Fitzy spawncamping that Zen perfectly encapsulates the feeling of playing support in OW2. I'd probably have a more enjoyable time pulling out my own nails.
Someone finally said something about support’s against sombra. Like the developers said you have a fighting chance but literally there is no chance. You are dead if the sombra has their monitor on
@@calliph I think that's your teams fault for not protecting you against them. You're a support, not a damage hero, which means you have to be protected
@@Inklow Yeah, in theory that's how it's supposed to work. But in practice, it was usually the other tank who peeled for supports in OW, but in this expansion pack, all the DPS just treat it like it's a TDM. I've noticed everyone who's vocal about liking the game is like 95% of the time a DPS. Like yeah sure, must be fun just dominating defenseless supports because nobody turns around.
I find they do that with any character like i play a certain support and the enemy support switched to that character cuz im doing good as them and its like that with dps and tank for me too
@@thedisturbedone5026 right 😂 i love it when they do though cuz i stay doing better and usually get potg and talk so much shit on them like "im just better, switching characters isnt gunna help"
Every time I go for a big EMP the same thing happens as what happened at 4:45. Something about being hacked suddenly turns every team into a squad of SEALS and they go ballistic.
The biggest takeaway I learned form this vid, is instead of putting your translocate behind the enemy team all the time, put it up on high ground, *ahead* of the enemy team. It let's you play more aggressive and double dip engagements where you didn't kill someone the first time 🧐
Yeah but all of em were too stupid to figure it out so unless your dealing with smart team then this is perfectly viable as a strategy i was also suprised that none of them went to look where she kept teleporting too
@@christiansantamaria7233 this part, you can see the direction translocator goes when used, if it keeps going the same direction it makes it so obvious and easy to move sombra off a good spot and make her play at a disadvantageous spot instead
@@danbobway5656 the biggest disadvantage to this and honestly to sombras entire kit is if you're too busy looking around for her translocating you're not with your teammates helping and fighting big fights cause they have one less teamate dealing with the annoying mexican girl
Another unspoken Sombra "rule": Sometimes (key word SOMETIMES), not hacking a health pack is actually the smarter move, cause you save almost 10 seconds on the way back to the action. And the enemy probably won't know you were even there, if your translocator is well hidden near the health pack. The translocator still makes some quiet "beeps" tho. So if they're paying attention they can still hear it.
I'd much rather zaryas than sombras, there's plenty of tanks you need to watch and not shoot at sometimes*, I think Sombra runs much more contrary to what makes overwatch fun which is the abilities/mobility, she FORCES you to fight her on top of being a natural flanking character which is a gross combo. *Zarya isn't even the worst tank in this regard, if she is low you can easily just risk popping her shield, I'd say sigma is worse because he can take take as much dmg as you can throw at him while getting an armor boost.
You won’t get how frustrating it is to see your self getting hacked every 3 seconds and just dying every single time it’s just the worst thing and even worst when your team is saying your not helping us
I could wipe the entire enemy team, have the dmg and elims, and cap the point while our Moira tries to dive the tanks and dies constantly…..but when we lose it’s cause Sombra.
She has too much reward for such low risk honestly they should either make the hacking animation longer or just…not let her hack in invis? She was already annoying to begin with in OW1 and now in OW2 she can stay invisible and spam hacks for her team to get picks…
@@hakzource8660 I find her +40% damage buff on hacked targets to be a little much. Thats so much damage its insane and you dont have abilitys for the 1.75 second you are hacked.
I think some people here are not very good in math.... 40.percent damage in someone is not that much first of all because sombra shots have very little damage and too much spread... Sombra by it self cannot kill other hero if the target is getting a minimal help or health So if zen put the orb in the target that sombra hacked,sombra cannot kill it, she will need to hit all head shot wich is not possible by the spread... You nee to help sombra and thats why she required high comunication and game knowledge, she is a flanker that will kill the weakest or damaged hero.. Please note that in overwatch 1 fitzy could kill Zen without hacking and without using translocator,in overwatch 2 he needs to hack zen, make damage translocate heal himself and shoot again to kill him... Sombra ia a cooperative character , someone need to shoot the target hacked with her in order to obtein the kill Results : she is not OP, and she is not hacking 100% invissible because you can see the stealth mode when she do that, also when she hack a health pack just open your eyes Who are OP in this game? Tanks!
Yeah the buff kinda gave her the best of both worlds. She was supposed to be a back line assassin but with the buff she is also a front line disruptor with no real counterplay. Literally no one likes this character.
