I've learned a lot since buying your kit and watching your videos. I never heard of setting the shutter speed to 1/25 to improve low light shooting. I can't wait to experiment with what I've learned from this video. Thanks, Joo!!
You had me subbed by 1 minute in, It was the music and cuts, I loved the audio levels. But I'm just an audio engineer guy. suuuuuupppppper informational. You put a lot of work into this and it shows.
You should do a comparison between the amount of noise from 4K vs the "6K" setting. Similar to what you did at the beginning when analyzing the clips, but more thorough.
Glad I came across this video because I ordered a LUMIX G85 and the only thing I was worried about was its inability for use in low lighting. Great tips on how to improve this! ThankYou!!!!
Light travels through clear glass the same way - It doesn't matter if you have a 100 feet of glass or 1mm. If it's clear the light is the same. A prime lens at f5.6 will let in the same amount of light as a 100mm telephoto at f5.6. Source: www.bhphotovideo.com/explora/content/prime-vs-zoom-can-you-tell-difference
Brilliant video, awesome that you're replying to questions. May times I see video and people have questions but they are never answered. This is a great way to keep people looking at your videos. Love it. Cheers from Canada.
Hey, very cool explanation. I think this is something that popular opinion gets very wrong on UA-cam. They all want to change night for day instead of just accepting dark frames and grounding those with a highlight or a reflection. Great explanation, Joonas. 👍🏻
Recently I saw someone use the CineV profile for the GH5. Tonight, I shot some night scenes using the CineV profile and 10-bit. The CineV profile has a much cleaner grain structure than Log. So, I brought my shots into DaVinci Resolve and I was able to pull out more shadow detail and tone down the saturation without losing the nice grain structure. I really like the colors and details I can capture with CineV.
I recommend shooting the same scene with both profiles and then lift (make bright) the shadows up from the cine-v profile to same level as the V-log or push v-log down (make dark) to the level of cine-v. I would assume they're not to be much of a difference in 10bits. 8bits maybe because V-log is not so good in 8bits. While you are at it, try to compare HLG, Cine-V and V-log. You might get interesting results.
I totally agree I have always used very comparable settings and have always paid attention to most important in my opinion and that is what's in front of my camera "The Lens" not so much on whether I have Canon, Sony or Panasonic. Balancing the triangle is the trick. I love Olympus 17mm f0.95 on my GH5 for low light.
Yes. My bad I meant Voigtlander 17 mm 0.95 MFT & 25 MM both are amazing lenses Manual Focus and these are probably the sharpest best low light lenses for the GH5. I also have an Olympus I use for wide angle but it's not as good as Vogtlander it's a 12mm f1.8
That's great news, thanks so much, btw- you have a great channel here- thanks for all your hard work and bringing people this great information, I will visit here often, cheers to you.
I've always shot in V-log for my GH5 but If it gets too dark I read it is better to shoot non log profile. In that case which profile should i shoot in? since Log + ISO 800 is normally the highest ISO I will go to keep sharp image on an f1.4 lens. THANKS! and keep up the great work!
TOLife I’m not sure if there is really a difference in noise between profiles or is the noise just more visible in v-log. You can just push down in grading. I´ll do some test later on.
your videos are so helpful. just wanted to say thanks. I'm learning a lot from you. Also Panasonic should say thank you to you too. I'll probably upgrade from a6000 to gh5
Good work mate! / Hyvää työtä äijjä! Mun kanavalle on tulos testivideota GH5 + Kipon Baveyes x0.7 EF-MFT AF II + Sigma 18-35mm Art. En tiä onko Metabonesin speedboosterilla samaa ongelmaa, mutta täydellä aukolla lähes kaikki lasit aika pehmeitä reunoilta, (lasit parempia esim. tuos täydenkennon 5DIII) Testasin: Canon 24-70mm f2.8 L + Sigma 50mm Art + Canon 85mm USM + Canon 100mm L Macro f2.8 myöskin varmistaakseni asiaa. Samoin täydellä aukolla aikas laitta chromaattiasta aberraatiota. Noh, video tulee mun kanavalle tuos alle viikon sisään kuitenkin! :) Toki hinta on speedboosteriin nähden 2x halvempi, että sikäli enemmän rahalle vastinetta kyllä tässä.
