Rush Limbaugh was the greatest Conservative talk radio host to ever exist. He was a great great American that deeply loved this nation and all its people's, even the ones that hate him even in his death. That man deserves a monument in DC. He is who opened my eyes to the truth of the Liberal Party and it's Communist agenda and helped me to begin thinking for myself. This is the very speech I listened to over the radio while at work and had my entire life long beliefs shattered and reassembled in 90 minutes. RIP Rush!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for opening my heart and my mind!! God bless this man's soul!!
@Big Wiggle --- Yep. Dittos on everything you said. Started listening to him in 1990. I always found it somehow comforting knowing that he was around. Can't tell you how many "oh yeah" moments I had listening to him. There's now a hole that no one will ever be able to fill. A great man.
I'll be joining him very quickly. Christians will be in prisoned and die there within 20 years. Christians and Jews were thrown into concentration camps and into prisons in Germany for existing Hitler in 1936 through 1945. In 1932 to 33 when the Nazis first took over nobody imagined it. Now that we have a socialist governor and president there's every possibility that we will deteriorate into that within 10 years.
@@paysonfox88 I do believe you are right but I fear it will be much worse. They use climate change and over population as excuses for the New Green Deal but allow our country to be over run by illegals who are diseased and worse. The Georgia Guide Stones read "Maintain population to 800 million". Does that mean approximately 7 BILLION DIE? Look it up.
Listened to him since 1988. He helped me understand what conservativism and conservative values are. Thank you Rush - for what you've done for conservative values for SO SO many years. Well Done. Few can say - they've left the world a better place. Ok ... So you didn't cure some terrible disease - but you did push back against a terrible disease called liberalism. Thank You !!!
I thought he was pretty good back then too, but I decided to fact check him on his diatribe. Actually had to go to library back then. Found out he was big fat liar on just about everything.
@@owendepascal3577 "Women are whores and sluts, black people are thugs and gay people deserve to die". Conservatives: This man is literally the Aristoteles of our time.
@@jessefontenot9846 I drove at night, I was stuck with Larry King... But ALSO Bruce Williams...I liked Bruce better, had some real knowledge to pass, though he wasn't very political.
Listening to Rush on the radio was like having a friend over for the afternoon. His voice filled the house - artfully explaining and educating his audience about what the latest Washington maneuvers really were about and their impact on us. God Bless RUSH - you taught us well and we will HOLD THE LINE against the planned destruction of wonderful US of America!
I used hate Rush and one day 3 years ago I listened and I never stopped listening... one day is all it took to change my way of thinking. My patriotism and the love for this country became stronger! God bless America!! RIP Limbaugh 🙏
Amen! I thought he was horrible due to what I'd heard about him. Then I listened to him. He changed my life forever! He spoke the truth, and only the truth. The left feared him. He could turn a liberal into a patriot in one speech. He had a way of putting things in to perspective that made sense to everyone. I loved him. Truly loved and respected him. Listened to him every day for decades. I've never felt such a loss from a death of a public figure. He was my mentor. No one can replace him!
Rush’s death hit me hard. More than any celebrity death ever has. I listened to him for years and became the educated conservative I am today because of him. Indeed I am one of many Rush babies who loved him so much. I would give anything to hear his voice live on the radio again. Now I know how Luke Skywalker felt when Obi Wan Died. February 17, 2021 is a date that will live in infamy. Rush taught us well. He’s gone now and it’s up to us to carry on and see to it that he did not fail in his mission to fight liberalism across the country. I love you so much Rush and I miss you. RIP you were the greatest.
Talent on loan from God now returned to God. Thank you Rush for what you did for the conservative movement in this country. R.I.P. Rush! Will miss you and love you forever!
When he came on my buddies station in 1988 or 9 we both said to ourselves " who is this fat arrogant know it all". 6 months later we loved the guy like a brother. I miss him like a father.
@@Ryan78900 Yeah. Hoping I haven’t screwed up too much to be kept out of Heaven and miss the opportunity to meet Rush, as well as a multitude of individuals, and of course, God.
I feel the same. I miss the man so much and you're right. No one can ever fill Rush Limbaugh's shoes. The man is and will always be a Hero. Rest in Peace Rush. *We love* , *We miss you* , And you will never be forgotten. *#IAmSoSad*
I’ve literally watch my 70 year old father now 75 become so depressed after losing his buddy Or just something that he enjoyed coming from nothing, and working his ass off My dad worked his ass off, and somehow Rush Limbaugh became his best friend and he listen to loyally every day of his life My father will never be just as happy as he was, but it wasn’t because of rush it was just because he worked hard to get to earn to understand to then understand what it was about and I think justRush helped him along the way You always made me stronger I was his only daughter. But he had away to not let you see but when he listen to rush, a lot of things change all the time So now, I listen to rush and rush should be turning over in his grave today if he knew what was going on in this country
My father always simply said I come from nothing But I have helped you I can help you the whole way, but I will not be helping you You have to have yourself Nobody helped my father He didn’t even know how to speak English and he failed the second grade twice Never made an excuse for himself He just worked harder
Rush, I can't believe you're gone. I just lost my dear mother to COVID in Dec 2020 and now my husband has incurable cancer. Why are all the good ones leaving us? Please God have more.
Rush told the TRUTH and that is not being POLITICAL CORRECT. TOO BAD that the TRUTH HURTS but worse than that many are LED ASTRAY BY SATANS LIES. You have to KNOW TRUTH before you can UNDERSTAND a LIE just like you have to UNDERSTAND light verses darkness.
My father disliked Reagan immensely because he phased out Social Security tuition benefits for college students during my senior year of high school. :( I, along with several other students who were affected by this change were forced into dropping all of our day classes and substituting our high-school diploma with a GED in order to enroll in community college classes in time to beat the cutoff deadline (even then, the tuition benefits were reduced 25% each year until they were phased out completely). The school guidance counselor eventually got the schedule rearranged where we could attend night and weekend classes; and still get our high school credits; but it was too late for me. Despite this fiasco, I liked and respected Reagan for his strong pro-life stance and his standing up to communism, etc.; and by the 1986 mid-terms I was voting Republican-much to the confusion and consternation of my father, lol.
@@excellenceinanimation960 that makes no sense. Why would you tell me that? You should try being original instead of mocking the last thing you heard. I guess I shouldn't expect anything more from a trump zombie. that is all you have the ability to do. Thinking on your own is bad.
@@stevemiller5095 lol. The fact you think that about people is concerning. You obviously don’t understand what we want out of our government. Your making this to important. All we want is a government that leaves us alone. And regulates as little as possible. Leftists seem to want the government to control there life. Maybe it’s because they cannot control there own lives and are angry so they want to control everyone else I’m really not sure. What should you think it is? Interested to hear.
@@excellenceinanimation960 you are the only people that get what you want. Screw everybody else...that is called fascism. That is not America. Vote and make a change. Become educated
I first started to listening to Rush when he first came on the radio in Michigan. That was in 1988. I was 19 or 20 then. I am fortunate enough to have seen him live at his Rush to Excellence Tour in ‘89. It was like a rock concert for political nerds. That event was as amazing as Rush was. It was an amazing time when Rush first showed up. He continued to amaze all the way through. Rush was my hero; throughout my life I have had very few actual hero’s. I was always interested in the political arena. He taught me SO much and even helped shape me as a man. Mega Heavenly Dittos! Say hello to your Grandfather. Today you are returning your talent. I am sure you are now kneeling at Gods RIGHT side! Thank you for everything.
The 1st time I heard Rush I was around 10yrs old with my Dad in St. Louis MO where we lived at the time in 1989. By the time I was 15 I listened most days with my older brother. Rush was a lion, no doubt about it. We lost 1 of the G.O.A.T.S.😪
First time I heard Rush was 12 or 13, hunting with my father, freezing off my tukas, so we hopped in the truck and drove around for lunch and he put on KDKA 1020AM. I listened for a few minutes in between chatting with Dad, and I asked "who is this guy?" The rest is "histoia" as El Rushbo would occasionally put it. That was 1993-94. Listened for over a quarter of a Century through college, through professional school, through road trips, driving home overnight with podcasts, traveling to go on vacation, at work, while hobbying. The man reminded me and I identified him with my entire sphere of influence as I grew up. The first thing I learned from his show was that knowing WHY I believe what I believe is just as important as what I believe. 🤘 The second thing I learned was, Walter E. Williams was black by popular demand. 🤣 The third thing I learned was, that as long as Rush was here, it didn't matter where 'here' was. 😔 The fourth thing I learned was that Tom Puff Daschle was a complet idiot. The fifth thing I learned was that the only limitation on what I could accomplish in life was MYSELF, and that I can accomplish what I decide to focus on. The sixth thing I learned was, the Real Story of Thanksgiving. The seventh thing I learned was, that it's okay to enjoy Mannheim Steamroller Christmas songs. 😄 The show was so layered with humor, euphemism, general principles of life, with in-depth opinionated analysis not only of politics, but of certain elements of humanity. He truly was the G.O.A.T. I will always remember him whether I am working on my desk, considering politics and wishing I could funnel frurstration into humor or parody, in the hunting stand or reloading bench, on a long roadtrip, enjoying a fine cigar, washing/waxing vaccuming the car in summer, or decorating for Christmas in winter. Rush was a guy who invited us into his studio and into his mind, and many of us invited him into our everyday lives, and there was some peculiar connection there, based upon a common love of God, country, history, tradition, humor, and patriotism.
