Capturing Calmness- how to train calmness in dogs

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
  • This video is a tutorial on how to teach your puppy or dog to be calm.
    Some dogs need help to learn how to relax. Calmness does not come naturally to some breeds .By reinforcing your dog for being calm, your dog will start to choose calmer behaviors in the future and actually enjoy being calm.
    Tips for teaching a Default Settle:
    Don't drop treats if the dog looks up at your hand as you move to give the dog the treat, instead try again later.
    Don't cue the dog "down". It works better if the dog figures it out on his own and CHOOSES to lay down.
    Use high value treats like real meat or cheese for such a wonderful behavior.
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    #dogtraining #dogtrainingsettle #capturingcalmness


  • @jenniferalexander6474
    @jenniferalexander6474 Рік тому +409

    As much as I wish I had sent my dog to Brandon for training before bringing him home I am so grateful for this down-to-earth, practical guide. His training techniques and tips really work. Thank you as well for dedicating your life's work to rescue dogs, and to rescuing those of us who want the very best for our 4-legged family members.

  • @marniegeorge4392
    @marniegeorge4392 10 років тому +118

    i use a lot of your amazing videos for clients, i would love to see you START this one with a really large hyper dog because people don't know how to start and find that single moment of calmness, sometimes just staying safe around being near the dog in a moment because as soon as they are thinking about looking for the dog's right behavior, the dog senses and acts crazy - im talking extreme examples unfortunately all too common ! but would love that video from you since i am not good at getting my own videos done :) see you at expo Emily !

  • @kikopup
    @kikopup  14 років тому +40

    @UTRoscoe It does no harm to reinforce calmness :) Also a lot of people tend to think "phew, thank goodness fluffy is laying down! lets not disturb him!" rather than, what a great time to give fluffy reinforcement and attention!

  • @lilmissmonsterrr
    @lilmissmonsterrr 9 років тому +152

    I just wanted to make sure to let you know how well this method is working for my almost 4 month old Aussie, Finn. For anyone watching this video, make sure you do everything she says in this video exactly the way she says. And make sure you are in a calm state of mind too, just relax, don't give your dog attention if he jumps on you, just set him back down on the floor. If he wont lay down, try having him sit and say good boy and then wait for him to decide to lay down on his own. Don't stare at him as you wait, just watch him out of the corner of your eye or glance back and forth. When he lays down, treat him immediately. You can even pet him or scratch his back every so often as a reward, to show him you are aware of his presence and as if to say "i like this, this is enjoyable time together". Also, make sure he is not thinking about the treat or doing that head down thing splash did. My dog now lays completely on his side as if taking a nap. It has made him calmer overall too :)

    • @TwilightZone13
      @TwilightZone13 5 років тому +2

      I have a 4 month old Aussie, Faith. I have a hard time getting her to calm down even when she is tired. When she is tired, it's the worst. She runs around like crazy and bites my legs and feet. I just usually wait it out and eventually she will lay down and fall asleep but it takes a while before that happens. I also tell her to ly down which works sometimes but not always. I probably should have her on a leash more often so I can more easily control her. I will try this out and see how it works. It sounds like you have had success with it with your Aussie so I bet it will work with mine. Thanks for the tips.