Ostin aikanaan metabonesin koska testeissä se näytti tarkemmalta, vaikka edullisempiakin oli tarjolla. En ole testannut ilman boosteria, että miltä tarkkuus näyttää täydellä aukolla, mutta tyytyväinen oon ollut.
Noissa kaikissa on omat huonot puolensa. Metabones ei myöskään ole virheetön, mutta uudemmat mallit suoriutuvat jo kohtuullisen hyvin, eikä esim. Ultraa vaivaa niin paljoa tuollainen soft focus -tyyppinen pehmeys täydellä aukolla. Kaikenlaista värisiirtymää silläkin kuitenkin esiintyy, joten kompromisseja täytyy tehdä. Itse suosin sekä linssitöntä että linssillistä adapteria eri tilanteisiin. GH5:lle uskallan antaa suosituksen Metabones Ultralle, joissain tapauksissa 35mm järjestelmiin tarkoitetuille objektiiveille Metabones XL:lle, sekä Zhongyi Lens Turbo II:lle. XL saattaa vinjetoida kuvanvakaimen toimiessa aika rajustikin joillain objektiiveilla ja LT II taas näyttää täydellä aukolla hieman diffuusoidulta.
Great video. 90% of the “expert” camera channels will bang on about 180° shutter angle laws bla bla. It is absolutely valid to vary your shutter speed and for 60p playback or any electronic stability, faster shutter is better.
I was thinking of making content on colour grading as a whole workflow. Not only the post part. So there I would talk about colour palets as well and how to end up with one in you video as well. Would you be interested?
I highly enjoy the cleanliness of your static room shot. It really makes everything looks crisp. I also did not know about the 6K on the GH5 until I saw this video and now I am researching faster cards and how to set it up. Is it worth going to 6K on the GH5 for certain projects?
Another hard to understand aspect is that during low light you usually don't have much DR in the scene... Then why compressing all the input into V-Log is giving better results... compared to Cine-D you should have more space to record the same data...?
Great atmosphere with music. Nice video. Speed booster are expensive I see, do you need them with FF lens to get more light? Usually aps-c designed lens has smaller lens hole at the body. Do you lose infinite focus with old manual lense and those adapters? Thanks
OPINIONS NEEDED!!! I just bought a GH5. I own no lenses yet. I love shooting night street (video) scenes (on my iPhone) exactly as you beautifully captured in this video. You shot that with the speed booster? Could I achieve that same performance with a native lens like the Panasonic Leica 25mm 1.4 lens do you think? Or should I start with a Metabones booster and buy like a used fast prime to adapt? I really want a killer low light video setup. Buckets of gratitude.
Hmm... Just one... No matter the price? Well then The Voigtlander f/0.95 25mm. Or some other focal length. It's manual, but native. I have not tested it, but seen some great looking footage from it. If you need autofocus... I had a leica 25mm 1.4 lens that was pretty much as fast as my Sigma 18-35mm 1.8 with the speed booster. It's a fantastic lens. Mine was stolen. Someone else understood the quality of it. That one you can get rather cheap from the internets.
ok thankxz! yes autofocus ... what you think 15mm f1.7 im leaning towards it...And im sorry for your lost too...i hope they take his jail mugshot pic with that lens...
Very interesting - were you using the Nikon f1.4 for the night shots - the footage looks nice and steady - I assume that's the internal stabalisation of the GH5 - this has got me thinking, I own a Nikon D750 (great for photography) but I need a deadicated video camera.
mark shirley I used a slider for half of the shots and half was with the I.S. Lock stabilization. Yes I would recomend gh5 and then use your nikon glass. With the metabones adapter your crop is X1,3.
dzin-tv.net hmm... you maybe could see them when you look at the footage from the cameras lcd, but I don't know if you can access the metadata with the computer...
Lol, im just found exiftool (command line program). It show me many useful info about iso, shutter speed and other. Damn! :D Everyday i use Adobe Bridge and Media Encoder and there is no info about source (Adobe Premiere shows only codec info). I saw also GUI version this software but not works good at my computer :/
Ehab Mamdouh metabones speedbooster is an adapter that with witch increases your sensor effective size to aps-c size sensor. It makes you footage sharper and your lesn 1,3 stops better at low ligh\faster. That why I have Nikon lenses and no native m43 lenses.