POTG are pretty bugged now anyway, no idea what they did to it but theres so many POTG of just people dying and waiting for the respawn timer without any kills or assists
I still remember the time like a week after OW2 dropped, I played as Sombra, hacked a reaper while he was mid ult and it stopped his ult and he just stood there 😂 I could tell he was pissed
Sombra is busted. She has a 4 second cooldown hack ability, that allows her to do 50% more damage for the hack duration. Her invisibility can last forever and is undetectable unless she brushes past you. If she gets damaged she can use her translocator at any range onto a healing pack that regenerates faster. She can spawn trap people with ease and 200hp heroes have little chance to fight back, especially if a hero relies solely on their abilities to be effective (Cassidy being a perfect example)
Dont worry,you'll get all the hero/ranked inflated idiots coming in here to say "JuSt PlAy BeTtEr bruh" or go sombra vs sombra,or the famous,just counter play her by having your whole team focus her. So stupid. All of the above is possible in pro leagues or a five man stack. Not solo queue. There is literally 0 counter play,aside from reaching peak human reaction time when fighting a sombra. How many of us achieve that every 15 seconds? None of us. And if we do,we're immensely tired from the game,that we need a break altogether. Nah,sombra is gigabroken,as well as zarya. Period.
I will say that it looks really fun just pissing people off in your games lmao but I definitely can see how it ruins everyone else’s fun for your enjoyment
I'm glad that Sombra is finally viable after all those years of being a troll pick, but at the same time, I'm sure they are going to nerf her. She just spiked up the ladder so fast there is no way she is balanced
The fact her hack is aim assisted like Mercy heal is one of the reasons lol. I looker at the kill cam of sombra hacking me and their aim was all over the place still hacking me
I miss old sombra. When she wasn’t just a spam smg hero and when she actually took skill to play. In lower ranks shes now like old bastion, if you wanted an almost guaranteed win then that was your pick.. :(
Sombra is not op, the only thing that shud get changed is that ur team m8s should not be able to see the hacked enemies. If u nerf her damge she has nothing. She has 2 ways of dealing damge, her ult and primary fire.. thats it. The buff that she alone receives from the hack makes her competive agaisnt other heros. Remeber the hack only lasts 1.75 secs. So if ur a soldier lets say ,u can missile me as well as shoot for damage where as sombra only has her uzi. Her teleport can be at times as benifical for the oponent as it is her. Oh and her glaring weakness if teams stay as a is hard to kill some1 if there more than 1 there ( her ult bennifits from this ) but in moment to moment gameplay she cant hold her own in a group which is why she has the get out of jail free card. Blizzard have centred ow2 around raw damage output, so she needs the buff from the hack
@@manilowgamer I agree she is strong but fine atm, but a lot of people really dislike playing against her. They will do something to curb the number for sure.
@@QuiteLunacy Its sad honestly. All these crybabies crying about Sombra when shes finally able to compete with other DPS even tho most other DPS heroes out damage her still which is fine since she has utility. Even during her weakest phases people have always called for nerfs since her original release. People don’t realise how hard it is to pull her off not mention how rare Sombra players are. However, i am right with you, no matter what always a Sombra main.
@@ranjnijan3446 have you even seen what her ult does? There is literally no counter play to it. Not to mention the fact that it does dmg to people and has the 40% Dubuff on health, oh yeah she can also do an absurd amount of damage to someone before they even notice they’ve taken dmg….. seems balanced.
@@SifGreyfang ya. it absolutely is annoying to play against, but I wouldnt then assume I should switch because the people im killing are having less fun.
@@SifGreyfang I'd say it's more annoying. She does more damage, has no real counterplay and with the buff gets tanks killed for free if they decide to play aggressive at all. They really should have stuck with the assassin role they were going with ow2 instead of just giving her both roles.
@@themegaladon18 no counters? My guy roadhogs one two punch combo with his hook will make short work of her. Another sombra can hack her before she dips out And obviously the best counter play is listening for hee footsteps and staying together as a team since 90% of the time she's gonna sneak up on a support.
