This man opened my eyes after he opened my eyes as a boy growing up in the sub continent where we have parents with massive religious obstinacy. Now I know religion is man made and also superfluous. I will forever be grateful to him.
Hitchens was fighting for us all. For all of us who wish a peaceful life based on liberty and division between church and state, no matter what religion you believe in. I am not religious, but I believe none of them should have any say in how we debate our laws and civil policy. No islam in politics, but muslims can certainly have a voice as individuals; and the same should be true for Christians and Jews, and Hindu's, and all. we need to protect ourselves from their aggression, and Hitchens was a bulwark against their tyranny of thought. RIP good sir!
+OneEyedKeys Been listening to a lot of what Hitchens has to say these last couple of days and have to draw the conclusion that a brilliant mind can still be self-serving and selective on facts that support one's aims and goals. Since when have we bought into the common notion that any on the major churches in Christendom are valid, true representations of Christian doctrine? All these churches, just like political parties or businesses, have PR people who do little, if nothing else, than promote an agenda and a idea. Hitchens has to have the Catholic church act as it does give him a soap box and an audience. If he met real Christians, books sales might decline a bit.... He will not acknowledge, because of arrogance and his insatiable desire to be right, that there is a big difference between a theocracy in practice and a theocracy in advertisement alone. He will not mention that Christians, unlike the Jewish peoples, do not hold the Old Testament to be a guiding or binding covenant, and by extension see those books as historical records - not a codified outline of Christian behavior, in so much as Christianity was not even around yet. Too imply this is, let alone state it as a fact is, at best, disingenuous. Or as Hitchens himself might say 'cheap'. Finally, the natural instinct and desire towards solidarity is not a permission slip that gives one the right to do as one likes, merely because one has found people of similar deposition or beliefs with which to socialize or congregate. Because, hypocrisy in a State is no less self-evident as it is in the individual. How long do such people need to 'fix' the world and society, the thinking here isn't new but rather centuries old - and yet here we are...and our would be teachers have done nothing except profit from merchandise while pontificating from their private little clubs. Why not carve out a society of your own, buy a chunk of wilderness, start from nothing, get a few grants from the World Bank and please, show us how to do it.
+shadowdawg04 Hitchens was far smarter than you give him credit for. You are quite right that he points out the awful nature of organised religion, however he also points out the ridiculousness and hypocrisy of the entire biblical story. The point you miss is that he isn't just ridiculing churches, he ridicules the very foundations of their belief systems. But you go on believing that 'true Christians' like you get it, and that you're religion is the right one, while everyone else is wrong.....
I'm on chapter four of his book and I can say that he is a brilliant man, filled with amazing and thoughtful arguments. I'm only 13 and yet I was able to understand it even though if you're going to read it you MUST have a dictionary near you at all times. lol.
@Jazzkeyboardist1 No because you've left literally hundreds of comments on dozens of Hitchens videos. I don't think I've every been on a Hitchens related video and not seen you sperging about how "chrissy hitchens killed my mother and single handedly caused the holocaust on the same day"
hitchens was flying home from the west coast when bad weather stranded him in Mississippi. After a few hours around these Bible thumpers the plane starts to board and hitchens comments to the flight attendant, “This place is truly, what one could describe as, the asshole of the world!” With a typical Southern drawl the attendant looks at hitchens and responds, “That means you’re just passing through then?” LOL
I was brought up a catholic and i couldn't get a hold of God or feel him either. I walked away and lived my life. Once I got myself in a hole because of the choises I hade made. God Showed up and what he brought to me was the cross. He reminded me that all my sins where forgiven and that I had no right to tell him who he is. Most importantly he left Me with a message that he alone is in control even when it dosn't seem like it. I never whent back to the catholic church but I am a christian.
🏣 God does exist, so you can stop relaxing and do your duty unto your Maker. ''I am the way, truth and Light.'' (Jesus)
@@curtmacquarrie which God. The 3rd commandment is you shall not take the Lords name in vain. What name is being used daily on peoples lips as a cuss word worldwide. Only 1 name is being used, the name of Jesus. Food fod thought
@@bucky4047 all I know about religion and faith history bloodshed after bloodshed. Plus why so many religions? As Hitchens said gods not great and how religion posing everything. Also you don't need religion to be moral.
