@@skwills1629 What a turnaround from Century’s ago from France being a strong Catholic country. That’s what you get by putting the wrong people in office. So sad 😞.
@@skwills1629 What a turnaround from Century’s ago from France being a strong Catholic country. That’s what you get by putting the wrong people in office. So sad 😞.
The left wing media has done a great job making people afraid of Christianity by highlighting the child abuse scandals. They always seem to ignore similar incidents involving other religions. They don’t want the ruins to act as a rallying point for those of us against lsIам and big government. They will make necessary repairs then turn it into a modernist shell of its former glory...
God has a sense of humor. Could you imagine the irony if the French government ends up protecting the catholicity and sacredness of the cathedral against the perfidious imaginations of Catholic clergy?
I’m afraid this would not be the first time this happens. I personally know of one particular church that was destined to be wreckovated by a priest with “certain ideas”. Granted, the priest had already done some minor damage here or there, mostly things that could easily be reversed. But next on his list was to get rid of the altar rail in the sanctuary. That would have involved physically destroying part of the permanent structure of the church. Thankfully, the secular authorities intervened and prevented this from happening. I must add that this happened in a country with a majority atheist population. Can you imagine? Atheists protecting the church from a “catholic” priest? Btw, this same “catholic” priest seemed to have a certain obsession with oriental religions, in particular Hinduism. The other clergy members who shared meals with him said that he would sit Indian style at the dining table with the back of each hand placed on each folded knee, with his eyes closed while “meditating”. He had even initiated “meditating” groups at his church. This is just put a perfect illustration that it is not possible to be a true Catholic priest while espousing liberal views. Unfortunately, I’m afraid he would have a promising career under Pope Bergoglio.
Thank God for you Anthony and for providing information for your fellow traditional brothers and sisters. And thank God for the modernists...yes thank God for the modernists for creating reason to revive the traditional heart of the church.
The source of the fire itself is dubious to me. I’m heartbroken beyond words. Where and to whom will the treasures of Notre Dame be given?! That would be my focus moving forward. Anthony, can you please let us know? Thank God the holy priest rescued the crown of thorns while the church was burning.
I used to think that a member of the religion of peace was responsible for the fire, but it seems just as likely that it was self sabotage by the modernist clergy.
The arson was probably meant as an announcement of the coming of the Antichrist. Destroying one of the most important monuments of Christianity of course is the perfect way to drive the message home. Knowing the entire political elite is ardently supporting the Antichrist, it's not hard to guess the order came from the highest possible authority. I would also not be surprised if the Pope himself approved it.
The CC doesn't care about them anymore. They don't care about anything anymore. The CC as anyone knew it, even NO people, does not exist. The !nf !l tr4 t0r5 have won (for now) & will crush any remaining semblance of what was good & holy, inc Spiritual Heritage & history. Bergoglio & associates were put there to do a job... to destroy until there is nothing left. Unless there is massive & overwhelming 0ut cry, they'll steamroll everything & have a circus side show in every one of their "meeting spaces".
@@jannevellamo frances is not Peter the Roman in a theory I have, i think he is the caretaker that prepares the seat of St. Peter to be occupied by antichrist kin of like an unofficial pope recognized by the church but denies the title to be called vicar of Christ and prepare and get the church and most cafeteria catholics to fall for the antichrist diobolical lies, he has lined the curia to be corrupted and likley freemasons and other satanic types to assure next conclave elects the long fortolled pontiff possesed by satan as antichrist. 2023 is going to be very earth shattering geopol itically and spiritually. Daniel mentions seven years take march 17th 2020 when life changed forever globally add 3.5 years on the 360 day prophetic preflood calender i did the math october 10th 2023 on the feast day of st. peter st. paul. oand i did the same math to get may 4, 2027 on feast of the holy name.
Vive le Christ Roi ! 🙏✝️🙏 Would they turn the Versailles Palace into a theme park? Heck no! This speaks volumes that the proposal originates from a Priest! The historic beauty of the faith is shamelessly being erased. Preserve the faith in all forms!