Well @vladmir Putin you left your important things to find my comment and make fun of it ? Probably i can advise you to Fill your Precious unimportant time ;)
Can you see if this speedbooster is good because i dont have mutch money to buy a metabones www.ebay.com/itm/Focal-Reducer-Speed-Booster-Adapter-Canon-EOS-EF-mount-lens-to-Micro-4-3-M43-GX7/151961866004?hash=item2361a20f14:g:7MMAAOSwGvhUE~mO
OH! That's super cheap. Too cheap to my liking. :-D I could test this out, but it will take time, for I'm traveling for 60 days and can't order stuff there.
well if you could test it it would be nice and I dont have rush on this matter. thank you for the help. I will try to find other stuff good and cheap :)
Good explanation of the perennial small sensor problem and the sensible methods of minimising noise. Interesting points made about noise at 6K, too. The GH5 will never be a Sony A7RII (24000 ISO and little noise!) but your shots are as good as it gets, in my opinion. I had a GH4 and sold it because of the noise problem - above 800 ISO it was rubbish - but I will give the GH5 a go. The new GH5S is as yet untried but since my work is half stills and half video I may have to look at that too. Thanks for a clear and accurate presentation without the woffle!
Thanks. I've used Neat before and it's very good. For some reason it was not that good on my GH4, but it was better than not using it. Perhaps the GH5 will be better. The GH5S promises to be much better in low light, so perhaps a de-noiser will not be required.
J.D. Hughes yes, there is a limit on how low light you really want to shoot. The neat video is really good at 3200. At 6400 the image starts to fall part. Test it out, my requirements are not that high, for I do videos mostly to web.
I did try it at 3200, but it is poor for film use, although the GH5 makes up for the lack with its other features, internal 10 bit 4-2-2 for instance. Used Neat again and it is an improvement, but still not clean enough above 800 ISO/ASA, although probably good for Vlogging. Anyway, what do I know, I'm just a retired director still wading through reels of 16/35mm film :)
J.D. Hughes I like to keep the iso at 400 or 800. It's the sharpest, but I would add 3200 (+neatvideo) if needed to the mix. :-) I started shootin, at 6k, because premiere suddently started supportin, it. I'm loving the quality and now the difference in iso is really clear.
v-log you actually have less data per stop, but more stops of DR - So rec709 profiles will have more color information in the important stops - You are calling more accurate, but that is not really the case. Vivid ( not my preference ) will have more color information in the stops that carry the color in night shooting.
There is two versions of it. Leica great! The normal ok. I would sell the normal kit lens and buy an old vintage prime lenses instead of it. But then you would not have AF.
I’ve gotten to know my gh5 but am always sticking to the 2 native iso, 400 for daylight and 800 for indoors, lowlight. I use the ninja v and always shoot 4k 60 in prores- which gives me more noise but the dynamic range helps with post where i can just raise my shadows or lower highlights 3x more than without prores. I use topaz video ai for noise removal as it actually does quite a baller job. Im wondering from a veteran gh5 user, to which iso have you raised above 800 and could still get a nice clean image after noise reduction. I never even tried it as i expose my shots by : lowest iso, preffered aperture and sufficient shutter, and am kind of scared to even try to shoot above native😅
I've learned a lot since buying your kit and watching your videos. I never heard of setting the shutter speed to 1/25 to improve low light shooting. I can't wait to experiment with what I've learned from this video. Thanks, Joo!!
You had me subbed by 1 minute in, It was the music and cuts, I loved the audio levels. But I'm just an audio engineer guy. suuuuuupppppper informational. You put a lot of work into this and it shows.
You should do a comparison between the amount of noise from 4K vs the "6K" setting. Similar to what you did at the beginning when analyzing the clips, but more thorough.
I'm not sure what else is there to test. Colour noise, grain, makro blocking? What would you be interested of?
Yea those would be good. Also, how high the “6K” ISO can go still being useable vs normal 4K.
