Have you ever heard of UA-cam? There is millions of drawing tutorials and even comment boards that you can read the observations of the greatest naval captain to ever say land ho when hes on the shore, Cpt. Obvious Of the the U.S.S. Ships are for sailing.
another thing some people have a problem with is to realize that nothing in nature is "perfect" when ever I drew faces (facing to the front) I always tried to make them look as symmetric as possible then one day I looked into my bathroom mirror, one with 3 parts, played around with them a little bit and accidentally hold them in an angle where I could see myself how others would see me and realized how uneven my face looked: my eyes were not the same, my nose slightly pointed to the side etc. now I don't mind when the faces I draw don't look perfectly symmetric :) of course there's a difference between realistic and stylized designs like anime but it's still nothing to be sad about
+Hedi I. My face is rather symmetrical. Also when optician measured the distance between my eye, they're both about 19 mm of distance Some people look more symmetrical than other
Alice Sacco yes that's true and they may look better but only if it's natural people with uneven face features most of the time look like abominations when you mirror them in the middle to let them look symmetric trust me, I tried :/
I've heard that symmetrical faces are usually more beautiful, and humans are wired to measure a person's beauty off it, even though they may be doing that subconsciously. However, even though it is subconscious, some people override that value with subjective opinions.
King Keegster Not necessarily. My face is symmetric but my proportions are off. Both my eyes and my mouth are placed a bit low, while my nose and my eyebrows are placed in the right height
the way you teach is so laid back, almost relaxing! it doesn't follow this strict form like most people's, stuff like "you must draw like this". You offer helpful tips, and its honestly really interesting to watch. thanks for taking the time to teach us!
I really love how you teach, Sycra. I always lose inspiration and tend to delay my unfinished artworks for weeks. Whenever I see you teach and draw, it all comes back. Like, wow...
10:54 OMG Sycra I been having this problem for 2.5 years and you are the first one that mentioned this and I have struggled with this more than anything else in my life you really are a life saver for me, I wanna thank you again and again, hope your life will be filled with joy and good health.
I've noticed that I'm really good at copying proportions yet when it comes to using my imagination i completely fail to grasp all my knowledge, and it turns out horrible. is it only me?
I think the problem might be because you're relying too much on copying. I used to do that too, but start studying and practising like crazy with the proportions. Observe, study and then draw it. Don't copy/trace it. They're two completely different things when it comes to art.
Safe Vegetable Don't feel bad that you can't pull proportions directly from your mind. It's always good to use reference photos and stuff like that. It can take a master artist years to fully master proportion, so it's completely normal to use pictures.
Here, you dont need to copy. Maybe use a reference, you might think that's still copying well you might consider drawing in real life. It's a huge help for beginner artists like me
My biggest problem is drawing noses its something that i can draw once in a while but i cant wrap my head around the anatomy of it, everyones is so different and it frustrates me to draw them.
Everytime I'm in trouble with something you're uploading a video to explain how to do it right. You're awesome man and no thanks will be enough to tell you how thanksful we are for your work !
You and Proko are the two most helpful to me. Thank you!! Keep up the great works!! I'm also more analytical than intuitive and your approach is really useful to me.
This video has opened my way of seeing things differently now ...you have opened my creative mind ... Its amazing how one persons shariing of his way of seeing things can open doors for others. Sharing is caring . Thanks .
I touched my face the whole video and it helped me really to understand it. I never drew humans so often but I want to like.. I want to understand it and to learn it and touching your face while watching this was helping me a lot... and this sounds so creepy
It's all about perspective. Until he does a video about it, if he does, try practising drawing from simple shape to complex shapes in several angles to practise perspective. Try to think of the head as just another 3d complex shape, imagine the parts on side that's not visible, things like that so you improve your sense of 3d forms.
