Simple and correct answer is who is living in the area no need going to the complicated dissections because we are the same peoples living in one country.
Achamyelh is True Ethiopian history writer and I am realy support Achamyelh inervew with a Jornalist against with a Dr something supporter of revolution throughout kingdom but Achamyelh True Ethiopian against that agly revolution lost Daiamond person Aklilu Habtewold .
If one of the European writers mentioned Tekeze river as a boundary between Tigray and Amhara, his mention of Abay (Nile) river as a boundary between Gojam and Showa divides Amhara speaking population which may indicate that not the boundary doesn't show as a line between different languages speaking society, but rather, as an administrative districts. Otherwise, it is not necessary for the writer to draw and label Abay (Nile) river as similar boundary line as Tekeze river. Furthermore, if one of the sons of Wube Hailemariam had been a governor of both Welkait and across Tekeze river Tigray districts, it shows that the inhabitants of these areas could be seen as one region with the exception of their local governors' competition for power control. Another scenario is that like the rest of Tigray divided administrative areas until the 19th century AD, we can see that the Welkait district had not been seen as General Amhara region even Gonder region. Rather, it looks most of the time, it was part of Begemedir and independent administrative district with its own local leaders except with some intervention of Governors assigned from other provinces of the Amhara speaking population. # Although this media mentioned that Dechazmach Wube is from Siemen (Welkait) district, there are conflicted information that he was one of the rulers of Tigray region who caused sever sufferings against the Tigrigna speaking population of Tigray and Eritrea. Majority of Eritreans describe him he was from Tigray and one Tigrayan scholar described him as Tigrayan but majority of Tigray politicians describe him as Amhara assigned to govern the Tigrigna population of both Tigray and Eritrea.
Bla bla bla bla bahri negash present eritrea never been part of ethopia stop distorted history and ethopia been colonies by ITALIAN from 1935 to 1940 control addis abeba haile slase was in England for 5 years so stop laying ethopia just like any African nation been colonies by Europeans
Ahmara and Ethiopia long live from Gurage Ethiopian long live fano strgle for the future of Ethiopia !! Love you I wishe I wil fogut like fano!
That is true, Tigreay bodere is Tekeze river.
እናመሰግናለን በጣም ግሩም አቀራረብ ።
እኛ የኢትዮጵያ ዜጎች መንግስትን ሰሜን አማራን ሰማን ህውሀትንሰማን የኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ ከ1983 መጨረሻ ነው የሚጀምረው ዓለም የሚያቀው ፀሀይ የሞቀው የአማራ ነው።
ምሳካትኩም ስላም ክህሉ የለን፡
I am wondering whether the host of this program is professor Tesfazion Methane or not. He sounds exactly like him.
ዝየለኩም ኣልና፡ ሃልንትት ህልሙ፡
Simple and correct answer is who is living in the area no need going to the complicated dissections because we are the same peoples living in one country.
