(On Tuesday of March 28, 2023). On the Matter of Pancreatitis By MD Paul W. Bolin (CRASH! Medical Review Series): 1) Anatomy And Physiology of Pancreas is both Digestion (Amylase/Lipase) and Endocrine Signaling (Insulin and Glucagon); 2) Diseases Within the Pancreas: 1) Acute Pancreatitis with Multiple Possible Aetiologies Therein: a) Gallstones b) Alcoholism with SSx of Severe Epigastric Pain (Palliative Pain Medication Level and IV Infusion Only) Radiating to Back, Nausea/Vomiting and Fever (Pyrexia); 3) Diagnosis (Dx): 1) CBC, 2) CMP; 3) Serum Amylase/Lipase (3x Upper Normal Limit Levels [UNL] are Diagnostic); 4) X-Ray Radiograph otherwise Imaging with Loss of Normal Radiologic Silhouette due to Necrosis And/or Inflammation; 2) CT of Abdmen for Soft Tissue Assessment is Inferior to MRI Imaging; Tx via 1) Admissions; 2) 24 NPO Restriction (Advance Diet As Tolerated); 3) IV Maintenance Fluids; 4)Chronic Pancreatitis ....TBC. MD Paul W. Bolin. Heil!
Excellent ❤
(On Tuesday of March 28, 2023). On the Matter of Pancreatitis By MD Paul W. Bolin (CRASH! Medical Review Series): 1) Anatomy And Physiology of Pancreas is both Digestion (Amylase/Lipase) and Endocrine Signaling (Insulin and Glucagon); 2) Diseases Within the Pancreas: 1) Acute Pancreatitis with Multiple Possible Aetiologies Therein: a) Gallstones b) Alcoholism with SSx of Severe Epigastric Pain (Palliative Pain Medication Level and IV Infusion Only) Radiating to Back, Nausea/Vomiting and Fever (Pyrexia); 3) Diagnosis (Dx): 1) CBC, 2) CMP; 3) Serum Amylase/Lipase (3x Upper Normal Limit Levels [UNL] are Diagnostic); 4) X-Ray Radiograph otherwise Imaging with Loss of Normal Radiologic Silhouette due to Necrosis And/or Inflammation; 2) CT of Abdmen for Soft Tissue Assessment is Inferior to MRI Imaging; Tx via 1) Admissions; 2) 24 NPO Restriction (Advance Diet As Tolerated); 3) IV Maintenance Fluids; 4)Chronic Pancreatitis ....TBC. MD Paul W. Bolin. Heil!