Why Jesus is NOT God

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • This video is not intended to offend Christians.
    In this video, I react to the Muslim convert story of Yusha Evans, who was once a devout Christian but now believes that Jesus is not God. I discuss the arguments that Evans makes in his video, and I offer my own thoughts on why I believe that Jesus is not God.
    We explore the following topics in this video:
    The nature of God
    The divinity of Jesus
    The Bible's teaching on Jesus
    The historical evidence for Jesus
    I hope that this video will be helpful to those who are interested in learning more about the question of whether or not Jesus is God.
    Please feel free to share your thoughts, I read all my comments :)


  • @thinkrevert
    @thinkrevert  Рік тому +6

    Al-Ma'idah - Verse 73
    لَّقَدْ كَفَرَ ٱلَّذِينَ قَالُوٓا۟ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ ثَالِثُ ثَلَـٰثَةٍ ۘ وَمَا مِنْ إِلَـٰهٍ إِلَّآ إِلَـٰهٌ وَٰحِدٌ ۚ وَإِن لَّمْ يَنتَهُوا۟ عَمَّا يَقُولُونَ لَيَمَسَّنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ مِنْهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ
    Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran:
    Those who say, “Allah is one in a Trinity,” have certainly fallen into disbelief. There is only One God. If they do not stop saying this, those who disbelieve among them will be afflicted with a painful punishment.

    • @hadeseye2297
      @hadeseye2297 9 місяців тому

      Yeah, yeah, yeah. Judaism, Christianity and Islam were all invented by Jews. They forced Christianity upon Europeans and did the same with Middle East by forcing Islam. Now they destabilise Middle East, to make mass immigration happen. Christians were givem a religion of forgiveness and love, and a cross that plays a special purpose here, while muslims were given jihad. Anyone who follows abrahamic religion follows the plot of Jews. Only blind can't see this. India, China, Japan, Americans from rain forests, Africans from primal tribes. They all kept their faiths. A one almighty God would manifest all around the world at one time to make sure everyone follows His religion. That there will be no wars and that no one will says his religion is "truer" tha religion of others. Religions are man made. And each single person that remembers his life prior to material plane life, or that follows any religion that talks about reincarnation knows to be a fact. You were here already and you will come back. As long as your soul is not ready to be in One with God. Souls are Gods probes, lenses through which he interacts with this real. He can't as himself come here, His or Its power is just to big and he as a source of creation fuels this plane. There is no Heaven and Hell, only "chambers" that souls create for themselves to either have a good time between incarnations, or to punish themselves for being evil while living in a physical body. You weren't given the gift of Memories, as you weren't given the gift of NDA. You are still blind. Many European religions had the concept of reincarnation. And this is also true for Jewish mysticism. Soul has 620 years of break between incarnations. The only punishment is the one your soul inflicts upon itself.

  • @duffydope
    @duffydope Рік тому +11

    As a new revert as of a couple months back this will be a nice to watch to see people that are ahead of me but walked the same path of leaving Christianity behind

  • @thinkrevert
    @thinkrevert  Рік тому +9

    Peace be upon you, feel free to share your thoughts, I read all my comments. This was not intended to offend anyone.

  • @jessew6400
    @jessew6400 Рік тому +7

    I am studying Islam with the intentions to soon revert. videos like this really help my process in the way that it shows me how other people have been through what I currently am going through. I am not sure yet how I would go about studying it in person with someone else.

    • @jadem5546
      @jadem5546 Місяць тому

      Did you end up reverting?

    • @jessew6400
      @jessew6400 Місяць тому

      @@jadem5546 Alhamdulillah I am happy to say I did revert

  • @MegaSaeedi
    @MegaSaeedi Рік тому +4

    Wa'alikom al salam brothers!
    I'm from Egypt, born as a Muslim, and yet, I'm learning from you! My warm wishes and deep respect!

  • @jafaralamin7540
    @jafaralamin7540 Рік тому +4

    No one can evr kno how many people benefit from this, but Mash'Allah ive been Muslim for over thirty years and i still benefit from these. May Allah give you both the incentive to nevr stop the dawa, ameen.

  • @zeynaram3689
    @zeynaram3689 Рік тому +2

    Thanks to you, I actually started studying Muslim more when I found your channel. At first, I was just curious as I am surrounded by Muslim people around me. Now I am reading the translated Quran for me to understand it first while watching your videos.

