July 3, 2024


КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,2 тис.

  • @missjo2036
    @missjo2036 18 днів тому +540

    Yup women don't want to be grabbed etc. And yet they do it to men. It's ridiculous.

    • @thomaspowless3082
      @thomaspowless3082 18 днів тому +24

      was playing pool. 3 tartlettes were at the table next. one grabbed my a$$ as i took a shot. when i didnt react i could hear them say i must be gay. ruined my night out, i left immediately afterward, went home to my gf and told her what happened.

    • @missjo2036
      @missjo2036 18 днів тому +9

      @@thomaspowless3082 I'm sorry this happened to you. People are just idiots these days

    • @australiansarefree1586
      @australiansarefree1586 18 днів тому

      It's because women have never been held accountable for their behaviour in western society. There's always an excuse

    • @lagerthasbeech
      @lagerthasbeech 18 днів тому +6

      Happened in school a good bit to my ass

    • @Black-And-WhiteWorldview8488
      @Black-And-WhiteWorldview8488 18 днів тому

      @@missjo2036 Men are indeed idiots, yes

  • @nathansmith403
    @nathansmith403 18 днів тому +193

    As a disabled male, who uses a wheelchair frequently, I cannot tell you the number of times I have had random women come and just sit on my lap because they were either intoxicated or 'it looks like a nice seat'.... Ma'am, tbats my personal space and now I'm extremely uncomfortable thank you. If a GUY did that do a disabled female.... He would be blasted all over and probably arrested, but for me it looks 'flirty and fun'

    • @jamesturner2126
      @jamesturner2126 18 днів тому +7

      @nathansmith403 That's entrapment. That's what a predator would do.

    • @nathansmith403
      @nathansmith403 18 днів тому +2

      @@jamesturner2126 so who is the predator.....

    • @jamesturner2126
      @jamesturner2126 18 днів тому +7

      @nathansmith403 all the women trapping you in your chair. You literally can't get away.

    • @onegoodjoe
      @onegoodjoe 17 днів тому +14

      As a fellow disabled man... I think they do this because they think you're desperate and giving you pity attention!

    • @cececox6399
      @cececox6399 17 днів тому +8

      As a disabled woman I've noticed this as well. And i hate it happens to men. Especially when men are generally nothing but perfect gentlemen with disabled women. I only have to look slightly struggling or slightly confused and guys appear out of thin air offering to help me. They've even pushed me and my heavy ass chair for miles and put me in taxis that they paid for when it's broken down. I only weigh 100lbs, but the chair weighs like 300lb! It's NOT easy to push. But they never give up till I'm safe. Ive had guys risk themselves and their jobs to track me down when a taxi driver kidnapped me to do gos knows what. We have wonderful economic migrants who regularly kidnap r@pe and murder women. But it's normally on a weekend or at night. Not at 9am on a Tuesday MORNING. every taxi in the city was looking for me and listening in to my call with the dispatch manager BEGGING and pleading for him to let me and begging the women ob the phone to gelp me and call the police. I was trapped for over 2 hours. Thanks to all the busses and taxis searching and blocking all the exits to the city he kept getting forced vack ibto the city centre. Finally he tried a main street and a double bus literally chased us down and used his giant vus as a weapon to crush the cab into the curb trapping him from escaping. The SECOND the vus driver trapped us in ge dived out of gis cab and EVERY man on the bus jumped up with him and EVERY man on the street, HUNDREDS, all came sprinting open they were about to fnck him up. They all lifted me and my chair out and were trying to calm me down, they were my angels 😇 and I'd be DEAD without men. After that I couldn't pay for a taxi for years and they would always make sure I was in a safe taxi. I was traumatised by it, i was on the way to hospital for surgery and they had to cancel it because I was literally in shock. Men also watch out for me when I don't even know they are. The first time I went out alone in a wheelchair I almost slid straight down a GIANT set of Victorian stone steps that are really narrow and i DEFINITELY would have died. THREE different men all shot to me in a split second and grabbed me because they could see what was about to happen from the angle of the Victorian paved street had a huge dip into the steps and wheelchairs just slide and don't have the power to escape it. I've also had them just jump out to help me going up curbs because they thought i was about to tip. Men are the GREATEST part of my life. I was abused and saw the WORST of men as a child and teen and was sort of a feminist but not enough to care. After i went in a wheelchair i learnt that it's NOT women who are the most helpful and caring. It's MEN. Women NEVER help other women. I've been in a wheelchair almost 15 years and NEVER has a woman gone out of their way to help me. In fact they're actually usually AWFUL to me. They straight up ignore me and carry on. Even if I'm stuck at night on a road. I have NEVER asked a man for help and he just pretended to not hear me and kept going. Being in a wheelchair made me ADORE men. And made me MUCH more protective of them and aware of their issues. I can't stand being around women now because they are just absolutely AWFUL. I'm so sorry you got the reverse experience. That sucks. I just wish there was a solution. But we're not getting anything like that for at LEAST 5 to 10 years. They need to ve held legally liable. But we're not enforcing ANY laws anymore. So what good are laws if they aren't USED. I hope you get to experience more of the incredible side of humanity. Because it sounds terrible having to deal with women. Heck I AM a woman and even i can't stand them so heaven only knows how you feel! You should have something on your lap that'll hurt them if they try sitting on you. Like those self defence spikes you can buy. They're made of super hard plastic for jabbing and hurting attackers, for those if us women who don't have ANY right to self defence. For those of us who police tell if we don't accept being raped and defend ourselves WE'LL be going to prison for at LEAST 10 years. But they won't even BOTHER trying to lock up the rapists. The world is going to hell. Also if you rely on medication the three gorges dam IS going to collapse it's just WHEN. And MANY common medications are made right under it and willl be wuped out. It could cause months or even YEARS of not being able to source medications. Even medications that aren't directly made there rely on many things and ingredients sourced from ths factories there. We'll have to immediately figure out how to start up entirely new factories to produce common drugs and it'll be about getting the most critical started first. So you could have to wait MONTHS or even YEARS for yours to be made again. So make sure that you're building up a stock of the most important medications. It could save your life. The three gorges dam has almost collapsed 3 times in 4 years. And it's struggling AGAIN this year. It could literally collapse any day and it will kill HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of people and destroy HUNDREDS of villages and DOZENS of large cities. It'll destroy EVERYTHING between it and the ocean. Skyscrapers. EVERYTHING. So please ve aware which important medications you have that could be impacted. Because it IS going to happen. And likely in the next couple of years if current flooding trends continue in china EVERY year because of tgeir terrible infrastructure, like entire cities wirh NO working drainage systems. So it'll be MUCH WORSE than anything we've EVER seen before. It'll be cataclysmic. So good luck and you're in my prayers 🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏

