indie band from Slovakia - videoclip is directed by Daniel Rihák. Maroš Hečko - vocal and music, Marcel Buntaj - drums (both from Free Faces), Martin Gašpar - bass guitar.
"And I feel you and you feel me- and that's all." I'm really really fashinated by this band. ste super :) niekto nevie, kedy a kde ony maju koncert? does anybody know, where and when I could see their concert?
Paradny klip aj musicka. MNAM
brutááálne . oooch...
Milujem tolke roky a stale budem ach
"And I feel you and you feel me- and that's all."
I'm really really fashinated by this band.
ste super :)
niekto nevie, kedy a kde ony maju koncert?
does anybody know, where and when I could see their concert?
@Teele1122 1. 2. 2012 v Slovenskom rozhlase :)
Zase mám čo počúvať dokolečka...