    • @dilshadchowdhury9047
      @dilshadchowdhury9047 Рік тому

      InshAllah soon my brother ❤

    • @thinkrevert
      @thinkrevert  Рік тому +1

      Thanks for sharing this, I appreciate it a lot. May Allah forgive us and guide us all to the straight path 🤲🏻

  • @hamzashaukat1358
    @hamzashaukat1358 8 місяців тому +1

    Ma sha Allah brothsr i watched your rerooted podcast about a year ago.. Today i searched your channel to see what yoy are upto

  • @HamadaSolamon-vf6zq
    @HamadaSolamon-vf6zq 8 місяців тому +1

    Salaam , thanx for the video it was such great video !

  • @juliussanchez2205
    @juliussanchez2205 Рік тому +2

    Heck yeah man!! I learned how to pray because of you man may ALLAH bless you with GOOD deeds

    • @thinkrevert
      @thinkrevert  Рік тому +1

      May Allah bless you abundantly, hold on to your prayer and never let go of it not matter what happens in life 🤲🏻

  • @yuridjadi3127
    @yuridjadi3127 Рік тому +1

    I learn from your content my brother and l really like it

  • @azman6568
    @azman6568 9 місяців тому +1

    I accepted Islam 2mnths ago after 24 yrs of alcoholism I've been sober ever since

    • @thinkrevert
      @thinkrevert  9 місяців тому

      May Allah guide us and keep us firm on the straight path dear brother

  • @doczang700
    @doczang700 Рік тому +1

    So we left off at hebrews 9:15.. When you read that, it talk about inheritence. And Jesus giving His life, was not only in accordance to the fact the "blood atones for sin" according to the bible, but more distinctly, Jesus provided the way for ua to inherit SONSHIP and DAUGHTERSHIP to the Father. Why do I say that? Because the new testament teaches that if you have a genuine relationship with the God of the universe THROUGH His Son Jesus, you are now IN Christ. And when it says Jesus is the "only begotten son", biblical scholars who study the henrew language have actually found that they were using the wrong root word and a better translation is actually "unique son". So fristly Jesus giving up His life is a layered event and that's how God chose to do it.
    In regards to Jesus saying the Father is greater than He. We must go to Corinthians.
    Now when all things are made subject to Him, then the Son Himself will also be subject to Him who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all.
    I Corinthians 15:28 NKJV
    Whoa whoa whoa!!?? The Son who is God wilp be made SUBJECT to the Father?? Yes. And here's why: Since He's the mediator of this new covenant, and we are IN Him, and WE are subjext to God, Jesus will ALSO be made subject to the Father. But He sits at His right hand and that is a special position. Hipe this helps. Would love to chat more. Gotta go clock in.

    • @thinkrevert
      @thinkrevert  Рік тому

      Thank you for you comment, I appreciate the respectful approach. I have read what you wrote, what do you say regarding the historical preservation of The Bible discussed in the video? Thanks

    • @doczang700
      @doczang700 Рік тому

      @@thinkrevert Hey brother, I honestly didn't get to watch your video in it's emtirety. Actually just got outside to break. I work underground and don't have internet until I go to break. My thought at first glance at your question though, is, I think biblical shcolars who know Hreek and Hebrew, are satisfied with the MESSAGE itself. I did get to see a part of the video where you mentioned that christians can't quote exact wordings in the language like people can from the Quran.. My argument would be, if God so loved the world, as in John 3:16, which may seem cliche because it's so overly used (even to me as a christian lol) then why would He divide the languages at the tower of Babel, and then expect people to know a certain language in ordee to be saved. I'm not sure if this story is true, but I heard that one language the bible was translated to, didn't have a word for "faith", so they had to translate that word as "lean your whole weight on". And so the message, through the many preserved documemts we have, is good. As far as mistakes in the bible, we have so many preserved documemts in fact, that we can go back and see where thise mistakes happened and infer that that was where the mistake in fact "crept in". I think if the message was tainted, you would have prominent biblical scholars screaming about it. And last thing from me vefore I go back to work, we would probably agree on the state of the western american church. I believe in some senses, it is completely off the rails because people go to church and listen to a man on a stage instead of studying the bible for themselves. Be blessed in all you do, and of course aa someone who believs the bible is God's Word, I say I hope you and others come to a knowledge of the Truth, and there is no disrespect in that statement. Take care!

