@@meh2510 There was division going on at the time with communist parties and such. The commie scare also led to a a defacto scare of atheism even more so than normal, so they replaced it. I don't think it was nefariously done, honestly, just misguided and unconstitutional.
@@josiahferrell5022 Even I know that, and I'm an Australian. But that's what over 58 years of being exposed to American culture through the T.V will do you. You don't need to really live in a country to "get to know it's cultural norms" very well.
That’s exactly what I’ve been thinking. The people that are happy about this ruling are the same ones that were rioting on Jan 6th saying the government is corrupt, American democracy is being challenged and our freedoms are being taken away. But now it’s cool i guess because the guy we like is benefiting from it 😀.
“When highly committed parties strongly believe [in] things that they cannot achieve democratically, they don’t give up on their beliefs - they give up on democracy. - David From
As a child Christian Hypocrisy turned me off of religion. History class made me fearful of a Theocracy. As a adult I find no comfort in having that fear founded.
At first I thought you where calling yourself a Child Christian Hypocrite... If you put a comma after "child", I would have known you meant when you were a child, you found Christian hypocrisy a turn off. lol Sometimes just having a comma makes a difference.
@@DreamyAbaddonHey, so just been revisiting some of this YT’ers slightly older vid’s & came across your msg to previous commentator here.. I was wondering if you had ever heard of an old legend of Danish standup/improv comedian/pianist, using his piano often in his bits, the late, great Mr. Victor Borge? He lived from 1909 to 2000 & had one of THEE BEST, FUNNIEST takes on “phonetic punctuation” I’ve ‘ever’ “heard”! If you’ve not heard of him, you may find his PHONETIC Punctuation bits HYSTERICAL!!!
Likewise. When i was younger (I'm 16 now), i turned away from religion in primary school? Because of homophobia. Because...it's just love? Why are you telling me how to go about my faith? Why are you telling me what to do with m my body? It ended up making me leave it.
Voltaire never said it. Voltaire did say something similar in a letter to Frederick II of Prussia in December 1740, "May we not return to those scoundrels of old, the illustrious founders of superstition and fanaticism, who first took the knife from the altar to make victims of those who refused to be their disciples?"
@@charlesbrowne9590In Sumer, the priests were around for centuries before the first secular king. Though the kings later claimed they'd been around for two hundred thousand years.
@@goaway7346 The DUTY to practise christianity. There would be an initial discussion which forms of christianity but I think the big three would make it into law: Roman-Catholicism, Evangelism and Mormonism.
@@AntonArmsbergNope...it would be Episcopalian (the Church of England minus the king), where the president would be the pope too, delegated by a cabinet level their own version of Bishop of Canterbury. Mormon and current Evangelical only exist after independent, and Catholic were absolute enemy of American Englishmen (and heretics) of that time.
They did it as a cover up from the fact that even then they knew religion was a foolish joke thats why secretly the law is freedom FROM religion that way the government can't cut off your head for not believing in gawd like Iran does
@@AntonArmsberg Mormonism wasn't a thing when the Constitution was written. It never could have happened because Smith would have been arrested and possibly executed for blasphemy right out of the gate.
Good you should be against it its bad for you too since any denomination that takes power would immediately outlaw all the others. You need freedom from religion to have freedom to practice it too.
As Madison noted in a letter to Edward Livingston (1822), "religion & Govt. will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together." Theocracy corrupts both government and religion.
@@markzuckergecko621 True, but that is the insanity of the claim that America is the the kingdom of God and that its appropriate to teach the bible in schools
@@BuddyWudzyn the Bible has more academic value than teaching kids that men can get pregnant and socialism will totally work this time, just ignore the millions of people it's killed and dozens of countries it destroyed.
Christian Value: "When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again." Exodus 21: 7-8
Another one: “If a man finds a girl who is a virgin, who is not engaged, and seizes her and lies with her and they are discovered, then the man who lay with her shall give to the girl's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall become his wife because he has violated her; he cannot divorce her all his days.” -Deuteronomy 22:28-29
@@arkology_city I wish you were honest, but Jesus Christ disagrees with you in the New Testament: ““Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.” - Matthew 5:17-18
It's been attributed to Sinclair Lewis, but it's not clear that he said it, however he had said many things like that. Eugene V. Debs did say "Every robber or oppressor in history has wrapped himself in a cloak of patriotism or religion, or both."