Off topic...however, please note the "type" of Mass that Cardinal Burke will be offering as his first public Mass after his illness. The following is a part of a communication from him yesterday. "Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It greatly pleases me to inform you that I will soon be offering my first public Mass since my hospitalization on August 10th of this year. Although my rehabilitation remains an on-going process, my health has improved enough to return to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin. On December 11th next, at 11 a.m. Central Time (CT), I will be offering a Pontifical High Mass, according to the More Ancient Usage of the Roman Rite - what is often called the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite - "
May God preserve and protect Raymond Cardinal Burke, and all the other Faithful Holy clerics of the Roman Catholic Church who stand in defense off her Ancient Latin Rite even with their very lives, and all the traditions and monuments accorded to us in the Remote Rule of Faith, that no harm of any kinds may come to any of them ever. Good Bless and Keep them, O Lord! We pray You. Amen. ✝ ✝ ✝
Ironic that the French are okay with the desecration and vandalism of Notre Dame, when they complained so vociferously about the very existence of the animated Disney film "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" when it came out in 1996. Back then, the French refused to allow the film to have its world premiered in Paris because they were so offended by it (the film's world premiere would take place in New Orleans, Lousiana instead). At the time, the efforts of the French to preserve their own culture as they did with their protest of the highly-Americanized Disney film may have been commendable, but looking back I now see it only as hypocritical. For all the 1996 film's (many, many) flaws, the Disney artists who worked on "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" lovingly and beautifully recreated the cathedral to visually stunning effect. That is more than anyone can say about the French government in 2021, as they treat the sacred building with less respect than a mostly-American Disney animation crew in the 1990s had for a children's movie.
Sad and sickening. That was a beautiful church, turning it to a shrine of modernism and a theme park is not what a cathedral is for. It's supposed to draw you closer to God, it's not supposed to be a tourist trap. So many of the churches after Vatican II are ugly on the outside and the inside. I sometimes go a Catholic church in Tacoma where I live, it looks like a space ship on the outside and the inside looks like a meeting hall, not a Catholic church. It doesn't bring me closer to God. We are tearing down a beautiful church in Tacoma because the archdiocese can't fix it's expensive roof problems. They claim they have no money to fix it. Beautiful altar in the back, looked like a cathedral on the outside and inside. My daughters got married there, my wife's funeral was there, I was baptized there in 1991, my kids went to school and Mass there, it's going to be torn down. Makes me sick to my stomach. And yet they make modernist meeting halls they call churches. Truly sad the modernist thinking in the Church today.
It is diabolical. I totally grieve with you. Those whom we thought would protect the faith and our beloved tradition, our beautiful memories have betrayed all and serve worldly foolishness
They would desecrate this Holy place a second time... then, during the french revolution with dirt piles, now with modern junk and non-Catholic concepts.
I thank God that I was able to pray in such a sacred place before the fire. I am heartbroken to think that they would make these changes. I pray that it will be restored to what it was before the fire.
did not think one could take Christ out of any church let alone Notre Dame i do not want to its a small world any part of the Catholic Church if economics wins out i fear we will lose this church PRAY TO MARY this nonsense fails
satan is at work here using the vile tools including the bishops, clergy, and laity to destroy Our Lord's Bride, the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
We remember the video of the man on a balcony of Notre Dame just SECONDS before the fire started in it, when there was NO reason for anyone to be in Notre Dame/that balcony for any reason....except...perhaps, if youre an arsonist.
Maggie, Call me a conspiracy theorist.... Yes, logical conclusions are now conspiracy. But it seems most of our "big events" of the last 60-70 years are not from lone wolves. The media may portray them as such, but there's too much static surrounding events like JFK's assassination, 911, Oklahoma bombing and,yes, Notre Dame Cathedral fire to think it's just one or few people involved. Evil continues to proliferate as Rome burns.
Desecration of Notre Dame, the most holy. Mary is not happy, her son is not happy. French Revolution all over again. Ignorance and sin taking over. David
The archbishop Of Paris has denied according to "Famille Chrétienne". I used to trust Mgr Aupetit. He is a former doctor and was quite interesting when talking about bioethical issues (including surrogacy...). He is not a pure liberal. But I have been disappointed about the pseudo pandemy and how he handled it... Pray for him please...
I got a gift of a candle from notre dame cathredral bought before the fire at my baptism and confirmation, also a friend of the family gave me a bee wax candle for 3 days darkness, the priest then blessed it and she also gave me a rosary she got in majagory, as gift for confirmation i was inducted into order of our lady of mount carmel and the priest placed the brown scepular on my neck.
I've said it many a time, rebuild notre Dame to the way it was before, and then finish it according to the original plans (Notre Dame still remains unfinished)
Heritage/Historical sights cannot be altered from their original design in any renovation, restoration or repair. Lets put rainbow flags on the Hagia Sophia, The Temple Mount, Kaaba, Pyramids in Egypt, etc... while removing parts of it to make way for modern elements. 🤔😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹 They could just restore to original and create a free wifi spot with virtual tour which could be changed with the liturgical calendar; everyone wearing head phones of course. It is supposed to be a house of vocal and silent prayer and worship. Good Advent 🚶♂️🚶♀️🎄🏡🎄🕊🧎♂️🧎♀️🙏✝
Ugh. At least when the Greek Church went schismatic it kept the icons and mosaics of Hagia Sophia, a wave of iconoclasm notwithstanding. Then with the Turkish conquest came the destruction and whitewashing; fortunately a few works survived. This one appears to surpass that. Edit: PS. Our Lord will not suffer an indignity to His Mother for long. I fear a terrible retribution will come to those responsible if they don't retract this horrible plan.
