Roll & Total vs Roll & Sort ~ RPG game design is hard!

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024


  • @RuiSaltao
    @RuiSaltao 3 місяці тому +1

    I'm loving these videos.

  • @yourseatatthetable
    @yourseatatthetable 3 місяці тому +2

    One of the earliest issues I faced when developing my game was deciding on how dice would be applied. That there would be dice was a given. The vary sort of system I worked out required lots of charts. Since the basic game is designed for solo play, there would be lots of charts, some small, others such as events taking up dozens of pages. The d100 was obvious, but, what wasn't, was how to deal with things like Negotiations and Combat. Wanting to keep it simple (that KISS system has value, in my opinion), as well as the rare need for a stat roll (Combat, Mental, Physical, etc) needed something simple. the d10 was a natural pairing with the d100. Even then, even now, a decade later there are issues. Some I've figured out, others that I know are there, just not what.
    Basically, my system is based upon percentage and works with modifiers. Which were a whole other series of issues, most of which I feel I have addressed in the latest edited edition I'm slowly poking away at. For example: The player represents a House Lord, just starting out with the barest bones of a colony. The risk with Opposing Forces (OpFor) or highly ranked negotiators would put the player at a nearly detrimental position. When your colony has a light company of barely armed Militia, having an event that drops a regiment sized force on the world would be catastrophic. So, I added modifiers based upon the House Lord's ranking. Squires -50%; Baron's -25%, that sort of thing. This allows for the game books to allow for growth of the house, wherein you would want larger foes and challenges, just like having a Guild Megacrat whose stats and addons grant him/her/it large plus modifiers, would be devastating to a lowly Squire just starting out.
    Well, this probably isn't quite what your talking about, but I thought to share my experiences with game design.

    • @yourseatatthetable
      @yourseatatthetable 3 місяці тому +1

      Here's an example from one of the event charts. No House Lord modifiers for the chart roll needed, but it would be to determine the size of the Pirate ship or Merchant ship encountered, what ranking and tech level it's build from, and so on.
      12 - Local astronomy club discovers planet in nearby solar system that was previously missed. (Roll accordingly).
      13-18 - Nothing.
      19 - GNBN news service arrives (Warship class, Sloop through Frigate, pick or roll one) with a news crew and reporter who seeks to investigate.
      01-50 - Recent Local Event.
      51-75 - Interview local celeb or platinum for the good works they have been doing lately.
      76-80 - Seeking to interview the local House Lord or senior Minister about the rumored Organ Harvester organization operating out of the planet’s capital.
      81-84 - Begins asking questions among the citizens about House corruption and implications that the House is behind ______ Gutter Gang or Pirate group that is terrorizing the region.
      85-00 - To do a documentary holo about _____.
      20 - Roll on Pirate Chart.
      21 - Roll on Ship Traffic Chart.
      22 - Roll once on the planet’s Infrastructure Development chart.
      23 - Independent business thingy arrives (roll on ship traffic chart for the ship that brought her, don’t forget to add your Noble Status modifier) and seeks to set up a ______ franchise.