Yep, no one's entirely sure who said it and there are several variations with different wording. A very apt quote for the current state of affairs, all the same.
"Consider this the second American revolution... it will be bloodless as long as the left allows it to be." - President of the Heritage Foundation (the "gold seal" approval body for ALL republican judge appontees since the 80's) about the 2025 project
Christians realize more and more people are leaving religion. This is just a desperate move on their part. Religion is on its way out. Hopefully sooner than later.
that's hard to tell, because outside of religion things are also pretty horrible All that feminism, gynocentrism and pedocentrism , insane mistreatment of men and boys.
Did you see what the head of the heritage foundation said the other day? They are moving towards a second revolution. It will be bloodless as long as the left obeys. Find it and watch yourself.
"We have to teach the Bible as part of American history, because history is so important." "Okay, so we're teaching about slavery then right? That was a big part of American history." "Um, no. That's woke. We don't teach woke."
@@Evil_Teddy In 2022 the Republicans in the Arizona legislature introduced HB 2112. Among the bill's provisions were forbidding any teaching of concepts including "AN INDIVIDUAL SHOULD FEEL DISCOMFORT, GUILT, ANGUISH OR ANY OTHER FORM OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRESS BECAUSE OF THE INDIVIDUAL'S RACE, ETHNICITY OR SEX." as well as "ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT, MERITOCRACY OR TRAITS SUCH AS A HARD WORK ETHIC ARE RACIST OR SEXIST OR WERE CREATED BY MEMBERS OF A PARTICULAR RACE, ETHNIC GROUP OR SEX TO OPPRESS MEMBERS OF ANOTHER RACE, ETHNIC GROUP OR SEX." Now imagine that a kid in a social studies class asks a question like "why is it that black families on average have only 2% of the household wealth of white families?" If the teacher tries to explain the long-term effects of 350 years of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, and discrimination, they might make white kids feel bad...which breaks the law, so can't even start on any of that. On the other hand, without that, the only other possible thing the teacher can say is some version of "white people have worked harder," which violates another part of the same law. The intent, clearly, was to intimidate teachers into not getting into any such issues...censoring reality to suit the ideological desires of one party. There are people out there actively trying to do what puckerings mentioned.
@@2l84me8 and the bible contradicts itself consistently throughout it. Christian beliefs contradict their own God, God contradicts himself in the bible completely. 1st contradiction and most notable is that the biblical figure of God, apart from the beginning of genesis, and all that he did has absolutely nothing to do with the role of being a Creator. From the slaughter of the Philistines to the death of the Canaanites to the flood of Noah to the plagues of Egypt. None of that stuff had anything remotely related to the role of one who calls himself the Creator of all things. The source and maker of life itself would not become an arbiter of death and destruction, especially not just to prove a point to someone. 2nd contradiction: Your deeds can't earn your way into Heaven. This is contradicted throughout the bible. Constantly it is said the your deeds cannot get you into heaven yet they can condemn you to hell? Redemption is all about what your deeds can do and in the matters of the final judgement mankind is to stand and be held accountable for the deeds of their life, it said specifically in the gospel of John that the final judgement shall herald a great accounting for all our deeds. So that is heavily contradictive to what we are led to believe. 3rd contradiction. Man is born of the original sin. This has been an argument for eons. That man is imperfect and unclean in God's eyes who is the Pinnacle of perfection and immaculate of sin. Even the AI platforms define him as a symbol of good so no wrong can exist in him. This whole thing is contradictive. If it were true then God would not command his creations to kill one another, he wouldn't have flooded the earth or killed the firstborn of Egypt. Also the birth of Jesus was a symbolic statement that was supposed to denounce this belief of man being born of sin because of the fornication their parents. His immaculate conception defied this belief proving that their law was not inspired or commanded by God but upheld and designed by men to maintain control over their beliefs through fear. That was why they sought to kill Jesus at birth because he defied their control.
@@Stormstorm1 ...Is the first thing they want to get rid of, naturally bc what they want is a Christian nation. Who is they? Todays Christian Nationalists, the coalition of far right, prosperity doctrine evangelicals - The Federalist Society, who'se head Leonard Leo joined the Trump transition team and handed Trump a list from which he chose 3 SCOTUS pics with the express guarantee to overturn Roe v wade, they and the Heritage Foundation along with hundreds of like minded non-profit groups who generate billions to spread influence in govt and stack courts. They know DJT has not a religious bone in his body and they ckoose to disregard the fact bc he's a useful idiot that will do their bidding, pure mutual interest, they use their $ and influence to get him elected. This hypocrisy is done to achieve their repressive, regressive authoritarian and theocratic aims for the US. - Shine a light on these cockroaches! No to Protect 25, Trumpism and all christo-fascists.
