The jews are still awaiting their messiah even though islam states that Jesus pbuh was the the messiah sent by God to a ppl who had gone astray. The messiah the jews await will be the antichrist/ dajjal who will be the greatest tribulation that God will send against mankind, before the end of days
@@robertadams8530 YES , JEWS HAVE REFUSED TO ACCEPT JUSUS AS A MASSEIH(savior) and same thing is said in holy bible that there are already many antichrists present , further it define that the one who rejects to accept jusus as a masseih is antichrist. jews also believe their masseih will soon come in eye of jews masseih will be jusus but fact is an other whom (masseih) jews consider as a jusus but actually he will be (false masseih)antichrist not christ after three years second masseih will come on earth that will be true masseih(christ) and he will kill fist masseih (false masseih) means whom jews say true massieh or christ will be actually false masseih(antichrist) and second masseih = christ will kill first masseih(dajjal or antichrist or whom jews will follow as christ/true masseih.)
@@robertadams8530 of course they reject Jesus as their Messiah! This is the time of the Gentiles! The final one week of the 490 weeks (of years) prophecy shown to the prophet Daniel concerning thy people (Israel) is the final chastisement for their transgressions against God. Because of their transgressions, salvation was extended to us (Gentiles)....Furthermore; God placed a partial hardening upon them until the fullness of the church age is complete! This was predestined before the foundation of the world! He has chosen a remnant, also predestined and predetermined; to save during that final week (7 years) by the same loving grace that He offered and extended to us unto salvation! This is a Biblical fact that gets lost on many believers! Until one accepts where salvation truly comes from, which is a requirement to be in Christ, then it is difficult to not consider it to be an act of righteousness on the part of fallen man who is literally incapable of coming to the foot of the cross in complete submission without the intervention of the Grace of Almighty God! The Bible clearly says that many are called but few are chosen! It doesn't say that all are called and it doesn't say that many called on Me! I say all of this because my heart is breaking when I see so many Christians who get stuck on a particular doctrine and become unable to see the Word come to life! Armenians do not understand the doctrine of election.....Calvinists do not typically understand the prophecies relating to Israel......Preterists deny the many unfulfilled prophecies that have yet to occur....and on and on! I am in a rare camp because I 100% believe in most of the teachings of Calvin in spite of an intense struggle when God revealed to me that it is sound doctrine in regards to election, predestination, total depravity and perseverance of the saints especially! Yet I can not read the Bible and come to any other conclusion than there being a pre-trib rapture and a literal 1000 year reign of Christ on this earth! God bless and please consider listening to John MacArthur teach this. He is a stand alone teacher who does not align himself with man's theology. He developed his own theology by studying and meditating on God's word prayerfully! I don't even like typing things like Arminian and Calvinist or Darbyism! Too many Christians throw names around and give zero credit to their own brothers and sisters in Christ! There are and have been many great men of God who were called for a particular purpose! Who are we to throw stones at them and label them and those who grow in their faith from their teachings as heretics, just because we see it differently?
@@jonathannixon8652 I didn't see this for a long time, but this is true and explains a lot about how the great deception will likely occur! I am already seeing many supposed Christians accept the Islamic Jesus which means that they deny the Trinity and deny His death on the Cross which is our atonement! So heartbreaking!
No your wrong Solomon never repented as a matter of fact scripture says his heart was not perfect towards the lord like David's and he began to worship demons
11 times in Quran it calls Jesus the Messiah which means Islam is not the Antichrist.Antichrist gonna born in the Jews bloodline. When Muslim gonna lose Jerusalem and isreal will sead alot of Muslim blood.
The antichrist described in the Bible are Gilgamesh, Nebuchadnezzar and Solomon, Dajjal is said to be King of Jews, Solomon is 666th name in the bible and Dajjal mean to plated will gold to dajjel something is plate in gold (arabic), the antichrist which means Dajjal is in Solomon's Dream on his throne, The Antichrist is known use black magick with is aided Djinns, Solomon consulted got aid from animals, angels, and djinns. Solomon ruled under caliphate in Islam (during a golden age a golden caliphate of islam) who betray the rules Yahweh establishes Gold World Peace with united world and performs the miracles of the chosen magi, Nebuchadnezzar had Statue of Might going against "G-d or Yahweh" he ruled in Ancient Islamic Nation IN revelation is said he Anitchrist Builds a Image of perfection to worship essence the great king with image of that perfect in gold as a giant statue they bow to worship it as you cannot find a flaw in the image of gold! , The Antichrist is richest man in history like Solomon a hadith says he will be jew like Solomon, Solomon 666 talents of gold and skills in sorcery. He implants his mark of beast which known as 666 name connect with man, only who had that number his Solomon he is the beast just like described as Nebuchadnezzar was described Nebuchadnezzar claimed to be God of Heavens had people bow to his statue 5 times a day and he claimed to be Allah in ancient Uruk (Iraq). To declare oneself is God is Saying I an the Messiah, I am Allah's Masih Dajjal Meaning the God's Satanic Messiah Antichrist Coved in Gold.
People think our messiah is Mahdi. He is not. He is just a leader. The messiah is Jesus Christ in Islam. He is the only messiah. The meaning of messiah is "the anointed one". He is extremely important in the end times to fight the antichrist.
@Phantom he is known to be just a man. No powers, no guiding people to think HE is God. He will just be a leader. He is not even a prophet. The antichrist is a deceiver who wants you to worship him instead of God.
True christians will not submit to the Mahdi and the "muslim Jesus" will destroy the church. That's the spirit of the antichrist ☪️. Real followers of christ will not submit to Islam. We can't not deny his holy name.
Solomon did not disbelieve. He's not the antichrist either because Jesus wasn't even born in his days. Where I disagree with Islam is that prophets do commit sin. There is no human who doesn't commit sin. Those things Solomon did in the Bible, he actually did them. The difference is that prophets don't make excuses. They repent and make amends quickly when God says they have erred. Solomon died as a prophet, not as an apostate. He's still a prophet. Moses wasn't allowed to enter the promised land because he failed to glorify God in front of the people at the waters of Meriba. But he still remains a prophet and we should still follow his words. There is no human who doesn't commit sin. Only Jesus didn't commit sin because He is God. But every human person commits sin. The struggle is, do we make excuses and make sin a lifestyle or do we repent and move on again. Even in that, we look to the prophets to see how they cope.
@@tempstep4058 the believers will come to Jesus peace be upon him in the judgment day after they came to all prophets every prophet will say his sin and they fear God they will say to Jesus peace be upon him please tell our Lord to start to Judge us and You are his word and God send you before Jesus peace upon him will say Myself Myself people had take me as a God I can't but Jesus peace be upon him is the only prophet will tell them Go to that servant whom God Forgives all his sins before and after then they will Go to Muhammad peace be upon him and he will say Ana Laha I'm the one who can do it and this what we call Almaqam Almahmud the prasing place which God has promised Muhammad peace be upon him.
@@ss1212ss You see, all of that is written in prophesy that it will happen even before Mohammed was born. But it wasn't written as a good thing in our Bible. The false Jesus, sometimes mentioned as the false prophet will come and tell people to worship his leader. The Bible says to make sure not to listen to him. He's the false Jesus. When he claims he's not God who came in the flesh, I will give him my back and run away from him as fast as I can because I know what is written in prophesy.
@@tempstep4058 tell me and be honest about it in front of me and our God who is that prophet who mentioned in you book who will come to the children of Qaidar (kedar) and make them glorif a God in mountin Sela who is that prophet who will come to the Arabs don't tell me Jesus peace be upon him because we never saw him in Arabia .
Quran 2:102 And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, "We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic]." And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah . And the people learn what harms them and does not benefit them. But the Children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew.
Allah is the serpent who deceived Adam and Eve. The Mehdi is the Biblical antichrist in Revelations. The Muslim Isa is the false prophet who helps the beast. When the Dajjal, which, in fact, is the true Christian Jesus returns, He defeats the antichrist and the false prophet and throws them into the lake of fire. The Bible also says the beast will ignore the God of his fathers and serves a god of war. Today, it is easy to see that it is Islam. The beast will overcome the saints and create a one-world government and religion. He will rule from Jerusalem for 7 years, and the true Messiah comes and puts the world out of his tyrannical, head chopping misery. Many Christand and Jews will be beheaded. So, it is true that Islam will dominate briefly before it is destroyed. That's the truth. That seven years is called "the tribulation" in Christianity and Jacob's troubles in the Old Testament. Be ready, Christians. It's coming soon. Fear not those who can only kill the flesh, Jesus said. When He comes back, the few who didn't convert to the beast's religion will receive Jesus up on the air when He arrives. And the entire world, which, at the time, is fully, Muslim will be terrified and beg the mountains to fall on them to hide them from the one who sits on His throne. But there will be no salvation for them, and they pay for all the souls that they beheaded. Believe in the true Jesus, my friend. There's still hope. I advise that you read Ezekiel chapter 38, The book of Zachariah, the book of Daniel, and The book of Revelations.
Ezekiel 8:16 ''twenty-five men. With their backs toward the temple of the LORD and their faces toward the east, they were bowing down to the sun in the east.'' Revelation 11:2 ''But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months. '' We learn many things from these parallel verses in Old Testament and New Testament. Outer court is where Al-Aqsa and Dome of the Rock is so they will be Antichrist. It says backs toward temple and says they are facing east, this means Temple will be rebuilt west of Dome of the Rock so ''Western wall'' will be the eastern wall of the 3rd Temple. I believe in the coming years that Archaeology will prove Temple mount today was Fort Antonia
11 times in Quran it calls Jesus the Messiah which means Islam is not the Antichrist.Antichrist gonna born in the Jews bloodline. When Muslim gonna lose Jerusalem and isreal will sead alot of Muslim blood.
Scriptures DO say the believers/ faithful to God will be beheaded because of their refusal to accept the antichrist. WHICH religion today does not accept Jesus as GOD and Lord over all creation ("All authority has been given to me by the Father"-Jesus' own words) ? Which religion is famous for beheading their enemy ?
Just a Human hello sir correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Jesus say the same ones I teach are the same ones that are gonna turn on me, meaning the Jews? So the anti Christ should be the new leader of the Jews?
@@ThePrototypeClutch Bro the messaih is the antichrist himself don't believe whoever tells u another thing they are trying to pull u to to their side the jews control everything these days specially social media so take care illuminati is real and the messaih is the antichrist.
@CallMeOgmios maybe the anti Christ isn't Christ aka Jesus. Like they say and they will rid of him and Jesus will be given his throne as the messiah lol or maybe the anti Christ is in fact the Christ Jesus. And what's written is just a metaphor to what will happen in sense of transformatiion for the anti christ / Christ
Hmm lets see what the Quran says: When the angels said: “O Mary! Allah gives you the good news of a Word from Him, whose name is the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, who is illustrious in this world and the hereafter, and who is one of those brought near [to Allah]. (3.45) Not only is our Messiah the same Jesus the son of Mary peace be upon them. The prophet Muhammed peace and blessings be upon him in a hadith said: "And you will fight the false messiah together with the christians." The prophet
The Jesus of the Quran from the outside appears to be the Same until you dig deeper! The Jesus in the Quran is from many pseudo-gospel, Apocryphas new Testament, gnostic writings. The different Jesus in the Quran did not die on the Cross, a substitute was used instead and did not fulfill the 365 Messianic Prophecies that Jesus Christ of Nazareth fulfilled. This means this different Jesus in the Quran is a Failing Messiah. And because the Messiah did not die and used a substitute on the cross to make it look he did, this means this different god Allah is a deceiving god fooling the eye witnesses. I though the same until I studied.
@@rc6289 “until you dig deeper” Its not only about digger deeper. Because this/your line of thinking leads you to arrogantly divide yourself from history. Just because people of old such as mohammed have ignorantly and deceitfully ADDED to the ideologies/histories of God and his son doesnt make them seperate identities. Just different ideologies/followings based on adding and subtracting to their personalities teachings and histories
I’m also extremely geared up if and in the game about these last days we are definitely living in !!! If this guy is as ready as I am he is trying the best he can to contain his energy!!!!! I dread it for the ones rejecting the truth but I am ready to be with my savior in eternity and praise his holiness for ever and ever !!!! Where my voice will never become tired or falter !!! Come quickly lord Jesus !!!
1 Thessalonians 1:5 “For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.” 1 Thessalonians 5:1 “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:2 “For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.” 1 Thessalonians 5:3 “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”1 Thessalonians 5:4 “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.” 1 Thessalonians 5:5 “Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.”
We Muslims believe that Jesus, peace be upon him, is the same who sent you calling for Christianity and we believe that he not die, but resembled to those who wanted to kill him and believe that he descends at the end of time to fight with the Muslims against the Antichrist who is another enemy of Muslims
Well did you realize that the Bible has been corrupted, verses have been taken out and added to it? It's not infallible, and I don't know about you, but if something is 99% true it's a lie, it doesn't matter how much truth the Bible has if it's not the full truth it's a lie and it's corrupted. Such as 1 John 5:7 which was added by the Catholics to support their unbiblical trinity. God knows Himself, if He was a trinity He would've said so, but He didn't.
Sure, man has physically corrupted the Holy scriptures. That is why Almighty God has blessed mankind with His Spirit of Holiness. Read the Holy scriptures prayerfully.
Great Biblical discussion. Imam Al Mahdi (the Antichrist) will not be Islam’s “Messiah”-but their twelfth and final Caliph. Isa Al Masih (the False Prophet) will be Islam’s “Messiah.” We as Christians know that the one true Messiah is Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
If Christ is a friend of sinners , his opposite , the Antichrist , is the enemy of sinners...he is coming into the world to destroy sinners and their evil works...
THE ANSWER IS NO. Jesus is a Prophet of God and THE MESSIAH in Islam. We believe in Prophet Jesus's aka THE MESSIAH's second coming followed by the arrival of another Islamic warrior Imam Mehdi. Jesus and Mehdi will fight the Antichrist together. Thanks.