I have the same setup & great tips about colour space & dynamic range didn't know that!
Great video, congrats on reaching 1k! I'm sure you'll get many more 👍
Glad I came across this video because I ordered a LUMIX G85 and the only thing I was worried about was its inability for use in low lighting. Great tips on how to improve this! ThankYou!!!!
Vania Brewda you are wellcome. Good to be at service.
Nicely done. I'm rushing out to try.
"Dark by Design," makes sense. Thanks for a thorough walkthrough and great examples/footage.
I love watching channels that are so low insubscriber count but content is sooooo good. you are definitely on your way to 100k in no time 🙏🏽
Love the “DARK DAYS” music djshadow!!
Very well done video Joonas! Thanks for putting this together. I've always stuck to the 180 degree rule, but maybe I'll try a slower frame rate.
Light travels through clear glass the same way - It doesn't matter if you have a 100 feet of glass or 1mm. If it's clear the light is the same.
A prime lens at f5.6 will let in the same amount of light as a 100mm telephoto at f5.6.
Great tips and I enjoyed your breakdown of each scenario! 👍🏻
You have great music taste my friend, you truly know how to build emotion with a grain of art ;)
Just seeing this now. Thank you!
The slower shutter speed in video is a great idea! Wish I thought of it!
Brilliant video, awesome that you're replying to questions. May times I see video and people have questions but they are never answered. This is a great way to keep people looking at your videos. Love it. Cheers from Canada.
Thanks Andy. There isn't too many comments so I have time to answer them now and then. I hope to have more time to do more videos as well.
Thanks for the video nice to compare the different profiles.
great video. your video examples are super helpful for context.
Great video ! Enjoyed watching it and you are very good at expalaining
That was what i looking for! Thanks!
god that music takes me back. great video just what i needed thanks
i really like your channel. so glad i found it. just got my GH5. thank you for your efforts.
Nice work! Interesting as always.
I LOVE THOSE OLD NIKKOR LENS!!! I am so excited to see someone else with them (subbed for that alone)
Thanks for the test and info. The technical comparisons were very useful. Thanks for sharing!
You are wellcome!
really nice video! Thanks!
Great and clear video, thanks man!!!
so informative thanks so much for this video
Very Nice explanation!
As usual, very informative and professional, thanks!
Great and very informative video from you fellow tamperelainen! Keep up the good work!
Hey, very cool explanation. I think this is something that popular opinion gets very wrong on UA-cam. They all want to change night for day instead of just accepting dark frames and grounding those with a highlight or a reflection. Great explanation, Joonas. 👍🏻
very helpful! thank you
Super video - great information!
Recently I saw someone use the CineV profile for the GH5. Tonight, I shot some night scenes using the CineV profile and 10-bit. The CineV profile has a much cleaner grain structure than Log. So, I brought my shots into DaVinci Resolve and I was able to pull out more shadow detail and tone down the saturation without losing the nice grain structure. I really like the colors and details I can capture with CineV.
I recommend shooting the same scene with both profiles and then lift (make bright) the shadows up from the cine-v profile to same level as the V-log or push v-log down (make dark) to the level of cine-v. I would assume they're not to be much of a difference in 10bits. 8bits maybe because V-log is not so good in 8bits. While you are at it, try to compare HLG, Cine-V and V-log. You might get interesting results.
is it better to shot in 8 Bit or 10 Bit in Lowlightsituation with the GH5?
this is a great great great tutorial thanks a lot!
Great techniques, useful informations. Well done, thank you!
I love this: "... so that your frame is dark by design not by bad decisions or exposure."
I totally agree I have always used very comparable settings and have always paid attention to most important in my opinion and that is what's in front of my camera "The Lens" not so much on whether I have Canon, Sony or Panasonic. Balancing the triangle is the trick. I love Olympus 17mm f0.95 on my GH5 for low light.
There is a 0,95 native lens? Is it manual?
Yes. My bad I meant Voigtlander 17 mm 0.95 MFT & 25 MM both are amazing lenses Manual Focus and these are probably the sharpest best low light lenses for the GH5. I also have an Olympus I use for wide angle but it's not as good as Vogtlander it's a 12mm f1.8
Excellent video, I learned a lot- my question is, can I use this type of set up on my older GH2?