What Rush said about Obama's wasted opportunity to inspire others through his ability and talent. So sad. He, Obama, used his talent to enrich himself and simultaneously revived the racial tensions in the country which had appropriately diminished and been in decline since the civil rights movement of the 60s. RIP Rush.
@@janiemoore2721 RUSH HAS HIS MANSION WAITING IN HEAVEN. Nothing on this EARTH controlled by Satan was THIS MANS goals but GOD did BLESS HIM and We should Realize RUSHS GIFT to US.
Every time I go back and listen to Rush, it hurts. It hurts when he doesn’t come out of my radio at 12:05pm. No actor, no movie, no musician has touched me as deeply as this man’s words. My uncle taught me about conservativism. In turn, I turned him onto Rush. Lost both within a four month span. The world’s a little darker place.
@@bryanspindle4455 That’s a pretty weak thing to say. Whether or not you like him, he raised tens of millions of dollars for charity. How much have you done? Have you ever really listened to him? Or are you just sticking to a narrative that your masters lay before you? To call him evil is to clearly demonstrate your ignorance. Now, get up out of your mom’s basement, and eat your dinner.
@@bryanspindle4455 I am amazed that you can see evil in this man. You are looking through warped vision if you see one ounce of evil in him. In two years he will be gone and he will have left an immense void in the lives of decent human beings. You, I'm sad today, is not one of them. Decent that is.
I remember the first time I ever heard Rush Limbaugh. It was July of 1993. I was in college, and in between classes I would be out in my car listening to the radio. It was an AM radio station too; WGST I believe. It wasn't music that had my attention. It was Rush and the things he was saying. I agreed with much of what he said although prior to then I had a preference for Democrats. He opened my eyes to some of the things that Democrats did and what they believed, and I found that many of their beliefs did not match my own. And me being an outspoken person myself, I instantly liked the guy. Things certainly have changed since then. Democrats aren't really Democrats anymore and Republicans aren't really Republicans anymore either. And with all the changes in the political landscape, Rush never did change. I'll always remember that. Others may come close, but there will never be another Rush Limbaugh. God bless you Rush.
@@recidivistfighter4673 , you obviously never listened to Rush. You listened to the media and believed them. I feel sorry for you and everyone like you who call us haters while being so full of hate.
I discovered Rush during my college years during the Bush/Clinton election. It was during this time that I was really into learning about conservatism. Read Sen. Goldwater's autobiography, which led to me reading " Conscience of a Conservative " . Also got a membership of the Military History Book Club, where books were mailed to me at no cost and I paid for the ones I kept. Great times.
Ironically I have a brother who's as devoutly Christian as I am who took offence at Rush's claim to have "talent on loan from God" until I explained to him that ALL talent by definition is "on loan from God"!😜
I feel the same way. I got a laugh when Hannity told a story about filling in for Rush. He knocked over the great mic. When Rush came back he told how Hannity dented the great Golden EIB microphone. I laughed. I miss Rush already!
It is amazing!! this speech will be timeless in US history. What he was talking about 12 years ago, is very relevant and is happening today, right now in 2021 I miss Rush so much.
@@brucelytle1144 You are 100% correct, Bruce. Last night I heard this speech again (15 times already) and I was moved again. Oh God Please help this great nation NOW!
I saw Rush give this great speech live on TV in 2009. What he said 12 years ago is still just as important today. Conservative principles are timeless. RIP, Rush. A man, a legend, a way of life.
It is so sad that Rush had to pass away. In Dec. 2019, a month or so before making public his diagnosis of Jan. 2020, I had been thinking that Rush was going to be 69 soon, and perhaps he could have another 10 to 20 years behind the Golden EIB Microphone. Now, only 14 months after thinking about that, he's gone forever. I will deeply miss his voice, his wit, and his wisdom. He fed my soul with a daily dose of optimism in a crazy, confused, troubled, unhinged world.
@@vindikaktus It started turning to shit on Jan 20, 2009, that lasted 8 years, took a reprieve starting Jan 20, 2017, and took a nosedive on Jan 20, 2021. We may never recover this time.
It's amazing how this applies more than ever today. I listened to Rush every day and I'm taking his passing kinda rough. I didn't realize how much I loved the guy and paused every day to hear his powerful intros. He had my peak interest after the music to hear his leading powerful words. I miss him! We lost a treasure. Don't forget what he stood for. It is up to us to continue his work. He loved Trump, and we need Trump back in office. Rush saw Trump as the strongest Conservative there was and had the balls to make it be known. I'm thankful Trump gave Rush the Presidential Medal of Freedom for all he's done for the country. I'm glad Rush got to experience that for all his hard work.Not only did Rush do what he did for 30+ years for the money, he also did it for the love of country. That's why he did so well at it. He lived and breathed what he said to all of us. He loves America and its freedoms. Let's keep his life's work alive!
Ditto my friend. I shed tears from FEB-16 every day until about a week ago mourning his and our loss. Never saw it coming, but realize how much of an impact he had on all of us.
The is what the Greatest of All Time is defined as, this is what it looks like for a radio host. Rush had a radio listener audience of about 18+ Million estimated in the mid 1990's every week. That was when the US POP was under 250 million. Roughly 8-10% of every man, woman, and child in the US was listening to him weekly. Nobody may ever top that in the future. For Content, Intelligence, Compassion, humor, and honesty, there will never be an equal to Rush Limbaugh. There are always exceptions to the rule "nobody is irreplaceable" and this is one such example. Nobody respective to their era ever replaced Babe Ruth. Nobody respective to their era has surpass Leonardo Davin-chi either. Nobody in the area of talk radio will ever surpass Rush Limbaugh IMO. It's been a privilege to have listened to him the past 24 years, and I'm going to miss him sorely.
I completely agree with you. Most of his good deeds he didn’t want recognition for. If you’re a fan of Rush check out the new 12 part podcast. Rush the man behind the golden EIB microphone. It’s very good.
I just cried for about 20 minutes. I miss this guy so much. The 9:00-12:00 radio block will never be the same. Dan Bongino is a great guy but there will never be another Rush. RIP brother. I love you.
Thank you for the time we had together. I grew socially and culturally more intelligent from what you shared with me. I re-watch you from time to time to rebuild and go forward. God I miss miss you
@@youngkarl1990 go look in the mirror and you can define traitor. Why don't you move to Venezuela or North Korea; then you can be with your comrades. You know nothing of which you speak.
The importance of this speech is only enhanced all the more by considering the Trump presidency 15yrs later...... How blessed we were to have The Big Voice on the Right for 30yrs! It's impossible to imagine who is worthy to pick up the torch. God bless us everyone.
Rush Limbaugh was a big fat idiot. What killed him was his hate. And of course, Cancer thinking he could smoke Cigars and not get cancer. He went deaf because he abused drugs.
Thanks for putting this up, it should be part of the Fox Nation memorial lineup for Rush. Increadible a thaousand comments this week for something that happened 11 years ago. You don't hear unvarnished reality anymore, no one has the balls for it like Rush did.
One of the most honest and True, American Patriots, ever. May you live on in eternal peace. Knowing that we are all in His hands and the story is as it was foretold. There are the survivors who sing the praises of the freedom and faith, there are the victims of believing the enemy. We choose life.
Rush so perfectly captures what it means to be conservative here. Truly, his talents where not the only thing on loan from God. His very existence was. May we all continue to learn from his wisdom. RIP.
I am concerned for the impressionable young people that dont even know who Rush is, what he stood for and how important he was and still is for the U.S.A..
@@BazookaToe He had 15,000,000 llisteners and milliins more in support. How many do you have? He was a 5 time Marconi winner, Natiinal Radìo Hall of Fame, NAB Broadcasting Hall of Fame and received the Presidential Freedom Award. That's just for starters, fool!
