Giving phoenix's molly a longer range while keeping its ability to be auto dropped wherever you want would be a good start. It opens up lineup possiblilities for the agent without changing the numbers too much
the amount of mollies doesn't really matter since he gets one back after every kill. Also his wall is probably his worst ability, so the dev team should touch that first.
@@totallynotpaul6211 In fact I think having 2 walls opens up so many possibilities for phoenix to entry into sites and create unique pathways and plays, with a slight touch up to his molly he would risk being overpowered at that point, but it should be a risk worth taking for a character who has been stuck to the bottom of pickrates for years now
@@totallynotpaul6211 Phoenix doesn't get back his molly after every kill, he get after 2 kill like every characteristic ability of every duelist but reyna. And his wall isn't that bad, it fulfills its function of blocking vision and slice up the territory. Buff his molly as characteristic ability can be more effective.
I think Yoru having the lowest cost ultimate would be an important bit of identity and utility for him. Such a big part of his reveal arc thing was his invisibility and stealth, and yet it only takes place during his ult. If he could use his ult more frequently within a game, I could see him getting a more substantial pick rate simply as an ult-fiend
If he gets 6 ult points Yoru would be too strong Imagine having ults 3-4 rounds everytime or even earlier his pop flashes may be the nerf itlf it will be the case
Man, imagine if yoru tp didnt make any noise, or it was completely invisible, he would be the most stealth agent in the game and be the perfect lurker. Thats what i thought I was gonna be doing with him, instead we got breach but louder.
@@y0ungship118 Is it too much? if they still make it super easy to see then you can still look away, it would just work more like KayOs knife but less accurate info wise
The thing is Kayo's knife is breakable. It's a small window, but there is some sort of counterplay to gaining that precise info/effect. With the Skye flashes, since it's now breakable, you essentially have a non suppressing Kayo knife with no limited scan range and that can be moved around with less lineup knowledge along with a flash.
2 things I have in mind for buffs, they might be a bit more tailored towards ranked than pro play, but I'm sure you get where I'm coming from: Harbor: His Ult has multiple things going on, but the individual parts are very under tuned or don't work in pair very well. The stun is short, easy to avoid. This isn't that much of a problem when you are close to capitalize on the fact that your opponent has to move. However the intel-part comes from giant pillars into the sky. Lets say, you retake C on Haven: Anyone pushing through garage wont see anything. If you come from CT, you can't see back site unless you are already on site or too far away to capitalize. So I would suggest that you can see the geysers on the map or it revealing enemies on hit. Phoenix: Again, you have offensive utility(molly/wall) that can double as healing. But its near impossible to use both. So I would either make the right click version simply be a self heal(instead of throwing, he simply holds it onto his chest or something and heals the 50hp in 3sec) OR rework the healing into a lingering effect that heals slowly over time when touching fire once. No need to stay in the wall/molly for full duration. Numbers would be hard to balance but I think that's better than healing for like 5hp per second while standing in the wall... Also make the wall go over/through obstacles. Currently, if you throw it upwards over a box or so, it significantly shortens the wall because the length counts that in.
i like that only certain characters can properly use the awp, would be super annoying to constantly have to worry about anybody awping an angle in ranked.
That's not what TMV is saying. We don't want to BUFF the OP so that anyone can use it, but nerf/tweak it so that anyone can use it without feeling the pressure of not having a movement ability. If the OP is reserved for certain agents, why bother allowing others to buy it in the first place?
I'd buff harbor by giving his shield smoke a full duration even if the shield is broken. This would allow for more use cases than just blocking bullets. For skye, i'd first reduce the size of the bird flash model and reduce the flash cooldown by a few seconds. She's the only agent with a refreshing flash so her kit should lean more towards it. Another thing i see that could be improved are the map designs. The map terrain and layout influence the agent picks. As it stands, valorant maps have tall walls and few openings to throw flashes, nades and mollies aside from over them or through the actual choke. This lends to the OP becoming more oppressive as OPers become harder to flash out of their spot. Take pearl B, for example. One attackers are running down B main they are able to throw their flash out of the map so it pops behind them when they peek the corner into the site to check heaven.
the skye cabbages could also move a bit faster. they feel kinda useless now, unlike a prowler you wont be able to swing off them since they just get shot too easily
what i think about brim is they had a stim timer a really long time ago, where you had to wait before using the second stim. they could bring this back with perhaps a price change to 150 or even 100 with the timer, buff the smoke duration by like a second again and thats it. Opposed to that, you could justify making the ult 6 points, as its really simple to use and youre almost always gonna get value. That with second stim and 150 price and timer would make him a really good agent, perhaps a little too good tho.
@@jakelee7083 Or just give him 1 free smoke because he has to buy the 3 of them right now. So at least give him 1 fre elike omen. He's one of the rare agents where their signature doesn't give them any free ability.
I think they should buff phoenix’s molly to just be comically large. It would give him a unique use and give a reason to pick phoenix over other agents like him
I think if they allow Harbour to pre place the cove (similar to the viper orb) then his pick rate would go up as currently it is difficult to hold the site.
Phoenix's passive applies to his wall and molly, his worst abilities, so you could buff his passive to try and fix him. What if walking through his wall or molly gave Phoenix a "fire shield" Which nullified the first bullet he's hit by. This would allow him to entry better, reduce the dominance of the op, and just generally be a more useful passive than just topping off to 100hp after every kill. This'd probably need a duration, not work on teammates, and only activate after standing in his molly for an amount of time, or walking through his wall so he couldn't just sit inside his abilities and be invincible.
I think harbor's walls should blur enemies vision for just a little bit when moving through them because that would would force enemies to respect his walls more
I just feel like restoring chamber’s second trademark would be a huge win for him so you can use them like KJ’s flank util on offense without getting caught in a bad spot when you recall one and it’s on cooldown
@@Bxcars nah, not if the trips are still range limited. Chamber would just replace kj in a couple maid and be more viable overall, but his weapon and movement kit would be unchanged, so he wouldn’t be OP as he was before
I think Rendezvous and Trademark are in a good place now, Chamber can't just comically take control of any space on the map whenever he wants. I think Headhunter has quickly turned itself into Chamber's signature ability. Either a cooldown-based change to its charges or cost changes to $100 per bullet are simple and easy to implement, but don't know about balance
on the OP issue, i think just having chamber be viable on a map or 2 would bring Jett down to a reasonable level, and probably help KJ pick rate as well Getting a 3rd agent that can op some day would definitely make the entire op issue a lot easier
What if they don't let phoenix molly damage teammates - that way it's easier for phoenix to heal themselves without worrying about their teammates stepping in it & you don't always have to go to a quiet corner to heal yourself, you can just put it down where your whole team is peeking and continue fighting
A change that would greatly benefit yoru alongside your 6 cost change is to remove the blue mark that appears on your scream when hes on your field of view while invisible. So people need to care when you hear the "WHO'S NEXT", making you uncertain of where yoru is gonna be attacking.
about chamber: I disagree with not buffing rendezvous in any way, obviously it's a very dangerous thing to buff, however slight adjustments to it would make the rework significantly more fun to work with... just like a 1-2m increase on the teleport radius or maybe an increase in range of how far you can place the anchor away from you. nothing too much beyond that, just slight changes to make him decent since the rework in general is still a step in the right direction
I think to buff Chamber, a good idea would be to revert all his abilities (except Rendezvous) to the state they were at when they were released. His trip being range restricted is fine, due to the whole Cypher thing, but i think the ult is just too underwhelming and just feels like a normal awp (granted, it is free).
