Giving Up Darwin's Brilliant and Beautiful Theory

  • Опубліковано 9 лип 2024
  • Five years ago, Yale University professor of computer science David Gelernter wrote that he was bidding farewell to neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory. Why would he take such a bold step? What convinced him that the neo-Darwinian paradigm no longer satisfied the scientific evidence? On this ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid marks the fifth anniversary of Gelernter's important essay by reading it aloud in full. If you’ve read the essay, this will likely be a good refresher on Gelernter’s arguments. If you haven’t read it yet, by all means enjoy!


  • @TrevoltIV
    @TrevoltIV 18 днів тому +14

    Darwin's Doubt is an amazing book

    • @mianriyaan2647
      @mianriyaan2647 5 днів тому

      If it is brilliant, then why don't they enlighten the scientific community about it, publish a paper explaining their findings in a relevant, PEER-REVIEWED scientific journal and change the world?

  • @JamesFoard-le3nz
    @JamesFoard-le3nz 18 днів тому +35

    There is nothing brilliant and beautiful about Darwin's theory.

    • @DartNoobo
      @DartNoobo 18 днів тому +5

      It sort of is, if you believe that cell is a homogeneous globule of protoplasm. So, brilliant and genious for dimwits

    • @NotAnEvilPersian
      @NotAnEvilPersian 17 днів тому +2


    • @charlesmiller6281
      @charlesmiller6281 17 днів тому +1

      The Origin of Species definitely is brilliant, and beautiful in the sense of being elegant. It also is demonstrably true, in the case of micro-evolution. Right where I live we watched the population of fat, lazy, black and white pet store bunny rabbits people turned loose evolve into lean alert mottled brown "wild" rabbits. Lots of examples of that kind of micro-evolution, and Darwin was brilliant in explaining how that works.
      Only problem, doesn't work to explain new species. Darwin didn't know about proteins, or any molecular biology. Didn't know they all have to be created at the same time, therefore impossible to evolve by small gradual changes.
      In the end, Creationists and Christians should all embrace Darwin. Because Darwin, properly understood, shows the divine engineering prowess of God, creating life with micro-evolution designed in, to adapt to changing conditions.

    • @refuse2bdcvd324
      @refuse2bdcvd324 16 днів тому

      Agreed! It's all a huge deception that thrives on literal ignorance of biological complexity.

    • @jmstouter6572
      @jmstouter6572 15 днів тому

      Nobody needs an anti God apparatchik.

  • @ferrantepallas
    @ferrantepallas 18 днів тому +8

    I'm really shocked that nowhere in Gelernter's essay is any mention made of the highly important work of Phillip E. Johnson! For example, his book Darwin on Trial is a classic and Johnson himself is a brilliant reasoner.

  • @timothysparks6949
    @timothysparks6949 18 днів тому +6

    Excellent article. It's even better listening to it being read.

  • @marthalewis173
    @marthalewis173 18 днів тому +8

    Just as biology has had its recent revolution, so modern geology needs the same. Heterogeneous sediment strata are created in flume studies via spontaneous particle sorting in flowing water. The strata match exactly what we see on the ground in the sedimentary layers. There is no known mechanism for the laying down of these layers over millions and millions of years. It makes no sense. The idea that source sediments were homogeneous for millions of years, then switched, then switched and so on is just an idea, and a bad one.

    • @dagwould
      @dagwould 16 днів тому

      I'd think that if one started with a concept of the world as a recent creation, observations would be interpreted within that framework, as opposed to the fictional framework for Hutton and Lyle which was tendentiously designed to 'get rid of Moses'. This was a somewhat Gnostic misconstrual of the biblical data which failed to recognize the concrete historical realism that is inherent in scripture.

  • @Stifle9
    @Stifle9 18 днів тому +9

    Great piece of writing but it clearly is not up to date on "junk DNA"
    This paper assumes that protein coding regions are swimming in a sea of nonsense. This was the view for a long time in biology, known as 'junk dna'. However, this view has been shattered time and again with the discovery of many different functions of dna, not just protein coding. For a long time, biological insight was limited and many scientists assumed, based on evolutionary thinking, that the dna was junk of it didn't code for proteins. Once again, faulty paradigms lead to faulty conclusions.
    As a result of these discoveries, mutation and natural selection is further reduced in its capacity to invent

    • @charlesmiller6281
      @charlesmiller6281 17 днів тому

      That's right, and a great example showing why the theories we accept as true influence and limit scientific inquiry. Darwinists dismiss unexplained DNA as predicted junk, and are equally quick to dismiss contrary evidence of design. Creationists expect design and are skeptical of claims of junk. But look how much compelling evidence of design we have now, even in spite of this bias. The logical conclusion being we would have a whole lot more if more scientists were open to the idea of creation. They should be. After all, most of them do believe in God.

  • @dagwould
    @dagwould 16 днів тому

    It would be interesting to hear a discussion of Coyne's article responding to Gelernter's article.

