I was around about 6 the first time I watched this. The water monsters scared the hell out of me. I was legit terrified. But then the Doctor went mental with his little time lord victorious rampage. And I didn't watch Tennant for ages. I couldn't bring myself to do it.
The Waters of Mars was definitely the most chilling Doctor Who episode I've ever seen. Dark Doctor is ten times creepier than The Master could ever be. XD
i completely agree with you! i love the episodes where the doctor just snaps and you see his sick twisted, dark side that "turns whole armies at the mention of his name".
I can't say that I loved it, but it definitely was a new perspective on The Doctor and Time Lords in general. It made me see how good The Doctor really is, because he only went off the deep end for about 30 minutes before he realized how terrible he could become.
i'm not saying i love the doctor when he is dark. i'm just saying i love the episodes that you see the parts of him he tries to hide away under childish personalities and quirks
Those TARDIS noises just made it even better. The Tardis never took the Doctor where he wanted to go, but to where he needed to be. The TARDIS brought him to Rose, Sarah Jane, Martha and all the other companions. It proves how much the TARDIS doesn't want The doctor to be alone, and we are not talking about a machine here.
Jagged bacon Pretty sure that 'Planet of the Dead' was in Easter 2009. Anyway my first was 'Tooth and Claw'. I was 6 at the time and scared throughout the episode, but I thought it was just pure awesome at the end and couldn't wait for the next episode.
The way Davies ended that episode was brilliant; the Doctor was still sort of doing the right thing morally, but at the same time the way he kept talking about the laws of time being his and whether or not people died was his privilege to decide was just the right amount of creepy. So cleverly done; when the rescue is in progress it's as though the Doctor is just saving the day as normal, but then afterwards you realise that the consequences of it were really messed. Still waiting for Moffat to do anything close to that on his own.
@Eric Miret They are exactly the same thing. The Doctor going out of his way to save someone even at all costs giving no thought as to what may occur as a result of who else may be affected.
@@FlamingoSundew Exactly. He was willing to wait 4.5 billion years and then tear time apart to save her. He was so desperate that the laws of time weren't even a factor to him until Clara whipped right back into reality.
+Sophie Morin Hands down one of my favorites. Ten had some GREAT episodes at the end. This and Midnight are probably the two single best episodes in the entire revived series, and both the season finale and Ten's finale were great too.
***** I haven't seen the latest episode, but other than that, I'm loving it. Capaldi is amazing as the doctor, but his first series was a bit hit and miss. I still think the sonic glasses are a bit dumb, but other than that, series 9 has been pretty solidly enjoyable.
You need to watch "Kill The Moon". It's by far the greatest DW episode and it wrecks Water of Mars completely in terms of writing IMO. But I take it as you posted this comment before Kill The Moon was aired, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
I *love* how the Doctor becomes full of himself after the rescue, because you can tell deep down his conscience is screaming that he's made a horrible mistake and he's so scared he tries to cover it up with his ego. At first it might seem like a rapid character change, but it's really not, it makes perfect sense and it's brilliantly done.
*“All this time I thought I was a survivor”* “They died, the time lords, they died” “I don’t want to go” “I could do so much more” “I’m not just a time-lord, I’m the last of the time lords” “Is this it? Is this my death?” “Get out the way!” “I bet you’re gonna have a great year” “He will knock 4 times” “Was she ok in the end?” “Something is returning” “I’ve gone too far” *”But I’m not, I’m the winner”*
+Harhailija YES ! "I don't care who you are ! The Timelord victorious is wrong !" One of the best episodes and one of the best one episode companions. R.I.P. Adelaide Brooke.
More dark Capaldi please Moffat. Maybe not quite this dark, but like, Matt Smith in Series 6 proportions. "Fear me. I've killed hundreds of Time Lords." "Fear me. I killed all of them."
+Azelma Thenardier I think we're seeing a much bigger change between seasons with capaldi, in 8 he really did'nt know who he was anymore which makes sense when you consider how long he spent on trenzalore and how long he was 11, but season 9 it seems like he regained his childlike side and given recent events...I think we're gonna be getting dark capaldi back if not even worse now. Also godamnit bbc, they spoiled a big thing for heaven sent in a fuckin synopsis! like massive!, it's like writing a synopsis for the sixth sense and starting with "bruce willis plays a ghost.." you don't do that!.