It's all going according to plan. It has to be. The 3rd secret will be known very soon I believe. The warning in the sky spring 2022. Just a gut feeling but I could be certainly wrong . The remedy is let's get all the souls in our lives prepared and then as Padre Pio said pray, hope don't worry.
Hopefully that historical board squashes any changes. If they're anything like the ones in my area they will. If not I wouldn't be surprised to see pagan idol sanctuaries added for inclusiveness.
Thank you, Fr. Ripperger! And thank you, Mr. Stein (Stine?). Whomever alters Notre Dame is daring to take the Holy Child from Our Lady's arms! This is what Our Lady warned would happen, and when it is fulfilled, God will turn His Face of Compassion away from man, and we will find no mercy from heaven until the Chastisement has prevailed against us. "Paris will burn, and Marseilles will be engulfed!" Behold, Our Lady's prophecy again is about to come to pass before our eyes, and we stand as mute witnesses, instead of the steadfast Soldiers of Christ we'd promised to be at our Confirmations. I will not remain rooted to the ground and silent. I will speak out! And I will proclaim the Glory of Our Lady in her Church before I let misanthropic hoodlums tear her apart! Nôtré Dàme dû Paris, Ora Pro Nobis! Sacré Couer dû Mon Savoir Sucré, et sur Servante Jeanne D'Arc, Mademoiselle du Orleans, et du la Guerre, Allons! 💔✝🥀🕯🇫🇷🕯🌹✝💙
In the society we had to fight for everything we have ...you need to work as a unit,you need a mother base,for Thea's works this is what happens when you preach a doctrine without works christian kings and kingdoms fall but they would not know that
Good point. Most Parisians would embrace the changes as wonderfully utilitarian to merge their "dead" past with a tourist attraction that appeals to all. Is this not what happened in Vatican2 ? V2 took the doctrines of ages and changed them to appeal to those that did not agree with them. "Art reflects life."
@@patriciamathews5975 it sure does but Evan vatican2 can be spined on its head...as we are only equal in god,nothing more or less, eyes, hair, culture,..but their is family which is more than this ideal,now the cross that's enlightenment rite there,for only when I have conquered myself does my true self centered to being,for the mystery of Calvery is also the overcoming of fear and suffering...now the French sillon had this certain .. principal wich started manifesting on men brushing each other ...in an air...of... Oh my Charles.... when Pius the tenth saw this ...he saw the danger for they are not good at solid,rock solid fortitude,....you will see it yourself Evan in the philosophy of this .. woke.. nonsense it is to the fall of nations ...over every country ther is a principality and whatever gets raised as that standard highjacks the genaration after it ...if the art is bad and ugly ...not good.. when you realise that they deliberately wish to change beauty with ugliness.. deliberately,...the Europeans have this longing for unity wich they had before they lost the faith... though the unity depended on the man over the principality and this came in the form of charligmagn the great,and the monarchs of Europe who wear in oath,what God is going to do is give the appostate nation's a principality I fear...wich is red locked tight and sealed "no room for god..then their is no persona,for that ..IS...the true principal of the communist policed state...for...that...is what the a revalotions preach as they are all of the same fruit,...so it's the subjugation of freedom,... imposed equality you will all be masked,...you're new saviour is the jab for now you are babtised and saved....hows that for Revolution...god might actually give you it...that is why it's best to have monarchy wher the top is the head and the nation's of their own ID are free to think and create,for a christian king protects the upper gate weather in soviet countries they where communisng chickens and the principality is locked tight ther is no self as the dictator chooses the self for you
@@davidstanton4578 Yes, principles held by a society allow for Principalities to come in or be retained. The spiritual will follow the physical. Very good point that it is usually the next generation that reaps the folly from the previous generation. Just as a curse can be reversed if a nation turns back to God. The curse will be increased if there is no turning. We are witnessing this in the Church as the the curses are amplified post Vatican2 and the Church approaches 70 years from the abandonment of the key principle that there is no other way for salvation except through Christ crucified. Ecumenism was the axe laid to the root of the tree. This mixing is poison for the standard is now removed. Spiritual distruction is here and the curse keeps amplifying. The only hope is the Church's total repentance and a turning back to Christ as Savior and King.