As long as he doesn´t you can use this www.bigtattooplanet.com/forums/attachments/apprenticeships-advice-new-tattooing/18064d1353338676-helpful-tutorials-skull-ref.jpg it is veery helpful to me. I love it.
can you go in to detail about drawing the other eye? maybe make a video about drawing the same character several times, which I have a problem with doing.
there are lot of videos about that, for example markcrilley has a 'tip video' on this subject. ((Search 'drawing the same character')) Idk if I am late..
Thanks so much for the tip on the chin. I've been botching my jaw alignment so often lately which results in asymmetrical faces and too-big cheekbones receding into too-small jawlines, but now that I treat it not as lines but as replicating on paper an actual 3D surface, it should be much more intuitive now. Thanks!
been going through a major art block.. the ideas are there.. but the art is not coming.. i also think i may have lost my confidence in myself. i feel wrecked. i used to draw at the drop of a hat, now its a struggle just to scribble a line..wtf ? have you ever dealt with this ?
***** that is exactly what is going on with me.. for like almost a week now i been drawing everyday. doing exercises , gesture drawing, expressions, anatomy. more drawing what i see, rather than drawing what is in my head.. and it has been helping me. also been on Pinterest gathering some reference as well. it is where the bulk of my reference and inspiration comes from these days.. though i tell you, i need posters and art for my walls.. stuff to remind me , this is what i was made for. cos having four white walls with nothing on them leads to nowhere.
Sounds kinda like the artist's version of writer's block, which I have had in the past. Sucks, doesn't it? Hope you're continuing to dig out of that pit, because I've discovered the joy of artwork and being capable of drawing. Never thought I would be able to draw-only write.
a drawing book put it this kind of issue for myself in a really good perspective. The more you understand to draw something the correct way (i.e. perspective, foreshortening, shading, etc etc.) the more you criticize your own drawings. Not because youre drawing bad, but because now you understand the correct proportions and or way to draw that object (thing, w/e) and now since youre more knowledgable of how a certain shape is suppose to look. Something drawn incorrectly becomes more apparent to you because now you have an understanding of how that shape / thing should turn out rather than before when you were not as clear on how to draw that specific shape and you just freehanded it and went with whatever looked most correct to what you thought was appropriate... if that makes any sense... i just got back from the bars lol. Wish i had the name of the book because the way they worded what im trying to say completely makes sense and also gives you more confidence in yourself rather than beating yourself up. Sycra is a savage by the way. Love your videos man. Keep em coming! :D
Brilliant guide. I'm coming back to drawing and illustration work and re-learning techniques I thought I knew well but your process has made this so much easier.
I’ve been drawing since as long as I can remember, but your tips still greatly helped me, especially with eye sz, that always took me too long. thanks, seriously, thanks.
wow thank you so much for this, namely for tips about the fading of the jaw to the size discrepancy of the cranium to the mandible. the point about the eye sockets and the temple too! i tried this and saw immediate results! thank you again!
"It's important to study skulls, and things..." I had fun while watching this and I feel a bit more aware of some of the things that this video mentioned, so I'm excited to pick up the pencil again. And study skulls and things. I just found that very funny :D
One of the things I have the most difficulty with is various head angles! The eyes always come out lopsided, it seems no matter what I do. I know exactly what I'm doing wrong and yet it still happens almost every time.
Thank you, thats very helpful. I really have problems with the eyes, finding the right place and making the second one. But really hard is to do it in another perspective, if the face is turned a little bit to a side, im totally failing on EVERYTHING. I just cant make the eyes right, or the nose or the mouth. And im trying to do it so many times, and never really get that.
Nice upload. Could you do one on how you approach drawing faces/heads from different angles? You know a head facing another direction, up or down, to the side, etc. Because sometimes I would have difficulties drawing, like the mouth/lips for instance, from another point of view.
hey man, thank you for your videos, I took an hour looking for somebody who can teach AND draw well, and you are one. your simple explanations are lovely. AND your voice is not monotone, and cringe y, like a lot of artists on you tube have haha... I do not know what it is, but you did a lot better at explaining anatomy and faces than most of everyone else.
