Traciluv a lot of animals are also able to run within 30 minutes of birth, or hold on to there mother's as they run or swing on tree branches, baby snakes are born with active venom to bite and protect themselves with... We could fill textbooks with how different animals and humans are, so don't make dumb comments trying to equate us with animals.
Walking is natural but children don’t learn to do it overnight. There’s many things that are natural that do have a learning curve. This is strange that you don’t understand that.
Thank you 🙏
Thank you.
How many people would need to die in the war to convince you you weren't raped?
Animal automatically attaches themselves to their mother's breast to feed. Why do humans need this help? That is strange to me.
Traciluv a lot of animals are also able to run within 30 minutes of birth, or hold on to there mother's as they run or swing on tree branches, baby snakes are born with active venom to bite and protect themselves with... We could fill textbooks with how different animals and humans are, so don't make dumb comments trying to equate us with animals.
Walking is natural but children don’t learn to do it overnight. There’s many things that are natural that do have a learning curve. This is strange that you don’t understand that.
Feeding human milk is something we learn through instinct, watching people in our community, and through practice.