I’m from Kerala, South Indian state, my great grandfather was killed by British during the colonial time for leading a regional khilafath movement here in my country side, he was burned alive until death. Khilafath movement was very active here in Malabar.
My grandfather as well in Burma originally of Bengal taken away by Japanese but under whose authority is the Secret. My mother was just a young daughter at the time.
So In the 1900 lets said the caliphate collapse then which which particular Person has the order not a specific groups to carry ? we are hungry to heard about it shaykh ?!
The end of the caliphate corresponded with the period when almost the entire Muslim world came under colonial rule( India , Indonesia, Egypt, Iraq Syria Morocco, Tunisia Libya and some more. In this circumstance, any role that a caliph might play would have been very restricted, since he would have little if any authority within the colonial space. Istanbul,Baghdad, Damascus and Jerusalem were now under Western powers control. Turkish Nationalists did everything in their power to humiliate and belittle the Caliph. Within hours, the Imperial family was asked to leave Turkey. The passport issued to the deposed Khalifa referred to him simply as ‘Monsieur Abdul-Mejid file d’Abdul Aziz’ and the Italian Embassy was informed that it was not a case for a diplomatic visa. The calip literally depended on the Christian Red Cross for food while residing in France. The British Foreign Minister Lord Curzon addressing the British Prime Minister shortly before the Second World War. He stated, “We must put an end to anything which brings about any Islamic unity between the sons of the Muslims. As we have already succeeded in finishing off the Khilafah so we must endure that there will never arise again unity for the Muslims whether it be intellectual or cultural unity” (this means the unity on the viewpoint about life, something that affects daily affairs, namely the social, economic, education and ruling systems of Islam). Lord Curzon Effectively, by 1924 the Ottoman Empire was over. In his famous quote Curzon pronounced the following: “The situation now is that Turkey is dead and will never rise again because we have destroyed its moral strength, the Khilafah and Islam.” (The Khilafah Osmania) Lord Curzon, an Enemy of Islam
I'm grateful for these historical khatira. I like learning history and its presented really well in these khatiras. Coherent, not too academic, brief and easy to follow along. May Allah bless this sheikh.
I would advice you to learn from a historian as his interpret is full of wrong conclusions not reflecting the truth, I can say this for sure as it’s about a topic im read many articles about as a Turk living abroad.
Jazakallah sheikh Yasir for giving the Muslims these history lessons mashallah . I’m learning so much from these videos and I’m sure so are many others. We Muslims should know our own history ❤
Greetings from Türkiye fellow brothers .. We still can't talk about that guy in our country since its forbidden by law .. Make a dua for united ummah again . Selamunaleyküm
My beloved 95+ yr. old Gandmother, only passed away 1,5 year ago, told us that she was in her early teens, when they heard the first Turkish azan in Blacksea region, in 1932. She got very emotional and cried when she was telling us how they were upset, crying, lamenting as if a member of loved one had died, for days and weeks and months. That they didn't know what " tanri uludur " meant (god is big- in Turkish), who is this 'tanri' replaced name of Allah, they said among themselves. Although in old Turkish Tanri was exist but, believing Turks never used it instead of Allah because, the word 'tanri' used in ancient times when people worshiped sun, moon or stars, hence they didn't accociate the word with Allah....Her story was long and painful.....😢😢😢
BS. 95 years old 1.5 year ago, puts us at 2022-95 = 1927 as her birthday. So she was merely 5 years old in 1932, she could not have been in her teens and it's highly unlikely that she can remember that day or make a difference out of it. Don't lie.
I need to add. It’s not just better to have a Khilafah as if it’s a preference - it’s an obligation. The Khilafah is simply the implementation of Quran for all the rules that addressed society. The economic rules, social system, ruling system, foreign policy cannot be implemented as individuals!
SubhanAllah Shaykh! جزاك الله خير for the Ottoman's history lesson, very interesting! Ya الله allow our ummah to understand what went on in history before our time and what took place between different groups and movements. امين 💙🤍
It’s ironic that the deceased body of caliph abdul majid after being denied burial in his homeland turkey ended up in the city of our Prophet (saw) while the body of his denier is still not buried; just entombed.
Jazakallah khayr Yasir Qadhi teaching true history of unmah our glorious history and worse traitor mustfa’s true face.we was taught mustafa was a hero.
Peace! 7:47 Although there are too much to add to the information Dr. Yasir gave, may Allah ﷻ bless him. We self-identity-aware Turks also don't consider him as father of us. The parliament gave him the name. We don't see him capable of carrying names of Mustafa and Kamaal as well.
Hebr 1,2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, *by whom also he made the worlds;* as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
The Quran is not mistaken. I've heard this nonsense christian argument before, and it shows their ignorance of the Qur'an. The Quran simply repeats what the Christians themselves claim, which is that God has taken a son for himself. And don't lie, you know very well that there are even Christians who LITERALLY believe Jesus was the son of God. So either way the Quran is correct
A short but factual history lesson - what happened 99 years ago still has consequences to our lives now! I just love Shaykh YQs history lessons. This is a must listen it is 7 months old (given at the anniversary of the callopse of the ottoman empire), but very relevant for now! 99 years ago - the catalyst - the fall of the ottoman empire started when they sides with the wrong side in the 'great war', they should've stayed neutral like the middle east! This caused the movement of the young Turks (anti religion) & Ata-Turk. Shaykh YQ lists 7 effects & consequences of the abolishment of the ottoman empire (the khilafa). Starting with world war 1 and the new Divisions made by west/people in power (Sykes Pico) when they drew imaginary lines on the world map, those who wanted to divide.... hence we have nation states and all the problems that came with it! They divided the ummah! A direct consequence is connected to the Palestinian cause. It is imperative that we know and learn history ! At the end of the day Allah always has hikmah (wisdom) in what He does, our job is to make the best of every situation we are in!
Başkalarına git tarih oku diye ahkam keserken keşke bi kitap kapağı açsaydın be kardeşim. İttihat ve Terakki 1. Dünya savaşı sırasında kurulmadı, 2. Abdülhamid zamanı rejime karşı kuruldu. Eğer niyetleri iyi olsaydı, padişaha en başından cephe almazlardı. Tüm tarihçiler bu gerçeği kabul ediyor, sen etmesen ne yazar? Bir gün tarih kitapları da kurgulanmış gerçekleri değil hakikati yazacak!! Teyakkuz yakındır biiznillah.
Can you imagine those Turkish who abolish the Khilafa, and the Arabs that fought to weaken the Khilafa. What kind of heart did these men had. I wish them the deepest regrets in their graves.
Well muslims at that time had no sense of brotherhood, british army hired muslim soldiers from subcontinent indo-pak to fight against turkish army.. what a shame!... to this day turkey is a part of Nato... i really don't understand bla bla bla of tayyab ordagan..!