Yes you can. The metabones should work on any m43 mount camera.
That's great news, thanks so much, btw- you have a great channel here- thanks for all your hard work and bringing people this great information, I will visit here often, cheers to you.
Really good.
I've always shot in V-log for my GH5 but If it gets too dark I read it is better to shoot non log profile. In that case which profile should i shoot in? since Log + ISO 800 is normally the highest ISO I will go to keep sharp image on an f1.4 lens. THANKS! and keep up the great work!
TOLife I’m not sure if there is really a difference in noise between profiles or is the noise just more visible in v-log. You can just push down in grading. I´ll do some test later on.
your videos are so helpful. just wanted to say thanks. I'm learning a lot from you. Also Panasonic should say thank you to you too. I'll probably upgrade from a6000 to gh5
Congrats on reaching 1k. Next stop: 10k!
Thanks! It came faster than I thought. Next goal? ;-) 10k?
Awesome video and nice background music. Thanks for sharing Subscribed
Nice work man
Keep going
Dude, I love your videos! Thank you for sharing your awesome knowledge :) Much love!
Awesome video. Thank you.
great tutorial again.
Good work mate! / Hyvää työtä äijjä!
Mun kanavalle on tulos testivideota GH5 + Kipon Baveyes x0.7 EF-MFT AF II + Sigma 18-35mm Art.
En tiä onko Metabonesin speedboosterilla samaa ongelmaa, mutta täydellä aukolla lähes kaikki lasit aika pehmeitä reunoilta, (lasit parempia esim. tuos täydenkennon 5DIII)
Testasin: Canon 24-70mm f2.8 L + Sigma 50mm Art + Canon 85mm USM + Canon 100mm L Macro f2.8 myöskin varmistaakseni asiaa.
Samoin täydellä aukolla aikas laitta chromaattiasta aberraatiota.
Noh, video tulee mun kanavalle tuos alle viikon sisään kuitenkin! :)
Toki hinta on speedboosteriin nähden 2x halvempi, että sikäli enemmän rahalle vastinetta kyllä tässä.
Ostin aikanaan metabonesin koska testeissä se näytti tarkemmalta, vaikka edullisempiakin oli tarjolla. En ole testannut ilman boosteria, että miltä tarkkuus näyttää täydellä aukolla, mutta tyytyväinen oon ollut.
Joo.Works Kyllä. Päivitän varmaan speedboosteriin joskus jos sattuu investointi budjettia riittämään.
Noissa kaikissa on omat huonot puolensa. Metabones ei myöskään ole virheetön, mutta uudemmat mallit suoriutuvat jo kohtuullisen hyvin, eikä esim. Ultraa vaivaa niin paljoa tuollainen soft focus -tyyppinen pehmeys täydellä aukolla. Kaikenlaista värisiirtymää silläkin kuitenkin esiintyy, joten kompromisseja täytyy tehdä. Itse suosin sekä linssitöntä että linssillistä adapteria eri tilanteisiin. GH5:lle uskallan antaa suosituksen Metabones Ultralle, joissain tapauksissa 35mm järjestelmiin tarkoitetuille objektiiveille Metabones XL:lle, sekä Zhongyi Lens Turbo II:lle. XL saattaa vinjetoida kuvanvakaimen toimiessa aika rajustikin joillain objektiiveilla ja LT II taas näyttää täydellä aukolla hieman diffuusoidulta.
Great Video 👌 these clips looks super awesome with the wet surfaces...now I'm excited to also shoot in dark conditions :D
Great tips
Really enjoyed your tutorial. Nicely done :)
Just subscribed. Excellent content. Keep it up!
Sure I'll try my best. Thanks!
You should link @djshadow if you're using his music... Just saying...🙏
True that. I should add it to the description as well. In the end of the video it's there.
Thanks for the video. Getting the G85 this week. First Dslr.
Yeaaah DjShadow! 😎😎😎
Great Video Joo Thank you! But what the hack is vivid?