@Off Grid Gringo what a brainwashed and misguided dude. Are you sure you're not following the footsteps of Satan and Antichrist cause you seem like it. First read your book then come at us. 1. Bible, Psalms, Torah and the Quran belongs to Allah. He sent down these books each with a Prophet. We believe in the book given to David, Moses, Jesus and our final messenger Muhammad PBUH. 2. Allah is the same God in the bible, psalms, torah and the Quran. All the Prophets starting from Adam to Muhammad SAW. They all spread the message of the same God. Each nation had a different name for Him. Some call him God, Yahweh and others call him Allah. The message is same. "God is One and He created the universe. He doesn't beget nor is He is begotten. All of the universes belongs to Him" mentioned in all of the 4 major monotheistic books. Allah means One God in Arabic. Al means one and Ilah means God. Together we say Allah ( One God) 2. Jesus is the messenger of God. Antichrist is Ad-Dajjal. He will be born in a Jewish family. He will create disputes and spread falsehood. Misguide people. Just like you are being misguided by the Antichrist right now. 3. Jesus will come back on earth again and kill the Antichrist. Accompanied by a Muslim Leader Imam Mahdi, Jesus will kill the Antichrist and stop wars. Jesus will continue to live on earth and die a natural death. Since he is human like us. 4. The messiah of the jews is the antichrist of the Islamic and Christianic faith. Please revise your own religion. 5. Mahdi is not a messenger. He's a warrior. He will be here to protect the world from injustice. He will only accompany Jesus to fight the Antichrist.
Off Grid Gringo there is one thing in your argumentation that doesn’t make sense, i mean everything you said doesn’t make sense because there is no proof why the things you said could be true but here: Islam Said That the dajal is one eyed, i heard that Christians beliehe also That the antichrist is one eyed is that right? So we both will recognize the dajal/antichrist. We know that Jesus (pbuh) and mahdi wont we one eyed.
Islam was developed from Syrian anti-Trinitarian Christians for historical and theological reasons. Khalifate rulers of the time needed to unite their regions under the arab language and one version of worship which could not be just a heretic form of Christianity. Some things of Islam were developed organically and some developed intensionally. Anyway this description can fall in the description of antichrist as at first these Syrian anti-Trinitarians were Christians preaching what they thought was right...
@@isaiah53apologetics56 Jesus Peace be upon him, in islam is the messiah born of a virgin who will have a 2nd coming & rule the kingdom of God on earth. Also read Matthew 21:43, another nation would produce the kingdom of God & Muhammad peace be upon him is the new tenant from the same parable
100 Commandments and Doctrines from the Quran 1. Do not be rude in speech (3:159) 2. Restrain anger (3:134) 3. Be good to others (4:36) 4. Do not be arrogant (7:13) 5. Forgive others for their mistakes (7:199) 6. Speak to people mildly (20:44) 7. Be moderate in your bearing and the volume of your speech (31:19) 8. Do not ridicule others (49:11) 9. Be dutiful to parents (17:23) 10. Do not say a word of disrespect to parents (17:23) 11. Do not enter parents’ private room without asking permission (24:58) 12. Commit to writing any transaction involving the taking or giving of loans (2:282) 13. Do not follow anyone blindly (2:170) 14. Grant more time to repay if the debtor is in hard times (2:280) 15. Don’t be involved with usury or interest (2:275) 16. Do not engage in bribery (2:188) 17. Do not break any promise (2:177) 18. Keep and fulfil all trusts (2:283) 19. Do not mix the truth with falsehood (2:42) 20. Judge with justice between people (4:58) 21. Stand out firmly for justice (4:135) 22. Wealth of the dead should be distributed among his family members (4:7) 23. Women have the right of inheritance (4:7) 24. Do not take for yourself the property of orphans (4:10) 25. Protect orphans (2:220) 26. Do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly (4:29) 27. Facilitate peace between those in conflict (49:9) 28. Avoid being suspicious (49:12) 29. Spend wealth in charity (57:7) 30. Encourage feeding of the poor (107:3) 31. Seek out the needy and help them (2:273) 32. Do not spend money extravagantly (17:29) 33. Do not invalidate charity by bragging about your generosity (2:264) 34. Honor guests (51:26) 35. Enjoin virtue to others only after practicing it yourself (2:44) 36. Do not engage in or spread corruption (2:60) 37. Do not prevent people from going to houses of worship (2:114) 38. Never engage in fighting as an aggressor but only in defense (2:190) 39. Do not engage in compulsion regarding religion (2:256) 40. Believe in all prophets (2:285) 41. Do not have sexual intercourse during the menstrual period (2:222) 42. Do not commit adultery (17:32) 43. Choose leaders based on their merit (2:247) 44. God does not burden a person beyond his capacity; nor should we (2:286) 45. Do not become divided (3:103) 46. Think deeply about the wonders of nature and the creation of this universe (3:191) 47. Men and women have equal rewards for their deeds (3:195) 48. Do not marry those related to you by blood (4:23) 49. The man is the protector and supporter of the family (4:34) 50. Do not be miserly (4:37) 51. Do not envy others (4:54) 52. Do not support or be an advocate for those who betray their trusts (4:105) 53. Support one another in virtue and piety, not in sin or enmity (5:2) 54. Be just and do not let hatred swerve you from justice (5:8) 55. Do not consume dead animals, the blood of animals, or pork (5:3) 56. Avoid intoxicants and alcohol (5:90) 57. Do not gamble (5:90) 58. Do not insult other people’s deities (6:108) 59. Be honest; don’t cheat in any of your dealings (6:152) 60. Eat and drink but be not excessive (7:31) 61. Wear good clothing during prayer times (7:31) 62. Protect and help those who seek protection (9:6) 63. Strive for purity (9:108) 64. Never give up hope of Allah’s Mercy (12:87) 65. Know that Allah forgives a wrong done out of ignorance if the person repents and corrects himself (16:119) 66. Inviting others to the way of God should be done with wisdom and graciousness (16:125) 67. No one can bear another person’s sins (17:15) 68. Do not kill your children for fear of poverty (17:31) 69. Avoid vain talk (23:3) 70. Respect other people’s privacy, especially in their own homes (24:27) 71. Know that God provides security and peace to those who worship Him and act virtuously (24:55) 72. Be modest and humble (25:63) 73. Strive for reward in the Hereafter but do not neglect your affairs in this world (28:77) 74. Invoke not any other deity along with God (28:88) 75. Do not engage in homosexuality (29:29) 76. Enjoin the right and forbid the wrong (31:17) 77. Women should not display or flaunt their beauty and charms (33:33) 78. God forgives all sins when the sinner repents and turns to Him (39:53) 79. Repel evil by something that is better (41:34) 80. Decide affairs by consultation (42:38) 81. Know that there should be no monasticism in religion (57:27) 82. Those who have knowledge will be given a higher rank by God (58:11) 83. Treat non-Muslims in a kind and fair manner (60:8) 84. Stay away from greed and stinginess (64:16) 85. Do not ignore or push away the needy (93:10) 86. Pardon and forgive the mistakes of others (3:135) 87. Establish prayer and give in charity (31:4) 88. Know that the bounty of God is better than anything man can amass or hoard (10:58) 89. God puts love and affection between the hearts of those who believe in Him (8:63) 90. Those who purify their souls succeed, and those who corrupt their souls fail (91:10) 91. Those who believe in God find satisfaction in remembering Him (13:28) 92. Those who believe and do good are given joy and peace of mind (13:29) 93. Enjoin patience and compassion (90:17) 94. Know that God gave humans hearing, sight, intelligence, and affections so that they might be grateful (16:78) 95. Compete with one another in doing good (21:90) 96. Know that God created the universe with meaning and purpose (3:191) 97. Guard your modesty (23:5) 98. Know that being just is next to piety (5:8) 99. Fight when necessary to defend yourselves but do not aggress (2:190) 100. Know that it is only righteousness that makes a person noble (49:13)
1 name, jus 1 name, Ad Dajjal..remember that in this end times.. Yes a human, with a slight given powers (so as to deceive), blinded or has a deformed eye on the right side, this is the antichrist or false messiah that we are talking about in this end times.. That is why there is the much anticipated Jesus (pbuh) second coming, he comes back with a purpose, to destroy the antichrist and its army and restore peace and righteousness in this world back..
Solomon wasn't a type of the AntiChrist. Solomon offered sacrifices to false gods at the end of his life but none of them were human sacrifices. He never sacrificed his children. He may have burned incense to them or something to that degree. Still forbidden but a far cry from what this man is saying. The host should have checked him on that immediately.
The only two things that I disagree with are: 1.) when 11:07 he said Deuteronomy came after king Saul and king David. -and- 2.) When 21:08 he jokingly said the good news is, people can get HIS book, then went into a testimony about himself. There's only one good. That was the time to uplift the Most High to the highest! Overall, a great video loaded with insight! I agree that Solomon was surely a form of the antichrist. Antichrist is anti-God. We can trace that spirit back to Eden and can still see it in modern day. The good news is, Jesus is coming soon! Familiarize yourselves with the Word of God and strengthen yourselves with the Spirit of God whom is the only way to prepare for the times ahead.
Well I have a question. I’m a Muslim and I believe that Allah is god and that will Jesus is my savior and that he will save us all form the antichrist. Will Jesus accept me? Because ever since I accepted Jesus as my savior,I have felt more happier but I still want to be a Muslim.
@@awesomenoice5271 To be blunt brother, (or sister?) the spirit that muslims channel from the quran contradicts the Spirit of God whom is the scriptures of the Holy Bible. Although you claim to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you deny him by saying you want to be a muslim too. The quran and those who follow it's teachings, reject and deny Jesus of His diety. True followers of Jesus do NOT believe that allah is God and although muslims rightfully believe that Jesus is returning, the very person that they will think is Jesus will in reality be the deceiver. If you want the TRUE Jesus to accept you, read and accept Romans 10:9-13. Only God knows the hearts of men. You seem like you are searching. If you TRULY desire for God to reveal His truths to you, ask Him Matthew 7:7-8. Again, God knows the heart. I encourage you to humble yourself and be completely honest with God if you choose to enter His presence. He hears those prayers. Peace to you.
@@Heard_0f_God I know but I still want to believe in Jesus and be a Muslim. We may have different conceptions of Jesus in all three religions but we still accept him as ours.
@@Heard_0f_God and also lots of Muslims believe is their savior and Messiah. It’s the only non Trinitarian faith to believe it. Judaism doesn’t believe Jesus is their savior or their prophet but Islam does.
@@awesomenoice5271 If you want to believe in the Jesus of Islam then that is your choice, but that is not the real Jesus. I cannot lie to you and say otherwise as a follower of the true Jesus.
@Subzone You cannot prove what you say. I think you are just repeating these words to reassure yourself. I follow the religion of Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And they were not worshiping humans. Just One non-composite or fragmented God.
Jesus was born out of a virgin, his father is God. Jesus is not from a human seed, he only had a human body. To fulfil God’s purpose. Even your quran says that Jesus was holy, perfect mighty and without sin. We know that those characteristic are Godly. Because no human is without sin. But Jesus he mighty
11:46 People don't know but I can show you in the Bible where Solomon is the 1st king of Israel to institute child sacrifice.." And he doesn't, leaving anybody listening to him in doubt. Then 17:55, he says of his view of the end times, "..this is the SuperBowl of human history. Put me in the game, Coach. You know, don't take me out..." Is he, as a pastor, not aware the end times is a time of great trial & tribulation for all believers? It will be a terrible, terrible time for all believers. But this guy who is a pastor says "It's stomping time.." He seems, to me at least, to be the guy who wears all the right military gear, smears his face with camouflage cream and slings his rifle and then only to ask, "Where's the MPV bringing us to the battle?" And whether the MPV has air-conditioning and whether he will get to eat while travelling. When the battle gets too tiring and dirty, he ask to go home because it was not the "stomping time" promised to him. There is a reason why God made the other tribes of Israel support the Levites fully so that Levites do not need to work. Their only work is ministering before God. Now look at this guy hustle. Buy my book!! Buy my book!! What a moron.
Mahdi repents in one night and becomes the most pious Muslim on earth. Allah ‘rectifies’ him in one night. I got a hunch this is the resurrection of antichrist mid trib and he begins the persecution on Jews. Makes sense!
Yes! Spot on! He is the anti christ. I was born and raised as a Muslim. I just left it and became a Christian a couple of months ago. As a Muslim, they taught me that mahdi will bring all nations together once and for all. No more division. That sounds like the nwo plans to me! Because the nwo plan is to bring a one world religion.
Messiah of Jews is not Muslim's anti-christ. The key is what signs each religions have in their scriptures for Anti-christ and Jesus(peace be upon him). I believe there are no signs given in New testament for Anti-christ. The Anti-christ in Islam is someone who would claim he is God and force people to acknowledge him as God. He will force every believer whether Muslim or not to accept him as God. I don't think that's a Jewish concept of Messiah. I worry those people who have the tendency of accepting a human as God, may fall into his trap.
So far in history, it's Islam that forced people to convert to it with the edge of the sword. Mahdi will complete what the abusive religion started with Muhammad (peace be upon us all. Sorry, no point wishing peace for a dead man). I will always reject the Mehdi and his religion. The religion of Jesus Christ is the only peaceful and truthful one. I won't kill for Islam nor the cross, but I will pay any cost even if it means I die for the cross, halleluiah.
@@heberzerk6008 It's The Worst Fitnah In History Since The Creation Of Adam (S) , He Would Do Pretty Incridble Things يأمر السماء فتمطر و يأمر الأرض فتنبت تتبعه كنوز الأرض، .........إلخ He Would Also Make A Satan Shapeshift Somebody's Father And Tell Him To Follow Him , And That's Massively Deceipting But We Know A Sign Of Him Sich Is The Fact That He Is ( أعور ) He Has A Proper Eye And The Other Is Not
1st Kings 11 talks about solomon creating pagan temples and allowing his wives to worship and sacrifice to their gods one of their gods being molech the Canaanite god molech is infamous for the sacrifice of boiling babies alive
Who the present day Jews are expecting to be the Messiah... When the Jews accept a Messiah it would be the Anti Çhrist in the eyes of Muslims. So the day a Messiah accepted by the Jews in future will be the Anti Çhrist in the eyes of the Muslims. The Jews see Jesus as that and Christians and Muslims see Jesus as the Messiah but not the Jews
Everyone interprets the Bible to suit the whim and caprice of their people and race,but only The Lord knows what is happening and to them that the glory of salvation is due !
Foolish child/mortal no man can stop what must come before God destroys antichrist and all the Nations that support him in person antichrist wil come and 2/3 of mankind will be destroyed before Armageddon
11 times in Quran it calls Jesus the Messiah which means Islam is not the Antichrist.Antichrist gonna born in the Jews bloodline. When Muslim gonna lose Jerusalem and isreal will sead alot of Muslim blood.
Must be more Mandela Effects?! Because when I was little going to Sunday Christian church studies, King Solomon was the perfect son and King who only made one mistake which was to trick the Queen of Sheba to his bed which created his Son that left Israel with the ark of the convent to Ethiopia which created a small Jewish Community and later one of the first Christian community.