  • @AmyLynnRiley
    @AmyLynnRiley 18 днів тому +208

    Totally agree!!!! I have 2 grown sons who both have been groped IN PUBLIC and SA while drunk or passed out after saying no and others just laughed it off! It is a problem. If it is wrong for men to do it, it is wrong for women to do it! Period.

    • @taraquo
      @taraquo 18 днів тому +8

      A man in my life was graped after telling his gf at the time no for sex multiple times and her doing it anyway when he was drunk.

    • @territhetankedupterrapin6592
      @territhetankedupterrapin6592 17 днів тому +5

      ​@@taraquo my ex used to act like a spoilt little princess and getting worse and worse until I eventually gave in despite not being in the mood due to my own sexual traumas. But anytime she wanted to stop for whatever reason I would stop despite being seconds away from orgasm, I would rather she wasn't uncomfortable! If a woman says no then it's no, so why if a man says no then somehow it's yes if you keep on about it!? It's fucked up!

    • @user-im9ov9ud7m
      @user-im9ov9ud7m 16 днів тому

      Did she have to make a grocery list or something, ​@@territhetankedupterrapin6592.?

    • @Lt.Dreddz-5k
      @Lt.Dreddz-5k 16 днів тому

      ​@taraquoits groped not graped

    • @matonater8920
      @matonater8920 16 днів тому

      @@Lt.Dreddz-5k pretty sure graped is a pseudonym for r*pe

  • @RandomPersonLol366
    @RandomPersonLol366 18 днів тому +61

    as a multiple SA survivor and a woman, I don’t claim those women and I believe and support every victim regardless of gender.

  • @timbrown5720
    @timbrown5720 18 днів тому +200

    I've been felt up. Broad daylight at my mechanics job in front of my co-workers. She snuck up behind while I was engaged in work. Has happened more than once never the same woman. One was a co-worker. I'm married. Haven't kissed anyone other than my wife since 96. This co-worker sent a Christmas card claiming she loves my big .... needless to say my wife was and is pissed. Been like 15yrs and I still here about it. Thanks alot Brandy !

    • @mixedmediaartgirl300
      @mixedmediaartgirl300 18 днів тому +17

      😳 I'm sorry but my petty ass would get revenge, that's horrible

    • @timbrown2809
      @timbrown2809 18 днів тому +2

      is this me?

    • @superiorsign3727
      @superiorsign3727 18 днів тому +2

      I’m a person who is not ok and people like you make it better daily

    • @LabRynthisist
      @LabRynthisist 18 днів тому +1

      Have you tried reverse head butt using the back of your head? Worls wonders

    • @Stayjolly33
      @Stayjolly33 18 днів тому +1

      Bro how she know you got a big … ??

  • @gasman358
    @gasman358 18 днів тому +267

    I tried to file SA charges against two women who attacked me (after they drugged me) and the cops refused to take the complaint.
    They wanted to get pregnant by me because I made a good income for child support. Thankfully, no offspring occurred

    • @kingzach74
      @kingzach74 18 днів тому +36

      I'm sorry to hear that. That's awful, but sadly common.
      I've tried to file SA charges twice in my life and both times the police laughed at me and said they would love to be taken advantage of by a girl or woman and then ignored me.

