I'm a 21 year old medical student an Melchizedek priesthood holder. I was disqualified from a mission due to severe injury of the right knee ( 2 torn ligaments and irreprable chondral damage) This hit hard. One by one I saw friends leave out to serve the lord. I stayed. I waited. I went to study in a different city. There, on my course was a woman who was seeing the elders. 4 years she resisted the lessons. Within a month of knowing her, She was baptized. I found why I was asked to move. I return home on friday (moving uni) To baptize an old friend who I studied with back in high school. The lord will use the broken tools... He loves us all. Including those with a limp, bad eyesight and every other ailment. If you cannot serve, Take heart and KNOW he WILL use you... and when it breaks that you have served your god... the salve is the sweetest...
I too missed out on a mission in my youth but now I serve as a Familysearch support missionary. I served in 2007-2009 and then again in 2012 to the present day and have extended my mission once already. I love this mission as I get to serve from home. I have also been told that our missionaries will also be able to serve from home on their computers in the not to distant future which will be good for those who have health issues or others stopping them from going to other countries to serve full time missions
+Jason Pereira Did you go on your mission yet? Watch this, its beautiful! www.lds.org/broadcasts/watch/ww-devotionals/2015/01?cid=HPSU011115617&lang=eng thanks for sharing your story w. Us :)
Thank you Morgan, I was temporary disqualified for my weight ( I was 129 kilos) and it was pretty hard and hurtfull when they told me I had to stay until my weight where lower, Now I´m 109 kilos and my life is much better. I´m 2 kilos away to reach the weight they ask me to have. In the time I have been arround waiting and hard working the Lord has helped me to reactivate many young man of my ward due to I'm the young man president, God has a plan for every one of us :D
My wife and I were baptized at Nan-Tun Ward, Taiwan in 2012. We sold everything then moved to Guam with goals of unity of family, building eternal family, enhance capacity and serve others after sealing at Taipei Temple in 2013. Five years later, we felt that that we needed to move again. This time, we chose to moved forward to Eagle, Idaho with goal of raising a worthy young man to serve the Lord in 2018. Now the young man is waiting for his calling to serve his mission. He will go where the Lord want him to go.
This is wonderful about your son. I live in Meridian, ID and have lived in Boise, Idaho Falls, Goshen, etc. Although grew up in California and went to BYU for school and met my husband there.
My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer this week. I thought we would serve missions together. But if God calls to paths that I do not know, I’ll answer “Dear Lord, with my hand in Thine, I’ll go where You want me to go. And I’ll trust my All to Thy tender care and know that Thou lovest me. I’ll be what You want me to be. “ I know that God is good.
thanks brother. we also thank your faith's contributions to ours. there is a 7th day adventist artist whose paintings are found in many thousands of our church buildings and homes. in fact, there is even a whole exhibit at our the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints History museum displaying his wonderful work of the Savior. thank you or your kind words and thank you for sharing in the Holy Spirit that we, and many throughout the world, feel when they listen to the Choir at Temple Square. thanks to the Love we both share for our Savior.
This song has become my motto, while I'm serving in the Navy. People all around me are constantly doing and inviting us to sin. It looks fun at times. But I sing this song in my head whenever I feel conflicted.
Stay strong 💪 Thank you for your service to the country too but also know that staying strong will actually soften the people's hearts around u to notice that you are different and that's a testimony there
I to served in the navy. I had many discussions with people who were interested in the LDS religion. They would come out of nowhere and ask, are you Mormon? I never knew if I made a difference to them on their path. I hope so. A good example is what shines out in the world.
I’m 81 yrs old. We’ve been married 60+ yrs. This wonderful music has always filled our home. It brings such a wonderful feeling of peace and love. They sing by the power of the Holy Ghost . Thank you
I was homeless living on the streets, many times in the darkness of night l talk with God, telling him whatever you allow me to go through l will do it. Whatever you want me to do, l will do it, Wherever you know that l will do your work send me. Walking the streets at night praying with Prostitutes And drug Athletes was a blessing. One lady who was about to end her life, God used me to pray for her, she gave her life to Jesus Christ and move back home to her family. All l can say is thank you Jesus. I am no longer Homeless staying with a wonderful friend 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💯❤
I am a 21 year old rm. I was 14 when Pres. Monson announced the lowering of mission ages for youth! I was so excited. I have always been excited about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Fast forward three years later I knew my friends would be getting ready to go on missions after our high school graduation. I really wanted to serve the Lord. However I was disqualified from a prosyltizing mission due to medical reasons and I ended up having to wait a year because of surgery. Two months after I turned nineteen I was called on a service mission. I was set apart by my Stake President the day before my first day of school. One of my schoolteachers drove me to my assignment during school hours. When school let out nine months later my special needs program assigned a new staff member who had worked for them a few months since completing her own prosyltizing mission in Texas to work with me while I was finishing my mission. I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to serve my Heavenly Father and my Savior in this way!
Joseph, thanks so much for sharing your excitement for the gospel of Jesus Christ and for your service to the Lord as a missionary. You are loved and needed and we're so glad you're here!
I feel so privileged to know the gospel. This past week the youth in our stake got to go to the Kirkland temple and it was the most magical experience that I have ever had. I have never felt that peaceful and I learned that I shouldn't take the word for granted because people laid down their life for me to be able to worship today and I'm eternally grateful to them.