@@BazookaToe FOUR RECESSIONS in 12 YEARS!!!! YEAH GOLDEN AGE OF HIGH TAXES DAMN, SO MANY ON THE LEFT ARE IGNORANT The Recession of 1949 was a downturn in the United States lasting for 11 months. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the recession began in November 1948 and lasted until October 1949.[1] The 1949 recession was a brief economic downturn; forecasters of the time expected much worse, perhaps influenced by the poor economy in their recent lifetime.[2] The recession began shortly after President Truman's "Fair Deal" economic reforms. The recession also followed a period of monetary tightening by the Federal Reserve.[3] Recession of 1953 began in the second quarter of 1953 and lasted until the first quarter of 1954. The total recession cost roughly $56 billion. It has been described by James L. Sundquist, a staff member of the Bureau of the Budget and speech-writer for President Harry S. Truman as "relatively mild and brief."[1] The Recession of 1958, also known as the Eisenhower Recession, was a sharp worldwide economic downturn in 1958.[1] The effect of the recession spread beyond United States borders to Europe and Canada, causing many businesses to shut down.[2] It was the most significant recession during the post-World War II boom between 1945 and 1970 and had a sharp economic decline that only lasted eight months. The Recession of 1960-1961 was a recession in the United States. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research the recession lasted for 10 months, beginning in April 1960 and ending in February 1961.
Rush could really think on his feet and present issues in a way that were easily understandable. Which is a lot harder to do than people think. He was spot on about the welfare system here.
What a voice of TRUTH and how much does this speak to what's going on in today's world. Twelve years later and it still applys to 2021. Rush was a treasure and will be deeply missed. Prayers for his family.
We will always love you Rush. This great country is better bc of you. We miss you, your voice and your wisdom. RIP our dear friend. Forever in our hearts
I first discovered Rush when he was on TV back in 93 or so. I thought he was a braggart and arrogant, but I kept watching and most importantly, listening, and that is when I came to enjoy his shows. I even set up a TV at school to record his show, and would change tapes to keep up to date with what he was saying. It was also around this time that when we would visit my Grandma and Grandpa, that I found out Grandpa liked Rush too, and it gave us not only a connection, but something to talk about. In fact, my dad, grandpa, and I used to sit out on his porch, or in their living room and talk about Rush and whatever issues he brought up on his show. When I turned 18 in 1993, my folks gave me hardcover editions of his books for my birthday, "The Way Things Ought To Be" and "See I Told You So", and a subscription to "The Limbaugh Letter", that last for a few years and I still have every issue. I used to carry his books, along with my regular school books every day, much to the annoyance of a couple of my teachers. It was my way of trolling them, since showing them his books was similar to showing a vampire a Bible where they'd hiss and hide. At least back then, things weren't as toxic as they are now, and they actually took it in stride and challenged my on certain issues, but always out of tolerance and respect. That was one of the main things I learned from Rush Limbaugh: To not be afraid to respectfully share my beliefs and stand up for them. Back in the 90's and early 00's, it was easy. Now it is unbearably hard, despite social media being able to reach so many people, and people are nastier, crueler, and downright evil with their contempt. I always thought of Rush as a sort of mentor for thinking for yourself, coming up with your own views, with your own mind, and also knowing what true conservatism is about. I regularly compare my thoughts to what he said were the core conservative principles, and see how they check out. So to hear of his passing really hit hard, like losing a grandparent, a teacher, or a mentor. However, his legacy will endure for ages as long as we practice what he preached, what he did in life, and apply it to our own, and to share it with others.
I wish I had found him earlier in my life. I'm a few years older than you and started listening 6 or 7 years ago. I needed him many years back, but I wasn't into politics. I wish I had looked into his past to get who he was. I'm incredibly distraught over his death after listening to him most days for only 6 or 7 years. He grew on me, but I had no idea who he was in the past and what he meant to the country. It would have made me listen differently to him. I wish I had known. It's hard to hear his opening music knowing he is no longer with us. O always paused to hear his powerful opening monologs. RIP Rush much love!
I was never into politics. One day I had to use my husband's car, and Rush was on the radio. I was hooked from that day on. I was really in the dark about the radical left. Rush and Trump opened my eyes to what was going on in the Washington Establishment.
@@MrTheta.. I got in at a time when the civility of politics were starting to decline, which was the early 90's when Clinton took office. I saw things that didn't line up right with the media narrative, and Rush was the only voice that exposed it. The internet hadn't really caught on like it has today, but I was there at the start of it. Back then, I was in a telnet group that debated politics and other things, and often I got a lot of heat because I'd quote Rush, and check his claims against info he put out which turned out to be correct. I was fortunate to not be a "skull full of mush", because I naturally have a curiosity about things, of which Rush helped foster. Because of Rush, I developed over the years a sense of being critical about everything by questioning everything. It didn't win me a lot of friends, needless to say, but I think for myself. You might have discovered him late, but at least you discovered him. I hope what he demonstrated fosters the same things he fostered in me, and you find the core principles in you that I found in me, and in the things that made this nation the greatest in history!
@@janiemoore2721 Like I stated in my original post, I got into politics because of Rush in the 90's. Back then, there were the major news networks, the news rags, and the waning days of any form of a conservative family in TV shows and movies. So there was pretty much nothing purely conservative around, or the last vestiges were dying off. So I saw the radical left starting to grow, not just because Rush was first to point it out, but because I was raised by a conservative family, I saw things myself, and saw the differences in everyday life. When Trump popped up in 2015, it was like a lightning bolt. He wasn't the establishment, and I saw the Republican establishment try to destroy him as much as the left was trying to do it. I was already disillusioned due to Bush, McCain, and Romney, who I saw as pretty weak and too permissive of the left wing dominance that was phasing conservatives like me out. So I started picking anti-establishment candidates. I thought Sarah Palin might be the person to push us back to the right, so my vote for McCain was really for her. I was really energized for Herman Cain, but the left drug up skeletons of his past to destroy him. Then I saw Dr. Ben Carson, and not only was he brilliant, but he was from Michigan, and he did really well until the Republican establishment decided they'd get nowhere with him and lied about him. I saw one of the debates where Dr. Carson was called up on stage, but he apparently didn't hear his name and stood off stage, but with cameras on him. Other candidates just walked on past him, but Trump, he stopped and stood with him, encouraging him to go on stage. THAT had an effect on me. It told me all I needed to know about the right and left, and about Trump. It also told me why Rush was with him from the start. Then came the lies and smears about both, and I knew Rush chose a winner, and I wanted to be on the winning team with winning principles.
None of us alive today can measure up to the force for good and truth that Rush brought to our great nation and indeed the world. BUT if we each try to bring forward goodness, honesty, integrity, and humility, at least we will not let down the memory of this wonderful and compassionate man. America needs nothing less from each and every person than this and I think Rush and his family would approve of the effort to keep his memory alive through these methods.
Best that’s ever been. 🇺🇸❤️. Totally deserved the Medal of Freedom.. Hope we can do you justice now that the sh.. has most certainly hit the fan. Rest In Peace and thank you for everything.. 🥰
a patrotic devil more likely.rush is a detriment yo anything good,a detriment to world peace,a detriment to any non..white child trying to grow up in the world...left hoas idiots like hannity to carry on his hate
So you have good to be watching rush videos if you feel this way? You even watch it? Or just hopping around insulting a man who really wanted people to be thier best. Hope you feel good about yourself as you must be as successful as he to have time to spend doing such.
Rush Limbaugh was an amazing individual. An inspiration to conservatives. His death on February 17, 2021 was a sad day for all his listeners - he is greatly missed. America lost a great American. RIP Rush
I am from Ireland. I am hearing a lot of hate towards this man. I am trying to find evidence to justify this hatred. I am not hearing anything so far that merits that hate. I used to be more Democrat in my thinking , when I didn't think deeply about anything. I am now a supporter of DJT and I am very much pro life and catholic. The hate I have got from my fellow Irishman is unreal. They all have bought into what CNN MSNBC etc have told them what to believe. I found CNN lying about DJT about Charlottesville. Then I thought what else are they lying about. Then saw for myself it was endless , same with all the rest of them. Then saw the anti Christian and anti catholic bias all over the place. Now I can see far more clearly. I am now far more entrenched in my faith and I hate trendy fads that are not grounded in a Judeo Christian philosophy. This man is not guilty of anything but telling us uncomfortable things that may be for our good.
Im glad you did the research and saw the truth. The media in this country and around the world lie to people and they don't know when they look for the truth they are getting the left and their agenda in 99% of their information. If they like you, just dug a little bit they would see the truth and all the lies.
When I thought I was a Democrat, cause they looked out for the little guy, I had to do a paper for political science. Buddy of mind turned me on to Rush, not in a positive way. Decided to take 10 of his points and prove him wrong. Easy A I figured. Could not do it, no matter how hard I tried. My class booed me, professor was pissed; but I did get the A. I learned more from that one paper, than all my time in college. I was no longer “the little guy”. Dems don’t like that. They lost a little guy vote. Got lots of millions, and wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for Rush and that research paper. Never met him, but he’s my best friend. R.I.P. Bet God is proud to have you by his side.