  • @marinablackpersimmon8637
    @marinablackpersimmon8637 10 років тому +26

    I admire your videos, and I have translated this one in Russian, if you do not mind.
    Only in written. Maybe you wold like to insert russian subtitles in it ?
    I hope you also do not mind me translating some other ones? I can send the texts or insert them in comments like in here.
    Thank you so much for the great work you are doing!
    Спокойствие не является врожденной чертой некоторых пород, поэтому такие собаки нуждаются в обучении расслаблению и спокойствию.
    При намеренном обучении собаки спокойствию, собака сама начинает выбирать более спокойное поведение в различных ситуациях, и в будущем будет наслаждаться тем, что она спокойна.
    0 - 22 Чтобы подловить и подкрепить спокойное поведение, вам просто нужно удивить собаку угощением в тот момент, когда она ведет себя спокойно и не думает о еде.
    0 - 28 Смотри, я подошла и просто погладила Сплэш, чтобы она не думала, что я несу ей угощение (после поглаживания, угощает собаку - прим. пер).
    0 - 35 Не стоит пользоваться кликером в данном случае, потому что после клика собака становится возбужденной и сразу думает о еде, а не остается спокойной.
    0 - 43 В первый раз, когда ты будешь делать это упражнение, собака станет очень взбудораженной после того, как получит лакомство. Поэтому нужно показать, что у тебя больше нету угощения, и попробовать потренироваться позже, когда собака наименее ожидает этого.
    0 - 53 Сейчас Таг лег рядом, но он все еще думает о еде, поэтому я ему ничего не даю. Я вернусь в дом, и позанимаюсь с ним позже, когда он снова успокоится.
    1 - 00 Обучение постоянному спокойному поведению.
    1 - 05 Обучение бытовому спокойствию очень удобно, так как собака обучается вести себя определенным образом без подсказки от хендлера. Ты можешь научить собаку лежать спокойно рядом, когда собака на поводке, а ты не обращаешь на нее внимания, или когда занята работой на компьютере, или во время перерыва между тренировками, даже если у тебя есть угощение. Когда работаешь с другой собакой, или когда готовишь или ужинаешь.
    1 - 26 Обучение бытовому спокойствию.
    1 - 27 Итак, я хочу показать тебе как научить собаку вести себя спокойно, когда она на поводке, а ты ее игнорируешь.
    1 - 37 Тебе понадобится, собака, поводок и мотивирующее лакомство.
    Лакомство должно быть достаточно мотивирующим собаку, потому что иначе она не захочет делать что-то ради него.
    1 - 53 Итак, вот ты пришла куда-то с собакой и села.
    Не обращай внимания на собаку, и отрегулируй длину поводка таким образом, чтобы он был достаточно коротким, чтобы собака не могла дотянуться до чего-то интересного или возбуждающего. Мы уже делали это упражнение со Сплэш, поэтому она сообразит чуть быстрее, чем неопытные собаки.
    2 - 08 Когда собака решил лечь, нужно ее угостить.
    Некоторые собаки могут сидеть или беспокоиться довольно долго, нужно дождаться пока она сама решит лечь.
    2 - 17 Не нужно привлекать внимание к лакомству, или хвалить - оно должно как бы само собой появиться между лап собаки.
    2 - 21 Если собака встала, нужно игнорировать ее ( игнорировать - смотреть в другую сторону, не говорить с собакой, не успокаивать, не побуждать ее снова лечь, нужно быть терпеливым хозяином :) - прим. пер. ) и дождаться пока она ляжет. Если собака спокойно лежит - она получает еще лакомство.
    2 - 40 Постепенно нужно увеличивать время между тем как собака легла и получила лакомство, чтобы собака оставалась спокойной все дольше и дольше.
    2 - 53 Следующее, что нужно добавить - это упражнение при отвлекающих обстоятельствах. Если вы начали заниматься в комнате, то теперь нужно выйти на улицу, постепенно увеличивая интенсивность раздражителя, ваша конечная точка - это кафе.
    3 - 11 Теперь можно добавить прикосновения. Прикоснись, к собаке, погладь ее, и угощай, если она остается спокойной. В кафе часто приходят люди с детьми, и детки могут захотеть погладить собаку, и нужно, чтобы она и в этой ситуации оставалась спокойной.
    3 - 29 Обрати внимание, что я не говорю собаке чтобы она спокойно лежала - ей нравится лежать и она сама выбирает такое поведение, поскольку такое поведение подкрепляется мотивирующим лакомством.
    3 - 37 Собака осталась спокойно лежать, когда я отошла в сторону, такое поведение тоже нужно подкрепить.
    3 - 51 Следующий раздражитель для Сплэш - это другая собака, которая хочет лакомство. Правда, она уже знает как себя правильно вести в такой ситуации.
    4 - 02 Сейчас я попрошу Кико сделать несколько упражнений.
    (текст - НИКОГДА не используйте наказание при обучении спокойствию!)
    Если щенок решит встать, я не стану ему ничего говорить, не стану его наказывать - просто буду игнорировать/, пока он не ляжет снова, и тогда похвалю его.
    4 - 08 Кико, иди сюда! Щенуляяяя! Да!
    (дает Кико несколько команд, дает обеим собакам лакомство)
    4 - 20 Сначала, когда я работаю с двумя собаками и одна из них лежит спокойно, я дуду давать лакомство одновременно обеим собакам.
    4 - 40 Ладно. Теперь, когда я встала, собака остается лежать - нужно ее подозвать, по имени или похлопав по бедру. Дать лакомство за то, что собака пошла с тобой.
    (собака дает лапу, тренер хвалит ее )
    (Следующий отрывок)
    5 - 00 Это видео с моим спасенным щенком, которого я только недавно привезла домой. Я начала учить ее оставаться спокойной, но она очень возбуждается при виде еды и из-за новой обстановки, поэтому единственное, на чем он может сконцентрироваться - это как заполучить еду.
    5 - 11 Если угощать его пока он смотрит на еду, вместо спокойствия я буду подкреплять возбуждение - поэтому вместо того чтобы давать еду в этот момент, я угощаю его когда он отворачивается, или когда его внимание отвлекают какие-то другие вещи, кроме еды.
    5 - 21 Это момент, когда можно допустить много ошибок. Тренер может угощать собаку за то, что она лежит, но при этом все равно подкреплять сильное возбуждение, если в этот момент собака сконцентрировала на еде. И когда собака не получает лакомство, которое она ожидает, она испытывает фрустрацию и встает.
    5 - 38 Если же вы угощаете собаку за то, что она НЕ думает о еде, вы подкрепляете желание собаки вести себя спокойно по своему собственному желанию вместо того, чтобы собака делала это по команде.
    5 - 46 Также, убедитесь в том, что собака не научается просто смотреть в сторону, чтобы получить лакомство, как Сплэш делает в этом отрывке. Она опускает голову и замирает в таком положении, а потом поднимает глаза на меня, как бы говоря - эй, а где угощение-то мое?
    6 - 00 Если вы сомневаетесь и не можете понять, думает ли собака в конкретный момент времени о еде - не давайте ей ничего.
    6 - 04 Несколько подсказок:
    - не давай собаке лакомство если она смотрит на твою руку, и ожидает, что ты дашь ей что-то; вместо этого попробуй чуть позже.
    - не подсказывай собаке командой «лежать»; это работает гораздо лучше, если собака догадается и ляжет САМА
    - используй по-настоящему мотивирующее лакомство для награды такого чудесного поведения.

  • @mblackeblacke226
    @mblackeblacke226 5 років тому +17

    I love high drive busy dogs. I love the energy enthusiasm and ability to focus rhat comes built in woth this type of dog. The downside is that these dogs can become anxious fearful and neurotic if you dont put the groundwork into desensitiIzing and socializing them. hey need to have their behavior shaped from the earliest moments. I currently have a high drive sport dog and I use mat training to control her in situations but have never managed to teach her to "shut off." You explained exactly what I am doing wrong. I am unwittingly reinforcing her focus on the treats. I need to reinforce when she is looking away from me and thinking about something else but still on the mat. I am going to do this and try harder. How utterly educational, this video has been for me.

  • @madamdm_
    @madamdm_ 8 років тому +33

    This video alone changed my life and my puppy's life. I work from home and the day we started training this she is a new puppy! All your videos are great but thank you for this one in particular!!