While I was on mission serving, this song has been my strength each time my flesh feels weak to go out I remember I will do what the Lord wants me to do. And in came strength to do that exact task. Laboured in the great Nigeria Benin-city mission finished in Enugu Mission all in Nigeria west Africa.
Last week 130 members of our stake travelled from New Zealand to the Kingdom of Tonga for our week temple trip, as our only temple in New Zealand is closed for 3 years. Many may wonder why we prepared for a year to travel there when we could have got cheaper flights to a temple in Australia. The answer is simple, we went where the Lord wanted us to go... and it was an amazing week...we have been so abundantly blessed with an outpouring of the spirit as we served our ancestors with the support of the Tongan people. So many beautiful sweet moments with loved ones present and past, that we will go there again next year. Grateful for the direction from our prophets to be a temple attending people and the challenge from our stake presidency to go to Tonga.
I was sent home from the MTC because I got really sick. I was given an honourable release, and I have tried to serve my Maker ever since, by being where He wills it without question
I had the same, just last week I was set apart for temple work & found that blessing was immensely helpful. I'd encourage you to consider a blessing. I'm a convert from July '13. Yesterday I performed a consecration for a grave site, which gave me another testimony of the priesthood.
It was Thanksgiving day yesterday and my mom announced that we were going on one of the newest cruise ships made in the U.S (I forgot the name lol) But this songs brings me great joy to my world and I am so grateful for this choir. God bless all of all and have a great day or night.
There's nothing like the power of God that drives me in the direction of where God wants to be. No looking back Lord. Because you put my eyes and feet in the forward position and not in the backward position.
I was born in the church in Germany and when a family left for Zion we sang this hymn. Then when I was 10 years old this hymn was sung for my family and I. It is such a blessing to be in this promised land and a Latter Day Saint.
i love this song so much!! it reminds me on those times back when I was once a missionary,,, and I am always a missionary!!! I'm a seventh day Adventist!!! and so loved seeing missionary from your church doing and serving our Almighty Savior!!! God bless us all brethren!!!!!
I can't contain my tears when hearing this music. When I served my mission, this hymn gave me strenght to go on leaving my family despite our condition may not good I left them financial unstable because my parents weren't capable of and my father had passed away many years ago so me and my sibblings were only left.
A few months ago I was called to serve my mission in Las Vegas. Several of my friends have had the more luxurious missions, such as to Brazil or Germany. Yet when I read my calling to Las Vegas, I could feel nothing but happiness in knowing that I was going somewhere where I was needed. This song has always been one of my favorites, and it's only really now that I understand it's meanings.Though it may not be over mountains high, or cross the stormy sea, but I shall go where the Lord has need of me.
I wanted to go to taiwan. I went to san bernardino ca. I met so many deep souls who hungered for the gospel. I learned lessons there. Later i went to taiwan and i couldnt stand it. Squat toilets. Now my son is serving there with joy and excellence. So serve with your whole heart and he will open it to those who are seeking.
You have to think differently. There is no such thing as a more “luxurious” mission area. Especially not in the eyes of God. Like Mr. Lee above, I went to San Bernardino, CA and it was a tailored made experience in the gospel for me.
The best mission is the mission you are called to as that's where heavenly father needs you and he has already been preparing people's hearts for you to reach ..
I have had some hard times recently. I am a member, but I was having doubts about my self worth. But thanks to the Church, I have realized my divine nature and individual worth. Because of the blessings God put on this earth for me, I was able to make it through. I love this choir, it is the source of so much encouragement for me. Thank you.
Joy Browne You are a beloved Daughter of a Heavenly father who knows you and loves you. Of you could see yourself as he sees you there would be no doubt in you mind he has Great things planned for you
When I was applying to mission I always asked God to call me to serve where He want me to go. And He gave me more than I ask. Philippines to Nevada Las Vegas West Mission. May 29, 2018-2020 .
Home to me is a clean, orderly house, with everyone helping each other by taking turns cleaning, cooking, doing yard work…and sometimes doing those together. And studying and praying. And also using our other talents to bless our family and friends, and neighbors.
Thanks so much for all your wonderful songs. Though I am not a member of your church I got the spririt of the true meaning - pls continue singing for a lot of people allover the world enjoying your wonderful choir and orchestra. Greeting from Germany.
A few years ago (I was probably in my late 60s) I was home reading. It was dark outside, probably around eight o'clock. I answered the knock on my door to find two good-looking young women--the kind who would have no trouble getting dates or other invitations for exciting activities. They were probably in their early 20s. Mormons. They were pleasant when I told them I'm Catholic and not likely to convert. They were gracious and, as they were about to leave, asked if they could do anything for me. When I said I couldn't think of anything, they offered to do my genealogy. I gave them the information they requested and a few minutes later they walked off down the street into the dark. I watched them go and thought to myself that almost all young college-age students on a Friday night would be getting ready to go to a party, or a sporting event, or a rock concert, or something else not too much different from the things we did back in the 60s and 70s. And while all of these other young people were getting ready for a rockin' night out, these young women were here, at 8:00 o'clock, alone on a dark street . . . serving their Lord. This song brought up the memory of that quiet night. May God bless them and all other Mormon young people wherever they are.
hello, brother. thank you for sharing your experiences,your story brought tears to my eyes. i am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (“Mormons” is a nickname, although we prefer the long name hahaha). I have daughters who will soon serve as missionaries in the near future when they are of age. I hope that when they go knock on doors, they would find kind people like you. God bless you. ❤
Never knew that I didn't trust god until I seen his love grace and mercy in my life after really letting go and letting god by praying to him for all my hardest decisions this is absolutely the true chuch. Although we don't know everything in this life the holy spirit has confirmed it is true. ❤❤❤❤
The spirit and drive of this song are simply AMAZING. We are all missionaries, every day of our lives. I really love listening to the choir as tonight I have been listening to hymns all night. What a treat!!!!!.
