Lego custom batmobile (Mechanical Series)

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Dear friends, you are more than welcome to visit my channel.
    This is a short video regarding my eleventh Lego MOC set named Mechanical series.
    Dear all, we finally come to the last series, and I am kind of proud of myself because I have put a lot of effort in every series. Constant brainstorming and continual modifications, each vehicle is my finest work. And, of course, doctoring pictures is just another perspiration. Many Many
    thanks for your accompany all along. Last but not least, hope you can also enjoy this final series of my Lego MOC.
    There are still 6 videos (size comparison videos) to go. However, it is Chinese New Year now in my country; therefore, the rest of the videos may be a little bit late- perhaps I will have more time in mid-Feburary. Anyhow, wish all my dear family and my friends safe and sound in this beautiful season. :)
    This set includes:
    (1) Chibi Batpod: Based on the special-designed motorcycle in the film-Dark Knight Trilogy. I built this batpod-like but a bit more compact. The proportion and style are particularly adjusted. A shout-out to whoever design the original batpod.
    (2) Batmobile (Tumbler): Once again, this is another MOC also from Dark Knight Trilogy. According to the designer, this tank-like tumbler is a combination of Hummer and Lamborghini. I can tell you that this is by far and so far my favorite batmobile among all the movie, or cartoon- batmobiles.
    How do you like my own version of tumbler?
    (3) Assault Batmobile: Simply put, this is kind of a modified version of the official set-76045, known as BvS batmobile from the movie Batman v Superman. The body lines of the official one is a bit complex so I thought if I can still keep its initial assault design but with sleeker and simpler body line(s). For me, I like the rear part of this batmobile most.
    (4) Knightcrawler: Hmmm.... How should I start it? My idea all began from the official set-76086, and.... the official one is so ugly....(sorry but I do think so..) From the first sight I saw knightcralwer in the theater, I immediately understood Lego failed to nail its real shape and spirit. Additionally, the idea of making knightcrawler a tank for my Lego batman series is in my brain that I could never get rid of. I used some illegal techniques (I glued some parts to make it looks more like the movie version.) Nontheless, I am satisfied with the final work very much.
    (5) Hoverboat: Lego released the first batman hoverboat-7780 in 2006. I have to say it is an awesome set to play with. However, I care so much about the size and proportion (for a minifigure scale). So I downsized it with some touches based on my personal preference.
    (6) Batwing: From the official set 76027, this batwing became one of my favorite aircraft among all my mocs/mods.
    Thank you so much for viewing my Lego works. The final 6 videos of size-comparison are coming in soon. My only intention is to share. Hope you like these cute toys. peace. :)
    my flickr: