(BIS) Super Psycho Love Part 8 ~ Tora/Misaki

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • O MAN AM I EVER PROUD OF THIS!! =D (watch in HD, please! :O)
    ... although i can't believe that my first KWMS video doesn't include Usui o_o HOW CAN THAT BE?! Sacrilege not to use the sexeh man himself...
    and thats why i CAN'T believe the amount of effort i put in to make that stupid Tora look sexy (although i think i succeeded 8'D)! Misaki's perfect all she had to do was strut her stuff xD
    ....gaaaaahhh since WHEN did i ever get this... SEXIST??! This anime, i tell ya... ~_~
    oh wait.... i already made a KWMS Mep part before this :P oopsie.
    Lol ok so i'm not gonna get into the whole torrents mess that makes this my most delayed part for a BIS Mep yet -_- focusing on positives... I LOVE EDITING!!! Yayyyy this vid reminded me of that ( talk abt good timing! I really needed it) It was a labour of love but i think I've reached new heights in my editing definitely! Although i didnt put in any lyrics like i wanted to :/... who knew making those eenie weenie black lyrics was so tough! But then again this vid is so dark too... maybe i should have gone with silver? Bah whatever I'm majorly happy with this vid anyway!! MUCH LOVE TO BIS AND ITS AWESOME AWESOME LEADER FOR INSPIRING ME LIKE THIS AND FOR BEING SO NICE TO ME WHILE I RANTED OVER MY PROBLEMS! Love you all... =')
    I hope you all enjoy heart
    Anime: Kaichou wa Maid Sama
    Song: Super Psycho Love by Simon Curtis
    Theme: Antagonist vs heroine of the series
    Studio: Black Infinity Studios
    Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
    gosh n now im inspired to do a sudden KnT MMV... waaaah n I've already got so much uni work to worry about, wth! ;o;


  • @InuFyre1993
    @InuFyre1993 13 років тому

    Lol I LOOOOVE your opinion on Tora, ku ku ku - would require much much effort to that make that guy look squeee-ish but you pulled it off! I squeeed X3 Awesome part and awesome song!! Nice and snazzy looking! Definitely looking forward to seeing this MEP!!

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @xBeeBee10x EEEEEEHHH thank you SO SO MUCH! Omg what nice words... Really im very happy to hear that! Im glad you enjoyed it too :)

  • @residentmaria
    @residentmaria 13 років тому

    OH MY GOODNESS. That was intense, awesome job. :D I love the editing & the darkness, it's wonderful!

  • @91msag
    @91msag  11 років тому

    Thank you ^_^ And sorry, I'm not really planning to make any more KWMS vids. But if I do, it'll probably be centred around Usui/Misaki. This video is about as smexy as I can make this pairing out to be ~w~;

  • @SaphireBluey
    @SaphireBluey 11 років тому

    I really love it

  • @InuFyre1993
    @InuFyre1993 12 років тому

    it does me too Maheen, it does me too!

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @residentmaria :DDD Thank you so much!!! I'm really happy you enjoyed it ^____^

  • @91msag
    @91msag  11 років тому

    Thank you so much ^.^ well, I still prefer Usui over Tora tbh, but you're right, he's still a great character and could use more smexy vids ;D

  • @ItsRainingClocks
    @ItsRainingClocks 11 років тому

    CANT DESCRIBE how much i love this. OMG. XD

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    :DDD Yes i actually AM replaying my own video again and again... how pathetic am i? lol waiting for the vid quality to get better....

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @lumcolette93 WOW! O_O Awww thank you so so much :') your words meant a lot to me! Haha yes i cant wait either :D

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    candy to teh ears... thats it! I'm getting this song for myself! XD

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @InuFyre1993 Gosh tell me abt it... somehow i can't look at these scenes the same any more without drooling over TORA of all ppl!!!! @__@ Haha thanks Jess... and I''m sorry i havnt replied to your PMs and channel comments yet been really busy. Suffice it to say (as u see in the vid) i found a way around the problem that was keeping me from using my KWMS clips... but its still not enough

  • @InuFyre1993
    @InuFyre1993 13 років тому

    @InuFyre1993 cliche her character seemed to me at first. Girl acts tough, hates boys, guy breaks down her walls, she faints, goes all DID (plus she's really, REALLY pretty you know? And that's so shallow of me lol). The anime was just too fun to watch for that to really bother me though. AND admittedly I've gotta agree again you Maheen: Hardened front? That's so you Maheen XPP (I kid x3). Mushy melt inside - what Usui did to MY insides >...<
    I love Mp4 files! Vegas just laps them right up, hm?

  • @tizamstry
    @tizamstry 13 років тому

    pretty epic. :) loved it.

  • @91msag
    @91msag  12 років тому

    Lol, I have.
    I don't particularly ship both of them but I have to admit, that chapter was um, sexy! ;D

  • @91msag
    @91msag  11 років тому

    Thank you!! ♥

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @soniclovea lol which means you'll be finished with your part early? Yes? :'D haha pretending to be the desperate mep host... I already suck at it seeing as i forgot to give one part out! @_@

  • @InuFyre1993
    @InuFyre1993 13 років тому

    @meenosagittarius91 ARGH, TORA WHYYYYYYY??? T_T
    No problem, and nah don't worry, I know how busy you are Maheen, it's absolutely fine. And I can see what you mean! Your KWMS clips are top notch quality... sounded like a real hassle getting them all to work torrent wise though. But that's still not enough? T.T Well whatever it is, forget about it for a little while and keep watching this little gem of an MEP part over and over - and all of its sexist glory!! XDD Oooh KWMS...

  • @91msag
    @91msag  11 років тому

    Yeah I'm up to date with the manga, and still prefer Usui ^^;
    Thats not to say I don't LIKE Tora, you know. Besides this mep part was specifically for an mep in which you had to pair the girl up with the bad guy cuz of the song, its just lucky on my part that tora is smexy 'nuff to carry the whole thing ^_~

  • @ulgygroove
    @ulgygroove 13 років тому

    Cool part!!!

  • @InuFyre1993
    @InuFyre1993 13 років тому

    @meenosagittarius91 .... seem like way more trouble than their worth. Though they do seem to boast AMAZING HD clip qualitities... hm.... But still!!! Either way you've done it and you now know FOR ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that your converter has that life saving converting option, tehe. Ooooh and a question for the techno-impaired i.e. ME: what does demux mean...? *o*

  • @InuFyre1993
    @InuFyre1993 13 років тому

    @meenosagittarius91 Eeek! *head bowing in shame* I shall know better next time!!! Hehehehe thanks Meeno-chan ('cause alt is fun ^^). You've helped me just as much btw - just by talking it out with you it helps! I'm way more inspired than once before :3
    I noticed!!! Just LOOK at all those tutorials you've got lined up!!
    And I've not even through half of them yet XDD
    VLC? Oooh and that sounds like a plan! A very good plan! ^3^

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @meenosagittarius91 tried it... didnt get rid of the subs but WHEW it converted so that i could use it in SV ~_~ talk abt drama...
    LOL!!! Thats what im thinking Jess, just SOAK UP all that amazingly smexeh sexist glory hahaha!!! x'DD

  • @chibizero1981
    @chibizero1981 13 років тому


  • @SaphireBluey
    @SaphireBluey 11 років тому

    thank you :)

  • @91msag
    @91msag  11 років тому

    Arigatou ^_^

  • @BrooklynKitty852
    @BrooklynKitty852 11 років тому

    You say that you prefer Usui over Tora but have you read the manga? If not you should because it already changed many people's minds

  • @91msag
    @91msag  12 років тому

    reading our past conversations via comments always makes me all fuzzy inside Jess ^--^ btw did you ever get around to watching Toradora and Kodocha? :)
    *yes totally random comment outofnowhere right heaH! xD*

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @InuFyre1993 omg there was another anime for us to go crazy fangirl abt n i never knew it! XD btw i got hooked that way too *-* except i watched it in 2-3 days cuz of my net connection xp
    GUILTY PLEASURE is exactly right! I remember blushing ALL the way thru the anime JUS cuz of Usiii~! I've grown to love Misaki now,... maybe cuz of the latest manga chapters but now i see i can totally relate to that strong-front-mushy-melt-inside that she is!
    Yeah n apparently mp4 is the new wmv, go figure! :P

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @soniclovea lol i can't believe i made u blush :o x//D *SCORE!*

  • @91msag
    @91msag  11 років тому

    well I used torrents to get them, from the site bakabt.me
    But they still had subtitles, so I used this program to separate the subtitles from the videos. The procedure is called Demuxing, and there are some tutorials on it available on youtube which you can watch

  • @91msag
    @91msag  12 років тому

    :D Thankyouuu! XD

  • @InuFyre1993
    @InuFyre1993 13 років тому

    @meenosagittarius91 Oh yes! A while back... love me some Maid-sama! XP. It kept popping in MEPs EVERYWHERE on yt and it looked cute; I saw it, got hooked and watched the whole series in a day - computer sure paid for that one T_T It's sort of a guilty pleasure - I get so annoyed at Misaki but I love her and Usui so win win either way ^_~
    Hell I can imagine... it's frustrating enough converting just any old file. Like avi's; vegas HATES avi's! And apparently mkv ones too? Torrents... --->

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @InuFyre1993 oh yeah there was this comment too... lol me getting lost in the sea of comments too :P
    welll i just know of this one site that has GORGEOUS HD eps... but for me the main advantage of torrents is that u can have the downloading going on for DAYS at an end n the download wont stop halfway! I just changed the setting of my laptop so that it doesnt log off when i put the lid down n viola! Actually that doesnt matter still cuz even if the battery dies the download PAUSES not stops!

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @InuFyre1993 i didnt even know what a hickey was till that ep :P n then i looked back n wondered that kiss looked so mild it really DID leave some sort of scar behind on her X///D (btw i cant believe we're online at the same time like this!)
    Hahaha lots of things in that anime which made me wonder whether that should be allowed.... anime lead oozing of pheromerones galore for one! :P

  • @InuFyre1993
    @InuFyre1993 13 років тому

    @meenosagittarius91 Bahahahaha I KNOW!!!! Awesome right?? I've been seeing it in your faves box a lot so I wondered... Lol gosh so sooo much blushing I agree (I had to keep pressing pause to keep meself in check - got all flustered when Usui gave her a hickey or something like it in one ep... I sort of exploded at that point: "SHOULD THIS BE ALLOWED??? OOOH BUT I LOVE LOVE LOOOVE this anime..." sigh)!!
    Maybe I shall one day warm to Misaki then; I don't dislike her per say, it was just how

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @chibizero1981 :D THANK YOU!!!! XD

  • @91msag
    @91msag  12 років тому

    ♥♥ hahaha well don't worry i dont blame you (THAT much!) abt Kodocha... its a pretty longish anime. But its really amazingly funny (and angsty in parts) SODONTFORGET! @.@....Hehehe :3
    Haha really? :D So im guessing that means you DID watch it (cuz is short too!). Lemme know what you think and maybe il give it a rewatch if you like it enough cuz it never made me fangirl squeel like everybody else

  • @91msag
    @91msag  11 років тому

    Np ^^

  • @InuFyre1993
    @InuFyre1993 13 років тому

    @meenosagittarius91 "Love bite" sounds somewhat less ekh... is hickey the techni-term then? o.O Oh wikiiii....*surf*
    Yup! Full moon when all those bizarre happenings happen... for instance: us being online at the same time!!!
    Hehehe truth be told neither do I.... honest, no idea really. I know what it *sounds* like, but yar, I fail to. (Got a 'U' in Biology >.>) I'll await your wiki searcch!!

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @InuFyre1993 HAHA i honestly dont know!!!! For me love-bites is the more ecky term :P
    lol so true!!! XDD
    Haha i never took the advanced Human Biology... dropped it first chance i got when O levels started n havnt looked back since then :P Ask me stuff abt plant roots n the food pyramid n i can get very knowledgable thank you u.u

  • @91msag
    @91msag  11 років тому

    Hahaha thank you!! :)

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @InuFyre1993 SAME! Tsundre (although in my opinion she was at least a WAY better than Taiga from Toradora-shes ABUSIVE, period) 4 me it was the same XCEPT for the pretty factor- i never understood y Usui was so attracted to her she just keeps BLUSHIN the whole darn time (cant blame her tho) N no way does she measure up to Usuis luks! oh wait... ur bein sarcastic! >.<
    that IS me i kid u not! only my close friends know how mushy i am inside honest :'D
    i didnt even know mp4 was bettter than wmv ~_~

  • @InuFyre1993
    @InuFyre1993 13 років тому

    @meenosagittarius91 Oh yes I know at least bit XP Does sound like a lot of effort to go to just to have non-subbed clips and then when you wanna re-watch it have those subs BACK. So what is it that torrents do (sorry to have to ask) that work so much better, other than nice quality eps? Easier to convert or have I just missed a real big obvious point here...?