May God bless the ministry of this choir, and help us to do what He wants us to do, go where He wants us to to go, say what He wants us to say, and be what He wants us to be. Amen
It may not be on the mountain height Or over the stormy sea, It may not be at the battle's front My Lord will have need of me. But if, by a still, small voice he calls To paths that I do not know, I'll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in thine: I'll go where you want me to go. I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord, Over mountain or plain or sea; I'll say what you want me to say, dear Lord; I'll be what you want me to be. Perhaps today there are loving words Which Jesus would have me speak; There may be now in the paths of sin Some wand'rer whom I should seek. O Savior, if thou wilt be my guide, Tho dark and rugged the way, My voice shall echo the message sweet: I'll say what you want me to say. There's surely somewhere a lowly place In earth's harvest fields so wide Where I may labor through life's short day For Jesus, the Crucified. So trusting my all to thy tender care, And knowing thou lovest me, I'll do thy will with a heart sincere: I'll be what you want me to be.
This was the first hymn I heard at church the first time I went, and like the first part said, by a small voice was I called to serve so eventhough I allways said no because of medschool I suspended it at 3rd year to go and serve in about a week, it's good to hear it helped you to choose such important thing, I hope it will help me too once I get to have that desition
This song always brings tears to my eyes. Reminds me of the yester years when I could sing it from the pit of my belly believing each of every word written there in with so much faith
What a wonderful hymn!!!! It brings me peace every time I hear it. It became one of my favorites after going through some very painful times....this saved me from a very dark and cold place. Thank you Heavenly Father!!!!
The Lord has assigned me to labor in Idaho. I have faith that he has a great purpose for me there. I am eager to do his work wherever he needs it done.
I really like the Primary song.Light Divine.. It touches my soul. I am so blessed to be able to see, hear the melodious music of the Mormon Choir,, I NEED THEE EVERY HOUR IS FOR ME AS I HAVE BEEN IN CHRONIC PAIN SINCE 1998, i LOVE THE LORD, I LOVE THE LORD HE IS MY REDEEMER AND SAVIOR.Psalms 91:1-2
I love the same songs. I too have had 35 years of chronic pain.... fibromyalgia. It slows us down but draws us ever closer to the Lord. He suffered our pains too.
I’m in high school and I suffer from higher amounts of depression. It has been so hard for me to get through this year and it’s been hard to trust in the lord. Recently I found a book my grandma great (great grandma) gave me. It’s called dance while you can. I’ve read it every time I read my Book of Mormon and it has blessed me so much. Another book that has been amazing is The Traveler by Andy Andrews. I know that with the lord guiding my life that I will be able to get through the tough spots
Hi Little Leo, thanks for tuning in to the video and for sharing your comment. We're glad you've found resources to help you feel God's love. For you and others struggling with depression, we're sorry for the difficulty and heartache you experience. You are not alone, you are loved, and we encourage you to reach out to those around you and get help. To learn more, visit mentalhealth.churchofjesuschrist.org.
Thanks so much. I'm an ardent lover of hymn. I thank God for your lives. Though not your member but my church also love hymns. God bless you and your family in Jesus name Amen.
1. It may not be on the mountain height Or over the stormy sea, It may not be at the battle's front My Lord will have need of me. But if, by a still, small voice he calls To paths that I do not know, I'll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in thine: I'll go where you want me to go. (Chorus) I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord, Over mountain or plain or sea; I'll say what you want me to say, dear Lord; I'll be what you want me to be. 2. Perhaps today there are loving words Which Jesus would have me speak; There may be now in the paths of sin Some wand'rer whom I should seek. O Savior, if thou wilt be my guide, Tho dark and rugged the way, My voice shall echo the message sweet: I'll say what you want me to say. 3. There's surely somewhere a lowly place In earth's harvest fields so wide Where I may labor through life's short day For Jesus, the Crucified. So trusting my all to thy tender care, And knowing thou lovest me, I'll do thy will with a heart sincere: I'll be what you want me to be
I remember the time when I served us full-time missionary in Bacolod there are time that I need to kneel down to pray to tackle the work well to serve others by teaching the gospel principles to those in need to feed them with words ,and ask protection from heaven whereever I go or where he wants me to go,but realized afterwards my mission getting closer to end the work is not enough,but facing the reality I must go home and serve others too.