  • @annasedlacek1862
    @annasedlacek1862 2 роки тому +3

    What do I do if my puppy instantly orients toward me or gets up the second I move? The only times he settles are when I'm sitting still for an extended period of time, and he usually settles more than a few feet away from me. The second I move to get up, he hears me and watches me, and whether he gets up to follow or stays down, he is obviously no longer relaxed, staring intently at me. I tried petting him beforehand, but I don't want the petting to turn into a predictor for treats.

  • @Veazeysbanjo
    @Veazeysbanjo 8 років тому +24

    I love how her(their) skills come first and the video making comes second. Not insulting her video making skills just appreciating the quality of the content.

  • @sweetsnejinka9411
    @sweetsnejinka9411 Рік тому +12

    I'm sharing this video again, for maybe the 50th time in 10 years. It is SO effective and transformative.

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  Рік тому

      I made a newer version here same info tho

  • @wargur
    @wargur Рік тому +7

    Just dug this up after listening to yet another person complain about an over-aroused puppy at home. I just have to comment to say that this is one of the most precious concepts I've adopted as a dog owner. It's been several years, three dogs later and I have always lived with calm polite dogs at home. All thanks to this simple (yet elusive) concept.
    So thanks!

  • @KathCharlton
    @KathCharlton 14 років тому +11

    great vid, i play a calm game with my dogs, while out on walks in the field, all of a sudden i drop to a sit on the grass and i wait for my dogs to start mirroring me and relaxing and i reward this. its fun:))

  • @kikopup
    @kikopup  14 років тому +4

    @armarification Oh thanks :) I appreciate that people can see the value in clicker training rather than old school training. There are actually quite a few great clicker trainers here on YT, its quite grand. Its like the napster/ limewire of free clicker training information!

    • @anima6035
      @anima6035 4 роки тому +1

      Reading this comment in 2020 lol!! I remember limewire 😍❤️✨Xx

  • @sherigaynorcreativeawakenings
    @sherigaynorcreativeawakenings 4 роки тому +11

    This is fantastic. I'm just starting to work on this and your nuances really stand out in relation to other videos I've watched, especially the when NOT to give the treats. I've enjoyed watching many of your videos and have subscribed. Thanks for sharing your wisdom with all of us!

  • @gabbysev
    @gabbysev 6 років тому +1

    Hi. Im Gabby from the Philippines. I have a 4 month old lab. Im trying to teach her how to be clam with your couch exercise but she is biting her leash. If she doesn't have a leash then she will be running around. What tips can you give me? Love your videos by the way. Thanks

    • @chittah
      @chittah 6 років тому

      gabbysev same with me!

  • @StephenOwen
    @StephenOwen 2 роки тому +9

    45 years later, this video is still good

  • @emmamemma4162
    @emmamemma4162 5 років тому +17

    I came here to say this has worked like a dream with our 4 month old hound. We started enforcing calmness at 7 weeks and it was really easy for her to understand that laying down and relaxing would get her treats. She does this behavior at dinner time, on the train, at cafés and shopping centers. People are amazed to see such a calm puppy and don't believe me when I say she also has a jumping, biting and growling side to her.
    Thank you Emily for giving such good advice!

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  5 років тому +3

      Great to hear! Keep up the good work!

    • @FloatingWhales
      @FloatingWhales 3 роки тому

      Hey, We just started doing this training with our puppy, but we are unsure of how many times a day/how long the sessions should be? do you have any advice about this?

    • @emmamemma4162
      @emmamemma4162 3 роки тому +8

      @@FloatingWhales The shorter you can make your training sessions, the better. That way you give the dog time to think about what just happened, and keep them interested in the training.
      For capturing calmness, the "training session" is only a few seconds long, enough to give one unexpected reward when you catch puppy relaxing. You don't need to do this one more than once or twice a day, either.
      You also want to build duration in the "settle" behaviour, and teach puppy to stay relaxed long enough for a real life situation. Make the session shorter than the maximum time you are confident your puppy can handle, so that they don't break the behaviour by themselves. The cue to "get up" should always come from you. Don't do too many sessions, rather focus on having a good set-up every time. Once a day or less is fine, it's more important to keep up the training over time, as your puppy enters new stages of development and long into adulthood you will need to enforce the training, especially when there are new environments or distractions.

    • @FloatingWhales
      @FloatingWhales 3 роки тому +3

      @@emmamemma4162 Hey Thank you very much for the quick and detailed answer, it would appear that we are doing it correctly then, may you have a nice day and a safe 2021 =)

    • @emmamemma4162
      @emmamemma4162 3 роки тому +1

      @@FloatingWhales Thanks a lot! All the best to you and good luck with your puppy :)

  • @JenniferKelly
    @JenniferKelly 4 роки тому +6

    I don’t know who would “dislike” this video. It really truly works. My insaneeee puppy is already catching on after like 2 days. He’s super smart but he’s been laying at my feet for 10+ mins and no treats in the last 10 mins. He got treats for about 5 mins straight and now none and he’s just chillinnnnn. Def gonna be working on this til he masters it

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  4 роки тому +4

      Ah, if a video gets lots of views it gets dislikes. People have conflicting belief systems so when they see something that disrupts their belief system they will act with disgust, frustration or even aggression.

  • @JohnSmith-xc4yk
    @JohnSmith-xc4yk 2 роки тому +1

    Ah, I made a mistake....My dog will look at my hand everytime I am taking out the treat...he will notice even though I am just moving a finger 😂
    Will try again later 🙏

  • @hdsheena
    @hdsheena 14 років тому +9

    your seminar covered this, and all these calm-behaviours have changed archie's life. He can even stay laying (RELAXED!) while I get up to pee sometimes now! This is huge progress from the dog who couldn't relax except in a covered crate. THANK YOU EMILY.