Masha'allah tabarakallah Thank you for this amazing lecture Sheikh🤲 It's very informative to understand about our caliphate in islam May Allah protect the Muslim ummah Ameen
History: The Ottamans set such a good example as pacific conquerors that they won the confidence of many former Byzantine subjects . For example , when Nicaea fell , Orhan allowed all who wanted to leave the city to depart freely , taking with them their holy relics , but few availed themselves of the chance . No reprisals were taken against those who had resisted , and the city was left to manage its internal affairs under its own municipal government . BOOK : Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire . AUTHOR : Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters . Edition : 2009 page -109 . And Go through sultan salahuddin ayyubi history . He showed mercy while retake Jerusalem in 1187 AD . AND Recently , Taliban showed mercy towards western Christian club occupied force . No other civilization can show single example like this. " The inhabitants ( of nicaea ) surrendered not from starvation or defeat but from a calculation of their own best interests. They were quickly and willingly incorporated into the growing Osmanli nation. Only eight years after the fall of Nicaea, the Patriarch of Constantinople was shocked to learn that many of the citizens of this once great Christian city had already abjured their Orthodox faith and embraced Islam. In 1339 and 1340 he addressed encyclicals to them for the salvation of their souls, but it was too late. " BOOK : The Last Centuries of Byzantium 1261-1453. page - 171 AUTHOR : Donald M. Nicol So , conversion by Ottomans not forced but the Greek Christian embraced Islam. "The Osmanlis did not therefore slaughter every Christian 'miscreant' in their path. Rather they encouraged the Christian inhabitants of the countryside and the towns to join them. Islamic law and tradition declared that enemies who surrendered on demand should be treated with tolerance. The Christians of Bithynia were obliged to pay the haradj or capitation tax for the privilege of being tolerated, but this was no more burdensome than the taxes they had paid to the Byzantine government which had neglected their interests. Once they had made the decision to surrender or defect the Byzantine population did not find the change of masters too distressing. The inducements were often strong for the Osmanlis wanted to increase their numbers. A band of Catalans even went over to them in 1304. Some Christians went all the way with the conquerors and were converted to Islam. But this was not demanded of them, for all who entered the service of Osman, Turks or Greeks, became part of· the same nation and were collectively known as Osmanlis. It was because they began to look to the future instead of living from day to day that the Osmanlis prospered when the other emirates declined. BOOK : The Last Centuries of Byzantium 1261-1453. page - 146 AUTHOR : Donald M. Nicol EDITION : Second edition ( 1999 )
At the height of their power , in the 16th century , their ( Ottaman ) Empire stretched from Hungary to Yemen , from Algiers to the Crimea and Iraq . They established peace , law and order in the Balkans and the Middle East , territories that have seen much violence since the breakup of the empire . The Ottamans also brought economic stability and prosperity and cultural flourishing to many parts of their empire . The spread of local fairs and markets , the establishment of new towns ( e.g., Sarajevo ) , and the population increase in the 16th century , are signs of this economic prosperity". ( ii ). " The sultan's Empire was feared and admired by the contemporaneous Europeans . Orgier Ghiselin de Busbecq , Habsburg ambassador to the ottaman capital in 1554-1562 , commended the Ottomans meritocracy noting that ottaman officials owed their offices and dignity to their " personal merits and bravery; no one is distinguished from the rest by his birth and honor is paid to each man according to the nature of the duty and offices which he discharges ". BOOK : Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire . AUTHOR : Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters . Edition : 2009 page - xxviii .
At the time , the Ottoman Turks arrived in the 13 th century ,there was still a large population of Greeks and Armenians in the Asia Minor , especially in the towns and relation between Greeks and Turks were closer and inter-marriages more common than usually assumed . Greeks worked in the Seljuk administration in high officies , Turkish troops were often hired by the Byzantine Emperors , and fleeing Turkish rulers sought refuge in Byzantium " " The early Ottaman society was complex and included members of numerous religion and ethnicity " . " In short , it was a multi-ethnic and multi-religious empire ruled by the Osman dynasty from circa 1300 until its demise in World War - I ". BOOK : Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire . AUTHOR : Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters . Edition : 2009 page - XXV , XXVi
Pl read this history ; ( i ). " The main reason for Ottaman success , however , was the development of stable and permanent institutions of government that transformed a tribal polity into a workable state ". ( ii ) " The Ottamans utilized all human resources in their emirate and quickly learned skills in bureaucracy and diplomacy ........ They also did not slaughter every Christian in their path ; rather , they encouraged the Christian inhabitants of the countryside and the towns to join them . Islamic law and tradition declared that enemies who surrendered on demand should be treated with tolerance . ( iii ). " The Christians of Bithynia were obliged to pay the ' harac ' , or capitation tax , for the privilege of being tolerated , but this was no more burdensome than the taxes they had paid to the Byzantine government , which had neglected their interests . Once they had made the decision to surrender or defect , the Byzantine population resigned to their fate ". " Some Christians converted to Islam upon joining the Ottamans ; however, this was not demanded . Many local Christians even participated in Ottaman raids against Byzantium ". BOOK : Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire . AUTHOR : Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters . Edition : 2009 page -109 . "Existing sources , such as the 25th century Ottoman census records , suggest that the earliest converts to Islam in the Balkans came from the ranks of the Balkan nobility and military elite that could supply the Ottomans with the manpower ............. BOOK : Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire . AUTHOR : Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters . Edition : 2009 page -146 .
Nine hundred and twelve years have passed since the Europeans of northern and western Europe mounted the first crusade against the Muslims who were Arabs , Turks , Kurds and Afghan/Pathan. One siege will provide readers with the flavour of what happened in the 11th century AD. By November 1098 thousand of brutal frankish warriors ( called Franj by their victims ) accompanied by a motley of old men , women and children with the Star of Bethlehem shining in their eyes surrounded the city of Ma'arra on the banks of the Orentes river . The defenders were not an armed and trained Garrison.............. 11th December saw the situation become desperate as the Franj scaled the walls and the citizens took shelter in the tallest buildings . The town notable made contact with Behemond , the commander of the assailants . He promised to spare the lives of the citizens of ma'arra if they surrendered and laid down their arms . The desperate defenders agreed and waited all night in fear and trumbling. At dawn the Franj arrived and the carnage began . The Arab chroniclers wrote " For 3 days they put the people to the sword killing tens of thousands and taking many more prisoners " The Frank chronicler's account is spine chilling. Rudulph of Caen writes : " In Ma'arra our troops boiled pagan adults in cooking pots , they impaled children on spits and devoured them grilled "............ On 13th January 1099 , hundreds of Franj bearing torches roamed the alley ways of Ma'arra setting every house alight . The city walls had already been dismantled stone by stone. Evidence : " Crusade still lives on " Deccan Chronicle ( Indian newspaper ) December - 2-2007 . Sunday suppliment page - 2 Author : Akhilesh mithal This is crusade. This barbarian atrocities still continuing in the name of first world war , second world war , colonial plundered , atomic bombings , dirty bomb, blockades , sanctions ...... Beware of this crusade. Always, This is brutal .
It's very sad that Muslims particularly from India were part of that British army. Of course, there were the Turkish Republicans and the Arabs who allied with the Britishers, but it's depressing to think about how Indian Muslims (many of whose descendants are now in the Pakistani army) were at the forefront of this process. May Allah forgive us for this treachery. Ameen.