Great video
BTW very awesome presentation and content style. Your subscriber now. Thanks
You just got another subscriber from me! Sweet video
Great video thanks❤️
Great video. 90% of the “expert” camera channels will bang on about 180° shutter angle laws bla bla. It is absolutely valid to vary your shutter speed and for 60p playback or any electronic stability, faster shutter is better.
Thank you super informative!
nice video mate
Nice!Did you use a lut to vlog-l footage ?
Yes I used the LUT that I created on a previous episode. You can download it by joining my facebook messenger list. here joo.works/join
Do you know how to apply a color palette in a color grade?
I was thinking of making content on colour grading as a whole workflow. Not only the post part. So there I would talk about colour palets as well and how to end up with one in you video as well.
Would you be interested?
Yes! That would be awesome!
I highly enjoy the cleanliness of your static room shot. It really makes everything looks crisp. I also did not know about the 6K on the GH5 until I saw this video and now I am researching faster cards and how to set it up. Is it worth going to 6K on the GH5 for certain projects?
Really good asnalysis.
Really nice video
Subbed! good video!
Did I miss what 1.8 zoom you were using with the speedbooster?
SpectreSoundStudios Hi, it's the sigma 18-35mm f1.8 Nikon glass that I use with the metabones adapter.
helpful. thank you
wow, super quality contents, thank you, subed
Thanks man!
Another hard to understand aspect is that during low light you usually don't have much DR in the scene... Then why compressing all the input into V-Log is giving better results... compared to Cine-D you should have more space to record the same data...?
Great atmosphere with music. Nice video. Speed booster are expensive I see, do you need them with FF lens to get more light? Usually aps-c designed lens has smaller lens hole at the body. Do you lose infinite focus with old manual lense and those adapters? Thanks
OPINIONS NEEDED!!! I just bought a GH5. I own no lenses yet. I love shooting night street (video) scenes (on my iPhone) exactly as you beautifully captured in this video. You shot that with the speed booster? Could I achieve that same performance with a native lens like the Panasonic Leica 25mm 1.4 lens do you think? Or should I start with a Metabones booster and buy like a used fast prime to adapt? I really want a killer low light video setup. Buckets of gratitude.
Vagabond-Dogs TV! Leica primes are actually quite fast. Sigma 18-35mm with the speedbooster is pretty much the same as leica 25mm 1.4... as fast.
Thank you! I just discovered the Olympus 25mm 1.2 which I hope will be great for night video. Gets good reviews so I think it will be my first lens.
What you think is best native lens for lowlight filmmaking if u pick only one
Hmm... Just one... No matter the price? Well then The Voigtlander f/0.95 25mm. Or some other focal length. It's manual, but native. I have not tested it, but seen some great looking footage from it.
If you need autofocus... I had a leica 25mm 1.4 lens that was pretty much as fast as my Sigma 18-35mm 1.8 with the speed booster. It's a fantastic lens. Mine was stolen. Someone else understood the quality of it. That one you can get rather cheap from the internets.
ok thankxz! yes autofocus ... what you think 15mm f1.7 im leaning towards it...And im sorry for your lost too...i hope they take his jail mugshot pic with that lens...
Very interesting - were you using the Nikon f1.4 for the night shots - the footage looks nice and steady - I assume that's the internal stabalisation of the GH5 - this has got me thinking, I own a Nikon D750 (great for photography) but I need a deadicated video camera.
mark shirley I used a slider for half of the shots and half was with the I.S. Lock stabilization. Yes I would recomend gh5 and then use your nikon glass. With the metabones adapter your crop is X1,3.
Joo.Works what's a 50mm work out at on a GH5 using the speedbooster.
thanks for the tips!! at next event i will try many settings. Can i record iso/shutter and other settings into meta names in my videos (like photos?).
dzin-tv.net hmm... you maybe could see them when you look at the footage from the cameras lcd, but I don't know if you can access the metadata with the computer...
Lol, im just found exiftool (command line program). It show me many useful info about iso, shutter speed and other. Damn! :D Everyday i use Adobe Bridge and Media Encoder and there is no info about source (Adobe Premiere shows only codec info). I saw also GUI version this software but not works good at my computer :/
Not one mention of a light or exposure meter?
Did you use noise reduction in post?
Romain Romero nope. :-) not for these.