  • @AlexHensley1917
    @AlexHensley1917 7 місяців тому

    I love the honeycomb light he’s got on the wall in the background. If they’re not too expensive I’ll have to get one inshallah

  • @johnalbent
    @johnalbent Рік тому

    "Equal regarding Divine Nature, Inferior regarding human nature."
    Athanasius Creed deals with all this.

  • @doczang700
    @doczang700 Рік тому

    Bah pushed the wrong button. Let me continue my point in a new thread.

  • @funnygaming2672
    @funnygaming2672 Рік тому

    im polytheistic and baptized I grew up in a catholic family (im metis too dreams reading and supernatural even are seen has message from God/creator itself) and had a dream of Jesus he was surrender with followers and others prophet never that claim that he was, he said god and him will return when the rapture happens, and he gave me 3 date ...it in 23 ,25 and 28 millions of years so nothing to worry about we be dead when it will happen. But with what i witness there a creator and multiple of pantheons that coexist it not just heaven or hell their also purgatory. But the prophet told me that pagan do get save and can visit even form their own place of belief, I seen my dad in my dreams, and he is serving some times ...😥
    you cannot visit heaven if you are condemn to hell, you must wait and serve your judgment first! Jesus did not care for religion name he said that all meet the creator, and all path goes to him! Like a mention im pagan and was surprise that jesus said to me that my tarot and oracle was tolerated (not the best to do) but tolerated since i don't do divination for the future but ask direct guidance to god to better myself .He did not ask but since i wear the hijab and feel more confident and beautiful when i wear it i feel peace .i also had a dream of Moses and help him putting animals in the ship both prophet told me i was save .I cannot convert to Islam, i have a disabled child and a non-Muslim husband i think it will be selfish of me to leave them behind plus like a said what i witness is that there a creator angel and prophet and lesser gods and deity with their own pantheons .Jesus said that i (and everyone) should not worry about beliefs that we will go where we feel is the best home. Since that dream i also feel alone because i don't know any religion that accept what i witness!

  • @judycallaghan4889
    @judycallaghan4889 Рік тому

    I can't hear you!

  • @amandadewet4022
    @amandadewet4022 Рік тому +1

    There will be a great falling away from Christ before His return. Just proof He is coming sooner. Read about it, you know

  • @Princess-om9np
    @Princess-om9np Рік тому +2

    God loves us so much that He sent his son Jesus to die for our sins so that we may have everlasting life. It is not by works that will get you to heaven only by repenting of your sins and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.
    Narrow is the path

    • @bikin_rusuhbener4587
      @bikin_rusuhbener4587 5 місяців тому

      Brain doesn’t work…keep preaching. I bet you do not listen what he explained here.

  • @doczang700
    @doczang700 Рік тому +1

    I see some of your issues. Allow me to try to clear them up. For those of us, who actually study our bibles, and NOT eat everything everything put on our plates, so to speak, we have, or atleast I do, have a different perspective. Firstly I've only watched the first few minutes of your vid because I have to go into work.
    Ok. Have you ever asked yourself why no one in the old testament called God, father?
    In the book of Hebrews, not only in the first chapter, but also in chapter 5:5, God is quoted as saying "...you are my son, TODAY I have bexome your father.", speaking of Jesus in the contex. Interesting. So Jesus wasn't always THE Son of God? Well, that's what it looks like scripture says. So what does that mean? John chapter 1 starts out and tells us that in yhe beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word WAS God. And then later on it says the Word BECAME flesh and dwelt among men. So in the beginning Jesus was the Word. He hadn't BECOME the son yet. Why is yhis important? Well, Hebrews 9:15 says this:
    And for this reason He is the Mediator of the new covenant, by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, that those who are called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance.
    Hebrews 9:15 NKJV

  • @HamadaSolamon-vf6zq
    @HamadaSolamon-vf6zq 8 місяців тому

    Yes GOD is not a man according to the bible . ONE GOD no partner or trinty !
    Worship The Creator not the creation(adam,nueh,abrahim,...moses...david...jesus...mohammad ) creation can't be worship !

  • @adamproject9034
    @adamproject9034 Рік тому +1

    Yall are confused. Why do Muslims think we believe Jesus is Fully God and man and that the holy spirit is a person. Jesus is the son of God and the holy spirit is a description of the connection between us and God. Boom I answered all your questions. Glory be to God. Have a blessed day.