Here’s a few changes I would make: For Phoenix. He is a duelist, he’s meant to take space. I’d give him 5 flashes instead of 2 with a 0.2s gun pull out time. For his Molly, he needs a unique selling point. His molly should make Phoenix invincible whenever he stands in it. Also, it lasts 10s. Now his wall is funny. I’d make it double the size of a viper wall BUT, because balance is needed, I’d make it higher than the map limit too. And it lasts only 2s for balancing sake. His ult is kinda bad so I’d put it to 1 ult charge and give him 200 HP in his ult. I’d also make it so you can cancel your ult without spawning back where you popped it. For harbour. Harbor needs some stall potential. So I’d make his shield indestructible and last 14s like other controllers. His wall is good but it could be better. Anyone who passes through his wall loses all their shield. It also has a 15s cool-down and lasts 25s. His cascade is interesting but, I’d make it fire missiles when it sees someone. His ult… insta kill anyone in it. Drown them. To nerf killjoy, I’d say this. Remove the ult. remove the turret. Remove the alarm bot and give killjoy 10 mollies. She can flash people with the mollies but takes 10hp damage per enemy flashed. And takes 10% of all damage dealt to enemies by the Molly. For Jett, I’d make her passive ability to be able to fly around. BUT, she no longer has cloud burst. For Chamber: give him 3 trips with no range. This allows for some crazy outplays by chamber. Also, no ammo in his ult. he just pops it and there’s no bullets. Instead, you need to go around and collect the bullets from across the map, talking to NPC’s and trading emeralds for chamber bullets. Then, chamber has to defeat some kind of enderdragon before he can use his automatic sniper rifle. For his TP, make him teleport wherever he wants. But, he takes damage when he tps. And when he dies, he drops little pearls which can TP you when thrown. For his head hunter, you buy emeralds instead of the bullets for a head hunter and, like the ult, you need to find an NPC to buy the bullets from. Lastly, Brim. Give brim 17 smokes which last 1min 49s. I’d remove his stimmys, brim already stims me up SHEESH. His ult needs to be better. Instead of that sky thing, he does the Dwayne the rock Johnson looks and claps his- stimmys together and all enemies are stunned. For skye, her flashes are too weak. At the beginning of the round, skye should go and find long grass. From there, she battles the animals and tries to capture them into a ball of some sort. She can then release those animals from the ball and use them in game. These are my suggestions so… yea :)
Jett doesn't need a nerf and the OP doesn't need nerfed. It's a role in the game and it's fun to play against and play around. The star OP role is the most fun role to watch and play.
The way you balance Jett is to make more OP agents viable. Making Chamber not a throw pick would lower Jett's pick rate. Ideally you want to balance the OP agents so they are better than each other on some maps.
One thing that I particularly don't like is the fact that phoenix and harbor walls only rise up when they are fully deployed. I would change it so you wouldn't need to wait for the walls to be fully deployed for the m to rise
I think leave all the initiators alone. Up the TP range on Chamber by at least 50%. Reduce Yoru ult to 6 and remove the TP duration so you can use it when you need it. Up Phoenix Molly to 6 from 4 seconds, focus on his area denial. Make Harbor Cove last as a smoke after the shield is destroyed for the full duration. I think the rest of cast is pretty good spot rn, maybe nerf Killjoy ult cost to 8. Would be nice if Breach Stuns felt more guaranteed value or his flashes recharged like Skye’s, but he is pretty solid rn with the map pool.
A chamber tp buff i had in mind : like the sage wall , let chamber decide different orientations of the tp's range bubble (like instead currently just a circle with tp in centre make it move in 5 different orientations. 1) Tp in centre like normal 2) Tp in left side of circle's range 3)Tp in right side of circle's range 4)Tp in top side of circle's range 5)Tp in bottom side of circle's range This will increase the playable area while not increasing his range at all.
Fair changes, specially the Chamber ult going back to the speed it had before. Maybe do remove the range in his bot so that he can lurk better, idk. I feel like they overdid it with his nerfs.
If they were to buff his range, he should be in the middle of Cypher and KJ. Infinite range is Cypher’s niche. Cypher is supposed to be the best lurker on attack. I honestly prefer giving him another trip back if anything, because then he is competing more with KJ than Cypher
I think if they increase chambers rendezvous range by like, 30-50% so that he could use the same placed TP another 1 or 2 angles before being pushed off completely that would help him have value in delaying things while still threatening his safety much more than original versions
Buffing Yoru’s ult to be six points wouldn’t break him, but I think that could make him replace Pheonix? Also, I’m pretty sure they removed Brim’s second stim because two stims meant that Brim players didn’t need to be clever when using it, as they‘d have another to spare
Your just needs QOL updates such as: His teleport timer during pre-round should NOT go down until the round actually starts. Yoru's ult needs 2 more seconds on it (?) Recall his clone if you place it down.
I agree with all except for neons wall, it basically makes cypher useless on her main map as it destroys up to two trips with one wall, and plus isn’t that phoenix’s wall specialty? Maybe give her two wall abilities and reduce the cost but i don’t think giving it damage is a good idea, it’ll basically remove the purpose of pheonix’s wall
2 neon walls would just make her a better harbor. I feel like they could increase her speed% or revert he drain on her speed to be what it was originally but when you kill it refills completely. and maybe just remove the drop off of her ult because it makes it almost impossible to use at a distance although could make it broken idk
It should still have some sort of debuff so you have a reason to not peek it like a dumbass. Literally no other wall in the game does that. And Phoenix's wall is shit anyway. Worst part of his kit
The identity of the pheonix wall is its self heal, neon wall having damage wouldn't take its identity and it would allow for her to have an actual safe entry. The only annoying part was that it was hard for the team to push off it because they almost always took damage all it takes is 10 to be headtapable with a phantom
They could pair it with a cypher trip change so that only the circle edge parts can be damaged. Even if they didn’t though, Cypher can put different trips down alongside the common walls, not only preventing them from being broken but also countering the slideout. Cypher is already a Neon counter so making the matchup more balanced isn’t a bad thing
Viper fuel shouldn't deplete faster if both screen and orb are being used at same time. Chamber TP for sure needs a buff cause you can get run down by Jett or Raze very easily. Maybe 16-18m diameter. Sage self should be at least 60. If you are 5 hp, heal yourself, you would still be 1 shot by a vandal or phantom.
i want to see some thoughts on an idea i had for a chamber change: 2 teleports allowed chamber to access very hard to prepare for angles with little to no risk. so why not add a LOT of risk to the ability? - chamber gets 1 teleport anchor at the beginning of each round - a second anchor can be purchased for 300 credits - teleport anchors can now be used individually (to teleport back to the original within the radius of it) or together (teleport to the location of the second anchor) - teleport anchors are now destroyed upon use and recharge with a 45 second cooldown - if two anchors are used at the same time, they will both be destroyed. this provides an economic risk for using both teleporters, alongside creating a huge amount of new strategies for chamber players to use.
For Chamber i only partially agree i mean yes 100cost for bullets would be nice but he most definitely needs a bigger range for his TP and his trip! i get the unlimited range logic, i kind of disagree but i can accept it!! Chamber can literally just not move in attack rn! And for Yoru i might be wrong but i think the tp can get a little faster but with a moderately slow weapon equip time(with this he can also become a potential pick for Awping) also his tp not expiring might be an interesting idea!(which you recommended ofc)
yoru is a duelist, and he is designed to push in and not mainly get out of situations. would make more sense in the other way around -> make his gun equip speed faster after tping
Skye cabbages need an interaction buff. They are trash on any map that has an interactive door. You literally have to open the rotating doors on lotus for them to work, same with ascent
Phoenix having a self-heal with his molly that's much faster would be nice, or you could just make his wall and molly have DoT and HoT effects, where enemies will take damage for longer after touching it and he'll be healed for longer after touching it.
I like the idea for Yoru ult costing less, currently on offense in ranked I'm saving my ult to grab spike when some idiot Raze sachels it into the middle of the other team. Lower cost would encourage me to use it for actual gameplay again.
