a knife and kitchen knife make the meat cleaver.
@@leithaziz2716 I was going to say that no joke. Take the like.
He mentioned being proud of that Dead by Daylight joke lol
He should be, caught me off-guard
Cracked me up, so true indeed
So glad he got it in. God it's true.
Need a time stamp!!
I bought my first HD TV for Dead rising. I was one of those who bought it and couldn't read any text so the next day went out and bought a new telly.
Me too, haha.
Plot twist: The game was just a clever marketing scam to sell HDTVs.
(That whole generation of consoles was, honestly)
Weirdly massive shopping mall? This is America Jack
Yeah, but have you seen the rest of Willamette? It's like they plunked down the American Dream Mall right in the middle of Peoria.
@@vsgfilmgroup thats honestly how it is sometimes in the midwest. Some town are literally half Wal-Mart by area
Strange as it is, removing the Erotica category feels kinda like a mistake? Frank being kinda scummy felt like an important part of his character, because the mall is supposed to be a lethal trap for people with more greed than sense, and it felt like making Frank actually search out the truth instead of just chasing trends was kinda his character development.
Without at least _something_ like the Erotica category, it feels like he just kinda becomes a conventional sassy hero; more Shaun than Dawn, if you will.
A proper Shaun Of The Dead game would be mint.
@@blunderingfool Nah, that game would be too easy, all we'd have to do is go to the Winchester and wait for it all to blow over.
I wouldn't go THAT far. He's still a blatant asshole that goes into the outbreak for fame and nothing else.
Given that the game is a love letter to 80s horror films like Dawn of the Dead, removing gratuitous violence and nudity feels like they're missing the point entirely so as to not offend a minority of people that likely won't ever play it.
@@baldian3 I made a "Pub of the dead" map back when Pavlov used Steam workshop for UCG, it was mildly popular enough that I think people would enjoy a "Defend the pub from zombies" game.
TJ Rotolo again not returning to voice Frank was a massive blow for me.
@@Canadiansamurai he didn’t even need to return, they could’ve used the old recordings, but alas, Capcom hates unions
It's so odd as a big fan of the original because the script is almost exactly the same but none of the voice actors are so you're hearing lines you know well delivered differently
Thirty seconds in and I’m howling, I don’t even know what the game is like. Yahtzee, been watching for 10 years, I know you don’t read the comments much, but thanks for still doing this. You provide six minutes of hilarity every week, and inspire me to keep on doing my creative stuff with your other works.
Also, just to be that guy, bring back dev diary, I know that was a blast for you too. Cheers.
0:56 *latest spanish civil war. They do tend to have a lot of them
You forgot to mention that George Romero sued the makers for having a zombie apocalypse in a shopping mall, which was similar to Romero's "Dawn of the Dead" film.
The suit was thrown out by the judge due to the theme of consumerism not existing in Dead Rising.
Whew it was the film's production company and not Romero himself that sued Capcom
Back in my day, when companies wanted to churn out pointless rehashes of old games, they'd call them Assassin's Creed.
GTA and FIFA and Sims are older. CoD and Battlefield.
@@NoobsDeSroobs yeah, FIFA would have been a better pick. Not sure how I could get a gig releasing the same game every year for decades, but it would beat working.
I laughed so hard at this, my COPD acted up and I had to get back on my oxygen tank.
(We're very old, is the joke)
3:40 i wish gringos stopped doing this cause speedy gonzales is actually loved by all of latin america
Mexicans love racist caricatures
Source: I am Mexican
Caring about this crap is gringo stuff. Speedy is hilarious
As a white guy, I'm with you guys. It's our women that is the issue. And the men without any testicles. They're the reason why this shit is happening.
"Check out that guy! He makes Speedy Gonzalez look like Regular Gonzalez" - Fry
Para ser honesto por primera vez esto fue cosa de Japóneses Capcom no es gringo sino japones y de hecho este remake fue desarrollado en una subsidiaria en China específicamente.
That is another thing that people are missing as to how old this game "Weirdly massive shopping me", it is so big because malls where suppose to be the cities of the future. They where suppose to have been a lot more important than just a place to buy some stuff THAT is how old this game is XD
Fun fact: This was one of the few games I played that gave me a nightmare. Not the zombies or the psychopaths or anything: the time limit. In my dream, I suddenly learned that every time you saved the game, it advanced the game's timer a bit (not a real thing, just a gameplay feature in my nightmare,) which meant that because I saved a lot early in the game, I now could never save again or I would miss all the deadlines. It was like my brain was trying to wake me up, but my subconscious wouldn't let me stop dreaming because that would mean saving, which would mean I lost the game.