It's is the need of the time !............the Unity of Ummah is the order of Allah....... and we can not afford to remain divided and disobey the orders of Allah......all our problems will be solved. The Khalifa will be back, and Muslims will be the most powerful..........In Shaa Allah!
False facts. The All India Muslim League founded in 1906 had nothing to do with the demise of the Ottoman Empire in 1922. This sheikh is a real Taqiyya master. 😁
Alhamdulillah.. very informative Islamic history.. May Almighty Allah bless you always with your family and Your team.. please do continue giving us knowledge about the history of our religion.. Jazakallahu Khayran ♥️
@@ersgtr3421 wow so you view the enemy of islam as a hero? didn't know non muslims also watched yasir qadhi but i think this is the wrong channel to learn about your womanizer ottomans ? dont you think ?
@@user-ue4fh5mv9s well we are womanizers that’s off topic but I take that. Mustafa Kemal wasn’t enemy of Islam. This lecturer presents from one point of view. There are many more to this topic but he ignores them.
@@ersgtr3421 oh really ? banning the hijab and islamic madrasah and making quran and adhan into turkish to the point you couldn't even take the name of Allah and many more things against islam which menefests into the modern day turkey was all the doings of your daddy mustafa whom you guys worship but if you are a muslim which i highly doubt how can you love an enemy of Allah and islam ?
That's not how khilafat works, Zeeshan. Allah has instructed us to command good and forbid evil. Do you think that when we see the starving people get food in their mouths, we can just say, "Let Allah feed them" and everything will be alright? Of course, Allah is ultimately the provider, but He will judge us for our silence over the khilafah.
Jazak Allahu khairan. An excellent brief lecture but there is one point that I think is debatable. The Ottoman Empire was not wrong for refusing to stay neutral because the Allied forces (England and France) had the intention of carving and dividing the Ottoman Empire even before the Ottoman Empire joined World War I. But Allah knows best.
From what I hear, the greatest challenge in fact was Russia, which bordered Turkey. There had been a long standing friendship and dependence on Germany, who agreed to give the Ottomans up to date weaponry in exchange for siding with them. So as the shaykh stated, the key issue was the weakness of ottomans, militarily, economically and technologically.
Exactly it was not just joining Sultan Abdulhamid said they wanted to us to join the side of Germans . Without our permission Germans sheep with an Ottoman Flag bombed the Russian cities so there was a plan to us to join bcs they just needed to destroy us and take the lands in middle east lands . After Young Turks overthroned the Sultan Abdulhameed. Enver Paṣ̌a was the coup leader of the ottoman government he studied in Germany had German inlfuance . Me as a Muslim Ottoman Türk it was the War of Kafeers its so stupid to join bcs of Enver paşa even Anatolia nowdays Turkey was invaded by Britians Russians,Italians,Greeks France my region was invaded By Greeks so he was stupid.
3 : سورة آل عمران - ائت 26 قُلِ اللّٰہُمَّ مٰلِکَ الۡمُلۡکِ تُؤۡتِی الۡمُلۡکَ مَنۡ تَشَآءُ وَ تَنۡزِعُ الۡمُلۡکَ مِمَّنۡ تَشَآءُ ۫ وَ تُعِزُّ مَنۡ تَشَآءُ وَ تُذِلُّ مَنۡ تَشَآءُ ؕ بِیَدِکَ الۡخَیۡرُ ؕ اِنَّکَ عَلٰی کُلِّ شَیۡءٍ قَدِیۡرٌ ﴿۲۶﴾ کہو! خدایا! ملک کے مالک! تو جسے چاہے ، حکومت دے اور جس سے چاہے ، چھین لے ۔ جسے چاہے ، عزّت بخشے اور جس کو چاہے ، ذلیل کر دے ۔ بھلائی تیرے اختیار میں ہے ۔ بیشک تو ہر چیز پر قادر ہے ۔
Subhanallah! Informative and great lecture, should be shared a lot! Young Turks influenced by the radical secularism of the French that laid the groundwork for socialism and communism came from Marxism in Germany.
Mashallah very insightful lecture. I heard, British empire apparently exerting pressure on Mustafa Kemal to abolish the ceremonial Khilafa because of Khilafa Movement in British India.
(8 : سورة الأنفال - Ayat No 53) ذٰلِکَ بِاَنَّ اللّٰہَ لَمۡ یَکُ مُغَیِّرًا نِّعۡمَۃً اَنۡعَمَہَا عَلٰی قَوۡمٍ حَتّٰی یُغَیِّرُوۡا مَا بِاَنۡفُسِہِمۡ ۙ وَ اَنَّ اللّٰہَ سَمِیۡعٌ عَلِیۡمٌ ﴿ۙ۵۳﴾ یہ اللہ کی اس سنت کے مطابق ہوا کہ وہ کسی نعمت کو جو اس نے کسی قوم کو عطا کی ہو اس وقت تک نہیں بدلتا جب تک کہ وہ قوم خود اپنے طرزِ عمل کو نہیں بدل دیتی ۔ 40 اللہ سب کچھ سننے اور جاننے والا ہے ۔
Khilafa is a global superpower, that's why the kuffar fear the existence of it and try their very best to abolish it. May Allah guides Muslims all around the world to unite and stay strong despite the hardship. Allahuakbar
Learn your history, bro. There were various Caliphates throughout history doing unimaginably cruel things to each other. The Umayyads even sent the heads of fallen Abbasids in bags to Mecca where they were distributed in the streets at night to terrorise the inhabitants. Each head had a name label in its ear. That's the umma for you. 😁
@@raybison5547 Just read 'The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise', bro. The cruelties of the conflicts between the various Islamic caliphates are so sick as to be unbelievable. And what Muslim rulers did to other rival Muslims in Spain is horrendous - mass crucifixion the least of them. 😁
The Mustafa Kemal Atatürk part is completely wrong. Atatürk did not start the national struggle under the command of the Sultan. In 1919, the Sultan sent Mustafa Kemal to Anatolia as an army inspector. The aim was not the struggle for independence, but to delay the British occupation on the pretext that the non-Muslims in the region were in mortal danger due to the uprisings and conflicts that had begun. He resigned from his duty in the army in 1919 right after he started the negotiations for the beginning of the national struggle. He started the struggle by organizing congresses and meetings in Anatolia. Sultan Vahdettin issued a death warrant for Atatürk and his friends in 1920. At the same time, he established an army to suppress the struggle that had started in Anatolia. The name of the Sultan's army, to which the British gave weapons, equipment and paid salaries, was the Caliphate Army, but they were defeated and retreated. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk did not spoil anything with the power he had, he established a struggle from scratch. You cannot look at historical events from a religious or Arab perspective and interpret them however you want. Sit down and research, do as the first commandment of Islam says: Read in the name of Allah!