The way I see the initiators is: Sova and Fade - very precise and direct information Breach - no information, but allows for easier entry into site through area denial Skye and Kayo - flashes and some information I think Kayo's flashes are better than Skye's, and the information he gathers from his dart is more useful. So I would rather Skye still have inferior flashes and information compared to Kayo, but let her do it a bit more often through a reduced cooldown on her flashes
personally for phoenix i think making his wall one tap to use rather than clicking it once to select, and again to deploy its very clunky and makes him feel very slow compared to literally every other duelist, even non-movement duelists like reyna and yoru
to big of a nerf it would make her not good at what she is good at her whole identity is to be mobile and thats too short of a distance at that point might as well play any agent to get out of that situation
The best solution for the OP problem I can think of would be to increase the maximum credits you can have. OP + full shield + utility is like 6200 credits and you can only have 9000, there's almost no situation where you can still rifle next round if you die with the OP so people are very conservative with buying it. Jett/Chamber would still be the best OPers but people might buy them more in general. It would mean more OPs being bought overall which a lot of people might not like; IMO the more costly and difficult using the OP is the more it will be restricted to Jett and Chamber so I don't see a way around that.
I think the change to the OP could be to increase util pull out time after firing a shot. Meaning if you wanted to use an ability, you'd have to wait until the next shot was ready. This way, Jett's dash isn't changed and Chamber's TP can have a slight range increase. You could do this in two parts, 1) set a hard cooldown after firing (say 2 seconds) 2) prevent abilities from being used until the next shot is ready to fire (meaning, if you pull out the OP, you can't use abilities). This is so that if you switch to your knife you still can't use an ability, but you can B hop away/use your secondary.
I have some major buffs / rework to harbor’s kit that I think should be made, so here we go. Cascade: This will now feature a charging bar (like for Sova’s arrows), which modifies the wave. No charge will send out the current version of the wave, 1 charge will send out a 10% wider wave, which will slow 20% more, 2 charges will send out a 25% wider wave, with a +30% slow rate, as well as making the wave longer (thicker) up to 3m, and it will also push enemies back a little. Full charge will send out a 40% wider wave, with a +50% slow rate, and wave width will now be 6m. This wave will push enemies back 5-10 meters depending on the direction they’re moving in, while also leaving a slowing trail that slows enemies. Full charge will require 0.5 seconds to send out after reaching full charge. Wave will no longer stop on its own, instead having its range buffed by 300%, and will automatically fade once reaching its maximum range. Alt fire will make the wave stoppable. This ability now runs on a 45 seconds cooldown. Cove: This ability gets a 25% hp buff, and pressing the ability key again will transform it into a long horizontal wall which harbor can put up in front of himself. Alt fire pushes the wall forward, and harbor can stop it. This ability now runs on a 45 seconds cooldown. High Tide: No changes here, it’s already pretty good. Reckoning: Number of strikes is buffed from 3-7, ult movement speed is decreased by 60%, time between each strike is increased by 50%, time to dodge each strike is increased by 50%, concuss duration is increased by 50%, 40% slow effect on all enemies in the ult. You may only get targeted by up to 3 consecutive strikes during strikes 1-6, while strike 7 targets all enemies in the ult. The ult is now split into 5 sections (kinda like a pizza), and the ult targets 1 random place within each section to target during each strike. None of harbor’s abilities will now affect teammates.
My Brim buff suggestion : If you use only 1 or 2 smokes within 5 seconds , then 1 smoke recharges in 20 seconds. But if you use all 3 smokes within 5 seconds, then 1 smoke recharges in 32 seconds
I think harbor is pretty decent right now. To buff him I would make sure his team don't get slowed. I'd also increase the duration of the slow by .25 or so since every controller has a status harbors should be his slow but it doesn't really make people not want to push through and just hurts his team. I would also make his orb once broken last like a second longer just to linger a bit more.
I always called that the headhunter cost was too much tbh that ability only scales with how good you are with the game which rewards great mechanics, the tp is good but the ult needs to be what it used to firerate wise since his really all in OP or not
I had an Idea for an "op-initiator" that would not op by himself but let somebody else op profitably around him. Maby like thresh in league of legends letting somebody around him tp to him.
U has a point, the real ishue w brim it's the cast range of the smoke and not being rechargeable, then make a few changes in Sky Smoke, would solve the problem maybe.
@@toontales2479 my idea w the ult, it works like a smoke too, then brim power level would increase and maybe would solve his problems, but what u said make sense.
Brimstone's kit feels like it's been largely left behind. A single Stim beacon and 3 smokes simply can't compete with the value of astra,'s or omens Util and brim Is getting powercrepy out of existence everywhere but Fracture. I'd like if they made his ult six points so he can dump his crappy Util, die and gain his ult because his design feels so aggressive. He's useless after 20 seconds into the round because hes instantly out of Util after entering site.
KJ doesn’t need a nerf I think the others just need buffs. Chamber is dead, sage isn’t good at watching flank or other sentinel like roles, & cypher is just not as good as her. Balancing sentinels is key
For sova I feel that they should remove the singular ping u still get hit by even if u insta break the dart. Fade doesn’t have this with her scan if u insta break it. It gives way too much info. U can dart across map and still see what agents broke it on ur minimap
@@largenaq2935 yes. But the 1st ping is almost guaranteed even if u pre fire the exact lineup. U have like just south of half a second to break it or u get pinged once. But for kayo knife and fade eye, u get a whole second. Try it out ingame and u realize how much guaranteed info u get over a fade haunt
@@xxcridonxx7614 Nah radiants are very good at stopping the first ping every time I watch them. It’s harder to hit than Fade eye yeah, but the trade off is that Fade eye has easier lineups that you can make up on the fly
As a chamber main, he needs his 2nd teleporter back and he needs his ultimate to not feel worse than an op which is buyable. His ultimate feels clunky and it needs to be reduced back to 7 points
One Jett nerf could be not allowing her to recharge her dash while the first one is queued, i.e. if she gets kills during the 12 second window when her dash is activated but not used yet, those kills should not count towards the 2 kills she needs for another dash charge
I really like the idea of the Harbor buffs but what I personally don‘t like about Harbor is that he has only smokes I think he should get one ability that is a bit initiator like since he is this initiator controller hybrid for example add a stun to his cascade like if an enemy gets touched by the cascade they are stunned With the chamber traps I think personally a range for chamber doesn‘t make sense because if you compare it for kj a range makes sense because she can trigger a whole setup with her nanoswarms and cypher for example can‘t get picks with his trap unless someone is phsically there to trade on the traps and chamber is in a similar situation as cypher because his trap doesn‘t do damage so he shouldn‘t have a range also since kj has a turret and an alarmbot she has more options to cover flank on attack which is why the range is not as bad for her as for chamber with the old tp maybe a trap range would have made sense for chamber but his tp nerf already made him less global
I agree with Harbor buffs, the slow in general demoralize anybody who wants to be aggressive. It's not impossible, but its just insanely uncomfortable. Maybe allied or maybe specifically Harbor with no slow. And the cascade would be nice, he really is clunky to use and I often find myself out of options. The pheonix molly is bad for a main ability and brim needs the second sitmmy, agreed. Yoru with 6 ult points would be interesting.
i agree with the neon wall change. i think the reason why they nerf was because of the constant team kills. like sometimes if my teammate was 1hp they wouldnt use the wall to enter site with the neon. so i would say make teamates take no damage or atleast 1 tick of a damage. or atleast make enemies fragile if they pass thru it
I can 100 % tell you buffing the tour de force or the head hunter would not change Chmaber’s pick rate. They killed Chamber, straight up no reason to play an agent that is stuck to a small 5 meter radius from the whole map. Keep the single rendezvous but make the radius much bigger like at least twice as big.
