Great job Amy. So happy you are keeping the old recipes. My youngest daughter always wants Underbrinks for her birthday breakfast. We take it down to the river and enjoy a great start to the day. She always gets an angel food cupcake for lunch but can never wait until then to eat it.
Erma Walbring who worked many years for Claude Underbrink created and named the Radio Roll after the dial on an old radio. Her son Lew Walbring can verify as her granddaughter Lisa RAPP can attest.
Great job Amy. So happy you are keeping the old recipes. My youngest daughter always wants Underbrinks for her birthday breakfast. We take it down to the river and enjoy a great start to the day. She always gets an angel food cupcake for lunch but can never wait until then to eat it.
Erma Walbring who worked many years for Claude Underbrink created and named the Radio Roll after the dial on an old radio. Her son Lew Walbring can verify as her granddaughter Lisa RAPP can attest.