  • @laurenbendik2006
    @laurenbendik2006 3 роки тому +2

    im so lazy...i want my dog to just come to be trained already

    • @nachogaming8798
      @nachogaming8798 3 роки тому

      Tbh don't get a dog pls no hate if you can't do the work the dog might end up being in shelters

    • @laurenbendik2006
      @laurenbendik2006 3 роки тому

      @@nachogaming8798 i already have a dog lol. btw, he doesnt have to end up in a shelter. The rescue (aka no kill) accepts returns.

  • @winnetouch
    @winnetouch 3 роки тому +2

    This is all well and good but my dog will not settle for even 5 seconds to reinforce his behavior. He will only settle in his crate when it is shut (and even then he'll need a while). Otherwise, he'll always start digging into the couch, rubbing his head in it, mouth my hands, or just plain ol' run around from one side of the couch to the next. He will just not lie down and relax. It is as if he is not capable of doing it. He knows some basics in a neutral environment, like sit and lie down, but as soon as you give him the treat he'll get up and start his thing again.

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  3 роки тому

      I suggest using a pen instead of a crate for these reasons and then when loose he wont be as frantic to do stuff because in the pen he can make choices like playing and resting. What can happen with a crate is that crate means rest and loose means play... so a pen can help teach them that they can play and then choose to rest. You can go and drop a treat between his paws when he chooses to rest in the pen and also when loose.

  • @Ferran06
    @Ferran06 3 роки тому +3

    Hi! I'm a 4 months old puppy owner, I've been training calm behaviours for like 3 days or so.
    Now i'm finding it difficult to turn my puppy into "training mode" and asking him to work for food, after a minute of work he'll just lay down.
    What would be your advice?

  • @plsiu9999
    @plsiu9999 3 роки тому +1

    I’m trying to train my puppy to relax and stay calm in his play pen. Whenever I walk over he looks at me and seems to start thinking what he needs to do to get treat from me…. Should I wait until he looks away again to drop the treat? or is it okay to drop the treat when he is looking at me but is calm?

    • @plsiu9999
      @plsiu9999 3 роки тому +1

      Oh and is it ok if i drop treats quietly when he is sleeping? that seems to be the easiest way to reward without arousing him.

  • @lindas.martin2806
    @lindas.martin2806 5 років тому +3

    hi! I am a little confused avout the order of teaching calmness in dogs which are way too excited when it is feeding time, for treats, and for when I or a friend get ready to walk them. I watched the video about five days, low value treats when they naturally are calm. Great idea. But then I saw the videos about giving having them on a leash and rewarding them when they lie down, and then another that recommended not rewarding them for down so they rest calmly themselves. Could you please let me know, for an adult rescue dog, the best sequence of videos to calm the dog around feeding times, and whenever there are treats? Thank you very much!!!

  • @mblackeblacke226
    @mblackeblacke226 5 років тому +4

    I love high drive busy dogs. I love the energy enthusiasm and ability to focus rhat comes built in woth this type of dog. The downside is that these dogs can become anxious fearful and neurotic if you dont put the groundwork into desensitiIzing and socializing them. hey need to have their behavior shaped from the earliest moments. I currently have a high drive sport dog and I use mat training to control her in situations but have never managed to teach her to "shut off." You explained exactly what I am doing wrong. I am unwittingly reinforcing her focus on the treats. I need to reinforce when she is looking away from me and thinking about something else but still on the mat. I am going to do this and try harder. How utterly educational, this video has been for me.

  • @kikopup
    @kikopup  14 років тому +1

    @Dalmatianlovergirl84 Sorry its a scientific term. Dog training terms are so confusing- but I got blasted by trainers who didnt like me using the word punishment loosely.
    Positive Punishment- is when you add something bad to the dogs environ (yelling 'eh eh', hitting, jerking, squirting)
    Positive reinforcement- you add something good- (food, toys, access to environ)
    Negative Punishment- you take away good things- (turn your back, remove the dog from the other dog if he is playing too rough)

  • @kikopup
    @kikopup  5 років тому

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  • @kikopup
    @kikopup  14 років тому +1

    @ScaryMonstahh your right. but the scientific terms are very confusing!
    positive just means "you add" scientifically
    that is why positive reinforcement and positive punishment both start with "positive" as " you add " something to both.
    That is why I get annoyed when dog training businesses call themselves "Positive" but they can also use positive punishment- because it is, "positive" but clients get the idea that it means they don't use old school stuff

  • @NostalgiaMedia
    @NostalgiaMedia 12 років тому +4

    I totally fell into the trap of my pup "looking away" but still expecting the treat, AND rewarding him even though he looked up. I feel like we sit there for half an hour and he'd never get a treat if I had to wait till he actually ignored it. But, we shall start from scratch. I NEED this behaviour from him, and he needs it to, especially before our baby comes in December!!! Thanks again, Emily!

  • @azmauigirl
    @azmauigirl 14 років тому +5

    Very helpful! You point out areas that I was having problems with, and now I see why and what I can do about it. As usual, it's me and not the dogs! Why we humans think we are so much smarter than they are is beyond me! Thanks for all that you do, Emily.

  • @TrainingPositive
    @TrainingPositive 14 років тому +21

    Great! I love the point about not feeding while the dog is focused on the food. A much needed video. Thumbs up!

  • @alicel7015
    @alicel7015 3 роки тому +3

    Hi, I'm not sure you'd still read comments on this video but we'll see! I'm trying to do this with my one year old dog and whenever we move towards her when she's chilling she'll pop her head up to look at us! So definitely no way we'd be able to treat her without her looking at the hand with the treat. Should we just practice walking around her when she's chilling waiting for the one moment she decides to keep her head down?