@@dancindavey1515 🖒🖒🖒. Democrats hate people like you and me. We don't fit into their narratives. The worst is yet to come. We still have another 3 years of Americas' total destruction. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Talent on loan from God. RIP Rush Limbaugh thank you for opening my eyes and for all the truths you spoke. We will continue to spread those truths until we meet again. ❤
Most commentators are REACTIVE. Rush read deeply, thought deeper. His beliefs were defined by his knowledge; not visa versa. That made Rush's radio chats PROACTIVE. Rush inspired learning.
I started listening to Rush at my first job out of high school, right before the 08 election. He had a huge impact on me. RIP ❤ the world lost a legend
I started listening to Rush because I was driving a work truck that only had A.M. radio and I enjoyed him giving Willy and the Crook their due . I was amazed how much he said the same things that I was feeling on so many topics. I remember the first time I saw him on TV I couldn't believe how young he was because he was so full of wisdom. He was more like my Grandparents and the greatest generation than anyone else . RIP RUSH YOU ARE THE BEST 💔
This is incredible. I’ve actually never heard Limbaugh speak. I converted to Christianity and conservatism about 10 years ago. I grew up in a very liberal city and was full blown libtard. This is such an awesome speech. Again, have never really heard him before
@@yoshiguy35 don’t listen to that ignorant fool Marcademus or whatever he calls himself. He’s trying to confuse newcomers to the constitutional conservative movement.
I was so sad that I was never able to meet him in person, but I have heard him since I was 7 years old. 23 years later, I have every respect for the work and fervor that he presented all of his information, and the lives that he touched and changed. God bless Rush Limbaugh, and may you rest in peace, thank you for teaching all of us how to see the world as it truly is.
CAPTIVATING N POWERFUL SPEECH! No prompter or notes! A man who speaks from the HEART bout his convictions n LOVE OF COUNTRY! RIP SIR! You will be IMMENSELY MISSED! 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Never paid much attention to politics before 1995. Had a job driving all over the state of Jersey. I worked for a medical laboratory. Got tired of listening to the same old Rock songs, over and over, on the radio. Changed tuner. Found Rush. Was hooked immediately. And like you, Rush was saying what I'd always been thinking. Couldn't wait to hear his intro song. Felt like coming home. 7 months have past. I still can't believe Rush is gone. Sooo sorely missed. 8 months of total destruction by Biden and ALL DEMOCRATS. RISE UP, AMERICA. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@@allenmiller25 say what you want about Rish Limbaugh but he was an icon. He had more listeners/viewers than anyone in the country. Tucker Carlson had him beat in 2020 but other that that he lead for 31 years
This man opened my eyes, he was so right 99.8% of the time. I will forever miss his voice, his charisma and mainly his love for this country. RIP Rush.
This brightens my day. With talents on loan from God. Remember, God is the one who gifted you with your talents. May you use them, don't hide them under a rock. Reap the rewards of investing them. Just as Rush did. We all benefit when we use our talents. Why else do you think God loaned them out?
Rush Limbaugh was the greatest Conservative talk radio host to ever exist. He was a great great American that deeply loved this nation and all its people's, even the ones that hate him even in his death. That man deserves a monument in DC.
He is who opened my eyes to the truth of the Liberal Party and it's Communist agenda and helped me to begin thinking for myself. This is the very speech I listened to over the radio while at work and had my entire life long beliefs shattered and reassembled in 90 minutes. RIP Rush!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for opening my heart and my mind!! God bless this man's soul!!
@Big Wiggle --- Yep. Dittos on everything you said. Started listening to him in 1990. I always found it somehow comforting knowing that he was around. Can't tell you how many "oh yeah" moments I had listening to him. There's now a hole that no one will ever be able to fill. A great man.
The man was truly a gift to humanity.
Good riddance
It does seem, especially as a conservative, these are dark times. We’ve lost so much!
@@scottlane2597 no... good riddance to you! Why are you here? Just to spread hate.
Brother Limbaugh was on loan to us by GOD; GOD needed him back. We will be there with you one day, Rush.
He called them home because his work is done, God's about to do something big.
I'll be joining him very quickly. Christians will be in prisoned and die there within 20 years. Christians and Jews were thrown into concentration camps and into prisons in Germany for existing Hitler in 1936 through 1945. In 1932 to 33 when the Nazis first took over nobody imagined it. Now that we have a socialist governor and president there's every possibility that we will deteriorate into that within 10 years.
@@paysonfox88 I do believe you are right but I fear it will be much worse. They use climate change and over population as excuses for the New Green Deal but allow our country to be over run by illegals who are diseased and worse. The Georgia Guide Stones read "Maintain population to 800 million". Does that mean approximately 7 BILLION DIE? Look it up.
@@robbie686 Like Tucker Carlson once said: Over populated nations, never will be a happy country.
Wherever Rush ended up after death I pray I go to the alternative.
Listened to him since 1988. He helped me understand what conservativism and conservative values are. Thank you Rush - for what you've done for conservative values for SO SO many years. Well Done. Few can say - they've left the world a better place. Ok ... So you didn't cure some terrible disease - but you did push back against a terrible disease called liberalism. Thank You !!!
what kind of values would that be republicans have none of those you probably have none none either if you listened to that blow hard drug addict.
I thought he was pretty good back then too, but I decided to fact check him on his diatribe. Actually had to go to library back then. Found out he was big fat liar on just about everything.
@@allenmiller25 And you've been absorbing crap from the likes of the Clintons, Obama, and Saul Alinsky. You fool.
Well said! I've been listening since 1992.
I listened to him for 27 years. He helped me believe in America and in myself. My life turned out much better because I took his advice.
Me too! 27 years. He was an inspiration.
I can only begin to imagine the brain rot that would occur after listening to this shitstain for 27 years lmfao
14 years for me. Still can't believe it.
@@vindikaktus best radio host of all time
@@owendepascal3577 "Women are whores and sluts, black people are thugs and gay people deserve to die".
Conservatives: This man is literally the Aristoteles of our time.
Rush was the best friend I never met.
I used to drive a truck for a living. He talked to me 5 days a week for 3 hours at a time for almost a decade. I’ll miss him like he’s family.
I know what you mean 💯 percent feel the same
@@jessefontenot9846 I drove at night, I was stuck with Larry King...
But ALSO Bruce Williams...I liked Bruce better, had some real knowledge to pass, though he wasn't very political.
Amen to that.
Listening to Rush on the radio was like having a friend over for the afternoon. His voice filled the house - artfully explaining and educating his audience about what the latest Washington maneuvers really were about and their impact on us. God Bless RUSH - you taught us well and we will HOLD THE LINE against the planned destruction of wonderful US of America!
My best 3 hours of the work day.
So very well said! He is sadly missed very much. 😢
I used hate Rush and one day 3 years ago I listened and I never stopped listening... one day is all it took to change my way of thinking. My patriotism and the love for this country became stronger! God bless America!! RIP Limbaugh 🙏
Amen! I thought he was horrible due to what I'd heard about him. Then I listened to him. He changed my life forever! He spoke the truth, and only the truth. The left feared him. He could turn a liberal into a patriot in one speech. He had a way of putting things in to perspective that made sense to everyone. I loved him. Truly loved and respected him. Listened to him every day for decades. I've never felt such a loss from a death of a public figure. He was my mentor. No one can replace him!
The people who hated Rush never listened to Rush, and/or hate Americanism.
Rush’s death hit me hard. More than any celebrity death ever has. I listened to him for years and became the educated conservative I am today because of him. Indeed I am one of many Rush babies who loved him so much. I would give anything to hear his voice live on the radio again. Now I know how Luke Skywalker felt when Obi Wan Died. February 17, 2021 is a date that will live in infamy. Rush taught us well. He’s gone now and it’s up to us to carry on and see to it that he did not fail in his mission to fight liberalism across the country.
I love you so much Rush and I miss you. RIP you were the greatest.
Me too...
I started listening to Rush the Summer of 1988.... he will be missed
You poor bastards.
Moron smh
@@kekesmooth5618 GFY🖕
Talent on loan from God now returned to God. Thank you Rush for what you did for the conservative movement in this country. R.I.P. Rush! Will miss you and love you forever!
When he came on my buddies station in 1988 or 9 we both said to ourselves " who is this fat arrogant know it all". 6 months later we loved the guy like a brother. I miss him like a father.
I couldnt stand him when he had his tv show,my dad used to watch him and i hated both are gone and i miss them dearly
I miss him like a sister would a brother. ❣😪
Got real depressed after this election, First day I listened to Rush, got back into fighting spirit. Back to being depressed, worse every day.
@@dancindavey1515 Dont be depressed. Go confess your sins and live in Grace, knowing your time on Earth is just the beginning man.
@@Ryan78900 Yeah. Hoping I haven’t screwed up too much to be kept out of Heaven and miss the opportunity to meet Rush, as well as a multitude of individuals, and of course, God.
I miss him already. He will never be duplicated. Absolutely 1 of a kind.
The Bruce Lee of Conservative talk radio. Will never be duplicated.