Buffing the op is most likely the way to bring down Jett’s pick rate. in reality any agent can buy the op and get kills. I think of boaster using it on bind attack as astra. The op realistically should be a tool that forces the opposition to clear you out with utility. Making the op equip/shoot faster so you can scope back in quicker after shooting something like a prowler could be the fix we need.
6:50 that doesn't make sense to me. As an agent who "sentinels" by holding and fighting angles in advantageous spots, he can't trap somewhere and then peek somewhere else with his TP on almost any site on any map. I feel like if he just gets back infinite trap range and everything else stays the same, he would still be viable
As an ally of neon when she had damage on her wall it was annoying to push site and plant with her because the neons on my team loved to put the wall directly where i was lol
Idk why riot does this with every agent on release. It makes absolutely 0 sense. In beta, viper utility decayed teammates. After beta neon wall damaged teammates, and now we have harbor, where his walls slow his own team! It's like they are trying to balance an agent by making them negatively affect their team, instead of tuning their kit to an acceptable level
@@L0wSkiller It made sense at first to keep consistent with mollies doing team damage, but that was thrown out of the window when they made Viper decay not affect teammates, so idk why they keep doing it now
With regards to the site-wide ultimates being 8 cost, I think that the other ultimates that are site-wide are uncounterable, they can't be stopped if they are cast (fade/breach/kayo) but killjoys ult can be stopped (most of the time, some sites it is definitely close to impossible to break e.g. Fracture B site) and in many cases can be avoided, so I don't know if it should cost as much as those ults
@@largenaq2935 that's true but you have 12 or so seconds to leave the area, and you can predict when KJ is going to use her ult and where, so if someone gets detained then they really kinda deserve it :p
Why has no one ever addressed the fact that Jett gets a limitless free ability, and is the only agent that does... Her floaty thing costs nothing and never runs out.
phoenix has hot hands, he should get a hot feet ability that gives him a burst of speed. not as long as neon, or as quick as jett, but something to help him move. he's the only duelist with no escapability. make that his E ability, get rid of the wall, and move his molly to the other ability slot.
i dont think its possible to make a change to the op that also makes it so that jett/chamber arent basically must picks, if anyone has suggestions I wanna know
Honestly a decent Jett nerf could be the distance of her dash by like. 1 or 2 body widths. Nothing crazy but enough to give defenders a bit more space on site. I am thinking of B on Haven for example where she can get right into a corner with cover immediately. She can still then use a the dash to get out of jail with the OP as designed. As for Phoenix, I think his moly should overheal to light armor. Perhaps same with his ult but that might be too much. That'd be an economic advantage much like chambers ult.
id buff harbor by allowing his cove to pass ally bullets or maybe if not then atleast immune to ally bullets and just by removing slow from cascade and high tide would be a enough buff for him to bring in the meta
Make the Operator lock out movement abilities for the duration of the bolt cycling, even if you switch weapons, and then it would have a mobility problem anymore
I never got the brim stim buff and Nerf thing. They buffed an underused ability and then needed it back to what it was and made it more expensive. Like ??? I think 150, 2 charges but you can’t use 2 stims at the same time (like the timer they had) would be perfectly fine. And bring back the speed boost.
harbors shield shoud be in smoke form after breaking for longer time imo like, it's 0.5 sec rn and it just doesn't protect anything. i tried to use it as "saving" smoke when im defending, like any other controller can do. he just CAN'T, cascade is bad for it. like, if it could be like 3 seconds, it would be great already
Please @ThinkingMansValorant , advocate for a rework to Reyna, you have the power ! The change I would propose is to replace the Devour ability with a daze/concuss ability : Reyna would explode the soul orb, causing concuss in an area. (Could be replaced with a different ability that would bring Reyna in more games at the highest level of Valorant) Her heal is the main reason for Reyna being a top smurf enabler, the ability to re-engage with full health. It will of course not solve the problem of smurfs, but it would take away a tool far more useful to them than to regular players.
I believe skye should be chamber's best counter to give her some kind of identity. Bc at this point, every other initiators just do her job better. So making her ult 6 pts and adding a tweak to her flash and stun to best counter op users would be enough to bring her back to the meta.
Breach stun isn’t supposed to guarantee a kill. It has 3 uses: -Unscopes operators -Hugely reduces mobility, preventing repositioning & allowing for util combos like nade + stun -Makes it harder for the enemy to aim When you think about it like that, it’s probably a good thing balance-wise that you can still shoot fine while stunned. You also have to have good aim, so it increases the skill gap
@@largenaq2935 breach got nerfed in 2 ways, AS can’t destroy kj ult anymore and a 8 point ult, and I agree if a stun shouldn’t guarantee a kill but I’m fully sprinting, and dumping all my util, and getting 1 tapped often, then how is that fair for me as well?
petition for tmv to make a top 10 players/teams for São Paulo
Giving phoenix's molly a longer range while keeping its ability to be auto dropped wherever you want would be a good start. It opens up lineup possiblilities for the agent without changing the numbers too much
Yeah they could change the radius, the damage, or the amount to 2 mollys.
the amount of mollies doesn't really matter since he gets one back after every kill. Also his wall is probably his worst ability, so the dev team should touch that first.
@@totallynotpaul6211 In fact I think having 2 walls opens up so many possibilities for phoenix to entry into sites and create unique pathways and plays, with a slight touch up to his molly he would risk being overpowered at that point, but it should be a risk worth taking for a character who has been stuck to the bottom of pickrates for years now
@@totallynotpaul6211 Phoenix doesn't get back his molly after every kill, he get after 2 kill like every characteristic ability of every duelist but reyna. And his wall isn't that bad, it fulfills its function of blocking vision and slice up the territory. Buff his molly as characteristic ability can be more effective.
I think Yoru having the lowest cost ultimate would be an important bit of identity and utility for him. Such a big part of his reveal arc thing was his invisibility and stealth, and yet it only takes place during his ult. If he could use his ult more frequently within a game, I could see him getting a more substantial pick rate simply as an ult-fiend
If he gets 6 ult points Yoru would be too strong Imagine having ults 3-4 rounds everytime or even earlier his pop flashes may be the nerf itlf it will be the case
As a yoru main, he's already been buffed too much
Bro yoru is already a havoc in ranked
no more yoru buffs please!!!!!!!
Man, imagine if yoru tp didnt make any noise, or it was completely invisible, he would be the most stealth agent in the game and be the perfect lurker. Thats what i thought I was gonna be doing with him, instead we got breach but louder.
Making Skye's bird flashes a bit tinnier can help her increase her attacking prowess which is very weak compared to the tiny Kay-o flashes.
Also letting her Bird tell you how many people is blinded (ya know since the bird has eyes...)
@@funkycrawler619 nah that’s too broken for info especially cuz it’s literally unbreakable now
@@funkycrawler619 nah that's too much
@@y0ungship118 Is it too much? if they still make it super easy to see then you can still look away, it would just work more like KayOs knife but less accurate info wise
The thing is Kayo's knife is breakable. It's a small window, but there is some sort of counterplay to gaining that precise info/effect.
With the Skye flashes, since it's now breakable, you essentially have a non suppressing Kayo knife with no limited scan range and that can be moved around with less lineup knowledge along with a flash.
2 things I have in mind for buffs, they might be a bit more tailored towards ranked than pro play, but I'm sure you get where I'm coming from:
Harbor: His Ult has multiple things going on, but the individual parts are very under tuned or don't work in pair very well. The stun is short, easy to avoid. This isn't that much of a problem when you are close to capitalize on the fact that your opponent has to move. However the intel-part comes from giant pillars into the sky. Lets say, you retake C on Haven: Anyone pushing through garage wont see anything. If you come from CT, you can't see back site unless you are already on site or too far away to capitalize.