David Tennant was a great Doctor...he portrayed the character of him excellently. David's Doctor wore his heart on his sleeve and that is the exact kind of person I imagine the Doctor to be-the pain and the loneliness always showing through, even in his happiest moments, because he knows that the happy times will eventually end. In addition, he did a wonderful job of showing the dark side of the Doctor-his performance towards the end of this episode was powerful and sad all at once, and it actually made you fear the Doctor. ...Put simply, I believe that the Tenth Doctor was the most human of them.
This song made it ten times sadder since this song was near the end of the 10th doctor's time and he seemed more serious at the end but also more sad :(
Farewell Ten, The Lonley God Who didn't want to go. Remember the hour of Eleven, The Madman in a Box. And soon we will say Farewell to Twelve, The idiot passing through, who took the long way round...
i liked tennant because he could be so dark. i love that this show did a fantastic job of showing that the line between good and bad is very thin and blurred, and you can never sure which side you are on.
He's like fire and ice and rage. He's like the night and the storm in the heart of the sun. He's ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and can see the turn of the universe. And... he's wonderful.
That episode was so sad. And Murray did it again with this music... bring us to tears. You can feel the weight of the universe, years of inifinte and dangerous knowledge on your shoulders.
I don't know about you, but when Tennant was pissed, I was scared. And that's really what this song here is about. In this moment you realize how much power that the Doctor has and what he could do with it if he allowed himself. No one could stop him.
2:40 - I love the subtle 4 knocks (the first two are close together and hard to differentiate, then the last two are more spaced). But it's such a great foreshadow. Ugh!
I think Ten was a great character because we truly cared about him and how he felt. When you don't care about a character enough, the writers/actors are not doing their work right, IMO. It was about time we had a more realistic and relatable Doctor. Besides, Ten also had his moments when he could be really alien and Timelordy ("Family of Blood, Satan Pit). But overall, he was a Doctor who loved and lost so much. His story was mesmerising and truly compelling to me and many others. Job well done.
I think 10 was very quietly intimidating when he needed to be. He just gave this look and you could feel the condemnation and disappointment in his hearts.
Moments where the Time Lord Victorious was within the Doctor all along: One - The man with a stone (Tried to kill a man with a stone) Two - The manipulator for the greater good (manipulated his enemies, and friends, to win) Three - The violent one (Tries to assert authority with violence when they won't listen) Four - The one who relented (Had a chance to destroy the Daleks once and for all, but he couldn't do it) Five - The one who hesitates (Humane, but still hesitates to do the right thing sometimes) Six - The mad one (Choking Peri) Seven - The chessmaster (Manipulates Ace hundreds of times) Eight - The tragic one (Lost all of his friends, dies trying to help one) War - The one who killed (Time War) Nine - The one with rage (His rage against the Daleks) Ten - The lonely one (Waters of Mars) Eleven - The one who makes then run (Basically... Run) Twelve - The pragmatic one (Has a lot of dilemmas on whether to do the right thing or no, also threatened to end someone) Thirteen - The one who got lied to (Also tricked a few of her enemies into destroying themselves) Fourteen - The one with trauma (The Flux, his past incarnations) Fifteen (so far) - The merciless one (impales the Goblin King without hesitation to save Ruby)
"For how shall man die better than facing fearful odds For the ashes of his father and the temples of his gods?" Do not go gentle into the good night Old age should burn and rave at end of day Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Then we realised why this Doctor , who had fought gods and demons had run away and hidden. He was being kind. The time lord victorious, the oncoming storm, the doctor of war. The laws of time are his, and he didn't even absorb the time vortex to realise it.
This song always makes me sad, because as much as you hated to admit that the Doctors song was coming to an end In The End Of Time...Its so sad he puts his last moments as 10 to get his reward which is saving and seeing his friends before he goes. Thats something that makes me cry, not just his regeneration, just everything hes done for everyone and he suffers more heartbreak in the end only to lose and start again. You can just feel his sorrow and pain.
My friend got me started on Doctor Who a few months ago, and I went through the whole series in a few weeks. In my opinion, The Waters of Mars, is one of the best, most tragic episodes/specials in the whole series. It takes the Doctor to a truly dark place, and David Tennant pulls off his best acting in his entire run. This music just exemplifies what makes the series great.
Am I the only one who loves all Doctors equally? They were all fantastic, and they all touched our hearts and they all saved the universe and they were all so alive. We need to take a leaf from the Doctors book and move forward. Because that's what he's done. He's been running all his life. We need to keep up with him. Because that's at least what he deserves.
