Thanks for your feedback! I have had many many conversations on this thread about proper form, but the primary discussion is that there are different variations to the burpee, some prioritize strength building, which is different than this. We are discussing how to perform the movement as efficiently as possible for conditioning. Hope that helps!:)
@@paradisocrossfit1 conditioning = endurance/stamina you don't get performing 50 or 100 for speed lol, only can be done when doing multiple pumps for hundreds of reps close to 1000 like Iron Wolf with perfect form.
In cross training we skip the push -up In Crossfit its unthinkable without push up. In crossfit you do like 2 & in cross training same time is like 6. More aerobic vs strength improvement
@@manos1990frgks ain't a Burpee without pumps, ain't no Burpee if you try to fuck the floor, from where I'm from this exercise is a staple along dips and chins, no weights needed.
Thank you! I have been trying to get better at burpees. I have been doing a lot of the "bad" things, I now realize! It's nice to see the movements broken down like this.
This really helped me in my WOD today thanks. Keeping hips high is easier. I had a false belief that lower hips were easier. It wasn't a mobility issue just a misconception of what would be more efficient.
This is great for improving burpees. I could never have started here with poor mobility in my wrists, hips and everywhere else. This is FAAARRR from a beginner burpee. There are variations for absolute beginners out there. Stepping back is great for somebody who can't do one burpee. But when you can hit these from starting as a beginner, Wow!!
High risk. The squat is a basic test of fitness and basic in body mechanics, and that is why the original burpee included squatting. I would rather work my quads and glutes, rather than piking out. Hip flexors are frequently overworked in many gym rats. Also we like to pushup in a plank, not rollup. However not every body is the same, and it is good to try different styles, so hopefully the government will not prescribe rigid protocols for fitness training, as they have with dieticians and medicine.
@@TheWeardale1 Thanks for taking the time to add your thoughts of Crossfit. One of my "go to" elevator pitches about CrossFit is that we are like yoga, in that all studios are different and privately owned. No one thinks that every yoga studio is doing the same thing, people understand that some facilities are more professional, with better coaches and better routines, etc. This is an aspect of the CrossFit community many people seem to not understand intuitively as we are still a relatively young community. I will agree that many people approach CrossFit training incorrectly, focusing more on how much they can lift or how fast they can perform a workout over quality mechanics, but we have been open for over 10 years and continue to thrive (in the tough environment of Venice Beach) under the prescription of mechanics first, then consistency, then intensity, then volume. Hope that helps!:)
@epocs Thanks for the question, I guess I've responded to that question multiple times now over the years that I was excited to expound on a different topic;) The short answer is that we have been open for 10 years, with over 3100 lifetime members, performing burpees weekly and we do not have any data to support that claim. We have an onsite physical therapist that we communicate with regularly for what issues we are seeing and adjust our programming accordingly. That being said, I have discussed in multiple threads below that I do not believe squatting and then performing a pushup is wrong, but rather a different style that is more focused on strength. The real world analogy I provide for this movement is the "popup" in surfing and its about speed and efficiency. Strength certainly helps with that and I agree that performing reps with a squat and a pushup will help improve your overall strength and fitness. Last, I'll reiterate part of the video, this is about learning technique first. Flexibility is required and learning to maintain tension in the midline. Those that just perform the reps as fast as possible without some of these foundations can certainly hurt their back, but this can be said for many high quality movements. Hope that helps and let me know if you got it and if you have any more questions (and I tried to tag you in an old thread below, let me know if you got it:)
I have chronic back pain but I have never had any trouble with my back while doing all different types of crossfit workout. First, I know my limit and try to avoid rapid jumping to the scene. Second, I stretch 10-15 mins before the workout. Third, I follow the correct form like this coach does. Last, I do cool down for 10-15 mins after workd out. These routine made my back stronger and I have better posture now.
Love the warm up tips.....And your burpee form is top notch! I like the tip on not starting fast, I always have to remind myself to find a steady groove and stay there to be able to finish strong.
Thanks for the comment! Like many other aspects to fitness, start with proper mechanics and then as you gain ability you can speed it up over time, always challenging yourself to improve!
Finally, loved the technique to stretch the quads and pop out vs. squat and walking out. This gave me the leverage that I needed and do 6 reps and 5 sets to do 30. But love your comment-go as fast as you can slowly with good form.
This is so awesome they didn't teach us the burpee like this at anytime fitness it was more like get into a push up position but don't go all the way down so I lifted myself up from a push up plank position and did 10 burpees at a time until I did 60. That was a challenge for me but I am now seeing that a full burpee is much different. They did it like that to show peaple who didn't know how to workout so they didn't want to overwhelm the newbies
What if you don't have the flexibility to do a upward dog? Should I be doing a push up position down and a push up position up? Bc if so I have issues with my right shoulder that doesn't allow that movement. I don't want to put excuses, I really want to improve my burpee movement
Pro tip that anybody got use to get better at burpees: be unusually flexible so that you can whip your back around like he does without getting hurt right away (but you will get hurt soon enough).
The foundation of a burpee is a SQUAT thrust. It's not called a "RDL-thrust" or a "GOODMORNING-thrust" or a "BEND-OVER thrust." It's a squat down, plank, press-up then plyometric squat jump.
Wow. That's interesting. I've been doing burpees for nearly 50 years and I always assumed it was a squat into a thrust, push-up, then back into squat, then jump up movement? I'm going to have to try your 'keep hips high' variation.
My opinion is the chest should never rest on ground during a burpee, constant strict tension will improve form also. That’s why you keep your core engaged so you don’t banana your belly on the ground.
Yeah, working on hamstring flexibility will help with a ton of functional movement. Check out the "Jefferson curl" drill at about minute 5:00 from my Toes to bar video where I address this same issue. Good luck!