The people of the time were religious. Not in a way we would consider religious today, they held their own beliefs and cultures. To say "the bible inspired" is disingenuous. What would be more arcuate is to say is the men of the time had SOME of their beliefs inspired from religious teachings and SOME of those beliefs were carried over into the constitution. We must resist the urge to judge history based on what we know now. 400 years ago you would probably have very different beliefs than you do now.
What I'm terrified about is my religious family's inability to allow me to achieve autonomy and think for myself without filtering any of it through the bible or the faith.
I genuinely think I'm going to not have a country anymore in my lifetime. Maybe democracy is a failed experiment, maybe there's no way to make it work without it falling to fascism within 400 years. It happened to Rome too--theirs lasted about a long as ours did before their first Civil War and then their fell to Ceasar and his successors within 400 years of its founding. Maybe constitutional monarchies are the most stable form of government and that's what everyone should adopt.
@@fingerboxeshey, I just wanted to point out that your comment describes a self-fullfilling prophecy. Even if we miraculously knew exactly, and objectively, which form of governance is most stable, that still wouldn't make that form the best. Now "the best" might be a tad bit subjective, but I believe it would encompass the most well known principles/values of the American Constitution: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To achieve them we would indeed need a rather stable form of governance. But its stability is not the only necessary characteristic, nor does it alone guarantee the achieving of the aforementioned. It is my belief that democracy, with all its faults, is still the "best" form of governance in order to achieve the 3 fundamental principles as presented above. But, democracy per definition, requires a great amount of effort continuously by all citizens. We are the ones fighting for our rights, established through democracy, so we can achieve the 3 fundamental principles. You admitting defeat is exactly what opponents of democracy want, in order for them to gain more power and trample all over your rights. By giving up on democracy, it weakens and falters, which then people observe and interpret as its inherent nature, which then motivates them even less to engage, in fight for democracy, choosing disregard it for some other regime. I cannot guarantee you, and it evidently hasn't been the case historically, that some sort of monarchy would be more stable or better for you, me and the people in general, than what we have now.
"The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries" James Madison, 1803
Which laws. There are a lot of them. Most people including the police and politucians pick and choose which ones to prioritize. Gods going to choose the ones he likes and other people will priorituze theirs. You are more important than a law.
@@HalasterBlackCloak-u2wIt's more about how those in charge should be held the most accountable to the rules they invoke. They're not allowed to escape the penalties they would have others suffer for the same actions.
who cares? They also wanted a slave owning nation where only land owning men voted. They're not the gods of mt olympus, and just because 'we always did it this way', or some deference to dead ancestors, is a terrible reason to justify anything. Sure, they did, but we can use actual reasons for why that should be the case, instead of a knee jerk:"Dead people said so!" so mic drop.
True. Without democrats supporting the aid bill ukraine would have already lost and if p2025 passes most US allies would be abandoned in a war. Israel would probably be the only country they would still fund because apparently "jeebus will land in jeruselum" according to some right wing interpretation of revelation.
@@LalaDepala_00It seem they ignorant of how USA have power over internacional policy, economical, socially or even ideologically. Americans in some way believe its affect them only but honestly USA affect in indirectly or directly to us outsiders( not much for me since I am one on of the territorios of USA which is PR). One example I see that affect on european and latinamerican countries is the redpill believe it or not the redpill existe on these areas. I see also "racialist science" , some maga latinos supporting Donald Trump. I met a puerto rican veteran marine who was a MAGA fan. He got the american tattos, MAGA hat. Only diferenr is he was dress like a casual boricua rapper. I got people like Fitnico who is an argentinian fitness youtuber who then move to redpill. Spaniard youtubers with mgtow stuff , antifeminism, altright. Latinamerican right winger have a despective way to refer leftwinger as " progrezombie", " "zurdo de mierda" , " pagafantas" , " empobrecedor de naciones". There also altright ideas and some even repeat some talking points fron USA translsted in other languages and uses said meses with their cultural spin but the message is similar.
