Helene is such a marvelous interpreter of Beethoven’s music. Here she has such a perfect touch all throughout this sonata. She soars to the heights of exhilaration as well as pulls gently at the heartstrings in this piece. As she has gotten older, her music has become so filled with depth and elegance.
Божественный калейдоскоп Плеяд, как будто радугой сияет, со звуками перекликаясь, в едином ритме сфер вселенных звенит рокочет и журчит АаааХ ЭЛЕНА ГРИМАУД...
Helene is such a marvelous interpreter of Beethoven’s music. Here she has such a perfect touch all throughout this sonata. She soars to the heights of exhilaration as well as pulls gently at the heartstrings in this piece. As she has gotten older, her music has become so filled with depth and elegance.
Божественный калейдоскоп Плеяд, как будто радугой сияет, со звуками перекликаясь, в едином ритме сфер вселенных звенит рокочет и журчит
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