Some say he is still dreaming to this very day.
I liked the bit where the soldiers turn up, having the zombies just be all dead and such was such a vibe shift.
I ended up buying the steam release of the original and was more satisfied by it than the remaster
i'm always suspicious of remasters done by people who murdered their own franchise
I hate this remaster but to be fair, DeadRising 2-4 were done by a Canadian team and published by Capcom, whereas DR1 (and seemingly this remaster) were actually developed by Capcom
You might be surprised. Paper Mario Thousand Year Door remake was done by much of the same team who curbstomped that series into the pavement, but the key creative director of the post-wii entries was busy working on Metroid Prime 4, so the original director was freed from his 15 year banishment to Fire Emblem TCG hell to come back and work on it. And it was excellent!
@@ZacTheFirstStill, Capcom forced tuem to pump out DR4 after they said they didn't have any ideas for the franchise after DR3
My main memories of the original including laughing loads while watching someone else playing in a Mega Man costume with a horse's head, and then struggling to get into it myself when I actually got to play it. I love the concept, completely loathed the need to handhold the NPCs. Still in two minds whether to pick up the remaster...
@@merman1974 one of the things they did in this remaster is make the NPCs a lot smarter, like they are in dead rising 2. If that was your main gripe with the original, the remaster might be worth it.
Relatable, I had to get my first HDTV because I couldn't read the text on Mass Effect 2.
Dunno why the Vietnam vet wasn't brought up during the censorship part. Completely removed the context of that character when they changed his dialogue.
A lot of people seem to be avoiding it as saying anything bad about communism seems to be censored
@@qwefg3fucking lol, since when? I can’t go outside without someone blaming communism for their hydrangeas not blooming, what planet are you living on?
Probably because there’s multiple examples and this is a short video , weird thing to zero in on honestly
I guess he figured when he was talking broadly about those kinds of changes he figured you could asume he meant all of them, did he really need to rattle off a checklist?
He still asks frank where the guerilla's hide out is, mentions his fellow troops and talks about the war in his dying breath. It's not like he isn't a vietnam vet still.
The callout at the very beginning about the text on CRT TVs was a bullseye! It literally was the reason I bought my first HDTV.
Weirdly enough, I did have trouble reading the captions on my CRT TV... but only because my TV at the time was the size of a Nintendo Switch Lite.
So, fun fact for anyone who cares: If you manage to score "Saint" in this version of the game, you're awarded a special magazine that, if you pick it up, gives you infinite durability for every item you pick up. Which also translates to infinite ammo for the guns.
Now THAT'S how you update a challenge reward. I suggest nabbing the "DIY Fireworks" magazine tucked away in the North Plaza to go along with it since throwing infinite exploding soda cans at zombies makes me giggle.
This has just reminded me that I REALLY need to go back and finish the original Dead Rising on steam. I started it AGES ago and got distracted during a steam sale then forgot about it. It's even still installed all I need to do is remember to play it.
I remember HD games being "unreadable" on CRTs. Specifically the enemy radar on some FPS game I played being absolutely useless because it was all one indiscernible soup. I switched to playing on my pc monitor for the next 5 years or so.
Luckily you could let the PS3 put out video through hdmi while the audio went through the analog out which I could hook up to my speakers.
This remaster even existing is kind of ironic. Even though tone is all over the place in DR1, I thought it (maybe accidentally) had something meaningful to say about Americans' overconsumption at any cost - spoiler, but in the DR franchise zombies exist because an experiment to produce beef in greater quantities went wrong. DR2 continued that "sins of excess" tone being set in Vegas. I'm almost definitely reading too much into it.
Nah. I definitely think it was intentional. Mostly the overconsumption of meat.
Capcom got sued for copyright infringement by the production company that made Dawn of the Dead. Their main legal defense was that the game didn't have any meaningful social commentary.
Think Dead Rising is still worth playing because it doesn't feel like an Ubisoft open world. There is reason to explore beyond just cleaning up objectives
@@kingsleycy3450 plus no towers to climb
Yahtz, you've always been a funny bloke, but this is, I think, the first time I've ever had to pause one of your videos to just have a good cackle at a joke. Jesus christ. "It used to fuck up psychopaths like a Dead By Daylight balance patch" KILLED me. God I've played too much dbd
i stopped playing around when Wesker/the painter came out, i got into it when the Clown was the newest killler (psplus free game) played it for years, but the power creep eventually made the survivors so functionally invincible that playing killer felt like playing wiley coyote trying to chase 4 roadrunners. Have they ever fixed the balance or are survivors still essentially just bullying the killer?