  • @tibbar1000
    @tibbar1000 18 днів тому +3

    Great piece; thanks for sharing!

  • @johnbrown4568
    @johnbrown4568 18 днів тому +7

    Thank you for your commitment to producing outstanding scientific work.

  • @Gandoff2000
    @Gandoff2000 18 днів тому +3

    "Given enough time, everything will happen". Is that true? Our universe tends to repeat things over and over for eternity. Why would they suddenly mutate without an outside cause? (From elements to living cells). Also, if The Creator is perfect then His creations will be perfect unless He put what we think are flaws into His creation for some reason we do not understand. If the creator made any mistakes in creation would he be any less our creator? But I think He never makes mistakes.

    • @zachreyhelmberger894
      @zachreyhelmberger894 18 днів тому

      If something is natural, it will happen again...

    • @DartNoobo
      @DartNoobo 18 днів тому

      All the "flaws" we see are either from lack of insight or as a consequence of the original sin

  • @refuse2bdcvd324
    @refuse2bdcvd324 18 днів тому +7

    Goodbye and good riddance darwin. Hello intelligence!

    • @Scara-is-the-only-way
      @Scara-is-the-only-way 17 днів тому

      Im sorry this has happened to you, I hope in time you can see that science is real and return to reality

    • @chrispark2698
      @chrispark2698 15 днів тому +2

      ​@@Scara-is-the-only-way Science is a process by which we discover new information. The new information that has been uncovered in recent years has only shown Darwin's theory to be horribly lacking, full of unanswerable questions from a naturalist perspective.

  • @roblangsdorf8758
    @roblangsdorf8758 18 днів тому +1

    We need to remember that Darwin was a student of Lyell and that Lyell had said that one of his objects was to discredit Moses. This sounds like they were attacking the first premise of Jewish and Christian theology.
    It should be notes that the two creation reports in the first chapters of Genesis were published by 2 different authors. The first was "The Heavens and the Earth." The second was Adam. Adam wasn't around until the 6th day, so his account didn't report on the events of the first 5 and a half days.

    • @DartNoobo
      @DartNoobo 18 днів тому

      Published? Both were "published" by Moses circa 1500 B.C. Maybe you mean that one was inspired and other was an oral tradition since Adam?

  • @YouMessiah
    @YouMessiah 2 дні тому

    Thank you very much

  • @praxitelispraxitelous7061
    @praxitelispraxitelous7061 18 днів тому +3


  • @Im_No_Expert_72
    @Im_No_Expert_72 18 днів тому +1


  • @laydownlays
    @laydownlays 18 днів тому +3

    The word theory is just a "posh" way, for the word idea.

    • @DartNoobo
      @DartNoobo 18 днів тому

      Hypothesis is a posh word for an idea. Theory is an idea tested and proven to an extent.

    • @williamgreenfield9991
      @williamgreenfield9991 4 дні тому

      So, you have no idea what a scientific theory is, and you don't realize that mountains of evidence support Darwin's theory as being fact.

  • @throckmortensnivel2850
    @throckmortensnivel2850 18 днів тому +2

    Here's a question for intelligent design enthusiasts. All primate males, including human males, have mammary glands ond nipples. What is their function? Why do humans have bones in their ears that are the same as the bones in an alligators jaw? Why do all eukaryotes use the same method of reproductive recipe (DNA)? By the way, the similarity between human ear bones and reptilian jawbones was noted long before Darwin. It was just one of the many questions that were not answered, and which led people to think about what might have caused these things to happen.

    • @NJ-ju8fr
      @NJ-ju8fr 16 днів тому

      Why are these questions for ID? They have to do the heavy lifting again?

    • @chrispark2698
      @chrispark2698 15 днів тому +2

      Primate males, including human males, develop mammary glands and nipples because during embryonic development, only the XX chromosome is present in the first few weeks.
      About the ear bones: First, the components of the middle ear (the bones, their muscles, and nerves as well as their genetic regulation) is an example of irreducible complexity. This means if a single bone is missing, then hearing is impossible. Irreducibly Complex systems are an example in favor of ID.
      Secondly, although at first glance there may seem to be similarities between the ear bones of mammals and jaw bones of reptiles, upon closer inspection, the differences are vast, and any proposed evolutionary pathway between the two results only in a loss of hearing for both. This is an old, outdated argument and not a good one for evolutionists.
      Matthew Cserhati, PhD in Biology, said the following: "The bones of the middle ear somehow had to appear on the other side of the eardrum if indeed reptiles evolved into mammals. These bones are regulated individually, so they do not necessarily move as a single unit. No theory exists as to how the regulation of the bones is rewired to transition from chewing to the transmission of sound to the inner ear. There is also no explanation as to how the musculature, innervation and the types of joints in these muscles also change between the reptile and the mammal stage. This is because the middle ear is an irreducibly complex designed system for transmitting sounds in mammals, whereas its function is entirely different in reptiles."