We seriously never knew about the formation of Pakistan nor how few youth of Turkey, influenced by France lifestyle boosted eradication of Islamic principles, to set up their own regime for their own hollow world. My mind blew off OMG. Again Jazaakumullahu Khairan Dr Yasir for this shaking speech 👍 May Allah SWT keep you under HIS blessed and protective shelter. Islam ruled the globe but few termites wanted to run their shops and started to margin the nations. AGAIN AS ALWAYS AN EYE OPENING LECTURE Tabaarakallahu
So you have fallen for his false claims, bro. His whole fetid argument falls with the fact that the All India Muslim League was formed in 1906 and was not therefore a consequence of the demise of of the Ottoman Empire. These rabid sheiks need to be called out for their lies. But, hey, he is just a devotee of the god who prides himself on being the Best of Deceivers. 😁
I’ll advice you to dig more on this as this Shayk don’t no nothing any assumes and by his ignorance informs you all wrong. If Atatürk and his friends would not be around I would not speak Turkish and would not know who my father was as we were invaded by the big powers. Atatürk translated the Koran in Turkish so we could educate ourselves and understand gods word without these false shayks who pretend to know everything and enslave your mind. Stand up and find your own Atatürk so you can be an individual and not be dictated by anyone else. Pakistan still has miles to go to catch the level of democracy of Turkey, evet wondered why ?!
nationalism and tribalism is not allowed in Islam. Prophet saw said" those who call for tribalism, fight for it and die for it are not from us." We must have a love for the ummah not nationalism or tribalism. We are one ummah one body.
False facts by this sheik who has his own agenda. The All India Muslim League was formed in 1906 and had nothing to do with the demise of the Ottoman Empire. This sheikh is a real Taqiyya master. 😁
99 (almost 100) years after the fall of the Ottoman Empire: Turkey has developed into a prosperous country, has developed good relationships with its non Muslim neighbors, has gained respect in the Muslim community, and has reached out to every corner of the world by putting its airline among the top ten airlines of the world and we seem to worry about them. 🤨
As a Turk I can say that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is a savior of what was left of Ottoman Empire. By the time Atatürk stood up and defeated the British the khalifate long gone and was only listening to Brit’s. The Arabs where happy to choose side of the Brit’s and we Turks felt betrayed and came to the conclusion there was no need for an khilafet. The shift from sultanate and kings to nations countries couldn’t not be stopped anymore, think of French, Russian, Habsburg, Swedish empires who all fall as a result of people gaining power and getting a voice! As a modern Turk I would advice you to be a independent and not lend your brain to preachers like this man. Pakistan has still a long way to go compared to Turkey, I urge you to find your own Atatürk and defeat these hate preachers who do nothing than tell you bedtime stories as this is the only thing they can produce!
But the stuff about getting rid of Arabic script and the Azan in Arabic? And banning the Islamic dress?That seems to be very anti Islamic. Nobody argues that other Muslim nations are sell outs too. I think the point he’s making is that Mustafa had intentions that were opposed to Islam
Ataturk of course fought the colonial powers but he was all about emulating the west in everything. Since he came to power there were things like removing the Arabic script, changing the azan to Turkish, and the drinking of alcohol. The Republic is not very Islamic because you can buy alcohol anywhere in Turkey. And the honour they used to have is all but gone. Ataturk was an enemy of Islam.
Won't work. They will place instigators within and then use them to spin their narrative. If it has to work, every participant has to have given bay'ah to the leader and the leader should issue clear commands, including accounting for contingencies.
@@davidzack8735 Where are the "winners" of world war 1 today? And where will all the people today be in the future? All will be present on judgement day, then you'll see what a loser is and what a winner is
I’m from Kerala, South Indian state, my great grandfather was killed by British during the colonial time for leading a regional khilafath movement here in my country side, he was burned alive until death. Khilafath movement was very active here in Malabar.
Eye opening. You keep learning. There should be a documentary about this history of the subcontinent. Respect to your grandfather and his fellow men.
Mashah Allah...
My grandfather as well in Burma originally of Bengal taken away by Japanese but under whose authority is the Secret. My mother was just a young daughter at the time.
May Allah Grant him Jannahtul Firdaus,
Even Kerela Muslims call Kerela as God's own country Ashtagfirullah!! This is completely blasphemy
"Our job is to make the best out of everything..." Take this seed from the Shaikh and plant it in your heart.
Maasha Allah. Sheikh’s lectures on muslim history are the best. May Allah bless you ❤
So In the 1900 lets said the caliphate collapse then which which particular Person has the order not a specific groups to carry ? we are hungry to heard about it shaykh ?!
@@molabamako Look up Sheikh Imran Hosein's lecture on how the Kalifet got taken down.
I also wrote a piece on here about the All India Muslim League.
The end of the caliphate corresponded with the period when almost the entire Muslim world came under colonial rule( India , Indonesia, Egypt, Iraq Syria Morocco, Tunisia Libya and some more. In this circumstance, any role that a caliph might play would have been very restricted, since he would have little if any authority within the colonial space.
Istanbul,Baghdad, Damascus and Jerusalem were now under Western powers control.
Turkish Nationalists did everything in their power to humiliate and belittle the Caliph. Within hours, the Imperial family was asked to leave Turkey. The passport issued to the deposed Khalifa referred to him simply as ‘Monsieur Abdul-Mejid file d’Abdul Aziz’ and the Italian Embassy was informed that it was not a case for a diplomatic visa.
The calip literally depended on the Christian Red Cross for food while residing in France.
The British Foreign Minister Lord Curzon addressing the British Prime Minister shortly before the Second World War. He stated,
“We must put an end to anything which brings about any Islamic unity between the sons of the Muslims. As we have already succeeded in finishing off the Khilafah so we must endure that there will never arise again unity for the Muslims whether it be intellectual or cultural unity” (this means the unity on the viewpoint about life, something that affects daily affairs, namely the social, economic, education and ruling systems of Islam).
Lord Curzon
Effectively, by 1924 the Ottoman Empire was over. In his famous quote Curzon pronounced the following:
“The situation now is that Turkey is dead and will never rise again because we have destroyed its moral strength, the Khilafah and Islam.” (The Khilafah Osmania)
Lord Curzon, an Enemy of Islam
Facts on point. No one does the history lectures like him and they always wanna discredit him with some bs graveyard or yajooj majooj talk.
Did you read my post ??
I'm grateful for these historical khatira. I like learning history and its presented really well in these khatiras. Coherent, not too academic, brief and easy to follow along. May Allah bless this sheikh.
I would advice you to learn from a historian as his interpret is full of wrong conclusions not reflecting the truth, I can say this for sure as it’s about a topic im read many articles about as a Turk living abroad.
Jazakallah sheikh Yasir for giving the Muslims these history lessons mashallah . I’m learning so much from these videos and I’m sure so are many others. We Muslims should know our own history ❤
Allama Mohammed Iqbal said the golden words on nationalism
ان تازہ خداوں میں بڑا سب سے وطن ہے
جو پیراھن اس کا ہے وہ مذہب کا کفن ہے
What a sad story yet a great reminder. Mashallah.
Yeah a story full of wrong conclusions, read from more sources then you would understand what I mean.