እዋ እስትይ ሃድ ቤተስብ ኣምፁኡልና ሑመራ መርበቶም እምክኣ ዝይተጋሩ፡ ተዲሮስ ትግራዋይ እንዲያ፡ ባዓሉ ቴድሮስ ኣብኡ ትግራዋይ ኣዲኡ ቕመንት እንዲያ፡ እሞ ከምይ ገይሩ ዲኣ መሬት ትግራይ ዝይኾውን፡ ኣውራጃታት ናይ ትግራይ እዩ ነይሩ ጎንደር፡ ጎንደር ኣውራጃ ናይ ትግራይ እዩ ናይሩ፡ ምን እዩ ቴድሮስ? ትግራዋይ እዩ፡ ናይሹዑ ምዒራባዊያን ኩሉ ኣይኾነን ብትክክል ዝፅህፉ ነይሮም፡ ትግራይ ኣክሱምን ዓዲዋን ጥራይ እዩ ትግራይ ዝብልዎ ዝነብሩ፡ ዝተስሃሃተ ታርክ ህዝካ ኣይትለፋለፍ፡ ሃሳውይ ሃሳውይ ኣምሃራ ዝባሃል ብሄርስብ ኣይነብርን፡ ኣብጎንድር፡ ምን እዩ ቴድሮስ? ኣብኡ ትግራዋይ ኣዲኡ ቕመንት እየ፡ 😂😂 ትኣይና ንገብሮ ኣብይ እካ ትነብር ንስካ ምዒራባዊያ ንኣፍርቃ ኢትዮፕያ ይብልዎ ናይሮም ኩሉ ኣፍርቃዊይ ግን ኢትዮፕያ ኣይፍልጣን ንይሩ፡ ናይ ሃድ ሽህ ዓምት መፅሃፋት ኣሎ ብግእዝ ሹዑ ዝተፃሃፍ፡ ተክዝ ክትብል እንዳሃለምካ እካ ትሃድር ህለም፡ ተክዝ ኣይትርክቡዎን፡ ተክዝ ምንጩ እኩ ኣብ ኣብርገለ እዩ፡ ኣብርገለ ክኣ ትግራዋይ እዩ ጎርቤት ናይ ኣበርገለ ክኣ ኣጎው ሶቖጣ ይባሃል፡ ጠለምትይ ኣይባሃልን ፀለምትይ እዩ ዝባሃል፡ ሃሳዊይ ብገይጋ ዝፃሃፉ ኡዩ፡ ንኣጎው ኣምሃራ ምስልዎ እዩ እዙይ ምዒራባዊይ ፃሃፍይ፡ እምበር ኣምሃራ ዝባሃል ምስ ትግራይ ዝደውቦ የለን፡ ስቖጣ ዋግ ህምራ ኣምሃራ እዩ፡ ኣታስብዓ ታሪክካ ኣስተካክል ናይሃሶት ምፅሃፋት ፍትሽካ ዝምፅልካ የለን፡ ኣጎው ኣምሃራ ምስልዎ እዩ፡ ንስካ ክይተክስስካ ኣይትተርፍን፡ ኣጎው ካብይ እዮም ምፅዮም ዲኣ፡
Tegery never ever crossed tekeze an less they’re were Ethiopian.
ሃሪፍ ድራማ ነው።
Achamyelh is True Ethiopian history writer and I am realy support Achamyelh inervew with a Jornalist against with a Dr something supporter of revolution throughout kingdom but Achamyelh True Ethiopian against that agly revolution lost Daiamond person Aklilu Habtewold .
If one of the European writers mentioned Tekeze river as a boundary between Tigray and Amhara, his mention of Abay (Nile) river as a boundary between Gojam and Showa divides Amhara speaking population which may indicate that not the boundary doesn't show as a line between different languages speaking society, but rather, as an administrative districts. Otherwise, it is not necessary for the writer to draw and label Abay (Nile) river as similar boundary line as Tekeze river. Furthermore, if one of the sons of Wube Hailemariam had been a governor of both Welkait and across Tekeze river Tigray districts, it shows that the inhabitants of these areas could be seen as one region with the exception of their local governors' competition for power control. Another scenario is that like the rest of Tigray divided administrative areas until the 19th century AD, we can see that the Welkait district had not been seen as General Amhara region even Gonder region. Rather, it looks most of the time, it was part of Begemedir and independent administrative district with its own local leaders except with some intervention of Governors assigned from other provinces of the Amhara speaking population.
# Although this media mentioned that Dechazmach Wube is from Siemen (Welkait) district, there are conflicted information that he was one of the rulers of Tigray region who caused sever sufferings against the Tigrigna speaking population of Tigray and Eritrea. Majority of Eritreans describe him he was from Tigray and one Tigrayan scholar described him as Tigrayan but majority of Tigray politicians describe him as Amhara assigned to govern the Tigrigna population of both Tigray and Eritrea.
Tselemt Tsegede
በፍጹም ወልቃይት የአማራ ክልል አይሆንም ። ምክንያቱም የተካለለው በታሪክ ሳይሆን በቋንቋ በመሆኑ ። ወደድክም ጠላህም ወልቃይት ትግርኛ ተናጋሪዎች ናቸው ። በእናንተ አስተሳሰብ የአፋር ፣የሶማሌ ክልል የሚባል አይኖርም ።
Bla bla bla bla bahri negash present eritrea never been part of ethopia stop distorted history and ethopia been colonies by ITALIAN from 1935 to 1940 control addis abeba haile slase was in England for 5 years so stop laying ethopia just like any African nation been colonies by Europeans
Ethopia will be history soon by 2030 from the map will be divided 8 different nations no more ethopia
አንተ 2030 ሳይደርስ ቀድመህ ትጠፋለህ ሲያምርህ ይቅር