So ive noticed quite a few things thats changed Dvas ult blast area is bigger, sombra is a busted character to begin with she has the most abusive buffs and abilities i get that shes good at stunning abilities but if shes gonna turn invisible shes needs to have normal walk speed. Also when she hacks it spots through walls thats a nerf and buff ability. So not only can she turn invisible and move fast, she can nerf abilities mark players through walls and teleport using her secondary ability on top of her high fire rate high dps submachine gun she has multiple abilities thats other chars only have one of and she has 4
They basically took reapers dps applied it to a machine gun then took symmetras teleporter and moiras speed and invisibility but made it last longer and also took hit scan and gave it all to sombra
And on top of all of that she can hack health packs. So she doesn’t need a support to heal her. It’s amazing how terrible blizzard is for not realizing that sombra is busted before release. It’s lien they wanted people(especially supports) to have 0 fun
I like Fitzy but despise Sombra. If played correctly she can pretty much do what she wants with no repercussions. Turn invisible, teleport, speed boost, self cleanse, take away enemies abilities, reveal enemies through walls to entire team and the most powerful ult in the game. She's a game fun killer.
I wish can play genji for having fun. But at the moment sombra can cure my stress after shooting tank with baby sitting healer while genji attacking from out of nowhere.
The only way she can do all that is if you allow her to. She feeds off of teams with poor positions and lack of team work. You can easily shut a sombra down while not even killing her by doing things like spy checking, searching for her translocator, staying grouped so she can’t single anyone out. Doing those will make her job twice as hard
@@ken7007 if you are grouped you won’t need to look for the translocator cause it’ll be hard for her to kill one of you herself. Even then one of your dps can set themselves apart to look for it once the team fight has ended. Use ur head
@@ginevadiva Fitzy routinely does this to some of the highest ranked players in the world. Now go to the the other 99% of the playerbase thst is solo or duo Qing. What can we do? Try coordinating a pub game with randoms to counter a decent Sombra. Top 500 struggle to counter her - how do you think the rest of us are doing? Our best hope is to hope the Sombra player is bad. The thing is, with her tool kit, you don't have to be good to ruin average games. Once you learn the basics you can ruin almost any game with Sombra. Fitzy plays her at the highest level that is fun to watch, but most Sombra players aren't near his level and can still suck the fun out of most games. Many top ranked streamers on the world complain about her. We aren't alone, here.
Honestly, the only "hero" that causes me rage is Roadhog. That fucker can do insane damage with his hook combo, insane crowd control with his Ult, can heal itself like he was a healer and he is also a tank...yeah, someone at Blizzard is a real fan of that asshole. Sombra is tamed compared to it. and LOL at the Zen assassinations XD
I was just playing sombra and a guy got super mad at me for using my translocator wrong and I’m like bro we’re in quick play and I just unlocked sombra stfu and he proceeds to say the entire team is trash and call us the n word when we lose
No, the point of a competition is to try and win. Them not having fun can be a result of that, though. I wouldn't say the other team being miserable makes me feel particularly great, to be honest. I've been on the wrong side of too many stomps to not feel some sympathy there.
i think sombra is necessary for shutting down a lot of dps who generally go unchecked or breaking up a defensive comp but her cooldowns are way too fast. she needs to be pulled back a bit and increase her hacking cooldown imo
I really feel like this version of Sombra got too far away from her concept of stealth and sabotage. I would rather her get reworked to better fit this niche. There's a reason TF2 Spy was always loved: everyone had to watch their back instead of camping, and Spy Checking is fun. Catching a stealth hero is a huge reward, but successfully sneaking behind a camper and taking them out is fun, too. I would rather see a rework where she has 50 HP, and an OHKO attack when able to get someone who has been stationary, than have her turn into Zenyatta2.
The other day i was having hyper focused by the other team as dps, literally i show up and everyone starts looking for me , dont taking care of supports or anything else, i swap to sombra and started destroying their backline, the i got a "sombra tryhard af" "Im done with this sombra" muahaha feel the pain.
I remember getting a Widowmaker very upset becuase I switched to sombra to counter them after constantly being spawn camped by them lol, went form being one shotted by the Widow to eliminating them like 20 times 😂
I decided to try out Overwatch 2 and, during a custom game, I picked Sombra. Now, I had just finished grinding to unlock her and I’ve been in love with her kit ever since. And this dude is just giving me evil ideas on how to play her.
With torb and semetra combo back in game she can be contained better plus be aware how often she comes back. There's counters to every hero. In her case she can have 15 to 20 seconds at times where it's a 5vs4 which is usually a hold w moment.
Exactly this part, sombra is very easy to counter in reality, wait till she engages, she teled out? OK rush the enemy team now and kill them, now sombra can't do anything and needs to wait for a regroup
@@danbobway5656 yes exactly my team wasn't playing smart they was aggressive while I was gone and I couldn't have any complaints. Healer healing tank doing his job and I felt like I wasn't doing mine against their comp. So I switched off her and we win with a more aggressive team.