Abovethecloud Peace Atheist communism took 100 million. Why does everybody think that being an atheist is a neutral position or an enlightened position? Its far from it. Christian humanitarian groups help more people than any possible atheist group.
@Johnf85 You stated a lot of information, in which I never necessarily questioned in my statement, and did not answer my question of how we determine what is deserving of punishment or reward in any sense? How do we determine that for humans, for God, for anyone when judging their actions?
"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones."
It's funny, without slagging of this show, how Hitchens vocabulary and way of speaking seems so much more adult and mature than any of these shows. Especially how Hitchens never laughed, just gave a winky smile...
there is something wrong with the description. Hitchens isn't an atheist, he is an anti-theist. Atheism is the absence in the belief of gods. Anti-Theism is the deliberate and conscious opposition to theism.
Twelve days later, however, Matteo woke up in his hospital bed as if nothing had happened. The doctors have not been able to explain this phenomenon. The boy said that while he was in a coma he dreamed of Padre Pio who smiled at him.
Blessed Padre Pio lived from 1887 to 1968. He was renowned for his many miracles, his legendary fights with the devil, his being at two places at one time (bilocation), and his ability to predict the future.
I am from Trinidad, parents are from Trinidad and I live in Trinidad. I used to be a christian up to about the age 16. I was very enthusiastic about it and that enthusiasm led me to learn more about my beliefs and the more I learned, the more I realized that my beliefs were not rationally sound. Logic and reason led me to not believe in God. If you want discuss further on the topic, I would be happy to. I am not really interested in throwing insults back and forth in a pointless argument.
What people choose to believe, it doesn't matter. People believe in something that may not necessarily be true but it gives these people hope and a way of life in which they do good things, disregarding extremists and the like. I'm an atheist and I really couldn't care less what they believe in as long as they don't try and drag me into their beliefs.
@Aliof i am a medical dr who was born into atheist family. i came to christ after experiencing a miracle. when my christian friends told me about Christ i told them i am keeping a open mind and will believe if i experience a miracle.God is not to blame for the evils men do. He is not obligated to stop evil as we humans see fit. He is the Lord and you are a mortal flawed human. i say the same to you . let see how tough you are when you are on your death bed
For all the "good" religion's done (if you indeed believe in such concepts as good and bad) could it not also be true that any Atheist could carry out the same act of "goodness" that a religious person would and not have to believe in the supernatural?
Matteo Pio (his surname was not given for reasons of privacy) was stricken with meningitis on January 20, 2001. His father, a doctor, placed him immediately in the Home for the Relief of Suffering, the hospital founded by Padre Pio. The boy's case was so severe that the doctor's initial diagnosis left no hope. The boy was going to die.
@strikenetter So right Back to the point, do you all think that Hitchens is right in saying that there is change in Zeitgeist, that there is a revival in reason?
"RIP" is an expression that's been used for thousands of years I don't see any reason to stop using it anymore than to stop giving people presents at christmas. I didn't mean to come of that harsh btw but I'm kinda tired of seeing people get worked up for no reason when someone else is just trying to be respectful. Sorry about that.
@thehitchrules I'm sorry, I know you posted this a month ago, but I just found this and I have to respond. I'm not trying to tell you you're wrong, I just have some questions. Doesn't this quotation do Atheism in? If anything Atheism, the belief in the absence of something, must be defended without evidence. In this sense, the only "evidence" Atheism has isn't "evidence" for itself, but "evidence" against all other religions. Couldn't I dismiss Atheism without a second thought if I stay true to
no worries, my comment came off a bit strident, and I too get tired of the endless debate with anonymous experts online. You are right, you were definitely being respectful. I guess I am hopeful that in my lifetime, we will do away with all these ingrained traditions that most are rooted in religion. One can dream. In any case, long live the Hitch online!
If I agree with Dawkins and any other atheist and evolution - what do I gain by rejecting God and relinquishing any idea of transcendence? Or rejecting the "fairy tales" as they like to call them? What then will be meaning in life - When matter+time+chance is the only reason I am here? What dignity will have I gained? Will "reason" fulfill that which God has already given me?