I feel the same. I miss the man so much and you're right. No one can ever fill Rush Limbaugh's shoes. The man is and will always be a Hero. Rest in Peace Rush. *We love* , *We miss you* , And you will never be forgotten.
@J Rocker that's all empty brains say
I’ve literally watch my 70 year old father now 75 become so depressed after losing his buddy
Or just something that he enjoyed coming from nothing, and working his ass off
My dad worked his ass off, and somehow Rush Limbaugh became his best friend and he listen to loyally every day of his life
My father will never be just as happy as he was, but it wasn’t because of rush it was just because he worked hard to get to earn to understand to then understand what it was about and I think justRush helped him along the way
You always made me stronger I was his only daughter.
But he had away to not let you see but when he listen to rush, a lot of things change all the time
So now, I listen to rush and rush should be turning over in his grave today if he knew what was going on in this country
My father always simply said
I come from nothing
But I have helped you
I can help you the whole way, but I will not be helping you
You have to have yourself
Nobody helped my father
He didn’t even know how to speak English and he failed the second grade twice
Never made an excuse for himself
He just worked harder
Rush, I can't believe you're gone. I just lost my dear mother to COVID in Dec 2020 and now my husband has incurable cancer. Why are all the good ones leaving us? Please God have more.
Praying for you and your husband - May the Lord and His angels protect and be with you and yours always. ✝️👼💖
Praying for you🙏
Get vaccinated, god bless
Get vaccinated??? Dang trolls 😂 Smdh ummm FYI : we DONT want your POISONOUS JAB !!!!
Ronald Reagan Rush Limbaugh is why I’m a conservative. RIP a great patriot, great American and a great human being!
Rush told the TRUTH and that is not being POLITICAL CORRECT. TOO BAD that the TRUTH HURTS but worse than that many are LED ASTRAY BY SATANS LIES.
You have to KNOW TRUTH before you can UNDERSTAND a LIE just like you have to UNDERSTAND light verses darkness.
My father disliked Reagan immensely because he phased out Social Security tuition benefits for college students during my senior year of high school. :( I, along with several other students who were affected by this change were forced into dropping all of our day classes and substituting our high-school diploma with a GED in order to enroll in community college classes in time to beat the cutoff deadline (even then, the tuition benefits were reduced 25% each year until they were phased out completely). The school guidance counselor eventually got the schedule rearranged where we could attend night and weekend classes; and still get our high school credits; but it was too late for me.
Despite this fiasco, I liked and respected Reagan for his strong pro-life stance and his standing up to communism, etc.; and by the 1986 mid-terms I was voting Republican-much to the confusion and consternation of my father, lol.
what about Tom Petty?
hr brainwashed you
Rush lied about everything
it's been two years too long to listen to this great man - so I'm glad to stumble across this speech! love from UK real conservative. RIP
No one can touch this GENIUS for sheer devotion and inspiration.
When did great humans start mocking people with disabilities and the dying?
@@stevemiller5095 iv been asking liberals that my entire life!
@@excellenceinanimation960 that makes no sense. Why would you tell me that? You should try being original instead of mocking the last thing you heard. I guess I shouldn't expect anything more from a trump zombie. that is all you have the ability to do. Thinking on your own is bad.
@@stevemiller5095 lol. The fact you think that about people is concerning. You obviously don’t understand what we want out of our government. Your making this to important. All we want is a government that leaves us alone. And regulates as little as possible. Leftists seem to want the government to control there life. Maybe it’s because they cannot control there own lives and are angry so they want to control everyone else I’m really not sure. What should you think it is? Interested to hear.
@@excellenceinanimation960 you are the only people that get what you want. Screw everybody else...that is called fascism. That is not America. Vote and make a change. Become educated
Such a wonderful man...still can't believe he's gone...
We’re still dancing here.
If rush hadn’t smoked cigars starting in the 90’s, then he probably wouldn’t get lung cancer and would still be alive today in my opinion
This guy was objectively a bad person lmfao
Yeah Sure, maybe if you wished upon a shooting cross, God will use his “magic” powers to rise him from the dead and give him superpowers like aquaman
@@ismth:no!(but YOU certainly are!😂)
I first started to listening to Rush when he first came on the radio in Michigan. That was in 1988. I was 19 or 20 then. I am fortunate enough to have seen him live at his Rush to Excellence Tour in ‘89. It was like a rock concert for political nerds. That event was as amazing as Rush was.
It was an amazing time when Rush first showed up. He continued to amaze all the way through.
Rush was my hero; throughout my life I have had very few actual hero’s.
I was always interested in the political arena. He taught me SO much and even helped shape me as a man.
Mega Heavenly Dittos!
Say hello to your Grandfather.
Today you are returning your talent.
I am sure you are now kneeling at Gods RIGHT side!
Thank you for everything.
Couldn't have said it better
Amen🙏 this is exactly how my heart feels too.😔🇺🇲
The 1st time I heard Rush I was around 10yrs old with my Dad in St. Louis MO where we lived at the time in 1989. By the time I was 15 I listened most days with my older brother. Rush was a lion, no doubt about it. We lost 1 of the G.O.A.T.S.😪
Here’s hoping you eventually get laid some day Mike.
First time I heard Rush was 12 or 13, hunting with my father, freezing off my tukas, so we hopped in the truck and drove around for lunch and he put on KDKA 1020AM. I listened for a few minutes in between chatting with Dad, and I asked "who is this guy?"
The rest is "histoia" as El Rushbo would occasionally put it. That was 1993-94. Listened for over a quarter of a Century through college, through professional school, through road trips, driving home overnight with podcasts, traveling to go on vacation, at work, while hobbying.
The man reminded me and I identified him with my entire sphere of influence as I grew up.
The first thing I learned from his show was that knowing WHY I believe what I believe is just as important as what I believe. 🤘
The second thing I learned was, Walter E. Williams was black by popular demand. 🤣
The third thing I learned was, that as long as Rush was here, it didn't matter where 'here' was. 😔
The fourth thing I learned was that Tom Puff Daschle was a complet idiot.
The fifth thing I learned was that the only limitation on what I could accomplish in life was MYSELF, and that I can accomplish what I decide to focus on.
The sixth thing I learned was, the Real Story of Thanksgiving.
The seventh thing I learned was, that it's okay to enjoy Mannheim Steamroller Christmas songs. 😄
The show was so layered with humor, euphemism, general principles of life, with in-depth opinionated analysis not only of politics, but of certain elements of humanity.
He truly was the G.O.A.T.
I will always remember him whether I am working on my desk, considering politics and wishing I could funnel frurstration into humor or parody, in the hunting stand or reloading bench, on a long roadtrip, enjoying a fine cigar, washing/waxing vaccuming the car in summer, or decorating for Christmas in winter. Rush was a guy who invited us into his studio and into his mind, and many of us invited him into our everyday lives, and there was some peculiar connection there, based upon a common love of God, country, history, tradition, humor, and patriotism.
What Rush said about Obama's wasted opportunity to inspire others through his ability and talent. So sad. He, Obama, used his talent to enrich himself and simultaneously revived the racial tensions in the country which had appropriately diminished and been in decline since the civil rights movement of the 60s.
RIP Rush.
Ditto... and Amen!
He got his mansion in whitey Martha's Vineyard.
@@janiemoore2721 RUSH HAS HIS MANSION WAITING IN HEAVEN. Nothing on this EARTH controlled by Satan was THIS MANS goals but GOD did BLESS HIM and We should Realize RUSHS GIFT to US.
This speech proves that Trump is right. The media is the enemy of the people.
To this day, you're loved and dearly missed. Rest in eternal peace, Rush.
God bless Rush Limbaugh
God never knew him.
@@BazookaToe And you think he knows biden?
God created both.
Every time I go back and listen to Rush, it hurts. It hurts when he doesn’t come out of my radio at 12:05pm. No actor, no movie, no musician has touched me as deeply as this man’s words. My uncle taught me about conservativism. In turn, I turned him onto Rush. Lost both within a four month span. The world’s a little darker place.
He was evil. The country is better off now he is gone.
That’s a pretty weak thing to say. Whether or not you like him, he raised tens of millions of dollars for charity. How much have you done? Have you ever really listened to him? Or are you just sticking to a narrative that your masters lay before you?
To call him evil is to clearly demonstrate your ignorance.
Now, get up out of your mom’s basement, and eat your dinner.
I totally agree. I am watching this for the first time. So awesome.
@@bryanspindle4455 I am amazed that you can see evil in this man. You are looking through warped vision if you see one ounce of evil in him. In two years he will be gone and he will have left an immense void in the lives of decent human beings. You, I'm sad today, is not one of them. Decent that is.