Dead Rising was one of the first games I got together with my first console when I started working. I'm pretty sure I spent most of my time in that game driving around the underground tunnels in order to unlock the Mega blaster.
"oh you're such a buzkill, causality" shall be my new explanation for everything.
I got all the way to the end of DR back in the day, when you have a fist fight with Liquid on top of Metal Gear. I mean, when you have a fist fight on top of a tank with bad army guy. Could never quite kill him, and couldn't bring myself to go back and grind or start the game over again, so that was that...
The only I figured out was repeatedly performing the knee drop attack and chipping his health down.
whosithisgit figured it out. If you jump off the turret back onto the main body of the tank, the boss won't pursue you and will aimlessly mill around on the turret, allowing you to get a sneak attack in when you climb back on. Rinse and repeat.
Yeah it definitely stumped me the first time getting there, too. It's the only point in the game where you're basically required to use melee abilities, so if you're not used to that or you haven't leveled enough to unlock them you're going to have a bad time.
And The Escapists is niw a zombie itself now.
I fully remember soft locking myself out of this game when it first came out because the text wasn’t displaying properly on my old tv, similar thing happened in RDR1. Those were truly the days.
Personally I think Deadrising 2's biggest issue also stemmed from its game changing new addition which was the combo weapons. Every weaponized item was pretty much made useless by comparison so you'd get to the point where you actually had to take time out of whatever you were doing to go find a crafting room to make whatever thing could be actually reliable to use.
Certain crafting rooms also had the ingredients for certain combos laying around nearby that would respawn every so often making those ones a place you'd return to constantly to pick up the weapon again like you had mentioned regarding the chainsaws.
It's really up to the player to decide where the series started falling off but I'd argue that while 1 and 2 were on pretty even ground, 2's gimmicks started it rolling towards the downturn.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks Dead Rising 2 is the best entry in the franchise. I always assumed people preferred the first
3:48 I love everyone using Speedy Gonzalez when literally every Mexican from America to ... well, Mexico was like "Hey we love Speedy!" but it's still the most family friendly way to talk about racism.
Still I'm very happy with the remaster. Because I got it for free. So I'm happy with it.
If I put out of my own wallet well, DOWN WITH THE CORPO BORPOS!
Beyond glad he mentioned the mini chainsaws from Adam the Clown, easily the most busted weapon in the game when you get 3-4 manuals to exponentially increase it's durability. You want easy mode? Go get those.
usually good for 80 kills, but you get 3x durability with 3 books, and infinite with that cheat book you get for the saint achievement. Honestly, that's part of the fun. The game actually rewards you with unlocks for most achievements.
@@hedonistredd4592 it was nerfed vs psychos but still rips through zombies
Question: if the Remake is removing problematic stuff, does that mean they removed the bisexual rapist cop boss fight too?
Nope. She's still in there
@@marvelnerd8480 Well, these changes are getting picked pretty arbitrarily....
She’s not a cop, she’s a mall security guard power tripping due to her jealousy
@@fillerchannel7136 it's so china doesn't get mad and ban the game
Kind of. There were three major censorship points that are noted for this version of the game compared to the original. The Erotica genre for photos were removed. According to the developers of the remake, it was removed due to not feeling appropriate for Frank to do in a crisis such as this. However, while the genre was removed and you don't earn points from some Erotica stuff, not all of them were removed. More specifically near the end of the game, there is one survivor mission you get where she asks you to take pictures while she does a bunch of provocative poses. These were all considered part of the Erotica genre before, however in the remake, while not labeled under Erotica, they notably give you more points. So I think the issue might stem from the developers feeling it was inappropriate for Frank to be rewarded for taking erotic photos of woman without consent more then anything. But that might admittedly be me more reading to much into things. (As a side note, this removal also removed Kent showing off his 'sexiest' shot which does take away a little from how derange Kent actually is. Though I am also partly glad for the change since there were infamously only three opportunities for you to easily get an Erotica photo with enough points for his quest.)