    • @evos469
      @evos469 18 днів тому +16

      File a complaint with your local human rights commission

    • @michellematthews8813
      @michellematthews8813 18 днів тому +8

      How awful!

    • @michellematthews8813
      @michellematthews8813 18 днів тому

      @@kingzach74that is so fucked! I have seen many many women cross major boundaries with men! If men did a fraction of that to them, they would cry victim!

    • @wardraven8755
      @wardraven8755 18 днів тому +13

      I was SA by a women as well and i got the shaft. They even tried their best to get me for child support when there was no kid and for murder.

  • @joshuaspence6156
    @joshuaspence6156 18 днів тому +29

    One of the reasons I prefer to drink at home and watch 80s action movies.

  • @michelleclark9445
    @michelleclark9445 18 днів тому +31

    This women agrees 100% with you. I've seen women doing this shit, And when I've called it out, I've been called a prude or told that the men/teen boys liked it. It's bullshit. Keep your hands, etc to yourself people. Love your channel, Chloe. Please keep it up. 🤗🇨🇦🙏

  • @JimmyCrackorn
    @JimmyCrackorn 18 днів тому +123

    Thank you for addressing and sharing this observation. It's common practice to hold men to different standards after being victimized by female sexual misconduct and copying it. It's not okay for either to do because body autonomy is real.

  • @briannacarlile9291
    @briannacarlile9291 17 днів тому +23

    As a woman and the mother of a son, I absolutely agree! If I hear of him being touched inappropriately by a female, I’m flipping tables just like I would with my daughters. I am also going to teach my daughters to keep their hands to themselves and to respect boundaries. A man has just as much right to consent as women. Absolutely disgusting

  • @SubjectivelyDan
    @SubjectivelyDan 18 днів тому +13

    Oh it's far worse what women do to kids. Unwelcome hugs, kisses, tickles, comments and constant boundary violations.

  • @aimeehazelton2067
    @aimeehazelton2067 18 днів тому +28

    Are we really AS CREEPY ,
    Or just equally creepy,
    I have 4 brothers and 12 nephews…
    I can say, by my own experience,
    WOMEN have done destruction,
    WITHOUT a pretense of “domestic violence”
    I have witnessed many more
    Deviant females than males

    • @MonoKrohm_2020
      @MonoKrohm_2020 4 дні тому +1

      As creepy and equally creepy are pretty much the same thing

  • @gambitcharge3445
    @gambitcharge3445 18 днів тому +14

    I never thought I would hear a woman say these things............ Thank God for you lady😅❤

  • @oscarellenius2007
    @oscarellenius2007 17 днів тому +12

    It's the bloody double standards that gets me every time. I had massive problems with it when I was younger

  • @1977themayanpriest
    @1977themayanpriest 18 днів тому +15

    I was filling the fridge behind the bar in the place I was working .As I bend over I feel a hand going between my legs ...I dropped a bottle ...she laughed . It was quite annoying .
    In a crowded bar one chicken just grabbed my balls while I was trying to pass...
    One of my exes punched me because I didn't want sex after I had found out she kissed another guy at the weekend ....First time I hear that this shit happens to more men .Thanks for talking about this.

  • @ameliacatlover1985
    @ameliacatlover1985 18 днів тому +16

    As an SA survivor myself you are totally right that they don't talk about men. They only worry about us women. It happens to anyone and everyone keep preaching girl. Love your tats too by the way

    • @jamesdoyle2769
      @jamesdoyle2769 17 днів тому +1

      Thank you for speaking up. Woemn who've been SAed are usually very clear on this and call out the sexism of this double standard. Thank you.

  • @jasonstein5559
    @jasonstein5559 18 днів тому +45

    Fuck em!! Roma!! Your doing the right thing!! Finally someone calls them on it!! Thanks Roma....Jason from Indiana

    • @jasonworth6210
      @jasonworth6210 15 днів тому +2

      As a Jason from Washington, I must totally agree with you, Jason from Indiana. 😂
      - Jason from Washington

  • @bradlees5997
    @bradlees5997 18 днів тому +4

    I’ve found women REALLY don’t like it when men have boundaries especially on physical touch.

  • @Blaklyon0
    @Blaklyon0 18 днів тому +14

    A lot of women are going to be very upset at this truth...it might actually turn some stomachs...