I remember the first time I ever heard Rush Limbaugh. It was July of 1993. I was in college, and in between classes I would be out in my car listening to the radio. It was an AM radio station too; WGST I believe. It wasn't music that had my attention. It was Rush and the things he was saying. I agreed with much of what he said although prior to then I had a preference for Democrats. He opened my eyes to some of the things that Democrats did and what they believed, and I found that many of their beliefs did not match my own. And me being an outspoken person myself, I instantly liked the guy.
Things certainly have changed since then. Democrats aren't really Democrats anymore and Republicans aren't really Republicans anymore either. And with all the changes in the political landscape, Rush never did change. I'll always remember that. Others may come close, but there will never be another Rush Limbaugh.
God bless you Rush.
Beautifully written.
Yes. Well said.
Thank god and hope no one replaces him. A true old school Hater !!
@@recidivistfighter4673 , you obviously never listened to Rush. You listened to the media and believed them. I feel sorry for you and everyone like you who call us haters while being so full of hate.
I discovered Rush during my college years during the Bush/Clinton election. It was during this time that I was really into learning about conservatism. Read Sen. Goldwater's autobiography, which led to me reading " Conscience of a Conservative " . Also got a membership of the Military History Book Club, where books were mailed to me at no cost and I paid for the ones I kept. Great times.
The Great El Rushbo!!!! Talent on loan from God!
Thank you Rush for all you've done!
@@MastersFarms god took back his loan.
Imagine being pro life and dying like a bitch lmfao
Ironically I have a brother who's as devoutly Christian as I am who took offence at Rush's claim to have "talent on loan from God" until I explained to him that ALL talent by definition is "on loan from God"!😜
@@weeklydaily4775:with Gratitude from Rush AND his audience!😜
And know he's in heaven helping the lord keep the democrats that made it to heaven straight. Rip rush.
this was the birth of what became MAGA imho. our movement is his legacy....
My bowel movement’s are yours and his legacy.
@@BazookaToe LOVE is the answer to your SHORTCOMINGS.
I believe that you may be right. I am sure that our great President Trump listened to him and that's why he switched parties.
Yes sir. This man is the GOAT 🐐
@@BazookaToe your shortcomings are your bowl movements, within your skull!
Rest in peace Rush. ❤ I always appreciated you standing up for our freedom and values.
Rush Limbaugh is the reason I am a conservative. The Golden EIB mic goes silent.
I have lost my best radio friend. You will be missed, Rush!
This makes me cry because I feel the same way. He was so much like Trump. Our best friend.
Same here. I was a staunch liberal until I listened to Rush. I still cry when I think of not being able to hear him anymore.
I brought used tissues if you idiots need any.
I feel the same way. I got a laugh when Hannity told a story about filling in for Rush. He knocked over the great mic. When Rush came back he told how Hannity dented the great Golden EIB microphone. I laughed. I miss Rush already!
@Michael Taylor Eventually you may UNDERSTAND TRUTH but don't WAIT TOO LONG.
It is amazing!! this speech will be timeless in US history. What he was talking about 12 years ago, is very relevant and is happening today, right now in 2021 I miss Rush so much.
Even more so now! (2023)
@@brucelytle1144 You are 100% correct, Bruce. Last night I heard this speech again (15 times already) and I was moved again. Oh God Please help this great nation NOW!
I saw Rush give this great speech live on TV in 2009. What he said 12 years ago is still just as important today. Conservative principles are timeless. RIP, Rush. A man, a legend, a way of life.
Same here.
Absolutely…God Bless him.
Thanks for posting this, he will always be America's Anchorman.
It is so sad that Rush had to pass away. In Dec. 2019, a month or so before making public his diagnosis of Jan. 2020, I had been thinking that Rush was going to be 69 soon, and perhaps he could have another 10 to 20 years behind the Golden EIB Microphone. Now, only 14 months after thinking about that, he's gone forever. I will deeply miss his voice, his wit, and his wisdom. He fed my soul with a daily dose of optimism in a crazy, confused, troubled, unhinged world.
So prophetic. Rush was such a visionary.
Keep praying dittoheads!
It's a lesson in mortality. No one ever seemed more ALIVE in all these years.
What a loss to our country and freedom.
I thank God I lived on this planet at the same time as Rush. I am beyond saddened that I outlived him.
I thank god he took him away 🙏
@@vindikaktus Better than being subjected to Satan's governance. But I guess you might know something about that, right?
@@mrbob4u495 Satans governance hahaha you cant make this shit up. No wonder America is turning to shit.
Tell me about it! I used to listen to his show religiously!😭
@@vindikaktus It started turning to shit on Jan 20, 2009, that lasted 8 years, took a reprieve starting Jan 20, 2017, and took a nosedive on Jan 20, 2021. We may never recover this time.
God Bless You Rush.. You rock
What a legend! I laughed and cried listening to this brilliant man knowing he is no longer with us. May God enjoy Rush's company!
Thank you Rush for all the many Teachable Moments you gave all of us brother. We got it from here .
He was the GREATEST!!!!!
It's amazing how this applies more than ever today. I listened to Rush every day and I'm taking his passing kinda rough. I didn't realize how much I loved the guy and paused every day to hear his powerful intros. He had my peak interest after the music to hear his leading powerful words. I miss him! We lost a treasure. Don't forget what he stood for. It is up to us to continue his work. He loved Trump, and we need Trump back in office. Rush saw Trump as the strongest Conservative there was and had the balls to make it be known. I'm thankful Trump gave Rush the Presidential Medal of Freedom for all he's done for the country. I'm glad Rush got to experience that for all his hard work.Not only did Rush do what he did for 30+ years for the money, he also did it for the love of country. That's why he did so well at it. He lived and breathed what he said to all of us. He loves America and its freedoms. Let's keep his life's work alive!
Beautifully said 👏.
Very well said. 110% correct.
Ditto my friend. I shed tears from FEB-16 every day until about a week ago mourning his and our loss. Never saw it coming, but realize how much of an impact he had on all of us.
It still hurts. ALOT.
God knows we're gonna miss you Rush. Rest is Peace, brother.
Yes, at least now he is in peace! Through my tears, at least I can look forward to him being a “forever friend.”
He is The One and Only 'RUSH'!!! Loved loved loved watching 'THE RADIO'S GREATEST of ALL TIME'!!! ♥ 🌴
Amazing... 12 years ago and everything he said is still completely relevant. What a loss to this Country.
@Zach as would yours, indulge us.
@@builderman912 Wouldn't that be wonderful and so welcoming, as well?
@Zachary Parker im so glad this toxic ahole is was long overdue!!!
Totally agree, Rush was a Visionary, A Genius and a True Blessing
If only he'd won his battle with lung cancer. What would he be saying by now?
We love you Rush and miss you. RIP There will never be another person like you. You spoke for all conservatives.
The is what the Greatest of All Time is defined as, this is what it looks like for a radio host. Rush had a radio listener audience of about 18+ Million estimated in the mid 1990's every week. That was when the US POP was under 250 million. Roughly 8-10% of every man, woman, and child in the US was listening to him weekly. Nobody may ever top that in the future.
For Content, Intelligence, Compassion, humor, and honesty, there will never be an equal to Rush Limbaugh. There are always exceptions to the rule "nobody is irreplaceable" and this is one such example. Nobody respective to their era ever replaced Babe Ruth. Nobody respective to their era has surpass Leonardo Davin-chi either. Nobody in the area of talk radio will ever surpass Rush Limbaugh IMO.
It's been a privilege to have listened to him the past 24 years, and I'm going to miss him sorely.
He’s been gone over two years now. so great to hear this again….. you are sorely missed brother Rush!!!👍🏻👍🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️❤️
We need him more now than ever
Thank you so much for uploading this video!!!! :) :) :) We love you, Rush!!!!!
Started listening to Rush in '99 when I was 19. Never stopped.
This is without a doubt o0ne of the greatest speeches I have ever heard. Be in Peace Rush! You are missed!!! I still find myself choking up.
so true !!!!!! Thank you for your comment !
@Caleb Rasmassdum Its quite apparent that you wont amount to anything in life. id bet you didn't even watch the speech!
I completely agree with you. Most of his good deeds he didn’t want recognition for. If you’re a fan of Rush check out the new 12 part podcast. Rush the man behind the golden EIB microphone. It’s very good.
Speeches like this offend ' because he delivered that entire speech sans notrs or Teleprompter!😜
If hell had existed he would be there.A liar among many.
God bless you Rush. You will be sorely missed! Rest in peace.
I just cried for about 20 minutes. I miss this guy so much. The 9:00-12:00 radio block will never be the same. Dan Bongino is a great guy but there will never be another Rush. RIP brother. I love you.
Makes me feel so wonderful, so happy, so grateful to know that Rush Limbaugh knew how much he was LOVED and still is LOVED.💛
Thank you for the time we had together. I grew socially and culturally more intelligent from what you shared with me. I re-watch you from time to time to rebuild and go forward. God I miss miss you
I love this Patriot! I already miss him beyond words to express it!
you misspell the word, it should be "Pa-traitor".