@iloveneytiri I think your referring to the Terri Schiavo case, of the late 90's early 2000's. She was in a Persistent vegetative state (which is brain-dead; no thoughts, feelings, emotions, sights, sounds, etc. Basically, the living dead) for about 15 years. Her husband, in the late 90's, wanted to pull the plug but her parents did not. It was a big issue of religion and morality. At one point, Bush (being highly religious) used his power of presidency and intervened.
Can we all just acknowledge that Christopher died last December and discontinue the "RIP" messages that seem to find their way to the tops of most Hitchens videos? RIP Oscar Wilde. RIP Poe. RIP Churchill. RIP Orwell. I mean come on.
Incredible how people can have the arrogance to claim to know something that is impossible to know. You don’t know that, you can’t possibly know that. As a fact, there’s more and more evidence to prove you wrong in every sense. Have you ever been dead ? If you have, please, tell me and I’ll change my mind. If not, do yourself a service and don’t embarrass yourself by saying such nonsense. Hitch was an incredible men, millions have acknowledged that, he is dead and that’s the end of it, there’s nothing more, no evidence for it, whatsoever. His soul does NOT carries on, but his legacy does.
@Johnf85 Yes I understood that much, but I was looking for a little more depth. Obviously many people disagree on what is moral/ethical or just. So how do we use our pre-frontal cortex/brain power to decide these things? What is the process like. The way you explained it is as if I asked "how you hit a baseball?" and you say, "you use your arms." It is true, but lacking direction and substance, but of course I am not saying you don't have those, but merely left them out.
@partyboy9013 I just wondered why you have to use vulgarities and obscenities to make your point. I am an atheist but I try to articulate my thoughts in an intelligent, cogent and concise manner yet so often I see people writing comments and almost every other word is an intolerant obscenity. Can you express yourself without using offensive language?, I would be fascinated to see your comments without the bad language. Can you do it?
@delic619 I did NOT say that "Isaac is a great man." You came up with that one by yourself. The only reason I'm even talking about the passage is that you brought it up, then neglected to mention that the killing you're railing against did not even happen.
People need to realize that "RIP" is an expression. It doesn't mean hes literaly resting in piece somewhere it's just something you say to show respect. Wow you're an atheist congratulations!! That doesn't mean when one uses "RIP" or "for god's sake" or say "Jesus Christ" when they're pissed that they are contradicting themselves they are just expressions. Stop taking yourselves so seriously. And yes I'm an atheist.
@MrTonyInchpractice I think the main issue is the involvement of religion with politics. The problem is not religion itself, it is a problem of theocratic authorities exploiting it. ePersonally, if religion becomes detached from the state, that will be sufficient.
@Pineconevolved Kid, im very sure i do. the very fact that western europe adopted arabic numerls around the medeaval time, goes a short way to showing the enormous influence that the arabic world had due to their mathematical, and scientific superiority. learning centres like Egyptian Alexandria maintained scriptures and learning that was lost due to the poor state of things in Europe. thanks for the concern kid.
The whole point of the significance of Neimoller is he didn't rise up against suppression, actually. I would say I'm more educated than you because you just used school as both an insult and a suggestion which is confusing. And because I'm now forced to break down what i meant by Niemoller, when you could have easily googled it. He is known for being an author of a famous historical poem depicting the rise of the nazi party, spot on showing the consequences of being passive.
@Dimajo I was not writing that they were connected. I never did. My point was that if you find an atheist there is the high probability he/she will believe in evolution.
He was raised Catholic, but there is also evidence that he rejected the sect he was brought up with. We are 80-90% sure he was christian, it's just which sect we're uncertain about...
Rest in peace, Hitch, You were one of the greatest advocates for free thinking and rational discourse. You will be deeply missed.
This man opened my eyes after he opened my eyes as a boy growing up in the sub continent where we have parents with massive religious obstinacy. Now I know religion is man made and also superfluous. I will forever be grateful to him.
"It's not because of my blue eyes and sexual charisma.' LMAO, that is awesome. Love the Hitch, good to see him clown on himself.
you have changed my life.