The truth does not come from what one believes. It does matter what you believe especisly if you believe a lie. There is only one truth and it does not depend on ones belife.
Not true at all ! I studied Christianity and Islamic point of view about the Messiah and they both agreed that Jesus Christ son of Mari is the messiah no doubt about it if you read it fairly and he shall save the world from the Antichrist and his followers and he will rule the world and bring peace……….. but they conflict about in which side Jesus Christ is and Muslims believe that Jesus will die later after he fulfilled his final mission and there will be no good days after his death until the judgment day . That’s the only difference
Yonis Ali Yahweh has no favorites Amos 9:7 Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? saith the LORD. Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt? and the Philistines from Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir?
11 times in Quran it calls Jesus the Messiah which means Islam is not the Antichrist.Antichrist gonna born in the Jews bloodline. When Muslim gonna lose Jerusalem and isreal will sead alot of Muslim blood.
@ Subzone Most of the Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah. That’s the conflicting view. If they had realized who He is, there would have never been a separate Christianity. Christianity is what Judaism, as far as salvation goes, should have been. Most of them refused to believe the truth that Jesus is God the Son. God made flesh. But considering Jews have no temple and aren’t offering sacrifices as the Law demanded, Jews don’t even follow true Judaism anymore.
A M Remember that prophets Mosa, Isa (Jesus) and Mohammad (peace and blessings be upon them all) had essentially preached the same message which is worship God alone and don’t associate any partners with him.
@@AM-qv9yf danial, Paul, etc a, b, c ,d perons knew yesuwah... OK.. Agree.. . But Abraham knew yesuva, moses knew Abraham. Lollll... Mixing the lie with truth... Nice job man..
Prophet Solomon is not anti-christ, he didn't do child sacrifice. That's all propaganda of Satan. He was a pious messenger of God. May peace and blessings be of God on him.
Solomon did commit those sins because it is recorded in the word of God. But he is not the antichrist. Christ was not even born in his time. This man is completely wrong. Solomon's sins were where the division of the kingdom of Israel began. Doesn't mean God rejected him and he stopped being a prophet. God still holds him as his prophet. You can't say prophets never commit sin. All humans do. Moses wasn't allowed to enter the promised land because he failed to glorify God in front of the people at the waters of Meriba. But that doesn't mean he stopped being a prophet or we never listen and follow him. The Bible says there is no person that hasn't committed sin and has fallen short of the glory of God. Jesus committed no sin because Jesus is God. But prophets aren't 100% sinless. The difference is, when they commit sin, they acknowledge it and they make ammends to it. God is forgiving to all who repent. But there is no human who lived that never committs sin. Our struggle has to be to not justify and make sin our lifestyle. But if we slip up, we repent and move on again.
This speaker is correct that the church has not overtaken the Church. We are grafted in and have to follow the rules given to them i.e. the Law but not living it in letter but in spirit. Jew have added to the Law Rabbinical laws and the Church claims the Law is done away with. True we are justified by grace through faith but we are sanctified by the Law.
If the Islamic MAHDI (Muslim Messiah) is the AntiChrist, then, there is no need to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem when the Mahdi comes, he will just SIT at the Dome of the Rock in front of the Al Aqsa Mosque... right?... therefore, the Muslims will not allow the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque to be removed in the Temple Mount if that is the case...
2 Thessalonians 2:4 says that the antichrist will claim to be God and the islamic messiah will not claim to be God because as muslims we believe a man who claims to be God is a liar. Therfore the Islamic messiah cannot be the antichrist
"And he (Collection of Papal clergy priests) deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs ( Catholic Antichrist miracles) which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast (Antichristendom Papal Antichrist kingdom) telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast (image is idol which is Eucharist/Mass Wafer they believe through transubstantiation the bread literally becomes Jesus they turned bread into idol this is THE Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Daniel and Jesus in Matthew 24. 70AD destruction was a type of desolation but not THE Abomination of Desolation. Notice how Jesus uses the word THE basically he's alluding to the worst idol which is the Eucharist Mass bread) who was wounded by the sword and lived. (Rome wounded when it became Christian empire it was healed when paganism was revived under Roman Catholicism)" The word APOSTATE in the Greek equals the number of the beast and APOSTATE is a name of a person and aka name of name of the beast. Specifically people would fall away from the true church and embrace the doctrine of demons which includes the worship of saints, relics and sepluchres (accept Antichrist idolatry and setup idolatry in their heart so Antichrist spiritually rules from within the idolator's temple (their physical body). Thessalonians talks about the Great Apostasy where people will become APOSTATE - Revelation 13:14 NKJV
There's three religions , every one thinks he's religion is the true one . One of them is the truth , and in the afterlife there's heaven or hell . Everyone must do deep researsh before it's too late , because at the end hell or heaven are waiting for us and there's no excuse for us everyone has enough time to chose .
The Islamic Messiah known as the Mahdi or the 12th imam is the Biblical Anti-Christ. The Islamic Jesus is the false Jesus, the Biblical Jesus who is the Messiah of Israel and saviour for all mankind (to the Jew first, and then to the Gentile) is the true and real Jesus. The true and real Jesus is the son of the Living God, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, one who fulfilled Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 and other prophecies describing himself, the one who had to come and die a nd resurrect from uthe dead prior to the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Second Temple.
If you're thinking imam Mehdi would be antichrist then you're wrong. Let me tell you why. 1. Imam Mehdi would be a simple human being from the bloodline of Muhammad. He won't have any supernatural power and he'll not claim himself as God. 2. Jesus to Muslim Isa, would come to earth when imam Mehdi would be on the verge of defeat. Angel Gabriel would bring him on earth. Jesus, this time won't have any supernatural power as well. So, we can say Muslim who believe in their messiah won't have any supernatural power and none of them would claim to be God. So, there's no way muslims messiah will be antichrist. But as for christians they'll believe the antichrist to be Jesus. Because christian consider Jesus as God. They'll believe the antichrist as Jesus because he'll have supernatural power like rising the death, bringing heaven and hell on his hand and many other miracle. So, surely those christians who believe in Jesus to be God would choose antichrist over the real Jesus. As for the Jew they don't even consider Jesus as prophet let alone God. They'll again try to kill him this time because they'll have power and rule over the world from Jerusalem Israel. But antichrist would recognize Jesus and will run for his life. Jesus would swing his sword to kill the antichrist ending the war. After that the world would be peaceful for 10 or something years. Jesus will marry and will have children. Imam Mehdi would die 7 or something years later after the defeat of antichrist. But then again Gabriel would reveal to Jesus that a new savage nation is coming and they'll cause havoc on earth. He would tell Jesus to take his followers on mount Tur as us human beings won't have the ability to kill them. After Jesus prays to God he'll send deseae that will eat their necks and cause death to Gog and magog. There's more of it. But if you really want to know you've to read the Quran. Please read the Quran and hate Islam and Muslim afterwards. Read the Quran and try to find out your understanding on it. Don't just watch islamophobic contents on UA-cam. You don't have to trust anything about Islam. I'm just requesting to read the Quran and then you take your decision. According to Benedictine monk and abbot named Adso of Montier en Der (c 920-92)wrote antichrist would be a Jew from the tribe of Dan and born in Babylon. He'd be brought up in magics and wizard power. Jews in Jerusalem would accept him messiah and ruler and christians whom he couldn't convert would kill. Muslims also believe the same thing that antichrist would kill if they don't take him as God. You sent Another thing to be noted is the arrival of Imam Mehdi isn't mentioned in the quran. it's from the Hadith. Hadith is compilation of Muhammads wisdom, suggestions etc.
@@miristiaquehossain1202 Islam denies the divinity, crucifixion, crucifixion, and resurrection of Yeshua HaMashiach (JESUS CHRIST), the false messiah will come from the Ishmaelites; the true messiah will come from the Israelites which is from the tribe of Judah and a descendant of King David and he will be God incarnate. The Islamic Messiah known as the Mahdi or the 12th Imam will deceive the whole world, but Yeshua M'Natzaret (JESUS OF NAZARETH), the true and real Messiah of Israel will defeat him. Israel's national Jewish religious leader named Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri received a revelation from YHWH under the guidance of the Rusch HaKodesh (HOLY SPIRIT) regarding the true and real Messiah of Israel and his note was indeed authentic, Yeshua is the Jewish Messiah. Prophecies describing him are Genesis 49:10, Jeremiah 23:5-6, Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 9:7, Psalm 22, Isaiah 53, Daniel 9:24-27, and he fulfilled more than 30 scriptures.
@@knightsofstjoan2004 your books are tainted. I don't want to argue with someone who doesn't have any idea about the other side. You can be a slave to Israel and Zionist as long as you want. Are you Zionist? If not, then what rabbi received doesn't matter. If you're Zionist you will obviously glorify Zionism and Israel. But if you're christian and still don't see the truth just remember what they did to your God and they'll do the same to you and your nation. Although the West is already a slave to Israel. Come back after you read the Quran completely. We'll then discuss from both point of view. Until ten Best wishes and stay happy.
@@knightsofstjoan2004 one more thing brother. You should know Jews consider christians as idol worshippers. We at least believe Jesus as prophet and all his power like: talking to defend her mother just after birth when Jews were considering her whore. Giving life to a clay bird, rising the death etc. Jews on the contrary consider Jesus as false. Also, Jews are allowed to pray in mosque as Islam believe in one unseen God/ monotheism. They're not allowed to pray in church because idol worshipping is part of the church and have idols. This is according to jewish believe. You should also know Islam believe antichrist would lead the world. There would be drought for 2-3 years and antichrist would reveal himself bringing rain. Resurrecting death etc Mahdi won't have any supernatural power. He won't even claim himself to be God to follow him. Only thing he'd do is tell people the antichrist for what it is. Muslims are the most weakest nation. And you think mahdi fighting such a powerful entity would be antichrist. Mahdi wouldn't even defeat the antichrist. He'd be loosing. Only then Jesus will return to kill the antichrist. I request you again to read the Quran. You'll have idea about antichrist. As for mahdi it's not mentioned in the Quran. It's in the Hadith. That's why I'm telling you to read the Quran and see for yourself. You don't have to support Islam if you oppose it. But oppose it after you read it yourself. Not watching anti Islamic videos. Thanks May God keep you happy and enlightened you with wisdom, love and compassion for everyone
@@miristiaquehossain1202 If Jews consider Christians as idol worshipers they are dead wrong and gravely mistaken, Messianic Jews and Gentile Christians believe and worship the same God. Religious Jews, particularly the Orthodox and Hasidic who say that Yeshua's mom Mary is a whore is untrue, she's definitely and absolutely not a whore at all. The Talmud is a cheap fake of the Brit Chadasha (New Testament). FYI, Allah and YHWH are not the same God. Allah is the ancient pagan moon god of Arabia who was married to the sun goddess and gave birth to three goddesses who were their daughters, and their names are Al-Lat, Al-Uza, and Manat. It's mentioned in your Koran about Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat (see Surah 53:19-20). Islam is nothing but a revival and recreation of the ancient pagan moon god cult of Arabia, it has taken the name and the rites as well as the symbols of its god, and its sheer idolatry. Thanks to Walid Shoebsat, YHWH's Ruach HaKodesh was upon him and guided him and he revealed the real truth about Islam, the Koran and the Hadith, and everything about Mohammed. ISLAM SHOULD CEASE TO EXIST!!!
يعرف المسلمون المسيح الدجال ووصفه ، وأن أتباعه هم اليهود ، وهو العين العمياء ، وهو يطوف في الأرض أربعين يومًا ، ويخدع ويتصرف ،As if he were a god ، ويأتي لمحاربة يسوع ابن مريم.
Anti (in place of) christ... The "666" number of the beast has already been "calculated". It's a translation from Greek to Latin and then understood in English. You won't like it but you already worship him or it's image... Jesus. Exodus 20: 3. "You shall have no other gods before me. 4. "You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, The real name of the Messiah is translated to Yeshua or in English, Joshua. This is the image brought to life. The mortal wound that was healed. Put the pieces together, he who hath understanding, and it is very clear. Get those fake Messiah images out of your homes, churches and minds.
He was not an anti Christ. This is foolishness. The word says his wife's turned his heart from the true God. Funny you look for patterns but tell the scripture. You take way to many liberties.
Thanks but please read the Quran and then judge. I love everyone. Also you can see ho Zionists are massacring Palestinians There won't be any peace treaty. The current Saud family are from the bloodline of a person who claimed himself prophet during the time of Muhammad. And to let you know the dome of Rock is not the Al Aqsa Mosque If you're thinking imam Mehdi would be antichrist then you're wrong. Let me tell you why. 1. Imam Mehdi would be a simple human being from the bloodline of Muhammad. He won't have any supernatural power and he'll not claim himself as God. 2. Jesus to Muslim Isa, would come to earth when imam Mehdi would be on the verge of defeat. Angel Gabriel would bring him on earth. Jesus, this time won't have any supernatural power as well. So, we can say Muslim who believe in their messiah won't have any supernatural power and none of them would claim to be God. So, there's no way muslims messiah will be antichrist. But as for christians they'll believe the antichrist to be Jesus. Because christian consider Jesus as God. They'll believe the antichrist as Jesus because he'll have supernatural power like rising the death, bringing heaven and hell on his hand and many other miracle. So, surely those christians who believe in Jesus to be God would choose antichrist over the real Jesus. As for the Jew they don't even consider Jesus as prophet let alone God. They'll again try to kill him this time because they'll have power and rule over the world from Jerusalem Israel. But antichrist would recognize Jesus and will run for his life. Jesus would swing his sword to kill the antichrist ending the war. After that the world would be peaceful for 10 or something years. Jesus will marry and will have children. Imam Mehdi would die 7 or something years later after the defeat of antichrist. But then again Gabriel would reveal to Jesus that a new savage nation is coming and they'll cause havoc on earth. He would tell Jesus to take his followers on mount Tur as us human beings won't have the ability to kill them. After Jesus prays to God he'll send deseae that will eat their necks and cause death to Gog and magog. There's more of it. But if you really want to know you've to read the Quran. Please read the Quran and hate Islam and Muslim afterwards. Read the Quran and try to find out your understanding on it. Don't just watch islamophobic contents on UA-cam. You don't have to trust anything about Islam. I'm just requesting to read the Quran and then you take your decision. According to Benedictine monk and abbot named Adso of Montier en Der (c 920-92)wrote antichrist would be a Jew from the tribe of Dan and born in Babylon. He'd be brought up in magics and wizard power. Jews in Jerusalem would accept him messiah and ruler and christians whom he couldn't convert would kill. Muslims also believe the same thing that antichrist would kill if they don't take him as God. You sent Another thing to be noted is the arrival of Imam Mehdi isn't mentioned in the quran. it's from the Hadith. Hadith is compilation of Muhammads wisdom, suggestions etc.