So I would suggest that you can see the geysers on the map or it revealing enemies on hit.
Phoenix: Again, you have offensive utility(molly/wall) that can double as healing. But its near impossible to use both.
So I would either make the right click version simply be a self heal(instead of throwing, he simply holds it onto his chest or something and heals the 50hp in 3sec)
OR rework the healing into a lingering effect that heals slowly over time when touching fire once. No need to stay in the wall/molly for full duration. Numbers would be hard to balance but I think that's better than healing for like 5hp per second while standing in the wall...
Also make the wall go over/through obstacles. Currently, if you throw it upwards over a box or so, it significantly shortens the wall because the length counts that in.
The harbor idea of showing the pillars on the map is great
i like that only certain characters can properly use the awp, would be super annoying to constantly have to worry about anybody awping an angle in ranked.
exactly especially with the maps being small. gives counterplay to both sides this way
its ranked, anybody can op
That's not what TMV is saying. We don't want to BUFF the OP so that anyone can use it, but nerf/tweak it so that anyone can use it without feeling the pressure of not having a movement ability.
If the OP is reserved for certain agents, why bother allowing others to buy it in the first place?
The op is currently busted in ranked lol, no one plays around it well at all. nAts will regularly shit on radiants with Viper op
I know that they'd never do it, but I wouldn't be fussed if they just took the op out of the game...
I'd buff harbor by giving his shield smoke a full duration even if the shield is broken. This would allow for more use cases than just blocking bullets.
For skye, i'd first reduce the size of the bird flash model and reduce the flash cooldown by a few seconds. She's the only agent with a refreshing flash so her kit should lean more towards it.
Another thing i see that could be improved are the map designs. The map terrain and layout influence the agent picks. As it stands, valorant maps have tall walls and few openings to throw flashes, nades and mollies aside from over them or through the actual choke. This lends to the OP becoming more oppressive as OPers become harder to flash out of their spot.
Take pearl B, for example. One attackers are running down B main they are able to throw their flash out of the map so it pops behind them when they peek the corner into the site to check heaven.
the skye cabbages could also move a bit faster. they feel kinda useless now, unlike a prowler you wont be able to swing off them since they just get shot too easily
yes bro fade prowler are better than her ult prowlers come in running cabbages moves slowly
they also get stuck on sage walls far too often even when there is a hole in it.
what i think about brim is they had a stim timer a really long time ago, where you had to wait before using the second stim. they could bring this back with perhaps a price change to 150 or even 100 with the timer, buff the smoke duration by like a second again and thats it. Opposed to that, you could justify making the ult 6 points, as its really simple to use and youre almost always gonna get value. That with second stim and 150 price and timer would make him a really good agent, perhaps a little too good tho.
Bro 6 cost brim ult will have you never defusing a spike…
I would say maybe even giving him a 4th smoke that regens only after you use the first 3.
6 point ult will surely be balanced Clueless
@@jakelee7083 Or just give him 1 free smoke because he has to buy the 3 of them right now. So at least give him 1 fre elike omen. He's one of the rare agents where their signature doesn't give them any free ability.
I think they should buff phoenix’s molly to just be comically large. It would give him a unique use and give a reason to pick phoenix over other agents like him
i think they should do that not for balance but because it would be funny
I think if they allow Harbour to pre place the cove (similar to the viper orb) then his pick rate would go up as currently it is difficult to hold the site.
Phoenix's passive applies to his wall and molly, his worst abilities, so you could buff his passive to try and fix him. What if walking through his wall or molly gave Phoenix a "fire shield" Which nullified the first bullet he's hit by.
This would allow him to entry better, reduce the dominance of the op, and just generally be a more useful passive than just topping off to 100hp after every kill.
This'd probably need a duration, not work on teammates, and only activate after standing in his molly for an amount of time, or walking through his wall so he couldn't just sit inside his abilities and be invincible.
I think harbor's walls should blur enemies vision for just a little bit when moving through them because that would would force enemies to respect his walls more
7:32 for phoenix just let him overheal like reyna when using his wall/heal but the temporary shield doesn't last as long
I just feel like restoring chamber’s second trademark would be a huge win for him so you can use them like KJ’s flank util on offense without getting caught in a bad spot when you recall one and it’s on cooldown
But then cypher will fall out of meta
@@Bxcars nah, not if the trips are still range limited. Chamber would just replace kj in a couple maid and be more viable overall, but his weapon and movement kit would be unchanged, so he wouldn’t be OP as he was before
@@jfgavyt555 I completely forgot about the range if I'm being honest
I think Rendezvous and Trademark are in a good place now, Chamber can't just comically take control of any space on the map whenever he wants. I think Headhunter has quickly turned itself into Chamber's signature ability. Either a cooldown-based change to its charges or cost changes to $100 per bullet are simple and easy to implement, but don't know about balance
on the OP issue, i think just having chamber be viable on a map or 2 would bring Jett down to a reasonable level, and probably help KJ pick rate as well
Getting a 3rd agent that can op some day would definitely make the entire op issue a lot easier
What if they don't let phoenix molly damage teammates - that way it's easier for phoenix to heal themselves without worrying about their teammates stepping in it & you don't always have to go to a quiet corner to heal yourself, you can just put it down where your whole team is peeking and continue fighting
A change that would greatly benefit yoru alongside your 6 cost change is to remove the blue mark that appears on your scream when hes on your field of view while invisible. So people need to care when you hear the "WHO'S NEXT", making you uncertain of where yoru is gonna be attacking.
about chamber: I disagree with not buffing rendezvous in any way, obviously it's a very dangerous thing to buff, however slight adjustments to it would make the rework significantly more fun to work with... just like a 1-2m increase on the teleport radius or maybe an increase in range of how far you can place the anchor away from you.
nothing too much beyond that, just slight changes to make him decent since the rework in general is still a step in the right direction
It blows my mind that there is a teammate slow on harbor, he is supposed to "control the tides" if anything it would fit his lore to boost teammates
Right? With that logic vipers wall should decay teammates but it doesn’t. Makes no sense
I think to buff Chamber, a good idea would be to revert all his abilities (except Rendezvous) to the state they were at when they were released. His trip being range restricted is fine, due to the whole Cypher thing, but i think the ult is just too underwhelming and just feels like a normal awp (granted, it is free).
Here’s a few changes I would make:
For Phoenix. He is a duelist, he’s meant to take space. I’d give him 5 flashes instead of 2 with a 0.2s gun pull out time.
For his Molly, he needs a unique selling point. His molly should make Phoenix invincible whenever he stands in it. Also, it lasts 10s.
Now his wall is funny. I’d make it double the size of a viper wall BUT, because balance is needed, I’d make it higher than the map limit too. And it lasts only 2s for balancing sake. His ult is kinda bad so I’d put it to 1 ult charge and give him 200 HP in his ult. I’d also make it so you can cancel your ult without spawning back where you popped it.
For harbour. Harbor needs some stall potential. So I’d make his shield indestructible and last 14s like other controllers.
His wall is good but it could be better. Anyone who passes through his wall loses all their shield. It also has a 15s cool-down and lasts 25s.
His cascade is interesting but, I’d make it fire missiles when it sees someone.
His ult… insta kill anyone in it. Drown them.
To nerf killjoy, I’d say this. Remove the ult. remove the turret. Remove the alarm bot and give killjoy 10 mollies. She can flash people with the mollies but takes 10hp damage per enemy flashed. And takes 10% of all damage dealt to enemies by the Molly.
For Jett, I’d make her passive ability to be able to fly around. BUT, she no longer has cloud burst.
For Chamber: give him 3 trips with no range. This allows for some crazy outplays by chamber. Also, no ammo in his ult. he just pops it and there’s no bullets. Instead, you need to go around and collect the bullets from across the map, talking to NPC’s and trading emeralds for chamber bullets. Then, chamber has to defeat some kind of enderdragon before he can use his automatic sniper rifle.
