Jordan Peterson Explains the Book of Exodus

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • Dr Jordan Peterson discussed gratitude, faith, and suffering in this conversation at the Franciscan University of Steubenville. How can we be sure that pain is a solid guiding principle as we navigate the world? What is the underlying structure of pain, and what does it point at?
    We also touched on a myriad of topics around those central themes, such as sin and the symbol of the snake, giving advice, resurrection, the relationship between faith and suffering, evil, the effect we have on others, and sunsets.
    #Pain #Suffering #Bible #Faith #Evil


  • @mikenevermon9041
    @mikenevermon9041 2 роки тому +17

    I have always thought that I could handle betrayal and tyranny. I was wrong.

    • @Zackneu21
      @Zackneu21 2 роки тому

      Me too.

    • @michaelrios5148
      @michaelrios5148 2 роки тому +5

      don't loose faith! we're not supposed to handle betrayal and tyranny. we're supposed to give it to God and his spirit will prevail when it's paramount.

    • @Zackneu21
      @Zackneu21 2 роки тому +1

      I appreciate your kind words.

    • @gordianknot6867
      @gordianknot6867 Рік тому +1

      If you’re still here and still fighting the good fight then you have handled it. The only solution is to keep going.

  • @biz2130
    @biz2130 Рік тому +16

    This man is not only brilliant but what impresses me is that he's humble and honest!!

  • @graciemitchem7515
    @graciemitchem7515 Рік тому +5

    I hope I never have the pain again that makes me beg God to let me die.

  • @user-or1on9oj9j
    @user-or1on9oj9j Рік тому +5

    Only the chosen ones go through their exodus in life, woke to be conscious of tyranny/oppression/ sufferings , discern right from wrong , grow in faith to obey and depend on God ,to let God lord over all their situations . Our creator designed this journey to set apart those who are his people.

  • @justice4all977
    @justice4all977 Рік тому +5

    I believe God was also showing the Isrealites that what He can do is more powerful than anything anyone or anything else can do in our lives. This is why when Pharoh was showing his power and had his magicians turn a staff into a snake...God turned the staff of Moses into a snake that ate the other. Not only should we confront our fears but ultimately come to the conclusion that the only One worthy to be truly feared is the Creator of it all, the I Am.

  • @Gavriel-og6jv
    @Gavriel-og6jv Рік тому +1

    3:45 Woah! this man is THE BEST

  • @ajmusiq1
    @ajmusiq1 Рік тому +3

    Where is this audio from?

  • @Scratcherzzz
    @Scratcherzzz Рік тому +12

    Sometimes it takes me years to understand what he is saying.

  • @Sherz8248
    @Sherz8248 Рік тому +4

    Jesus always gives the reason and answer….
    John 3:14-16
    14 “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert,[a] the Son of Man must also be lifted up. 15 So that everyone who believes can have eternal life in him.
    16 “God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son so that whoever believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life.
    The remedy for the serpent, the venom of sin🙏🏽Look to the Saviour.

    • @git-er-dun_LBK_
      @git-er-dun_LBK_ Рік тому +1

      I'm curious why no one mentioned this verse. The serpent on the snake the redemptive power of Christ on the cross if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto myself. If in fact Jesus was resurrected and lift it up I believe he will do what he came to do and that was the save all mankind contrary to church teachings mainly mankind is already saved they just don't know it. I happen to believe Jesus was lifted up but I do not know why I believe it. Is the reason because of my culture, heritage, family. I'm going to stick with Jesus for the time being because he is the word made flesh and I am trying to strive to be that perfect carbon copy of Christ. Therefore I can identify with Jordan Peterson's quotations when he cites to Moses the name of God, I am that I am. I believe Peterson has a good grasp on the scriptures. And happy that I have found is teachings wonderful 😊👍