@@youngkarl1990 go look in the mirror and you can define traitor. Why don't you move to Venezuela or North Korea; then you can be with your comrades. You know nothing of which you speak.
Rush was and is 'the Man' - fearless, articulate, funny and courageous. We love and miss you Rush.
I guess you miss Hitler as well.
Listen to Rush, maybe you will learn something.
@@youngkarl1990 Maybe when you're older, you'll understand the way the world really works.
@@nostalkingzone you mean the way that costs 500,000 deaths in the USA?
@@youngkarl1990 What a stupid thing to say, Fascist USED SOCIALISM, So Bernie and LIZ are closer to Adolph then Rush was...just Facts
Rush was an incredible American. An inspiration to all who would listen to him.
The importance of this speech is only enhanced all the more by considering the Trump presidency 15yrs later...... How blessed we were to have The Big Voice on the Right for 30yrs! It's impossible to imagine who is worthy to pick up the torch.
God bless us everyone.
One of the greatest conservatives of all time. May his legacy live on forever. 🇺🇸✝️🙏🏻
Rush Limbaugh was a big fat idiot. What killed him was his hate. And of course, Cancer thinking he could smoke Cigars and not get cancer. He went deaf because he abused drugs.
Thanks for putting this up, it should be part of the Fox Nation memorial lineup for Rush. Increadible a thaousand comments this week for something that happened 11 years ago. You don't hear unvarnished reality anymore, no one has the balls for it like Rush did.
One of the most honest and True, American Patriots, ever. May you live on in eternal peace. Knowing that we are all in His hands and the story is as it was foretold. There are the survivors who sing the praises of the freedom and faith, there are the victims of believing the enemy. We choose life.
My third time to watch over the years man I miss the GREAT RUSH
Rush so perfectly captures what it means to be conservative here. Truly, his talents where not the only thing on loan from God. His very existence was. May we all continue to learn from his wisdom. RIP.
I am concerned for the impressionable young people that dont even know who Rush is, what he stood for and how important he was and still is for the U.S.A..
Blessed are the children who live a life never knowing who this idiot was.
He had 15,000,000 llisteners and milliins more in support. How many do you have? He was a 5 time Marconi winner, Natiinal Radìo Hall of Fame, NAB Broadcasting Hall of Fame and received the Presidential Freedom Award. That's just for starters, fool!
@@BazookaToe This is what you do for FUN??
What a SAD SAD LIFE you must have.
The Recession of 1949 was a downturn in the United States lasting for 11 months. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the recession began in November 1948 and lasted until October 1949.[1]
The 1949 recession was a brief economic downturn; forecasters of the time expected much worse, perhaps influenced by the poor economy in their recent lifetime.[2] The recession began shortly after President Truman's "Fair Deal" economic reforms. The recession also followed a period of monetary tightening by the Federal Reserve.[3]
Recession of 1953 began in the second quarter of 1953 and lasted until the first quarter of 1954. The total recession cost roughly $56 billion. It has been described by James L. Sundquist, a staff member of the Bureau of the Budget and speech-writer for President Harry S. Truman as "relatively mild and brief."[1]
The Recession of 1958, also known as the Eisenhower Recession, was a sharp worldwide economic downturn in 1958.[1] The effect of the recession spread beyond United States borders to Europe and Canada, causing many businesses to shut down.[2] It was the most significant recession during the post-World War II boom between 1945 and 1970 and had a sharp economic decline that only lasted eight months.
The Recession of 1960-1961 was a recession in the United States. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research the recession lasted for 10 months, beginning in April 1960 and ending in February 1961.
@ Bill Gates, your powers of Copy and Paste are unrivaled, and your forehead is no doubt uneven.
Rush could really think on his feet and present issues in a way that were easily understandable. Which is a lot harder to do than people think. He was spot on about the welfare system here.
It's cos he knew his stuff inside out. It was his life work to consume and pass on knowledge. Passionate and genuine.
Rush lives in everyone who wants nothing more than opportunity for ALL! Thank God for his work! I do always and everywhere!!👍🙏❤️
Wow. He is literally predicting the events of 2016 and onward
He truly love his job, he loved to teach , he opened so many eyes thank you Rush R.I.P. you are the best
True American
What a voice of TRUTH and how much does this speak to what's going on in today's world. Twelve years later and it still applys to 2021. Rush was a treasure and will be deeply missed. Prayers for his family.
The scumbags running point today are vultures who were waiting for his death to ingratiate themselves.
Rush NEVER would've promoted Russia OR Putin.
Awesome to see this after our beloved Rush Limbaughs death.
I go back and rewatch him it never gets old it never stops inspiring me. It never stops educating me. On loan from God for sure
We will always love you Rush. This great country is better bc of you. We miss you, your voice and your wisdom. RIP our dear friend. Forever in our hearts
I first discovered Rush when he was on TV back in 93 or so. I thought he was a braggart and arrogant, but I kept watching and most importantly, listening, and that is when I came to enjoy his shows. I even set up a TV at school to record his show, and would change tapes to keep up to date with what he was saying. It was also around this time that when we would visit my Grandma and Grandpa, that I found out Grandpa liked Rush too, and it gave us not only a connection, but something to talk about. In fact, my dad, grandpa, and I used to sit out on his porch, or in their living room and talk about Rush and whatever issues he brought up on his show.
When I turned 18 in 1993, my folks gave me hardcover editions of his books for my birthday, "The Way Things Ought To Be" and "See I Told You So", and a subscription to "The Limbaugh Letter", that last for a few years and I still have every issue. I used to carry his books, along with my regular school books every day, much to the annoyance of a couple of my teachers. It was my way of trolling them, since showing them his books was similar to showing a vampire a Bible where they'd hiss and hide. At least back then, things weren't as toxic as they are now, and they actually took it in stride and challenged my on certain issues, but always out of tolerance and respect. That was one of the main things I learned from Rush Limbaugh: To not be afraid to respectfully share my beliefs and stand up for them. Back in the 90's and early 00's, it was easy. Now it is unbearably hard, despite social media being able to reach so many people, and people are nastier, crueler, and downright evil with their contempt.
I always thought of Rush as a sort of mentor for thinking for yourself, coming up with your own views, with your own mind, and also knowing what true conservatism is about. I regularly compare my thoughts to what he said were the core conservative principles, and see how they check out. So to hear of his passing really hit hard, like losing a grandparent, a teacher, or a mentor. However, his legacy will endure for ages as long as we practice what he preached, what he did in life, and apply it to our own, and to share it with others.
I wish I had found him earlier in my life. I'm a few years older than you and started listening 6 or 7 years ago. I needed him many years back, but I wasn't into politics. I wish I had looked into his past to get who he was. I'm incredibly distraught over his death after listening to him most days for only 6 or 7 years. He grew on me, but I had no idea who he was in the past and what he meant to the country. It would have made me listen differently to him. I wish I had known. It's hard to hear his opening music knowing he is no longer with us. O always paused to hear his powerful opening monologs. RIP Rush much love!
I was never into politics. One day I had to use my husband's car, and Rush was on the radio. I was hooked from that day on. I was really in the dark about the radical left. Rush and Trump opened my eyes to what was going on in the Washington Establishment.
@@MrTheta.. I got in at a time when the civility of politics were starting to decline, which was the early 90's when Clinton took office. I saw things that didn't line up right with the media narrative, and Rush was the only voice that exposed it. The internet hadn't really caught on like it has today, but I was there at the start of it. Back then, I was in a telnet group that debated politics and other things, and often I got a lot of heat because I'd quote Rush, and check his claims against info he put out which turned out to be correct. I was fortunate to not be a "skull full of mush", because I naturally have a curiosity about things, of which Rush helped foster. Because of Rush, I developed over the years a sense of being critical about everything by questioning everything. It didn't win me a lot of friends, needless to say, but I think for myself.
You might have discovered him late, but at least you discovered him. I hope what he demonstrated fosters the same things he fostered in me, and you find the core principles in you that I found in me, and in the things that made this nation the greatest in history!
@@janiemoore2721 Like I stated in my original post, I got into politics because of Rush in the 90's. Back then, there were the major news networks, the news rags, and the waning days of any form of a conservative family in TV shows and movies. So there was pretty much nothing purely conservative around, or the last vestiges were dying off. So I saw the radical left starting to grow, not just because Rush was first to point it out, but because I was raised by a conservative family, I saw things myself, and saw the differences in everyday life. When Trump popped up in 2015, it was like a lightning bolt. He wasn't the establishment, and I saw the Republican establishment try to destroy him as much as the left was trying to do it. I was already disillusioned due to Bush, McCain, and Romney, who I saw as pretty weak and too permissive of the left wing dominance that was phasing conservatives like me out. So I started picking anti-establishment candidates. I thought Sarah Palin might be the person to push us back to the right, so my vote for McCain was really for her. I was really energized for Herman Cain, but the left drug up skeletons of his past to destroy him. Then I saw Dr. Ben Carson, and not only was he brilliant, but he was from Michigan, and he did really well until the Republican establishment decided they'd get nowhere with him and lied about him. I saw one of the debates where Dr. Carson was called up on stage, but he apparently didn't hear his name and stood off stage, but with cameras on him. Other candidates just walked on past him, but Trump, he stopped and stood with him, encouraging him to go on stage. THAT had an effect on me. It told me all I needed to know about the right and left, and about Trump. It also told me why Rush was with him from the start. Then came the lies and smears about both, and I knew Rush chose a winner, and I wanted to be on the winning team with winning principles.