Erm...Are you serious? I was just watching and drawing the at the same time, and drew the most beautiful woman I've ever drawn (still pretty bad though) just by paying attention to what you just said :D Thanks ;)
As you mentioned at the end I would love to see more information about the mouth, jaw, and lip type muscles and how they interact and move to do different things.
Yeah, these tutorials are extremely helpful and force me to make real improvements, but at the same time, they make me feel so inadequate like I could never get enough mileage to become so fluid at this.
ugh so much knowledge, thank you Sycra, even though i just started in may and watching your videos this week, i'm learning all this stuff that i saw was a huge problem (ie, having difficulty expressing 3D on a 2D plane,) and just could not figure out how to effectively make it work, outside of just adding shading as a faux 3D creator.
This helped me so much! I always have trouble with keeping the eyes in proportions (I tend to make them too big...), the shape of the nose and remembering the existence of a chin...
excellent tips and guide Sycra, I really enjoy your work and all of your video's. You have a relaxed way of working with us which is what someone trying to learn needs to not get frustrated from getting overwhelmed. Thumbs up, I've subbed and staying. Please keep making these great video's. I'm trying to learn. I've practised sketching here and there through my years and have taken some college where I learned to actually not complain about conte but to enjoy it as much as possible.
Also could you do a video explaining thick and thin lines? As in lineart and so on? I know that it has something to do with weight but I'm still a bit confused about it and I don't think you've gone over it in any of your videos.
Look up Scott Robertson here on UA-cam. I believe he has a video on line weight (thick and thin). Other than that, it really does just depend upon preference. If you want something a little more organic/dynamic, use wide amounts of line variation. if you want something a little more architectural or primitive, keep your lines uniform (at least that's how I've approached it).
thin = far away, thick = close up. thin = lots of light, thick = little light. thin = line merges with background, thick = line stands out. thin = lots of small details, thick = few details. thin = hide it, thick = show it off. This is what I got from a bunch of artists, most often it is used instead of shadows. At least something like that.
14:43 u just thinking of MORTAL KOMBAT. What I believe you were explaining there for people who still having hard time trying to figured out, its that the "lines" only defines where the "strong shadows" are in, but the true shape of it, is "lineless" and more rounded on a more tridimentional shape, that's why there is really no true lines on the sides (depending on perspective, almost all lines around the face can fade away) It is not a bad explanation of sycra, is actually very well explained, and hope people take what I say as addition and nothing more (i'm a beginner on drawing too, that's why m here lol)
I found it pretty funny how you used blue to represent a short distance (closer to the front) when it's traditionally used for showing a far distance (things appear bluer the farther they are) but that's my just my own weird sense of humor. Love the videos, they're very insightful. I wanna make a request for drawing skeletons. I always find difficulty in one part or another when it comes to drawing skeletons. If you've already made one like this, I'll get to it (been jumping around your uploads). All that aside, thank you sincerely for this library of videos.
I have to admit, I think way too much than I should. I tried so many of 'how to structure face' including those from pixiv and they only worked for a while before I struggled again. At this point it became difficult to 'think less', so might as well give myself new ways to try. Thank you for the useful advices :)
i really like that "new" style of yours :) you talked in a lot of videos about your struggles with drawing and how you didn't really like your style, how you thought about what the "People" like and how you studied every little thing you didn't even really wanted to know. Then you started discovering that you like sharp things and you adapted your style to what you like (i think that's how it roughly went down haha) I have a Problem myself, i try to do a style that's really working for me and i don't really care what others think about it but as soon as i can somewhat draw what i had in mind i suddenly don't really like it anymore and jump to the next thing i think would look cool and then it goes on and on and on, do you (or if anyone else reading this) think it's just a matter of time to find a suiting style or is there a "trick"? sorry for the unrelated comment and for any bad english
honestly, something that helps me with symmetry and straight lines is to rotate your canvas. even if the line /looks/ straight, it might not be, and it seriously helps a ton to turn the canvas 90 degrees to draw lines for marking things like eye height and the middle of faces! it might not work with everyone, but ive found it easier to see the middle and to draw straight lines that way :0
Amazing, I tried to draw the same thing you do while watching and it even looks like a person! Bald one and a bit scary but it's still something. Thank you very much.