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  3 роки тому +2

      What you could do is use a calm marker said in a soft tone of voice, then get up slowly to drop the treat between her paws, its ok if they are looking at you during that. I also have this newer video on the topic

  • @AutumnWelles
    @AutumnWelles 10 років тому +3

    After doing this consistently for a year, my very excitable Aussie is laying on the floor at my feet asleep. My other dog is on the couch snoring. So, so great.

  • @doratsamita6812
    @doratsamita6812 4 роки тому +1

    I have a border collie 7 months and I am finding it difficult to calm him down.He spends much time in his crate during the day while I am in work,but I take him with me, so he has 2-3 walks during the day. When he is at home it is impossible for him to calm down.

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  4 роки тому

      That's hard. But from what it sounds like he is getting the right amount of exercise. Just that coming home has become the "picture" for "time to get excited". My BC is like that when I go to my folks house, when I stayed there for a longer time she didnt calm down. I suggest trying to change the picture to create a new picture. Perhaps you come home and then you give her a chew to eat, then when you watch tv do some calm massage with her. Playing games of training her to go to her dog bed when you get home from work for some of her dinner, will indeed reinforce the idea of going to a bed to lie down. I made this newer video of the same topic involving teaching the dog to lay on a bed or mat

  • @allthingsblue6990
    @allthingsblue6990 3 роки тому +3

    Oh gosh- I'm fostering a puppy and the two dog calmness is super helpful.

  • @CairdeasFrenchies
    @CairdeasFrenchies 12 років тому +1

    As I type this my 4 dogs are lying at my feet. I want to teach this as a default- the dogs are all EYES ON ME, they usually are but my question is....if I treat them now as they are looking at me is that them thinking about the food?? Cause I know you said not to treat when they are thinking of the food- or is that just top capture calmness/settle and not the lie down as a default? Sorry- slightly confused but still psyched as heck to be learning from ya! AND FOR FREE AT THAT!!!

  • @katherinemccreaddie3042
    @katherinemccreaddie3042 3 роки тому +1

    This works so well! The only problem is I want to reward my pup but she can smell the treat bag or hear a pot opening and it distracts her. Even if I hold them in my hand it doesn’t work. Any ideas?

  • @wheatnblue2419
    @wheatnblue2419 5 років тому +1

    I’d actually like to see that video done over with dogs that aren’t already calm. There is no point in doing this sort of training video with dogs that are clearly already trained. Try again with a dog that jumps up as soon as you move. Try again with a dog barking hysterically at its owner. Otherwise you’re just wasting people’s time, who are actually having real problems with their dogs.

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  5 років тому +1 here is a video of the same exercise with a dog that is barking for treats. the idea is to reinforce the dog while they are not expecting the food so they should be calm.

  • @aliitil
    @aliitil 7 років тому +2

    i can not deal with a new street dog that im taking care of... i am gonna dedicate myself to her training i hope i can manage it.....

    • @littleaussiepoodle5106
      @littleaussiepoodle5106 7 років тому +4

      I'm sure you can. Just focus on the important things first. Conditioning the clicker, a nose target, sit, down, stay, come, loose leash walking, food manners, leave it and a good settle are all great starters. Once you're a bit more confident about his basic manners you could start working on retrieve and other fun shaping tricks to build up his learning ability. As long as he's having fun, you'll figure it out.

  • @punkchica321
    @punkchica321 14 років тому +1

    Quick question, if the dog DOES get up, I say nothing right? I'm going to try this later with my pup. :)

  • @kikopup
    @kikopup  14 років тому

    @DeckedTigerUnit You can condition the pat to be a good thing, by asking him to sit (or do a behavior) then pat, and then treat. So that the pat is being associated with the treat, the dog will like it more. however some dogs just dont think petting is a reward. Kiko my chihuahua is one of them- i think she would be very annoyed if she did what you told her and then got human hands all over her head as a reward.

  • @TwilightZone13
    @TwilightZone13 5 років тому +1

    When my dog is excited should I wait until she is calmer to interact with her? How much excitement is acceptable?

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  5 років тому

      I suggest playing calm handling games- I know this says its for puppy biting but you can play the same games to teach dogs that handling is calming rather than exciting - It really depends on the dog as to how much excitement is too much for the. Some dogs bark when they are not that excited and some bark when they are way too excited. I think what you could keep in mind is how long it takes the dog to calm down after, is the dog suddenly acting different, panting, pacing, hyper vigilant etc. Can the dog listen to cues? If your dog is over excited to greet you when you come home you can change the dogs motivation, take teh dog out to the bathroom first before saying hi, or give the dog a chew and wait to say "hi" and show your dog you love them 10 mins later when the dog has calmed down more.

  • @xm987
    @xm987 5 років тому +2

    Thank you so much! I’ve been working on this, but how do you get your dog to be calm when they see you to begin with? I’ve seen my dog calm, he gets excited when he sees me and I can’t capture the calmness he originally had before seeing me. Any suggestions ?

  • @kikopup
    @kikopup  14 років тому

    @daniellexylena It isn't easy. And its a super boring exercise! If youve practiced the settle, and calm handling- sometimes having the dog on leash and waiting until he is calmer before saying hi can help. Also asking your guests to be casual when entering and not doing what most guests do - act all excited to see the dog... then when your dog is doing great, the guests can get more excited.