@@danbobway5656 this happened to me, all 5 enemies were on point and my team were in spawn, I just hacked a nearby healthpack and told my team to regroup lol
Fitzy spawncamping that Zen perfectly encapsulates the feeling of playing support in OW2.
I'd probably have a more enjoyable time pulling out my own nails.
Someone finally said something about support’s against sombra. Like the developers said you have a fighting chance but literally there is no chance. You are dead if the sombra has their monitor on
Constantly playing against genji, sombra and sojourn every match is simultaneously frustrating and incredibly boring as a support.
@@calliph I think that's your teams fault for not protecting you against them. You're a support, not a damage hero, which means you have to be protected
@@Inklow Yeah, in theory that's how it's supposed to work.
But in practice, it was usually the other tank who peeled for supports in OW, but in this expansion pack, all the DPS just treat it like it's a TDM.
I've noticed everyone who's vocal about liking the game is like 95% of the time a DPS. Like yeah sure, must be fun just dominating defenseless supports because nobody turns around.
just go Moira
I love how enemy teams will switch to sombra when they lose to her and will have no idea how to play her lol.
Frrr lmaoooo
I find they do that with any character like i play a certain support and the enemy support switched to that character cuz im doing good as them and its like that with dps and tank for me too
@@biggulppearson7324 I know and it's annoying af. Because if they eliminate you they shit talk even though you'll be up on them by 5 kills lol
@@thedisturbedone5026 right 😂 i love it when they do though cuz i stay doing better and usually get potg and talk so much shit on them like "im just better, switching characters isnt gunna help"
Happens with sym too
you are this zenyatta's sleep paralysis demon
Lol, the evil laugh is such a Sombra trait and awesome.
Every time I go for a big EMP the same thing happens as what happened at 4:45. Something about being hacked suddenly turns every team into a squad of SEALS and they go ballistic.
Yeah well he rushed in way before his team was ready and expected it to somehow work. Not saying the idea wasn't good but it's a team game
The biggest takeaway I learned form this vid, is instead of putting your translocate behind the enemy team all the time, put it up on high ground, *ahead* of the enemy team. It let's you play more aggressive and double dip engagements where you didn't kill someone the first time 🧐
Yeah but all of em were too stupid to figure it out so unless your dealing with smart team then this is perfectly viable as a strategy i was also suprised that none of them went to look where she kept teleporting too
@@christiansantamaria7233 this part, you can see the direction translocator goes when used, if it keeps going the same direction it makes it so obvious and easy to move sombra off a good spot and make her play at a disadvantageous spot instead
@@danbobway5656 the biggest disadvantage to this and honestly to sombras entire kit is if you're too busy looking around for her translocating you're not with your teammates helping and fighting big fights cause they have one less teamate dealing with the annoying mexican girl
That Zen wakes up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat due to Fitzy's Sombra.
I love widow's flicks at early game. So calculated, so pretable and entertaining.
Another unspoken Sombra "rule": Sometimes (key word SOMETIMES), not hacking a health pack is actually the smarter move, cause you save almost 10 seconds on the way back to the action. And the enemy probably won't know you were even there, if your translocator is well hidden near the health pack. The translocator still makes some quiet "beeps" tho. So if they're paying attention they can still hear it.
I've just started playing Sombra, so thanks!
In my first OW2 game with Sombra I got a "gg everyone but Sombra" from the enemy Lucio.
Nah that could’ve been me
Crutch character
@@johngulligan4021 same TBH 💀
@@TheRealBillix how is lucio a crutch character?
@@morocuda2090 he’s talking about sombra
I love the Wanted/Fitzyhere combo. They're such a good vibe duo.
Def one of my fav duos to watch
Wanted is so friggin wholesome. Fits very well with Fitzy
Can we get an F for Zen
oui oui fothermucker
Fitzy woke up today with the intent to feed on Zen's tears
I much rather play against a good Sombra than another Zarya that punishes you for shooting in a shooter
I'd much rather zaryas than sombras, there's plenty of tanks you need to watch and not shoot at sometimes*, I think Sombra runs much more contrary to what makes overwatch fun which is the abilities/mobility, she FORCES you to fight her on top of being a natural flanking character which is a gross combo.