  • @junevandermark952
    @junevandermark952 Рік тому +1

    While I was still confused by my religious childhood indoctrination, an Atheist once shared his personal feelings with me.
    He said, "If I pretended to believe in a god, and the god was real, it would know that I was pretending, because the fact is, I just don't believe that a god exists."
    That point of view resonated with me as being heartfelt and as honest "as could be." I later chose to become a born-again Atheist, and wanted to be as honest with my self, as that man had been honest with me.
    Once I was doubtful about the existence of a god, there wasn’t any way to entrap my thoughts where they once had been, as freedom from religion was my only alternative.
    Now I believe as did Stephen Hawking before he died ... that the universe in one form or another always existed ... no creator or plan involved ... and that suffering of all forms of life always was ... and is ... natural.

    • @chubsmckinzy9053
      @chubsmckinzy9053 Рік тому

      It takes a strong person to want to believe in something more than what this world presents to us. I used to be atheist like you, thinking at the time that that was rebellious. I now realize that in this realm we worship and idolize perverts and people with twisted morals. I got sick of the world of man, and I choose to truly rebel and believe in something more than what this world has to offer. Science explains why Steven Hawking was bound to a wheel chair, but religion offers a purpose greater than anything a human can offer. Also what people did to you in the past has nothing to do with God or religion. You say these things in an effort to try and reaffirm your belief in nothing. Many of us have thought like you at some point, but have graduated from that limited train of thought and found something bigger than ourselves.

    • @junevandermark952
      @junevandermark952 Рік тому

      @@chubsmckinzy9053 Now that you ARE religious ... does it make you feel powerful to be able to point at others as being the evil ones?
      From the book “God’s Bullies,” by Perry Deanne Young comes the following
      That the religious were so concerned about other people’s drinking habits and sex lives said much more about them and their own minds than it did about those they regarded as sinners.
      In the name of Jesus and God, they had perpetrated all kinds of little cruelties on others and had meanwhile fooled themselves into thinking they could do no wrong because they were always carrying out God’s will.
      You realize, then, that people see God through mirrors-and the reflection is often that fearsome, intolerant beast inside all of us.

    • @junevandermark952
      @junevandermark952 Рік тому

      @@chubsmckinzy9053 The word occult was at one time respected as meaning "spiritual knowledge."
      Occult ... Esoteric Supernatural belief.
      Esoteric ... intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.
      When so many devotees climbed on the bandwagon ... bragging that their personal religion was the one and only truth ... the word occult, was shortened to the derogatory insult "CULT" … used by most everybody in religions against each other.
      No love lost ... or found ... there.
      Example … back when I was still under the spell of religion, I started posting on Topix forums in 2006, with those of many other systems of religious belief.
      They kept insulting each other and me with that negative word "cult."
      When I finally agreed that maybe we were all in religious cults and just didn't realize it because we were blinded by our own personal ideologies ... others didn't agree.
      They all wanted to believe that their personal view of "God" and all it entailed was literal truth, and that only others suffered from cultish systems of belief.
      It was then (in 2009) at age 70, that I became an Atheist.
      I am now almost 84 years of age and believe that it is as possible that humans will be aware after death, as it is that mosquitoes, rats, elephants and crocodiles and all other forms of life will be aware after death.

    • @junevandermark952
      @junevandermark952 Рік тому

      @@chubsmckinzy9053 Religious beliefs divide humans into myth-peddling right-fighters.
      And what divides ... can never unite.

    • @junevandermark952
      @junevandermark952 Рік тому

      @@chubsmckinzy9053 I don't believe in the existence of a god ... but being that you do, I will ask you this question.
      If you just happened to misquote "God," and what you said caused harm and maybe even death to other people ... what do you believe should be YOUR punishment from "God" in the hereafter?
      You aren't the first person who was certain that a god existed that thought the same thoughts as the SELF.
      From the book … 40 YEARS OF COUNTRY: LIFE OF A RURAL DOCTOR IN NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN … author … Dr Mervin L Johnson
      During this time, Blanche and I found out from the Alliance Church Board that they did not want Blanche to teach in church any longer. She was an excellent teacher and really was being led by God, but they were afraid of what they’re hearing. I wrote in my diary, why is the Board destroying the work in this church? God do something I pleaded. Not for our sake but for Yours.