  • @johnsinghour5263
    @johnsinghour5263 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for the free advice not trying to scam people for there money like some of the other scamming videos out there. Like the calming code video idiots scamming people for money

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  Рік тому

      Oh man. Sorry you were scammed! I keep getting these messages pretending to be my bank, ups, or paypal... its amazing how people want to treat other people so badly

  • @kikopup
    @kikopup  14 років тому

    and the fourth term
    Negative Reinforcement- (you take away something- like pinching a dogs ear, or hanging them by the neck when they stop doing the behavior you dont like)
    As most people know clicker trainers only use"positive reinforcement and negative punishment" so we do use punishment on occasion- but its just the removal of the good thing, rather than adding something bad. Watch my video on 'clicker training as a method versus using a clicker'

  • @matthewswart278
    @matthewswart278 4 роки тому +3

    How would I go about this training if I'm starting it a bit late?
    Whenever I walk over to my puppy he looks at me and so I'll pet him until he looks away, but then when I move my hand to give him the treat he lifts his head again

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  4 роки тому

      If hes calm you could say a marker word like "good" and then he will look at you and you can slowly drop the treat between his paws. Also practicing out and about where there are more distractions

  • @RizaHariati
    @RizaHariati 7 років тому +3

    My dog like to pretend he doesn't care about the food, but once the treat comes out, whaaam!!

    • @Мишацйуаа
      @Мишацйуаа 7 років тому

      Thе truth is, dоgs havе thеir unique wау to think, and whеn you want to teасh уour dоg advanccсed lееeеssons аnd tricсks, уou oooоught to pеrcеivе thе sеcrets behind thеir actiоns Wаtсch hеrеeee ==> Caрturing Cаlmness hоw tо trаin сalmnеss in dоgs dоg training

  • @kikopup
    @kikopup  14 років тому

    @azmauigirl I feel bad that it is not enough info... but I think a one hour video would be a little much on this subject. people would fall asleep!

  • @pawsitivelyterriers
    @pawsitivelyterriers 8 років тому +12

    I used this with both my current dogs and it's been great. They are much calmer all the time and will normally settle when asked to - thanks for your excellent videos. I have recommended this to so many people :)

  • @bookalawower2899
    @bookalawower2899 4 роки тому +2

    you're so nonchalant and matter of fact in this video it made me giggle a few times! Fabulous information and demonstration and LOVE the brunette!!

  • @kikopup
    @kikopup  14 років тому

    @maquis69 Everyone makes mistakes- Tug my newest is soo hard- because as soon as he sees your hand moving- his head locks into a stare and his eyes get big and round.. hehe. Its super hard.

  • @KaiSub
    @KaiSub 5 років тому +4

    I wish my Tervuren didn't stand up as soon as he hears me move a single muscle.
    This exercise is practically impossible unless I sit right next to him as he falls asleep.

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  5 років тому +5

      If this happens when you dont have any food, it could be that the dog is getting up to follow you from room to room. So teaching him its ok to just relax and stay in the room hes instead of follow (if he does that) you to the bathroom will reduce his stress in his daily life. One thing you can do, yes start where your dog is closer to you, stand up and sit down, frequently, so that your dog realizes nothing is happening when you do that after a few times, then when your dog doesnt think to get up cause he things your just doing some weird human exercises, then go and give a treat. You could also toss the treat if your a good aim.

    • @KaiSub
      @KaiSub 5 років тому +1

      @@kikopup He is absolutely a Velcro dog, haha.
      I'll try this exercise and see how it goes.

    • @KineticSenseTherapies
      @KineticSenseTherapies 5 років тому +1

      @@kikopup thank you for this advice. My dog suffers from seperation anxiety. We do this often with keys and bags. I'll be doing weird human exercises more often lol

  • @coryandolive
    @coryandolive 2 роки тому +2

    We’re 3 days into “capturing” calm and my dog’s behaviour has changed drastically. Place training caused more food anxiety while this video helped us to encourage a default calm behavior that my dog actually started to enjoy without any commands (and it’s only early days now :)) thank you so much for sharing this video

  • @AGGwoteva
    @AGGwoteva 11 років тому +1

    As a start it would be good to look at the amount of exercise that the dog is getting. It sounds like the dog has a lot of pent up energy/frustration that it needs to get out, and is using those frustrating behaviors to do that.
    Also, with the leash thing - Walk to where the lead is kept. Dog gets excited = you sit back down. Dog remains calm = you attempt to put the lead on the dog. Consistency will teach the dog that being excited stops the lead from being put on him/her.
    Good luck :)

  • @DJNeoSonam
    @DJNeoSonam 13 років тому +1

    I Have a problem with this, whenever my border collie is relaxed if he see's me he instantly becomes hyper, so i dont really have a chance to reward him :(
    Help anyone?

  • @achristensen7347
    @achristensen7347 4 роки тому +2

    These techniques are such a gamechanger for hyper dogs. Capturing calmness is definitely helping my insecure rescue girl learn to relax and enjoy napping next to me instead of obsessively looking for shoes to chew.

  • @janessa8261
    @janessa8261 4 роки тому +1

    My dog is crying whenever he does kay down and i don't know of i should do anything different?

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  4 роки тому +1

      have the treats up on a counter if your dog is expecting treats, if he starts to cry for the food, you can go and sit with him and show him you have no food and calmly pet him. If hes just crying when he lays down when no food is around, it could be that he needs to go to the vet or is hot etc.

  • @kikopup
    @kikopup  14 років тому

    @BCTexasRanger I know! I miss her being a poofy puppy. I called her "Fluffertin" as a nick name.

  • @Liauw007
    @Liauw007 6 років тому +1

    Thanks great turtorial! I have one question about teaching calmness near the couch if out of frustation he’s going to bite in your pants do you stop it before happening with the leash? A lot of leash correction here (meaning keeping his leash short very short can’t go towards my pants) before he calms down (I quess I got frustated so I don’t know yet gave him a time out in his bench without saying anything). So I don’t know if he would calm down didn’t get so far yet. Also he wants to bite the leash if he can’t go near my pants. Also I don’t want to reward him after a bite (jo jo thing like leash walking tutorial lol) Everything except being calm by the way it’s a boerboel pup lol. Thanks Kikopup

  • @LuBearr
    @LuBearr 8 років тому +2

    watching your videos backwards and baby splash is awesome!