You know I didn't have a doubt in my entire body that this would be the outcome for this ancient an grand edifice. Just one more thing in this time of evil and worldliness we have to be sad over.
@@ReturnToTradition Yes. You did indeed. The ownership was taken away from us, it was taken away from the Church. And now we see just how heartbreaking that has turned out to be.
I hate my sins. I'm part of the problem of the Church. God help me, God help us all. Mary powerful Virgin, you are the mighty and glorious defender of the Church, you are the marvelous help of Christians, you are awe-inspiring as an army in battle array. In the midst of our anguish, struggles and distress protect us from the power of the enemy and at the hour of our death, receive our souls into Heaven. Amen.
I wonder what holy, beautiful, magnificent (labor of love) cathedral/ Basillica will be destroyed and resurrected into a "high place in the groves" next. Weep, but remember He will never leave us or forsake us.
Jesus, Mary, I love you save souls!
God will not be mocked 🙏🏻😰😔🙏🏻
Another example of the stripping of anything Sacred. Lord have mercy on us😢
Horrible. I've never heard of anyone being drawn to the faith by any form of modern art whereas people ARE drawn by true beauty .
The French Government wants this as a Museum, they do not want People Drawn to The Catholic Faith.
What a turnaround from Century’s
ago from France being a strong Catholic
country. That’s what you get by putting the wrong people in office. So sad 😞.
What a turnaround from Century’s
ago from France being a strong Catholic
country. That’s what you get by putting the wrong people in office. So sad 😞.
@@robertporter6527 - You should have The Monarchy, not The Peoples Elected anyway. Peace and Freedom came frim The Musket an The Guillotine Recall.
The left wing media has done a great job making people afraid of Christianity by highlighting the child abuse scandals. They always seem to ignore similar incidents involving other religions.
They don’t want the ruins to act as a rallying point for those of us against lsIам and big government. They will make necessary repairs then turn it into a modernist shell of its former glory...
I have been to Notre Dame. This is just so very sad and appalling.
Me too and at confession the priest read my soul. That has only happened twice in my life.
The "abomination of desolation" entering the sanctuary.
God has a sense of humor. Could you imagine the irony if the French government ends up protecting the catholicity and sacredness of the cathedral against the perfidious imaginations of Catholic clergy?
Truth, our God seems to have a childlike sense of humor, which some humans might find shocking 😂
I’m afraid this would not be the first time this happens. I personally know of one particular church that was destined to be wreckovated by a priest with “certain ideas”. Granted, the priest had already done some minor damage here or there, mostly things that could easily be reversed. But next on his list was to get rid of the altar rail in the sanctuary. That would have involved physically destroying part of the permanent structure of the church. Thankfully, the secular authorities intervened and prevented this from happening. I must add that this happened in a country with a majority atheist population. Can you imagine? Atheists protecting the church from a “catholic” priest? Btw, this same “catholic” priest seemed to have a certain obsession with oriental religions, in particular Hinduism. The other clergy members who shared meals with him said that he would sit Indian style at the dining table with the back of each hand placed on each folded knee, with his eyes closed while “meditating”. He had even initiated “meditating” groups at his church. This is just put a perfect illustration that it is not possible to be a true Catholic priest while espousing liberal views. Unfortunately, I’m afraid he would have a promising career under Pope Bergoglio.
Come Lord Jesus have mercy on us and the whole world Amen 🙏🏾 Jesus We Trust In You 🙏
This particular debacle is a good facsimile of what is going on in the church proper. Pray, pray, pray.
Just cannot deal with the destruction! Desecration! Betrayal! Cruelty beyond belief
If you know any of the people.who were praying outside while it burned, especially the young ones, please ask them to do it again daily, all day.
Some people were celebrating as it burned.
@@marge2225 Disgusting.
Going hand in hand with the Abu Dhabi...😨
Thank God for you Anthony and for providing information for your fellow traditional brothers and sisters. And thank God for the modernists...yes thank God for the modernists for creating reason to revive the traditional heart of the church.
I’ve been to Notre Dame. It was a beautiful historic place. What a shame! It seems people sold out to tourism and not spiritual fulfillment.
Sigh… there is no respite. Spare us, dear Lord!
This is so sad, but not surprising. Everyday I pray for the church and the Clergy. Pray for us Holy Mother of God..🙏🏻🙏🏻
May the Thrice Holy Name of God foil all their evil plots plans and schemes. Amen.