However, with that said, Jo herself is a funny case as apparently she now has jiggle physics to her, and she has more vile lines as well according to some folks who are more knowledgeable about this than I am. Jessie, meanwhile, is pretty much the same, maybe a bit more sexual with her new model. Isabella has a line that I don't believe was in the original where she basically tells Frank to stop staring at her butt during the boss fight. And I believe there are more changes in this regard with the expansion on Survivors that I don't have active notes for. All of which further my thought that they specifically didn't want Frank to be seen as a deviant rather than them wanting to censor sexuality from the game entirely.
As for the other two changes, I am pretty sure they are, in part, to appeal more to the Chinese market. The big one is Cliff Hudson's more blatant mentions of Vietnam being removed. The context clues are still kind of there if you look for them, but yeah. This is the part that really kind of sucks for me as it does take away from his character. The other is Larry Chiang being given a completely new model given how his original model was pretty racist. On one hand, he is clearly meant to be Chinese given his name didn't get changed at all, but he is definitely white passing now. Like most people think he's meant to be an American and I can't argue against that because he looks like Al from Toy Story 2. I suspect the drastic change is due to them wanting to not only step away from the racist allegations as much as they can, but again, it wouldn't be unfair to say it also likely is to better appeal to the Chinese market.
TLDR: The Erotica genre removal seem to be around not awarding Frank for taking those photos without consent more than actually removing sexual content from the game entirely while the other censorship points are probably more to help sell the game in China. Overall, it is up to an individual to decide if these changes outweigh the positives that the remaster offers, especially as the original is still available in most digital stores and playable on most modern hardware. So if you rather buy and play the original, that thankfully remains an option for those want it.
"Pathfinding ability of a mouth in a Disco"
Leaving a thumbs up for SPECIFICALLY the tiny text in the original DR. 🤣
I remember that all too well
I didn't know Colorado counted as "Midwest" last I checked we were west west
Yep, definitely Midwest. Even wikipedia says so.
@@xxGhostXIIIxx weirdly that’s also been said about Raccoon city. I mean if you didn’t know America and someone said American mid west I guess it’s easy to assume you start at the middle and move westward to get the Midwest
Midwest = everything that's not the coasts, seems like 🙄
I thought you guys were mountain west?
@@xxGhostXIIIxx so if you think Colorado is west west, what do you think Nevada and California are? West west west west?
The speedy gonzales is a great comparison since we actually love the character, chicano's opinions do not matter.
I don’t understand why visual remasters of games are so widely accepted, often even praised. When it comes to movies, people flip their shit if remastered versions change anything drastic, but games do the equivalent of reshooting every scene with newer equipment. I understand fixing jankyness, controls etc but always feel like something is lost when graphics are overhauled or major features are changed
Frank looks hideous in this remaster and i don't see people complaining about that at all
Because most people don't consider games to be art.
Because everyone's glossing over this remake when the original game is also available and only 10 bucks and still looks and plays great.
A lot of the time it's because the graphics that were touted as 'realistic' and groundbreaking in the original have aged embarrassingly poorly, and the remastering basically make it look like what people believe it to have looked like through their nostalgia filter. Of course you get games like Wind Waker with stylised art that looked fine back then (despite the 'cartoony' complaints) and look fine now, leaving the graphics team without much to do but crank up the bloom.
@cookieface80 Legit. Games used to be art first, business second. That changes I feel around the 2010s. Now players play games as a service, and Nikky Minashe in Call Of Duty.
Occasionally a new game is artwork. Those are indie games not intended to rake in money.
The first two minutes made me cackle so much i had to keep rewatching it to follow along.
Apparently, Larry is still supposed to be Chinese in the remaster... I couldn't tell either tbh
Don't forget the books that make the mini-chainsaw nearly indestructible.
And yes I played Dead Rising on a CRT and YES I complained about the size of the text.
Weirdly massive shopping malls in the mid west were a thing. I remember having to drive an hour to get to a proper city and the weirdly large mall there as an attraction.
I've never played the game personally but had a room mate that beat it so repeatedly and thoroughly that I'd bet money he could finish the main story blindfolded. Ah back in the days when you could only afford two games a year so you played them absolutely to death instead of now where I own 50+ games I haven't even booted up let alone the other 50 I never finished.
‘Moth in a disco’. That actually creased me
"Excuse me, Mr. Janitor? Do you think maybe we could, I dunno, _bar_ the door, or push a sofa in front of it, or something, rather than welding it shut? Something tells me I might want to lead some survivors back this way, and getting septuagenarians to the ventilation system is a bear... No, don't ask me-" (glances at experience level) "-how I know that..."