This is the first tutorial that actually made me excited to draw, not scared.
Clairvoyant; That's great 😊
Go here if you want to learn how to draw pencil portraits like a pro: HootDraw. info
Very correct, Sycra is a chill guy about how he guides viewers, which is a great factor when it comes to learning.
this is so accurate xD
common issues should be a series, like common issues drawing bodies, feet, hands, legs, trees, etc
Sounds good. I'd watch it.
I never draw toes, I only draw feet with socks or shoes ;-;
@@myyentn i used to draw a lot of toes but recently i also am just drawing shoes/socks.
Have you ever heard of UA-cam? There is millions of drawing tutorials and even comment boards that you can read the observations of the greatest naval captain to ever say land ho when hes on the shore, Cpt. Obvious Of the the U.S.S. Ships are for sailing.
I cant draw face shapes literally the only thing I cant do I can do the others but not the FACE SHAPES
another thing some people have a problem with is to realize that nothing in nature is "perfect"
when ever I drew faces (facing to the front) I always tried to make them look as symmetric as possible
then one day I looked into my bathroom mirror, one with 3 parts, played around with them a little bit and accidentally hold them in an angle where I could see myself how others would see me and realized how uneven my face looked: my eyes were not the same, my nose slightly pointed to the side etc.
now I don't mind when the faces I draw don't look perfectly symmetric :)
of course there's a difference between realistic and stylized designs like anime but it's still nothing to be sad about
+Hedi I. My face is rather symmetrical. Also when optician measured the distance between my eye, they're both about 19 mm of distance
Some people look more symmetrical than other
Alice Sacco yes that's true and they may look better but only if it's natural
people with uneven face features most of the time look like abominations when you mirror them in the middle to let them look symmetric
trust me, I tried :/
lol drawing faces that looks good isn't a problem..
art isn't made to copy nature
I've heard that symmetrical faces are usually more beautiful, and humans are wired to measure a person's beauty off it, even though they may be doing that subconsciously. However, even though it is subconscious, some people override that value with subjective opinions.
King Keegster Not necessarily. My face is symmetric but my proportions are off. Both my eyes and my mouth are placed a bit low, while my nose and my eyebrows are placed in the right height
the way you teach is so laid back, almost relaxing! it doesn't follow this strict form like most people's, stuff like "you must draw like this". You offer helpful tips, and its honestly really interesting to watch. thanks for taking the time to teach us!
I really love how you teach, Sycra. I always lose inspiration and tend to delay my unfinished artworks for weeks. Whenever I see you teach and draw, it all comes back. Like, wow...
10:54 OMG Sycra I been having this problem for 2.5 years and you are the first one that mentioned this and I have struggled with this more than anything else in my life you really are a life saver for me, I wanna thank you again and again, hope your life will be filled with joy and good health.
I've noticed that I'm really good at copying proportions yet when it comes to using my imagination i completely fail to grasp all my knowledge, and it turns out horrible. is it only me?
Me too. I can't use my imagination proportions and draw it out well/properly...
I think the problem might be because you're relying too much on copying. I used to do that too, but start studying and practising like crazy with the proportions. Observe, study and then draw it. Don't copy/trace it. They're two completely different things when it comes to art.
Safe Vegetable Don't feel bad that you can't pull proportions directly from your mind. It's always good to use reference photos and stuff like that. It can take a master artist years to fully master proportion, so it's completely normal to use pictures.