  • @KasumiRose77
    @KasumiRose77 17 днів тому +14

    I agree. It's not fair. It's getting husbands in trouble with their wives and they never forget it.. they never want it

  • @Inglewood_Addition
    @Inglewood_Addition 18 днів тому +33

    As a child, I unfortunately grew up in the system. During those times, I bounced from foster homes to group homes until I reached adult age. Since 11 years old, I was sexually assaulted numerous times by grown Women.
    One even manipulated me by threatening to tell everyone I was gay (even though I wasn’t) if I told and/or refused to let her do what she wanted.
    As a child, I was terrified of being accused of being gay because I was already being bullied because of my upbringing, so I never told a soul about what happened to me. Unfortunately the cycle just continued whenever I got placed with another family. Children in the system are oftentimes unheard because society sees us as “throwaways”.
    Unfortunately I never experienced true love growing up because I had all of my innocence stripped away from me by adult Women when I was just a child. I didn’t have the privilege of losing my virginity to someone I cared about because it was long gone well before I even decided to date. This is unfortunate and lot of young boy’s story… but people rather pretend that it’s not so Women can save face.

    • @sheilamadonia-maberry9701
      @sheilamadonia-maberry9701 18 днів тому +10

      I'm very sorry. They need prison time.

    • @joearmstrong2404
      @joearmstrong2404 18 днів тому +6

      You are not alone. There is a reason that men have an avg age of fifteen, and women have an avg of 18.

    • @juancarlosmejia8514
      @juancarlosmejia8514 17 днів тому +5

      Sorry you went through that brother, hope life is treating you ok now 🙏

    • @Boonz84
      @Boonz84 17 днів тому +5

      As a woman and reading this, it's truly disturbing to know that there are vile women out there living and breathing. I'm sorry this happened to you 😔

    • @freedomdude5420
      @freedomdude5420 15 днів тому

      This is what people don't understand about foster care, it is a children predator paradise.😕

  • @trevorgrace1250
    @trevorgrace1250 18 днів тому +20

    Imagine being r@ped and then being arrested because the r@pist said the man r@ped her. Close friend of mine still doing time for this exact scenario. (No its not just hearsay, i was there the night she was bragging about it)

    • @jamesturner2126
      @jamesturner2126 18 днів тому +4

      She's going to end up all alone with a colony of 200 cats. ⚖️⚡️

    • @trevorgrace1250
      @trevorgrace1250 18 днів тому

      She's in a happy relationship? You're just projecting how alone you are, pathetic.

    • @michaelroberts2813
      @michaelroberts2813 15 днів тому +2

      Too bad you didn't record what she said. Could have proven that your friend was set up.

    • @trevorgrace1250
      @trevorgrace1250 15 днів тому +2

      @@michaelroberts2813 where I live you have to get permission to record for it to be admissible in court. She never would've agreed to that.

    • @Melissa-bw6ok
      @Melissa-bw6ok 5 днів тому +1

      should of had recorded it that way it could of been used as evidence in court then she would of been the one in trouble instead

  • @JamesMisplaced
    @JamesMisplaced 18 днів тому +16

    So true... I had a girl assault me when I had left the party to sleep it off and I went to sleep in a bedroom. I literally woke up with her riding me. It took me years to realize why I had trust issues about parties and girls. I'm glad I'm not alone but I wish we all never had to deal with it.

  • @user-hi8hn9fn3m
    @user-hi8hn9fn3m 18 днів тому +5

    I know of 2 guys that as Children, were Molested / Sexually Exploited by Long Term Affairs With Their FEMALE BabySitters. One guy was 12-13, and the other was 9. Both of these guys are in Their 40's-50s and last I heard, 1😢, Still had BAD PTSD.

  • @2ndbrain909
    @2ndbrain909 18 днів тому +31

    And when a man does try and enforce his bodily boundaries, most of the time it will be used against him to make him feel bad,look bad, or just plain disregard him. It’s insane how men aren’t allowed to have their own boundaries regarding their bodies, at least when it comes to sex and consenting to it. Or if they do, there’s only a very few select answers he can give to make a women stop trying to get with him.
    Such as “I’m abstinent for religious reasons” or “I’m waiting for marriage” or “I’m asexual/gay” and somehow we’re supposed to not be upset about the lack of respect given towards our own boundaries regarding our bodies.
    Truely baffling behavior from women.

    • @jamesturner2126
      @jamesturner2126 18 днів тому +1

      I almost got beat up for asking a woman to have sex, then changing my mind. I had to 🏃🏿‍♂️ 💨

    • @willjones455
      @willjones455 18 днів тому +1

      I tell them to piss off, but that's just me

    • @mattpence5655
      @mattpence5655 17 днів тому +2

      She hit the old nail on the head they will absolutely go on social media and call you all kinds of fun stuff…. Or how’s about that time when she says I don’t want you to try anything tonight and then crucify you on social media for being a good man it’s ridiculous and we need to stop….. the patriarchy ain’t perfect but it’s far more inclusive than whatever the heck is going on here today

    • @shoca3427
      @shoca3427 17 днів тому

      ​@mattpence5655 I agreed with you up until that last part about the patriarchy 😅 Everything else was pretty spot on, though. Bodily autonomy for all!

    • @sbfabtfc1
      @sbfabtfc1 8 днів тому

      There is absolutely nothing baffling about this behavior from this particular type of woman at all. The type who violate men's bodily boundaries while simultaneously demanding that men respect their bodily boundaries are just plain hypocrunts. And yes, I spelled that correctly.