That text issue does bring back memories
also frank's long standing VA is different cause that worked so well for DR 4
Of all the mistakes they made with DR4, that was not the biggest.
@@joshmartin2744 it was to me but fair
The three orange juices and secret katana is on point 😂
We're ramblomatic guys, of course we're... uhhh...
Were zp guys of course we use no punctuation
Deluxe remaster? That sounds deluxe!
Okay, okay, let's watch this guy, let's watch this guy on youtube
Mini chainsaw had 3 magazines that affected it, each multipling the durability by 3. Sharp, sport, and psycho. Last mag was in the final segment of the mall.
You really summed it up for me at the end. I'd really have liked a fun new Desd Rising game
Great review
That quip about the HD text on CRT TVs reminded me of trying to play Mass Effect on my CRT TV with its teeny tiny text.
Fascinatingly, if you ever checked out the Fear and Hunger series of RPG maker absolutely unfairly hard roguelike/survival horror/jrpgs, they are described in the same way by the people who'd mastered them - as games where, unlike many modern roguelikes, with each new run you don't earn points for upgrades or unlocks but the knowledge necessary to survive and understand how the game works and how to beat it.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that felt the mall was ridiculously large for the size of the town
yeah that always threw me too, like the beginning plaza is the size of a regular mall, but the entire thing was a full on theme park that dwarfed the town itself you see in the helicopter intro.
My introduction to the series was when I got it for the Wii, and I’ll tell you what. It doesn’t matter if it’s easier, what matters is swinging around a wiimote like a chainsaw and a golf club while “chopping til you drop.”
Perfect game until the army shows up. That part is no longer canon if you ask me. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Schmick Meta Deconstructed Perfection, in Foam Form.
Loved it.
The best addition to the game is that Otis has a voice actor
an uncensored Zero Punctuation logo?
I feel like 'Yahtzee's review show' has really developed since the move. Like it just feels fresher in the way that implies a bit more creative freedom and a bit less weird studio oversight. its amazing it still feels fresh. This is intended as praise.
I suppose part of the design choices does bring up an interesting discussion. At what point does a racial stereotype cross a line of being such a parody/satire/caricature that it lacks the sincerity to be genuinely racist? At what point does the presence of a stereotype more directly mock itself by its existence than the group the stereotype was made about?
As for the bit about removing the erotica bonus on photographs, like that's actually going stop people from doing it anyway. Those who just did it for the points won't care and those who just want to take pictures of cleavage will do it for their own self amusement even if they don't get rewarded for it.
It’s the Japanese making a racial stereotype Chinese character, Japanese tend to hate the Chinese and vise verse it wasn’t some meta commentary.
@@RogueLGand also it's a Chinese company working on the remaster
Expecting them to keep insults to communism (the government they literally are forced to live under) is asking people to risk their lives for a video game line
I wouldn't expect anything that offends anyone to remain because that's not what dead rising is
extremely bigoted people aren't good at noticing when they're being made fun of. they look at the comically stupid stereotype and think "yup they got it right." satire is dying for a reason
Yeah, regarding the erotica stuff, another commenter made the point that it's just about not rewarding the player for the frankly predatory behavior of taking photos *without consent* (he noted there's still a quest in the game where a female NPC asks you to take certain revealing photos). I think we can all get behind the idea of predatory behavior not being rewarded by the game
@@VemoNotRated You seem to have such a hollywood-like understanding of the world lol. Nobody's "risking their life" for leaving the vietnam veteran dude in the game.
The more likely explanation is that directly referencing the invasion of vietnam in this fashion was deemed too dark for the mood of the game, or maybe too crass or disrespectful to the victims of US troops. Of course, you can still tell what he's supposed to be if you pay attention, but that's about all you can do without making major changes to the character.
Ok but that microscopically tiny microtext really was a thing back then, for the original version of the game.
I can say without pause that I was waiting for the Epic Mickey remaster and it's brilliant ngl
Love that the zombies are all Flyboy.
A perfect start for the month of Spookiness.
Does the remaster still have the megaman blaster you can unlock by killing the population of Willamette in zombies? That was fun, and makes the challenges of the game trivial, but fun. The easiest way to grind it out was driving the respawning vehicles around the mall's underground service tunnels.