The source of the fire itself is dubious to me. I’m heartbroken beyond words. Where and to whom will the treasures of Notre Dame be given?! That would be my focus moving forward. Anthony, can you please let us know? Thank God the holy priest rescued the crown of thorns while the church was burning.
I used to think that a member of the religion of peace was responsible for the fire, but it seems just as likely that it was self sabotage by the modernist clergy.
@@jcons114 Yeah, you could flip a coin on that one.
The arson was probably meant as an announcement of the coming of the Antichrist. Destroying one of the most important monuments of Christianity of course is the perfect way to drive the message home. Knowing the entire political elite is ardently supporting the Antichrist, it's not hard to guess the order came from the highest possible authority. I would also not be surprised if the Pope himself approved it.
The CC doesn't care about them anymore. They don't care about anything anymore. The CC as anyone knew it, even NO people, does not exist. The !nf !l tr4 t0r5 have won (for now) & will crush any remaining semblance of what was good & holy, inc Spiritual Heritage & history.
Bergoglio & associates were put there to do a job... to destroy until there is nothing left. Unless there is massive & overwhelming 0ut cry, they'll steamroll everything & have a circus side show in every one of their "meeting spaces".
@@jannevellamo frances is not Peter the Roman in a theory I have, i think he is the caretaker that prepares the seat of St. Peter to be occupied by antichrist kin of like an unofficial pope recognized by the church but denies the title to be called vicar of Christ and prepare and get the church and most cafeteria catholics to fall for the antichrist diobolical lies, he has lined the curia to be corrupted and likley freemasons and other satanic types to assure next conclave elects the long fortolled pontiff possesed by satan as antichrist. 2023 is going to be very earth shattering geopol itically and spiritually. Daniel mentions seven years take march 17th 2020 when life changed forever globally add 3.5 years on the 360 day prophetic preflood calender i did the math october 10th 2023 on the feast day of st. peter st. paul. oand i did the same math to get may 4, 2027 on feast of the holy name.
Makes one wonder if the fire was truly, “accidental”.
I thought it was probably a member of the religion of peace, but maybe it was a modernist saboteur.
Same here.
Vive le Christ Roi ! 🙏✝️🙏
Would they turn the Versailles Palace into a theme park? Heck no!
This speaks volumes that the proposal originates from a Priest!
The historic beauty of the faith is shamelessly being erased. Preserve the faith in all forms!
Off topic...however, please note the "type" of Mass that Cardinal Burke will be offering as his first public Mass after his illness. The following is a part of a communication from him yesterday.
"Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It greatly pleases me to inform you that I will soon be offering my first public Mass since my hospitalization on August 10th of this year. Although my rehabilitation remains an on-going process, my health has improved enough to return to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
On December 11th next, at 11 a.m. Central Time (CT), I will be offering a Pontifical High Mass, according to the More Ancient Usage of the Roman Rite - what is often called the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite - "
Blessed Be God!
Blessed Be His Holy Name!
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful news!!
May God preserve and protect Raymond Cardinal Burke, and all the other Faithful Holy clerics of the Roman Catholic Church who stand in defense off her Ancient Latin Rite even with their very lives, and all the traditions and monuments accorded to us in the Remote Rule of Faith, that no harm of any kinds may come to any of them ever. Good Bless and Keep them, O Lord! We pray You. Amen. ✝ ✝ ✝
Same💩 different day 🤷🏼♂️ Thank the Lord God the Remnant Army will lead us all back to Christ.
Heartbreaking and sickening!
This *must* have been the plan all along
Abomination of Desolation?
Ironic that the French are okay with the desecration and vandalism of Notre Dame, when they complained so vociferously about the very existence of the animated Disney film "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" when it came out in 1996. Back then, the French refused to allow the film to have its world premiered in Paris because they were so offended by it (the film's world premiere would take place in New Orleans, Lousiana instead). At the time, the efforts of the French to preserve their own culture as they did with their protest of the highly-Americanized Disney film may have been commendable, but looking back I now see it only as hypocritical. For all the 1996 film's (many, many) flaws, the Disney artists who worked on "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" lovingly and beautifully recreated the cathedral to visually stunning effect. That is more than anyone can say about the French government in 2021, as they treat the sacred building with less respect than a mostly-American Disney animation crew in the 1990s had for a children's movie.
Probably the only way we're going to be able to see the original cathedral now....