Greetings from Türkiye fellow brothers .. We still can't talk about that guy in our country since its forbidden by law .. Make a dua for united ummah again . Selamunaleyküm
My beloved 95+ yr. old Gandmother, only passed away 1,5 year ago, told us that she was in her early teens, when they heard the first Turkish azan in Blacksea region, in 1932. She got very emotional and cried when she was telling us how they were upset, crying, lamenting as if a member of loved one had died, for days and weeks and months. That they didn't know what " tanri uludur " meant (god is big- in Turkish), who is this 'tanri' replaced name of Allah, they said among themselves. Although in old Turkish Tanri was exist but, believing Turks never used it instead of Allah because, the word 'tanri' used in ancient times when people worshiped sun, moon or stars, hence they didn't accociate the word with Allah....Her story was long and painful.....😢😢😢
BS. 95 years old 1.5 year ago, puts us at 2022-95 = 1927 as her birthday. So she was merely 5 years old in 1932, she could not have been in her teens and it's highly unlikely that she can remember that day or make a difference out of it. Don't lie.
@@pitilili6668 The Azan became Arabic again in 50s you bigoted arse.
May Allah bless your grandmother.
@@pitilili6668 I can still remember my 5 years old memories. There is no lie. In fact Turkish azan is not only apply 1932 but many year laters too.
@@pitilili6668 😂
Mashallah sheikh, may Allah reward you for addressing this very important history which young ummah needs to know.
May Allah return a true righteous khilafah that can protect the Muslims and their interests on a global level
May Turkey & turkish people stay protected & rise again,dua from the Muslim ummah
I need to add.
It’s not just better to have a Khilafah as if it’s a preference - it’s an obligation.
The Khilafah is simply the implementation of Quran for all the rules that addressed society.
The economic rules, social system, ruling system, foreign policy cannot be implemented as individuals!
History makes us understand the present more, I wish there is more time for you to say more, may Allah bless you shaykh.
For a start by following quran and sunnah by the ummah as a whole
Thanks brother yasir qadhi
SubhanAllah Shaykh! جزاك الله خير for the Ottoman's history lesson, very interesting! Ya الله allow our ummah to understand what went on in history before our time and what took place between different groups and movements. امين 💙🤍
Amazing lecture from Shaykh Yasir Qadhi
Masha Allah excellence by Dr Yasir Qadhi a great historian
This is the best lecture I have heard ever. MashaAllah
Mashallah we muslim must united to reinstate of Khilafah among the muslim countries
May Allah forgive us all and grant us all Jannatul-Firdaus. Ameen
MashaAllah, one of the best presentations on the subject.
It’s ironic that the deceased body of caliph abdul majid after being denied burial in his homeland turkey ended up in the city of our Prophet (saw) while the body of his denier is still not buried; just entombed.
Wrong information. He is buried
Jazakallah khayr Yasir Qadhi teaching true history of unmah our glorious history and worse traitor mustfa’s true face.we was taught mustafa was a hero.
Although there are too much to add to the information Dr. Yasir gave, may Allah ﷻ bless him. We self-identity-aware Turks also don't consider him as father of us. The parliament gave him the name. We don't see him capable of carrying names of Mustafa and Kamaal as well.
As a Turkish citizen, this was an amazing lecture within 20 short minutes!
well i have a question for you and that is what is your stance on mustafa kamal ataturk ?
He calls this a good lecture, his stance can be seen.
Son of God does not mean that God has a child in Christianity!
*what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
Son of God is a title referring to the Word of God!
Hebr 1,2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, *by whom also he made the worlds;*
as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
The Quran is not mistaken. I've heard this nonsense christian argument before, and it shows their ignorance of the Qur'an. The Quran simply repeats what the Christians themselves claim, which is that God has taken a son for himself. And don't lie, you know very well that there are even Christians who LITERALLY believe Jesus was the son of God. So either way the Quran is correct
A short but factual history lesson - what happened 99 years ago still has consequences to our lives now!
I just love Shaykh YQs history lessons. This is a must listen it is 7 months old (given at the anniversary of the callopse of the ottoman empire), but very relevant for now!
99 years ago - the catalyst - the fall of the ottoman empire started when they sides with the wrong side in the 'great war', they should've stayed neutral like the middle east!
This caused the movement of the young Turks (anti religion) & Ata-Turk.
Shaykh YQ lists 7 effects & consequences of the abolishment of the ottoman empire (the khilafa). Starting with world war 1 and the new Divisions made by west/people in power (Sykes Pico) when they drew imaginary lines on the world map, those who wanted to divide.... hence we have nation states and all the problems that came with it! They divided the ummah!
A direct consequence is connected to the Palestinian cause.
It is imperative that we know and learn history !
At the end of the day Allah always has hikmah (wisdom) in what He does, our job is to make the best of every situation we are in!
Başkalarına git tarih oku diye ahkam keserken keşke bi kitap kapağı açsaydın be kardeşim. İttihat ve Terakki 1. Dünya savaşı sırasında kurulmadı, 2. Abdülhamid zamanı rejime karşı kuruldu. Eğer niyetleri iyi olsaydı, padişaha en başından cephe almazlardı. Tüm tarihçiler bu gerçeği kabul ediyor, sen etmesen ne yazar? Bir gün tarih kitapları da kurgulanmış gerçekleri değil hakikati yazacak!! Teyakkuz yakındır biiznillah.
Dr. you have made an apt speech and open our eyes and mind within globally muslim bearers, May ALLAH BLESS YOU HERE AFTER, AMIN
Can you imagine those Turkish who abolish the Khilafa, and the Arabs that fought to weaken the Khilafa. What kind of heart did these men had.
I wish them the deepest regrets in their graves.
Amin insallah yarabilalemin🤲🤲🤲
Well muslims at that time had no sense of brotherhood, british army hired muslim soldiers from subcontinent indo-pak to fight against turkish army.. what a shame!... to this day turkey is a part of Nato... i really don't understand bla bla bla of tayyab ordagan..!
جزاک اللہ
Masha'allah tabarakallah Thank you for this amazing lecture Sheikh🤲
It's very informative to understand about our caliphate in islam
May Allah protect the Muslim ummah Ameen
Muslim history should be taught to all the young Muslims.
The Ottamans set such a good example as pacific conquerors that they won the confidence of many former Byzantine subjects . For example , when Nicaea fell , Orhan allowed all who wanted to leave the city to depart freely , taking with them their holy relics , but few availed themselves of the chance . No reprisals were taken against those who had resisted , and the city was left to manage its internal affairs under its own municipal government .
BOOK : Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire . AUTHOR : Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters . Edition : 2009 page -109 .
Go through sultan salahuddin ayyubi history . He showed mercy while retake Jerusalem in 1187 AD .
Recently , Taliban showed mercy towards western Christian club occupied force .
No other civilization can show single example like this.
" The inhabitants ( of nicaea ) surrendered not from starvation or defeat but from a calculation of their own best interests. They were quickly and willingly incorporated into the growing Osmanli nation. Only eight years after the fall of Nicaea, the Patriarch of Constantinople was shocked to learn that many of the citizens of this once great Christian city had already abjured their Orthodox faith and embraced Islam. In 1339 and 1340 he addressed encyclicals to them for the salvation of their souls, but it was too late. "
BOOK : The Last Centuries of Byzantium 1261-1453. page - 171 AUTHOR : Donald M. Nicol
So , conversion by Ottomans not forced but the Greek Christian embraced Islam.