I have a Brother that is a Christian Nationalist. He has all the very worst beliefs of that horrible ideology. I hope we can stop the advance of religious extremism that threatens our freedom from being forced break down the separation of church and state!
Two states that hold spots 49 and 50 for educational achievement are running this crap out. So instead of spending precious taxpayer money on the students, they are choosing to spend it paying their LAWYERS. WHEN they should be visiting SUCCESSFUL schools to learn what's working, they're planning to visit the SCOTUS instead. F preparing their citizenry to be able to get better jobs, right, Ok and La?
I'm really sorry for you guys overseas... I've never ever met any evolution denier or flat earther until visiting the US, not to mention how much it felt like a police state despite the ''ultimate freedom'' I was presented with my entire childhood. edit: I'm not making illusions about not having many problems over here, but that antiintelectualism thing is I'd say a culture specific feature heavily linked to religiosity and ego-feeding mindset
I'm sorry for not being aware of you own situation. I'm Swiss and sure it's not the same but if one doesn't sees the polarisation even in europe he must be blind or live in an ivory tower. And if you don't see the same exchanging of freedom with a propagated and institutionalized questionable security, then i can't help you. Seems like you are not often out on the streets to hear the grapevine and "viper poison" which is spread. It starts at the kitchen table, as stereotype it seems to be it is. It's not displayed as in the states in europe but it exists more as you might guess. "Teachers and doctors are all crooks and thieves" is atill a saying in switzerland no matter if that is a 500 year old lie. But they won't tell it in your face that's the difference. (Lehrer und Döckter sind alles Vagante und Dieb) While a "Vagant" is an interesting hoistorical element in europe. The younger male cildren of wealthy fanilies in medieval which have put in a monastery likewise the girls, they never swore the oath and was set off when matured, some might have worked as secretary, others might have abused their knowledge and third went out to teach the peasants which leaded in the end to reformation. Since teachers and doctors never was welcome to church and lordship they was called evil and some here still gift this twisted "knowledge" to their children - at the kitchen table, if you like though. We fight against a milennial old deamon, even in the USA, demon in the sense of a compulsory action, a poisonous thought passed from generation to generation, an inherited psychosis, but likewise a demon it "eats children" or its carrier and spreads like a demon. The only real way to fight this is to go out in the streets you won't reach nobody from here, but if you reach only one your already reached thousands, yes indeed Here we can meet and exchange ideas, that is as well important. It's not especally "flat earth" it's the general distrust in science since that is believed to be from establishment and must be wrong, that scientists was responsible for the enlightenment of the mas they have long time forgot and also no one teached them this since today it is enough to count and calculate the profit any else skill is not longer of interest in the west. And they even believe that an orgon for $7000 protects you against imagined EMR. They are the stupid ones which are so easy to mislead and follow every guru who wears a broad smile and speaks about an afterlife or any turd. And you hardly can count all the 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 anymore even here. (yech) Common folks post countless 🙏, what do they expect? That Jesus will help us out of our selfinflicted crisis? He wouldn't do neiterh that he could even if he would exist - goddammit!
I'm from hungary and I'm the last one who can even criticize USA for their insanity. I think my country is the cancer of europe and I'm partially responsible for our citizen's choices voting for Orban. I mean I don't do anything about it. Showing the white of my eyes. The white horse symbolism by David Lynch.
Dude I have memory problems that are just getting worse. I’ve heard other people complain about similar things. Don’t know if it’s just early dementia or if something’s in the water
@@domecrack Well somethings are just predictable. As in, 'What the fuck did you THINK was going to happen, genius?!?" That's not predicting the future any more than expecting a man who plans on sticking his hand into the fire to be very soon yanking his hand out of it and screaming.
