A hydro-plant and a steam plant are to supply a constant load of 95 MW for 1 week (168 h). The unit characteristics are: Hydro-plant: q = 300 + 15 PH acre - ft/h Steam plant: Hs = 53.25 +11.27 Ps + 0.0213 P? Let the hydro-plant be limited to 9,000 MWh of energy. Solve for Ts, the run time of 0 < PH < 100 MW 12.5 < Ps < 50 MW the steam unit.
A hydro-plant and a steam plant are to supply a constant load of 95 MW for 1 week (168 h). The unit characteristics are: Hydro-plant: q = 300 + 15 PH acre - ft/h Steam plant: Hs = 53.25 +11.27 Ps + 0.0213 P? Let the hydro-plant be limited to 9,000 MWh of energy. Solve for Ts, the run time of 0 < PH < 100 MW 12.5 < Ps < 50 MW the steam unit.
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