For his TP, make him teleport wherever he wants. But, he takes damage when he tps. And when he dies, he drops little pearls which can TP you when thrown.
For his head hunter, you buy emeralds instead of the bullets for a head hunter and, like the ult, you need to find an NPC to buy the bullets from.
Lastly, Brim. Give brim 17 smokes which last 1min 49s. I’d remove his stimmys, brim already stims me up SHEESH.
His ult needs to be better. Instead of that sky thing, he does the Dwayne the rock Johnson looks and claps his- stimmys together and all enemies are stunned.
For skye, her flashes are too weak. At the beginning of the round, skye should go and find long grass. From there, she battles the animals and tries to capture them into a ball of some sort. She can then release those animals from the ball and use them in game.
These are my suggestions so… yea :)
Jett doesn't need a nerf and the OP doesn't need nerfed. It's a role in the game and it's fun to play against and play around. The star OP role is the most fun role to watch and play.
The way you balance Jett is to make more OP agents viable. Making Chamber not a throw pick would lower Jett's pick rate. Ideally you want to balance the OP agents so they are better than each other on some maps.
Petition to make neon wall charge up energy bar
One thing that I particularly don't like is the fact that phoenix and harbor walls only rise up when they are fully deployed. I would change it so you wouldn't need to wait for the walls to be fully deployed for the m to rise
You can just right click while throwing harbor wall to deploy it instantly
I think leave all the initiators alone. Up the TP range on Chamber by at least 50%. Reduce Yoru ult to 6 and remove the TP duration so you can use it when you need it. Up Phoenix Molly to 6 from 4 seconds, focus on his area denial. Make Harbor Cove last as a smoke after the shield is destroyed for the full duration. I think the rest of cast is pretty good spot rn, maybe nerf Killjoy ult cost to 8. Would be nice if Breach Stuns felt more guaranteed value or his flashes recharged like Skye’s, but he is pretty solid rn with the map pool.
A chamber tp buff i had in mind : like the sage wall , let chamber decide different orientations of the tp's range bubble (like instead currently just a circle with tp in centre make it move in 5 different orientations.
1) Tp in centre like normal
2) Tp in left side of circle's range
3)Tp in right side of circle's range
4)Tp in top side of circle's range
5)Tp in bottom side of circle's range
This will increase the playable area while not increasing his range at all.
Fair changes, specially the Chamber ult going back to the speed it had before. Maybe do remove the range in his bot so that he can lurk better, idk. I feel like they overdid it with his nerfs.
If they were to buff his range, he should be in the middle of Cypher and KJ. Infinite range is Cypher’s niche. Cypher is supposed to be the best lurker on attack.
I honestly prefer giving him another trip back if anything, because then he is competing more with KJ than Cypher
If u remove the range and give back his ult. We will be going backwards again. The limited range is perfect
The harbor buff is really cool
I already imagined the animation where he is rotating his Cascade thing in his hands
I think if they increase chambers rendezvous range by like, 30-50% so that he could use the same placed TP another 1 or 2 angles before being pushed off completely that would help him have value in delaying things while still threatening his safety much more than original versions
Nah don’t touch the Rendezvous, it’s fine in it’s current state
Buffing Yoru’s ult to be six points wouldn’t break him, but I think that could make him replace Pheonix?
Also, I’m pretty sure they removed Brim’s second stim because two stims meant that Brim players didn’t need to be clever when using it, as they‘d have another to spare
Your just needs QOL updates such as:
His teleport timer during pre-round should NOT go down until the round actually starts.
Yoru's ult needs 2 more seconds on it (?)
Recall his clone if you place it down.
I agree with all except for neons wall, it basically makes cypher useless on her main map as it destroys up to two trips with one wall, and plus isn’t that phoenix’s wall specialty? Maybe give her two wall abilities and reduce the cost but i don’t think giving it damage is a good idea, it’ll basically remove the purpose of pheonix’s wall
2 neon walls would just make her a better harbor. I feel like they could increase her speed% or revert he drain on her speed to be what it was originally but when you kill it refills completely. and maybe just remove the drop off of her ult because it makes it almost impossible to use at a distance although could make it broken idk
It should still have some sort of debuff so you have a reason to not peek it like a dumbass. Literally no other wall in the game does that. And Phoenix's wall is shit anyway. Worst part of his kit
The identity of the pheonix wall is its self heal, neon wall having damage wouldn't take its identity and it would allow for her to have an actual safe entry. The only annoying part was that it was hard for the team to push off it because they almost always took damage all it takes is 10 to be headtapable with a phantom
They could pair it with a cypher trip change so that only the circle edge parts can be damaged.
Even if they didn’t though, Cypher can put different trips down alongside the common walls, not only preventing them from being broken but also countering the slideout. Cypher is already a Neon counter so making the matchup more balanced isn’t a bad thing
Viper fuel shouldn't deplete faster if both screen and orb are being used at same time. Chamber TP for sure needs a buff cause you can get run down by Jett or Raze very easily. Maybe 16-18m diameter. Sage self should be at least 60. If you are 5 hp, heal yourself, you would still be 1 shot by a vandal or phantom.
Bad takes
@@RemiToast9 good explanation from you
i want to see some thoughts on an idea i had for a chamber change:
2 teleports allowed chamber to access very hard to prepare for angles with little to no risk. so why not add a LOT of risk to the ability?
- chamber gets 1 teleport anchor at the beginning of each round
- a second anchor can be purchased for 300 credits
- teleport anchors can now be used individually (to teleport back to the original within the radius of it) or together (teleport to the location of the second anchor)
- teleport anchors are now destroyed upon use and recharge with a 45 second cooldown
- if two anchors are used at the same time, they will both be destroyed.
this provides an economic risk for using both teleporters, alongside creating a huge amount of new strategies for chamber players to use.
This is dumb af unless they make his head hunter 50 points a bullet.
For Chamber i only partially agree i mean yes 100cost for bullets would be nice but he most definitely needs a bigger range for his TP and his trip! i get the unlimited range logic, i kind of disagree but i can accept it!! Chamber can literally just not move in attack rn!
And for Yoru i might be wrong but i think the tp can get a little faster but with a moderately slow weapon equip time(with this he can also become a potential pick for Awping) also his tp not expiring might be an interesting idea!(which you recommended ofc)
dosent yoru's tp not expiring make him a bit like how old chamber was
yoru is a duelist, and he is designed to push in and not mainly get out of situations. would make more sense in the other way around -> make his gun equip speed faster after tping
@@Loner_Kun only for rotates, doesn't mean he can be crazy with op, which was the main reason chamber was so good, his tp is slower
Cypher's ult just got a buff. And it will always be a bad ultimate if you need a corpse to use it.
Skye cabbages need an interaction buff. They are trash on any map that has an interactive door. You literally have to open the rotating doors on lotus for them to work, same with ascent
Amen. On Lotus it's particularly egregious -- at least they can damage the ascent doors, while on Lotus they're just trapped forever
i would like to add that the harbor cove didnt disappear after its broken, and just stay there as a normal smoke
Phoenix having a self-heal with his molly that's much faster would be nice, or you could just make his wall and molly have DoT and HoT effects, where enemies will take damage for longer after touching it and he'll be healed for longer after touching it.
I like the idea for Yoru ult costing less, currently on offense in ranked I'm saving my ult to grab spike when some idiot Raze sachels it into the middle of the other team. Lower cost would encourage me to use it for actual gameplay again.