The original Constitution of the United States that was ratified in 1789 had only ONE REFERENCE TO RELIGION: [Article 6] No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any Office or Public Trust under the United States. The de facto motto of the United States, adopted as part of the Great Seal of the U.S. by an Act of Congress in 1782, was E. Pluribus Unum (Out of Many, One). Congress changed it 174 years later (1956) to "In God We Trust". The ORIGINAL 'Pledge of Allegiance' was written in 1892 by Baptist Minister Francis Bellamy who DID NOT INCLUDE the words "Under God". Those were added by Congress 62 year later (1954). The U.S. didn't issue Paper Currency until 1861, & 'In God We Trust' didn't appear on it for 96 years (1957). “As the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian Religion" ~ Treaty of Tripoli; initiated under President George Washington, 1796, signed into law by President John Adams, 1797, ratified unanimously by the Senate, 1797, published in full in all 13 states, with no record of complaint or dissent. "I am for freedom of religion and against all maneuvers to bring about a legal ascendancy of one sect over another." --Thomas Jefferson, letter to Elbridge Gerry, January 26, 1799 “Christianity neither is, nor ever was part of the common law.” Thomas Jefferson “Religion and government will both exist in greater purity the less they are mixed together.” James Madison “The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.” John Adams "In every country, in every age, the priest has always been hostile to liberty...He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection of his own." Thomas Jefferson Founding Father Thomas Paine on Christianity. “The most detestable wickedness, the most horrid cruelties, and the greatest miseries that have afflicted the human race, have had their origin in this thing called revelation, or revealed religion…” AMERICA WAS NOT FOUNDED ON "CHRISTIAN VALUES", IT WAS NEVER MEANT TO BE A CHRISTIAN NATION, IT NEVER WILL BE A CHRISTIAN NATION. AMERICA IS A SECULAR COUNTRY. YOUR "FREEDUM OF RELIGION' ENDS WHERE MY CONSTITUTIONAL & BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS, LIBERTIES & PRIVLEGES BEGIN. DON'T LIKE IT, D!3 MAD ABOUT IT.
@@seannolan9857 10 second google search: "Congress passed his act requesting the addition of “In God We Trust,” adapted from a lesser-known verse of Francis Scott Key’s “Star-Spangled Banner,” and the first two-cent coin with the phrase was minted in 1864." "By the turn of the century, however... President Teddy Roosevelt considered the mingling of God and Mammon to be vulgar, and he ordered the phrase removed from newly designed gold coins in 1907." "By the mid-1950s, the concern with piety in Washington had apparently deepened; in 1955 Congress ordered the same phrase to appear on all paper currency."
@@seannolan9857 No. The 1950s. E Pluribus Unum was on coins I remember seeing and USING when I was a kid. Classic example of how bad they are lying to you or how poor your education is. The entiere "In God We Trust" horse shit was done in response to the "Red Scare" that the Right Wing Nut Jobs and Neo-Naz faction came up with to differentiate themselves from "Godless Heathens" in China. So, in other words they were more than happy to take a gigantic stinking shit on the founding fathers and theire wisdom in order to insert their dumb as fucking box of rocks agenda for political gain.
The words "In God We Trust" were taken (although modified) from the third portion of the Star Spangled Banner. "Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto: In God is our trust." Just in case you wondered where those words came from and why they were chosen. I learned this while originally researching the topic years ago.
This is absolutely one your best videos. I've been watching you for over a decade. The opening line sums it all up perfectly. "Why do you want our politicians to be able to commit crimes?" Seriously. Why is that a GOOD thing for the American people?
The US is taking the same path of some of the Arabic nations. Once brilliant and innovative societies lost to superstition and suppressive theocratic rule.
When I was learning about empires and how they failed when I was a kid in school (not in the USA), I always wondered how it would've been to witness the fall of an empire from the side lines. Now, 30 years later, I feel like I am witnessing exactly that with the things are going over there. It always starts with them believing that they are the largest, the best and that nothing can bring them down. And then it happens.
I just finished reading Why Empires Fall: Rome, America, and the Future of the West by Peter Heather and John Rapley. It shows the parallels and contrasts between the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century and the situation facing the "Western Empire" (U.S. and its allies) today. Peter Heather is a historian who specializes in the migrations of the Germanic tribes into the empire at the time, and John Rapley is an economist. It's a great corrective to idiot claims like "it fell because everyone was gay" and other such right-wing BS.
The loudest voices in American public discourse on facts about the Bible and the Constitution are coming from people who've read neither. It's exhausting.
The head of that foundation has publicly stated their mission is to destroy democracy, institute a strong man and establish a theocratic government. Said there will be a revolution and they will win, that it could be bloodless IF the left allows it to be. In other words, don't think about opposing them or it will get bloody.
The Nationalist Socialist party of Germany thought they were doing the right thing. And it is amazing how they are all using the same justifications to try to, laughably, turn the world back into a Victorian Era nightmare. That was the apex of the "White Man Good" all else bad imperial age.