Thank you for your work GOD BLESS YOU
Sad and sickening. That was a beautiful church, turning it to a shrine of modernism and a theme park is not what a cathedral is for. It's supposed to draw you closer to God, it's not supposed to be a tourist trap. So many of the churches after Vatican II are ugly on the outside and the inside. I sometimes go a Catholic church in Tacoma where I live, it looks like a space ship on the outside and the inside looks like a meeting hall, not a Catholic church. It doesn't bring me closer to God. We are tearing down a beautiful church in Tacoma because the archdiocese can't fix it's expensive roof problems. They claim they have no money to fix it. Beautiful altar in the back, looked like a cathedral on the outside and inside. My daughters got married there, my wife's funeral was there, I was baptized there in 1991, my kids went to school and Mass there, it's going to be torn down. Makes me sick to my stomach. And yet they make modernist meeting halls they call churches. Truly sad the modernist thinking in the Church today.
It is diabolical. I totally grieve with you. Those whom we thought would protect the faith and our beloved tradition, our beautiful memories have betrayed all and serve worldly foolishness
What a mad future, where one can imagine tourists from France coming to St Mary's, Ks to see a beautiful church.
I'm considering retiring close to St Marys just for the church.
@@jimschmidt8399 other than the weather, you could do a whole lot worse!
Oh that the monarchy be restored. Down with Stonecutter repubics
I shall Agree there/. A Crown for Justice, a Mob for Lynching.
This makes me weep.
Sounds very New Age, next they will have a medium in house.
Sounds very Vatican2.
Our Lady (NotreDame) is already sad!
Our Lady of Fatima. Pray for us!
Shocking ! What a terrible thing to happen to Notre Dame.
God bless 🙏⛪.
Of course they would want to give Notre Dame a secular Disney-Hollywood makeover. 🤦🏻
For some reason I dislike the term world heritage site.
It's a globalist term, so understandable.
Who set the fire? I now understand why it was set.
Who would ever want to travel there, waste the money and be so disappointed.
They would desecrate this Holy place a second time... then, during the french revolution with dirt piles, now with modern junk and non-Catholic concepts.
I thank God that I was able to pray in such a sacred place before the fire. I am heartbroken to think that they would make these changes. I pray that it will be restored to what it was before the fire.
So could this explain the possible cause of the fire, to rework a building's character into the new ownership's religion?
Great analysis!!! Thank you for sharing your insights. I can barely wrap my mind around the rationale behind this proposed renovation....
Really sad what they are doing to Notre Dame! The church in France started to Fall after the French Revolution!
Hey I have an idea, why not remake Notre Dame de Paris as the original architect intended… or just make Her look like a disgusting theme park
This is a Temple Of Reason Moment.
Brilliant! Oh...... 🤔
@@skwills1629 just like Lord of the World….
This is why it was told to Holy Marie Julie that Paris would be wiped out. I think only like 8 people will survive.
did not think one could take Christ out of any church let alone Notre Dame i do not want to its a small world any part of the Catholic Church if economics wins out i fear we will lose this church PRAY TO MARY this nonsense fails
Only hope is id the people oppose this simply because it is not an authentic restoration.
God is Removed from Many Churches.
satan is at work here using the vile tools including the bishops, clergy, and laity to destroy Our Lord's Bride, the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
We remember the video of the man on a balcony of Notre Dame just SECONDS before the fire started in it, when there was NO reason for anyone to be in Notre Dame/that balcony for any reason....except...perhaps, if youre an arsonist.
Maggie, Call me a conspiracy theorist.... Yes, logical conclusions are now conspiracy. But it seems most of our "big events" of the last 60-70 years are not from lone wolves. The media may portray them as such, but there's too much static surrounding events like JFK's assassination, 911, Oklahoma bombing and,yes, Notre Dame Cathedral fire to think it's just one or few people involved. Evil continues to proliferate as Rome burns.
Desecration of Notre Dame, the most holy. Mary is not happy, her son is not happy. French Revolution all over again. Ignorance and sin taking over. David
Well, now we know why the cathedral was burned down.
I guess we'll never know who burned it down, just why.
Maybe it was Napoleon.
Maybe it was one of the “new Europeans.” You know, a member of the “religion of peace.”
I'm glad that I was able to see it before!
Faustina Diary, 1702, notebook VI, ..." I will allow convents and churches to be destroyed....."
It's a sign of the times
The Pope has asked for our input into this Synod. Now would be the perfect time to respectfully let him know how we feel!
A little ginger snappy this morning
It’s news, but not shocking. It’s almost as if the fire was set on pur……
When Jesus said that after the great apostasy, he would return. Lets hope he sends a lighting bolt when they change Notre Dame into a 3 ring cirus.
Vive Le Christ Roi ! 🙏
The archbishop Of Paris has denied according to "Famille Chrétienne". I used to trust Mgr Aupetit. He is a former doctor and was quite interesting when talking about bioethical issues (including surrogacy...). He is not a pure liberal. But I have been disappointed about the pseudo pandemy and how he handled it... Pray for him please...