  • @Gavriel-og6jv
    @Gavriel-og6jv Рік тому +1

    10:54 Right! as long as there are remains of evil in our hearts, until the regeneration that Messiah will activate at his coming.

  • @cozzafrenzy
    @cozzafrenzy Рік тому

    Goodonya from Australia...Coral

  • @horustwohawks
    @horustwohawks Рік тому +1

    So snake is as a compass, that without which one could not know the seasons or directions. (just a muse, there)

  • @thequeenmidas
    @thequeenmidas Рік тому

    Well... he gets it👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  • @HonorTrees
    @HonorTrees 2 роки тому +1

    The nuance would be to focus your attention on the preferable outcome.

  • @rootscreatefruits
    @rootscreatefruits Рік тому

    Ahhhhhmazing. 🙏🏻

  • @UnderDuress
    @UnderDuress Рік тому

    Personally I think they wondered the wilderness for forty years to ween out sin of generations and to instill the faith and reliance in God as well as avoid vengeance from the Pharo (cool down period)

  • @danewheeler
    @danewheeler Рік тому +1

    So you say "The spirit of God is that which manifests itself in you in opposition to tyranny" Now I get your desire to deal with the text psychologically and that may be wise. However, I am wondering about this definition. It appears to not have any resemblance to the definition as used by the religious (But you are attempting to analyze it psychologically). In doing so your re-definition of it should at least be based on its general use and accepted definitions. Either way, it is often the case that what manifests within us against tyranny is full of anger, hatred, and willingness to murder. Much blood has been shed in opposition to tyranny as the saying says "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" is this the "Spirit of God"? Such injustice in tyranny can be real or perceived. Hence it may be that the innocent die when no offense has been committed and each person is at will to assume when they are held under tyranny and must be violent to free themselves of it or submit themselves to said tyranny. Such ambiguity has led to much innocent bloodshed. We should be careful with our definitions especially when we stray from their common use. Especially when our definition of the "spirit of God" is vaguely familiar with that of the Devil in the Christian text as he came to "Steal, kill, and destroy" all of which are things that occur in violent revolt against a repressive regime. I do not think those who have spent considerable time pondering such thoughts would argue that the death of the innocent is the spirit of God.

  • @invadergrim6198
    @invadergrim6198 Рік тому +2

    You have to dig deep to fortify yourself against slavery by saying "I'm sorry you were born into that position but Im not bothered because you're not me." Your lack of compassion is astonishing, I hope you have had a few lessons in empathy between the posting of this video and now

  • @DavidJones-we2ex
    @DavidJones-we2ex 2 роки тому +1

    Dig it.

  • @reghartt
    @reghartt Рік тому +2

    Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, calls us to accept no wo/man as our teacher and to let no wo/man call us teacher for we have one teacher: G*D. Now if we take that seriously (and, seriously, we are meant to then we make ourselves one with G*D. I took this idea seriously when I first read THE NEW TESTAMENT cover to cover five times through on a bus ride to Hollywood, California from Toronto in 1970 with only a Toronto Public Library card for identification. Emo Philips sent me a postcard on which he had written, "I honestly believe you are the greatest teacher I know for only you preach the evil of teaching. Well, not only you. David Mamet in his book TRUE AND FALSE confirms everything you've been saying all along." “Like the belief of the terminally ill in medicine the belief of the legitimately frightened in the educational process is a comforting lie.” - David Mamet . Yes, he does. And with him John Taylor Gatto and a host of others. The problem with Peterson is that he has made a business of being that which G*D through Jesus clearly tells us not to do. . I have been trusting as G*D alone as my teacher since 1970 when I first read those words. Truth be told I began doing that when I first met this idea in THE I CHING in 1968. It seems that working out of an old run down row house in Toronto since 1992 I am now on a pretty good list: . Jordon Peterson has never been here. Nonetheless, a very great many people have. One of those people, WIZTHEMAC, stated, "God had a plan for me. He took me to Reg Hartt." , I told Wiz, "Call no wo/man teacher. Let no wo/man call you teacher." .