Psalm 2: 6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. 7 I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. 8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Read Isaiah 53
Elsy Quran 4.171] People of the Book, do not exaggerate your religion. Do not say about Allah except the truth. Indeed, the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, is only a Messenger (and Prophet) of Allah, and His Word (Be) which He gave to Mary, and a (created) spirit by Him. So believe in Allah and His Messengers and do not say: 'Trinity. ' Refrain, it is better for you. Allah is only One God. Exaltations to Him that He should have son! To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth, it is sufficient that Allah is the Guardian. -*I do not know why everyone is talking as if they do not know that Jesus, son of Mary of Nazareth, who was born two thousand years ago, is the Christ / al Messiah in Islam!!!
How can a person be an Anti-Christ, if he was born thousands of years before Jesus was born, and was abiding by Old Testament teachings and laws like Solomon. Not a very good example sir.
Anti-Christ will be a random idiot given power by Satan to trick people into believing he is Jesus, plus of course his ally a false prophet, (am starting to think Pope Francis is kinda sus)
You’re wrong. Muslims are also waiting for Jesus. Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, surely (Jesus,) the son of Mary will soon descend amongst you and will judge mankind justly (as a Just Ruler)
LMAo I feel you man!! I've wrote some really wild, random crazy shit too. Some good fun trolling is all good. As long as you have good sense of "mature" humor of course lol
“O Mary! Allah gives you the good news of a Word from Him, whose name is the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, who is illustrious in this world and the hereafter, and who is one of those brought near [to Allah]. (Quran - 3:45)
Two theories Jesus is the Christ and comes back as it but many will see him as the anti Christ. Like his first coming being crucified for blasphemy. He will be denied by people and also accepted like the past. Wherever that leads up to it will lead up to.. The anti Christ who claims to be Jesus or Christ i think I heard he claims to be one or the other... Is not Jesus or the Christ and just a deciever who will not succeed If Jesus "the Christ" came back and was seen as the anti Christ i feel as if he would or will succeed anyways no matter how he is portrayed... If he really is the messiah Jesus the Christ son of god... If Jesus the Christ is god. Or if the anti Christ is god that's another debate So either the christ and the anti Christ are one and the same or they're two different beings Also in regards to who or what god is that can only be shown in the future unless there is any old scripture that tells who god is. Yhwh Lord etc many have attributed him to Jesus. Jesus is called Lord of lords king of kings. The messiah . the chosen one. It can be assumed that he may be god the creator. Incarnating to exist in real life and manifest his self as god in the end..... But we shall all see .... Who is who what is what. What will be. Maybe Jesus is just a prince to be king he will be awarded as all and all will see the face of god apart from Jesus the messiah.. Or Maybe the face of god god will be shown through Jesus the christ. If he is indeed god. Now let's remember Jesus said he is the morning star aka lucifer and lucifer is satan the great red dragon the serpent. Which is shown as 1 of the 2 beast in revelations. Maybe satan and god are one in the same... Maybe they're apart... We will see. The beast that comes out of the sea (first beast) closely describes Jesus the Christ. The second beast out of the earth describes either the second coming of Jesus or someone who is becoming a copy of him. Could be (satan / dajjal / jesus) if we go by that Jesus is lucifer... The second beast also seems to have more authority and power then the first beast. I think they may be one and the same. First beast representing first coming of Jesus Second beast second coming of Jesus Also in revelations there is told of two beings who will walk in the end times and have power tp make fire come down from the sky and make it rain and not rain as much as they want to and spread disease . this is what dajjal is told that he's going to do to convince people that he is god. These two men may in fact be one dajjal and other idk yet aka the two beast one from sea and one from earth. But remember dajjal / anti Christ / false prophet may in fact be the christ the prophet Jesus. It's also told the two men will be killed and risen from the dead and everyone will be surprised.... So take this in count...
Zech 4:2 And he said to me, "What do you see?" So I said, "I am looking, and there is a lampstand of solid gold with a bowl on top of it, and on the stand seven lamps with seven pipes to the seven lamps. :3 "Two olive trees are by it, one at the right of the bowl and the other at its left." :11 Then I answered and said to him, "What are these two olive trees; at the right of the lampstand and at its left?" :12 And I further answered and said to him, "What are these two olive branches that drip into the receptacles of the two gold pipes from which the golden oil drains?" :13 Then he answered me and said, "Do you not know what these are?" And I said, "No, my lord." :14 So he said, "These are the two anointed ones, who stand beside the Lord of the whole earth." NB: The words 'two anointed ones' is better rendered the 'two sons of fresh oil'.
@@lightluz7426 The two lamp stands, or witnesses, are the old and new testaments. Watch Mark Woodman's video, "Who is the Antichrist". We all need this information.
Search where is the truth, we have only one life. If there is only one GOD...he must be only one true religion. GOD send lot of prophets to help people, with a clear message (don't wearship anthing accept your LORD, help people...) after people have got the choice to belive or not. People how belive and folow the prophete are submit to GOD and the will enter to Paradise. But people who reject the message or the prophet. Big part of jews reject Jesus, and wringht annother book (talmud) in place of the Thorat (true holy revelation). Christian change there religion for kings because they are persecutated (trinity) GOD is one but 3.... What the prophete King Salomon whorship idoles ?? He was one of bigest prophet. Don't speak about something if you haven't got khnowlege about it. If you reject 1 prophete or part of the message you reject all the prophets and all holly books. Islam is the religion wich accept and respect all prophets all times and all holly books even if they aren't rewringhted and transformed by humain hainds. All problems comme from bad people how change the religion to an evil ideology. Sorry for my bad english. We are brothers ans sisters on humanity, respect yourself.
The OFFICIAL title of the pope of rome is VICARIUS FILII DEI,(meaning:the MAN who stands in the place of GOD,)in the gematria,the letter/number value is=666...ITALIKA EKKLESIA,(italian church,)in the greek language is=666...LATEINOS,(latin speaking man or church,)in greek is=666...& finally,HE LATINE BASILEIA,(the latin kingdom,)in greek is=666...the ALMIGHTY did this so that EVERYONE could know who the REAL anti-christ is...
They asking a question to the wrong guy..!!😂 Firstly, at his coming, Jesus Christ will come and raise up his redeemed people, this is to the people who in another time were gentle but who today are a holy seed chosen from the olive tree grafted to the tree of life (attention) 🚫 (he does not touch the ground according to the Holy writings., (second) in his second return if he comes and makes landfall, and flies like the THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, THAT IS WHERE EVERY KNEE WILL BOW AND EVERY TONGUE WILL CONFESS THAT HE IS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. (REVELATION) THEN ALL THE NATIONS WILL LAMENT, THEY WILL SEE THAT THE ONE WHO WENT, THEY WILL SEE THE MARKS ON HIS HANDS, THE WOUNDS ON HIS SIDE AND THE THORNS ON HIS FOREHEAD, AND THEY WILL CRY TO SEE THAT. THE ISRAELITES AND THE ISHMAELITES WILL BE CALLED AT THAT TIME TO REPENTANCE First of all christ will return
11 times in Quran it calls Jesus the Messiah which means Islam is not the Antichrist.Antichrist gonna born in the Jews bloodline. When Muslim gonna lose Jerusalem and isreal will sead alot of Muslim blood.
The answer is no. The creator has always been and will always be, to all peoples. The savior has always been and will always be, to all peoples. The deceiver has always destined to be, and has been, to all peoples
1979 i rember choose Muhammad MY religion Jews my choose people Muhammad said his religion would protect me in Israel Jerusalem in heaven im Christ fool's don't be afraid put god first
There is definately some good content in this but when they character assisinate Solomon (May God be pleased with him) it gets a bit too much. From a islamic viewpoint, Solomon (AS) is the son of David, both righteous prophets. Prophets cannot sin, as they have to be people of God who send a message to the people, so they cannot be deviant. Solomon was a great jurist, he judged faierly between the people. He had a massive dominion, he had control over the Animals (who he could also talk to) and the Jinnes (fallen angels). He spoke about preaching the word of God. I think over the years because he had control over the fallen angles, people were upset by this and then then scribes changed the word of the bible. Even Noah is proclaimed to be a drunk... There is still a lot of truth in the bible. The mark of the beast has nothing really to do with technology, it's with us right now. Peace
TOP TIER GAMERS sins like drunk and naked, committing adultery with his own children, worshiping another god, committing adultery, God punishes the prophet by letting his wife sleep with other people and many other adultery. How these people bring the light.Yesus drunk too.they are a liar, adulterers and fool,we can doing too because all of the prophet doing too but bible say this is wrongdoing.😂😂😂😴we are not fool.
Jinns are not fallen angels my fren .. They are a separate creature from d angels & hv d option to chose right from wrong, like humans & unlike d angels ..
"And the Great city split into three parts; and the cities of the nations fell..." Revelation 16: 19 Christendom vs Muslim; and Muslim vs Jewry Iran BOMBS Israel Daniel 11: 44, 45. The US, allies have a war with 'Media and Persia', which today would be Iraq and Iran. Daniel 8: 20, 23-25 'in the final part of the days' Daniel 8: 17, 19 23. THIS war causes the total loss of the world's financial system Psalms 46: 4-6. The 'False prophet that is leading this war has the False prophecy of "Peace and security!" Revelation 19: 20. This is the 'Two horned 'beast'' the Anglo American world power Revelation 13: 11 that 'began speaking as a dragon', with LIES and MAN-SLAYING John 8: 44.
This all comes from the Book of Revelations. It was added to the New Testament because the Gospels and the Letters were so boring. I was in the Jesus Movement in the early 70s and I just wanted to read Revelations. The rest of the NT was a waste of time. Rev is just a re-write of the Book of Daniel and a few other bits and pieces. If I were still a Christian, I would be wary of Jesus returning. Think about it. A bunch of people are abducted up into the sky and that is supposed to be a good thing?
11 times in Quran it calls Jesus the Messiah which means Islam is not the Antichrist.Antichrist gonna born in the Jews bloodline. When Muslim gonna lose Jerusalem and isreal will sead alot of Muslim blood.
@Lilia murah what an ignorant comment to make on your behalf... what?? I guess you subscribe to an Eastern religion like Hinduism or Zoroastrianism. The joke is definitely on you.
The jews are still awaiting their messiah even though islam states that Jesus pbuh was the the messiah sent by God to a ppl who had gone astray. The messiah the jews await will be the antichrist/ dajjal who will be the greatest tribulation that God will send against mankind, before the end of days
Even now after 2000 years the beloved Jews have refused to believe that Jesus is the messiah’ even thou he came with power and clear signs
@@robertadams8530 YES , JEWS HAVE REFUSED TO ACCEPT JUSUS AS A MASSEIH(savior) and same thing is said in holy bible that there are already many antichrists present , further it define that the one who rejects to accept jusus as a masseih is antichrist. jews also believe their masseih will soon come in eye of jews masseih will be jusus but fact is an other whom (masseih) jews consider as a jusus but actually he will be (false masseih)antichrist not christ after three years second masseih will come on earth that will be true masseih(christ) and he will kill fist masseih (false masseih) means whom jews say true massieh or christ will be actually false masseih(antichrist) and second masseih = christ will kill first masseih(dajjal or antichrist or whom jews will follow as christ/true masseih.)
The anti-Christ for us is their mahdi
@@robertadams8530 of course they reject Jesus as their Messiah! This is the time of the Gentiles! The final one week of the 490 weeks (of years) prophecy shown to the prophet Daniel concerning thy people (Israel) is the final chastisement for their transgressions against God. Because of their transgressions, salvation was extended to us (Gentiles)....Furthermore; God placed a partial hardening upon them until the fullness of the church age is complete! This was predestined before the foundation of the world! He has chosen a remnant, also predestined and predetermined; to save during that final week (7 years) by the same loving grace that He offered and extended to us unto salvation! This is a Biblical fact that gets lost on many believers! Until one accepts where salvation truly comes from, which is a requirement to be in Christ, then it is difficult to not consider it to be an act of righteousness on the part of fallen man who is literally incapable of coming to the foot of the cross in complete submission without the intervention of the Grace of Almighty God! The Bible clearly says that many are called but few are chosen! It doesn't say that all are called and it doesn't say that many called on Me!
I say all of this because my heart is breaking when I see so many Christians who get stuck on a particular doctrine and become unable to see the Word come to life! Armenians do not understand the doctrine of election.....Calvinists do not typically understand the prophecies relating to Israel......Preterists deny the many unfulfilled prophecies that have yet to occur....and on and on!
I am in a rare camp because I 100% believe in most of the teachings of Calvin in spite of an intense struggle when God revealed to me that it is sound doctrine in regards to election, predestination, total depravity and perseverance of the saints especially! Yet I can not read the Bible and come to any other conclusion than there being a pre-trib rapture and a literal 1000 year reign of Christ on this earth! God bless and please consider listening to John MacArthur teach this. He is a stand alone teacher who does not align himself with man's theology. He developed his own theology by studying and meditating on God's word prayerfully! I don't even like typing things like Arminian and Calvinist or Darbyism! Too many Christians throw names around and give zero credit to their own brothers and sisters in Christ! There are and have been many great men of God who were called for a particular purpose! Who are we to throw stones at them and label them and those who grow in their faith from their teachings as heretics, just because we see it differently?
@@jonathannixon8652 I didn't see this for a long time, but this is true and explains a lot about how the great deception will likely occur! I am already seeing many supposed Christians accept the Islamic Jesus which means that they deny the Trinity and deny His death on the Cross which is our atonement! So heartbreaking!
Pastor, King Solomon repented during the end of his life; that is why he wrote Ecclesiastes. He is not the anti-Christ. Do not mis-lead people.....
He stated that he was a TYPE of anti-christ.
No your wrong Solomon never repented as a matter of fact scripture says his heart was not perfect towards the lord like David's and he began to worship demons
11 times in Quran it calls Jesus the Messiah which means Islam is not the Antichrist.Antichrist gonna born in the Jews bloodline. When Muslim gonna lose Jerusalem and isreal will sead alot of Muslim blood.
The antichrist described in the Bible are Gilgamesh, Nebuchadnezzar and Solomon, Dajjal is said to be King of Jews, Solomon is 666th name in the bible and Dajjal mean to plated will gold to dajjel something is plate in gold (arabic), the antichrist which means Dajjal is in Solomon's Dream on his throne, The Antichrist is known use black magick with is aided Djinns, Solomon consulted got aid from animals, angels, and djinns.
