Can weed improve aim performance?

  • Опубліковано 2 кві 2024
  • A short experiment to see if I notice any improvement in aim while under the influence.
  • Ігри


  • @logann3386
    @logann3386 Місяць тому +1

    based experiment tbh

  • @bwkingsnake9405
    @bwkingsnake9405 2 місяці тому +1

    This reminds me of this guy I met once or at least very similar. Context I use to play this game called skates 3 it’s pretty dead but there is still a small player base that go for high scores on specific maps and such, anyways I met this guy who had really bad anxiety problems and just a lot of mental issues, whenever he wasn’t high he was stressed out and couldn’t focus, but whenever he got high it was like a switch flipped in his brain and he could focus on getting a score or practicing a route for a couple hours with god like focus, it was to the point where when he wasn’t high he was barely average but when he was high he was easily one of the best players in the entire game.
    Weed effects everyone differently so obviously not everyone will have the same experience as him.
    Whenever somone mentions the topic of weed and it’s effects on the human mind I always think of him.

    • @r00tgod
      @r00tgod  2 місяці тому

      That is a pretty interesting / sad story, I hope he's doing better these days. I would hate to have to rely on any drug to be able to perform at something I enjoy. The skate community is pretty dope tho

    • @bwkingsnake9405
      @bwkingsnake9405 2 місяці тому +1

      @@r00tgod ya i had a similar thought

  • @gamist8166
    @gamist8166 8 годин тому

    Ever since I started smoking, been about 3 years now, I'd say it just affects everyone differently. What you described probs happens to everyone, I can relate when you mention the hypnotic state you can enter while aiming easier. Or even the worse times where my mind is wandering off, because I'm high. I simply did it cause it'd keep my interest. I've shocked myself in the past with how effective it can be to not take a hit until a high score, and repeat the process.
    All I can say for advice is if you have more issues entering that flow state (I believe overthinkers like me are more prone to this issue) then weed seems useful. Very fun, too, if it's actually getting you into flow more than without it. If you have more issues staying on-track whilst in-game though and your mind wanders off sometimes, weed will only make that problem bigger. For me, I overthink way too much about most things in my life, but I feel great at keeping my overthinking to the topic at hand. While I could be thinking about the stress my job can bring in-game or even more game related things that maybe I just shouldnt look at like judging my teammates gameplay, weed can really help me to block all that out and stay more in-the-moment. I'd say that's what I struggled with, being in-the-moment.
    My proof of concept is I was low diamond in 2019 on the tank role in Overwatch as a masters DPS player normally. I took a trip with some friends in michigan and ended up being higher than a kite from sunrise to sundown for like 2 weeks straight. Through that process, I became high masters on tank and it was obvious the only real change was the weed making me play more confident and worried less about factors that mattered less. Then I found aim training like a year later and can only say the same things for it.
    TLDR; If you struggle with overthinking and getting bored in-game with the things you /should/ be focused on, then weed probs isn't gonna help you. It'll make this issue worse, and be a big deficit, like it is for most of my friends I would say. If your one desire is to be in the flow-state in game though, if you feel like /that's/ why you play games for the most part and really wanna get in that 'montage' headspace, then I'd guess weed has a chance to help you as long as your focuses stay in-tact. These things also aren't binary, they're on a scale. Some people struggle more or less with these two issues, and weed will affect these two issues differently for every user. Good luck! Love this video concept.

    • @gamist8166
      @gamist8166 8 годин тому

      I guess I should also say I don't feel a struggle when not high. I don't see a downside. To be honest, it feels like thinking with the correct focus whilst high is the closest thing to a different perspective without getting someone else involved. So now my sober self can use the useful perspectives I've found along the way, and I'm simply looking for more as I go when high.

  • @johnfortres
    @johnfortres 2 місяці тому +1

    even more rootgod content 😍

  • @TheGenuineFool
    @TheGenuineFool 18 днів тому +3

    It hinders your ability to properly go through the sleep cycles, making it harder to improve.

    • @r00tgod
      @r00tgod  17 днів тому +1

      Yup, from what I remember weed offers you a deeper sleep granting you better bodily rest however stops you entering the REM stage of sleep which is needed for brain function and memories(what we need for aim training)
      While I don’t believe I’ve felt the effects of this I dislike the groggy and hazy feeling you get in the morning if you smoke too close to bed the night before.
      I’ve stopped smoking ever since the experiment and honesty don’t miss it.

    • @gamist8166
      @gamist8166 8 годин тому

      I think the plant affects everyone differently and some of those different people honestly could use the weed to get some sleep. Not saying everyone, and there's plenty of abusers simply fucking their sleep. But I know a lot of people who would simply half their sleep not using weed, leading to an even worse performance.

  • @opfreak
    @opfreak 5 днів тому +1

    Youd have to be an experience smoker. I cant imagine taking a break from bud then coming back getting blasted high then tryna read any movement.

    • @r00tgod
      @r00tgod  5 днів тому

      I see your point

    • @gamist8166
      @gamist8166 8 годин тому

      It jus matters what that high does to you, which is different for everyone. If it'd kill your focus, then yea. But if weed helps you just feel the motions out better, enter flowstate easier, and block the outside stresses/thoughts that life comes with, then I see it as a W, but I know i aint speakin for everyone

  • @Oldladywithastick
    @Oldladywithastick Місяць тому

    Didnt work for me. I was able to concentrate better, but my head is just slower than usual. With weed I get around 5% worse scores

    • @opfreak
      @opfreak 5 днів тому +1

      If your not playing reactive you might see a buff in shit like smoothness.

    • @gamist8166
      @gamist8166 8 годин тому

      Reaction times are statistically worse I think but I dont rly know tbh. My advice is there has to be an advantage that outweighs that con in order for it to be useful. I think it mainly helps people enter that flow-state. If you have no issues with that, this will just give the reaction time debuff. BUT, I would say the average gamer having access to flow state at a moment's notice will usually have a greater benefit than 5%, outweighing the debuff. Realistically tho cant smoke in tournament setting so no point if someone's thinkin bout pro