  • @ronaldnatalia1724
    @ronaldnatalia1724 2 роки тому +2

    Hi Jordan, the cross was for our sins, not the Lord Jesus Christ, that should have been punished in the cross. According to the good news of The Lord Jesus Christ in
    Galatians 5:24 - King James Version (KJV 1900) 24 "And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts."
    Romans 8:3 ESV / 93 'For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do.
    By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh," Hebrews 10:1-18
    “Sacrifices and offerings you have not desired,
    but a body have you prepared for me;
    6 in burnt offerings and sin offerings
    you have taken no pleasure.
    7 Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come to do your will, O God,
    as it is written of me in the scroll of the book.’”

  • @fvang4751
    @fvang4751 Рік тому

    I find God's humor in the bronze snake...a little..
    Not medicine but a fake snake...why??
    It would be fair and JP probably did..
    At least understand the core understanding of each chapter or sections of Exodus based on those that practice the religion that accepts Exodus as cannon. It does depend on approach...
    Approach from non practitioner of said religion or JP psychological take of said religions interpretation.

  • @dazzlepecs
    @dazzlepecs 29 днів тому

    music is so bad. Do not do this

  • @sheilaflores5893
    @sheilaflores5893 Рік тому +1

    As much as I enjoy listening to DP, it would be great is he stops using slang phrases that are rooted in blasphemy (like, OMG, Blo.., ect). One can't talk about the Bible, and at the same time use these phrases.

  • @leilalu84
    @leilalu84 Рік тому

    That stupid ominous music. He was very matter of fact and almost comedic. Didn’t fit at all

  • @LifeasaGift
    @LifeasaGift 2 роки тому +2

    Talk about misrepresenting the Bible. I'm currently reading the book of Exodus, halfway through it and I have to say I've cringed every 15 seconds listening to this "lecture". And I'm a JP fan🤦🤦It always made me uneasy that he did "Bible study" without having the Holy Spirit in him, now I know why....

    • @alpresto897
      @alpresto897 2 роки тому

      I’m grateful for ur comment because I was thinking the exact same thing! It’s funny because I seen this video come up and I asked myself “ how can Jordan Peterson represent God but lowkey still be racist?” And funny enough, this guy combines both😫 🤦🏾‍♂️ we still must pray for him tho

    • @LifeasaGift
      @LifeasaGift 2 роки тому +2

      @@alpresto897 JP racist? Lol I never said that or thaught that of him. Trying to have a conversation these days is like that game of broken telephone. All I meant was that he should first commit his life to Jesus and recieve the Holy Spirit before trying to teach on the Bible. The Word of God is a treasure hidden from the world and for the benefit of His children. It is extremely conceted of JP to think that he can just sit on the fence and benefit from both of the world and the Word and not just stop there, but also teach others. This being said, I repeat, I never heard him say anything racist, let's not go woke here pls.

    • @motiveinmotivation383
      @motiveinmotivation383 2 роки тому +1

      The claim that an interpretation is wrong can be looked at as an inability to adopt a perspective. What Peterson is great at is bringing information to life through explanations of how facts align with our physiological and psychological makeup. The oldest religion is the family and community. Can faith get in the way of what’s truth?

    • @naturewalks7867
      @naturewalks7867 2 роки тому

      How old is this lecture?

    • @HonorTrees
      @HonorTrees 2 роки тому +4

      He did state up front that his opinion was from a psychological view. You miss that?