Yeah that happens to me a lot I really want to do more original stuff
Here, you dont need to copy. Maybe use a reference, you might think that's still copying well you might consider drawing in real life. It's a huge help for beginner artists like me
My biggest problem is drawing noses its something that i can draw once in a while but i cant wrap my head around the anatomy of it, everyones is so different and it frustrates me to draw them.
this may be 8 years old and i may have been drawing for 15+ years of my 21y/o life, but soooo helpful and makes me wanna draw rn. just subbed (:
4:35 i found this myself by mistake and have been using it since and it's REALLY HELPFUL and i'm glad i was on the right track with it
Never apologize for having a style, that is a very touchy subject for me...still practicing.
Everytime I'm in trouble with something you're uploading a video to explain how to do it right. You're awesome man and no thanks will be enough to tell you how thanksful we are for your work !
You and Proko are the two most helpful to me. Thank you!! Keep up the great works!! I'm also more analytical than intuitive and your approach is really useful to me.
Sycra is one of the best Art teachers. I love how he explain everything by the way that we all can understand and improve our art. Good job!!
wtf was that thing at the top left..
Was that a persons butt painted like a pumpkin?
17:16, but yes.
TheJahn1 Sometimes youtube makes it go forward a little bit.
TheJahn1 don't u mean "butt" yes hahaha
its a babies butt made into a pumpkin.
He meant to say 'But'
This video has opened my way of seeing things differently now ...you have opened my creative mind ... Its amazing how one persons shariing of his way of seeing things can open doors for others. Sharing is caring . Thanks .
I touched my face the whole video and it helped me really to understand it.
I never drew humans so often but I want to like.. I want to understand it and to learn it and touching your face while watching this was helping me a lot... and this sounds so creepy
Kind of late, but.. don't worry, I did the same xD
This is stupid.. xD
So learn when you touch your face.. wow xD
+Tomahawked I was touching myself the whole video... not this one, another video
+Debabrata Das (Rahul) Wow, that's not what I wanted to know xD
Debabrata Das nasty, touching yourself to their voices.
Can you do heads facing different directions, and how to change the proportions of the facial features accordingly?
It's all about perspective.
Until he does a video about it, if he does, try practising drawing from simple shape to complex shapes in several angles to practise perspective.
Try to think of the head as just another 3d complex shape, imagine the parts on side that's not visible, things like that so you improve your sense of 3d forms.
As long as he doesn´t you can use this www.bigtattooplanet.com/forums/attachments/apprenticeships-advice-new-tattooing/18064d1353338676-helpful-tutorials-skull-ref.jpg it is veery helpful to me. I love it.
Doseneis Doseneis interesting, ill keep it bookmarked thanks.
You´ re welcome! ;)
Yeah, this would be really helpful! Seeing how he draws the ear from the front vs. the side was my favorite part of this vid.
This channel should be called "Things you've never noticed your entire life but it was right on your nose". Thank you for existing.
you’re one of the best teachers i’ve ever known, thank you for the tips!
I know I’m 5 years too late to this vid, but the tutorial’s still awesome 👏
you're not alone. i stopped drawing 10+ years ago, so 5 I wasn't even thinking about drawing again.
can you go in to detail about drawing the other eye? maybe make a video about drawing the same character several times, which I have a problem with doing.
there are lot of videos about that, for example markcrilley has a 'tip video' on this subject. ((Search 'drawing the same character')) Idk if I am late..
about your second problem I mean
Learn2Draw has a video on keeping your characters consistent. I would maybe search his channel for the words "characters consistent"
Love how you say "important". You pronounce each syllable so distinctly.
you're my god. i ain't no atheist anymore. bless your channel.
Thanks so much for the tip on the chin. I've been botching my jaw alignment so often lately which results in asymmetrical faces and too-big cheekbones receding into too-small jawlines, but now that I treat it not as lines but as replicating on paper an actual 3D surface, it should be much more intuitive now. Thanks!
"When you change how you think, you change how you draw." - sycra well said. This is small but great wisdom.