We have lost Christopher, but thank Christopher, we still have his books to share his
Hitchens was fighting for us all. For all of us who wish a peaceful life based on liberty and division between church and state, no matter what religion you believe in. I am not religious, but I believe none of them should have any say in how we debate our laws and civil policy. No islam in politics, but muslims can certainly have a voice as individuals; and the same should be true for Christians and Jews, and Hindu's, and all. we need to protect ourselves from their aggression, and Hitchens was a bulwark against their tyranny of thought. RIP good sir!
Been listening to a lot of what Hitchens has to say these
last couple of days and have to draw the conclusion that a brilliant mind can
still be self-serving and selective on facts that support one's aims and goals.
Since when have we bought into the common notion that any on
the major churches in Christendom are valid, true representations of Christian
doctrine? All these churches, just like political parties or businesses, have
PR people who do little, if nothing else, than promote an agenda and a idea.
Hitchens has to have the Catholic church act as it does give him a soap box and
an audience. If he met real Christians, books sales might decline a bit....
He will not acknowledge, because of arrogance and his
insatiable desire to be right, that there is a big difference between a
theocracy in practice and a theocracy in advertisement alone.
He will not mention that Christians, unlike the Jewish
peoples, do not hold the Old Testament to be a guiding or binding covenant, and
by extension see those books as historical records - not a codified outline of
Christian behavior, in so much as Christianity was not even around yet. Too
imply this is, let alone state it as a fact is, at best, disingenuous. Or as
Hitchens himself might say 'cheap'.
Finally, the natural instinct and desire towards solidarity
is not a permission slip that gives one the right to do as one likes, merely
because one has found people of similar deposition or beliefs with which to
socialize or congregate. Because, hypocrisy in a State is no less self-evident
as it is in the individual.
How long do such people need to 'fix' the world and society,
the thinking here isn't new but rather centuries old - and yet here we
are...and our would be teachers have done nothing except profit from
merchandise while pontificating from their private little clubs.
Why not carve out a society of your own, buy a chunk of
wilderness, start from nothing, get a few grants from the World Bank and
please, show us how to do it.
+shadowdawg04 Hitchens was far smarter than you give him credit for. You are quite right that he points out the awful nature of organised religion, however he also points out the ridiculousness and hypocrisy of the entire biblical story.
The point you miss is that he isn't just ridiculing churches, he ridicules the very foundations of their belief systems.
But you go on believing that 'true Christians' like you get it, and that you're religion is the right one, while everyone else is wrong.....
Thanks for your permission ...
shadowdawg04 if you believe that was permission, that's just one more misguided belief for your list!
Never have the bastions of the Pompous and Self-Important had such a worthy representative... you sir, are an unmitigated ass.
RIP Christopher Hitchens. You were brave, intelligent and honest.
This host is fantastic
We will miss you.
"God is not great" :-)
"If English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me". Priceless. :D
Hitchens is so, so good. An amazing and brilliant human being.
Long live freedom and democratic support
I'm on chapter four of his book and I can say that he is a brilliant man, filled with amazing and thoughtful arguments. I'm only 13 and yet I was able to understand it even though if you're going to read it you MUST have a dictionary near you at all times. lol.
Well it’s been a lifetime over for you… how’ve you been?
I loved hearing Christopher speak (or reading his articles).. what an intellect. Will miss his ways, outspoken and fearless !!
Now thats a surname Sttrrommmbogalaphopaliss..
Honey what should we name him
Wife : " something so fucking obnoxiously long that it will piss off every human being who first hears it."
Hey, lay off the greeks. They invented civilization and butt stuff.
@@bigmarty11288 Ha, Ha, well it.
This is an excellent interview. Christopher Hitchens' death is unsettling, a voice of reason has been lost.
Im glad I discovered this man. He makes you think which is always good
Hitchens will never be forgotten.
I agree, it is sad enough without the constant reminder, great point!
If atheism is a religion, then not playing golf is a sport.
@Jazzkeyboardist1 No because you've left literally hundreds of comments on dozens of Hitchens videos.
I don't think I've every been on a Hitchens related video and not seen you sperging about how
"chrissy hitchens killed my mother and single handedly caused the holocaust on the same day"
Golf is not a sport.