*Zarya isn't even the worst tank in this regard, if she is low you can easily just risk popping her shield, I'd say sigma is worse because he can take take as much dmg as you can throw at him while getting an armor boost.
sombra is not fun to play against 😊
@@andrewkvk1707 ii think the most contrary to what makes overwatch fun is widow, one hit shots are stupid as fuck in a game like this
@@zombspideyspecial Widow takes skill.
@@yuno4373loud red buzzer
You won’t get how frustrating it is to see your self getting hacked every 3 seconds and just dying every single time it’s just the worst thing and even worst when your team is saying your not helping us
I could wipe the entire enemy team, have the dmg and elims, and cap the point while our Moira tries to dive the tanks and dies constantly…..but when we lose it’s cause Sombra.
She has too much reward for such low risk honestly they should either make the hacking animation longer or just…not let her hack in invis? She was already annoying to begin with in OW1 and now in OW2 she can stay invisible and spam hacks for her team to get picks…
@@hakzource8660 I find her +40% damage buff on hacked targets to be a little much. Thats so much damage its insane and you dont have abilitys for the 1.75 second you are hacked.
I think some people here are not very good in math.... 40.percent damage in someone is not that much first of all because sombra shots have very little damage and too much spread... Sombra by it self cannot kill other hero if the target is getting a minimal help or health
So if zen put the orb in the target that sombra hacked,sombra cannot kill it, she will need to hit all head shot wich is not possible by the spread...
You nee to help sombra and thats why she required high comunication and game knowledge, she is a flanker that will kill the weakest or damaged hero..
Please note that in overwatch 1 fitzy could kill Zen without hacking and without using translocator,in overwatch 2 he needs to hack zen, make damage translocate heal himself and shoot again to kill him... Sombra ia a cooperative character , someone need to shoot the target hacked with her in order to obtein the kill
Results : she is not OP, and she is not hacking 100% invissible because you can see the stealth mode when she do that, also when she hack a health pack just open your eyes
Who are OP in this game? Tanks!
@@rodolfoantonio1048 frfr a good junker queen 👸 is hard as he** to kill
@@rodolfoantonio1048 this little Einstein really compared sombra to tanks hahahaha
as a doom main I completely agree lol every time I'm in the back line sombra just comes like nah not today
Yeah the buff kinda gave her the best of both worlds. She was supposed to be a back line assassin but with the buff she is also a front line disruptor with no real counterplay. Literally no one likes this character.
Wow you're super good for going invisible, neutering a lone support and then becoming immune to damage as you teleport away! Truly inspiring
I honestly don't blame em, enemy team gets a good Sombra and you'll find yourself one tapped for having the audacity to walk in her field of view.
Widowmaker anyone?
@@manilowgamer what
POTG are pretty bugged now anyway, no idea what they did to it but theres so many POTG of just people dying and waiting for the respawn timer without any kills or assists
Fr like I had a 3 kill play and the person to get POTG literally only had one kill and no assists
Healer hunting is the main Strategy in this game. This shit gets old fast.
They never expect the Fitzy Widow
Zen got POTG off a Trancendence play when Somba causes a Team Kill?! Ok.
Play of the game still makes no sense in OW2
Blizzard might hear you!
I still remember the time like a week after OW2 dropped, I played as Sombra, hacked a reaper while he was mid ult and it stopped his ult and he just stood there 😂 I could tell he was pissed
In OW1 Sombra was good in the right hands but you had to sacrifice raw DPS. Now all DPS cant do damage so you might as well use her
“Sombra is too strong”
Starts the video as widowmarker
Just a little French
@@Fitzyhere it’s like a lovely appetizer!!
I’ve gotten told to end my life multiple times as sombra it is the funniest shit ever
Sombra is busted. She has a 4 second cooldown hack ability, that allows her to do 50% more damage for the hack duration. Her invisibility can last forever and is undetectable unless she brushes past you. If she gets damaged she can use her translocator at any range onto a healing pack that regenerates faster. She can spawn trap people with ease and 200hp heroes have little chance to fight back, especially if a hero relies solely on their abilities to be effective (Cassidy being a perfect example)
Dont worry,you'll get all the hero/ranked inflated idiots coming in here to say "JuSt PlAy BeTtEr bruh" or go sombra vs sombra,or the famous,just counter play her by having your whole team focus her.
So stupid.
All of the above is possible in pro leagues or a five man stack. Not solo queue.
There is literally 0 counter play,aside from reaching peak human reaction time when fighting a sombra. How many of us achieve that every 15 seconds? None of us. And if we do,we're immensely tired from the game,that we need a break altogether.