Hey, thank you so much for the video! I feel like my burpees could be a LOT more efficient and I'm struggling, so this is a huge help. Would you have any reference or advice on the "hip-pop" part? When I try to get back up from my thighs and chest touching the floor, my legs land waaay too wide. That means that if I'm doing a burpee box jump over, for example, I need to reposition my legs for the jump, which is really not ideal nor efficient. Again, I appreciate the video and the guidance! :)
Thanks for your suggestion, we love Iron Wolf! I have had many many conversations on this thread about proper form, but the primary discussion is that there are different variations to the burpee, some prioritize strength building, which is different than this and we do agree that the larger your strength base, the better. We are just discussing how to perform the movement as efficiently as possible for conditioning. Hope that helps!:)
My burpees is different. Its a mixture of 2 jumpin jax, wide squat and a regular push up. Thats for intense workout.. or instead of a regular push up do the diamond. So 2 jumpin jacks, wide squat and then the diamond push up. Really need form if u gonna try.
I always start the burpee right … i have no issue getting down but i am having hard time getting from the position on the ground back to the position up …what should i do to improve that?
Did CrossFit in Grass Valley, Ca (CrossFit Sierra) and they never taught Burpees that way. What I am seeing is what is done in the CF Games. Bodytribe shows a great example of how I was taught the Burpee in Grass Valley.
Why is there such a wide variation in how to do a proper burpee? Some people basically do up-downs, some people squat first, some people do it this way. What's the deal?
I always use the examples of squatting or bench pressing, there are many variations that provide different benefits. Think about in squatting, there are box squats, low bar, high bar, narrow stance, wide stance, tempo, banded, etc. There isn't a perfect way, but some translate more to certain activities than others, some are more about rep speed and others for creating raw strength. Hope that helps!:)
David. I have a question: Why when you are coming up from the push up you don´t finish the regular push up and insted leave the lower part of the body down on the floor? Thanks
Good question, this is to create tension in the arch position that allows me to create power as I drive my hips upwards and land on my feet. Hope that helps!
Why aren't you squatting? That's actually how you lower yourself to the ground, or land from a jump safely, so why wouldn't you use it in a burpee? Ya think bending over is preferred? Why on earth would that be the case? Especially for the high rep, speedy slop fest so popular these days
+Bodytribe Thanks for the question and comment! I took some time to watch your videos on the burpee and can tell that you are passionate about the topic. I think an appropriate analogy would be the conversation about kipping pull-ups. Some people would argue that a kipping pull-up is dangerous and not really a pull-up at all and that you are missing the important elements of strength that can be generated from performing pull-ups with no kipping. However, in both cases, I would argue that a) form always matters for safety and efficiency b) it depends on your goal. We take the time to discuss moving properly first in the above video before speed, discuss maintaining a tight midline and how to develop efficiency in moving your body quickly to the floor and back to a vertical jumping position. By performing a squat (and performing a perfect pushup) each repetition I could be developing more quad and upper body strength, but I believe it would be less powerful/ efficient over time than the technique presented above. Someone that teaches a similar technique to me is Carl Paoli and in his book he says something funny along the lines of, "To understand the Burpee is to understand the meaning of life." I do believe that there is a philosophical aspect to our approach to fitness, but it seems that we are on the same team: getting people to focus on the movements they are performing not just doing a workout mindlessly. Keep up the good work:)
+paradisocrossfit As I mentioned in my video, why bend over when you can squat? Especially with a jump... what sort of skill are you building landing from a jump into a bend over? And I don't see an argument of quad/upper body strength having anything to do with interfering with power efficiency... how does strength reduce power? But the big question is why we'd chose to purposely pick efficiency. Once exercise is efficient, it seizes to really be exercise... unless ya do more of it. So we make it efficient simply so we can do more of it? The power-output-as-god model needs to be reassessed. As mentioned practice makes permanent... what skills are high rep, bend and snap burpees making permanent?
+Bodytribe The problem is that by squatting you will activate alot more mucles than with bending. And this will tire you. Doing a few is maybe ok. 100 for time ? You will go really slow if you do the squatting one with speed.
That method builds no useable skill. A burpee has two 'rules?' Have you ever questioned those rules? Have you ever pondered if maybe there could be a more productive way of doing them?
Interesting, Inch worm is called "Inch" for a reason. When you move your arms on the floor, increment forward should be by INCH not by FOOT. Same for when you bring your legs back to your arms.
I would agree its not the most technical inchworm, ideally my legs would be locked out as well. I compromised that portion a bit because my primary goal is to get people warmed up, not overwhelm them with too much information and get them to understand the importance flexibility for the burpee. Thanks for the comment!:)
No problem! I must admit also that I am not able to do inch worm technically perfect (as you said, locked out). It was more of an observation then the critique. Sorry if I came on too aggressive. Anyway, great video and thanks for that!
james gaskell leave it to CrossFit to ruin something like a burpie, deadlift or pull up. Only people who far for this shit are noobs that have no basic understanding of form or anatomy. I feel bad for people buying into this joke. Zero gainz.
Thanks for your feedback and addition to this conversation Ulysses! We continually strive to improve and help as many people as possible. Be sure to check out our other videos on deadlifts and pull-ups too and comment there as well if you have any questions. Also, if you are in the Venice beach area, you should stop by for a workout, the first session is free!
Burpee can give the backs of my legs a weird ache, like squats and squat thrusts. That burpee looks athletic, but it seems to need more arms than legs.
The reason the burpee is so "infamous" is because it requires a bit of everything, both arms, legs, abs with some flexibility and coordination mixed in there. You can always bias one part more than others by changing the style of burpee, for instance do a burpee and then jump over a barbell, onto a box or jump to a target above your reach and you'll feel your legs more big time!