The way I see the initiators is:
Sova and Fade - very precise and direct information
Breach - no information, but allows for easier entry into site through area denial
Skye and Kayo - flashes and some information
I think Kayo's flashes are better than Skye's, and the information he gathers from his dart is more useful. So I would rather Skye still have inferior flashes and information compared to Kayo, but let her do it a bit more often through a reduced cooldown on her flashes
personally for phoenix i think making his wall one tap to use rather than clicking it once to select, and again to deploy
its very clunky and makes him feel very slow compared to literally every other duelist, even non-movement duelists like reyna and yoru
to big of a nerf it would make her not good at what she is good at her whole identity is to be mobile and thats too short of a distance at that point might as well play any agent to get out of that situation
The best solution for the OP problem I can think of would be to increase the maximum credits you can have. OP + full shield + utility is like 6200 credits and you can only have 9000, there's almost no situation where you can still rifle next round if you die with the OP so people are very conservative with buying it. Jett/Chamber would still be the best OPers but people might buy them more in general.
It would mean more OPs being bought overall which a lot of people might not like; IMO the more costly and difficult using the OP is the more it will be restricted to Jett and Chamber so I don't see a way around that.
I think the change to the OP could be to increase util pull out time after firing a shot. Meaning if you wanted to use an ability, you'd have to wait until the next shot was ready. This way, Jett's dash isn't changed and Chamber's TP can have a slight range increase.
You could do this in two parts, 1) set a hard cooldown after firing (say 2 seconds) 2) prevent abilities from being used until the next shot is ready to fire (meaning, if you pull out the OP, you can't use abilities). This is so that if you switch to your knife you still can't use an ability, but you can B hop away/use your secondary.
That feels way too clunky I think, it would make it impossible to use the op on any agent I think.
I think increasing brims ult size but reducing damage slightly at the centre would be a great buff.
I have some major buffs / rework to harbor’s kit that I think should be made, so here we go.
Cascade: This will now feature a charging bar (like for Sova’s arrows), which modifies the wave. No charge will send out the current version of the wave, 1 charge will send out a 10% wider wave, which will slow 20% more, 2 charges will send out a 25% wider wave, with a +30% slow rate, as well as making the wave longer (thicker) up to 3m, and it will also push enemies back a little. Full charge will send out a 40% wider wave, with a +50% slow rate, and wave width will now be 6m. This wave will push enemies back 5-10 meters depending on the direction they’re moving in, while also leaving a slowing trail that slows enemies. Full charge will require 0.5 seconds to send out after reaching full charge. Wave will no longer stop on its own, instead having its range buffed by 300%, and will automatically fade once reaching its maximum range. Alt fire will make the wave stoppable. This ability now runs on a 45 seconds cooldown.
Cove: This ability gets a 25% hp buff, and pressing the ability key again will transform it into a long horizontal wall which harbor can put up in front of himself. Alt fire pushes the wall forward, and harbor can stop it. This ability now runs on a 45 seconds cooldown.
High Tide: No changes here, it’s already pretty good.
Reckoning: Number of strikes is buffed from 3-7, ult movement speed is decreased by 60%, time between each strike is increased by 50%, time to dodge each strike is increased by 50%, concuss duration is increased by 50%, 40% slow effect on all enemies in the ult. You may only get targeted by up to 3 consecutive strikes during strikes 1-6, while strike 7 targets all enemies in the ult. The ult is now split into 5 sections (kinda like a pizza), and the ult targets 1 random place within each section to target during each strike.
None of harbor’s abilities will now affect teammates.
Couldn’t agree more with neon buffs still baffles my mind they removed the damage to the wall
I personally feel that jett doesnt need a buff, there just needs to be more options for the entry role
The old Chamber ultimate was so much fun
My Brim buff suggestion : If you use only 1 or 2 smokes within 5 seconds , then 1 smoke recharges in 20 seconds. But if you use all 3 smokes within 5 seconds, then 1 smoke recharges in 32 seconds
I think harbor is pretty decent right now. To buff him I would make sure his team don't get slowed. I'd also increase the duration of the slow by .25 or so since every controller has a status harbors should be his slow but it doesn't really make people not want to push through and just hurts his team. I would also make his orb once broken last like a second longer just to linger a bit more.
I think the problem with Kayo is that he's the inverse of Reyna, nerf to him would only affect the lower ranks where he is already underperforming.
Phoenix wall quick cast and bend like Jett smoke, it bends now but making it quick cast would change left click hold to c hold
I always called that the headhunter cost was too much tbh that ability only scales with how good you are with the game which rewards great mechanics, the tp is good but the ult needs to be what it used to firerate wise since his really all in OP or not
I had an Idea for an "op-initiator" that would not op by himself but let somebody else op profitably around him. Maby like thresh in league of legends letting somebody around him tp to him.
phoenix’s flames should apply dot to enemies, unique in the game and subtle enough to not be too much
itd be cool if pheonixs free ability threw a second molly at his feet in addition to the normal throwing arc
I think a way to buff Brimstone would give him rechargeble smoke even with a cooldown of 40 to 50 seconds, or the ult w/ 6 points
Brim ult can completely change a round and can’t just be popped as commonly as a phoenix ult
U has a point, the real ishue w brim it's the cast range of the smoke and not being rechargeable, then make a few changes in Sky Smoke, would solve the problem maybe.
@@toontales2479 my idea w the ult, it works like a smoke too, then brim power level would increase and maybe would solve his problems, but what u said make sense.
Brimstone's kit feels like it's been largely left behind. A single Stim beacon and 3 smokes simply can't compete with the value of astra,'s or omens Util and brim Is getting powercrepy out of existence everywhere but Fracture. I'd like if they made his ult six points so he can dump his crappy Util, die and gain his ult because his design feels so aggressive. He's useless after 20 seconds into the round because hes instantly out of Util after entering site.
new tmv upload!! do you know when captions will be made available?
KJ doesn’t need a nerf I think the others just need buffs. Chamber is dead, sage isn’t good at watching flank or other sentinel like roles, & cypher is just not as good as her. Balancing sentinels is key
For sova I feel that they should remove the singular ping u still get hit by even if u insta break the dart. Fade doesn’t have this with her scan if u insta break it. It gives way too much info. U can dart across map and still see what agents broke it on ur minimap
You can break it before it scans
@@largenaq2935 yes. But the 1st ping is almost guaranteed even if u pre fire the exact lineup. U have like just south of half a second to break it or u get pinged once. But for kayo knife and fade eye, u get a whole second. Try it out ingame and u realize how much guaranteed info u get over a fade haunt
@@xxcridonxx7614 Nah radiants are very good at stopping the first ping every time I watch them. It’s harder to hit than Fade eye yeah, but the trade off is that Fade eye has easier lineups that you can make up on the fly
As a chamber main, he needs his 2nd teleporter back and he needs his ultimate to not feel worse than an op which is buyable. His ultimate feels clunky and it needs to be reduced back to 7 points
One Jett nerf could be not allowing her to recharge her dash while the first one is queued, i.e. if she gets kills during the 12 second window when her dash is activated but not used yet, those kills should not count towards the 2 kills she needs for another dash charge
I really like the idea of the Harbor buffs but what I personally don‘t like about Harbor is that he has only smokes I think he should get one ability that is a bit initiator like since he is this initiator controller hybrid for example add a stun to his cascade like if an enemy gets touched by the cascade they are stunned
With the chamber traps I think personally a range for chamber doesn‘t make sense because if you compare it for kj a range makes sense because she can trigger a whole setup with her nanoswarms and cypher for example can‘t get picks with his trap unless someone is phsically there to trade on the traps and chamber is in a similar situation as cypher because his trap doesn‘t do damage so he shouldn‘t have a range also since kj has a turret and an alarmbot she has more options to cover flank on attack which is why the range is not as bad for her as for chamber with the old tp maybe a trap range would have made sense for chamber but his tp nerf already made him less global
What do you think about Astra? 4 stars and 25s recall time feels really bad. One of those two things needs a little buff imo.
she is fine as is, she is meta on Pearl and I think will be very strong on Lotus. She only has 1% lower pick rate overall than Viper.
kj does not need a nerf, the other sentinels just suck. lets be real
I agree with Harbor buffs, the slow in general demoralize anybody who wants to be aggressive. It's not impossible, but its just insanely uncomfortable. Maybe allied or maybe specifically Harbor with no slow. And the cascade would be nice, he really is clunky to use and I often find myself out of options.