Nah,sombra is gigabroken,as well as zarya.
@@Visionate. it's funny that Mei was taken out of the selection, but these busted ass characters get to keep deleting everyone with ease
This actually helped me understand how to play sombra in OW2
All these years playing Overwatch and it never occurred to me to use the newly opened spawn to character switch
If you're playing overwatch to have fun you have already messed up.
I will say that it looks really fun just pissing people off in your games lmao but I definitely can see how it ruins everyone else’s fun for your enjoyment
That zen could have just as easily switched to something with more mobility instead of complaining.
I'm glad that Sombra is finally viable after all those years of being a troll pick, but at the same time, I'm sure they are going to nerf her. She just spiked up the ladder so fast there is no way she is balanced
Well....She's getting nerfed this next patch. Enjoy her while it lasts lol
viable ? she's broken lol
The fact her hack is aim assisted like Mercy heal is one of the reasons lol. I looker at the kill cam of sombra hacking me and their aim was all over the place still hacking me
Yeah she is op as hell, and I'm looking forward to the nerfs so that she can be hard to play once again
@@wu2king842 OW has never been about aim. lol
Zen getting his revenge by stealing your potg
Man really didn’t swap zen against a sombra.
I would've went with Moira
Just came to say congrats on 150K fam!!!🎉 Love your content✌️
This is some terrifying Sombra gameplay
That laugh!!! 🤣🤣🤣 So menacing!
Congrats on 150k! Well deserved.
Fitzy can probably pull off a mean doflamingo laugh if he tried lol
“no one is having fun” our team is 😂
Sombra is such a menace right now it's great
I miss old sombra. When she wasn’t just a spam smg hero and when she actually took skill to play. In lower ranks shes now like old bastion, if you wanted an almost guaranteed win then that was your pick.. :(
Fitzys so evil omg the evil laugh and everything
Sombra is not op, the only thing that shud get changed is that ur team m8s should not be able to see the hacked enemies. If u nerf her damge she has nothing. She has 2 ways of dealing damge, her ult and primary fire.. thats it. The buff that she alone receives from the hack makes her competive agaisnt other heros. Remeber the hack only lasts 1.75 secs. So if ur a soldier lets say ,u can missile me as well as shoot for damage where as sombra only has her uzi. Her teleport can be at times as benifical for the oponent as it is her.
Oh and her glaring weakness if teams stay as a is hard to kill some1 if there more than 1 there ( her ult bennifits from this ) but in moment to moment gameplay she cant hold her own in a group which is why she has the get out of jail free card. Blizzard have centred ow2 around raw damage output, so she needs the buff from the hack
Zen: "Why you bully me?"
Honestly I see her getting a nerf 100% the first rollout. Likely the 40% damage on hacked. Doesn't stop me from using her every game though.
She's fine, its literally all she has lol.
@@manilowgamer I agree she is strong but fine atm, but a lot of people really dislike playing against her. They will do something to curb the number for sure.
@@QuiteLunacy yes I can she that maybe like 30 or 20 damage
@@QuiteLunacy Its sad honestly. All these crybabies crying about Sombra when shes finally able to compete with other DPS even tho most other DPS heroes out damage her still which is fine since she has utility. Even during her weakest phases people have always called for nerfs since her original release. People don’t realise how hard it is to pull her off not mention how rare Sombra players are. However, i am right with you, no matter what always a Sombra main.
@@ranjnijan3446 have you even seen what her ult does? There is literally no counter play to it. Not to mention the fact that it does dmg to people and has the 40% Dubuff on health, oh yeah she can also do an absurd amount of damage to someone before they even notice they’ve taken dmg….. seems balanced.
Im not sure how people on the enemy team can seriously think its your responsibility to ensure they have fun.
Its mainly cause a really good Sombra can be the most annoying player to fight against like a really good tracer player
@@SifGreyfang ya. it absolutely is annoying to play against, but I wouldnt then assume I should switch because the people im killing are having less fun.
@@mikey13086 oh obviously yeah. Fuck the other team XD if you're putting them on edge then you're doing your job as sombra
@@SifGreyfang I'd say it's more annoying. She does more damage, has no real counterplay and with the buff gets tanks killed for free if they decide to play aggressive at all. They really should have stuck with the assassin role they were going with ow2 instead of just giving her both roles.
@@themegaladon18 no counters? My guy roadhogs one two punch combo with his hook will make short work of her.