@Jazzkeyboardist1 Please do tell what science view on the iraq war is? How exactly does science prove or disprove the validity of a political act.
hitchens was flying home from the west coast when bad weather stranded him in Mississippi. After a few hours around these Bible thumpers the plane starts to board and hitchens comments to the flight attendant, “This place is truly, what one could describe as, the asshole of the world!” With a typical Southern drawl the attendant looks at hitchens and responds, “That means you’re just passing through then?” LOL
Sorry, where’s the joke??
We lost a truly great man, Rest in Peace
Christopher Hitchens, one of the greatest speakers of our time.
Is there a part 2, part 3, part 4, etc to this interview? Could someone upload it, please?
Did anyone else read that in Hitch's voice? I certainly did. Bravo, sir.
love to see Hitch with Gervais for some reason.
Hitch and Harris were gold together i must reccomend
"No children's behind left". The most eloquent, poignant, concise and genius way of destabilizing the myth of morality & hypocrisy in religion.
I like guys like Christopher Hitchens - the dead pan expression coupled with cracking jokes all the time
because the power turns off and theres no need of tension in the sytems so the humming thing shuts down
miss ya hitch
I was brought up a catholic and i couldn't get a hold of God or feel him either. I walked away and lived my life. Once I got myself in a hole because of the choises I hade made. God Showed up and what he brought to me was the cross. He reminded me that all my sins where forgiven and that I had no right to tell him who he is. Most importantly he left Me with a message that he alone is in control even when it dosn't seem like it. I never whent back to the catholic church but I am a christian.
Now we know that God doesn't exist, we can all relax and enjoy life.
Put your faith in Jesus Christ, life is short! You can't take your money, success, or property with you to the grave💀
🏣 God does exist, so you can stop relaxing and do your duty unto your Maker. ''I am the way, truth and Light.'' (Jesus)
@@MegaSage007 Which god exists?
@@curtmacquarrie which God. The 3rd commandment is you shall not take the Lords name in vain. What name is being used daily on peoples lips as a cuss word worldwide. Only 1 name is being used, the name of Jesus. Food fod thought
@@danlovepeaceunity fuck your lord
Refreshing ideas, thank you for all that you did CH.
Its ironic that he had “Christ” in his name.
If you are rich or a hunter it's ironic that you have the word "buck" in yours.
And the irony of religion that they choose everything for you before you even born
Abovethecloud Peace You obviously have zero understanding of faith.
@@bucky4047 all I know about religion and faith history bloodshed after bloodshed. Plus why so many religions? As Hitchens said gods not great and how religion posing everything. Also you don't need religion to be moral.
Abovethecloud Peace Atheist communism took 100 million. Why does everybody think that being an atheist is a neutral position or an enlightened position? Its far from it.
Christian humanitarian groups help more people than any possible atheist group.
Thumbs up in support for Mr Hitchens!!
its an honour to live at the same time as christopher hitchens.
Even a simple handshake at the start is something I appreciate
Christopher. Thanks for the knowledge you gave us all.
Thanks, Hitch RIP ....... Gone too soon - you have provided a light to follow.
Get the audiobook!
@Johnf85 You stated a lot of information, in which I never necessarily questioned in my statement, and did not answer my question of how we determine what is deserving of punishment or reward in any sense? How do we determine that for humans, for God, for anyone when judging their actions?
“No child’s behind left” - brilliant
"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones."
It's funny, without slagging of this show, how Hitchens vocabulary and way of speaking seems so much more adult and mature than any of these shows. Especially how Hitchens never laughed, just gave a winky smile...
All this time I've been waiting for an argument to sway me to faith, and finally the revelation has come! Praise be to Chewbacca!
Its already up, just search it
there is something wrong with the description. Hitchens isn't an atheist, he is an anti-theist. Atheism is the absence in the belief of gods. Anti-Theism is the deliberate and conscious opposition to theism.
It would be awesome if TheHour would post HD videos of their own show...
Who is the guy who hosts this? I like him
why'd you cut out the intro?
This interviewer is actually a good one. Thats progress of a kind...