  • @MsSquarebearz
    @MsSquarebearz 18 днів тому +34

    Thank you, I have been saying things like this for years. I love your stance on these issues and it's good to know I'm not alone in thinking things like this.

  • @matthewjanes113
    @matthewjanes113 17 днів тому +3

    Yep, I've been assaulted by multiple women. But as a man, it goes unreported

  • @dahnparker8014
    @dahnparker8014 17 днів тому +2

    I can't say how much of an extremely good call this is-We men&women all take things in our stride&do Yet this Said is long over due Thanx Roma🌄🌍

  • @silashurd3597
    @silashurd3597 18 днів тому +25

    Someone is finally saying the facts when no one else wants to

    • @jamesturner2126
      @jamesturner2126 18 днів тому

      @silashurd3597 I won't judge you! Tell your story, bro. It feels good to release all that tension.

    • @silashurd3597
      @silashurd3597 18 днів тому

      @@jamesturner2126 I’ve never been assaulted by a woman (or anyone, thankfully) but dang, I know that me being a dude, just as I hear other dudes say how they’re not taken seriously when trying to talk about how they feel. And that’s what happens with me even with my family cuz it is a surprisingly female heavy family and I get brushed aside if trying to be honest. And nowadays I feel very nervous when simply trying to talk to women cuz if I say something nice like compliment I’m afraid they’ll look at me and get creeped out or laugh at me in a negative way. Like when I do compliment, I always follow up by saying “I’m sorry” and such. So that’s my experiences so far.🫤

  • @dantespicysausage9615
    @dantespicysausage9615 18 днів тому +25

    The truth hurts but its better in the long run

  • @alexjin3232
    @alexjin3232 18 днів тому +4

    Finally our voice is being heard! Thank you

  • @BoJo2000
    @BoJo2000 18 днів тому +2

    This girl is so real and good looking. She is beautiful inside out

  • @johnerie6084
    @johnerie6084 18 днів тому +52

    Double standards abound.
    I had an ex that used to ride me or blow me to wake me up.
    And that was fine. But when I did the same thing (after the 4th or 5th time SHE did it) and she made me sound like a predator for it.
    I straight up asked "why's it ok for u to wake me that way but I do it and I'm a creep."
    She said, VERBATIM, "That's different. I'm a woman, so it's ok! I'm not the perv, U are."
    I stay single cause I'm sick to death of (most) womens hypocritical double standards and the fact that nothing I say or do is ever enough.

    • @lonniegriggs723
      @lonniegriggs723 18 днів тому +5

      I am so sorry.....wow that's horrible, I'd stay single too damn.....you deserve a hug man, that's....that's just messed up.....not all women are like that, saying that cause I thankfully have a wife who isn't like that but....let's just say I've experienced something similar before meeting her so I feel you, and I'm still so so sorry....

    • @roachofdoom1234
      @roachofdoom1234 18 днів тому +5

      I can’t believe we’ve been raised to believe that women always win every argument when they can literally fall back to “nuh uh boy bad girl good”

    • @jamesturner2126
      @jamesturner2126 18 днів тому +2

      That's literally fucked up. ⚖️⚡️

    • @FERALDOG4
      @FERALDOG4 18 днів тому

      Women are wayyyy more pervy than Men.

    • @jaredackerman2920
      @jaredackerman2920 18 днів тому

      We might be Eskimo Brothers.

  • @dmosier
    @dmosier 18 днів тому +40

    Yep. Happened to me many times and to men I know. All of them .

    • @1Up_Gang
      @1Up_Gang 18 днів тому +1

      And how traumatic was this experience for you and your fellow victims? You were overpowered and haven’t been the same since? Damn brother can this victim narrative go away lol or are woman gonna save us all

    • @kairu_aname
      @kairu_aname 18 днів тому +2

      Are you going to do anything about it or just victim blame like the usual feminist narrative tells you to?
      Do something about it or be a sheep?

    • @1Up_Gang
      @1Up_Gang 18 днів тому

      @@kairu_anamedo anything about what? Idk what you’re even saying are you AI or a Russian bot

    • @kairu_aname
      @kairu_aname 18 днів тому

      You must be with your incoherent rambling so far.

  • @KaiSyversen
    @KaiSyversen 13 днів тому +3

    The bear analogy, these women that pick the bear, IS the bear!

  • @JamesMartin-rq7zx
    @JamesMartin-rq7zx 18 днів тому +1

    Thank you for speaking on that. Truth is we men gotta stand by and be touched or grabbed before we can even say hi what do you do for fun

  • @michellematthews8813
    @michellematthews8813 18 днів тому +13

    You are AWESOME Roma!

  • @tmacm2237
    @tmacm2237 18 днів тому +14

    And if the men went to the police the women know they won't believe him over her.