Another sombra can hack her before she dips out
And obviously the best counter play is listening for hee footsteps and staying together as a team since 90% of the time she's gonna sneak up on a support.
I'm kinda glad I'm not the only one who laughs my arse off when I kill someone from spawn and they aren't expecting it
Fitzy woke up and chose violence 😂
So ive noticed quite a few things thats changed Dvas ult blast area is bigger, sombra is a busted character to begin with she has the most abusive buffs and abilities i get that shes good at stunning abilities but if shes gonna turn invisible shes needs to have normal walk speed. Also when she hacks it spots through walls thats a nerf and buff ability. So not only can she turn invisible and move fast, she can nerf abilities mark players through walls and teleport using her secondary ability on top of her high fire rate high dps submachine gun she has multiple abilities thats other chars only have one of and she has 4
They basically took reapers dps applied it to a machine gun then took symmetras teleporter and moiras speed and invisibility but made it last longer and also took hit scan and gave it all to sombra
And on top of all of that she can hack health packs. So she doesn’t need a support to heal her. It’s amazing how terrible blizzard is for not realizing that sombra is busted before release. It’s lien they wanted people(especially supports) to have 0 fun
@@Crookgotjokes u seem new to overwatch cause all of what u said isn't even close to what sombras kit is
I like Fitzy but despise Sombra. If played correctly she can pretty much do what she wants with no repercussions. Turn invisible, teleport, speed boost, self cleanse, take away enemies abilities, reveal enemies through walls to entire team and the most powerful ult in the game. She's a game fun killer.
I wish can play genji for having fun. But at the moment sombra can cure my stress after shooting tank with baby sitting healer while genji attacking from out of nowhere.
The only way she can do all that is if you allow her to. She feeds off of teams with poor positions and lack of team work. You can easily shut a sombra down while not even killing her by doing things like spy checking, searching for her translocator, staying grouped so she can’t single anyone out. Doing those will make her job twice as hard
@@ginevadiva if they are grouped up how can they look for the translocator make sense
She just risk free
@@ken7007 if you are grouped you won’t need to look for the translocator cause it’ll be hard for her to kill one of you herself. Even then one of your dps can set themselves apart to look for it once the team fight has ended. Use ur head
@@ginevadiva Fitzy routinely does this to some of the highest ranked players in the world. Now go to the the other 99% of the playerbase thst is solo or duo Qing. What can we do? Try coordinating a pub game with randoms to counter a decent Sombra. Top 500 struggle to counter her - how do you think the rest of us are doing?
Our best hope is to hope the Sombra player is bad. The thing is, with her tool kit, you don't have to be good to ruin average games. Once you learn the basics you can ruin almost any game with Sombra. Fitzy plays her at the highest level that is fun to watch, but most Sombra players aren't near his level and can still suck the fun out of most games.
Many top ranked streamers on the world complain about her. We aren't alone, here.
👹”The zen is mine”
Support Sombra is crazy fun. Who needs to be Main DPS when you can hack enemies and make them die quicker
thats what I am saying, I consider sombra more of a support than a dps. Tho I feel bad when i hack the entire team but non of them die :/
BRUH, why did we buff Sombra THIS MUCH??? Its crazy, she was already good in the beta. This was a huge mistake!
She not that op unless your team is following up
She was borderline useless on the beta
She was horrible in the beta. No ability lock, double detect radius, just more damage. Which was a lot harder to pull off
She’s getting nerfed 😊
The Fitzy widow kinda clean i could never hit those
Your Baptiste sounded like he was talking through an intercom.
“No one is having fun because of you sombra” was I supposed to throw the game for your entertainment?
*No Zens were harmed in making this Video.*
I love new Sombra. It gives me more opportunities to spawncamp Zen without being noticed
its crazy how youre on 150k subs now! I joined when u were like 10k subs and Sobra was underrated! Congrats tho!
“Oui oui mthrfkr”
I genuinely think this is the first time I've heard Fitzy curse. I know it was just for the meme, but still!
Sombra is definitely a problem my last 4 games came with messages
They are right though. Have you ever played ball and had some fun till they pick Sombra and it all goes to shit
Evil fitzy in the beginning there, lol.