The beauty of this show, and the light it puts us in, the things it makes us think about that we, never thought about. How being alone can affect one so much. Make them darker. This series, I started August 3rd, and I finished on Angels take manhattan, and just. It's something people don't understand. This show, the light it puts us humans in, it's so beautiful and accurate. I just, love it. Eccelston, Tennant, and Smith are amazing.
I was scared of Tennant at the end of this episode, there was no one who could stop him from what he was doing, he defied the laws of time by changing a fixed point in time, and for the first time, openly admitted that he had the ultimate power and control over time itself. But, I can't blame him, who wouldn't defy the laws of time if they could hear the terror as each person was taken out. Heck, I would have done the same thing if I was a Time Lord. Love the tenth doctor, he was amazing. 3
Agreed, and this is why this music makes me feel so sad; you can feel through it the Doctor's utter pain, isolation and desperation. He knows he can do anything with the power available to him, but deep down he knows he shouldn't because there are laws, but at the same time he can't just sit and watch! It's a no win scenario and it kills him. So tragic yet so engrossing for us fans of his story.
Her entire outlook on The Doctor and his adventures suddenly becomes real to her. It just really hit home to me, I can really see myself in Clara's shoes and every reaction she has is the same as mine.
Imagine the series was to end after this episode with the doctor believing he is all powerful and flying away to do what he pleases, that would be such a great ending
@sandmanzcommin08 I LOVE that idea! And I'm glad you don't disapprove of the way Smith plays the Doctor, because I think he does an awesome job. An old man with a mind you'd expect to see in some insane young person would be a really good stereotype breaker, as well as a fantastic character. I'd like to see that.
The 10th doctor should never had died alone. He was the person who suffered the most. His anger and loneliness was all combined into his regeneration. 1 like= 1 friend for the doctor. If he was to read this comment I would've said: " allonzy you clever boy, and remember me
This piece of music is wonderful and eery at the same time, I can almost sense Zagreus in this energy as well (from the audio play) Murray Gold has some of the most amazing music going for causing you to cry etc
my favorite dark Dr moment is from series 1, when Eccleston meets the last daleck. At first it is the most scared I've ever seen the the Dr. , but then he takes that fear into absolute rage and ecstasy showing how true the Dr can blur the lines of rightousness
I agree. Smith's latest season is definitely AMAZING. I loved Angels Take Manhattan as well. I miss Tennant too, and I'm so happy that he and Billie are now confirmed to appear in the 50th anniversary! :D
For the first time in the Entire Ten run, we got to see the true extent of his power, and it didn't even scratch the surface of how powerful he was. In The Last of the Time Lords/The Sound of Drums, he seems almost powerless because the Master had him in a birdcage. But this proved how much self control he had over his power. If the Doctor ever goes to the dark side, he'll make the Master look like a perfect saint...
I have to agree with what everyone else here is saying. Despite 36 (going on 37 seasons) of episodes, Waters of Mars is the absolute darkest episode. Period.
I really liked this episode, it wonderfully depicted how scared of regeneration Ten was and how far he was willing to bend his own rules to avoid his inevitable fate. When the Doctor is willing to use the full extent of his power, you know that the universe is in danger.
GUYS. There's this beautiful thing and it's called "personal preference". It means that people are going to have different favorite things, EVEN DOCTORS! And having a personal preference doesn't mean that we have to instantly dislike whatever the other options are. PS - I love all Doctors because in the end there is only one Doctor, and let's face it: he never really changes.
You want to know what the darkness inside The Doctor sounds like? "For a long time now, I thought I was just a survivor, but I'm not. I'm the winner. That's who I am. A Time Lord victorious. "
That's a shame, I wish this version was on the soundtrack CD... I like this version because of it's melancholy and intensity (it really fitted the scenes in which it was used). Thanks for your response though!
When the doctor stated that he was now in control and time bends to his will, I was frightened. Just in general, to me that is way too much power for someone, even a Time Lord. I seriously would've been disappointed in the doctor if he had continued on that path. It's a huge responsibility and he's my hero because he handles it so well, despite what he goes through. So I honestly thank Captain Brooke for showing the doctor he had way too much power, and realize that it's a responsibility.
I actually like how the TARDIS engine is hinted in there just before the 2 minute mark; I think it adds to the song a bit. Makes it a bit more eerily beautiful imo.