This is beautifully done -- very pretty. Everyone involved with this music is very talented. Just listen to that beautiful organ, being played by two brothers at once! Thank you for sharing it all with us.
you can do what the Lord wants you to do! one of my favorite verses in The Book of Mormon is Moroni 6:8 "But as oft as they repented and sought forgiveness, with real intent, they were forgiven."
as someone who has strayed from the path that the lord wants me to be on this is always a song that waters my eyes to help me realize my nothingness at the masters feet. I sometimes feel like I always mess up but this song always rings in my soul bringing me to my loving parents who taught me right as a little boy. How to find solace and comfort. this hymn heard In the ears of this sinner it is expressed with motivation to be want to be what I am destine to become in the eyes of the lord. My nothingness is his everything.
I feel like mission isn't for me. Though right now this decision is disappointing a lot of people I believe that God has some place that he wants me to be. This hymn is just touching
It is a tough decision. Pray with a sincere heart, humbled in spirit. The Lord has said through our prophet He wants every eligible person to serve. As you ponder be sure the answer isn’t “your” answer you want to hear. I was in this same position and I chose the navy. I inserted I will serve the Lord there. Looking back, I seen that it was my answer not His. I regret not serving. I missed out on blessings I know. Do as you wish or as the Lord wishes. What you miss, is what you’ll miss. May God Bless
I know Jesus loves each and every one of us and we will all be ready to do his work god bless each and everyone of Us and god bless our prophet Russell m Nelson
I have the most important part in my life 💝my auntie Georgia Marie Bear Cloud im askingfor prayers on her behalf she had a heart attack Tuesday and is in ICU fighting for her life. I lknowMy Heavenly Father and his Angeles are with her. PRAY FOR HER TO RECOVER AND BE WITH US TALKING LAUGHING. Thank you in the name of Jesus Christ she'll recover. AMEN.
I'm a 21 year old medical student an Melchizedek priesthood holder. I was disqualified from a mission due to severe injury of the right knee ( 2 torn ligaments and irreprable chondral damage) This hit hard. One by one I saw friends leave out to serve the lord. I stayed. I waited. I went to study in a different city. There, on my course was a woman who was seeing the elders. 4 years she resisted the lessons. Within a month of knowing her, She was baptized. I found why I was asked to move. I return home on friday (moving uni) To baptize an old friend who I studied with back in high school. The lord will use the broken tools... He loves us all. Including those with a limp, bad eyesight and every other ailment. If you cannot serve, Take heart and KNOW he WILL use you... and when it breaks that you have served your god... the salve is the sweetest...
This is so awesome to hear! I'll be leaving for my mission tomorrow to serve the people in Quezon City, Philippines.
I too missed out on a mission in my youth but now I serve as a Familysearch support missionary. I served in 2007-2009 and then again in 2012 to the present day and have extended my mission once already. I love this mission as I get to serve from home. I have also been told that our missionaries will also be able to serve from home on their computers in the not to distant future which will be good for those who have health issues or others stopping them from going to other countries to serve full time missions
+Jason Pereira Did you go on your mission yet? Watch this, its beautiful! www.lds.org/broadcasts/watch/ww-devotionals/2015/01?cid=HPSU011115617&lang=eng thanks for sharing your story w. Us :)
Thank you Morgan, I was temporary disqualified for my weight ( I was 129 kilos) and it was pretty hard and hurtfull when they told me I had to stay until my weight where lower, Now I´m 109 kilos and my life is much better. I´m 2 kilos away to reach the weight they ask me to have. In the time I have been arround waiting and hard working the Lord has helped me to reactivate many young man of my ward due to I'm the young man president, God has a plan for every one of us :D
amazing testimony, thank you.
My wife and I were baptized at Nan-Tun Ward, Taiwan in 2012. We sold everything then moved to Guam with goals of unity of family, building eternal family, enhance capacity and serve others after sealing at Taipei Temple in 2013. Five years later, we felt that that we needed to move again. This time, we chose to moved forward to Eagle, Idaho with goal of raising a worthy young man to serve the Lord in 2018. Now the young man is waiting for his calling to serve his mission. He will go where the Lord want him to go.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience!
Where he go?
Thank you for blessing our state with your family.
What a journey! Thank you for sharing your journey.
This is wonderful about your son. I live in Meridian, ID and have lived in Boise, Idaho Falls, Goshen, etc. Although grew up in California and went to BYU for school and met my husband there.
My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer this week. I thought we would serve missions together. But if God calls to paths that I do not know, I’ll answer “Dear Lord, with my hand in Thine, I’ll go where You want me to go. And I’ll trust my All to Thy tender care and know that Thou lovest me. I’ll be what You want me to be. “ I know that God is good.
You are so brave. What you wrote in your comment shows it. God and Christ must be so proud of you. I pray that you and your husband will feel peace.
i love it
You made me cry sister. So brave of you.❤
Bless you both on your journeys ….
How is your husband doing
I'm Seventh Day Adventist and this is my favorite song. Praise the Lord for this wonderful choir!
It is wonderful that this choir preaches wonderful sermons with music to all the world.
thanks brother. we also thank your faith's contributions to ours. there is a 7th day adventist artist whose paintings are found in many thousands of our church buildings and homes. in fact, there is even a whole exhibit at our the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints History museum displaying his wonderful work of the Savior. thank you or your kind words and thank you for sharing in the Holy Spirit that we, and many throughout the world, feel when they listen to the Choir at Temple Square. thanks to the Love we both share for our Savior.
So do l bro'.