No, The Heritage Foundation has convinced the ignorant and uneducated that what they are doing is the right thing. The Heritage Foundation itself just wants to up-end everything so that they can be at the top of the heap when all is settled. These people have NEVER shown that they believe that they should be held to the insane standards that they preach that everyone else should be held to.
@@Elusive.magick all of these right wing orgs are so financially backed by billionaire oil and the petrochemical oligarchs in Texas and Louisiana.. We need Bezos’s ex wife to pick our side and start fighting back with her billions.
The problem was relying so heavily on the safeguards of men in the 1700s who had no ability to predict half of the crap we're facing nowadays. It was up to us as Americans to deeply inspect and improve upon those documents as they were *never* perfect, as much as some people asserted they were. We were given the mechanisms to do just that, and used them mostly reluctantly and after great societal upheaval, instead of consistently looking at where society was going and tweaking the Constitution as needed. Our failure to do just that is a huge reason why we are where we are right now, relying on the tattered scraps of thoughts of men long gone.
@@iboofer Note that information is traveling so much faster now via the internet. Previously, people might have stayed informed from TV and radio, both of which were regulated enough to have fake news be curbed in away. both by the government and by the people. Now, any idiot with a phone or nearby library can post falsehoods anywhere, and gullible idiots will believe it simply by merit that they saw it. Since sensational lies travel fast and far while the boring truth moves much slower, when the time it takes for truth to correct any given lie is exponentially longer, we are screwed as a species. We'll always have lies being posted, convincing swathes of the gullible who then share/spread the lies further, and between the time it'll take to procure the truth of the matter and the fact that unless the lies are taken down by the hosting service there will always be a source/wellspring of those lies perpetually convincing people we will ultimately be drowned misinformation. How can We The People be trusted to act properly in the face of such a manmade horror? We obviously can't.
@@iboofer Not really. To make changes to the Constitution we need 2/3's of the States to sign off on it. What are we supposed to do when the GOP controls so many low population States? We need 2/3's to even evict them from the Union.
@@iboofer Agreed. I sort of cringe at how I used to view the Constitution as some sort of unchangeable, sacred document when I was more of a Christian conservative; I now think many of our country’s founders would actually scoff at that idea if they were somehow able to live until now. It’s sort of like how many fundamentalists follow the Bible to the letter, even the parts that involve the endorsement of slavery, genocide, etc. I remember hearing a liberal Anglican priest saying this about the Bible, but I think it also applies to the U.S. Constitution: “You can take it literally or you can take it seriously, but not always both.” Although the funny thing is, a lot of these so called “constitutional conservatives” aren’t even taking it literally anymore.
@@littlebitofhope1489 Technically you could say Rome. But I'm sure there were others before that. There have been a lot of empires and nations that had religion completely seperate from the state and law.
I have to be honest - when I clicked on this video I assumed it was going to be the exact opposite. Was glad to see myself proven wrong. Religiosity is NOT one of America's merits. Ideological freedom is.
european far-"the right" are probably pretty epic "leftards" by the american standards 😂 and, well, yeah - trump has no values or standards - the tell for that is that he doesn't have a solid position on anything - he just says whatever is popular, whatever is likely to get him elected.
I suppose it’s because people easily project their values onto him, even if he has none himself. It also helps that he appointed socially conservative justices, which allowed for the overturning of Roe v. Wade. I get the feeling that Trump’s more than happy to play the role as a vehicle for extremists if it means boosting his ego and ambition.
That’s why I don’t get why more people aren’t clamoring for reform on the whole election system. The people having so little control, and only being given two options at a time is like going to an ice cream parlor and being given choice between two flavors: moose tracks and rum raisin. Surely those two flavors would appease the vast majority of people? Plenty of republicans hate or just frankly don’t agree with trump and are also not satisfied with him as a candidate. How is the system so out of the people’s hands and why aren’t we doing feck all to change it? We don’t need handlers, we need local bottom up control of the system.
It’s so true he everything he claims he needs to save Americans from, he’s a criminal, he’s arapist, he’s a liar, he’s a thief, he’s an adulter, he has seggs with porn star s and unprotected seggs with x workers, he’s a con artist. I mean the list goes on probably so much horrible things we don’t even know
Thank you for bringing this up. Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion. Separation of church & state, doesn’t mean the church is the state. Burning women at the stake because religious zealots pointed at them & called them witches.