Twelve days later, however, Matteo woke up in his hospital bed as if nothing had happened. The doctors have not been able to explain this phenomenon. The boy said that while he was in a coma he dreamed of Padre Pio who smiled at him.
Blessed Padre Pio lived from 1887 to 1968. He was renowned for his many miracles, his legendary fights with the devil, his being at two places at one time (bilocation), and his ability to predict the future.
i love this guy!
How I miss Christopher Hitchens
So saying something is there that you can't prove is rational. Makes perfect sense to me.
When did this first air?
What was he referring to about a dead woman’s family and the president?
I am from Trinidad, parents are from Trinidad and I live in Trinidad. I used to be a christian up to about the age 16. I was very enthusiastic about it and that enthusiasm led me to learn more about my beliefs and the more I learned, the more I realized that my beliefs were not rationally sound. Logic and reason led me to not believe in God. If you want discuss further on the topic, I would be happy to. I am not really interested in throwing insults back and forth in a pointless argument.
It’s been over a decade… but sure, I’ll take you up on the offer😅
What was that case he was talking about?
What people choose to believe, it doesn't matter. People believe in something that may not necessarily be true but it gives these people hope and a way of life in which they do good things, disregarding extremists and the like. I'm an atheist and I really couldn't care less what they believe in as long as they don't try and drag me into their beliefs.
@summerstone7 any chance of giving us some evidence beyond your sworn word?
@Aliof i am a medical dr who was born into atheist family. i came to christ after experiencing a miracle. when my christian friends told me about Christ i told them i am keeping a open mind and will believe if i experience a miracle.God is not to blame for the evils men do. He is not obligated to stop evil as we humans see fit. He is the Lord and you are a mortal flawed human. i say the same to you . let see how tough you are when you are on your death bed
" That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."-Christopher Hitchens .
For all the "good" religion's done (if you indeed believe in such concepts as good and bad) could it not also be true that any Atheist could carry out the same act of "goodness" that a religious person would and not have to believe in the supernatural?
Matteo Pio (his surname was not given for reasons of privacy) was stricken with meningitis on January 20, 2001. His father, a doctor, placed him immediately in the Home for the Relief of Suffering, the hospital founded by Padre Pio. The boy's case was so severe that the doctor's initial diagnosis left no hope. The boy was going to die.
I'm confused. What is the "right thing?"
So right
Back to the point, do you all think that Hitchens is right in saying that there is change in Zeitgeist, that there is a revival in reason?
"RIP" is an expression that's been used for thousands of years I don't see any reason to stop using it anymore than to stop giving people presents at christmas.
I didn't mean to come of that harsh btw but I'm kinda tired of seeing people get worked up for no reason when someone else is just trying to be respectful. Sorry about that.
How wonder how many atheists are watching this video and how many religious people are watching this video
@thehitchrules I'm sorry, I know you posted this a month ago, but I just found this and I have to respond. I'm not trying to tell you you're wrong, I just have some questions. Doesn't this quotation do Atheism in? If anything Atheism, the belief in the absence of something, must be defended without evidence. In this sense, the only "evidence" Atheism has isn't "evidence" for itself, but "evidence" against all other religions. Couldn't I dismiss Atheism without a second thought if I stay true to
George Strombolopolus.
on CBC three nights a week at 11 Pacific time. GREAT SHOW!
which one ?
no worries, my comment came off a bit strident, and I too get tired of the endless debate with anonymous experts online. You are right, you were definitely being respectful. I guess I am hopeful that in my lifetime, we will do away with all these ingrained traditions that most are rooted in religion. One can dream. In any case, long live the Hitch online!
If I agree with Dawkins and any other atheist and evolution - what do I gain by rejecting God and relinquishing any idea of transcendence? Or rejecting the "fairy tales" as they like to call them? What then will be meaning in life - When matter+time+chance is the only reason I am here? What dignity will have I gained? Will "reason" fulfill that which God has already given me?
You can tell this interviewer isn't 100% yank,This was just as good as dawkins
The interviewer isn't yank at all. He's 100% Canadian. This is a CBC program.