  • @91msag
    @91msag  12 років тому

    lol well I can't deny the video being, er, SUGGESTIVE in the first place so...! ;D

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @ulgygroove Thank you!!! ^.^

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @InuFyre1993 haha altho i knew it by the term "love bites" (ekh) not hickey! Nice ol' wikipedia...
    haha ya full moon! LOL fated meeting that is ours... ;D
    i so fail at chem/bio/all sciences cuz i don't even know what THAT means exactly... just a hazy idea... DONT RUIN MY INNOCENCE! i'll wiki search it myself ;o;

  • @InuFyre1993
    @InuFyre1993 13 років тому

    @meenosagittarius91 What better way to find out! I was all: Oooooh so *that's* what one looks like! Eww. Saliva." XD. OMGOSH lol I know right??? I'm really excited... we're usually hours apart!!! *o* Must be a full moon. ;3
    Hehehehe "pheromerones" hehehehe.... ^ v ~

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @soniclovea *GLOMPS YOU!!!!* oh man am i pathetic that i never go offline without waiting endlessly for my first comment? :'D BUT ITS ALWAYS WORTH IT!!! XDD YAAAY IM SO GLAD YOU... GOT IT! Haha "sexy sadistic looking pervert"... great im gonna be thinkin abt that line all day now n i have another afternoon class to attend >////< x3 haha yes i know u'd at least say that cuz you told me before you don't really like lyrics... hmm i guess they WOULD be distracting in this case. THANK YOU, LUV!

  • @InuFyre1993
    @InuFyre1993 13 років тому

    @meenosagittarius91 *Is getting lost in the sea of comments* Hehehe...
    Ooooh Toradora?? Tell! I'm really thinking about watching that at some point. It and Kodacha I think? I know though! All she did was tell him off one time and suddenly he was la la over her... makes ya wish life could be more like an anime, har har. >.< Me? Sarcastic? Don't know the meaning of that word ;3
    Then you're oooh so lovable Maheen! *glomps, lots and lotsa glomps* I bet yer not as mean as ya make out ^_~ XDDD

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @soniclovea Haha! Whew I'm not the only one X'D lol laughing or blushing *-* hehe//
    well i guess whenever u feel the need to do lyrics in the vid... but not overuse them (unless its amazing like your clannad vid ^^)
    hehe... "perfectly sexy"... ASWDGJKF -damn my mind HAS gotten corrupted!!! O_O

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @tizamstry thank you so much :)

  • @InuFyre1993
    @InuFyre1993 13 років тому

    @meenosagittarius91 Really? Me? *grinning like an idiot here* I find focusing on the positives harder as opposed to the negavtives... but you're exactly right there; you're always a step ahead of someone else whether it seems that way or not i guess. What I need to do is watch more tutorials.
    So not even windows media? Weird. Guess you were just one of those unlucky ones Maheen, but from the torrent page you weren't the only one so maybe there's a more wide scale problem with the webpage??

  • @LieutenantEO
    @LieutenantEO 11 років тому

    @meenosagirrarius91 asdfghl this is pure genius oh my gosh it's wonderful okay A+

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @InuFyre1993 yeah i underestimated the trouble part.... cuz of another editor vouching for the site (well u know THAT part of the story at least :P) but i wanted to go mkv for non-dubbed animes anyway cuz it seems a waste to just have the RAW eps downloaded for editing n then stream the eps for eng subs when u wanna rewatch the anime! MUCHO waste of Internet if u ask me... and i decided on torrents too cuz i tried n its really hard to find GENUINE mkv format eps...

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @InuFyre1993 lol Jess,u know u changed my way of thinking abt editing.Now i dont focus on negatives cuz i know that i HAVE managed to achieve what other ppl are still learning so why complain?But a good tutorial explaind demuxing thats it
    what was wrong was it WOULDNT PLAY!on ANY media player i had- nothing!readin the comments section of the torrent page later turns out sum ppl complained n blamed the torrent for bad quality-its sad cuz u read those comments n always think it wont apply to u

  • @SaphireBluey
    @SaphireBluey 11 років тому

    Do you know where I can get KWMS episodes without any subtitles?