I am a Catholic and I absolutely love this hymn.
This song has become my motto, while I'm serving in the Navy. People all around me are constantly doing and inviting us to sin. It looks fun at times. But I sing this song in my head whenever I feel conflicted.
Thanks for sharing..
Stay strong 💪
Thank you for your service to the country too but also know that staying strong will actually soften the people's hearts around u to notice that you are different and that's a testimony there
You’re a good man
Amen I going to the navy. If it God’s will
I to served in the navy. I had many discussions with people who were interested in the LDS religion. They would come out of nowhere and ask, are you Mormon?
I never knew if I made a difference to them on their path. I hope so. A good example is what shines out in the world.
I’m 81 yrs old. We’ve been married 60+ yrs. This wonderful music has always filled our home. It brings such a wonderful feeling of peace and love. They sing by the power of the Holy Ghost . Thank you
Merry Christmas brother.
Deve rezar, nesses momentos de tentação a frase dita pelo Senhor Jesus: " Porque se uniu a mim Eu o livrarei e protegerei ! " Amen
Amen ❤
i am a prospective missionary assigned to labor in South Africa Johannesburg mission this hymn push me to go and serve with joy in my heart
I was born and raised in Johannesburg. God bless you :)
How wonderful. God Bless You. Your going to be right where Heavenly Father wants you to be😊
I was homeless living on the streets, many times in the darkness of night l talk with God, telling him whatever you allow me to go through l will do it. Whatever you want me to do, l will do it, Wherever you know that l will do your work send me. Walking the streets at night praying with Prostitutes And drug Athletes was a blessing. One lady who was about to end her life, God used me to pray for her, she gave her life to Jesus Christ and move back home to her family. All l can say is thank you Jesus. I am no longer Homeless staying with a wonderful friend 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💯❤
I read your words with deep empathy. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be always with you and your beloved one.
@@jorgbirmelin1547 Thank you please keep me in prayer, God bless you and your family as well in Jesus Mighty Name Amen 🙏🏼 ❤️
I am praying for you God is listening believe and you shall receive in Jesus Mighty Name Amen 🙏🏼 🙏🏼 🙏🏼❤❤
I am a 21 year old rm. I was 14 when Pres. Monson announced the lowering of mission ages for youth! I was so excited. I have always been excited about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Fast forward three years later I knew my friends would be getting ready to go on missions after our high school graduation. I really wanted to serve the Lord. However I was disqualified from a prosyltizing mission due to medical reasons and I ended up having to wait a year because of surgery. Two months after I turned nineteen I was called on a service mission. I was set apart by my Stake President the day before my first day of school. One of my schoolteachers drove me to my assignment during school hours. When school let out nine months later my special needs program assigned a new staff member who had worked for them a few months since completing her own prosyltizing mission in Texas to work with me while I was finishing my mission. I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to serve my Heavenly Father and my Savior in this way!
Joseph, thanks so much for sharing your excitement for the gospel of Jesus Christ and for your service to the Lord as a missionary. You are loved and needed and we're so glad you're here!
I feel so privileged to know the gospel. This past week the youth in our stake got to go to the Kirkland temple and it was the most magical experience that I have ever had. I have never felt that peaceful and I learned that I shouldn't take the word for granted because people laid down their life for me to be able to worship today and I'm eternally grateful to them.
madeleine akobundu x
While I was on mission serving, this song has been my strength each time my flesh feels weak to go out I remember I will do what the Lord wants me to do. And in came strength to do that exact task. Laboured in the great Nigeria Benin-city mission finished in Enugu Mission all in Nigeria west Africa.
Last week 130 members of our stake travelled from New Zealand to the Kingdom of Tonga for our week temple trip, as our only temple in New Zealand is closed for 3 years. Many may wonder why we prepared for a year to travel there when we could have got cheaper flights to a temple in Australia. The answer is simple, we went where the Lord wanted us to go... and it was an amazing week...we have been so abundantly blessed with an outpouring of the spirit as we served our ancestors with the support of the Tongan people. So many beautiful sweet moments with loved ones present and past, that we will go there again next year. Grateful for the direction from our prophets to be a temple attending people and the challenge from our stake presidency to go to Tonga.
I was sent home from the MTC because I got really sick. I was given an honourable release, and I have tried to serve my Maker ever since, by being where He wills it without question
I love this hymn. I've been a member for over a year now.
+Betty congratulations my friend :) I hope you can continue to press forward even when you don't feel like it.
+Betty Do you still have a strong testimony of the Gospel?
I have struggle with my faith for a few months now, but I still try to press forward.
I know God will help me.
I had the same, just last week I was set apart for temple work & found that blessing was immensely helpful. I'd encourage you to consider a blessing. I'm a convert from July '13. Yesterday I performed a consecration for a grave site, which gave me another testimony of the priesthood.
+Betty I'd admire you for your faith and determination to press forward with faith in God no matter how hard life may get. Keep it up.
It was Thanksgiving day yesterday and my mom announced that we were going on one of the newest cruise ships made in the U.S (I forgot the name lol) But this songs brings me great joy to my world and I am so grateful for this choir. God bless all of all and have a great day or night.
There's nothing like the power of God that drives me in the direction of where God wants to be. No looking back Lord. Because you put my eyes and feet in the forward position and not in the backward position.
I was born in the church in Germany and when a family left for Zion we sang this hymn. Then when I was 10 years old this hymn was sung for my family and I. It is such a blessing to be in this promised land and a Latter Day Saint.
i love this song so much!! it reminds me on those times back when I was once a missionary,,, and I am always a missionary!!!
I'm a seventh day Adventist!!! and so loved seeing missionary from your church doing and serving our Almighty Savior!!!
God bless us all brethren!!!!!
Thank you for your comment and for your commitment to serve the Savior!
Glad to be of service, thank you for your thanks.
I can't contain my tears when hearing this music. When I served my mission, this hymn gave me strenght to go on leaving my family despite our condition may not good I left them financial unstable because my parents weren't capable of and my father had passed away many years ago so me and my sibblings were only left.
A few months ago I was called to serve my mission in Las Vegas. Several of my friends have had the more luxurious missions, such as to Brazil or Germany. Yet when I read my calling to Las Vegas, I could feel nothing but happiness in knowing that I was going somewhere where I was needed. This song has always been one of my favorites, and it's only really now that I understand it's meanings.Though it may not be over mountains high, or cross the stormy sea, but I shall go where the Lord has need of me.
Specimin6 I think Las Vegas is a hard area but I know you will serve greatly and that you could get some people to fall in love with the church
Specimin6 hey I was called to serve at nevada las vegas west
I wanted to go to taiwan. I went to san bernardino ca. I met so many deep souls who hungered for the gospel. I learned lessons there. Later i went to taiwan and i couldnt stand it. Squat toilets. Now my son is serving there with joy and excellence. So serve with your whole heart and he will open it to those who are seeking.
You have to think differently. There is no such thing as a more “luxurious” mission area. Especially not in the eyes of God. Like Mr. Lee above, I went to San Bernardino, CA and it was a tailored made experience in the gospel for me.
The best mission is the mission you are called to as that's where heavenly father needs you and he has already been preparing people's hearts for you to reach ..
Great sound of inspiration and peace . Whenever I listen to this song I'm reminded of my Granny. May all she thought me come to life
Got my mission call this morning and tuned into listen to this! Haven’t opened it yet
Congrats on receiving your mission call!
This the song that God spirit leads me to at 4:30am this Sunday.
WOW! The assembly of Jesus of the Latter Day Saints, Choir is so beautiful to be accompanied with while praying to Christ!
This song got me through a tough day. I’m grateful for the Spirit which brings peace to us in times of need.
What was the rough day?
I agree!!! amen!!!! I just started going to the ads church
My soul woke up this morning harming this song and I searched UA-cam video for it, now I heard it I'm satisfied.
I always feel the spirit and remind me to work in thy Temple obedience to the Lord
I did the same ❤
@@josefinadiazdelgra6538I have found I sing primary songs when I am seeking comfort most, I’m grateful for every Sunday I spent in that building.
How sweet is the Lord . He loves us all.
I have had some hard times recently. I am a member, but I was having doubts about my self worth. But thanks to the Church, I have realized my divine nature and individual worth. Because of the blessings God put on this earth for me, I was able to make it through. I love this choir, it is the source of so much encouragement for me. Thank you.
Joy Browne You are a beloved Daughter of a Heavenly father who knows you and loves you. Of you could see yourself as he sees you there would be no doubt in you mind he has Great things planned for you
This song has become our family "anthem" as we have moved from one place to another. "I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord..."
God bless you and keep you close to HIS Son, Jesus Christ the LORD!
When I was applying to mission I always asked God to call me to serve where He want me to go. And He gave me more than I ask. Philippines to Nevada Las Vegas West Mission. May 29, 2018-2020 .
Bro, nice bro
I love this song i'm so greatful to be a member of lds church
Home to me is a clean, orderly house, with everyone helping each other by taking turns cleaning, cooking, doing yard work…and sometimes doing those together. And studying and praying. And also using our other talents to bless our family and friends, and neighbors.
Thanks so much for all your wonderful songs. Though I am not a member of your church I got the spririt of the true meaning - pls continue singing for a lot of people allover the world enjoying your wonderful choir and orchestra. Greeting from Germany.
Cornelia, thank you for your comment!
A few years ago (I was probably in my late 60s) I was home reading. It was dark outside, probably around eight o'clock. I answered the knock on my door to find two good-looking young women--the kind who would have no trouble getting dates or other invitations for exciting activities. They were probably in their early 20s. Mormons. They were pleasant when I told them I'm Catholic and not likely to convert. They were gracious and, as they were about to leave, asked if they could do anything for me. When I said I couldn't think of anything, they offered to do my genealogy. I gave them the information they requested and a few minutes later they walked off down the street into the dark. I watched them go and thought to myself that almost all young college-age students on a Friday night would be getting ready to go to a party, or a sporting event, or a rock concert, or something else not too much different from the things we did back in the 60s and 70s. And while all of these other young people were getting ready for a rockin' night out, these young women were here, at 8:00 o'clock, alone on a dark street . . . serving their Lord. This song brought up the memory of that quiet night. May God bless them and all other Mormon young people wherever they are.