  • @shanep2369
    @shanep2369 15 днів тому +4

    I'm a straight man and I prefer the Bear. After we get out of the woods we can go shopping and my outfits will finally be color coordinated 😂

    • @willburke5843
      @willburke5843 7 днів тому +2

      Yup; I've known a couple "bears," and they're absolute sweethearts!

  • @viral_suppressor4154
    @viral_suppressor4154 15 днів тому +2

    Thank you! May you live forever!

  • @Marcin-vn4kk
    @Marcin-vn4kk 18 днів тому +12

    It's far worse than Roma said. Think about women at various positions (for example in schools) and boys that they have access to.

    • @StillNotCancelled
      @StillNotCancelled 18 днів тому +4

      Yep. I've always pushed back when people make jokes about how 15-year-old boys who get SA'd wanted it anyway.
      Do these people not realise that 15-year-old girls also "wanted it" and the problem is not that they are willing participants in the sex and lying to cover it up?
      The issue is not "wanting it", the issue is being too young to meaningfully consent to such a heavily skewed power dynamic. And that is just as true for boys. But instead of acknowledging that we make jokes about boys who get abused, whether it is by "hot schoolteachers that I wish I'd had in school" or catholic priests.

    • @Marcin-vn4kk
      @Marcin-vn4kk 18 днів тому

      @@StillNotCancelled I know cases with adult women and boys below 10. Not sex activities but stuff and talk that man to girl is considered more than improper.

  • @morrisgall1779
    @morrisgall1779 18 днів тому +20

    You are wonderful. You're exactly right ❤

    • @jamesturner2126
      @jamesturner2126 18 днів тому

      Her name isn't "exactly right." She's Chloe. ❤❤❤❤❤

    • @friendlyhippie69
      @friendlyhippie69 18 днів тому +1

      ​@@jamesturner2126 I don't think they were trying to call her by her name...

    • @jamesturner2126
      @jamesturner2126 18 днів тому

      @friendlyhippie69 I was trying to be cute.

    • @gerardford9706
      @gerardford9706 18 днів тому +1

      ​@@jamesturner2126 and you failed

    • @whiterodman
      @whiterodman 17 днів тому


  • @rusebros09
    @rusebros09 17 днів тому +4

    Oh agree completely. This happened to me recently.
    Ran onto someone i knew from college. Got talking. Said me and my partner are stuck in a one bed flat with 2 kids (due to fire safety issues found after the grenfell incident in the UK). Said how stressful that was.
    She took this as oh trouble in paradise. She also tried borrowing money every time i ran i to her. Even putting on fake crying in an attempted to get money.
    She admitted she liked me. I said i have a partner, im not interested. Tried offering me bjs even though i said i had a partner. Had ro say no on multiple occasions and blocked her.
    Since she has been blocked. She has rung me on a total of 9 different numbers including her mums and mums bfs phone. Even though i have told her to back off and leave me alone.
    If that was flipped around, that's classed as obsessive behavior and stalking. I am tempted to go police but i dont think they would do anything.

  • @Will-rl7lm
    @Will-rl7lm 3 дні тому +2

    I love this woman.

  • @sinkaelaynse1142
    @sinkaelaynse1142 18 днів тому +10

    Love your content girl. You’ve stuck thru the long haul

  • @SimplyETalk
    @SimplyETalk 18 днів тому +7

    Wow, I love your enthusiasm please they need to make more of you. ReaLTaLk. 🎉

  • @tskojec2740
    @tskojec2740 17 днів тому +2

    Thank you Roma. 👍🏼. Keep up the great work.

  • @stdjs
    @stdjs 12 днів тому +1

    Thank you RomaArmy what you said is so true and so relevant. Don't forget as well men are taught not to cry or speak out so how many are silently allowing these violations?
    Br, Dylan

  • @DirtyJamesUK
    @DirtyJamesUK 18 днів тому +8

    A lot of them are so creepy and horrible.
    Im used to women being horrible to me now, and I'm aware that some of them do it because they fancy me.
    How creepy lol to think that being rude and horrible towards me would get them a date.

  • @TheStp77
    @TheStp77 18 днів тому +5

    I literally woke up from a sleep with a woman that had no business being in my house climbing on top of me. Didn’t want the cops involved so i let her finish her business then went to sleep🤷‍♂️

  • @grahamkinkead1079
    @grahamkinkead1079 18 днів тому +1

    Thank you for being a voice for truth and logic.

  • @jasonworth6210
    @jasonworth6210 15 днів тому +1

    You are absolutely amazing! Thank you for being so real, so honest, and for NEVER pulling any punches!! I wish you represented the “standard” or “everyday” example of how women are, instead of being one of the incredibly rare exceptions to what has become the norm. You make me feel better about being a man. Keep on being amazingly epic, and never stop being epically amazing!!