"The Osmanlis did not therefore slaughter every Christian 'miscreant' in their path. Rather they encouraged the Christian inhabitants of the countryside and the towns to join them. Islamic law and tradition declared that enemies who surrendered on demand should be treated with tolerance. The Christians of Bithynia were obliged to pay the haradj or capitation tax for the privilege of being tolerated, but this was no more burdensome than the taxes they had paid to the Byzantine government which had neglected their interests. Once they had made the decision to surrender or defect the Byzantine population did not find the change of masters too distressing. The inducements were often strong for the Osmanlis wanted to increase their numbers. A band of Catalans even went over to them in 1304. Some Christians went all the way with the conquerors and were converted to Islam. But this was not demanded of them, for all who entered the service of Osman, Turks or Greeks, became part of· the same nation and were collectively known as Osmanlis. It was because they began to look to the future instead of living from day to day that the Osmanlis prospered when the other emirates declined.
BOOK : The Last Centuries of Byzantium 1261-1453. page - 146 AUTHOR : Donald M. Nicol EDITION : Second edition ( 1999 )
At the height of their power , in the 16th century , their ( Ottaman ) Empire stretched from Hungary to Yemen , from Algiers to the Crimea and Iraq . They established peace , law and order in the Balkans and the Middle East , territories that have seen much violence since the breakup of the empire . The Ottamans also brought economic stability and prosperity and cultural flourishing to many parts of their empire . The spread of local fairs and markets , the establishment of new towns ( e.g., Sarajevo ) , and the population increase in the 16th century , are signs of this economic prosperity".
( ii ). " The sultan's Empire was feared and admired by the contemporaneous Europeans . Orgier Ghiselin de Busbecq , Habsburg ambassador to the ottaman capital in 1554-1562 , commended the Ottomans meritocracy noting that ottaman officials owed their offices and dignity to their " personal merits and bravery; no one is distinguished from the rest by his birth and honor is paid to each man according to the nature of the duty and offices which he discharges ".
BOOK : Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire . AUTHOR : Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters . Edition : 2009 page - xxviii .
At the time , the Ottoman Turks arrived in the 13 th century ,there was still a large population of Greeks and Armenians in the Asia Minor , especially in the towns and relation between Greeks and Turks were closer and inter-marriages more common than usually assumed . Greeks worked in the Seljuk administration in high officies , Turkish troops were often hired by the Byzantine Emperors , and fleeing Turkish rulers sought refuge in Byzantium "
" The early Ottaman society was complex and included members of numerous religion and ethnicity " . " In short , it was a multi-ethnic and multi-religious empire ruled by the Osman dynasty from circa 1300 until its demise in World War - I ".
BOOK : Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire . AUTHOR : Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters . Edition : 2009 page - XXV , XXVi
Pl read this history ;
( i ). " The main reason for Ottaman success , however , was the development of stable and permanent institutions of government that transformed a tribal polity into a workable state ".
( ii ) " The Ottamans utilized all human resources in their emirate and quickly learned skills in bureaucracy and diplomacy ........ They also did not slaughter every Christian in their path ; rather , they encouraged the Christian inhabitants of the countryside and the towns to join them . Islamic law and tradition declared that enemies who surrendered on demand should be treated with tolerance .
( iii ). " The Christians of Bithynia were obliged to pay the ' harac ' , or capitation tax , for the privilege of being tolerated , but this was no more burdensome than the taxes they had paid to the Byzantine government , which had neglected their interests . Once they had made the decision to surrender or defect , the Byzantine population resigned to their fate ". " Some Christians converted to Islam upon joining the Ottamans ; however, this was not demanded . Many local Christians even participated in Ottaman raids against Byzantium ". BOOK : Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire . AUTHOR : Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters . Edition : 2009 page -109 .
"Existing sources , such as the 25th century Ottoman census records , suggest that the earliest converts to Islam in the Balkans came from the ranks of the Balkan nobility and military elite that could supply the Ottomans with the manpower .............
BOOK : Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire . AUTHOR : Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters . Edition : 2009 page -146 .
Nine hundred and twelve years have passed since the Europeans of northern and western Europe mounted the first crusade against the Muslims who were Arabs , Turks , Kurds and Afghan/Pathan.
One siege will provide readers with the flavour of what happened in the 11th century AD.
By November 1098 thousand of brutal frankish warriors ( called Franj by their victims ) accompanied by a motley of old men , women and children with the Star of Bethlehem shining in their eyes surrounded the city of Ma'arra on the banks of the Orentes river . The defenders were not an armed and trained Garrison.............. 11th December saw the situation become desperate as the Franj scaled the walls and the citizens took shelter in the tallest buildings . The town notable made contact with Behemond , the commander of the assailants . He promised to spare the lives of the citizens of ma'arra if they surrendered and laid down their arms .
The desperate defenders agreed and waited all night in fear and trumbling. At dawn the Franj arrived and the carnage began . The Arab chroniclers wrote
" For 3 days they put the people to the sword killing tens of thousands and taking many more prisoners "
The Frank chronicler's account is spine chilling. Rudulph of Caen writes :
" In Ma'arra our troops boiled pagan adults in cooking pots , they impaled children on spits and devoured them grilled "............
On 13th January 1099 , hundreds of Franj bearing torches roamed the alley ways of Ma'arra setting every house alight . The city walls had already been dismantled stone by stone.
Evidence : " Crusade still lives on "
Deccan Chronicle ( Indian newspaper ) December - 2-2007 .
Sunday suppliment page - 2
Author : Akhilesh mithal
This is crusade. This barbarian atrocities still continuing in the name of first world war , second world war , colonial plundered , atomic bombings , dirty bomb, blockades , sanctions ......
Beware of this crusade. Always, This is brutal .
May allah granted jannah all of them. Abdul majeed he was heroes of our ummah
Muslims fought against the khilafa and supported British empire.
It's very sad that Muslims particularly from India were part of that British army. Of course, there were the Turkish Republicans and the Arabs who allied with the Britishers, but it's depressing to think about how Indian Muslims (many of whose descendants are now in the Pakistani army) were at the forefront of this process. May Allah forgive us for this treachery. Ameen.
yes for example the indian muslims fight as cannonfodder for the British against the Ottoman Empire/Caliphate
YOU should watch Turkish series Abdulhamid Payitaht in urdu you must understand how yehudi was in the ottoman inside for destruction of empire
Exactly 💯 The most important series for the entire Muslim world to watch. My favorite.
Im still honoring Allah subhannah watallah azzwajal
May Allah ta Allah grant her janah n firdous Alhamdullilah
Molana Mohamed Ali joher and Molana Shoket Ali joher Thay started the movement of Khilafat movement may Allah bless them
Masha Allah Iman increasing
his voice is soothing
In shaa allah our ummah will be back
It's is the need of the time !............the Unity of Ummah is the order of Allah....... and we can not afford to remain divided and disobey the orders of Allah......all our problems will be solved. The Khalifa will be back, and Muslims will be the most powerful..........In Shaa Allah!