My one thing is that you'd be a bit more understanding of deactivating or whatever you're decrying at 3:00 if you had boobs to think of. Maybe A cups or Bs would be okay but anything bigger and it freakin' hurts dropping it down right on the girls, and not in a fun way. I do not expect men to understand. Just googled "Brooke Ence burpee" and it would appear she would back me up--not in terms of advocating for a less efficient movement (obviously, and that's not what I'm saying) but I can tell she's dropping it down with respect for the north pole peaks! XD
every time I do burpees it feels so jarring , it feels like high impact to all of my joints, even my neck. I know they are supposed to be good for you, but I fell like I've been in a car wreck after.
i do a hindu pushup without touching Ground and then jump. it becomes very hard. i think its best.the problem comes when i do 5km and then bupees. but only burpees i can do them so many. what you think .....????is it ok in that way
+Mukesh Kumargrover I think it sounds great! Burpees and running are a great combo. Much like I am discussing with Bodytribe below, there is more than one way to perform a burpee depending on your goals:)
This is very confusing. I just watch two training youtube videos with hundred of 1000s of subs where they say the first part of the burly is to assume the squat position. No wonder there is so much confusion out there. please clarify
Thanks for your suggestion, we love Iron Wolf! I have had many many conversations on this thread about proper form, but the primary discussion is that there are different variations to the burpee, some prioritize strength building, which is different than this and we do agree that the larger your strength base, the better. We are just discussing how to perform the movement as efficiently as possible for conditioning. Hope that helps!:)
I'm concerned. Every trainer and article I have read says that dropping entirely to the floor instead of a good pushup is dangerous to your spine and skips the benefits of a plank to full pushup. Touching the floor like that *is* a bad movement pattern.
its only dangerous to spine if you don't keep your abs and butt tensed. Skipping the pushup speeds up the burpee significantly giving your more reps and a better work out.
Bela Demtchouk you can’t keep tension in the abs when your spine drops into that position. It puts pressure on the lower back. The only reason Crossfit does it is so they snap back to their feet which I don’t think is a sufficient reason. If Crossfit wanted speed and efficiency without jeopardizing the lower back, they’d do knee pushups with a flat back instead.
Man, sorry I missed this discussion! One of the simple examples I give that relates to this movement is popping up on a surfboard, it would be very difficult to do if you tried to maintain a plank position. Flexion and extension of the spine is a normal movement pattern while maintaining tension in the midline. That is why we discuss the importance of flexibility and practicing with quality movement prior to introducing speed and volume.
Ť3ŘŘÅŅ0VÅ - Show your own workout video and show your spine. Until then anything you say does not carry weight, you only insult people without reason and that says a lot about you.
That's ok! Try with your feet a little wider than shoulder width and bend your knees a bit more if you have to in the short term. This isn't as efficient, but if it is the best you can do that's ok for now. In the meantime, try performing the Jefferson curl to improve that position: Mine is a real quick demo video where I'm using dumbbells, but most of the time I just use a barbell, but any time of weight will do. Really focus on not bending your knees at all and start vertebrae by vertebrae rounding the upper back. Once you can go past your toes, stand on something to continue to improve your range of motion. Perform 3x10 reps with a :90 rest between sets and try to improve your range of motion every rep, really reach at the bottom! This won't just help your burpees by the way;) Let me know how it goes!
Thank you for your answer, I was not expecting one but that's awesome!! I will definitely try! (I don't think this will improve my cardio, which is my weakness in the burpee movement ahah). I have tried ROMWOD for some months, it improved my hip ROM, but I still have a hard time to get any ROM in my back (lower, upper, thoracic...): for instance I cannot be in the "staff pose" at all, even for 1 second. I'm sure the Jefferson curl will help. Would you advise "Good morning" (of course, nice form always) for this purpose?
This is terrible advice. For the proper and safe method, check out Mark Lauren's version from You Are You're Own Gym. Perfect form . And yes he squats. Do not do this Crossfit hack!
I don't want to go into why your form is bad (as I don't really know that), however I have always known that squatting into the burpee, and I say squatting not crouching as you demonstrated ,is the proper way to do a burpee. The burpee is meant to be a compound movement and eliminating a proper body squat would negate working the lower body. I understand people do the burpees different, after all the original burpee didn't include a pushup and now this is the standard. What bothers me however is that you explicitly state the squat to be "Bad", when in reality what you demonstrated was not a squat but a crouch. The crouching is known to hurt the knees, not the proper squat.
Thanks for your feedback! I have had many many conversations on this thread about proper form, but the primary discussion is that there are different variations to the burpee, some prioritize strength building, which is different than this. We are discussing how to perform the movement as efficiently as possible for conditioning. And agree the video editor could have chosen a better word than "bad" ..."less efficient" may have been better or just acknowledging thats not what we are doing in this particular variation. Hope that helps!:)
Thank you for the clarification. I am ok with burpees but the jump to straight legs were always a problem to me. Thanks for making it clear that it is the core (relativelly weaker spot on my body) is at the ... core of the problem ( *yeaaahaaa* :P)
its funny how I've watched other professionals demonstrate a proper burpee and they can't emphasise enough the importance of squatting both at beginning and coming out of a burpee. I am so confused.
Thanks for your feedback! I have had many many conversations on this thread about proper form, but the primary discussion is that there are different variations to the burpee, some prioritize strength building, which is different than this. We are discussing how to perform the movement as efficiently as possible for conditioning. Hope that helps!:)
Yeah, that's just one variation, but its really just the ability to get on the floor and get back up again. Some people start with stepping back and up before they can build the midline/leg/upper body strength to perform this style and that ok! You'll get there over time. Thanks for the comment!:)
Quality of movement (form) before rep! You seem like a decent guy which makes it even harder to hear you dish out dangerous misinformation. And the fact that you face so much well founded criticism and keep believing your stuff reminds me of someone brainwashed
Thanks for your comment! I am a nice guy;) In case you missed it, at around 3:20 I state that we want to prioritize quality movement before speed. As for my brainwashed state, I appreciate your concern, but I am actually focused on data that I receive. Our gym has been open for over 11 years and have had something around 11,000 people come through our gym. Many of which have performed burpees. Our priority is to help people not hurt them, which is why we also have an in house physical therapist that works with our coaches and members to make sure we are not seeing any injuries related to how we coach or perform movements. This video does not go into detail explaining how we scale in group class, which may also include stepping back, removing the "pushup" component or performing this chest to a box or bench. I hope this helps provide some context and feel free to offer any advice on how we can improve our services and coaching style. Thanks again!:)
Thanks for your comment Robert! I would love to hear more specifics about why you feel that way. I've had many conversations in comments about burpee technique, so let me know your thoughts and I'll be sure to respond:)
Ross Enamait does two specific things with his burpees, which are squats both on the way down and up (always on his toes), and he does not extend at any point during his jump. He moves fast because he's in great shape, but they aren't efficient burpees, so I suppose it depends on your goal. It would be a great quad-burner workout in training, but if I had to do 100, I'd pick a higher-efficiency variant. Generally, Ross Enamait seems to prefer short, compact, fast, powerful movements, as if training boxers. He doesn't appear to prioritize mobility or full extension. If you want to see beautiful burpees, watch Lucas Parker. He avoids the up-dog altogether and goes from floor to pike in one movement. And Carl Paoli (mentioned elsewhere here) has a great 4 part burpee tutorial on UA-cam, and its basically the long form of your vid. Nice job!