The pheonix molly is bad for a main ability and brim needs the second sitmmy, agreed. Yoru with 6 ult points would be interesting.
i agree with the neon wall change. i think the reason why they nerf was because of the constant team kills. like sometimes if my teammate was 1hp they wouldnt use the wall to enter site with the neon. so i would say make teamates take no damage or atleast 1 tick of a damage. or atleast make enemies fragile if they pass thru it
I can 100 % tell you buffing the tour de force or the head hunter would not change Chmaber’s pick rate. They killed Chamber, straight up no reason to play an agent that is stuck to a small 5 meter radius from the whole map. Keep the single rendezvous but make the radius much bigger like at least twice as big.
Buffing the op is most likely the way to bring down Jett’s pick rate. in reality any agent can buy the op and get kills. I think of boaster using it on bind attack as astra. The op realistically should be a tool that forces the opposition to clear you out with utility. Making the op equip/shoot faster so you can scope back in quicker after shooting something like a prowler could be the fix we need.
Would buffing the op not make jett…. Better..?
6:50 that doesn't make sense to me. As an agent who "sentinels" by holding and fighting angles in advantageous spots, he can't trap somewhere and then peek somewhere else with his TP on almost any site on any map. I feel like if he just gets back infinite trap range and everything else stays the same, he would still be viable
As an ally of neon when she had damage on her wall it was annoying to push site and plant with her because the neons on my team loved to put the wall directly where i was lol
Idk why riot does this with every agent on release. It makes absolutely 0 sense. In beta, viper utility decayed teammates. After beta neon wall damaged teammates, and now we have harbor, where his walls slow his own team! It's like they are trying to balance an agent by making them negatively affect their team, instead of tuning their kit to an acceptable level
@@L0wSkiller It made sense at first to keep consistent with mollies doing team damage, but that was thrown out of the window when they made Viper decay not affect teammates, so idk why they keep doing it now
change the op so you cant use abilities until the next bullet is in the chamber, but reduce the time for that
With regards to the site-wide ultimates being 8 cost, I think that the other ultimates that are site-wide are uncounterable, they can't be stopped if they are cast (fade/breach/kayo) but killjoys ult can be stopped (most of the time, some sites it is definitely close to impossible to break e.g. Fracture B site) and in many cases can be avoided, so I don't know if it should cost as much as those ults
Those ults also have no where near as strong effects as being detained
@@largenaq2935 that's true but you have 12 or so seconds to leave the area, and you can predict when KJ is going to use her ult and where, so if someone gets detained then they really kinda deserve it :p
@@willwelh439 True, but the fact that it forces you to leave is enough. Ults like Breach, Fade & KAYO don’t force you to leave
I love how the bottom 5 are actually a normal comp in low elo
5:17 i take it one step further and think he should slightly speed up allies.
Why has no one ever addressed the fact that Jett gets a limitless free ability, and is the only agent that does... Her floaty thing costs nothing and never runs out.
phoenix has hot hands, he should get a hot feet ability that gives him a burst of speed. not as long as neon, or as quick as jett, but something to help him move. he's the only duelist with no escapability. make that his E ability, get rid of the wall, and move his molly to the other ability slot.
i dont think its possible to make a change to the op that also makes it so that jett/chamber arent basically must picks, if anyone has suggestions I wanna know
Phoenix with 2 walls would be so amazing
Honestly a decent Jett nerf could be the distance of her dash by like. 1 or 2 body widths. Nothing crazy but enough to give defenders a bit more space on site. I am thinking of B on Haven for example where she can get right into a corner with cover immediately. She can still then use a the dash to get out of jail with the OP as designed.
As for Phoenix, I think his moly should overheal to light armor. Perhaps same with his ult but that might be too much. That'd be an economic advantage much like chambers ult.
Phœnix : make his wall instantly castable
Neon : wall damage ok but only for enemies
you forgot the astra 5th star back :))))
id buff harbor by allowing his cove to pass ally bullets or maybe if not then atleast immune to ally bullets and just by removing slow from cascade and high tide would be a enough buff for him to bring in the meta
Make the Operator lock out movement abilities for the duration of the bolt cycling, even if you switch weapons, and then it would have a mobility problem anymore
Harbor Cove should stay as a smoke but not be bulletproof after being shot out
For phnx, i think he needs more extra buff for the timing when he pops the balls would be good
And 5 Astra stars pls
I never got the brim stim buff and Nerf thing. They buffed an underused ability and then needed it back to what it was and made it more expensive. Like ??? I think 150, 2 charges but you can’t use 2 stims at the same time (like the timer they had) would be perfectly fine. And bring back the speed boost.
Problem with chamber bullets at 100 is that ecos for him have no diversity, that's what the devs said. Pocket guardian every round
harbors shield shoud be in smoke form after breaking for longer time imo
like, it's 0.5 sec rn and it just doesn't protect anything.
i tried to use it as "saving" smoke when im defending, like any other controller can do.
he just CAN'T, cascade is bad for it.
like, if it could be like 3 seconds, it would be great already
Please @ThinkingMansValorant , advocate for a rework to Reyna, you have the power !
The change I would propose is to replace the Devour ability with a daze/concuss ability : Reyna would explode the soul orb, causing concuss in an area.
(Could be replaced with a different ability that would bring Reyna in more games at the highest level of Valorant)
Her heal is the main reason for Reyna being a top smurf enabler, the ability to re-engage with full health.
It will of course not solve the problem of smurfs, but it would take away a tool far more useful to them than to regular players.
Does raze have a faster equip time after she shoots her ult? Then you'd to equip time. That equip time needs to be buffed
Thank you so much 💙🌼
the time it takes to be able to reuse a recalled astra star should be shorter
I believe skye should be chamber's best counter to give her some kind of identity. Bc at this point, every other initiators just do her job better. So making her ult 6 pts and adding a tweak to her flash and stun to best counter op users would be enough to bring her back to the meta.
Breach needs a buff as well I know I’m not the only one who gets one tapped everytime they ult or stun somebody it’s just ridiculous
skill issue ngl, breach has been one of the more dominant initiators as of late
@@cookierival ofc he’s dominant, but everytime I ult/stun someone i literally get one tapped it’s not even funny
Breach stun isn’t supposed to guarantee a kill. It has 3 uses:
-Unscopes operators
-Hugely reduces mobility, preventing repositioning & allowing for util combos like nade + stun
-Makes it harder for the enemy to aim
When you think about it like that, it’s probably a good thing balance-wise that you can still shoot fine while stunned. You also have to have good aim, so it increases the skill gap
@@largenaq2935 breach got nerfed in 2 ways, AS can’t destroy kj ult anymore and a 8 point ult, and I agree if a stun shouldn’t guarantee a kill but I’m fully sprinting, and dumping all my util, and getting 1 tapped often, then how is that fair for me as well?
I’ve seen multiple pro players say the same thing I’m saying as well, so I don’t think I’m completely wrong
for skye i think removing the near sight on her dog could be a decent change
there is no nearsight on dog
only stun
What if they give Phoenix 2 mollies? That way he can block off an entrance on to site and still be able to heal himself.
Make it like Yoru TP where he can either buy the 2nd one or get 2 kills to recharge it. That seems balanced
@@largenaq2935 he already gets it back if you get 2 kills