  • @rfross771
    @rfross771 18 днів тому +12

    My ex is a full blown stalker of men

  • @englewoodmusic
    @englewoodmusic 18 днів тому +13

    We're suppose to be equal... in our own ways. People are a bit much these days... and I'm not even talking about like Putin... just average, everyday people lol

  • @professormidnight4127
    @professormidnight4127 18 днів тому +1

    You are a strong person. You are loved by the people in your comments. ❤

  • @johnhightshoe996
    @johnhightshoe996 16 днів тому +2

    This is so true. Was SAed a year ago by my now ex, literally handed the cops and DA a recording of her assaulting me but because it was all “over the cloths,” quote form the DA’s office, it didn’t meant the level of assault to prosecute, meanwhile she made up something about me with no proof whatsoever ever and I went through 6 months of hell fighting for my literal life because she said it was true, fortunately because it never happened and her story changed a couple of times the DA decided to dismiss my case. Still going to be literal hell again to get any kind of child custody in the coming months. I hate our legal system so much, it is literally rigged to let women accuse men of things with no proof and also to get away with things that no man ever could.

  • @davidleeroth1968
    @davidleeroth1968 18 днів тому +6

    amen preach it sister

  • @CS-jd7oe
    @CS-jd7oe 18 днів тому +3

    I'm a women and I agree with you 100% 100% of time on every single thing and video you post!! I'm with you and appreciate your content. Thank you. Stay strong. This is a real person not a bot and a 52 yr old white women. Fuck the haters gurl!!!!!

  • @earlwiebe5994
    @earlwiebe5994 16 днів тому +3

    Your awesome lady and very beautiful person

  • @Billyboy4209
    @Billyboy4209 17 днів тому +1

    Damn.. felt that. Thanks !!

  • @dantespicysausage9615
    @dantespicysausage9615 18 днів тому +16

    Advocating for wahmen❌️
    Accomplice for wahmen✅️

  • @weirdbeard5649
    @weirdbeard5649 8 днів тому

    Us men love you , thank you for all you do Roma 💯

  • @codyboone8263
    @codyboone8263 18 днів тому +8

    So how would one get out of a trafficking situation? They are forwarding my calls and shit.

  • @Kick_Rocks_
    @Kick_Rocks_ 18 днів тому +6

    Definitely worse than men.

  • @Yo_Gh0st
    @Yo_Gh0st 17 днів тому +1

    So damn true! Both sides have creeps! Respect each other period! I love this! Thanks for standing for us! Love and appreciate it

  • @J_Fine1582
    @J_Fine1582 16 днів тому +1

    Woman here…Women have become deluded in this and many other areas.
    You’re absolutely right.

  • @Raichous.mom.moments99
    @Raichous.mom.moments99 18 днів тому +2

    No man should have been through these things.

  • @zabrinamodes6680
    @zabrinamodes6680 13 днів тому

    You're so correct, not to mention the social media stalking, among many other disturbing behaviors. SA is NOT acceptable towards either sex. 😢 Makes me extremely sad and upset. Men deserve respect too.

  • @dawnettaseering7674
    @dawnettaseering7674 17 днів тому +2

    I agree 1000% with you. I choose the guy over the bear every time

  • @9crutnacker985
    @9crutnacker985 17 днів тому +2

    Generally when I tell people that I was s/a'd at age 3 (& possibly before) by my mother they seem to think it very unusual. I think that's not the case & it's just the social narrative. Also it's just s/a. There was physical & emotional abuse too. My best freind, in his 20s, was glassed in the face, while he slept, by his then girlfriend. Women can be just nuts & abusive as any man but it just not talked about.

  • @iamqueheffFAN
    @iamqueheffFAN 18 днів тому +1

    I’m so glad men have you. I have two sons and I’m already showing them your videos at a young age

  • @keenanschouten2582
    @keenanschouten2582 15 днів тому +1

    That hit home, it happened to me at least two or three times in my 20s. I just laughed it off otherwise I’d look like a jerk for getting aggressive with a woman.

  • @chaoticpuppet1
    @chaoticpuppet1 18 днів тому

    Where were you when I was fighting for my kids... and lost. And she ran off 5x across canada then begged me to help her. I'm glad you're here now to support men like I was when my kids were little.

  • @PhoenixRising251
    @PhoenixRising251 Годину тому

    Thanks Roma for addressing this issue. Being raised in a Christian home I learned boundaries and moral values. I had to deal with this same mess back in the early 80's in my teens. Not all but some females feel entitled to take advantage of a guy but the moment he turns her down the gay-card comes out! That's used as s scapegoat because they just can't handle being turned down even when they go as far as exposing themselves to you privately. They talk so viciously about a man's ego being toxic when I've found a female's can be just as bad if not worse! Turn down the advances of a female (especially one that knows she's gorgeous) and watch the fangs and claws of her inner being turn on you in a split second! They love to tease and feel like they're in total control but the moment you spin the table 180° she'll be in complete shock that you have enough control and self worth to tell her NO! 💯💯💯

  • @buddyray69
    @buddyray69 14 днів тому

    As a weekend muso.. i cant cant the amount times ive had my ass pinched of worse.
    Im not to fussed about it . But it certainly proves your point. 👍

  • @kishka7
    @kishka7 13 днів тому

    You're right! I'm 71 yr old married guy. Women are cruel, men really aren't. I've watched your vids for a few years. You're a cool gal!!

