I've always wondered, wouldn't it be better to work a bit of production on the very first turn? It'll allow you to build the scout in 3 turns instead of 4, and you can revert back to food on turn 2. You should be able to expand in 6-7 turns instead of 5...
Snowball(ing) means just a really good start that puts you ahead of your opponents, most the time you win because your lead just grows. *Snowball rolling down a mountain turning into an Avalanche* =)
Can't ask for any better start.
I've always wondered, wouldn't it be better to work a bit of production on the very first turn? It'll allow you to build the scout in 3 turns instead of 4, and you can revert back to food on turn 2. You should be able to expand in 6-7 turns instead of 5...
Growth is just too important, especially early growth, to be focusing production early.
Why was the first settle not towards Kil?
The snowball is strong with this start
Mind explaining to me what "snowball" means? (is it something thats strong?)
Snowball(ing) means just a really good start that puts you ahead of your opponents, most the time you win because your lead just grows. *Snowball rolling down a mountain turning into an Avalanche* =)
How do his policy trees look like that? I have all the expansions except my policy trees have 3 tiers and his only have 2. Specifically tradition
How did you get rid of the circular portrait score list on the right that came with the EUI?
By reading and following the instructions in the EUI installation thread.
does someone know how to install the NQ Mod for singleplayer?
Put it in Documents>my games>sid meiers civ 5>mods and then select it through the mod tab IG
7 stable resources in cap wow
Surprised you didn't go Earth Mother. Prioritizing culture of faith?
that cap is ridiculous.
just as a change could you play a game that starts in a different era?