    • @chrispark2698
      @chrispark2698 15 днів тому +2

      As for why eukaryotic cells use the same reproductive method? You say it's evidence of a common ancestor, I say it's evidence of a common designer.
      Only, it makes more sense that it's a designer, since DNA is a functional, specifically organized informational code, and specified information such as DNA can only come from a mind. No natural process can create specified information such as that found in DNA. Therefore, it is more plausibly true that DNA comes from an intelligent designer.

  • @Remy4489
    @Remy4489 18 днів тому +3

    There's nothing "beautiful" about Darwin’s theory, in fact the false notion that animals and human beings had a common ancestor is in fact, blasphemy against the Image of God, because human beings were created according to His Image and He did not design animals in that way.

    • @Remy4489
      @Remy4489 18 днів тому


    • @williamgreenfield9991
      @williamgreenfield9991 4 дні тому

      Sorry your ego can't handle the fact that you are just another animal and that the Bible is a pack of lies meant to massage your ego.

  • @KatlegoDidimalang
    @KatlegoDidimalang 13 днів тому

    To everyone that might think a flawed creation is a good argument against intelligent design I ask you to tell me one device that humans have created that has an efficiency of 100% (being flawless ) , flaws in a device can't disprove that something was indeed created by intelligence

    • @williamgreenfield9991
      @williamgreenfield9991 4 дні тому

      Humans are flawed and make mistakes. Everyone agrees on that. But how can a supposedly perfect supreme being make mistakes? Any "God" that would create evil and allow it to flourish is not only NOT perfect, He's a jerk and deserves nothing resembling worship.

  • @user-mk9qy4yd5t
    @user-mk9qy4yd5t 18 днів тому

    This discussion appears still to endorse evolution. If it cannot work, what is the point? If there is no creator, you are back to randomness; if there is a creator, why would he (the creator) bother with slow and cumbersome evolution?

  • @leawilliams8476
    @leawilliams8476 18 днів тому

    I always found Darwin’s theory a very ugly idea especially telling humans they come from apes. Nice way to dehumanise humanity made in the image of God.

    • @williamgreenfield9991
      @williamgreenfield9991 4 дні тому

      This is the heart of the matter. Your ego can't handle the fact that you are just another animal. There is nothing dehumanizing about facing the reality that we evolved from ape-like or chimp-like creatures. We have about 99% of the same DNA as chimpanzees. The idea can only be called "ugly" if you can't humble yourself and realize that you aren't special.

  • @secretweapon8367
    @secretweapon8367 18 днів тому +3

    if intelligent design is true, then why are there so many examples of unintelligent design in nature?

    • @Godsambassador3
      @Godsambassador3 18 днів тому +6

      @secretweapon8367 You were very vague in your assertion. Intelligent Design just states that things were developed by a directed process. Unintelligent Design would just state it’s a random process. It has nothing to do with it being a good or bad design (which you don’t get to decide anyway). So your logic is false!

    • @charlesmiller6281
      @charlesmiller6281 18 днів тому +2

      So you claim. Funny how everything once thought to be an example of that turns out to be useful and quite clever. The classic example is the appendix. Clearly the designer of the universe is astronomical orders of magnitude greater intelligence than we are. So it seems only natural there will be elements of design we may not be intelligent enough to appreciate. At least, not yet. We keep learning and the more we learn the more we appreciate the awesomeness of the design.

    • @user-zu2zo8ji4n
      @user-zu2zo8ji4n 18 днів тому

      Damned if we know. But is the option REALLY any more believable?

    • @DartNoobo
      @DartNoobo 18 днів тому +2

      Such as?

    • @s.unosson
      @s.unosson 17 днів тому +3

      I'd like to know more about those examples of unintelligent design.

  • @danielhudon9456
    @danielhudon9456 18 днів тому +2

    Oh man, the logic here is so pathetic it’s laughable. Yet another lame attempt to discredit the theory of evolution. You guys sure are shameless!

    • @Roxasamico
      @Roxasamico 18 днів тому

      You definitely nailed him there, criticising "the logic" of a 40 minute presentation. About as iron clad and thoughtful as all the arguments for evolution. Taking after your own professional dunces, they would be so proud of you my ape like friend.

    • @DartNoobo
      @DartNoobo 18 днів тому +4

      So laugh is your only counter argument? That's reassuring

    • @s.unosson
      @s.unosson 17 днів тому +3

      Bad argument! Explain.

    • @GodID7
      @GodID7 16 днів тому +1

      Calling someone shameless is not an argument.

    • @NJ-ju8fr
      @NJ-ju8fr 16 днів тому

      The math of protein folding… it would be truly shameful to hide it and say useful mutations are commonplace.

  • @qvash8517
    @qvash8517 17 днів тому

    An ancient greek philosopher first proposed it. Darwin proposed nothing new and macroevolution still lacks any evidence.

  • @taal_whisperer
    @taal_whisperer 17 днів тому +1

    Darwin gets too much credit from ID proponents. His musings were downright nefarious. He has done untold damage to the mankind.