Solomon ruled under caliphate in Islam (during a golden age a golden caliphate of islam) who betray the rules Yahweh establishes Gold World Peace with united world and performs the miracles of the chosen magi, Nebuchadnezzar had Statue of Might going against "G-d or Yahweh" he ruled in Ancient Islamic Nation
IN revelation is said he Anitchrist Builds a Image of perfection to worship essence the great king with image of that perfect in gold as a giant statue they bow to worship it as you cannot find a flaw in the image of gold!
, The Antichrist is richest man in history like Solomon a hadith says he will be jew like Solomon, Solomon 666 talents of gold and skills in sorcery. He implants his mark of beast which known as 666 name connect with man, only who had that number his Solomon he is the beast just like described as Nebuchadnezzar was described Nebuchadnezzar claimed to be God of Heavens had people bow to his statue 5 times a day and he claimed to be Allah in ancient Uruk (Iraq). To declare oneself is God is Saying I an the Messiah, I am Allah's Masih Dajjal Meaning the God's Satanic Messiah Antichrist Coved in Gold.
He was a mighty and pious messenger of God. All stories against him are not really true.
People think our messiah is Mahdi. He is not. He is just a leader. The messiah is Jesus Christ in Islam. He is the only messiah. The meaning of messiah is "the anointed one". He is extremely important in the end times to fight the antichrist.
@Phantom he is known to be just a man. No powers, no guiding people to think HE is God. He will just be a leader. He is not even a prophet. The antichrist is a deceiver who wants you to worship him instead of God.
@@anisfarhad1506 can you quote the verse about the powers of Mahdi?
SarielReigns777 He dosent have powers he is just a leader like a president, hes a normal human
@Lilia murah who told you that?
True christians will not submit to the Mahdi and the "muslim Jesus" will destroy the church. That's the spirit of the antichrist ☪️. Real followers of christ will not submit to Islam. We can't not deny his holy name.
Prophet Solomon peace be upon him did not disbelieve he was a thankful to God .
@Subzone I write whatever I want Go to your mama kid
Solomon did not disbelieve. He's not the antichrist either because Jesus wasn't even born in his days. Where I disagree with Islam is that prophets do commit sin. There is no human who doesn't commit sin. Those things Solomon did in the Bible, he actually did them. The difference is that prophets don't make excuses. They repent and make amends quickly when God says they have erred. Solomon died as a prophet, not as an apostate. He's still a prophet. Moses wasn't allowed to enter the promised land because he failed to glorify God in front of the people at the waters of Meriba. But he still remains a prophet and we should still follow his words. There is no human who doesn't commit sin. Only Jesus didn't commit sin because He is God. But every human person commits sin. The struggle is, do we make excuses and make sin a lifestyle or do we repent and move on again. Even in that, we look to the prophets to see how they cope.
@@tempstep4058 the believers will come to Jesus peace be upon him in the judgment day after they came to all prophets every prophet will say his sin and they fear God they will say to Jesus peace be upon him please tell our Lord to start to Judge us and You are his word and God send you before Jesus peace upon him will say Myself Myself people had take me as a God I can't but Jesus peace be upon him is the only prophet will tell them Go to that servant whom God Forgives all his sins before and after then they will Go to Muhammad peace be upon him and he will say Ana Laha I'm the one who can do it and this what we call Almaqam Almahmud the prasing place which God has promised Muhammad peace be upon him.
You see, all of that is written in prophesy that it will happen even before Mohammed was born. But it wasn't written as a good thing in our Bible. The false Jesus, sometimes mentioned as the false prophet will come and tell people to worship his leader. The Bible says to make sure not to listen to him. He's the false Jesus. When he claims he's not God who came in the flesh, I will give him my back and run away from him as fast as I can because I know what is written in prophesy.
@@tempstep4058 tell me and be honest about it in front of me and our God who is that prophet who mentioned in you book who will come to the children of Qaidar (kedar) and make them glorif a God in mountin Sela who is that prophet who will come to the Arabs don't tell me Jesus peace be upon him because we never saw him in Arabia .
Quran 2:102
And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, "We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic]." And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah . And the people learn what harms them and does not benefit them. But the Children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew.
Dajjal this is antichrist
@@si_bent8309 that's exactly right. Their Messiah fits the exact description of the antichrist.
Allah is the serpent who deceived Adam and Eve. The Mehdi is the Biblical antichrist in Revelations. The Muslim Isa is the false prophet who helps the beast. When the Dajjal, which, in fact, is the true Christian Jesus returns, He defeats the antichrist and the false prophet and throws them into the lake of fire. The Bible also says the beast will ignore the God of his fathers and serves a god of war. Today, it is easy to see that it is Islam. The beast will overcome the saints and create a one-world government and religion. He will rule from Jerusalem for 7 years, and the true Messiah comes and puts the world out of his tyrannical, head chopping misery. Many Christand and Jews will be beheaded. So, it is true that Islam will dominate briefly before it is destroyed. That's the truth. That seven years is called "the tribulation" in Christianity and Jacob's troubles in the Old Testament. Be ready, Christians. It's coming soon. Fear not those who can only kill the flesh, Jesus said. When He comes back, the few who didn't convert to the beast's religion will receive Jesus up on the air when He arrives. And the entire world, which, at the time, is fully, Muslim will be terrified and beg the mountains to fall on them to hide them from the one who sits on His throne. But there will be no salvation for them, and they pay for all the souls that they beheaded. Believe in the true Jesus, my friend. There's still hope. I advise that you read Ezekiel chapter 38, The book of Zachariah, the book of Daniel, and The book of Revelations.
The Mahdi is Satan
Ezekiel 8:16 ''twenty-five men. With their backs toward the temple of the LORD and their faces toward the east, they were bowing down to the sun in the east.''
Revelation 11:2 ''But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months.
We learn many things from these parallel verses in Old Testament and New Testament. Outer court is where Al-Aqsa and Dome of the Rock is so they will be Antichrist. It says backs toward temple and says they are facing east, this means Temple will be rebuilt west of Dome of the Rock so ''Western wall'' will be the eastern wall of the 3rd Temple. I believe in the coming years that Archaeology will prove Temple mount today was Fort Antonia
Amazing revelation!! Gave me goosebumps. Praise Jesus our Lord and Savior
Bulls-Eye! And you are not alone in this assertion. Blessings, Bro
11 times in Quran it calls Jesus the Messiah which means Islam is not the Antichrist.Antichrist gonna born in the Jews bloodline. When Muslim gonna lose Jerusalem and isreal will sead alot of Muslim blood.
@@arkangel3610 no
@@arkangel3610 Anti christ is not Jewish for sure. It's possible that he may not really be a human.
Scriptures DO say the believers/ faithful to God will be beheaded because of their refusal to accept the antichrist.
WHICH religion today does not accept Jesus as GOD and Lord over all creation ("All authority has been given to me by the Father"-Jesus' own words) ?
Which religion is famous for beheading their enemy ?
Japanese don't really have a religion? ???
Just a Human hello sir correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Jesus say the same ones I teach are the same ones that are gonna turn on me, meaning the Jews? So the anti Christ should be the new leader of the Jews?
@@ThePrototypeClutch Bro the messaih is the antichrist himself don't believe whoever tells u another thing they are trying to pull u to to their side the jews control everything these days specially social media so take care illuminati is real and the messaih is the antichrist.
@@thegirrafe2828 u prob right lmao i guess we will see
@CallMeOgmios maybe the anti Christ isn't Christ aka Jesus. Like they say and they will rid of him and Jesus will be given his throne as the messiah lol or maybe the anti Christ is in fact the Christ Jesus. And what's written is just a metaphor to what will happen in sense of transformatiion for the anti christ / Christ
Hmm lets see what the Quran says:
When the angels said: “O Mary! Allah gives you the good news of a Word from Him, whose name is the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, who is illustrious in this world and the hereafter, and who is one of those brought near [to Allah]. (3.45)
Not only is our Messiah the same Jesus the son of Mary peace be upon them.
The prophet Muhammed peace and blessings be upon him in a hadith said:
"And you will fight the false messiah together with the christians."
The prophet
Exactly 👏👏 Jesus is the only messiah ever
The Jesus of the Quran from the outside appears to be the Same until you dig deeper! The Jesus in the Quran is from many pseudo-gospel, Apocryphas new Testament, gnostic writings.
The different Jesus in the Quran did not die on the Cross, a substitute was used instead and did not fulfill the 365 Messianic Prophecies that Jesus Christ of Nazareth fulfilled. This means this different Jesus in the Quran is a Failing Messiah.
And because the Messiah did not die and used a substitute on the cross to make it look he did, this means this different god Allah is a deceiving god fooling the eye witnesses.
I though the same until I studied.
That is assuming after the Christians, after being terrified in the wake of brutal persecution, have converted to Islam. Otherwise, it's impossible
@@rc6289 “until you dig deeper”
Its not only about digger deeper. Because this/your line of thinking leads you to arrogantly divide yourself from history. Just because people of old such as mohammed have ignorantly and deceitfully ADDED to the ideologies/histories of God and his son doesnt make them seperate identities. Just different ideologies/followings based on adding and subtracting to their personalities teachings and histories
@@TheArmchairPriest He wasnt arguing for islam
The Islamic Messiah is not Antichrist. He is son of virgin Mary and will come back. You need lean the Islamic etymology
@@jonathanhack5641 Yes, Mahdi is also one of the important person in the Islamic world. But he is not Messiah.
I’m also extremely geared up if
and in the game about these last days we are definitely living in !!! If this guy is as ready as I am he is trying the best he can to contain his energy!!!!! I dread it for the ones rejecting the truth but I am ready to be with my savior in eternity and praise his holiness for ever and ever !!!! Where my voice will never become tired or falter !!! Come quickly lord Jesus !!!
AMEN, Sister!
You believe "Jesus to be the Messiah" but the author of the quran does not.
1 Thessalonians 1:5 “For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.” 1 Thessalonians 5:1 “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:2 “For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.” 1 Thessalonians 5:3 “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”1 Thessalonians 5:4 “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.” 1 Thessalonians 5:5 “Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.”
We Muslims believe that Jesus, peace be upon him, is the same who sent you calling for Christianity and we believe that he not die, but resembled to those who wanted to kill him and believe that he descends at the end of time to fight with the Muslims against the Antichrist who is another enemy of Muslims
The Mahdi is our antichrist, look up Perry Stone.
@@camillehendricks9819 how ?
@@makinot7122 Everything you're waiting for and looking for in a Mhadi is what we are looking out for in the anti-christ(false prophet)...
Camille Hendricks
The Mahdi is not the Messiah in Islam In fact, the closest thing to his character in your books is Elija's return
@@camillehendricks9819 wrong no bad guy will like islamic religion if the onticrist is bad in your religion
Reading the bible opened my eyes, I know realized
Well did you realize that the Bible has been corrupted, verses have been taken out and added to it? It's not infallible, and I don't know about you, but if something is 99% true it's a lie, it doesn't matter how much truth the Bible has if it's not the full truth it's a lie and it's corrupted. Such as 1 John 5:7 which was added by the Catholics to support their unbiblical trinity. God knows Himself, if He was a trinity He would've said so, but He didn't.
Samuel Varughese tell me one lie and the punishments re almost identical to bible did you read it?
@Samuel Varughese have u read it first
Allah is a pagan kaaba stone from mecca 🕋
Sure, man has physically corrupted the Holy scriptures. That is why Almighty God has blessed mankind with His Spirit of Holiness. Read the Holy scriptures prayerfully.
I like the Humility of the interviewer...
Great Biblical discussion. Imam Al Mahdi (the Antichrist) will not be Islam’s “Messiah”-but their twelfth and final Caliph. Isa Al Masih (the False Prophet) will be Islam’s “Messiah.” We as Christians know that the one true Messiah is Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Where did he get all his reference for solomon? Wow totally different from my own
God’s people will do exploits in the last days. As the darkness gets darker, God’s people will shine brighter.
If Christ is a friend of sinners , his opposite , the Antichrist , is the enemy of sinners...he is coming into the world to destroy sinners and their evil works...
THE ANSWER IS NO. Jesus is a Prophet of God and THE MESSIAH in Islam. We believe in Prophet Jesus's aka THE MESSIAH's second coming followed by the arrival of another Islamic warrior Imam Mehdi. Jesus and Mehdi will fight the Antichrist together.
@Off Grid Gringo what point
@Off Grid Gringo what a brainwashed and misguided dude. Are you sure you're not following the footsteps of Satan and Antichrist cause you seem like it. First read your book then come at us.
1. Bible, Psalms, Torah and the Quran belongs to Allah. He sent down these books each with a Prophet. We believe in the book given to David, Moses, Jesus and our final messenger Muhammad PBUH.
2. Allah is the same God in the bible, psalms, torah and the Quran. All the Prophets starting from Adam to Muhammad SAW. They all spread the message of the same God. Each nation had a different name for Him. Some call him God, Yahweh and others call him Allah. The message is same. "God is One and He created the universe. He doesn't beget nor is He is begotten. All of the universes belongs to Him" mentioned in all of the 4 major monotheistic books. Allah means One God in Arabic. Al means one and Ilah means God. Together we say Allah ( One God)
2. Jesus is the messenger of God.
Antichrist is Ad-Dajjal. He will be born in a Jewish family. He will create disputes and spread falsehood. Misguide people. Just like you are being misguided by the Antichrist right now.
3. Jesus will come back on earth again and kill the Antichrist. Accompanied by a Muslim Leader Imam Mahdi, Jesus will kill the Antichrist and stop wars. Jesus will continue to live on earth and die a natural death. Since he is human like us.
4. The messiah of the jews is the antichrist of the Islamic and Christianic faith. Please revise your own religion.
5. Mahdi is not a messenger. He's a warrior. He will be here to protect the world from injustice. He will only accompany Jesus to fight the Antichrist.
Off Grid Gringo there is one thing in your argumentation that doesn’t make sense, i mean everything you said doesn’t make sense because there is no proof why the things you said could be true but here:
Islam Said That the dajal is one eyed, i heard that Christians beliehe also That the antichrist is one eyed is that right? So we both will recognize the dajal/antichrist. We know that Jesus (pbuh) and mahdi wont we one eyed.
Islam is real religion and and true messiah
Islam was developed from Syrian anti-Trinitarian Christians for historical and theological reasons. Khalifate rulers of the time needed to unite their regions under the arab language and one version of worship which could not be just a heretic form of Christianity. Some things of Islam were developed organically and some developed intensionally. Anyway this description can fall in the description of antichrist as at first these Syrian anti-Trinitarians were Christians preaching what they thought was right...