Francis just accepted his resignation minutes ago
@@ReturnToTradition strange timing :/
Fight, France. Do not submit out of obedience. “Not One More Penny”
How much would it cost to make an faithful replica of the Notre Dame Cathedral.
Probably 100’s of millions of Euros.
@@birgittabirgersdatter8082 good. they should do it. Money well-spent.
Probably less than their Disney Church.
The whole Church groaned and was astonished to find itself Modernist.
I got a gift of a candle from notre dame cathredral bought before the fire at my baptism and confirmation, also a friend of the family gave me a bee wax candle for 3 days darkness, the priest then blessed it and she also gave me a rosary she got in majagory, as gift for confirmation i was inducted into order of our lady of mount carmel and the priest placed the brown scepular on my neck.
I've said it many a time, rebuild notre Dame to the way it was before, and then finish it according to the original plans (Notre Dame still remains unfinished)
The Lord will not have mercy of us....by God sake!!!
As the world turns…….
This is abhorrent & EVIL! Didn't they state not too long ago that it would be built back just as it was?! These people are MONSTERS.
Sounds like the tower of Babel.
This is absolutely horrible!
More Novus Ordo cheesiness.
Doesn't the State own Notre Dame?
True. Only hope is that the people of French. Lost they are to God. At least care enough about the Cathedral to protest its "modernisation"
Wasn't it stated that it was going to be restored to its original state?
It was designated as a site for what it was, not for what they want to contort it into.
Heritage/Historical sights cannot be altered from their original design in any renovation, restoration or repair. Lets put rainbow flags on the Hagia Sophia, The Temple Mount, Kaaba, Pyramids in Egypt, etc... while removing parts of it to make way for modern elements. 🤔😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹 They could just restore to original and create a free wifi spot with virtual tour which could be changed with the liturgical calendar; everyone wearing head phones of course. It is supposed to be a house of vocal and silent prayer and worship. Good Advent 🚶♂️🚶♀️🎄🏡🎄🕊🧎♂️🧎♀️🙏✝
They ar estuped if can't defend the own beliefs
Post Vatican2. Can we defend our own beliefs without being labeled schismatic?
Makes me wonder if the government had burned it.
Sick "authorities" of a sickened Church by a sick world. Leo XIII and Pius X, to cite 2 among many good Pastors, were absolutely right.
Ugh. At least when the Greek Church went schismatic it kept the icons and mosaics of Hagia Sophia, a wave of iconoclasm notwithstanding. Then with the Turkish conquest came the destruction and whitewashing; fortunately a few works survived. This one appears to surpass that.
Edit: PS. Our Lord will not suffer an indignity to His Mother for long. I fear a terrible retribution will come to those responsible if they don't retract this horrible plan.
That might be the plan: maybe they want to provoke God.
It's all going according to plan. It has to be. The 3rd secret will be known very soon I believe. The warning in the sky spring 2022. Just a gut feeling but I could be certainly wrong . The remedy is let's get all the souls in our lives prepared and then as Padre Pio said pray, hope don't worry.
This is offensive my church is a place of worship not a place of fools please don't offend our lord
Thank you
The French would lie down in front of the bulldozers before they would allow their beloved Notre Dame turned into Catholic Disneyland.
Why oh why have we let satan destroy our churches and eventually the faith in most people.
Hopefully that historical board squashes any changes. If they're anything like the ones in my area they will. If not I wouldn't be surprised to see pagan idol sanctuaries added for inclusiveness.
So that’s it, Notre Dame Cathedral is to become the secular equivalent of a Protestant megachurch?
It’s now seems to me that the Cathedral was purposely burned in order to implement their Disney Land.
Thank you, Fr. Ripperger! And thank you, Mr. Stein (Stine?). Whomever alters Notre Dame is daring to take the Holy Child from Our Lady's arms! This is what Our Lady warned would happen, and when it is fulfilled, God will turn His Face of Compassion away from man, and we will find no mercy from heaven until the Chastisement has prevailed against us. "Paris will burn, and
Marseilles will be
engulfed!" Behold, Our Lady's prophecy again is about to come to pass before our eyes, and we stand as mute witnesses, instead of the steadfast Soldiers of Christ we'd promised to be at our Confirmations. I will not remain rooted to the ground and silent. I will speak out! And I will proclaim the Glory of Our Lady in her Church before I let misanthropic hoodlums tear her apart!
Nôtré Dàme dû Paris, Ora Pro Nobis!