Thanks for your comment. There is a lot of conversation around what I am teaching, but 10 years in business and so far so good. That is why we prioritize mechanics, flexibility and proper warmups over speed and volume. If you don't do that, I agree you can hurt your back. Hope that helps. Thanks again:)
For anyone watching this video after the fact.. it's a crossfit burpee. Before you comment negatively (like that will stop you) maybe lookup the difference?
Thanks for your comment Andrew! I have covered this extensively in some other comments below, but I'm assuming your comment is based on the opinion of me not squatting and/or performing a pushup. We often hear similar comments about "kipping" pull-ups, where people say they aren't pull-ups. The idea is that there are many ways to perform and define movements. In CrossFit we define a burpee as going from a standing position, to touching your chest and thighs to the floor, back to a fully extended jumping position. I just looked it up on Wikipedia and they say to squat, go into a plank, but no pushup. The burpees that I am advocating are about efficiency when it comes to the CrossFit standard. We do not think squatting, going into a plank, performing a perfect pushup, etc is "wrong" just different with a different purpose. I would argue that performing a squat would be more tiring and build more leg strength and endurance, which is not necessarily something you would want when performing burpees plus sprinting and weightlifting in a CrossFit workout or if you were asked to perform 150 burpees for time. Hope this helps clarify the video and thanks again for contributing to the conversation:)
Thanks for the comment! There have been many comments on this video discussing proper burpee form. We personally believe there are multiple variations, which all can have benefits and the safety depends on your strength, coordination and flexibility. As we stated in the video, start with proper form and work on flexibility. We also have a video called "the perfect burpee" that includes doing a squat and pushup, which is more strength biased, this method is CrossFit conditioning style, which I should have done a better job of referencing. This same analogy can be used with the controversial "kipping pullup" vs strict pullup. We are always looking to learn, so let me know of any good resources/authority that outline what a burpee should look like. Thanks again!:)
Dude this is a wrong technique you're suggesting. Bending all the way down with your legs straight puts a lot of strain on your lower back and hence causes injuries. Squatting to a position and then doing the burpess would cause lesser injuries to the lower back.
Thanks for the comment! If you read through the comments section, this is a common sentiment from many other viewers that we have addressed. Check out some of our responses and let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks!:)
One thing I have learned about burpees: All trainer have their own technique, and they claimed their own to be the best one.
Thanks for your feedback! I have had many many conversations on this thread about proper form, but the primary discussion is that there are different variations to the burpee, some prioritize strength building, which is different than this. We are discussing how to perform the movement as efficiently as possible for conditioning. Hope that helps!:)
@@paradisocrossfit1 conditioning = endurance/stamina you don't get performing 50 or 100 for speed lol, only can be done when doing multiple pumps for hundreds of reps close to 1000 like Iron Wolf with perfect form.
In cross training we skip the push -up
In Crossfit its unthinkable without push up.
In crossfit you do like 2 & in cross training same time is like 6.
More aerobic vs strength improvement
@@manos1990frgks ain't a Burpee without pumps, ain't no Burpee if you try to fuck the floor, from where I'm from this exercise is a staple along dips and chins, no weights needed.
This is not how to do burpees..or how to iron wolf..not this joker
Thank you! I have been trying to get better at burpees. I have been doing a lot of the "bad" things, I now realize! It's nice to see the movements broken down like this.
This really helped me in my WOD today thanks. Keeping hips high is easier. I had a false belief that lower hips were easier. It wasn't a mobility issue just a misconception of what would be more efficient.
Thank you for the instructions because I been doing them wrong. Now I’m feeling good doing them the right way!👍🏽
Thanks-I just saw Carl Paoli's discussion on burpee skill transfer and this is a great help to correcting my burpee form.
Good to hear! Carl has a ton of great videos:)
Nice job, Diso! Very helpful. Way back when, in the military, we did "bends and thrusts." Burpees are a little different!
That's awesome thanks man!
Been wanting to get into it and had absolutely no idea where to start!!!
I prefer a standard pushup, then at the end lift my knees to my chest while jumping just to work on the core/ abs more
This is great for improving burpees. I could never have started here with poor mobility in my wrists, hips and everywhere else. This is FAAARRR from a beginner burpee. There are variations for absolute beginners out there. Stepping back is great for somebody who can't do one burpee. But when you can hit these from starting as a beginner, Wow!!
Won't this technique create back problems in the long run since you're bending instead of squatting?
High risk. The squat is a basic test of fitness and basic in body mechanics, and that is why the original burpee included squatting. I would rather work my quads and glutes, rather than piking out. Hip flexors are frequently overworked in many gym rats. Also we like to pushup in a plank, not rollup. However not every body is the same, and it is good to try different styles, so hopefully the government will not prescribe rigid protocols for fitness training, as they have with dieticians and medicine.
this is crossfit - where all form and technique goes out of the window for the sake of high reps..
@@TheWeardale1 Thanks for taking the time to add your thoughts of Crossfit. One of my "go to" elevator pitches about CrossFit is that we are like yoga, in that all studios are different and privately owned. No one thinks that every yoga studio is doing the same thing, people understand that some facilities are more professional, with better coaches and better routines, etc. This is an aspect of the CrossFit community many people seem to not understand intuitively as we are still a relatively young community. I will agree that many people approach CrossFit training incorrectly, focusing more on how much they can lift or how fast they can perform a workout over quality mechanics, but we have been open for over 10 years and continue to thrive (in the tough environment of Venice Beach) under the prescription of mechanics first, then consistency, then intensity, then volume. Hope that helps!:)
@epocs Thanks for the question, I guess I've responded to that question multiple times now over the years that I was excited to expound on a different topic;)
The short answer is that we have been open for 10 years, with over 3100 lifetime members, performing burpees weekly and we do not have any data to support that claim. We have an onsite physical therapist that we communicate with regularly for what issues we are seeing and adjust our programming accordingly.