Subhanallah Allah is existence is True. And every word of Allah is true.
Jazak Allahu khayr ☝🏻
Very informative.jajakAllah
ma shaa Allah, ya sher. Allah yerda alik.
Thanks very much , I'm learning every day from you DR , yasir masha Allah 🙏
Shaikh we must get back the khilaffat again. It has to be once again. The Ummah needs to unite under the one banner of لا اله الا الله معمد رسول الله
Thank you for the lecture Shaykh Yassir. May Allah bless you
O allah swt help to the our muslim brother in india , Palestine, kasmir we are suffer very bad situation
may Allah bless you shake
We need lectures like these in South Africa. PLEASE 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
We also need a lecture on Mughal empire, especially the sharia reign of Aurangzeb (may Allah have mercy on him), ameen
False facts. The All India Muslim League founded in 1906 had nothing to do with the demise of the Ottoman Empire in 1922. This sheikh is a real Taqiyya master. 😁
Excellent conclusion from the collapse of khilafa to the rise of Pakistan.
Important messages to those ho were divided
JazakhaAllah khair❤❤
love u yasir qadi more lectures please
We need a lecture from you shaykh how as Muslim can we contribute for reinstatement of Caliphate
Mashallah very good question
For a start by following quran and sunnah by the ummah as a whole
Ma sha Allah means it is Allah's will
We can’t .. there’s too many sects and nationalistic people
The issue is where he lives not easy. Allah will indeed protect His Deen and it shall superseed above all AGAIN and until end of times InshaAllah
Thanks to my dear wife Pervin, sharing this video..AtiLLAHun from Türkiye
جزاك الله خيرا brother
Mashallah very educational
MashAllah this was one of your best historical lectures
Do more for that era!
Thank you Jazakalla.
Alhamdulillah.. very informative Islamic history.. May Almighty Allah bless you always with your family and Your team.. please do continue giving us knowledge about the history of our religion.. Jazakallahu Khayran ♥️
False facts from a false sheik practising his taqiyya. 😁
Assalamu aleykum from Ottoman lands (Turkey) we need duas from ummah brothers..
What do you think of mustafa kamal ataturk ? and do you like turkey ?
@@user-ue4fh5mv9sI am Turkish. He is hero
@@ersgtr3421 wow so you view the enemy of islam as a hero? didn't know non muslims also watched yasir qadhi but i think this is the wrong channel to learn about your womanizer ottomans ? dont you think ?
@@user-ue4fh5mv9s well we are womanizers that’s off topic but I take that. Mustafa Kemal wasn’t enemy of Islam. This lecturer presents from one point of view. There are many more to this topic but he ignores them.
@@ersgtr3421 oh really ? banning the hijab and islamic madrasah and making quran and adhan into turkish to the point you couldn't even take the name of Allah and many more things against islam which menefests into the modern day turkey was all the doings of your daddy mustafa whom you guys worship but if you are a muslim which i highly doubt how can you love an enemy of Allah and islam ?
a shameful period of my people's history. But we will rise again inshaAllah
اللهم بارك
Fantastic video keep it up you're doing great job
Allah is the ONE who makes Khalifa …. Not the humans…
So according to you , Allah S.W.T literally came by his own here on Earth , and established Chaliphate? Can you explain us how that happened?
That's not how khilafat works, Zeeshan. Allah has instructed us to command good and forbid evil. Do you think that when we see the starving people get food in their mouths, we can just say, "Let Allah feed them" and everything will be alright? Of course, Allah is ultimately the provider, but He will judge us for our silence over the khilafah.
Jazak Allahu khairan. An excellent brief lecture but there is one point that I think is debatable. The Ottoman Empire was not wrong for refusing to stay neutral because the Allied forces (England and France) had the intention of carving and dividing the Ottoman Empire even before the Ottoman Empire joined World War I. But Allah knows best.
From what I hear, the greatest challenge in fact was Russia, which bordered Turkey. There had been a long standing friendship and dependence on Germany, who agreed to give the Ottomans up to date weaponry in exchange for siding with them.
So as the shaykh stated, the key issue was the weakness of ottomans, militarily, economically and technologically.
@@BrRizzy1 I thought The Sheikh said the Ottomans had no reason for not remaining neutral, but Allah knows best.
Exactly it was not just joining Sultan Abdulhamid said they wanted to us to join the side of Germans . Without our permission Germans sheep with an Ottoman Flag bombed the Russian cities so there was a plan to us to join bcs they just needed to destroy us and take the lands in middle east lands . After Young Turks overthroned the Sultan Abdulhameed. Enver Paṣ̌a was the coup leader of the ottoman government he studied in Germany had German inlfuance . Me as a Muslim Ottoman Türk it was the War of Kafeers its so stupid to join bcs of Enver paşa even Anatolia nowdays Turkey was invaded by Britians Russians,Italians,Greeks France my region was invaded By Greeks so he was stupid.
Allah ❤
So True...
Masha Allah
3 : سورة آل عمران - ائت 26
قُلِ اللّٰہُمَّ مٰلِکَ الۡمُلۡکِ تُؤۡتِی الۡمُلۡکَ مَنۡ تَشَآءُ وَ تَنۡزِعُ الۡمُلۡکَ مِمَّنۡ تَشَآءُ ۫ وَ تُعِزُّ مَنۡ تَشَآءُ وَ تُذِلُّ مَنۡ تَشَآءُ ؕ بِیَدِکَ الۡخَیۡرُ ؕ اِنَّکَ عَلٰی کُلِّ شَیۡءٍ قَدِیۡرٌ ﴿۲۶﴾
کہو! خدایا! ملک کے مالک! تو جسے چاہے ، حکومت دے اور جس سے چاہے ، چھین لے ۔ جسے چاہے ، عزّت بخشے اور جس کو چاہے ، ذلیل کر دے ۔ بھلائی تیرے اختیار میں ہے ۔ بیشک تو ہر چیز پر قادر ہے ۔
Subhanallah! Informative and great lecture, should be shared a lot! Young Turks influenced by the radical secularism of the French that laid the groundwork for socialism and communism came from Marxism in Germany.
Mashallah very insightful lecture. I heard, British empire apparently exerting pressure on Mustafa Kemal to abolish the ceremonial Khilafa because of Khilafa Movement in British India.