You should know that your tutorials are amazing! You say I hope that makes sense but you practically always make sense. Just so you know.
been going through a major art block.. the ideas are there.. but the art is not coming.. i also think i may have lost my confidence in myself. i feel wrecked. i used to draw at the drop of a hat, now its a struggle just to scribble a line..wtf ? have you ever dealt with this ?
***** that is exactly what is going on with me.. for like almost a week now i been drawing everyday. doing exercises , gesture drawing, expressions, anatomy. more drawing what i see, rather than drawing what is in my head.. and it has been helping me. also been on Pinterest gathering some reference as well. it is where the bulk of my reference and inspiration comes from these days.. though i tell you, i need posters and art for my walls.. stuff to remind me , this is what i was made for. cos having four white walls with nothing on them leads to nowhere.
Sounds kinda like the artist's version of writer's block, which I have had in the past. Sucks, doesn't it? Hope you're continuing to dig out of that pit, because I've discovered the joy of artwork and being capable of drawing. Never thought I would be able to draw-only write.
a drawing book put it this kind of issue for myself in a really good perspective. The more you understand to draw something the correct way (i.e. perspective, foreshortening, shading, etc etc.) the more you criticize your own drawings. Not because youre drawing bad, but because now you understand the correct proportions and or way to draw that object (thing, w/e) and now since youre more knowledgable of how a certain shape is suppose to look. Something drawn incorrectly becomes more apparent to you because now you have an understanding of how that shape / thing should turn out rather than before when you were not as clear on how to draw that specific shape and you just freehanded it and went with whatever looked most correct to what you thought was appropriate... if that makes any sense... i just got back from the bars lol. Wish i had the name of the book because the way they worded what im trying to say completely makes sense and also gives you more confidence in yourself rather than beating yourself up. Sycra is a savage by the way. Love your videos man. Keep em coming! :D
so true..
Truer (drunker) words have never been written.
Brilliant guide. I'm coming back to drawing and illustration work and re-learning techniques I thought I knew well but your process has made this so much easier.
I’ve been drawing since as long as I can remember, but your tips still greatly helped me, especially with eye sz, that always took me too long. thanks, seriously, thanks.
wow thank you so much for this, namely for tips about the fading of the jaw to the size discrepancy of the cranium to the mandible. the point about the eye sockets and the temple too! i tried this and saw immediate results! thank you again!
"It's important to study skulls, and things..."
I had fun while watching this and I feel a bit more aware of some of the things that this video mentioned, so I'm excited to pick up the pencil again. And study skulls and things. I just found that very funny :D
Me too :)))
Observing makeup is also helpful. Even in the least bit. For example that rhythm with the eye and the brow and the way it's shaded.
One of the things I have the most difficulty with is various head angles! The eyes always come out lopsided, it seems no matter what I do. I know exactly what I'm doing wrong and yet it still happens almost every time.
I cannot tell you how much I needed this type of video.
Videos like this end up helping much more than tutorial videos IMO
Dude. Thanks for showing me the pieces. Everything is easier when you deconstruct.
Thank you, thats very helpful. I really have problems with the eyes, finding the right place and making the second one.
But really hard is to do it in another perspective, if the face is turned a little bit to a side, im totally failing on EVERYTHING. I just cant make the eyes right, or the nose or the mouth. And im trying to do it so many times, and never really get that.
Nice upload. Could you do one on how you approach drawing faces/heads from different angles? You know a head facing another direction, up or down, to the side, etc.
Because sometimes I would have difficulties drawing, like the mouth/lips for instance, from another point of view.
hey man, thank you for your videos, I took an hour looking for somebody who can teach AND draw well, and you are one. your simple explanations are lovely. AND your voice is not monotone, and cringe y, like a lot of artists on you tube have haha... I do not know what it is, but you did a lot better at explaining anatomy and faces than most of everyone else.
Erm...Are you serious? I was just watching and drawing the at the same time, and drew the most beautiful woman I've ever drawn (still pretty bad though) just by paying attention to what you just said :D Thanks ;)
I never realized my thinking until this video and this really helped alot. Thank you!