This is very true. also, matt Smith's portrayal of the the doctor is similar in a different way. all the years he has lived has finally caught up with him and he's realised it. Now, he just wants to travel the universe with a friend, but if his friends get into trouble, he will do whatever it takes to save him/her.
I found this episode to have the strongest lines of them all. They gave a completely new look on the doctor for me. He used to be someone I looked up to.. But like he said, he had lived too long. He found himself above the power of time.. And had to be rescued from himself. I found that a really strong way towards the regeneration. But still.. I will always miss David Tennant... the 10th.. :(
the fact that the water monsters from hell aren't even the scariest part of this episode is really something
Try telling that to 7yo me.
Hehe 😂
I was around about 6 the first time I watched this. The water monsters scared the hell out of me. I was legit terrified. But then the Doctor went mental with his little time lord victorious rampage. And I didn't watch Tennant for ages. I couldn't bring myself to do it.
The Waters of Mars was definitely the most chilling Doctor Who episode I've ever seen. Dark Doctor is ten times creepier than The Master could ever be. XD
i completely agree with you! i love the episodes where the doctor just snaps and you see his sick twisted, dark side that "turns whole armies at the mention of his name".
I can't say that I loved it, but it definitely was a new perspective on The Doctor and Time Lords in general. It made me see how good The Doctor really is, because he only went off the deep end for about 30 minutes before he realized how terrible he could become.
i'm not saying i love the doctor when he is dark. i'm just saying i love the episodes that you see the parts of him he tries to hide away under childish personalities and quirks
I getcha. :)
it was the fury of the timelord.
All I think about is when he says goodbye to Wilfred, wilfred would have made an amazing full time companion
Yeah if he was a bit faster then boom one of the best companions
Absolutely fucking right, If Wilf was around during the specials, 10 wouldn't have lost his way so much.
😭😢 Wilfred was By Far the Best Companion After Sarah Jane,Susan Foreman, Donna Noble,Martha and Of Course Ace.
Those TARDIS noises just made it even better. The Tardis never took the Doctor where he wanted to go, but to where he needed to be. The TARDIS brought him to Rose, Sarah Jane, Martha and all the other companions. It proves how much the TARDIS doesn't want The doctor to be alone, and we are not talking about a machine here.
I've actually started writing a fanfic about this, how one of his companions becomes the TARDIS.
Natalie Radu
So do I! So do I!
"This ship's alive. It's got a heart."- The 9th Doctor, Boom Town
@@nradu6630I, for one, would very much enjoy reading it. Where can I find it?
I will have to say.
The Water of Mars is probably one of David's best episodes.
That was the first episode I've completely seen from Doctor Who, and it's still one of my favourites.
Ádám Pajor
The first I saw was the Easter Special with the bus crash in 2008. Loved doctor who ever since
Jagged bacon Pretty sure that 'Planet of the Dead' was in Easter 2009. Anyway my first was 'Tooth and Claw'. I was 6 at the time and scared throughout the episode, but I thought it was just pure awesome at the end and couldn't wait for the next episode.
Nice. I thought it was 2009 :P
Not one of,it is the best episode of tennant.
The way Davies ended that episode was brilliant; the Doctor was still sort of doing the right thing morally, but at the same time the way he kept talking about the laws of time being his and whether or not people died was his privilege to decide was just the right amount of creepy. So cleverly done; when the rescue is in progress it's as though the Doctor is just saving the day as normal, but then afterwards you realise that the consequences of it were really messed. Still waiting for Moffat to do anything close to that on his own.
azapro911 Heaven Sent and Hell Bent. Doctor going to severe lengths to save one person even at the cost of even his soul.
Joseph Kelly Dont compare an episode like heaven sent to water on mars smh🤦🏻♂️
@Eric Miret They are exactly the same thing. The Doctor going out of his way to save someone even at all costs giving no thought as to what may occur as a result of who else may be affected.
@@josephkelly3044 I agree that heaven sent is his master piece and how he doesn't care about the consequences all he wants is clara to be safe
@@FlamingoSundew Exactly. He was willing to wait 4.5 billion years and then tear time apart to save her. He was so desperate that the laws of time weren't even a factor to him until Clara whipped right back into reality.
I think the Water of Mars is one of the best DW episodes ever made. So deep and so dark. I cried so much
+Sophie Morin Hands down one of my favorites. Ten had some GREAT episodes at the end. This and Midnight are probably the two single best episodes in the entire revived series, and both the season finale and Ten's finale were great too.