Islam’s messiah is Jesus lol , god damn learn something man
No. The Isa and Jesus of the Bible are not the same. Isa is the false prophet who aids the Antichrist in Revelation 12
@@isaiah53apologetics56 also Mahdi Will reign 7 years just like the anti christ
@@isaiah53apologetics56 Jesus Peace be upon him, in islam is the messiah born of a virgin who will have a 2nd coming & rule the kingdom of God on earth. Also read Matthew 21:43, another nation would produce the kingdom of God & Muhammad peace be upon him is the new tenant from the same parable
The Messiah in Islam ( Al Mesih) is Jesus himself.
Sorry brother, but Islamic Messiah & Cristian Messiah is same, your study is wrong.
There are not, and never the same.
100 Commandments and Doctrines from the Quran
1. Do not be rude in speech (3:159)
2. Restrain anger (3:134)
3. Be good to others (4:36)
4. Do not be arrogant (7:13)
5. Forgive others for their mistakes (7:199)
6. Speak to people mildly (20:44)
7. Be moderate in your bearing and the volume of your speech (31:19)
8. Do not ridicule others (49:11)
9. Be dutiful to parents (17:23)
10. Do not say a word of disrespect to parents (17:23)
11. Do not enter parents’ private room without asking permission (24:58)
12. Commit to writing any transaction involving the taking or giving of loans (2:282)
13. Do not follow anyone blindly (2:170)
14. Grant more time to repay if the debtor is in hard times (2:280)
15. Don’t be involved with usury or interest (2:275)
16. Do not engage in bribery (2:188)
17. Do not break any promise (2:177)
18. Keep and fulfil all trusts (2:283)
19. Do not mix the truth with falsehood (2:42)
20. Judge with justice between people (4:58)
21. Stand out firmly for justice (4:135)
22. Wealth of the dead should be distributed among his family members (4:7)
23. Women have the right of inheritance (4:7)
24. Do not take for yourself the property of orphans (4:10)
25. Protect orphans (2:220)
26. Do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly (4:29)
27. Facilitate peace between those in conflict (49:9)
28. Avoid being suspicious (49:12)
29. Spend wealth in charity (57:7)
30. Encourage feeding of the poor (107:3)
31. Seek out the needy and help them (2:273)
32. Do not spend money extravagantly (17:29)
33. Do not invalidate charity by bragging about your generosity (2:264)
34. Honor guests (51:26)
35. Enjoin virtue to others only after practicing it yourself (2:44)
36. Do not engage in or spread corruption (2:60)
37. Do not prevent people from going to houses of worship (2:114)
38. Never engage in fighting as an aggressor but only in defense (2:190)
39. Do not engage in compulsion regarding religion (2:256)
40. Believe in all prophets (2:285)
41. Do not have sexual intercourse during the menstrual period (2:222)
42. Do not commit adultery (17:32)
43. Choose leaders based on their merit (2:247)
44. God does not burden a person beyond his capacity; nor should we (2:286)
45. Do not become divided (3:103)
46. Think deeply about the wonders of nature and the creation of this universe (3:191)
47. Men and women have equal rewards for their deeds (3:195)
48. Do not marry those related to you by blood (4:23)
49. The man is the protector and supporter of the family (4:34)
50. Do not be miserly (4:37)
51. Do not envy others (4:54)
52. Do not support or be an advocate for those who betray their trusts (4:105)
53. Support one another in virtue and piety, not in sin or enmity (5:2)
54. Be just and do not let hatred swerve you from justice (5:8)
55. Do not consume dead animals, the blood of animals, or pork (5:3)
56. Avoid intoxicants and alcohol (5:90)
57. Do not gamble (5:90)
58. Do not insult other people’s deities (6:108)
59. Be honest; don’t cheat in any of your dealings (6:152)
60. Eat and drink but be not excessive (7:31)
61. Wear good clothing during prayer times (7:31)
62. Protect and help those who seek protection (9:6)
63. Strive for purity (9:108)
64. Never give up hope of Allah’s Mercy (12:87)
65. Know that Allah forgives a wrong done out of ignorance if the person repents and corrects himself (16:119)
66. Inviting others to the way of God should be done with wisdom and graciousness (16:125)
67. No one can bear another person’s sins (17:15)
68. Do not kill your children for fear of poverty (17:31)
69. Avoid vain talk (23:3)
70. Respect other people’s privacy, especially in their own homes (24:27)
71. Know that God provides security and peace to those who worship Him and act virtuously (24:55)
72. Be modest and humble (25:63)
73. Strive for reward in the Hereafter but do not neglect your affairs in this world (28:77)
74. Invoke not any other deity along with God (28:88)
75. Do not engage in homosexuality (29:29)
76. Enjoin the right and forbid the wrong (31:17)
77. Women should not display or flaunt their beauty and charms (33:33)
78. God forgives all sins when the sinner repents and turns to Him (39:53)
79. Repel evil by something that is better (41:34)
80. Decide affairs by consultation (42:38)
81. Know that there should be no monasticism in religion (57:27)
82. Those who have knowledge will be given a higher rank by God (58:11)
83. Treat non-Muslims in a kind and fair manner (60:8)
84. Stay away from greed and stinginess (64:16)
85. Do not ignore or push away the needy (93:10)
86. Pardon and forgive the mistakes of others (3:135)
87. Establish prayer and give in charity (31:4)
88. Know that the bounty of God is better than anything man can amass or hoard (10:58)
89. God puts love and affection between the hearts of those who believe in Him (8:63)
90. Those who purify their souls succeed, and those who corrupt their souls fail (91:10)
91. Those who believe in God find satisfaction in remembering Him (13:28)
92. Those who believe and do good are given joy and peace of mind (13:29)
93. Enjoin patience and compassion (90:17)
94. Know that God gave humans hearing, sight, intelligence, and affections so that they might be grateful (16:78)
95. Compete with one another in doing good (21:90)
96. Know that God created the universe with meaning and purpose (3:191)
97. Guard your modesty (23:5)
98. Know that being just is next to piety (5:8)
99. Fight when necessary to defend yourselves but do not aggress (2:190)
100. Know that it is only righteousness that makes a person noble (49:13)
How can this reach imams to remind them not to judge others?
1 name, jus 1 name, Ad Dajjal..remember that in this end times.. Yes a human, with a slight given powers (so as to deceive), blinded or has a deformed eye on the right side, this is the antichrist or false messiah that we are talking about in this end times.. That is why there is the much anticipated Jesus (pbuh) second coming, he comes back with a purpose, to destroy the antichrist and its army and restore peace and righteousness in this world back..
Solomon wasn't a type of the AntiChrist. Solomon offered sacrifices to false gods at the end of his life but none of them were human sacrifices. He never sacrificed his children. He may have burned incense to them or something to that degree. Still forbidden but a far cry from what this man is saying. The host should have checked him on that immediately.
The only two things that I disagree with are:
1.) when 11:07 he said Deuteronomy came after king Saul and king David.
2.) When 21:08 he jokingly said the good news is, people can get HIS book, then went into a testimony about himself. There's only one good. That was the time to uplift the Most High to the highest!
Overall, a great video loaded with insight! I agree that Solomon was surely a form of the antichrist. Antichrist is anti-God. We can trace that spirit back to Eden and can still see it in modern day.
The good news is, Jesus is coming soon! Familiarize yourselves with the Word of God and strengthen yourselves with the Spirit of God whom is the only way to prepare for the times ahead.
Well I have a question. I’m a Muslim and I believe that Allah is god and that will Jesus is my savior and that he will save us all form the antichrist. Will Jesus accept me? Because ever since I accepted Jesus as my savior,I have felt more happier but I still want to be a Muslim.
@@awesomenoice5271 To be blunt brother, (or sister?) the spirit that muslims channel from the quran contradicts the Spirit of God whom is the scriptures of the Holy Bible. Although you claim to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you deny him by saying you want to be a muslim too. The quran and those who follow it's teachings, reject and deny Jesus of His diety.
True followers of Jesus do NOT believe that allah is God and although muslims rightfully believe that Jesus is returning, the very person that they will think is Jesus will in reality be the deceiver.
If you want the TRUE Jesus to accept you, read and accept Romans 10:9-13. Only God knows the hearts of men. You seem like you are searching. If you TRULY desire for God to reveal His truths to you, ask Him Matthew 7:7-8. Again, God knows the heart. I encourage you to humble yourself and be completely honest with God if you choose to enter His presence. He hears those prayers. Peace to you.
@@Heard_0f_God I know but I still want to believe in Jesus and be a Muslim. We may have different conceptions of Jesus in all three religions but we still accept him as ours.
@@Heard_0f_God and also lots of Muslims believe is their savior and Messiah. It’s the only non Trinitarian faith to believe it. Judaism doesn’t believe Jesus is their savior or their prophet but Islam does.
@@awesomenoice5271 If you want to believe in the Jesus of Islam then that is your choice, but that is not the real Jesus. I cannot lie to you and say otherwise as a follower of the true Jesus.
If you believe in God. Why are you waiting for humans to save you? God has never gone anywhere. He is always here for us
@Subzone You cannot prove what you say. I think you are just repeating these words to reassure yourself. I follow the religion of Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And they were not worshiping humans. Just One non-composite or fragmented God.
@@الياسيس-ط6ج they are confuse of themself.we Muslim only ship Allah not a humans
Jesus was born out of a virgin, his father is God. Jesus is not from a human seed, he only had a human body. To fulfil God’s purpose. Even your quran says that Jesus was holy, perfect mighty and without sin. We know that those characteristic are
Godly. Because no human is without sin. But Jesus he mighty
Do you mind to quote phrases from the Qur’an that say "perfect mighty and without sin".
11:46 People don't know but I can show you in the Bible where Solomon is the 1st king of Israel to institute child sacrifice.."
And he doesn't, leaving anybody listening to him in doubt.
17:55, he says of his view of the end times, "..this is the SuperBowl of human history. Put me in the game, Coach. You know, don't take me out..."
Is he, as a pastor, not aware the end times is a time of great trial & tribulation for all believers? It will be a terrible, terrible time for all believers. But this guy who is a pastor says "It's stomping time.."
He seems, to me at least, to be the guy who wears all the right military gear, smears his face with camouflage cream and slings his rifle and then only to ask, "Where's the MPV bringing us to the battle?" And whether the MPV has air-conditioning and whether he will get to eat while travelling. When the battle gets too tiring and dirty, he ask to go home because it was not the "stomping time" promised to him.
There is a reason why God made the other tribes of Israel support the Levites fully so that Levites do not need to work. Their only work is ministering before God.
Now look at this guy hustle.
Buy my book!! Buy my book!!
What a moron.
CTVN? I'll check you guys out. Great guest.
Mahdi repents in one night and becomes the most pious Muslim on earth. Allah ‘rectifies’ him in one night. I got a hunch this is the resurrection of antichrist mid trib and he begins the persecution on Jews. Makes sense!
Yes! Spot on! He is the anti christ. I was born and raised as a Muslim. I just left it and became a Christian a couple of months ago. As a Muslim, they taught me that mahdi will bring all nations together once and for all. No more division. That sounds like the nwo plans to me! Because the nwo plan is to bring a one world religion.
Messiah of Jews is not Muslim's anti-christ.
The key is what signs each religions have in their scriptures for Anti-christ and Jesus(peace be upon him). I believe there are no signs given in New testament for Anti-christ.
The Anti-christ in Islam is someone who would claim he is God and force people to acknowledge him as God. He will force every believer whether Muslim or not to accept him as God. I don't think that's a Jewish concept of Messiah.
I worry those people who have the tendency of accepting a human as God, may fall into his trap.
No he will not
He will not FORCE them to believe he will perform miracles in front of the people to trick them into believing his Is God when he is not
So far in history, it's Islam that forced people to convert to it with the edge of the sword. Mahdi will complete what the abusive religion started with Muhammad (peace be upon us all. Sorry, no point wishing peace for a dead man). I will always reject the Mehdi and his religion. The religion of Jesus Christ is the only peaceful and truthful one. I won't kill for Islam nor the cross, but I will pay any cost even if it means I die for the cross, halleluiah.
@@heberzerk6008 It's The Worst Fitnah In History Since The Creation Of Adam (S) , He Would Do Pretty Incridble Things
يأمر السماء فتمطر و يأمر الأرض فتنبت تتبعه كنوز الأرض، .........إلخ
He Would Also Make A Satan Shapeshift Somebody's Father And Tell Him To Follow Him , And That's Massively Deceipting
But We Know A Sign Of Him Sich Is The Fact That He Is ( أعور )
He Has A Proper Eye And The Other Is Not
Where in the Bible does it say that Solomon sacrificed his child to Molech?
1st Kings 11 talks about solomon creating pagan temples and allowing his wives to worship and sacrifice to their gods one of their gods being molech the Canaanite god molech is infamous for the sacrifice of boiling babies alive
@@hottboy6712 they lied about prophet Solomon peace be upon him
This is awesome!!
1:36 this man has no idea of what he's talking about Muslims believe that the Messiah of the jews was Jesus may peace be upon him
Who the present day Jews are expecting to be the Messiah... When the Jews accept a Messiah it would be the Anti Çhrist in the eyes of Muslims.
So the day a Messiah accepted by the Jews in future will be the Anti Çhrist in the eyes of the Muslims. The Jews see Jesus as that and Christians and Muslims see Jesus as the Messiah but not the Jews
Everyone interprets the Bible to suit the whim and caprice of their people and race,but only The Lord knows what is happening and to them that the glory of salvation is due !
Not true, only the wicked do that.
Forget fighting for guns, now we must make a preemptive strike to protect the Bible.
Foolish child/mortal no man can stop what must come before God destroys antichrist and all the Nations that support him in person antichrist wil come and 2/3 of mankind will be destroyed before Armageddon
11 times in Quran it calls Jesus the Messiah which means Islam is not the Antichrist.Antichrist gonna born in the Jews bloodline. When Muslim gonna lose Jerusalem and isreal will sead alot of Muslim blood.
@XxneveragainxX Jesus will save us insha'Allah
Must be more Mandela Effects?! Because when I was little going to Sunday Christian church studies, King Solomon was the perfect son and King who only made one mistake which was to trick the Queen of Sheba to his bed which created his Son that left Israel with the ark of the convent to Ethiopia which created a small Jewish Community and later one of the first Christian community.
Do Not Be An Idiot And Get Deceipted By Such Damned Lies
Tyvm , we all must use what God has given us to spread the good news of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Humble yourself and ask him he will respond.