"Fascism will come to America wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross" ~ unknown. But I say more and more people will unite on common economic grounds against it.
Hopefully, the losses of the far right (after winning the first round of voting easily and waking up the left) in France in the second round will happen in the US as well.
That would be the dream, but what I currently see is that people are quite happy to have their economic situation worsen if it means their god appointed leader is ruling over them.
They love limiting the government's power to improve ordinary people's lives. They'll happily vote against every measure to provide aid and support to their fellow citizens, and then turn around and take credit for that aid and support (when Dems pass it) to their constituents.
“When highly committed parties strongly believe [in] things that they cannot achieve democratically, they don’t give up on their beliefs - they give up on democracy. - David From
He is the The LORD God, known as YHWH, Yahweh, Jehovah, or God. The Alpha and Omega, who creates the world and will judge in the time of His choosing. He freed the Israelites from enslavement in Egypt, raised them up as a mighty nation when they followed him and cast them into ruin when they turned their back on him. He sent his Prophets to them, to praise them for their faith and warn of his wrath when their faith was weak. He chose them to bear witness to the Revelation, the coming of Jesus Christ, the God Man, who came to show us how to live within the law, who was hated and killed for bringing the truth, and who overcame death itself so that we might all have eternal life in him. You can know Him, but to know Him you must approach Him with proper respect and awe, for He is your Father who created the entire world, and He is so much greater than you that you can only begin to understand once you humble yourself before Him.
The people that came to the colonies were fleeing persecution by other religious groups who had used the states power to persecute them. They knew all too well what a religious monarchy was and wanted no part of it. The constitution was written explicitly to protect religious people from other religious people. It was intentionally areligious
I'm not from the US, but everything the US does, my country tries to emulate it within a year or two, so project 2025 is a menace to the whole world, no doubt about it!
Are you brazilian by any chance? We did have Bolsonaro trying his best to emulate Trump, and now our own evangelical wing trying to pass abortion laws exactly akin to Texas.
If your from the UK you don't need to worry to much. We just booted out the Hard Right who leaned towards supporting Trump. Plus the UK's churches are emptying and I'm wondering if that coincided with the UK independent reports into the covering up of CSA in all organized religion which we were all informed about on all TV news outlets here. But yes project 2025 is very much a danger.
Just found your channel. Since the advent of Trumpism and the corruption of SCOTUS, the right has gotten very aggressive about dismantling core constitutional tenets, such as separation of powers and separation of church and state. This is something that most Americans- left and right - do NOT want. Thank you for discussing this important topic. Don’t stop. SUBSCRIBED
“In a few days I will lay down my official responsibilities in this office, to take up once more _the only title in our democracy superior to that of President, the title of citizen.”_ -President Jimmy Carter, January 14, 1981 [emphasis mine]
The Supreme Court ruling is in itself unconstitutional and should be wholly ignored. I quote Alexander Hamilton from Federalist #69 in responding to constitutional criticism that the president is and elected king: "The President of the United States would be liable to be impeached, tried, and, upon conviction of treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors, removed from office; AND WOULD AFTERWARDS BE LIABLE TO PROSECUTION AND PUNISHMENT IN THE ORDINARY COURSE OF LAW" As much of the inspiration for the constitution and particulars of the government for a new America actually comes from philosopher John Locke and notably anti-Christian deist Thomas Paine, it is to no surprise that many of the founders were also non-Christian deists (former Protestant) and in the case of Samuel Adams, a devout Puritan with strong anti-Catholic views. They advocated for a secular government to Locke's point; that religious freedom and inclusion be given save for those religions who's tendency is to cause societal chaos and disruption by attempts to institutionalize their doctrine and calls to depose or overthrow governments they feel don't act to their religious beliefs ( their main qualm with with the Roman Catholics ).
Hey DM2525 you need to run for office! I'd certainly vote for you. Unfortunately, a "tell it like it is" candidate can scare lots of people - who like to think that the USA can't be so "bad".
I second-guess and triple-guess my decisions while I’m driving because I don’t want to get a fine. I still manage to get to work every day. Why shouldn’t the president have to second guess his decisions?
“The greatest threat to freedom is the absence of criticism.” - Wole Soyinka "I'd rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned” - Richard Feynman
Just wanna say I love your channel and your method of delivery. Your message leaves no room for interpretation. Thank you for taking your time to do it.