+Florence MacKenna Thoughts on Series 9 so far? :)
I haven't seen the latest episode, but other than that, I'm loving it. Capaldi is amazing as the doctor, but his first series was a bit hit and miss. I still think the sonic glasses are a bit dumb, but other than that, series 9 has been pretty solidly enjoyable.
You need to watch "Kill The Moon". It's by far the greatest DW episode and it wrecks Water of Mars completely in terms of writing IMO. But I take it as you posted this comment before Kill The Moon was aired, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
Kill the Moon was good, but I still say Waters of Mars is better. Either opinion's valid, of course.
I *love* how the Doctor becomes full of himself after the rescue, because you can tell deep down his conscience is screaming that he's made a horrible mistake and he's so scared he tries to cover it up with his ego. At first it might seem like a rapid character change, but it's really not, it makes perfect sense and it's brilliantly done.
"It said "They will knock...four times." And I don't hear any knocking, do you?" -The Tenth Doctor, The Waters of Mars, 2009.
KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK "That's all your going to get!"
foreshadowing of the master and his eternal drum beat
@@AG-et2pc foreshadowing wilfred 4 knock
*“All this time I thought I was a survivor”*
“They died, the time lords, they died”
“I don’t want to go”
“I could do so much more”
“I’m not just a time-lord, I’m the last of the time lords”
“Is this it? Is this my death?”
“Get out the way!”
“I bet you’re gonna have a great year”
“He will knock 4 times”
“Was she ok in the end?”
“Something is returning”
“I’ve gone too far”
*”But I’m not, I’m the winner”*
I think the Waters of Mars was one of the best Doctor Who episodes ever made. And having David Tennant's Doctor for the episode made it all the better
"The Time Lord Victorious is wrong!" The ending was perfect.
+Harhailija YES ! "I don't care who you are ! The Timelord victorious is wrong !"
One of the best episodes and one of the best one episode companions. R.I.P. Adelaide Brooke.
We're fighting time itself, AND I'M GONNA WIN!
More dark Capaldi please Moffat.
Maybe not quite this dark, but like, Matt Smith in Series 6 proportions.
"Fear me. I've killed hundreds of Time Lords."
"Fear me. I killed all of them."
+Azelma Thenardier Shh.. Your wish is comin'
Judging by the trailer for "Heaven Sent"... *long drawn-out shriek of excitement*
If you've seen the leaked episode no spoilers please
Azelma Thenardier I wasn't even aware of a leaked episode, I was talking about the end of Face the Raven mostly.
+Azelma Thenardier I think we're seeing a much bigger change between seasons with capaldi, in 8 he really did'nt know who he was anymore which makes sense when you consider how long he spent on trenzalore and how long he was 11, but season 9 it seems like he regained his childlike side and given recent events...I think we're gonna be getting dark capaldi back if not even worse now.
Also godamnit bbc, they spoiled a big thing for heaven sent in a fuckin synopsis! like massive!, it's like writing a synopsis for the sixth sense and starting with "bruce willis plays a ghost.." you don't do that!.
Chris Ogilvie
Don't tell me - I've yet to see it!
David Tennant was a great Doctor...he portrayed the character of him excellently. David's Doctor wore his heart on his sleeve and that is the exact kind of person I imagine the Doctor to be-the pain and the loneliness always showing through, even in his happiest moments, because he knows that the happy times will eventually end. In addition, he did a wonderful job of showing the dark side of the Doctor-his performance towards the end of this episode was powerful and sad all at once, and it actually made you fear the Doctor.
...Put simply, I believe that the Tenth Doctor was the most human of them.
This song made it ten times sadder since this song was near the end of the 10th doctor's time and he seemed more serious at the end but also more sad :(
the fact they played this in Capaldi last episode when the 1st Dr is about to regenerate just shows how powerful this song is within Dr who
"For a long time now I thought I was just a survivor but I'm not. I'm the winner. that's who I am. the time lord victorious."
"I gone too far..."
"Three knocks, thats all you're getting!"
God I loved the doctor in that episode.
And I personally think that he is timelord victorious.
Farewell Ten, The Lonley God Who didn't want to go. Remember the hour of Eleven, The Madman in a Box. And soon we will say Farewell to Twelve, The idiot passing through, who took the long way round...
And this comment is what i wait for. Thanks to view my words !