Sombra and Reinhardt are insane. Reaper feel like he's using squirt guns.
this is fucking peak fitzy i love it so much if he gets into this full terror mode 😂
Sombra is so funny to play every game someone is rageing😂
Honestly, the only "hero" that causes me rage is Roadhog. That fucker can do insane damage with his hook combo, insane crowd control with his Ult, can heal itself like he was a healer and he is also a tank...yeah, someone at Blizzard is a real fan of that asshole. Sombra is tamed compared to it. and LOL at the Zen assassinations XD
He is also the worst tank to pick 😅 you must be in bronze
You can press the ping button when you die to ping who killed you and their position. Have to do it right when you die before the kill cam starts
It's the fact that I have to call my games as Sombra instead of doing what I want. I'm trying to get better about backfill and focusing the healers
Sokay just look up all fitzy vid he is quite resourceful as sombra main 😂😊
Love the Wanted special appearence.
I was just playing sombra and a guy got super mad at me for using my translocator wrong and I’m like bro we’re in quick play and I just unlocked sombra stfu and he proceeds to say the entire team is trash and call us the n word when we lose
I mean he isn’t wrong, sombra ruins the fun in games…..
that guy avoid has said the same thing to me
Lol that’s the fun part of Sombra.. Also, pretty sure the point of a competitive anything is for the other team to not have fun
No, the point of a competition is to try and win. Them not having fun can be a result of that, though.
I wouldn't say the other team being miserable makes me feel particularly great, to be honest. I've been on the wrong side of too many stomps to not feel some sympathy there.
Yeah they need to nerf her asap she went from actually being a fun disabling character which takes skill to a basically safer tracer
You're so evil Mr. Fitzy! xD
And Supports are getting POTGs! Very nice!
16:25 Un-Lucioball.
I'll see myself out.
i think sombra is necessary for shutting down a lot of dps who generally go unchecked or breaking up a defensive comp but her cooldowns are way too fast. she needs to be pulled back a bit and increase her hacking cooldown imo
Wen I see sombra i just leave waste of time trying to beat it
Happened to me earlier lmao some guy said u had no friends just said “skill issue”
I really feel like this version of Sombra got too far away from her concept of stealth and sabotage. I would rather her get reworked to better fit this niche. There's a reason TF2 Spy was always loved: everyone had to watch their back instead of camping, and Spy Checking is fun. Catching a stealth hero is a huge reward, but successfully sneaking behind a camper and taking them out is fun, too. I would rather see a rework where she has 50 HP, and an OHKO attack when able to get someone who has been stationary, than have her turn into Zenyatta2.
u almost got clapped by that zen tho. lmao 🤣 1:57
Grats on the 150k man :P
Love sombra with hacking abilities while invisible ❤
Most exiting window maker gameplay
Sombra is by far the worst character in the game. Needs to be removed.
The other day i was having hyper focused by the other team as dps, literally i show up and everyone starts looking for me , dont taking care of supports or anything else, i swap to sombra and started destroying their backline, the i got a "sombra tryhard af" "Im done with this sombra" muahaha feel the pain.
I remember getting a Widowmaker very upset becuase I switched to sombra to counter them after constantly being spawn camped by them lol, went form being one shotted by the Widow to eliminating them like 20 times 😂
stranger to fitzy : hey man what got you turned on?
fitzy : spawn camping zen as sombra ofc
stranger :damn... i think imma got turned on by that too
I decided to try out Overwatch 2 and, during a custom game, I picked Sombra. Now, I had just finished grinding to unlock her and I’ve been in love with her kit ever since. And this dude is just giving me evil ideas on how to play her.
11:44 no one even looks at you at this point lol.
Fitzy is the fun police! Playing Sombra and Widow. aiaiai :)
Crazy and creative Sombra gameplay
Fitzy Evil arc. Embrace the Web
a friend of mine has already done 88 sombra hacks and in the same game I made 59 tracer kills
and i'm not main tracer, i'm main mercy
With torb and semetra combo back in game she can be contained better plus be aware how often she comes back. There's counters to every hero. In her case she can have 15 to 20 seconds at times where it's a 5vs4 which is usually a hold w moment.
Exactly this part, sombra is very easy to counter in reality, wait till she engages, she teled out? OK rush the enemy team now and kill them, now sombra can't do anything and needs to wait for a regroup
@@danbobway5656 yes exactly my team wasn't playing smart they was aggressive while I was gone and I couldn't have any complaints. Healer healing tank doing his job and I felt like I wasn't doing mine against their comp. So I switched off her and we win with a more aggressive team.
@@danbobway5656 this happened to me, all 5 enemies were on point and my team were in spawn, I just hacked a nearby healthpack and told my team to regroup lol
which is why getting picks in the enemy backline is so important