  • @coreybell1402
    @coreybell1402 17 днів тому +1

    Preach Girl.
    You're the best!!!!!

  • @PerfectoProvencio
    @PerfectoProvencio 6 днів тому +1

    This lady ❤

  • @ChrisWins007_81
    @ChrisWins007_81 18 днів тому +1

    Thanks Roma, sad to hear how horrible things are

  • @jamesdemus1498
    @jamesdemus1498 18 днів тому

    I Love 💕 this Beautiful ❤️😍 Lady

  • @Computinator
    @Computinator 15 днів тому

    Ive been inappropriately touched by women but one stuck out in particular and i can still feel shivers when i think about it. Im NEVER letting it happen again.

  • @andysutils
    @andysutils 17 днів тому

    This happens to me in the pub i go in every week. It should bother more me more than it does. I used to have this happen when i worked as a glass collector when i was not far from 16 years old. No joke!!

  • @michaelm001
    @michaelm001 15 днів тому

    Thank you for fighting for men Roma. I have much respect for you.

  • @acetheanimalttv2302
    @acetheanimalttv2302 18 днів тому

    You're a wonderful human being and we appreciate all the support. Keep up the great work 👏

  • @Albert-me1oe
    @Albert-me1oe 18 днів тому

    She hit the nail on the head.

  • @mariavenner2823
    @mariavenner2823 16 днів тому

    Amen! The funny thing is, it was my hubby's ex who told me about it and laughed about what she had done.

  • @danielwalker2459
    @danielwalker2459 4 дні тому +1

    Yup the second one happened to me. I was completely passed out drunk.

  • @monty7767
    @monty7767 18 днів тому

    Being in bed after several rounds and being forced to keep performing or the man is weak. Being gay or not a man are also favored ways to break the men's spirit. I'm so glad that we have women like you are sticking up for men. We are not all bad

  • @GwenJennings-kq1es
    @GwenJennings-kq1es 18 днів тому +1

    Heartfelt thanks for the recent video, your unwavering dedication sets a high standard.

  • @renagenic
    @renagenic 17 днів тому

    I had this happen, at basically every club I went to in uni.
    It is absolutely crazy, when you look at it with the genders flipped. If I did a tenth of what they did, ALL THE GUYS AROUND, WOULD BATTER ME. RIGHTFULLY SO, TOO.

  • @insanebardock4259
    @insanebardock4259 18 днів тому

    Oh trust me. As an Autistic person, some girls have flirted with me saying they love, when in reality, they got me in trouble and had me do things I would never have done. So yeah, toxic women are the worst, and it’s why I never date anymore because everyone puts on a facade. You are not alone in this, Roma. Stay strong and keep advocating for guys like me 😊

  • @johnfairweather9188
    @johnfairweather9188 13 днів тому +1

    I had a female regional manager put her arm around me during a meeting. I just stared at her and she got the message, but one month later I was let go. She was fired soon afterwards and I was asked to return, but I already had another job and a year’s salary they gave me to keep quiet about what was happening in our office.

  • @biefrostbridge
    @biefrostbridge 18 днів тому

    I totally agree. I got into a argument with a Christian leader teaching a Batter's Intervention course because he said rape was not valid when it comes to men being raped by women. I was always turned away from abuse shelters because I was a man. When can we get help?!! 3 shelters in the world in 2024 is unjust!

  • @STSwhisperer
    @STSwhisperer 18 днів тому

    You are so right about the double standards. It’s so obvious it’s ridiculous that it remains

  • @barrettpendleton3998
    @barrettpendleton3998 18 днів тому +1

    What angers me the most is that women will commit sexual assault and then laugh it off as if it were a joke, knowing full well that if a man did the same thing they’d be arrested. To them it’s all just funny, there’s no sense of accountability at all.
    That has happened to me twice now. I know guys who’ve dealt with worse.

  • @DanielR-qg5dz
    @DanielR-qg5dz 18 днів тому +2

    2024 woman is fine as hell

  • @aaronbuckmiller4728
    @aaronbuckmiller4728 18 днів тому

    Yup. 💯 Been in those situations before. And it's just laughed off by others.

  • @southeastbeast907
    @southeastbeast907 3 дні тому +1

    If I had to pick between a strange dude or strange woman, I would still pick the dude.

  • @aaronlutke6300
    @aaronlutke6300 18 днів тому

    Indeed. Had a female coworker that would often wear tight tops and shirts to work. Some days she wouldn't wear a bra. On those days she would ice her nipples and "accidentally" brush up on her male coworkers. Our direct supervisor was also female so no one ever bothered to talk about it with management.

  • @W.W.Podcast
    @W.W.Podcast 18 днів тому

    It absolutely happens and often, if I shared my experiences via first hand or visually, even woman would be ashamed of some of the woman in question smh