Thanks for tuning in and for sharing your experience and kind words!
hello, brother. thank you for sharing your experiences,your story brought tears to my eyes. i am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (“Mormons” is a nickname,
although we prefer the long name hahaha). I have daughters who will soon serve as missionaries in the near future when they are of age. I hope that when they go knock on doors, they would find kind people like you. God bless you. ❤
This Song was my Father's favorite. After more than 25 years, I still miss him and my Mother.
Never knew that I didn't trust god until I seen his love grace and mercy in my life after really letting go and letting god by praying to him for all my hardest decisions this is absolutely the true chuch. Although we don't know everything in this life the holy spirit has confirmed it is true. ❤❤❤❤
The spirit and drive of this song are simply AMAZING. We are all missionaries, every day of our lives. I really love listening to the choir as tonight I have been listening to hymns all night. What a treat!!!!!.
May God bless the ministry of this choir, and help us to do what He wants us to do, go where He wants us to to go, say what He wants us to say, and be what He wants us to be. Amen
OMG. Fantastic. I listened with tears
I was called to the Arcadia mission which is only 3 hours away from home but I know that is where the Lord needs me.
One of the Best Hymns ❤️🙏
It may not be on the mountain height
Or over the stormy sea,
It may not be at the battle's front
My Lord will have need of me.
But if, by a still, small voice he calls
To paths that I do not know,
I'll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in thine:
I'll go where you want me to go.
I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord,
Over mountain or plain or sea;
I'll say what you want me to say, dear Lord;
I'll be what you want me to be.
Perhaps today there are loving words
Which Jesus would have me speak;
There may be now in the paths of sin
Some wand'rer whom I should seek.
O Savior, if thou wilt be my guide,
Tho dark and rugged the way,
My voice shall echo the message sweet:
I'll say what you want me to say.
There's surely somewhere a lowly place
In earth's harvest fields so wide
Where I may labor through life's short day
For Jesus, the Crucified.
So trusting my all to thy tender care,
And knowing thou lovest me,
I'll do thy will with a heart sincere:
I'll be what you want me to be.
There is no greater choir on Earth
Hymns are powerful, but beautiful prayers to God. They help unite us, and bring hope and peace to the soul.
About how all these wonderful people celebrate God.Thanks Mormon Channel on all.
I'm approaching a major decision point of where to pursue medical residency, and this blessed hymn helps me to put the matter in proper perspective
This was the first hymn I heard at church the first time I went, and like the first part said, by a small voice was I called to serve so eventhough I allways said no because of medschool I suspended it at 3rd year to go and serve in about a week, it's good to hear it helped you to choose such important thing, I hope it will help me too once I get to have that desition
Yes grateful for this hymn.🙏🙏🙏
I love the lovely dresses of the ladies! The men are looking sharp too in their attire. Beautiful song!
I can promise He can use us at any age and any skill level!
A song of praise to the living God, a song that jolts the human soul to become more and more attached to our Lord Jesus Christ
This song always brings tears to my eyes. Reminds me of the yester years when I could sing it from the pit of my belly believing each of every word written there in with so much faith
As for me, and my house l will follow the Lord!🙏
😊 Amen!
Let every flesh praise HIM forever
my baptism song, I live it love it even when my path is dark and now my heart be broken, I shall carry your light where ad when you ask dear lord
This is beautiful! I hope be at the level where I follow Christ the way this song describes, someday.
I love this song! It brings me back to Connecticut on my mission 97' -99' but is still powerful and applicable today!
l am a Mormon and l love this hymn l remember when l was in choir in my ward it was our favorite hymn
What a wonderful hymn!!!! It brings me peace every time I hear it. It became one of my favorites after going through some very painful times....this saved me from a very dark and cold place. Thank you Heavenly Father!!!!
What a camforting feeling listening to this❤️
The Lord has assigned me to labor in Idaho. I have faith that he has a great purpose for me there. I am eager to do his work wherever he needs it done.
Welcome to the great state of Idaho, we help you where you need us.
I really like the Primary song.Light Divine.. It touches my soul. I am so blessed to be able to see, hear the melodious music of the Mormon Choir,, I NEED THEE EVERY HOUR IS FOR ME AS I HAVE BEEN IN CHRONIC PAIN SINCE 1998, i LOVE THE LORD, I LOVE THE LORD HE IS MY REDEEMER AND SAVIOR.Psalms 91:1-2
I love the same songs. I too have had 35 years of chronic pain.... fibromyalgia. It slows us down but draws us ever closer to the Lord. He suffered our pains too.
Beautiful! Their like angels on earth! :) It gave me goosebumps.
Jill Griffin .... They’re! And you are right!!!
What a lovely song ! It reminds us of our covenants. Thank you so much Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Thank you!
Obrigada estou feliz very good
Ana Church I'm loving this choir
I love this choir but I’ve just found this song. It’s beautiful.
I’m in high school and I suffer from higher amounts of depression. It has been so hard for me to get through this year and it’s been hard to trust in the lord. Recently I found a book my grandma great (great grandma) gave me. It’s called dance while you can. I’ve read it every time I read my Book of Mormon and it has blessed me so much. Another book that has been amazing is The Traveler by Andy Andrews. I know that with the lord guiding my life that I will be able to get through the tough spots
Hi Little Leo, thanks for tuning in to the video and for sharing your comment. We're glad you've found resources to help you feel God's love. For you and others struggling with depression, we're sorry for the difficulty and heartache you experience. You are not alone, you are loved, and we encourage you to reach out to those around you and get help. To learn more, visit mentalhealth.churchofjesuschrist.org.