Suomiaksentti ja rallienglanti bongattu.
Good one.
Henri T Näillä vahvuuksilla mennään. :-D
What kind of speed booster are you using?
nice viedo!! what kind of camera-strap do you use in the first part of the video? maybe you have a Link? :)
I bought it from Bangkok, I'm not sure can you get it online...
What is metaball and speed booster ? Thanks
Ehab Mamdouh metabones speedbooster is an adapter that with witch increases your sensor effective size to aps-c size sensor. It makes you footage sharper and your lesn 1,3 stops better at low ligh\faster. That why I have Nikon lenses and no native m43 lenses.
thanks a lot
Well @vladmir Putin you left your important things to find my comment and make fun of it ? Probably i can advise you to Fill your Precious unimportant time ;)
are you using a conversor to use nikon lens in lumix? witch one are you using?
I'm using the metabones speedbooster XL from Nikon to M4/3. It boosts light about 1 1/3
Can you see if this speedbooster is good because i dont have mutch money to buy a metabones
OH! That's super cheap. Too cheap to my liking. :-D I could test this out, but it will take time, for I'm traveling for 60 days and can't order stuff there.
well if you could test it it would be nice and I dont have rush on this matter. thank you for the help. I will try to find other stuff good and cheap :)
What was the ISO in those shots?
What’s the name or link of the speed booster and lens ?
Good explanation of the perennial small sensor problem and the sensible methods of minimising noise. Interesting points made about noise at 6K, too.
The GH5 will never be a Sony A7RII (24000 ISO and little noise!) but your shots are as good as it gets, in my opinion. I had a GH4 and sold it because of the noise problem - above 800 ISO it was rubbish - but I will give the GH5 a go. The new GH5S is as yet untried but since my work is half stills and half video I may have to look at that too. Thanks for a clear and accurate presentation without the woffle!
Whit good noise reduction I would call 3200 iso usable on the gh5. Try it out with neat video noise removal plugin.
Thanks. I've used Neat before and it's very good. For some reason it was not that good on my GH4, but it was better than not using it. Perhaps the GH5 will be better. The GH5S promises to be much better in low light, so perhaps a de-noiser will not be required.
J.D. Hughes yes, there is a limit on how low light you really want to shoot. The neat video is really good at 3200. At 6400 the image starts to fall part. Test it out, my requirements are not that high, for I do videos mostly to web.
I did try it at 3200, but it is poor for film use, although the GH5 makes up for the lack with its other features, internal 10 bit 4-2-2 for instance. Used Neat again and it is an improvement, but still not clean enough above 800 ISO/ASA, although probably good for Vlogging. Anyway, what do I know, I'm just a retired director still wading through reels of 16/35mm film :)
J.D. Hughes I like to keep the iso at 400 or 800. It's the sharpest, but I would add 3200 (+neatvideo) if needed to the mix. :-)
I started shootin, at 6k, because premiere suddently started supportin, it. I'm loving the quality and now the difference in iso is really clear.
v-log you actually have less data per stop, but more stops of DR - So rec709 profiles will have more color information in the important stops - You are calling more accurate, but that is not really the case. Vivid ( not my preference ) will have more color information in the stops that carry the color in night shooting.
Thanks for the explanation. :)
Is the kit lens of the gh5 good or is it trash?
There is two versions of it. Leica great! The normal ok. I would sell the normal kit lens and buy an old vintage prime lenses instead of it. But then you would not have AF.
Joo.Works thank :3
I’ve gotten to know my gh5 but am always sticking to the 2 native iso, 400 for daylight and 800 for indoors, lowlight. I use the ninja v and always shoot 4k 60 in prores- which gives me more noise but the dynamic range helps with post where i can just raise my shadows or lower highlights 3x more than without prores. I use topaz video ai for noise removal as it actually does quite a baller job. Im wondering from a veteran gh5 user, to which iso have you raised above 800 and could still get a nice clean image after noise reduction. I never even tried it as i expose my shots by : lowest iso, preffered aperture and sufficient shutter, and am kind of scared to even try to shoot above native😅
I have a sirui 35mm lens with 1.8f and incoming laowa 7,5mm with 2f if anyone is wondering, my lens are fast