That being said, I have discussed in multiple threads below that I do not believe squatting and then performing a pushup is wrong, but rather a different style that is more focused on strength. The real world analogy I provide for this movement is the "popup" in surfing and its about speed and efficiency. Strength certainly helps with that and I agree that performing reps with a squat and a pushup will help improve your overall strength and fitness.
Last, I'll reiterate part of the video, this is about learning technique first. Flexibility is required and learning to maintain tension in the midline. Those that just perform the reps as fast as possible without some of these foundations can certainly hurt their back, but this can be said for many high quality movements.
Hope that helps and let me know if you got it and if you have any more questions (and I tried to tag you in an old thread below, let me know if you got it:)
I have chronic back pain but I have never had any trouble with my back while doing all different types of crossfit workout. First, I know my limit and try to avoid rapid jumping to the scene. Second, I stretch 10-15 mins before the workout. Third, I follow the correct form like this coach does. Last, I do cool down for 10-15 mins after workd out. These routine made my back stronger and I have better posture now.
Many thanks, I've been doing burpees all wrong for years with little improvement. This was great to see.
Love the warm up tips.....And your burpee form is top notch! I like the tip on not starting fast, I always have to remind myself to find a steady groove and stay there to be able to finish strong.
Thanks for the comment! Like many other aspects to fitness, start with proper mechanics and then as you gain ability you can speed it up over time, always challenging yourself to improve!
Love the yogic prep work! That's where I'm at. I've watched you a dozen times today! Thank you..
Finally, loved the technique to stretch the quads and pop out vs. squat and walking out. This gave me the leverage that I needed and do 6 reps and 5 sets to do 30. But love your comment-go as fast as you can slowly with good form.
Congrats! Nothing like feeling more confident with burpees...and always consistency in mechanics before focusing on speed:)
@@paradisocrossfit1 ☑️✔️☑️ many thanks
This is so awesome they didn't teach us the burpee like this at anytime fitness it was more like get into a push up position but don't go all the way down so I lifted myself up from a push up plank position and did 10 burpees at a time until I did 60. That was a challenge for me but I am now seeing that a full burpee is much different. They did it like that to show peaple who didn't know how to workout so they didn't want to overwhelm the newbies
Thank u for the cues, I have been squatting as opposed to keeping the hips high and it has caused pains in the lower back and made me hate burpees 😥
What if you don't have the flexibility to do a upward dog? Should I be doing a push up position down and a push up position up? Bc if so I have issues with my right shoulder that doesn't allow that movement. I don't want to put excuses, I really want to improve my burpee movement
Pro tip that anybody got use to get better at burpees: be unusually flexible so that you can whip your back around like he does without getting hurt right away (but you will get hurt soon enough).
The foundation of a burpee is a SQUAT thrust. It's not called a "RDL-thrust" or a "GOODMORNING-thrust" or a "BEND-OVER thrust." It's a squat down, plank, press-up then plyometric squat jump.
did it wrong before watching this, and it does feel right after using the waist to bring back lower body. thank you so much.
Awesome! You're welcome:)
Wow. That's interesting. I've been doing burpees for nearly 50 years and I always assumed it was a squat into a thrust, push-up, then back into squat, then jump up movement? I'm going to have to try your 'keep hips high' variation.
Great tips! To me, this way is much safer than squatting to start. I tried both and this is the better version.
My opinion is the chest should never rest on ground during a burpee, constant strict tension will improve form also. That’s why you keep your core engaged so you don’t banana your belly on the ground.
Thank you for sharing I have to learn this .
I'm still not know the right way ❤🙏
Nice thorough video. I am unfortunately too tight to reach the floor .. even with legs spread wider. suggestions?
Yeah, working on hamstring flexibility will help with a ton of functional movement. Check out the "Jefferson curl" drill at about minute 5:00 from my Toes to bar video where I address this same issue. Good luck!
Hey, thank you so much for the video! I feel like my burpees could be a LOT more efficient and I'm struggling, so this is a huge help. Would you have any reference or advice on the "hip-pop" part? When I try to get back up from my thighs and chest touching the floor, my legs land waaay too wide. That means that if I'm doing a burpee box jump over, for example, I need to reposition my legs for the jump, which is really not ideal nor efficient.
Again, I appreciate the video and the guidance! :)
I don’t see the issue with squatting
there is no issue, it s more demanding and i like it
Exactly! Just the opposite
The squat is more mechanically accurate. We’re meant to squat. This form is not natural.
The issue with squatting is that he put it under the "bad" column. Didn't you see?
Super helpful video! Thanks!
Don't fuck the floor, never fuck the floor homie! Brought to you by Iron Wolf and Burpees King!
Thanks for your suggestion, we love Iron Wolf! I have had many many conversations on this thread about proper form, but the primary discussion is that there are different variations to the burpee, some prioritize strength building, which is different than this and we do agree that the larger your strength base, the better. We are just discussing how to perform the movement as efficiently as possible for conditioning. Hope that helps!:)
@@paradisocrossfit1 still never fuck da floor, you do this in prison someone gonna fuck you!
My burpees is different. Its a mixture of 2 jumpin jax, wide squat and a regular push up. Thats for intense workout.. or instead of a regular push up do the diamond. So 2 jumpin jacks, wide squat and then the diamond push up. Really need form if u gonna try.
I like this technique. Previously squatting up and down for high reps would result in knee pain, thanks for making the video
Our pleasure! Hope this makes burpees a bit more enjoyable;)
I’m going to try these will I lose belly fat ,how many a day .
I can't reach the floor with my hands by bending I need to scrooch a bit, would that be wrong?
I always start the burpee right … i have no issue getting down but i am having hard time getting from the position on the ground back to the position up …what should i do to improve that?