Yep, its still there. And now you can do charge shots like in MegaMan 4 onwards
@@glassworktrophic8465 yes and now you don’t have to get all the kills in one play through, it’s your cumulative kills.
@@RogueLGthat's a lame change. The ridiculousness of the challenge was why it was so satisfying to complete. Now you just have to play the game enough and you're guaranteed to get a weapon that's practically a cheat.
@@andrewsilva9721 well play the original and drive around the parking garage for ten hours instead then? I’d rather just play the game because you aren’t getting it in one or two play throughs anyway
@@andrewsilva9721 It's because the RE engine can't handle as many zombies on screen, so it's damn near impossible to get it in a single playthrough now. The tunnels are damn near empty.
That old beardy version of Yahtzee was a near dead ringer for Terry Pratchett (RIP).
I am 100% here for more Scottish Gonzales content
If I was a more cynical person I’d say that it’s more racist to have erased Chiang, being Asian doesn’t make one immune from going crazy.
@@Vuohenmor he’s still there, his model is just no longer a racist stereotype. The psycho is still Larry Chang but he’s now like an asian American you would find in the midwest.
I don’t see it-
Though in a game where almost everyone is a caricature of something why keep everyone else?
@@Vuohenmor a Chinese company remastered the game and they weren’t going to animate a racist stereotype of themselves
True, not all asians are butchers and almost none of them have good meat. Too stringy for my tastes.
@@RogueLG I don’t even know what’s racist about Larry in the first place other than the fact that he’s a very wacky weird looking villain character who happens to be Chinese… he doesn’t look like a stereotype IMO. Literally every side characters in DeadRising is some wacky character or negative, satirical stereotype of American culture… they ESPECIALLY love to make a punching bag out of the southern US in the DeadRising series. But that’s what makes the series good is edgy, wacky low brow satire
I know I shouldn't encourage it, but I'm actually stoked for the Soul Reaver remake.
Mexicans love Speedy Gonzales, by the way.
It's called DRDR, and there wasn't one doctor doctor joke? Low hanging fruit I suppose
Back then, I got the key for the Underground Tunnels, got in a vehicle, then mowed down as many zombies as I could. Rinse and repeat until you unlock the achievement for killing the equivalent of the population in zombies, then get the basic ending. The second go around is when I REALLY play the Level 50...with the OHKO Real Mega Buster. I wonder if that got nerfed or not.
Surprised he didn't mention to change in Franks VA
Man Dead Rising 1 is still my favorite of the franchise even tho I've played the heck out of DR2 off record which imo is the best of the series
But nothing will ever beat little middle school me playing the game for 14 hours straight one summer trying to get 7 days survivor only to get rewarded with Arthur's probably used Boxers
lol I had to leave the game paused while going with my grandma into town for the day and then leave it paused over night and beg her not to turn it off, because I was trying to unlock the megaman gun and laser sword in Overtime mode where you have to survive for so long and kill so many zombies.
I forgot about Dead Rising 4 and Hank East. xD
Capcom seems to have gotten their shit together since though. Resident Evil 6 & Dead Rising 4 are to pretend they were just a fever dream.
In what world? 3 and 4make were both terrible, SF6 is passable, but ruining all that good will by constant milking. Dragons Dogma was just...more Dragons Dogma.
Nothing's changed. Hell, they've gone downhill. At least RE6 didn't come stuffed to the gills with 'skip this' MTX.
@@TheDapperDragon That's just you.
@@TheDapperDragon I thought 4 remake was pretty good.
Yahtzee looking at 2007 like "jesus fucking christ" hit me hard ngl
1:15 As soon as I heard that, I went and looked it up and cackled out loud. He really does!
I'm REALLY looking forward to hear his perspective on the upcoming Remaster of Metal Gear Solid 3
Holy shit I remember getting Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts and being unable to make out most of the text on my CRT, even after getting the four-digit codes for those towers I had to guess the digits
Dead Rising - the entire 7th gen for that matter - came out around the start of my high school freshman year. I'll be turning 32 next Tuesday. Jesus.
Yatzee making a reference to the Spanish Civil war, interesting... that war started in 1936.
"it use to fuck Fuck up psychopaths like a dead by daylight balance patch" is a fantastic line haha
It wasn't just CRTs. It was any non-HDTV - they weren't THAT common then.
Kind of glad i got the og steam bundle of dead rising games a few sales ago. Something to be said about older non PC content that hits like an aged wine.
Like Tropic Thunder or old Looney Toons/Tom & Jerry.