@iloveneytiri I think your referring to the Terri Schiavo case, of the late 90's early 2000's. She was in a Persistent vegetative state (which is brain-dead; no thoughts, feelings, emotions, sights, sounds, etc. Basically, the living dead) for about 15 years. Her husband, in the late 90's, wanted to pull the plug but her parents did not. It was a big issue of religion and morality. At one point, Bush (being highly religious) used his power of presidency and intervened.
Can we all just acknowledge that Christopher died last December and discontinue the "RIP" messages that seem to find their way to the tops of most Hitchens videos?
RIP Oscar Wilde. RIP Poe. RIP Churchill. RIP Orwell. I mean come on.
how did you figure that
Exactly, that was my point. His body has died but his soul carries on. He now knows he was in error.
Incredible how people can have the arrogance to claim to know something that is impossible to know. You don’t know that, you can’t possibly know that. As a fact, there’s more and more evidence to prove you wrong in every sense. Have you ever been dead ? If you have, please, tell me and I’ll change my mind. If not, do yourself a service and don’t embarrass yourself by saying such nonsense. Hitch was an incredible men, millions have acknowledged that, he is dead and that’s the end of it, there’s nothing more, no evidence for it, whatsoever. His soul does NOT carries on, but his legacy does.
@malithe00 Great anecdote! Where'd you hear/read it?
@Johnf85 Yes I understood that much, but I was looking for a little more depth. Obviously many people disagree on what is moral/ethical or just. So how do we use our pre-frontal cortex/brain power to decide these things? What is the process like. The way you explained it is as if I asked "how you hit a baseball?" and you say, "you use your arms." It is true, but lacking direction and substance, but of course I am not saying you don't have those, but merely left them out.
@partyboy9013 I just wondered why you have to use vulgarities and obscenities to make your point. I am an atheist but I try to articulate my thoughts in an intelligent, cogent and concise manner yet so often I see people writing comments and almost every other word is an intolerant obscenity. Can you express yourself without using offensive language?, I would be fascinated to see your comments without the bad language. Can you do it?
Yes..Most of my friends are atheists and they are highly moral. Where did they get it?
im currently reading the new testament and i can not believe that anyone can think that this really happend
law of nature disproves personal gods more then it proves them, which god do you believe in ?
@delic619 I did NOT say that "Isaac is a great man." You came up with that one by yourself. The only reason I'm even talking about the passage is that you brought it up, then neglected to mention that the killing you're railing against did not even happen.
@Vlizantavezennor You do know that Newton's *laws* of motion are incorrect?
People need to realize that "RIP" is an expression. It doesn't mean hes literaly resting in piece somewhere it's just something you say to show respect.
Wow you're an atheist congratulations!! That doesn't mean when one uses "RIP" or "for god's sake" or say "Jesus Christ" when they're pissed that they are contradicting themselves they are just expressions. Stop taking yourselves so seriously.
And yes I'm an atheist.
I suspect he did and leaned more than most of us (including clerics) about many religious figures.
@MrTonyInchpractice I think the main issue is the involvement of religion with politics. The problem is not religion itself, it is a problem of theocratic authorities exploiting it. ePersonally, if religion becomes detached from the state, that will be sufficient.
@Pineconevolved what does troll mean?
@Pineconevolved Kid, im very sure i do. the very fact that western europe adopted arabic numerls around the medeaval time, goes a short way to showing the enormous influence that the arabic world had due to their mathematical, and scientific superiority. learning centres like Egyptian Alexandria maintained scriptures and learning that was lost due to the poor state of things in Europe. thanks for the concern kid.
lol you almost made me cry...almost.
The whole point of the significance of Neimoller is he didn't rise up against suppression, actually. I would say I'm more educated than you because you just used school as both an insult and a suggestion which is confusing. And because I'm now forced to break down what i meant by Niemoller, when you could have easily googled it. He is known for being an author of a famous historical poem depicting the rise of the nazi party, spot on showing the consequences of being passive.
If creation is the only reason for existence, who created God?
@Dimajo I was not writing that they were connected. I never did. My point was that if you find an atheist there is the high probability he/she will believe in evolution.
@summerstone7 then what does he look like? pics or it didn't happen
He was raised Catholic, but there is also evidence that he rejected the sect he was brought up with. We are 80-90% sure he was christian, it's just which sect we're uncertain about...