Did CrossFit in Grass Valley, Ca (CrossFit Sierra) and they never taught Burpees that way. What I am seeing is what is done in the CF Games. Bodytribe shows a great example of how I was taught the Burpee in Grass Valley.
probably the best video and tutorial I've seen so far on the burpee. Thanks
My pleasure!:)
Nick Barton is this the only one you’ve seen?
Really clear and helpful instruction
Thanks, hope it helps!:)
That really was very descriptive. Thanks for all the quick responses too!😊
My pleasure!:)
thank you - exactly what I needed.
Awesome form, looks very efficient, I am going to work on this!
Thank you!
I found your video to be very useful.
It really helped me.
Our pleasure. Thanks for commenting!:)
Why is there such a wide variation in how to do a proper burpee? Some people basically do up-downs, some people squat first, some people do it this way. What's the deal?
I always use the examples of squatting or bench pressing, there are many variations that provide different benefits. Think about in squatting, there are box squats, low bar, high bar, narrow stance, wide stance, tempo, banded, etc. There isn't a perfect way, but some translate more to certain activities than others, some are more about rep speed and others for creating raw strength. Hope that helps!:)
Thank you. You're an awesome teacher!
Iron wolf for burpees
Wow! I've been looking for these instructions!! Thx for the tips!!
You're welcome!:)
David. I have a question: Why when you are coming up from the push up you don´t finish the regular push up and insted leave the lower part of the body down on the floor? Thanks
Good question, this is to create tension in the arch position that allows me to create power as I drive my hips upwards and land on my feet. Hope that helps!
Why aren't you squatting? That's actually how you lower yourself to the ground, or land from a jump safely, so why wouldn't you use it in a burpee? Ya think bending over is preferred? Why on earth would that be the case? Especially for the high rep, speedy slop fest so popular these days
+Bodytribe Thanks for the question and comment! I took some time to watch your videos on the burpee and can tell that you are passionate about the topic. I think an appropriate analogy would be the conversation about kipping pull-ups. Some people would argue that a kipping pull-up is dangerous and not really a pull-up at all and that you are missing the important elements of strength that can be generated from performing pull-ups with no kipping. However, in both cases, I would argue that a) form always matters for safety and efficiency b) it depends on your goal.
We take the time to discuss moving properly first in the above video before speed, discuss maintaining a tight midline and how to develop efficiency in moving your body quickly to the floor and back to a vertical jumping position. By performing a squat (and performing a perfect pushup) each repetition I could be developing more quad and upper body strength, but I believe it would be less powerful/ efficient over time than the technique presented above.
Someone that teaches a similar technique to me is Carl Paoli and in his book he says something funny along the lines of, "To understand the Burpee is to understand the meaning of life." I do believe that there is a philosophical aspect to our approach to fitness, but it seems that we are on the same team: getting people to focus on the movements they are performing not just doing a workout mindlessly. Keep up the good work:)
+paradisocrossfit As I mentioned in my video, why bend over when you can squat? Especially with a jump... what sort of skill are you building landing from a jump into a bend over? And I don't see an argument of quad/upper body strength having anything to do with interfering with power efficiency... how does strength reduce power? But the big question is why we'd chose to purposely pick efficiency. Once exercise is efficient, it seizes to really be exercise... unless ya do more of it. So we make it efficient simply so we can do more of it? The power-output-as-god model needs to be reassessed. As mentioned practice makes permanent... what skills are high rep, bend and snap burpees making permanent?
+Bodytribe Sorry for my delayed response, here is one example of a skill that translates to my life:
+Bodytribe The problem is that by squatting you will activate alot more mucles than with bending. And this will tire you. Doing a few is maybe ok. 100 for time ? You will go really slow if you do the squatting one with speed.
That method builds no useable skill. A burpee has two 'rules?' Have you ever questioned those rules? Have you ever pondered if maybe there could be a more productive way of doing them?
I'll be including squats in my burpees...Thanks!
Interesting, Inch worm is called "Inch" for a reason. When you move your arms on the floor, increment forward should be by INCH not by FOOT. Same for when you bring your legs back to your arms.
I would agree its not the most technical inchworm, ideally my legs would be locked out as well. I compromised that portion a bit because my primary goal is to get people warmed up, not overwhelm them with too much information and get them to understand the importance flexibility for the burpee. Thanks for the comment!:)
No problem! I must admit also that I am not able to do inch worm technically perfect (as you said, locked out). It was more of an observation then the critique. Sorry if I came on too aggressive.
Anyway, great video and thanks for that!
Not at all, good observation, thanks for the friendly reply;)
Wow. Never seen a Burpee done so badly before. Impressed.
Thanks James!:)
@@paradisocrossfit1 that wasn't a compliment dipshit
Thanks for clarifying:)
james gaskell leave it to CrossFit to ruin something like a burpie, deadlift or pull up. Only people who far for this shit are noobs that have no basic understanding of form or anatomy. I feel bad for people buying into this joke. Zero gainz.
Thanks for your feedback and addition to this conversation Ulysses! We continually strive to improve and help as many people as possible. Be sure to check out our other videos on deadlifts and pull-ups too and comment there as well if you have any questions. Also, if you are in the Venice beach area, you should stop by for a workout, the first session is free!
Burpee can give the backs of my legs a weird ache, like squats and squat thrusts. That burpee looks athletic, but it seems to need more arms than legs.
The reason the burpee is so "infamous" is because it requires a bit of everything, both arms, legs, abs with some flexibility and coordination mixed in there. You can always bias one part more than others by changing the style of burpee, for instance do a burpee and then jump over a barbell, onto a box or jump to a target above your reach and you'll feel your legs more big time!
best quality technique ive ever seen on a burpee! awesome content
Thanks! I hope this helps make them suck less;)
My one thing is that you'd be a bit more understanding of deactivating or whatever you're decrying at 3:00 if you had boobs to think of. Maybe A cups or Bs would be okay but anything bigger and it freakin' hurts dropping it down right on the girls, and not in a fun way. I do not expect men to understand. Just googled "Brooke Ence burpee" and it would appear she would back me up--not in terms of advocating for a less efficient movement (obviously, and that's not what I'm saying) but I can tell she's dropping it down with respect for the north pole peaks! XD
cool and informative. thanks!
every time I do burpees it feels so jarring , it feels like high impact to all of my joints, even my neck. I know they are supposed to be good for you, but I fell like I've been in a car wreck after.