It doesnt matter what they tells you
It's all about what you beleive
You just have to open your eyes
The truth does not come from what one believes.
It does matter what you believe especisly if you believe a lie.
There is only one truth and it does not depend on ones belife.
Antichrist gonna born in the Jews bloodline. When Muslim gonna lose Jerusalem and isreal will sead alot of Muslim blood.
Not true at all !
I studied Christianity and Islamic point of view about the Messiah and they both agreed that Jesus Christ son of Mari is the messiah no doubt about it if you read it fairly and he shall save the world from the Antichrist and his followers and he will rule the world and bring peace……….. but they conflict about in which side Jesus Christ is and Muslims believe that Jesus will die later after he fulfilled his final mission and there will be no good days after his death until the judgment day . That’s the only difference
I always thought that jesus was the jewish messiah
Yonis Ali Yahweh has no favorites Amos 9:7 Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? saith the LORD. Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt? and the Philistines from Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir?
11 times in Quran it calls Jesus the Messiah which means Islam is not the Antichrist.Antichrist gonna born in the Jews bloodline. When Muslim gonna lose Jerusalem and isreal will sead alot of Muslim blood.
He is, they just dont know it yet
He is
@ Subzone Most of the Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah. That’s the conflicting view. If they had realized who He is, there would have never been a separate Christianity. Christianity is what Judaism, as far as salvation goes, should have been. Most of them refused to believe the truth that Jesus is God the Son. God made flesh. But considering Jews have no temple and aren’t offering sacrifices as the Law demanded, Jews don’t even follow true Judaism anymore.
Bottomline god doesn’t walk on earth nor he will be formed as a man
So, there is something that God can't do? He can't walk the earth?
Search minor and major signs of judgement day or Qiyamah in will provide you with a comprehensive view.
Remember that prophets Mosa, Isa (Jesus) and Mohammad (peace and blessings be upon them all) had essentially preached the same message which is worship God alone and don’t associate any partners with him.
@@AM-qv9yf danial, Paul, etc a, b, c ,d perons knew yesuwah... OK.. Agree..
But Abraham knew yesuva, moses knew Abraham. Lollll... Mixing the lie with truth... Nice job man..
@@AM-qv9yf what bible credit to DAVID... You tel me what your forfather write badly about DAVID.. ????? David story
It's not my Bible it's God's.
It's not my story, it's Gods.
@@AM-qv9yf its gods word before corrupted by human hand .... Now it is nothing
Prophet Solomon is not anti-christ, he didn't do child sacrifice. That's all propaganda of Satan. He was a pious messenger of God. May peace and blessings be of God on him.
Solomon did commit those sins because it is recorded in the word of God. But he is not the antichrist. Christ was not even born in his time. This man is completely wrong. Solomon's sins were where the division of the kingdom of Israel began. Doesn't mean God rejected him and he stopped being a prophet. God still holds him as his prophet. You can't say prophets never commit sin. All humans do. Moses wasn't allowed to enter the promised land because he failed to glorify God in front of the people at the waters of Meriba. But that doesn't mean he stopped being a prophet or we never listen and follow him. The Bible says there is no person that hasn't committed sin and has fallen short of the glory of God. Jesus committed no sin because Jesus is God. But prophets aren't 100% sinless. The difference is, when they commit sin, they acknowledge it and they make ammends to it. God is forgiving to all who repent. But there is no human who lived that never committs sin. Our struggle has to be to not justify and make sin our lifestyle. But if we slip up, we repent and move on again.
You stopped it! Good for you mom. It is a battle of unseen forces. Ephesians.
This speaker is correct that the church has not overtaken the Church. We are grafted in and have to follow the rules given to them i.e. the Law but not living it in letter but in spirit. Jew have added to the Law Rabbinical laws and the Church claims the Law is done away with. True we are justified by grace through faith but we are sanctified by the Law.
If the Islamic MAHDI (Muslim Messiah) is the AntiChrist, then, there is no need to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem when the Mahdi comes, he will just SIT at the Dome of the Rock in front of the Al Aqsa Mosque... right?... therefore, the Muslims will not allow the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque to be removed in the Temple Mount if that is the case...
Where in the bible does it say he sacrificed children? Anyone knows
2 Thessalonians 2:4 says that the antichrist will claim to be God and the islamic messiah will not claim to be God because as muslims we believe a man who claims to be God is a liar. Therfore the Islamic messiah cannot be the antichrist
"And he (Collection of Papal clergy priests) deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs ( Catholic Antichrist miracles) which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast (Antichristendom Papal Antichrist kingdom) telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast (image is idol which is Eucharist/Mass Wafer they believe through transubstantiation the bread literally becomes Jesus they turned bread into idol this is THE Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Daniel and Jesus in Matthew 24. 70AD destruction was a type of desolation but not THE Abomination of Desolation. Notice how Jesus uses the word THE basically he's alluding to the worst idol which is the Eucharist Mass bread) who was wounded by the sword and lived. (Rome wounded when it became Christian empire it was healed when paganism was revived under Roman Catholicism)" The word APOSTATE in the Greek equals the number of the beast and APOSTATE is a name of a person and aka name of name of the beast. Specifically people would fall away from the true church and embrace the doctrine of demons which includes the worship of saints, relics and sepluchres (accept Antichrist idolatry and setup idolatry in their heart so Antichrist spiritually rules from within the idolator's temple (their physical body). Thessalonians talks about the Great Apostasy where people will become APOSTATE - Revelation 13:14 NKJV
There's three religions , every one thinks he's religion is the true one . One of them is the truth , and in the afterlife there's heaven or hell . Everyone must do deep researsh before it's too late , because at the end hell or heaven are waiting for us and there's no excuse for us everyone has enough time to chose .
The Islamic Messiah known as the Mahdi or the 12th imam is the Biblical Anti-Christ. The Islamic Jesus is the false Jesus, the Biblical Jesus who is the Messiah of Israel and saviour for all mankind (to the Jew first, and then to the Gentile) is the true and real Jesus. The true and real Jesus is the son of the Living God, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, one who fulfilled Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 and other prophecies describing himself, the one who had to come and die a nd resurrect from uthe dead prior to the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Second Temple.
If you're thinking imam Mehdi would be antichrist then you're wrong. Let me tell you why.
1. Imam Mehdi would be a simple human being from the bloodline of Muhammad. He won't have any supernatural power and he'll not claim himself as God.
2. Jesus to Muslim Isa, would come to earth when imam Mehdi would be on the verge of defeat. Angel Gabriel would bring him on earth. Jesus, this time won't have any supernatural power as well. So, we can say Muslim who believe in their messiah won't have any supernatural power and none of them would claim to be God.
So, there's no way muslims messiah will be antichrist.
But as for christians they'll believe the antichrist to be Jesus. Because christian consider Jesus as God. They'll believe the antichrist as Jesus because he'll have supernatural power like rising the death, bringing heaven and hell on his hand and many other miracle. So, surely those christians who believe in Jesus to be God would choose antichrist over the real Jesus.
As for the Jew they don't even consider Jesus as prophet let alone God. They'll again try to kill him this time because they'll have power and rule over the world from Jerusalem Israel. But antichrist would recognize Jesus and will run for his life. Jesus would swing his sword to kill the antichrist ending the war.
After that the world would be peaceful for 10 or something years. Jesus will marry and will have children. Imam Mehdi would die 7 or something years later after the defeat of antichrist. But then again Gabriel would reveal to Jesus that a new savage nation is coming and they'll cause havoc on earth. He would tell Jesus to take his followers on mount Tur as us human beings won't have the ability to kill them. After Jesus prays to God he'll send deseae that will eat their necks and cause death to Gog and magog. There's more of it. But if you really want to know you've to read the Quran.
Please read the Quran and hate Islam and Muslim afterwards. Read the Quran and try to find out your understanding on it. Don't just watch islamophobic contents on UA-cam.
You don't have to trust anything about Islam. I'm just requesting to read the Quran and then you take your decision.
According to Benedictine monk and abbot named Adso of Montier en Der (c 920-92)wrote antichrist would be a Jew from the tribe of Dan and born in Babylon. He'd be brought up in magics and wizard power. Jews in Jerusalem would accept him messiah and ruler and christians whom he couldn't convert would kill. Muslims also believe the same thing that antichrist would kill if they don't take him as God.
You sent
Another thing to be noted is the arrival of Imam Mehdi isn't mentioned in the quran. it's from the Hadith. Hadith is compilation of Muhammads wisdom, suggestions etc.
@@miristiaquehossain1202 Islam denies the divinity, crucifixion, crucifixion, and resurrection of Yeshua HaMashiach (JESUS CHRIST), the false messiah will come from the Ishmaelites; the true messiah will come from the Israelites which is from the tribe of Judah and a descendant of King David and he will be God incarnate.
The Islamic Messiah known as the Mahdi or the 12th Imam will deceive the whole world, but Yeshua M'Natzaret (JESUS OF NAZARETH), the true and real Messiah of Israel will defeat him.
Israel's national Jewish religious leader named Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri received a revelation from YHWH under the guidance of the Rusch HaKodesh (HOLY SPIRIT) regarding the true and real Messiah of Israel and his note was indeed authentic, Yeshua is the Jewish Messiah. Prophecies describing him are Genesis 49:10, Jeremiah 23:5-6, Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 9:7, Psalm 22, Isaiah 53, Daniel 9:24-27, and he fulfilled more than 30 scriptures.
@@knightsofstjoan2004 your books are tainted. I don't want to argue with someone who doesn't have any idea about the other side. You can be a slave to Israel and Zionist as long as you want.
Are you Zionist? If not, then what rabbi received doesn't matter.
If you're Zionist you will obviously glorify Zionism and Israel. But if you're christian and still don't see the truth just remember what they did to your God and they'll do the same to you and your nation.
Although the West is already a slave to Israel.
Come back after you read the Quran completely. We'll then discuss from both point of view.
Until ten
Best wishes and stay happy.
@@knightsofstjoan2004 one more thing brother. You should know Jews consider christians as idol worshippers. We at least believe Jesus as prophet and all his power like: talking to defend her mother just after birth when Jews were considering her whore. Giving life to a clay bird, rising the death etc. Jews on the contrary consider Jesus as false.
Also, Jews are allowed to pray in mosque as Islam believe in one unseen God/ monotheism. They're not allowed to pray in church because idol worshipping is part of the church and have idols. This is according to jewish believe.
You should also know Islam believe antichrist would lead the world. There would be drought for 2-3 years and antichrist would reveal himself bringing rain. Resurrecting death etc
Mahdi won't have any supernatural power. He won't even claim himself to be God to follow him. Only thing he'd do is tell people the antichrist for what it is.
Muslims are the most weakest nation. And you think mahdi fighting such a powerful entity would be antichrist. Mahdi wouldn't even defeat the antichrist. He'd be loosing. Only then Jesus will return to kill the antichrist.
I request you again to read the Quran. You'll have idea about antichrist. As for mahdi it's not mentioned in the Quran. It's in the Hadith. That's why I'm telling you to read the Quran and see for yourself.
You don't have to support Islam if you oppose it. But oppose it after you read it yourself. Not watching anti Islamic videos.
May God keep you happy and enlightened you with wisdom, love and compassion for everyone
@@miristiaquehossain1202 If Jews consider Christians as idol worshipers they are dead wrong and gravely mistaken, Messianic Jews and Gentile Christians believe and worship the same God. Religious Jews, particularly the Orthodox and Hasidic who say that Yeshua's mom Mary is a whore is untrue, she's definitely and absolutely not a whore at all. The Talmud is a cheap fake of the Brit Chadasha (New Testament).
FYI, Allah and YHWH are not the same God. Allah is the ancient pagan moon god of Arabia who was married to the sun goddess and gave birth to three goddesses who were their daughters, and their names are Al-Lat, Al-Uza, and Manat. It's mentioned in your Koran about Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat (see Surah 53:19-20). Islam is nothing but a revival and recreation of the ancient pagan moon god cult of Arabia, it has taken the name and the rites as well as the symbols of its god, and its sheer idolatry. Thanks to Walid Shoebsat, YHWH's Ruach HaKodesh was upon him and guided him and he revealed the real truth about Islam, the Koran and the Hadith, and everything about Mohammed. ISLAM SHOULD CEASE TO EXIST!!!
DONT INSULT THE WISDOM OF SOLOMON, HE WAS YHWH's CHOSEN one he said "" fear of the Lord Is the beginning of wisdom.""
I got bad news for all the PAY GAINS out there who USE RELIGION only for MONETARY GAINS!
The Islamic messiah is jesus christ . What a stupid title.
يعرف المسلمون المسيح الدجال ووصفه ، وأن أتباعه هم اليهود ، وهو العين العمياء ، وهو يطوف في الأرض أربعين يومًا ، ويخدع ويتصرف ،As if he were a god ، ويأتي لمحاربة يسوع ابن مريم.
As if he were a god
This people are mental yo.
This issue is si much complicated and complex.
This people cant even realize what theyr talking about
Sleep how about u explain
Anti (in place of) christ...
The "666" number of the beast has already been "calculated". It's a translation from Greek to Latin and then understood in English. You won't like it but you already worship him or it's image...
Exodus 20: 3. "You shall have no other gods before me. 4. "You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
The real name of the Messiah is translated to Yeshua or in English, Joshua.
This is the image brought to life. The mortal wound that was healed. Put the pieces together, he who hath understanding, and it is very clear.
Get those fake Messiah images out of your homes, churches and minds.
I second you bro, Yeshua is the promised messiah
Visto che proof?
roger johnson lies lies and more lies. I even googled the mark of the beast and it was a total joke. Pathetic
And get rid of the cross. Accept Islam. And live happy
I don’t believe in any religions
But I have some knowledge of all religions
Islamic Messiah is Jesus Christ
Go learn something before you talk
He was not an anti Christ. This is foolishness. The word says his wife's turned his heart from the true God. Funny you look for patterns but tell the scripture. You take way to many liberties.
Thanks but please read the Quran and then judge. I love everyone. Also you can see ho Zionists are massacring Palestinians There won't be any peace treaty. The current Saud family are from the bloodline of a person who claimed himself prophet during the time of Muhammad. And to let you know the dome of Rock is not the Al Aqsa Mosque If you're thinking imam Mehdi would be antichrist then you're wrong. Let me tell you why.
1. Imam Mehdi would be a simple human being from the bloodline of Muhammad. He won't have any supernatural power and he'll not claim himself as God.
