According to me Adwa Battle Victory was Spiritual power secret that's why we won the war. Now what is the failurety of the faith path to miss the roadmap & face these all demonic tasks? How can we compare & contrast these situations with the fore fathers & synchronize the world view?
Deacon Joseph. Your Amharic is good, but please avoid english words when you speak Amharic. Why you mixed the word Address instead of using Amharic word. For example *** Milash yistubet bitl yebeleTe yamiral.
logos ፣ the orginal language of Christ Jesus, the original language of God. It is crucial to dig deep down into history so as to bring the original manuscript, the original logos, the language of God ,back in center stage of religiion and spirituality. in what spirit Jesus spoke the nature of God,when he spoke them? the logos had been eroded and still under erosion ,the original manuscript of Christ Jesus, the logos of God had been under attack by different king of the time, the logos had been written, rewritten, edited , reedited several times to fit the agenda of the rulers, that is the main reason why there are so many belief within christanity.The original logos of Christ Jesus could not contain “ The only Truth” it can only contain in its manifesto “ A truth not the truth” God meets each person at individual level, not collectively, for each and every person is unique. God meets a person uniquely. When religious leaders force shove collective truth down the throats of people, the by product of such actions is division and strife. 😂😂😂😂
መምሕር ፣ፋንታሁን፣በእውቀት፣የታካኑ፣ብዙ፣በአለሞ፣ያሉ፣ፍልስፍናዎች፣አንብበው፣የዳሰሰ፣የተረዳ፣በአለም-አቀፍ፣ደረጃ፤ሞን፣አይነት-ርኢቶ-አለሞ፣በስተ-ጀርባ፣አለሞ፣በስተጀርባ፣ሞን፣አይነት፣ፖለቲካ፣እየነዳት፣እንዳለ፣ጠንቅቀው፣የተረዱ፣ሰው፣ናቸው፣ብዬ፣አሞናለው። አቶ፣ፍንታሑን፣የሚሰማቸው ፣ቢያገኙ፣ሐገር፣ ትዳር፣ድርጅት፣ሕብረተ-ሰብ፣ማትረፍ፣የሚችል፣ማእቀፈ-ሕሳቤ፣አላቸው። እኔ፣በቃንቃ፣ጠባብ፣አስተሳሰብ፣ተመርቼ፣አደለሞ፣የሞደግፋቸው፣እኔ፣ትግራይ፣ውስጥ፣አዲግራት፣አጋሜ፣በሞትባል፣ትንሽ፣ከተማ፣ነው፣ተወልጄ፣ያደኩት፣በአስተሳሰባቸው፣ብቻ፣እደግፍቸዋለው፣❤❤❤❤
እግዚአብሔር ይስጥልን ቤተሰባችን! እንደርሶ ያሉ ልበ ሰፊ፣ አእምሮ ብሩሃንን ያብዛልን!
እውነት ነው ወንድሜ ፤ኦርቶዶክስ ቤሔር የለትም
እናመሰግናለን እግዚአብሔር ያበርታችሁ
እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ባላችሁበት ይጠብቃችሁ ወንድሞቻችን ❤
The clarity of mind of teacher Fantahun is amazing. Teacher Fantahun is truly a thinker.
Thank you so much
በርቱልን ወንድሞቼ ተስፋዬን የምታለመልሙልኝ ስለሆናችሁ አመሰግናለሁ
Enamseginal kale hiwot yasemaln ❤❤❤❤❤
Good question deacon Josef about the main differences between orthodox vs protestants
ለውይይት የምታነሷቸው ርዕሶች እና የመፍትሔ ሀሳቦች እጅግ ገንቢዎችና ንቃተ ኅሊናችንን የሚያሳድጉ በመሆናቸው በዚሁ ቀጥሉበት ቃለ ሕይወት ያሰማልን መምህሮቻችን!!!