Hey Mike, hopefully this progression can help. Start with good mechanics and then build up in intensity and volume. Let me know how it goes!:)
Mike D that’s normal in CrossFit since they have no idea what good form is lol
Great description!
Chest and thighs should NOT touch the floor. Should get as close to floor w/o touching, this will keep core engaged all the way through.
i do a hindu pushup without touching Ground and then jump. it becomes very hard. i think its best.the problem comes when i do 5km and then bupees. but only burpees i can do them so many. what you think .....????is it ok in that way
+Mukesh Kumargrover I think it sounds great! Burpees and running are a great combo. Much like I am discussing with Bodytribe below, there is more than one way to perform a burpee depending on your goals:)
This is helpful :)
This is very confusing. I just watch two training youtube videos with hundred of 1000s of subs where they say the first part of the burly is to assume the squat position. No wonder there is so much confusion out there. please clarify
Welcome to Crossfit. Famous for dreadful form on key exercises (kipping pull ups anyone??)
Nice video, thank you
My pleasure:)
Iron Wolf
Thanks for your suggestion, we love Iron Wolf! I have had many many conversations on this thread about proper form, but the primary discussion is that there are different variations to the burpee, some prioritize strength building, which is different than this and we do agree that the larger your strength base, the better. We are just discussing how to perform the movement as efficiently as possible for conditioning. Hope that helps!:)
Aren't you supposed to do a push up at the bottom?
Not in crossfit.
I'm concerned. Every trainer and article I have read says that dropping entirely to the floor instead of a good pushup is dangerous to your spine and skips the benefits of a plank to full pushup. Touching the floor like that *is* a bad movement pattern.
its only dangerous to spine if you don't keep your abs and butt tensed. Skipping the pushup speeds up the burpee significantly giving your more reps and a better work out.
Bela Demtchouk you can’t keep tension in the abs when your spine drops into that position. It puts pressure on the lower back. The only reason Crossfit does it is so they snap back to their feet which I don’t think is a sufficient reason. If Crossfit wanted speed and efficiency without jeopardizing the lower back, they’d do knee pushups with a flat back instead.
Man, sorry I missed this discussion! One of the simple examples I give that relates to this movement is popping up on a surfboard, it would be very difficult to do if you tried to maintain a plank position. Flexion and extension of the spine is a normal movement pattern while maintaining tension in the midline. That is why we discuss the importance of flexibility and practicing with quality movement prior to introducing speed and volume.
Its crossfit they don't have spines
Ť3ŘŘÅŅ0VÅ - Show your own workout video and show your spine. Until then anything you say does not carry weight, you only insult people without reason and that says a lot about you.
Well I can't do the position you hold at 3:40 :(
That's ok! Try with your feet a little wider than shoulder width and bend your knees a bit more if you have to in the short term. This isn't as efficient, but if it is the best you can do that's ok for now.
In the meantime, try performing the Jefferson curl to improve that position: Mine is a real quick demo video where I'm using dumbbells, but most of the time I just use a barbell, but any time of weight will do. Really focus on not bending your knees at all and start vertebrae by vertebrae rounding the upper back. Once you can go past your toes, stand on something to continue to improve your range of motion. Perform 3x10 reps with a :90 rest between sets and try to improve your range of motion every rep, really reach at the bottom!
This won't just help your burpees by the way;) Let me know how it goes!
Glad I could help!:)
Coaching is stealing ideas from other great coaches!:)
Thank you for your answer, I was not expecting one but that's awesome!! I will definitely try!
(I don't think this will improve my cardio, which is my weakness in the burpee movement ahah).
I have tried ROMWOD for some months, it improved my hip ROM, but I still have a hard time to get any ROM in my back (lower, upper, thoracic...): for instance I cannot be in the "staff pose" at all, even for 1 second. I'm sure the Jefferson curl will help. Would you advise "Good morning" (of course, nice form always) for this purpose?
Hey, thank you for this! I learned a lot and have been doing it wrong!! Appreciate your video!
My pleasure! Glad it helped!:)
Thanks for the help!
+Kimberly Bolton You're welcome! Keep training hard!:)
Thanks, Sure will. I exercise at 4:30 every morning. :)
that doesnt look right
Thanks for your comment. Feel free to expand that thought and I'll try to respond as best I can:)
Ikutan Yukss..
Good one
This is terrible advice. For the proper and safe method, check out Mark Lauren's version from You Are You're Own Gym. Perfect form . And yes he squats. Do not do this Crossfit hack!
This is a typical case of "Las fiestas de mi pueblo son mejor.."
I don't want to go into why your form is bad (as I don't really know that), however I have always known that squatting into the burpee, and I say squatting not crouching as you demonstrated ,is the proper way to do a burpee. The burpee is meant to be a compound movement and eliminating a proper body squat would negate working the lower body. I understand people do the burpees different, after all the original burpee didn't include a pushup and now this is the standard. What bothers me however is that you explicitly state the squat to be "Bad", when in reality what you demonstrated was not a squat but a crouch. The crouching is known to hurt the knees, not the proper squat.
Thanks for your feedback! I have had many many conversations on this thread about proper form, but the primary discussion is that there are different variations to the burpee, some prioritize strength building, which is different than this. We are discussing how to perform the movement as efficiently as possible for conditioning. And agree the video editor could have chosen a better word than "bad" ..."less efficient" may have been better or just acknowledging thats not what we are doing in this particular variation. Hope that helps!:)
AWESOME, thanks for sharing! :)
You're welcome, glad you enjoyed it:)
Wait don't you do a squat when doing a burpee?
Thank you for the clarification. I am ok with burpees but the jump to straight legs were always a problem to me. Thanks for making it clear that it is the core (relativelly weaker spot on my body) is at the ... core of the problem ( *yeaaahaaa* :P)
Thanks I learn
pobre gente que entrena con tipos como este que te enseñan cualquier cosa.
Also I have not been warming up at the start
thank you
Wth are you doing?
Thanks for the question, I'm doing Burpees!:)
Paradiso CrossFit - Venice and Culver City CrossFit uh, no... you’re not.