    • @thinkrevert
      @thinkrevert  Рік тому

      Check out this comment:
      @stevengentry7838 • 11 minutes ago
      Im sorry to hear this, I will pray for you to come back to Jesus Christ and believe what HE did for YOU and ALL of the sinners in the world.... We have ALL broken GOD'S moral law, (the 10 commandments), and Jesus Christ paid our "fine" for our court case in Heaven when we die and see our maker,GOD, in heaven to be judged by HIM... YOUR GOOD WORKS will NOT get you to Heaven, PERIOD... Jesus Christ was GOD manifested in the flesh, a sinless man, born under the LAW of Moses, who DIED on the Cross , rescuing ALL of US from the LAW, and saving ALL by HIS loving GRACE... ALL YOU have to do is to REPENT, turn from SIN, and trust in THE SAVIOR, Jesus Christ, and HIS life's BLOOD, who died for YOU and ME and EVERYONE..... JESUS SAVES.......
      He seems to say Jesus was GOD, what do you think?

    • @bikin_rusuhbener4587
      @bikin_rusuhbener4587 5 місяців тому +1

      Some people do not use their brain, but arrogant amd stubborn like jahiliyah era. Read and learn. Your religion is yours and my religion is mine. Jesus or Eesa as is not God he is son of Maryam. Holy spirit is Angle Gabriel who deliver the message from Allah to Jesus! Worship only one God, Allah. Speak in Amareic not in English.

  • @BigVnilla
    @BigVnilla Рік тому +6

    You never met Jesus, maybe one day you will.

    • @DontsaythatIDC
      @DontsaythatIDC Рік тому +2

      Maybe one day your heart will open to the right religion. Islam.

  • @inesnis50
    @inesnis50 Рік тому

  • @hamzabouyahiaoui291
    @hamzabouyahiaoui291 Рік тому

    Allah bless you

  • @robertgelley6454
    @robertgelley6454 Рік тому

    Hmm. interesting. Can God make a rock so big he cannot lift it? This is part of your argument. Jesus being crucified is the second part of the covenant agreement with Abraham. Again Jesus was both God and Man. The words of the bible has been proven to be correct from the dead sea scrolls and other archeological documents.

    • @batmann2723
      @batmann2723 4 місяці тому

      That's funny because the dead sea scrolls tell wildly different things than the bible, like that Jesus was married and that the new testament God is different than the old testament one

  • @roselightcafe1754
    @roselightcafe1754 Рік тому +2

    Well….. exactly, as the Bible says… Many people will fall away from the faith…from Jesus in the endtimes…..Only the faithful will make it… and that is exactly what we see here… And there are many more who are falling away… Satan/Lucifer is very crafty. This is why the Lord tells us to guard our hearts… The enemy is very sly and quick & convincing ….May God‘s Truth & revelation serve His Truth - make itself clear to both of you, and all of you who have foolishly decided to toss Jesus to the side. A decision you will regret for eternity. 😢

    • @batmann2723
      @batmann2723 4 місяці тому

      You will be the one who regrets worshipping anyone but God, there's more evidence of him than Jesus

  • @AlejandroMarrero-qf4ko
    @AlejandroMarrero-qf4ko Рік тому

    We know Jesus is not god lmao. He is the son of God. A physical representation of GOD. But it doesn't mean. He is god. 😊

    • @batmann2723
      @batmann2723 4 місяці тому

      Theologians would disagree seeing as the trinity literally says he's God and Christians worship him as god

  • @stevengentry7838
    @stevengentry7838 Рік тому

    Im sorry to hear this, I will pray for you to come back to Jesus Christ and believe what HE did for YOU and ALL of the sinners in the world.... We have ALL broken GOD'S moral law, (the 10 commandments), and Jesus Christ paid our "fine" for our court case in Heaven when we die and see our maker,GOD, in heaven to be judged by HIM... YOUR GOOD WORKS will NOT get you to Heaven, PERIOD... Jesus Christ was GOD manifested in the flesh, a sinless man, born under the LAW of Moses, who DIED on the Cross , rescuing ALL of US from the LAW, and saving ALL by HIS loving GRACE... ALL YOU have to do is to REPENT, turn from SIN, and trust in THE SAVIOR, Jesus Christ, and HIS life's BLOOD, who died for YOU and ME and EVERYONE..... JESUS SAVES.......

    • @RynneFdin
      @RynneFdin Рік тому

      These two brothers are way more closer to Jesus now than they ever were before as Christians

  • @Sunnahstrengthwarriors
    @Sunnahstrengthwarriors Рік тому

    Alhamdulillah brothers..Great video..informative..