Sacré Couer dû Mon Savoir Sucré, et sur Servante Jeanne D'Arc, Mademoiselle du Orleans, et du la Guerre, Allons!
In the society we had to fight for everything we have ...you need to work as a unit,you need a mother base,for Thea's works this is what happens when you preach a doctrine without works christian kings and kingdoms fall but they would not know that
Good point. Most Parisians would embrace the changes as wonderfully utilitarian to merge their "dead" past with a tourist attraction that appeals to all. Is this not what happened in Vatican2 ?
V2 took the doctrines of ages and changed them to appeal to those that did not agree with them.
"Art reflects life."
@@patriciamathews5975 it sure does but Evan vatican2 can be spined on its head...as we are only equal in god,nothing more or less, eyes, hair, culture,..but their is family which is more than this ideal,now the cross that's enlightenment rite there,for only when I have conquered myself does my true self centered to being,for the mystery of Calvery is also the overcoming of fear and suffering...now the French sillon had this certain .. principal wich started manifesting on men brushing each other ...in an air...of...
Oh my Charles.... when Pius the tenth saw this ...he saw the danger for they are not good at solid,rock solid fortitude,....you will see it yourself Evan in the philosophy of this .. woke.. nonsense it is to the fall of nations ...over every country ther is a principality and whatever gets raised as that standard highjacks the genaration after it ...if the art is bad and ugly ...not good.. when you realise that they deliberately wish to change beauty with ugliness.. deliberately,...the Europeans have this longing for unity wich they had before they lost the faith... though the unity depended on the man over the principality and this came in the form of charligmagn the great,and the monarchs of Europe who wear in oath,what God is going to do is give the appostate nation's a principality I fear...wich is red locked tight and sealed "no room for god..then their is no persona,for that ..IS...the true principal of the communist policed state...for...that...is what the a revalotions preach as they are all of the same fruit,...so it's the subjugation of freedom,... imposed equality you will all be masked,...you're new saviour is the jab for now you are babtised and saved....hows that for Revolution...god might actually give you it...that is why it's best to have monarchy wher the top is the head and the nation's of their own ID are free to think and create,for a christian king protects the upper gate weather in soviet countries they where communisng chickens and the principality is locked tight ther is no self as the dictator chooses the self for you
@@davidstanton4578 Yes, principles held by a society allow for Principalities to come in or be retained. The spiritual will follow the physical. Very good point that it is usually the next generation that reaps the folly from the previous generation. Just as a curse can be reversed if a nation turns back to God. The curse will be increased if there is no turning. We are witnessing this in the Church as the the curses are amplified post Vatican2 and the Church approaches 70 years from the abandonment of the key principle that there is no other way for salvation except through Christ crucified.
Ecumenism was the axe laid to the root of the tree. This mixing is poison for the standard is now removed.
Spiritual distruction is here and the curse keeps amplifying. The only hope is the Church's total repentance and a turning back to Christ as Savior and King.
Hope they de-consecrate the space and preserve the relics before they turn it into an entertainment centre for tourists
This sounds like the house that "Buddy Christ"would hang out smoking bowls and debating his own existence.
You know I didn't have a doubt in my entire body that this would be the outcome for this ancient an grand edifice. Just one more thing in this time of evil and worldliness we have to be sad over.
The Cathedral of Norte Dame de Paris does not belong to the church. It belongs to the state of France.
I say as much in the video
@@ReturnToTradition Yes. You did indeed. The ownership was taken away from us, it was taken away from the Church. And now we see just how heartbreaking that has turned out to be.
I hate my sins. I'm part of the problem of the Church. God help me, God help us all.
Mary powerful Virgin, you are the mighty and glorious defender of the Church, you are the marvelous help of Christians, you are awe-inspiring as an army in battle array. In the midst of our anguish, struggles and distress protect us from the power of the enemy and at the hour of our death, receive our souls into Heaven. Amen.
Grandeur of the place. No. It is a human effort where many have found and lost their faith. It will not last. The temple of God is believers.
That's how you know Jesus is getting ready to come back and flip tables at the Temple....you do not desecrated the House Of God and get away with it.
I wonder what holy, beautiful, magnificent (labor of love) cathedral/ Basillica will be destroyed and resurrected into a "high place in the groves" next. Weep, but remember He will never leave us or forsake us.
Imagine the whip Jesus would need to clean out THIS house of worship of His Father.
Well the Church does not own it so what can you do.
I really abhor modern architecture.😣. They say they want to build back better? Uglier is more like it.
Twould be better that Her Majesty send the Angels to destroy the Cathedral than allow this blasphemy to continue.