Should I do 30 burpees a day or every other day?
Generally we recommend 2-3 days per week for any supplemental skill work, assuming you are doing other activities. Happy training!:)
its funny how I've watched other professionals demonstrate a proper burpee and they can't emphasise enough the importance of squatting both at beginning and coming out of a burpee. I am so confused.
Thanks for your feedback! I have had many many conversations on this thread about proper form, but the primary discussion is that there are different variations to the burpee, some prioritize strength building, which is different than this. We are discussing how to perform the movement as efficiently as possible for conditioning. Hope that helps!:)
Thank you for teaching a good technics of burpees
You're welcome! Hope it helps:)
If you hate burpees raise your hand!
Wow... so that is what a burpee is. I've done some modified ones.
Yeah, that's just one variation, but its really just the ability to get on the floor and get back up again. Some people start with stepping back and up before they can build the midline/leg/upper body strength to perform this style and that ok! You'll get there over time. Thanks for the comment!:)
Quality of movement (form) before rep!
You seem like a decent guy which makes it even harder to hear you dish out dangerous misinformation. And the fact that you face so much well founded criticism and keep believing your stuff reminds me of someone brainwashed
Thanks for your comment! I am a nice guy;) In case you missed it, at around 3:20 I state that we want to prioritize quality movement before speed. As for my brainwashed state, I appreciate your concern, but I am actually focused on data that I receive. Our gym has been open for over 11 years and have had something around 11,000 people come through our gym. Many of which have performed burpees. Our priority is to help people not hurt them, which is why we also have an in house physical therapist that works with our coaches and members to make sure we are not seeing any injuries related to how we coach or perform movements. This video does not go into detail explaining how we scale in group class, which may also include stepping back, removing the "pushup" component or performing this chest to a box or bench. I hope this helps provide some context and feel free to offer any advice on how we can improve our services and coaching style. Thanks again!:)
Ouch, this is painful to watch!
Thanks for your comment Robert! I would love to hear more specifics about why you feel that way. I've had many conversations in comments about burpee technique, so let me know your thoughts and I'll be sure to respond:)
Paradiso CrossFit - Venice and Culver City CrossFit we’re meant to squat. Argue with me.
Teach grandma how to do burpees, one is all she needs. It could save her life.
Ross Enamait would probably disagree with your assessment of burpee efficiency.
Ross is probably correct.
+agg adfgawdgv Thanks for the comment, would you mind going into more detail?
Ross Enamait does two specific things with his burpees, which are squats both on the way down and up (always on his toes), and he does not extend at any point during his jump. He moves fast because he's in great shape, but they aren't efficient burpees, so I suppose it depends on your goal. It would be a great quad-burner workout in training, but if I had to do 100, I'd pick a higher-efficiency variant. Generally, Ross Enamait seems to prefer short, compact, fast, powerful movements, as if training boxers. He doesn't appear to prioritize mobility or full extension. If you want to see beautiful burpees, watch Lucas Parker. He avoids the up-dog altogether and goes from floor to pike in one movement. And Carl Paoli (mentioned elsewhere here) has a great 4 part burpee tutorial on UA-cam, and its basically the long form of your vid. Nice job!
-@@cartwagon Thanks for your explanation.I find it helpful.
So this is De-Hinduised Surya Namaskar? Thats cultural stealing.
MidlifeCrisis totally agree..
But done for reps at high intervals, not good for the body at all.
you can't steal that which is freely given
It will damage the spinal
Thanks for your comment. There is a lot of conversation around what I am teaching, but 10 years in business and so far so good. That is why we prioritize mechanics, flexibility and proper warmups over speed and volume. If you don't do that, I agree you can hurt your back. Hope that helps. Thanks again:)
So these are CrossFit burpee’s?!
Wow i was way off...thanks for the vid, makes sense now!
For anyone watching this video after the fact.. it's a crossfit burpee. Before you comment negatively (like that will stop you) maybe lookup the difference?
Thanks for the comment and support:)
To bad this is not a burpee!!
Thanks for your comment Andrew! I have covered this extensively in some other comments below, but I'm assuming your comment is based on the opinion of me not squatting and/or performing a pushup. We often hear similar comments about "kipping" pull-ups, where people say they aren't pull-ups. The idea is that there are many ways to perform and define movements. In CrossFit we define a burpee as going from a standing position, to touching your chest and thighs to the floor, back to a fully extended jumping position. I just looked it up on Wikipedia and they say to squat, go into a plank, but no pushup. The burpees that I am advocating are about efficiency when it comes to the CrossFit standard. We do not think squatting, going into a plank, performing a perfect pushup, etc is "wrong" just different with a different purpose. I would argue that performing a squat would be more tiring and build more leg strength and endurance, which is not necessarily something you would want when performing burpees plus sprinting and weightlifting in a CrossFit workout or if you were asked to perform 150 burpees for time. Hope this helps clarify the video and thanks again for contributing to the conversation:)
can i use this to jump into my bed? 😁
He is teaching half suryanamaskar posture for warm up.
this really helps thanx!!
Squatting down is actually the correct position. You can injure your back by not squatting down. Awful
Thanks for the comment! There have been many comments on this video discussing proper burpee form. We personally believe there are multiple variations, which all can have benefits and the safety depends on your strength, coordination and flexibility. As we stated in the video, start with proper form and work on flexibility. We also have a video called "the perfect burpee" that includes doing a squat and pushup, which is more strength biased, this method is CrossFit conditioning style, which I should have done a better job of referencing. This same analogy can be used with the controversial "kipping pullup" vs strict pullup. We are always looking to learn, so let me know of any good resources/authority that outline what a burpee should look like. Thanks again!:)
u gotta do a proper push up with it..not landing on the floor
That's not a crossfit burpee.
Dude this is a wrong technique you're suggesting. Bending all the way down with your legs straight puts a lot of strain on your lower back and hence causes injuries. Squatting to a position and then doing the burpess would cause lesser injuries to the lower back.
Thanks for the comment! If you read through the comments section, this is a common sentiment from many other viewers that we have addressed. Check out some of our responses and let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks!:)