  • @NixWingedOne
    @NixWingedOne 4 роки тому +6

    On paper dog training seems simple, but when i try to comprehend it it turns into astrophysics. Or I'm just crazy anxious over it.
    We are doing the calmness exercises.... its a rocky but promising start.... i think....

  • @mcreyfonacier1982
    @mcreyfonacier1982 4 роки тому +2

    why does all video from 2010 looks like 1980s quality. Anyways thanks.

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  4 роки тому +1

      you know at the time the video quality was nromal before upload, but youtube couldnt handle it, so they would make the files smaller, i wish they would alow us to reupload old files that are exactly the same to improve quality. So instead I am just redoing all my old videos like this one: This is the new version of the settle

    • @nachogaming8798
      @nachogaming8798 3 роки тому

      @@kikopup but the main deal is keeping the dog in settle position without leash will this trick work for that

  • @ApasdemOficial
    @ApasdemOficial 5 років тому +1

    is there a way to have this video with subtitles in Spanish? please?

  • @mrsjanefro
    @mrsjanefro 12 років тому +1

    My dog is a smart boy. He learns every command in two or three repetitions and I totally adore him. Your videos helped me a lot, but we still have a problem. He argues with me. He knows what I want and he's in a good mood, but just ARGUES! He snorts, squeals or whines to show his disagreement. And wouldn't take the treat. :(

  • @heethertrudell7550
    @heethertrudell7550 9 років тому +1

    Great video!! I have A very hyper active dog and this is great!! I'm going to start looking for the calm moments :) I also wanted to say, watching your walking video my dog is so much better! She's also learning to he objects in her mouth and cross her paws thanks to U!

  • @kikopup
    @kikopup  14 років тому

    @MultiAnimalcrackers awe! That is awesome! I wish we had a field to walk in! We have rattlers, hawks, mountain lions and coyotes- sigh- you live in such bliss with your animals :)

  • @wendyfuller2573
    @wendyfuller2573 2 роки тому +1

    This is my favorite video of all time!!! It changed my life (and my dog). It is a classic and I have recommended it to countless other guardians! Thankyou!

  • @damianchee5339
    @damianchee5339 6 років тому +1

    Hi Kikopup, my 8month old puppy constantly watches me at every smallest noise and I can catch calmness but never get close enough to give him the reward, what do I do??

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  6 років тому

      I suggest using treats that are lower value at first. Like Kibble, and have them on you all the time. Find out when your pup usually gets sleepy, maybe its 3 hours after waking up in the morning for example. Then you can work on the computer or watch tv with the pup in a pen or in a smaller room with you, when the pup finally flops down, walk over casually and drop a treat. At first it is tricky. Sometimes using high value treats, the pup can just smell them and then they cant stop thinking about "how can I get her to give me some of that!"

  • @kikopup
    @kikopup  14 років тому

    @MegF142857 too true! I bet it works for kids too.

  • @subtropicalsteph
    @subtropicalsteph 8 років тому +2

    I have two 10-month golden retrievers (giant puppies!) that desperately need to learn to be calm. Going to try this today!

  • @vaineglorie
    @vaineglorie Рік тому +2

    this has been AMAZING for my puppy! i've not only helped teach him calmer behaviors, but i used this to teach him how to be calm when our older dog is around because he kept overwhelming her with wanting to play when she didn't want that. it's been three days and they're laying together right now which has never happened before!! absolutely genius thank you!

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  Рік тому +1

      yay. well done with your training!

  • @Bobson690
    @Bobson690 11 років тому +2

    Calmness is not coming natural to my cattle dog :)

  • @kingjames1308
    @kingjames1308 2 роки тому +1

    My dog will go down and stay but literally wont relax. She waits intently for me to give her a treat and often times gets frustrated and gets up if i am not constantly putting treats down.

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  2 роки тому +2

      I suggest doing one off treats for 5 days. When you see her settled, not thinking about food just relaxing, in her crate, pen or loose, go slowly and drop a treat between her paws. Or mark then move slowly and drop the treat where she used to be if she did get up and follow you. Then say "all done" show her you have no more treats and go and do something else.

    • @kingjames1308
      @kingjames1308 2 роки тому

      @@kikopup thanks. Will give it a try.

  • @TheCelticlion
    @TheCelticlion 14 років тому +1

    Thanks for this. Had a rescue dog come to stay with me yesterday, Lasted 13 months with first family, 4 days with the second. Working Bearded collie cross working border collies from farm dogs. He is a real live wire. Also thanks for the yawning, sighing, eye blinking and lip licking from the other vid.

  • @waterbender19
    @waterbender19 12 років тому +1

    @DJNeoSonam you could toss the treats??
    or he may be learning that you are a predictor of food. the solution would be to stand next to him until he calms down with treats in your hand. that way you walking to him would not be a predictor of the food, him calming down would.

  • @MegF142857
    @MegF142857 14 років тому +1

    Another great video. I don't have a dog, but the principles are good for horses too. Thanks!

  • @anamarin8288
    @anamarin8288 3 роки тому +2

    what do you do if the dog barks at you, after you give him a treat, even though you show him that you have no other treats?

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  3 роки тому +2

      Hi Ana, I suggest that you have the treats on the counter in your house to begin with and then any time you see the dog settle you calmly mark and then go and get a treat for the dog and if he gets up to follow just go and put the treat down calmly where he was originally. Then to stop the barking from happening for wanting another treat, show him you have no more in your hands then take him out to pee or move to a different room. This can help the dog understand that it was just a "one off" by doing these one off treats, the dog will learn to relax after getting a treat and not immediately getting another one after so it makes them easier to train when working with food because they are not in a panic to get the next one. I suggest doing the above exercise in the house, and then only working on the actual settle on a mat where you mark the dog for not thinking about the food when out and about because as you mentioned in the house your dog will just get stressed by it as its too hard for him.