Great tips on how to recognize and correct these drawing mistakes!
As you mentioned at the end I would love to see more information about the mouth, jaw, and lip type muscles and how they interact and move to do different things.
Yeah, these tutorials are extremely helpful and force me to make real improvements, but at the same time, they make me feel so inadequate like I could never get enough mileage to become so fluid at this.
Great tips. Thanks for the free assistance to all of us new artists.
I'm starting to use the line that connects the corner of the eye to the edge of the brow. I hope you don't mind, I'm in love with your style.
ugh so much knowledge, thank you Sycra, even though i just started in may and watching your videos this week, i'm learning all this stuff that i saw was a huge problem (ie, having difficulty expressing 3D on a 2D plane,) and just could not figure out how to effectively make it work, outside of just adding shading as a faux 3D creator.
Sycra your tutorials are awesome. I have learned so much. Thank you.
I hope one day to see a super live stream of all the different face/head drawing methods you and the others use.
This helped me so much! I always have trouble with keeping the eyes in proportions (I tend to make them too big...), the shape of the nose and remembering the existence of a chin...
My drawing is improving, thanks.
Sycra, you have a very appealing style. I love seeing different artists with distinctive styles. It's eye candy. ;)
it would be great if you could do a video about drawing both eyes in a 3/4 vue! thnx again for this one
This guy is the literal god of tutorials 👏🏼👏🏼
excellent tips and guide Sycra, I really enjoy your work and all of your video's. You have a relaxed way of working with us which is what someone trying to learn needs to not get frustrated from getting overwhelmed. Thumbs up, I've subbed and staying. Please keep making these great video's. I'm trying to learn. I've practised sketching here and there through my years and have taken some college where I learned to actually not complain about conte but to enjoy it as much as possible.
wow! This was probably the most helpful video on drawing the face I have ever seen. Thanks a lot!
Also could you do a video explaining thick and thin lines? As in lineart and so on?
I know that it has something to do with weight but I'm still a bit confused about it and I don't think you've gone over it in any of your videos.
LuisDiazArt Ooo thank you so so so much!!
Look up Scott Robertson here on UA-cam. I believe he has a video on line weight (thick and thin). Other than that, it really does just depend upon preference. If you want something a little more organic/dynamic, use wide amounts of line variation. if you want something a little more architectural or primitive, keep your lines uniform (at least that's how I've approached it).
Ruku Kabe Thank you! I'll look him up right away! And thank you for the tips too!
***** Indeed, and even after reading the manga I still stick to Uta as my profile picture on here
thin = far away, thick = close up. thin = lots of light, thick = little light. thin = line merges with background, thick = line stands out. thin = lots of small details, thick = few details. thin = hide it, thick = show it off.
This is what I got from a bunch of artists, most often it is used instead of shadows.
At least something like that.
This video was really helpful. You mentioned several things I'd never thought of before! Thank you.
"When you change how you think, you change how you draw." - Sycra, 2015
You literally just copy pasted that ^^
+Kesniel PH *2014, dumbass.
I really like your videos. They are one of the very few things that actually inspire me, so thanks a lot for doing them and loading them up :)
dude has literally taught me how to draw.
you finally helped me draw a face! i love you Sycra!
I’ve learned a few things from this video. Thank you for sharing your insight and expertise!
you are a great teacher sycra! im learning some biology and drawing basics all in one! good job and keep sharing.
Thanks man! Now I know exactly what the heck I was doing wrong. Been so frustrated lately since I had no idea where to even look.
this is exactly the type of tutorial i was looking for!! thank you so much!!
Sycra, you're awesome. I just felt like saying that and it'll probably be a year until I come up with an explanation.
your upload schedule is crazy man, it's 2am where I'm at lol
LOL 3am here...guess I'm not the only one who draws at night ;)
not everybody is murican
luboisfat sycra is german
Lucky He is ? Realy ?