Thanks so much. I'm an ardent lover of hymn. I thank God for your lives. Though not your member but my church also love hymns. God bless you and your family in Jesus name Amen.
1. It may not be on the mountain height
Or over the stormy sea,
It may not be at the battle's front
My Lord will have need of me.
But if, by a still, small voice he calls
To paths that I do not know,
I'll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in thine:
I'll go where you want me to go.
I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord,
Over mountain or plain or sea;
I'll say what you want me to say, dear Lord;
I'll be what you want me to be.
2. Perhaps today there are loving words
Which Jesus would have me speak;
There may be now in the paths of sin
Some wand'rer whom I should seek.
O Savior, if thou wilt be my guide,
Tho dark and rugged the way,
My voice shall echo the message sweet:
I'll say what you want me to say.
3. There's surely somewhere a lowly place
In earth's harvest fields so wide
Where I may labor through life's short day
For Jesus, the Crucified.
So trusting my all to thy tender care,
And knowing thou lovest me,
I'll do thy will with a heart sincere:
I'll be what you want me to be
Alex Fuentes Thank you and God bless you
Thank you blessings
Thanks man! Appreciate yr post
I remember the time when I served us full-time missionary in Bacolod there are time that I need to kneel down to pray to tackle the work well to serve others by teaching the gospel principles to those in need to feed them with words ,and ask protection from heaven whereever I go or where he wants me to go,but realized afterwards my mission getting closer to end the work is not enough,but facing the reality I must go home and serve others too.
Beautiful rendition of this hymn.
I was a great day in my life 2 c myself in love with Mormon tab on mission can this day ever come again !
this is a song we sang at church in my childhood great memories
I love this hymn which always brings tears to my eyes. I will go where you want me to go!
This is beautifully done -- very pretty. Everyone involved with this music is very talented. Just listen to that beautiful organ, being played by two brothers at once! Thank you for sharing it all with us.
I wish I could do what the lord wants me to do after having heard this song. I’ve done so much bad in my life.
you can do what the Lord wants you to do!
one of my favorite verses in The Book of Mormon is Moroni 6:8 "But as oft as they repented and sought forgiveness, with real intent, they were forgiven."
This song is about so much more than a mission call. Really enjoy listening to it.
Absolutely beautiful, I love this hymn.
This song is so angelic it brings joy to my heart :)
These are such beautiful lyrics. What a lovely hymn.
Beautiful 😍
Beautiful Rendition! Glory Be To God . I'm so blessed. AMEN & AMEN 🙌🙌🙌
as someone who has strayed from the path that the lord wants me to be on this is always a song that waters my eyes to help me realize my nothingness at the masters feet. I sometimes feel like I always mess up but this song always rings in my soul bringing me to my loving parents who taught me right as a little boy. How to find solace and comfort. this hymn heard In the ears of this sinner it is expressed with motivation to be want to be what I am destine to become in the eyes of the lord. My nothingness is his everything.
Harmonia linda calma e serena,(Espetacular) Deus os Abençoe cada vez mais!
This puts a smile on my face.
I feel the spirit greatly every time that i listen this hym;i remember my mission.
The hymn has the theme of "Eternal father , strong to save".Amazing chorus & flow...
this song always motivates me to choose the right
너무 아름답습니다~~~
I feel like mission isn't for me. Though right now this decision is disappointing a lot of people I believe that God has some place that he wants me to be. This hymn is just touching
It is a tough decision. Pray with a sincere heart, humbled in spirit. The Lord has said through our prophet He wants every eligible person to serve. As you ponder be sure the answer isn’t “your” answer you want to hear. I was in this same position and I chose the navy. I inserted I will serve the Lord there. Looking back, I seen that it was my answer not His. I regret not serving. I missed out on blessings I know. Do as you wish or as the Lord wishes. What you miss, is what you’ll miss. May God Bless
A mission isn’t for everyone. Sometimes we are called elsewhere in life, He might have greater purpose than what we can foresee with our minds.
Every morning I love uplift my soul listen to the it,to make my day calm and presence also the up lift talk of all they spoken.
I know Jesus loves each and every one of us and we will all be ready to do his work god bless each and everyone of Us and god bless our prophet Russell m Nelson
One of my favorite songs! I missed my calling being a Chorister for 4 years when I was still in Hongkong
I really miss my church members who remained me their presence by singing this inspired hymn.
I feel so blessed to be apart of this church the spirit i feel is amazin
Spiritually uplifting.......thanks!
I have the most important part in my life 💝my auntie Georgia Marie Bear Cloud im askingfor prayers on her behalf she had a heart attack Tuesday and is in ICU fighting for her life. I lknowMy Heavenly Father and his Angeles are with her. PRAY FOR HER TO RECOVER AND BE WITH US TALKING LAUGHING. Thank you in the name of Jesus Christ she'll recover. AMEN.
This hymn bring me very good memories when I went to the mission! 😊
❤hey I love this song very much and my son's always sing for me thanks it's amazing
I love the choir the songs bring closer to the Savior
a song is like a prayer unto me, and you shell receive a blessing amen
A heart touching song.