Amen. xx
I can toast to that
*Raises Glass*
*clink* Vale Decem
The Dark Doctor. I hope we see more of him in 12.
we wil probably since moffat said he'll be a 9th doctor kind of character
The Valeyard is coming...
I really hope we get more scenes like ones from the waters of mars.
We kinda did but we kinda got a redemption arc as well. Honestly series 10 was my favourite version of the 12th doctor
"For a long time now, I thought I was just a survivor, but I'm not. I'm a winner. That's who I am. A Time Lord victorious."
i liked tennant because he could be so dark. i love that this show did a fantastic job of showing that the line between good and bad is very thin and blurred, and you can never sure which side you are on.
He's like fire and ice and rage. He's like the night and the storm in the heart of the sun. He's ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and can see the turn of the universe. And... he's wonderful.
That episode was so sad. And Murray did it again with this music... bring us to tears. You can feel the weight of the universe, years of inifinte and dangerous knowledge on your shoulders.
I don't know about you, but when Tennant was pissed, I was scared. And that's really what this song here is about. In this moment you realize how much power that the Doctor has and what he could do with it if he allowed himself. No one could stop him.
Doctor: The laws of time are mine! And they will obey me!
Scariest Doctor yet. Nothing has topped this.
This song starts when summer ends.
Daniel Nobre yes
They should have named this track Doomsday instead.
Why has it always got to be 69 likes man. This happens to me everyday.
@@chloemacdonald1892 doomsday is already a track from the episode called doomsday (another murray gold classic)
2:40 - I love the subtle 4 knocks (the first two are close together and hard to differentiate, then the last two are more spaced). But it's such a great foreshadow. Ugh!
David Tennant, how I miss you :(
I think Ten was a great character because we truly cared about him and how he felt. When you don't care about a character enough, the writers/actors are not doing their work right, IMO. It was about time we had a more realistic and relatable Doctor. Besides, Ten also had his moments when he could be really alien and Timelordy ("Family of Blood, Satan Pit). But overall, he was a Doctor who loved and lost so much. His story was mesmerising and truly compelling to me and many others. Job well done.
This gives me shivers everytime.
I never noticed the bass guitar in this until just now...It's subtle, but mystical and sorrowful.
I think 10 was very quietly intimidating when he needed to be. He just gave this look and you could feel the condemnation and disappointment in his hearts.
Moments where the Time Lord Victorious was within the Doctor all along:
One - The man with a stone (Tried to kill a man with a stone)
Two - The manipulator for the greater good (manipulated his enemies, and friends, to win)
Three - The violent one (Tries to assert authority with violence when they won't listen)
Four - The one who relented (Had a chance to destroy the Daleks once and for all, but he couldn't do it)
Five - The one who hesitates (Humane, but still hesitates to do the right thing sometimes)
Six - The mad one (Choking Peri)
Seven - The chessmaster (Manipulates Ace hundreds of times)
Eight - The tragic one (Lost all of his friends, dies trying to help one)
War - The one who killed (Time War)
Nine - The one with rage (His rage against the Daleks)
Ten - The lonely one (Waters of Mars)
Eleven - The one who makes then run (Basically... Run)
Twelve - The pragmatic one (Has a lot of dilemmas on whether to do the right thing or no, also threatened to end someone)
Thirteen - The one who got lied to (Also tricked a few of her enemies into destroying themselves)
Fourteen - The one with trauma (The Flux, his past incarnations)
Fifteen (so far) - The merciless one (impales the Goblin King without hesitation to save Ruby)
I still don't know why this wasn't released. It's fantastic
It's released under the title "Vale". However, the beginning part is completely missing which is bad, I really like the beginning of this song.
the soundtrack is called altering lives
"I don't care who you are! The timelord victorious is wrong!"
"I'll be the judge of that."
That exchange actually scared the shit out of me!
This episode was completely astonishing.
Great line from Vincent and the Doctor; "Sometimes winning is no fun at all."
I think you nailed it with your comment.
"For how shall man die better
than facing fearful odds
For the ashes of his father
and the temples of his gods?"
Do not go gentle into the good night
Old age should burn and rave at end of day
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Is it bad that I read "odds" as "oods"? xD
LostTimeGames Well that's very ood.
Where's the quote from, though?
***** The first one is from the episode "the Impossible Planet" and the second is a excerpt from a poem that Thomas Dylan wrote
Then we realised why this Doctor , who had fought gods and demons had run away and hidden.