I thougt he was canadian?? Huh? In fact he always said if he spoke about prices, it would be ---- canadian dollars and not euros.
Jeez, I missed these videos, man. Great as always!!
14:43 u just thinking of MORTAL KOMBAT. What I believe you were explaining there for people who still having hard time trying to figured out, its that the "lines" only defines where the "strong shadows" are in, but the true shape of it, is "lineless" and more rounded on a more tridimentional shape, that's why there is really no true lines on the sides (depending on perspective, almost all lines around the face can fade away)
It is not a bad explanation of sycra, is actually very well explained, and hope people take what I say as addition and nothing more (i'm a beginner on drawing too, that's why m here lol)
Really, really good tutorial! This is the kind of tutorial I'm looking, for thank you.
Very helpful as always = ) I don't know what I would do without you!
Thanks Sycra! Sooooooooo helpful! Please do the jaw tutorial I need this so bad...
I'm really looking forward to the jaw video :) I have a huge problem with how the jaw is shaped.
I found it pretty funny how you used blue to represent a short distance (closer to the front) when it's traditionally used for showing a far distance (things appear bluer the farther they are) but that's my just my own weird sense of humor. Love the videos, they're very insightful. I wanna make a request for drawing skeletons. I always find difficulty in one part or another when it comes to drawing skeletons. If you've already made one like this, I'll get to it (been jumping around your uploads). All that aside, thank you sincerely for this library of videos.
love the way u think about drawing and shapes
It appears to be a bottom attempting to cosplay a pumpkin ouo
Nick Star Lmao!
Nick Star lol it scared the crap out of me cuz i was playing it in full screen and thought i had a literally crazy-ass virus
0vrStart **facepalm**
nice video. I'm waiting for your video about mistakes of another angles of the face
Thank you, these videos are very helpful!
your lessons are really helpful! keep up the great work
is there a tutorial for different angles of the head?
wow, is real genos??? can i hav autograph??
That was a great help, thanks
Also, do you have any more tips on how to properly dimension a face? I always draw them too flat
Is this going to be a series because i'd like to see more please.
I have to admit, I think way too much than I should. I tried so many of 'how to structure face' including those from pixiv and they only worked for a while before I struggled again. At this point it became difficult to 'think less', so might as well give myself new ways to try. Thank you for the useful advices :)
This was really useful for me to watch. Thank you Sycra! Cheers from Sweden :)
Where were you earlier? I found this just now!
i really like that "new" style of yours :) you talked in a lot of videos about your struggles with drawing and how you didn't really like your style, how you thought about what the "People" like and how you studied every little thing you didn't even really wanted to know. Then you started discovering that you like sharp things and you adapted your style to what you like (i think that's how it roughly went down haha)
I have a Problem myself, i try to do a style that's really working for me and i don't really care what others think about it but as soon as i can somewhat draw what i had in mind i suddenly don't really like it anymore and jump to the next thing i think would look cool and then it goes on and on and on, do you (or if anyone else reading this) think it's just a matter of time to find a suiting style or is there a "trick"?
sorry for the unrelated comment and for any bad english
So much wonderful info in this! Thank you!!
Yay a Sycra video!!
Thank you so much for this very helpful tutorial.
This was really helpful! I find myself struggling a lot with the planes of the face. I call it Planeface Torment.
Thank you! Symmetry is a huge problem for me. Gotta practice
honestly, something that helps me with symmetry and straight lines is to rotate your canvas. even if the line /looks/ straight, it might not be, and it seriously helps a ton to turn the canvas 90 degrees to draw lines for marking things like eye height and the middle of faces! it might not work with everyone, but ive found it easier to see the middle and to draw straight lines that way :0
Hay, could you do a video on how to draw skulls? I really like you teaching.
This is really really great information.
Amazing, I tried to draw the same thing you do while watching and it even looks like a person! Bald one and a bit scary but it's still something. Thank you very much.
did anyone else see the pumpkin butt?
Thanks!i can't wait to try it. now i know what rules too break