Beautifully stated.
None of us alive today can measure up to the force for good and truth that Rush brought to our great nation and indeed the world. BUT if we each try to bring forward goodness, honesty, integrity, and humility, at least we will not let down the memory of this wonderful and compassionate man. America needs nothing less from each and every person than this and I think Rush and his family would approve of the effort to keep his memory alive through these methods.
Watching in 2024. Still inspirational .
Best that’s ever been. 🇺🇸❤️. Totally deserved the Medal of Freedom.. Hope we can do you justice now that the sh.. has most certainly hit the fan. Rest In Peace and thank you for everything.. 🥰
Rush Limbaugh was Gods gift to the world! He was so humble
@@papasmurf555 do you disagree?
RIP, Rush Limbaugh! We need more Patriotic Americans like you. May God comfort your family.
a patrotic devil more likely.rush is a detriment yo anything good,a detriment to world peace,a detriment to any non..white child trying to grow up in the world...left hoas idiots like hannity to carry on his hate
@@thayoutubebigwig1109 let me also suffer from TDS too?
So you have good to be watching rush videos if you feel this way? You even watch it? Or just hopping around insulting a man who really wanted people to be thier best. Hope you feel good about yourself as you must be as successful as he to have time to spend doing such.
Amen 🙏
Rush Limbaugh was an amazing individual. An inspiration to conservatives. His death on February 17, 2021 was a sad day for all his listeners - he is greatly missed. America lost a great American. RIP Rush
I am from Ireland. I am hearing a lot of hate towards this man.
I am trying to find evidence to justify this hatred.
I am not hearing anything so far that merits that hate.
I used to be more Democrat in my thinking , when I didn't think deeply about anything.
I am now a supporter of DJT and I am very much pro life and catholic.
The hate I have got from my fellow Irishman is unreal. They all have bought into what CNN MSNBC etc have told them what to believe.
I found CNN lying about DJT about Charlottesville. Then I thought what else are they lying about. Then saw for myself it was endless , same with all the rest of them.
Then saw the anti Christian and anti catholic bias all over the place.
Now I can see far more clearly.
I am now far more entrenched in my faith and I hate trendy fads that are not grounded in a Judeo Christian philosophy.
This man is not guilty of anything but telling us uncomfortable things that may be for our good.
Im glad you did the research and saw the truth. The media in this country and around the world lie to people and they don't know when they look for the truth they are getting the left and their agenda in 99% of their information. If they like you, just dug a little bit they would see the truth and all the lies.
When I thought I was a Democrat, cause they looked out for the little guy, I had to do a paper for political science. Buddy of mind turned me on to Rush, not in a positive way. Decided to take 10 of his points and prove him wrong. Easy A I figured. Could not do it, no matter how hard I tried. My class booed me, professor was pissed; but I did get the A. I learned more from that one paper, than all my time in college. I was no longer “the little guy”. Dems don’t like that. They lost a little guy vote. Got lots of millions, and wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for Rush and that research paper. Never met him, but he’s my best friend. R.I.P. Bet God is proud to have you by his side.
@@dancindavey1515 🖒🖒🖒. Democrats hate people like you and me. We don't fit into their narratives. The worst is yet to come. We still have another 3 years of Americas' total destruction. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Talent on loan from God. RIP Rush Limbaugh thank you for opening my eyes and for all the truths you spoke. We will continue to spread those truths until we meet again. ❤
Most commentators are REACTIVE. Rush read deeply, thought deeper. His beliefs were defined by his knowledge; not visa versa. That made Rush's radio chats PROACTIVE.
Rush inspired learning.
This man will never be remade breaks my heart hes gone. And im only 32..
I started listening to Rush at my first job out of high school, right before the 08 election. He had a huge impact on me. RIP ❤ the world lost a legend
His legacy is preserved. Hope all is well there.
Lol he died
@@hookslogan As you will too "Lol."
@@garymcaleer6112 and I know that. But I won’t die a bigoted drug addict
@Phuhk Ahf says the one all offended over someone hating your fat messiah
Talent returned to God. I wish it didn’t.
@Joe Joe are not his judge, jury nor executioner
@Joe Joe PRAY to GOD that someday you will UNDERSTAND TRUTH SIR.
Miss him, I wish I listened to him more. He was the reason I didn’t leave high school a liberal.
Praise Allah.
I started listening to Rush because I was driving a work truck that only had A.M. radio and I enjoyed him giving Willy and the Crook their due .
I was amazed how much he said the same things that I was feeling on so many topics.
I remember the first time I saw him on TV I couldn't believe how young he was because he was so full of wisdom. He was more like my Grandparents and the greatest generation than anyone else .
RIP Rush, you will be missed.
He will be missed by uneducated racist everywhere.
@@aysitumari1064 they won't be missing him in hell
@@shillgates6664 look in the mirror 🪞
This is incredible. I’ve actually never heard Limbaugh speak. I converted to Christianity and conservatism about 10 years ago. I grew up in a very liberal city and was full blown libtard.
This is such an awesome speech.
Again, have never really heard him before
How does one be a conservative and a Christian? Their values are diametrically different.
@@mfaure420 Are they? I am trying to develop my political opinions and would appreciate an elaboration.
@@mfaure420 what a completely stupid and ignorant comment.
@@yoshiguy35 don’t listen to that ignorant fool Marcademus or whatever he calls himself. He’s trying to confuse newcomers to the constitutional conservative movement.
Trump is a liar fake Christian
I was so sad that I was never able to meet him in person, but I have heard him since I was 7 years old. 23 years later, I have every respect for the work and fervor that he presented all of his information, and the lives that he touched and changed.
God bless Rush Limbaugh, and may you rest in peace, thank you for teaching all of us how to see the world as it truly is.
CAPTIVATING N POWERFUL SPEECH! No prompter or notes! A man who speaks from the HEART bout his convictions n LOVE OF COUNTRY! RIP SIR! You will be IMMENSELY MISSED! 🇺🇸🇺🇸
I heard him first in 1992 and couldn't believe that someone on the radio thought like me, but could say it so much better...
Never paid much attention to politics before 1995. Had a job driving all over the state of Jersey. I worked for a medical laboratory. Got tired of listening to the same old Rock songs, over and over, on the radio. Changed tuner. Found Rush. Was hooked immediately. And like you, Rush was saying what I'd always been thinking. Couldn't wait to hear his intro song. Felt like coming home. 7 months have past. I still can't believe Rush is gone. Sooo sorely missed. 8 months of total destruction by Biden and ALL DEMOCRATS. RISE UP, AMERICA. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
RIP to a larger than life Patriot! We love you Rush. Talent on loan from god
GOD !!
you must be taking some of the same drugs limp balls was taking.
@@allenmiller25 say what you want about Rish Limbaugh but he was an icon. He had more listeners/viewers than anyone in the country. Tucker Carlson had him beat in 2020 but other that that he lead for 31 years
JB-67, shows how many idiots there are in the country.
to be fair, he was larger than.. pretty much everything..
This man opened my eyes, he was so right 99.8% of the time. I will forever miss his voice, his charisma and mainly his love for this country. RIP Rush.
Dont doubt me on this ❤ is broken.
I know , my friend.
This brightens my day.
With talents on loan from God.
Remember, God is the one who gifted you with your talents.
May you use them, don't hide them under a rock.
Reap the rewards of investing them. Just as Rush did. We all benefit when we use our talents. Why else do you think God loaned them out?
Rest now my friend I will miss you,,a great American...
@Joe Joe turd
@Joe Joe bot
I'm so glad this popped up in my feed.... strange... Rush had been on my mind...I needed to hear his voice right now.
R.I.P. Rush Limbaugh
His daily dose of wisdom will be greatly missed.
He is so infectiously optimistic! RIP Rush you are missed
My hero ,the greatest American patriot, rush Limbaugh.
You said it all, Paul! Rush WAS the all time greatest patriot.
I love and miss Rush so much. He would always make so much sense. One of a kind, never will be replaced. God Bless his soul.
12 years later, this still rings true
Truth and wisdom are timeless.
The Truth always lasts
The Best
and irrefutable, and uncontradictable. were a Giant, somebody who just can not be replaced!
That is the truth....