He was being kind.
The time lord victorious, the oncoming storm, the doctor of war.
The laws of time are his, and he didn't even absorb the time vortex to realise it.
The 10th doctor showed courage and resposibility and mmost people choose to kill. This doctor will always be remembered
What in the world is that profile picture
What even
5parxx To tell you the truth, I have absolutely no idea
i have been looking for this soundtrack for so long! favourite episode of all time. such a powerful episode. i will never tire of watching it
This song always makes me sad, because as much as you hated to admit that the Doctors song was coming to an end In The End Of Time...Its so sad he puts his last moments as 10 to get his reward which is saving and seeing his friends before he goes. Thats something that makes me cry, not just his regeneration, just everything hes done for everyone and he suffers more heartbreak in the end only to lose and start again. You can just feel his sorrow and pain.
This episode was a masterpiece.
THis is the saddest song for the 10th doctor
My friend got me started on Doctor Who a few months ago, and I went through the whole series in a few weeks. In my opinion, The Waters of Mars, is one of the best, most tragic episodes/specials in the whole series. It takes the Doctor to a truly dark place, and David Tennant pulls off his best acting in his entire run. This music just exemplifies what makes the series great.
i cry everytime I hear this song,Because it's never played at a good time!
Am I the only one who loves all Doctors equally? They were all fantastic, and they all touched our hearts and they all saved the universe and they were all so alive. We need to take a leaf from the Doctors book and move forward. Because that's what he's done. He's been running all his life. We need to keep up with him. Because that's at least what he deserves.
Probably my favorite musical score from the entire show so far.
What do you think of the Rings of Akhaten?
@@carmelsealey3916 This one is better.
The beauty of this show, and the light it puts us in, the things it makes us think about that we, never thought about.
How being alone can affect one so much. Make them darker. This series, I started August 3rd, and I finished on Angels take manhattan, and just. It's something people don't understand. This show, the light it puts us humans in, it's so beautiful and accurate.
I just, love it.
Eccelston, Tennant, and Smith are amazing.
I was scared of Tennant at the end of this episode, there was no one who could stop him from what he was doing, he defied the laws of time by changing a fixed point in time, and for the first time, openly admitted that he had the ultimate power and control over time itself. But, I can't blame him, who wouldn't defy the laws of time if they could hear the terror as each person was taken out. Heck, I would have done the same thing if I was a Time Lord.
Love the tenth doctor, he was amazing. 3
The beat instantly seemed to seize my heart and my whole upper body started nodding with it automatically.
Agreed, and this is why this music makes me feel so sad; you can feel through it the Doctor's utter pain, isolation and desperation. He knows he can do anything with the power available to him, but deep down he knows he shouldn't because there are laws, but at the same time he can't just sit and watch! It's a no win scenario and it kills him. So tragic yet so engrossing for us fans of his story.
Her entire outlook on The Doctor and his adventures suddenly becomes real to her. It just really hit home to me, I can really see myself in Clara's shoes and every reaction she has is the same as mine.
,,Fear me, I've killed hundrets of Timelords."
,,Fear me. I've killed all of them."
-11th Doctor
Imagine the series was to end after this episode with the doctor believing he is all powerful and flying away to do what he pleases, that would be such a great ending
The music makes me sad now I miss the tenth doctor and David tennant was such a good actor for it please come back!
@sandmanzcommin08 I LOVE that idea! And I'm glad you don't disapprove of the way Smith plays the Doctor, because I think he does an awesome job. An old man with a mind you'd expect to see in some insane young person would be a really good stereotype breaker, as well as a fantastic character. I'd like to see that.
OMG, it's funny that you listed Davison, Smith, and Eccleston in THAT order. That's my top 3 Doctors order!!! XD
This one makes me cry XD FOUR YEARS!
I hope one day the tenth and eleventh doctor will show up with capaldi and see all three of their dark sides together
Dark Jaxson If you want to see that, I'd suggest reading the comic "The Four Doctors". it's really quite good.
Thanks I'll do that.
My Timelord. Always my timelord.