2. Jesus to Muslim Isa, would come to earth when imam Mehdi would be on the verge of defeat. Angel Gabriel would bring him on earth. Jesus, this time won't have any supernatural power as well. So, we can say Muslim who believe in their messiah won't have any supernatural power and none of them would claim to be God.
So, there's no way muslims messiah will be antichrist.
But as for christians they'll believe the antichrist to be Jesus. Because christian consider Jesus as God. They'll believe the antichrist as Jesus because he'll have supernatural power like rising the death, bringing heaven and hell on his hand and many other miracle. So, surely those christians who believe in Jesus to be God would choose antichrist over the real Jesus.
As for the Jew they don't even consider Jesus as prophet let alone God. They'll again try to kill him this time because they'll have power and rule over the world from Jerusalem Israel. But antichrist would recognize Jesus and will run for his life. Jesus would swing his sword to kill the antichrist ending the war.
After that the world would be peaceful for 10 or something years. Jesus will marry and will have children. Imam Mehdi would die 7 or something years later after the defeat of antichrist. But then again Gabriel would reveal to Jesus that a new savage nation is coming and they'll cause havoc on earth. He would tell Jesus to take his followers on mount Tur as us human beings won't have the ability to kill them. After Jesus prays to God he'll send deseae that will eat their necks and cause death to Gog and magog. There's more of it. But if you really want to know you've to read the Quran.
Please read the Quran and hate Islam and Muslim afterwards. Read the Quran and try to find out your understanding on it. Don't just watch islamophobic contents on UA-cam.
You don't have to trust anything about Islam. I'm just requesting to read the Quran and then you take your decision.
According to Benedictine monk and abbot named Adso of Montier en Der (c 920-92)wrote antichrist would be a Jew from the tribe of Dan and born in Babylon. He'd be brought up in magics and wizard power. Jews in Jerusalem would accept him messiah and ruler and christians whom he couldn't convert would kill. Muslims also believe the same thing that antichrist would kill if they don't take him as God.
You sent
Another thing to be noted is the arrival of Imam Mehdi isn't mentioned in the quran. it's from the Hadith. Hadith is compilation of Muhammads wisdom, suggestions etc.
this is just too funny
Ok fine but why ? Please elaborate.
@@stevejeffries1603 he's one of the anti Christ's undercover. A atheist who believes something came from nothing
O man kind your God is one God he beget nor he begotten do not associate partnership with him
Psalm 2: 6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.
7 I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.
Read Isaiah 53
@@dansilberstein326 nice reply! 🎯👍🙏🌈😁😎
First of all, Solomon was a prophet. Talking bad things about him is misleading. (Im a Muslim)
Jesus is actually the Messiah in Islam.
How do you know ?
4.171] People of the Book, do not exaggerate your religion. Do not say about Allah except the truth. Indeed, the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, is only a Messenger (and Prophet) of Allah, and His Word (Be) which He gave to Mary, and a (created) spirit by Him. So believe in Allah and His Messengers and do not say: 'Trinity. ' Refrain, it is better for you. Allah is only One God. Exaltations to Him that He should have son! To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth, it is sufficient that Allah is the Guardian.
-*I do not know why everyone is talking as if they do not know that Jesus, son of Mary of Nazareth, who was born two thousand years ago, is the Christ / al Messiah in Islam!!!
How can a person be an Anti-Christ, if he was born thousands of years before Jesus was born, and was abiding by Old Testament teachings and laws like Solomon. Not a very good example sir.
Anti-Christ will be a random idiot given power by Satan to trick people into believing he is Jesus, plus of course his ally a false prophet, (am starting to think Pope Francis is kinda sus)
I See Dajjal in Netflix und Not Massia
It lines up from what I've seen.
You’re wrong.
Muslims are also waiting for Jesus.
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, surely (Jesus,) the son of Mary will soon descend amongst you and will judge mankind justly (as a Just Ruler)
'Isa isn't the True Messiah. He was unable to Fulfill Messianic Prophecies of the Old Testament, Isa is a Failing and a False Messiah.
Wrong....who do the jez wait for? Muslems wait for Jesus in the end...mahdi is not the lawless one. He is a rightpus leader opposing the deciever...
If they start bringing social media activity into freedom i'm screwed lol. I write so much junk online for fun it's wild.
LMAo I feel you man!! I've wrote some really wild, random crazy shit too. Some good fun trolling is all good. As long as you have good sense of "mature" humor of course lol
“O Mary! Allah gives you the good news of a Word from Him, whose name is the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, who is illustrious in this world and the hereafter, and who is one of those brought near [to Allah]. (Quran - 3:45)
Islam teaches the Messiah is Jesus and the Christians and Muslims will be against the anti christ. Jesus is the messiah.
Two theories
Jesus is the Christ and comes back as it but many will see him as the anti Christ. Like his first coming being crucified for blasphemy. He will be denied by people and also accepted like the past. Wherever that leads up to it will lead up to..
The anti Christ who claims to be Jesus or Christ i think I heard he claims to be one or the other... Is not Jesus or the Christ and just a deciever who will not succeed
If Jesus "the Christ" came back and was seen as the anti Christ i feel as if he would or will succeed anyways no matter how he is portrayed... If he really is the messiah Jesus the Christ son of god...
If Jesus the Christ is god. Or if the anti Christ is god that's another debate
So either the christ and the anti Christ are one and the same or they're two different beings
Also in regards to who or what god is that can only be shown in the future unless there is any old scripture that tells who god is.
Yhwh Lord etc many have attributed him to Jesus. Jesus is called Lord of lords king of kings. The messiah . the chosen one. It can be assumed that he may be god the creator. Incarnating to exist in real life and manifest his self as god in the end..... But we shall all see .... Who is who what is what. What will be.
Maybe Jesus is just a prince to be king he will be awarded as all and all will see the face of god apart from Jesus the messiah.. Or Maybe the face of god god will be shown through Jesus the christ. If he is indeed god. Now let's remember Jesus said he is the morning star aka lucifer and lucifer is satan the great red dragon the serpent. Which is shown as 1 of the 2 beast in revelations. Maybe satan and god are one in the same... Maybe they're apart... We will see.
The beast that comes out of the sea (first beast) closely describes Jesus the Christ.
The second beast out of the earth describes either the second coming of Jesus or someone who is becoming a copy of him. Could be (satan / dajjal / jesus) if we go by that Jesus is lucifer...
The second beast also seems to have more authority and power then the first beast.
I think they may be one and the same.
First beast representing first coming of Jesus
Second beast second coming of Jesus
Also in revelations there is told of two beings who will walk in the end times and have power tp make fire come down from the sky and make it rain and not rain as much as they want to and spread disease . this is what dajjal is told that he's going to do to convince people that he is god. These two men may in fact be one dajjal and other idk yet aka the two beast one from sea and one from earth. But remember dajjal / anti Christ / false prophet may in fact be the christ the prophet Jesus.
It's also told the two men will be killed and risen from the dead and everyone will be surprised.... So take this in count...
Just remember god created all so all that is to be and all that ever was was meant to happen.
Zech 4:2 And he said to me, "What do you see?" So I said, "I am looking, and there is a lampstand of solid gold with a bowl on top of it, and on the stand seven lamps with seven pipes to the seven lamps. :3 "Two olive trees are by it, one at the right of the bowl and the other at its left." :11 Then I answered and said to him, "What are these two olive trees; at the right of the lampstand and at its left?" :12 And I further answered and said to him, "What are these two olive branches that drip into the receptacles of the two gold pipes from which the golden oil drains?" :13 Then he answered me and said, "Do you not know what these are?" And I said, "No, my lord." :14 So he said, "These are the two anointed ones, who stand beside the Lord of the whole earth." NB: The words 'two anointed ones' is better rendered the 'two sons of fresh oil'.
@@lightluz7426 The two lamp stands, or witnesses, are the old and new testaments. Watch Mark Woodman's video, "Who is the Antichrist". We all need this information.
Search where is the truth, we have only one life. If there is only one GOD...he must be only one true religion. GOD send lot of prophets to help people, with a clear message (don't wearship anthing accept your LORD, help people...) after people have got the choice to belive or not. People how belive and folow the prophete are submit to GOD and the will enter to Paradise. But people who reject the message or the prophet.
Big part of jews reject Jesus, and wringht annother book (talmud) in place of the Thorat (true holy revelation). Christian change there religion for kings because they are persecutated (trinity) GOD is one but 3.... What the prophete King Salomon whorship idoles ?? He was one of bigest prophet. Don't speak about something if you haven't got khnowlege about it.
If you reject 1 prophete or part of the message you reject all the prophets and all holly books.
Islam is the religion wich accept and respect all prophets all times and all holly books even if they aren't rewringhted and transformed by humain hainds.
All problems comme from bad people how change the religion to an evil ideology.
Sorry for my bad english.
We are brothers ans sisters on humanity, respect yourself.
nov star allah is god
@@mabros26 ... Sure, small "g" god - NOT GOD, The Almighty.
The OFFICIAL title of the pope of rome is VICARIUS FILII DEI,(meaning:the MAN who stands in the place of GOD,)in the gematria,the letter/number value is=666...ITALIKA EKKLESIA,(italian church,)in the greek language is=666...LATEINOS,(latin speaking man or church,)in greek is=666...& finally,HE LATINE BASILEIA,(the latin kingdom,)in greek is=666...the ALMIGHTY did this so that EVERYONE could know who the REAL anti-christ is...
This is the title of the,pope in the forged donation of constantine, fake.
Looking for patterns in the Bible is leaning to one's own understanding - this may sound great to the Hal Lindsey cult, but it's a false teaching.
Would we find Solomon in hell or heaven
backpressure123 Heaven, his punishment was the nation of Israel being divided in to the kingdom of Judah and northern Israel up on his death.
Solomon is in heaven I can tell you that.
The only person we find in hell is Paul
@Visto che
I don't know anything about who?
They asking a question to the wrong guy..!!😂
Firstly, at his coming, Jesus Christ will come and raise up his redeemed people, this is to the people who in another time were gentle but who today are a holy seed chosen from the olive tree grafted to the tree of life (attention) 🚫 (he does not touch the ground according to the Holy writings.,
First of all christ will return
"Is The Islamic Messiah The Antichrist?"
Lol! In other words "Is Jesus the anti-Christ?"
These liars keep taking my comments off here, good luck with telling the truth.
11 times in Quran it calls Jesus the Messiah which means Islam is not the Antichrist.Antichrist gonna born in the Jews bloodline. When Muslim gonna lose Jerusalem and isreal will sead alot of Muslim blood.
Yes, very much so.
The answer is no.
The creator has always been and will always be, to all peoples.
The savior has always been and will always be, to all peoples.
The deceiver has always destined to be, and has been, to all peoples
the christian that love zionism will say its the islamic messiah. the muslim will say its from the jew/zionism.
1979 i rember choose Muhammad MY religion Jews my choose people Muhammad said his religion would protect me in Israel Jerusalem in heaven im Christ fool's don't be afraid put god first
There is definately some good content in this but when they character assisinate Solomon (May God be pleased with him) it gets a bit too much.
From a islamic viewpoint, Solomon (AS) is the son of David, both righteous prophets. Prophets cannot sin, as they have to be people of God who send a message to the people, so they cannot be deviant. Solomon was a great jurist, he judged faierly between the people. He had a massive dominion, he had control over the Animals (who he could also talk to) and the Jinnes (fallen angels). He spoke about preaching the word of God.
I think over the years because he had control over the fallen angles, people were upset by this and then then scribes changed the word of the bible. Even Noah is proclaimed to be a drunk...
There is still a lot of truth in the bible.
The mark of the beast has nothing really to do with technology, it's with us right now.
prophets cannot sin you are mistaken look at Muhammad and the satanic verses
islam is fragmented terribly
TOP TIER GAMERS how can prophet become a sinner,they bring the light .cannot brain😂
the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23) we are all gonna die we are sinners
Jesus is the only perfect person on this earth other than Adam and Eve
TOP TIER GAMERS sins like drunk and naked, committing adultery with his own children, worshiping another god, committing adultery, God punishes the prophet by letting his wife sleep with other people and many other adultery. How these people bring the light.Yesus drunk too.they are a liar, adulterers and fool,we can doing too because all of the prophet doing too but bible say this is wrongdoing.😂😂😂😴we are not fool.
Jinns are not fallen angels my fren .. They are a separate creature from d angels & hv d option to chose right from wrong, like humans & unlike d angels ..
The AntiChrist is the Mahdi and that is Muhammed Bin Salman the Prince of Saudi Arabia
Dude's so animated lol
You never gave the answer if the Antichrist is Muslim
Well this reminded me why I don't watch this channel
"And the Great city split into three parts; and the cities of the nations fell..." Revelation 16: 19 Christendom vs Muslim; and Muslim vs Jewry
Iran BOMBS Israel Daniel 11: 44, 45. The US, allies have a war with 'Media and Persia', which today would be Iraq and Iran. Daniel 8: 20, 23-25 'in the final part of the days' Daniel 8: 17, 19 23. THIS war causes the total loss of the world's financial system Psalms 46: 4-6. The 'False prophet that is leading this war has the False prophecy of "Peace and security!" Revelation 19: 20. This is the 'Two horned 'beast'' the Anglo American world power Revelation 13: 11 that 'began speaking as a dragon', with LIES and MAN-SLAYING John 8: 44.
Jesus said to his disciples most of you will be alive when l return. You should wait another 2000 years.
Is Bible is a book of lies?
Checkout Brenda Weltners timeline.... Wow
Solomon is not anti Christ. The only anti Christ is self claim appointed apostle Paul
Surely you jest ... Need to stop taking hallucinogenics before YT socializing😳😬🤦🏼♂️😎😁
Antichrist is a person who is arrested on the 6th day of the week, tried at 6am, and hanged for 6 hours (9am to 3pm)
This all comes from the Book of Revelations. It was added to the New Testament because the Gospels and the Letters were so boring. I was in the Jesus Movement in the early 70s and I just wanted to read Revelations. The rest of the NT was a waste of time. Rev is just a re-write of the Book of Daniel and a few other bits and pieces. If I were still a Christian, I would be wary of Jesus returning. Think about it. A bunch of people are abducted up into the sky and that is supposed to be a good thing?
WOW, What a great video.
11 times in Quran it calls Jesus the Messiah which means Islam is not the Antichrist.Antichrist gonna born in the Jews bloodline. When Muslim gonna lose Jerusalem and isreal will sead alot of Muslim blood.
@Lilia murah what an ignorant comment to make on your behalf... what?? I guess you subscribe to an Eastern religion like Hinduism or Zoroastrianism. The joke is definitely on you.