Thanks 🙏👍
god bless you
ወንድሞቻችን እግዚአብሔር እድሜ ከጤና ጋር ይስጥልን እኔም ከቤተሰቦቼ በላይ ጎረቤቶቼን እየፈራው ነው ያደኩት ያንን የፍቅር ዘመን እግዚአብሔር ይመልስልን
መምሕር ፣ፋንታሁን፣በእውቀት፣የታካኑ፣ብዙ፣በአለሞ፣ያሉ፣ፍልስፍናዎች፣አንብበው፣የዳሰሰ፣የተረዳ፣በአለም-አቀፍ፣ደረጃ፤ሞን፣አይነት-ርኢቶ-አለሞ፣በስተ-ጀርባ፣አለሞ፣በስተጀርባ፣ሞን፣አይነት፣ፖለቲካ፣እየነዳት፣እንዳለ፣ጠንቅቀው፣የተረዱ፣ሰው፣ናቸው፣ብዬ፣አሞናለው። አቶ፣ፍንታሑን፣የሚሰማቸው ፣ቢያገኙ፣ሐገር፣ ትዳር፣ድርጅት፣ሕብረተ-ሰብ፣ማትረፍ፣የሚችል፣ማእቀፈ-ሕሳቤ፣አላቸው። እኔ፣በቃንቃ፣ጠባብ፣አስተሳሰብ፣ተመርቼ፣አደለሞ፣የሞደግፋቸው፣እኔ፣ትግራይ፣ውስጥ፣አዲግራት፣አጋሜ፣በሞትባል፣ትንሽ፣ከተማ፣ነው፣ተወልጄ፣ያደኩት፣በአስተሳሰባቸው፣ብቻ፣እደግፍቸዋለው፣❤❤❤❤
Nurulin ❤❤❤ yabizalin endenate yalutn kiberulgni 🙏❤❤❤
ይኽ ትምህርት ልጆች ላሏቸው ሰዎች፣ ለመውለድ ለሚያስቡ ሁሉ ጠቃሚ ትምህርት ነው። ለኢትዮዽያውያኖች እዚኽ ልጅ ወልዶ ያሳደገ በተለይ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ሳይስፋፋ በነበረበት ጊዜ ወላጅ የራሱ የሆነ ኃይማኖታዊ አቋም ስላልነበረው ልጆቹ በብዛት ተበላሽተዋል ጠፍተዋል ባልሆነ መንገድ ሕይወታቸው አልፍዋል። ስለዚኽ ወላጅ አራሱን ማወቅ መጪውን ልጆች በሥነስርዓት ማሳደግ ያስችለዋል።
Thank you for your enlightenment history. We’re grateful to have you.
እንዴት ናችሁ።
ብዙ ጊዜ ፕሮቴስታንቶች አጥብቀው ከሚቃወሙት የታሪክ ሁነት አንዱ የአጼ ዘርዓ ያዕቆብ እና የደቂቀ እስጢፋኖስ ጉዳይ ነው እናም በዚህ ርዕሰ ጉዳይ ሰፊ ማብራሪያ ብትሰጡበት።
According to me Adwa Battle Victory was Spiritual power secret that's why we won the war. Now what is the failurety of the faith path to miss the roadmap & face these all demonic tasks? How can we compare & contrast these situations with the fore fathers & synchronize the world view?
ጃፓን ላይ የተጣሉትን ሁለት ቦምቦች በምንም መለኪያ አንደግፍም ግን የአሜሪካንን 4 የጦር መርከብ አስምጠው ሌሎችንም ብዙዎቹን አቃጥለው ብዙ ሰው ፈጅተዋል ጃፓኖች በፐርል ሀርበር ደሴት ላይ🤔ይህ ብቻ ሳይሆን የማረኩዋቸውን በሙሉ ይፈጁዋቸው ነበር🤔ይህም ብቻ ሳይሆን የኢምፔሪያል ጃፓን ወታደሮች ምንም ቢሆን እጅ አይሰጡም🤔ስለዚህ አሜሪካ ወሳኝ መፍትሄ ያደረገችው የኢምፔሪያል ጃ ፓንን በኒውክላር ቦምብ አስበርግጎ ወደ ጠረጴዛ ውይይት ማምጣት ነበር ዕቅዳቸው ተሳክተዋል::
I love to death Memhir Fanatahun ! Ajet Aris!
Deacon Joseph. Your Amharic is good, but please avoid english words when you speak Amharic. Why you mixed the word Address instead of using Amharic word. For example *** Milash yistubet bitl yebeleTe yamiral.
ኦርቶዶክሳዊነት እና የሰይጣን መንግስት የሚለውን መጽሐፍ እንዴት ማግኘት እችላለሁ ?
እናመሰግናለን ወዳጃችን! የመ/ር ፋንታሁን መጻሕፍት በቅርቡ በድረ ገጽ መገበያያዎች ላይ ይወጣሉ፤ የምናሳውቅ ይሆናል።
logos ፣ the orginal language of Christ Jesus, the original language of God. It is crucial to dig deep down into history so as to bring the original manuscript, the original logos, the language of God ,back in center stage of religiion and spirituality. in what spirit Jesus spoke the nature of God,when he spoke them? the logos had been eroded and still under erosion ,the original manuscript of Christ Jesus, the logos of God had been under attack by different king of the time, the logos had been written, rewritten, edited , reedited several times to fit the agenda of the rulers, that is the main reason why there are so many belief within christanity.The original logos of Christ Jesus could not contain “ The only Truth” it can only contain in its manifesto “ A truth not the truth” God meets each person at individual level, not collectively, for each and every person is unique. God meets a person uniquely. When religious leaders force shove collective truth down the throats of people, the by product of such actions is division and strife. 😂😂😂😂