    • @anamarin8288
      @anamarin8288 3 роки тому

      @@kikopup thank you very much!

  • @langleywrite
    @langleywrite 12 років тому +1

    Great video and this is my second time through it. I have a question during the settle exercise. You have not given a settle command, should one be given? If not, how do you get the dog to settle under other circumstances (i.e. while on a walk)? Also, you don't click for the desired behavior or even say "good," what is the reason for this? How do you know when to click to reinforce (mark) a behavior as opposed to when not to? Thanks so much, your videos are amazingly helpful to me!

  • @thelbridge2922
    @thelbridge2922 10 років тому +1

    Brilliant to see that calm and relax can be taught, thanks for sharing, your training techniques are great and easy to follow. I teach my dogs to be calm and relax on cue, they do and seem to appreciate it, but my clients find it hard to believe as it is rarely suggested in many classes etc. I will send them to your video so they can see it works and that I'm not the only one - thank you so much, dogs will benefit hugely :)

  • @tulsisevadasi
    @tulsisevadasi 12 років тому +3

    Oh Splash you are so so so cute!

  • @Classicsydzilla
    @Classicsydzilla 2 роки тому

    Video: “have the dog lay down on their own”,
    My dog: “let me just stand still in place for 30 minutes”. 🤔

  • @shinjaeroe3181
    @shinjaeroe3181 3 роки тому +1

    Does this work for dogs over 5 years old?

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  3 роки тому +1

      Our brains are always learning by associations, but what can cause learning to not happen is large amounts of stress, arousal, illness and very old age.

  • @r.b.4611
    @r.b.4611 8 років тому +1

    How do you teach a conscious "Settle", for when the dog is too amped up? So when he/she is excited, you can tell it to chill out (assuming it's well exercised etc, good conditions).

    • @littleaussiepoodle5106
      @littleaussiepoodle5106 7 років тому

      I know this is late but my dog knows a preliminary to a settle on cue. I tell him to lay and he'll go into a relaxed down with his head flat on the floor. This differs from a down but it's not really a settle because he's still not calm. After a few minutes he fully chills out, but either way it does get him to go into a relaxed down on cue.

  • @apothos666
    @apothos666 9 місяців тому

    Do you have a video on getting your dog to chew their toys rather than things around the house (furniture, pillows, blankets, couches, etc)?

  • @hugoh.9694
    @hugoh.9694 2 роки тому

    Do you have any tips on getting a dog over her severe fear of rain storms? If you can direct me to any videos you have, that would be GREAT! 🙏

  • @mistawifta
    @mistawifta 13 років тому +1

    Another great exercise, you make it look so easy! I've been watching your videos regularly for the last month and i'm trying to take in all the advice you give.
    We have a Spinone Italiano whos now 13 weeks old, I do a little training with him, would love to do more but i work too much. He comes to work and sits at my feet all day, which i will now reinforce after seeing this video. He gets pretty hyper around our 8 year old girl and the two cats, the cats especially!! Any tips?

  • @sophiesophh6494
    @sophiesophh6494 6 років тому +1

    What do you do if the dog starts chewing the lead?

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  6 років тому

  • @kikopup
    @kikopup  14 років тому

    @tehrenberg I know! Its super hard!

  • @gattirenata
    @gattirenata 2 роки тому

    But how to do that with a super hyper tiny puppy??? Honestly not even my first Maltese was this calm as an adult. He had the energy of a puppy all through his life but my new puppy bounces off the walls then passes out. She still hasn’t gotten a in between. Lol

  • @christinahiggins8314
    @christinahiggins8314 2 роки тому

    This looks like a really good video, but unfortunately I can't hear what she is saying

  • @ReplaySandyRenee
    @ReplaySandyRenee 3 роки тому +1

    “You don’t see the dog what dog?”😩❤️

  • @weo1weo1weo1
    @weo1weo1weo1 9 років тому +2

    your vids are so lovely!

  • @micaisawesome
    @micaisawesome 10 років тому +2

    Cat treats are my dogs ultimate favorite

    • @jwenting
      @jwenting 10 років тому +1

      thought our old dog was strange in that. She much prefered catfood to dogfood, especially the varieties with fish.
      Made for a nice occasional treat :)

  • @samuelforward8453
    @samuelforward8453 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you this is super useful! We adopted a collie X huntaway and have been struggling with his constant need for stimulation. We feed exclusively during training or from Kong's, puzzle toys, and do two long walks day with fetch, but feel like we only get 2-3 hours down time per day!

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  3 роки тому

      I suggest also adding massage and calm handling to the training

  • @jadewolf1024
    @jadewolf1024 4 роки тому

    What if the puppy constantly pulls on the leash, or bites it and uses it to play tug of war?

  • @daniellerobbins3875
    @daniellerobbins3875 4 роки тому +1

    Very helpful video. Look at those cute, calm and attentive pups too. Impressive. :-)

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  4 роки тому +1

      Awe thanks! I need to make a new video on this topic, this one is super old :)

  • @jessicapilczuk4763
    @jessicapilczuk4763 5 років тому +1

    I so need your help on this we have an 8 month old Boston who want to play constantly or gets naughty if you ignore him, he will not settle for anything and is constantly on the go. He wants to be everywhere we are. Ugh so frustrated. I started this technique but he goes right back to wanting to play once were done!! We need a break. 😭

    • @kikopup
      @kikopup  5 років тому +1

      Well, he is 8 months old. I suggest having a large pen with bed, toys and chews etc in it. Then when you get overwhelmed he can go in the pen, and make good choices - playing with his toys or resting in his bed. You can go and reinforce him for resting.

  • @dundy96
    @dundy96 3 роки тому +1

    Oh my god! Baby Splash!