Yes mine too
To me, this theme just screams "I've won... but it wasn't worth it"
The 10th doctor should never had died alone. He was the person who suffered the most. His anger and loneliness was all combined into his regeneration. 1 like= 1 friend for the doctor. If he was to read this comment I would've said: " allonzy you clever boy, and remember me
oh my gosh u nailed it, my thoughts exactly
This piece of music is wonderful and eery at the same time, I can almost sense Zagreus in this energy as well (from the audio play) Murray Gold has some of the most amazing music going for causing you to cry etc
I love all of the Doctor Who soundtracks, but this one is the only one that makes me weep.
my favorite dark Dr moment is from series 1, when Eccleston meets the last daleck. At first it is the most scared I've ever seen the the Dr. , but then he takes that fear into absolute rage and ecstasy showing how true the Dr can blur the lines of rightousness
I agree. Smith's latest season is definitely AMAZING. I loved Angels Take Manhattan as well. I miss Tennant too, and I'm so happy that he and Billie are now confirmed to appear in the 50th anniversary! :D
Wonderful music. It's haunting, and reminds me of how the Doctor felt in those moments.
love it...this music is awesome! thx : ) I miss David Tennant as the 10th dr he was the best : (
"They say the anger of a hero can turn oneself into a villain.. But I was never a hero."
For the first time in the Entire Ten run, we got to see the true extent of his power, and it didn't even scratch the surface of how powerful he was. In The Last of the Time Lords/The Sound of Drums, he seems almost powerless because the Master had him in a birdcage. But this proved how much self control he had over his power. If the Doctor ever goes to the dark side, he'll make the Master look like a perfect saint...
I have to agree with what everyone else here is saying. Despite 36 (going on 37 seasons) of episodes, Waters of Mars is the absolute darkest episode. Period.
right in the feels
I really liked this episode, it wonderfully depicted how scared of regeneration Ten was and how far he was willing to bend his own rules to avoid his inevitable fate. When the Doctor is willing to use the full extent of his power, you know that the universe is in danger.
The original series needed scores like this
To those who say the Silence is the biggest arc in Doctor Who ever, the classic series would like a word with you.
I want that, but no matter WHO he acts like , he will always be the doctor.
GUYS. There's this beautiful thing and it's called "personal preference". It means that people are going to have different favorite things, EVEN DOCTORS! And having a personal preference doesn't mean that we have to instantly dislike whatever the other options are. PS - I love all Doctors because in the end there is only one Doctor, and let's face it: he never really changes.
Only English series have such a great Soundtracks!!!!
You want to know what the darkness inside The Doctor sounds like?
"For a long time now, I thought I was just a survivor, but I'm not. I'm the winner. That's who I am. A Time Lord victorious. "
That's a shame, I wish this version was on the soundtrack CD... I like this version because of it's melancholy and intensity (it really fitted the scenes in which it was used). Thanks for your response though!
I completely agree. that was scarier than any monster that has ever appeared in the show
When the doctor stated that he was now in control and time bends to his will, I was frightened. Just in general, to me that is way too much power for someone, even a Time Lord. I seriously would've been disappointed in the doctor if he had continued on that path. It's a huge responsibility and he's my hero because he handles it so well, despite what he goes through. So I honestly thank Captain Brooke for showing the doctor he had way too much power, and realize that it's a responsibility.
I have to say that that’s not 10 anymore that is the time lord
I actually like how the TARDIS engine is hinted in there just before the 2 minute mark; I think it adds to the song a bit. Makes it a bit more eerily beautiful imo.
This is very true. also, matt Smith's portrayal of the the doctor is similar in a different way. all the years he has lived has finally caught up with him and he's realised it. Now, he just wants to travel the universe with a friend, but if his friends get into trouble, he will do whatever it takes to save him/her.
Man I really miss the 10th doctor he was so good
"We are not just fighting the flood, we are fighting time itself.. AND IM GONNA WIN!"
You know, when he went off on that rant all I could think was: "DAAAAMN RIGHT!" And he was.
Listening to this almost makes me cry.
Which travels through time and space with them doing awesome things and reminding the universe every day about how badass that alien is?
every incarnation of the doctor was a masterpiece
One of the closest times the Doctor ever got to becoming the Valeyard
Why every soundtrack that i fell in love has to be unreleased? "That's not fair!"
Ten was always my favourite doctor. It was his dark side that made him a great doctor.
Everytime I see "The Waters of Mars" I get chills. This shows the Doctor's dark side.
I found this episode to have the strongest lines of them all. They gave a completely new look on the doctor for me. He used to be someone I looked up to.. But like he said, he had lived too long. He found himself above the power of time.. And had to be rescued from himself. I found that a really strong way towards the regeneration.
But still.. I will always miss David Tennant... the 10th.. :(