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @InuFyre1993 oh the website for anime torrents or the torrent downloader? For the first one its bakabt.me (google for full link, cant post it here) and the second one, just look up either uTorrents or bittorrents from download.cnet.com , thats a pretty reliable software downloading site

  • @InuFyre1993
    @InuFyre1993 13 років тому

    @meenosagittarius91 Wow really? That does sounds waaay better than regular downloads. Could you maybe give me a link for the website? Can't guarantee I'll get round to using it, but then I might see XD

  • @sandy000000004
    @sandy000000004 12 років тому

    Anyone here read the newest chapter~?

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @soniclovea :OOO I ALREADY DID!!!! Omg u didnt get the PM?!! Shoot... ok re-sending, sorry abt that!

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @InuFyre1993 :D *pretending she knows which comment this is referring to xP*

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @InuFyre1993 *sorry xP*
    well... i dunno dont take my word for it but i didnt like it... alot of other ppl did though!
    OH OH KODAOCHA!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG YESSSSSSS U MUST WATCH THAT!!! Its really long but trust me u wont regret it! Its up high in my anime list with Inuyasha n OHSHC! ;) HAR HAR YES! ~_~ *looking back at all the times she told certain guys off and it had far from happy results*
    Hehe surrrreee u dont ;P welll not MEAN exactly... more reserved n "cold" to others ;D *GLOMPS YA BACK*

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @InuFyre1993 they turn out to be something else n dont work on the mkv converters i have! Haha techno impaired?? PLZ! Let me tell u the story of the desperate girl who learnt from SCRATCH all she had to abt torrents n demuxing! ~_~ demuxing takes seconds where converting takes hours. Its basically pulling the video footage from the mkv files n leaving the subs behind n then MUXING that video into whatever editable file format u want! Very convenient... unless ur working with my KWMS eps! @.@

  • @InuFyre1993
    @InuFyre1993 13 років тому

    @meenosagittarius91 Psyche! The other one of course

  • @InuFyre1993
    @InuFyre1993 13 років тому

    @meenosagittarius91 Yes! IMPAIRED! B-but but you did it!! And you taught yourself from scratch! That's saying something Maheen if nothing else lol. You know that old saying "Teach a man how to catch a fish and he eats for life?" Never will that apply to me + computers, lol. Though demuxing doesn't actually sound all that bad... if takes less than half the time converting does, I'm already for it should I ever download torrents. Lol, so what the eff was wrong with your KWMS eps exactly??

  • @PerfectAngel2113
    @PerfectAngel2113 12 років тому


  • @flightlessbird9361
    @flightlessbird9361 11 років тому

    please tell me name of this song:*

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @InuFyre1993 :O YES! YOUUU u idiot how did u NOT know??!! I'd still be ranting if it weren't for u silly *shakes u* oh i dont mean ALWAYS just certain general stuff like "i hate SV/wish i knew AE" replaced by "hey, at least i know more than WMM editors!"
    little things like that :P n yeah im a big tutorial junkie :P
    i dont have windows media but VLC generally works for EVERYTHING! Yeah i posted a comment there and looked up their comments n im gonna try ALL the suggestions n solutions offered :/

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @meenosagittarius91 ugh never mind alrerady wiki-searched it... didnt understand a word of it as expected but... hazy idea confirmed, duh. -.-
    dont look at me now i feel like i've sunken low to new depths @.@

  • @InuFyre1993
    @InuFyre1993 13 років тому

    @meenosagittarius91 Thank you Maheen!!!!! Download.cnet.com.... right! ^_^

  • @InuFyre1993
    @InuFyre1993 13 років тому

    @meenosagittarius91 LMAO. Had to say it. XD.

  • @PerfectAngel2113
    @PerfectAngel2113 12 років тому

    Thinking of dirty thoughts while watching..sorry?

  • @91msag
    @91msag  13 років тому

    @InuFyre1993 I KNOWWWWW!!! T___T say, i never knew u had watched KWMS :P lol when did that happen?
    See cuz actually what i was having besides viewing problems of the torrents eps themselves on my media players... THEY WOULDNT CONVERT OR DEMUX! And whats the point of going through all that trouble to download mkv files when they won't be accepted in SV let alone be sub-less! But I found a way around it... i remembered at the last minute that AnyVideoConverter had a mkv converting option n i