(8 : سورة الأنفال - Ayat No 53)
ذٰلِکَ بِاَنَّ اللّٰہَ لَمۡ یَکُ مُغَیِّرًا نِّعۡمَۃً اَنۡعَمَہَا عَلٰی قَوۡمٍ حَتّٰی یُغَیِّرُوۡا مَا بِاَنۡفُسِہِمۡ ۙ وَ اَنَّ اللّٰہَ سَمِیۡعٌ عَلِیۡمٌ ﴿ۙ۵۳﴾
یہ اللہ کی اس سنت کے مطابق ہوا کہ وہ کسی نعمت کو جو اس نے کسی قوم کو عطا کی ہو اس وقت تک نہیں بدلتا جب تک کہ وہ قوم خود اپنے طرزِ عمل کو نہیں بدل دیتی ۔ 40 اللہ سب کچھ سننے اور جاننے والا ہے ۔
Khilafa is a global superpower, that's why the kuffar fear the existence of it and try their very best to abolish it. May Allah guides Muslims all around the world to unite and stay strong despite the hardship. Allahuakbar
Learn your history, bro. There were various Caliphates throughout history doing unimaginably cruel things to each other. The Umayyads even sent the heads of fallen Abbasids in bags to Mecca where they were distributed in the streets at night to terrorise the inhabitants. Each head had a name label in its ear. That's the umma for you. 😁
@@davidzack8735 I think you're mistaken that for something else
@@raybison5547 Just read 'The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise', bro. The cruelties of the conflicts between the various Islamic caliphates are so sick as to be unbelievable. And what Muslim rulers did to other rival Muslims in Spain is horrendous - mass crucifixion the least of them. 😁
@@davidzack8735 you are clearly very stupid lol😂😂😂😂. How the ummayeds sent the heads of the Abbasids whn the abbsaids are the ones who came after them
Insallah my brother 🤲🤲🤲
That’s what
President erd❤️gan doing it
love from India ❤️✨
Subhan Allah
very good talk
The Mustafa Kemal Atatürk part is completely wrong. Atatürk did not start the national struggle under the command of the Sultan. In 1919, the Sultan sent Mustafa Kemal to Anatolia as an army inspector. The aim was not the struggle for independence, but to delay the British occupation on the pretext that the non-Muslims in the region were in mortal danger due to the uprisings and conflicts that had begun.
He resigned from his duty in the army in 1919 right after he started the negotiations for the beginning of the national struggle. He started the struggle by organizing congresses and meetings in Anatolia. Sultan Vahdettin issued a death warrant for Atatürk and his friends in 1920. At the same time, he established an army to suppress the struggle that had started in Anatolia. The name of the Sultan's army, to which the British gave weapons, equipment and paid salaries, was the Caliphate Army, but they were defeated and retreated. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk did not spoil anything with the power he had, he established a struggle from scratch.
You cannot look at historical events from a religious or Arab perspective and interpret them however you want. Sit down and research, do as the first commandment of Islam says:
Read in the name of Allah!
Tebrik ederim tespitleriniz icin!
Amin ya rabil calamin
We need more history lessons please.
Our Father is Adam pbuh.
We seriously never knew about the formation of Pakistan nor how few youth of Turkey, influenced by France lifestyle boosted eradication of Islamic principles, to set up their own regime for their own hollow world. My mind blew off OMG. Again Jazaakumullahu Khairan Dr Yasir for this shaking speech 👍 May Allah SWT keep you under HIS blessed and protective shelter. Islam ruled the globe but few termites wanted to run their shops and started to margin the nations. AGAIN AS ALWAYS AN EYE OPENING LECTURE Tabaarakallahu
So you have fallen for his false claims, bro. His whole fetid argument falls with the fact that the All India Muslim League was formed in 1906 and was not therefore a consequence of the demise of of the Ottoman Empire. These rabid sheiks need to be called out for their lies. But, hey, he is just a devotee of the god who prides himself on being the Best of Deceivers. 😁
I’ll advice you to dig more on this as this Shayk don’t no nothing any assumes and by his ignorance informs you all wrong. If Atatürk and his friends would not be around I would not speak Turkish and would not know who my father was as we were invaded by the big powers. Atatürk translated the Koran in Turkish so we could educate ourselves and understand gods word without these false shayks who pretend to know everything and enslave your mind. Stand up and find your own Atatürk so you can be an individual and not be dictated by anyone else. Pakistan still has miles to go to catch the level of democracy of Turkey, evet wondered why ?!
nationalism and tribalism is not allowed in Islam. Prophet saw said" those who call for tribalism, fight for it and die for it are not from us."
We must have a love for the ummah not nationalism or tribalism. We are one ummah one body.
I like nationalism nothing there.
Jzk for lectures very informative....now I understand why Pakistanis luv Turkey
False facts by this sheik who has his own agenda. The All India Muslim League was formed in 1906 and had nothing to do with the demise of the Ottoman Empire. This sheikh is a real Taqiyya master. 😁
Ameen 🤲
بسم الله الرحمن الرخيم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركة 👍🇲🇨👍
We need it back
Great job Masha Allah ☝️
99 (almost 100) years after the fall of the Ottoman Empire:
Turkey has developed into a prosperous country, has developed good relationships with its non Muslim neighbors, has gained respect in the Muslim community, and has reached out to every corner of the world by putting its airline among the top ten airlines of the world and we seem to worry about them. 🤨
Ataturk was a Shaytan
the turkish society has morally decayed
@@syayayayayashaytan is you
@@syayayayaya Abdul wahhab was the real devil.
What about your country Mr Pakistani
As a Turk I can say that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is a savior of what was left of Ottoman Empire. By the time Atatürk stood up and defeated the British the khalifate long gone and was only listening to Brit’s. The Arabs where happy to choose side of the Brit’s and we Turks felt betrayed and came to the conclusion there was no need for an khilafet. The shift from sultanate and kings to nations countries couldn’t not be stopped anymore, think of French, Russian, Habsburg, Swedish empires who all fall as a result of people gaining power and getting a voice! As a modern Turk I would advice you to be a independent and not lend your brain to preachers like this man. Pakistan has still a long way to go compared to Turkey, I urge you to find your own Atatürk and defeat these hate preachers who do nothing than tell you bedtime stories as this is the only thing they can produce!
But the stuff about getting rid of Arabic script and the Azan in Arabic? And banning the Islamic dress?That seems to be very anti Islamic.
Nobody argues that other Muslim nations are sell outs too. I think the point he’s making is that Mustafa had intentions that were opposed to Islam
Ağzına sağlık. Çok güzel özetlemişsiniz. Bunlar zaten Atatürk düşmanlığı yapmaktan başka bir işe yaramaz. Suud vehhabiziminde beyni yıkanmıştır.
Wake up my friend u have been told that untrue stories ur not sick and tired of it ???
Pack of lies for 💯years still not enough ???
Ataturk of course fought the colonial powers but he was all about emulating the west in everything. Since he came to power there were things like removing the Arabic script, changing the azan to Turkish, and the drinking of alcohol. The Republic is not very Islamic because you can buy alcohol anywhere in Turkey. And the honour they used to have is all but gone. Ataturk was an enemy of Islam.
The Muslim ummah should do a peaceful protest around the world 🌎 regarding this matter,at 100 years.
Won't work. They will place instigators within and then use them to spin their narrative. If it has to work, every participant has to have given bay'ah to the leader and the leader should issue clear commands, including accounting for contingencies.
Every 100 years Allah sends someone to revive the religion, and this someone might be the Mahdi this time
Peaceful protest against what? The Ottoman Empire joining Germany in World War 1 and getting carved up as one of the losers? 😁
@@davidzack8735 Where are the "winners" of world war 1 today? And where will all the people today be in the future? All will be present on judgement day, then you'll see what a loser is and what a winner is
Alhamdullia that ottomans were destoryed becasue they were an enemy to actual muslims