The thing about Christianity is that it’s a religion of martyrs. One of the main reasons it’s so appealing is because its adherents get a profound sense of righteousness by opposing some unknown force or group. However, the moment they become the oppressors or the dictators, the veil of victimhood they’ve cultivated their image or “rebellion” falls off. You can’t be a rebel or a martyr if you’re the one doing the who everyone else is opposed to.
I’m in Oklahoma, and it goes against the Oklahoma constitution as well. In Oklahoma, each school district can teach as they please so Walter’s teaching the Bible is not valid. I called our school board and asked and Shawnee won’t be teaching the Bible
0:15 - This country is circling the drain and becoming everything we say we hate while still admonishing the rest of the world for acting that way. And it feels like all we can do sometimes is laugh while we watch.
This is very similar to what happened in Italy with Berlusconi. There was a time where he basically managed to get 'impunity' for him and 4 others to get away from legal persecution. However, this 'immunity' only lasted a few days before being declared anti-constitutional. However, in those few days, as few of those 5 people were seriously consider who should they kill 'in a hurry' before this was reverted.
My question regarding this subject has always remained the same. "Can you give me 1 example of a theocratic government that has not turned into a shitshow"? And always remember that more people have been slain in the name of "God" than for any other grievance.
I'm pretty sure a good portion of these followers want their guys to be above the law because they mistakenly believe that said guys will reward them by making _them_ above the law, free to do as they like while others are bound by rules and thus can't fight back. The ultimate power fantasy.
Considering how narcissistic religion tends to be definitely! They've deluded themselves into believing that anything they do is good and therefore they ought to be unbound by laws.
this makes rigging the election 100% legal. 2020, 2024, and here on out. weird how the people who claim to worry about election rigging seem not to mind
We should nominate someone other than Joe Biden as well, if possible. Many are upset at his treatment of Palestine and don't want to vote for him (as petty as that is. It's not like Trump would have done different)
I kept telling my friends and family: when you put a businessman in the oval office, you are no longer citizens, you are employees. Employees who can't quit. Employees who won't have the right to determine pay, benefits, or retirement.
We are living in crazy days as a Republican I 💯 percent agree with everything you said . We need to get maga out period.trump is a joke and I found that out his first term.
I dont know what trump has to do with this, but to me they seem all terrible. Every single one of them. The worst US president so far was probably Abraham Lincoln given he enslaved the south. Instead, i propose that democracy needs to be rejected and liberty embraced. "But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist." -Lysander Spooner
I have been leaning more conservative / libertarian these days but I can't get past the clear theocratic goals. There's increasing sentient on the right that women shouldn't be allowed to vote (and that the civil rights act needs to be repealed like roe v wade). Lots a hypocrits everywhere.
@@milktea-xb6gq German here, why the heck should women, as people who will NEVER have to die in the wars they are voting for, vote? Weve seen what that leads to when we gave women the vote in Weimar Germany. You know, that democratic socialist from austria? But then, why should ANYONE vote? The POINT of democracy is to oppress the minority in the name of muh majority. Nah, keep your damn "laws" off my property.
Thanks for thIs. You've listed much of what's been rattling around my brain. I'm terrified for my grandchildren. This ruling enables a president to conduct genocide and face NO consequences for his actions. Imagine the women and minorities and LGTBQ and those of minority religions being fired from their government positions. And there will be required loyalty pledges for gov't workers who don't lose their jobs. If trump is elected and 2025 is allowed to continue (it HAS been going g on-where do you think Judge Cannon came from?), this country is headed for a steep downhill decline.
In terms of the history of the book, how it was put together, and the mythologies of old middle eastern lore, its full of history. But as for the content; pure rubbish, mostly plagiarized, and dangerous if taken as anything other than fiction.
Welcome to Brazil, where the top politicians have parliamentary immunity and their own separate judicial system whose judges they themselves pick, and they often do nothing except serve the will of these politicians. We're looking more and more alike.
USA is becoming like you guys altright. The intermixxing , the religiosity , ideological fights, criminality and all. That is why when I wanted to go Brazil and learnt somewhat portuguese languages. I was very dissapointed that Brazil is very religious more so than my country and that is have some issues in "racial democracy" which led me not wanting to go there. First off , I am latinamerican ( Puerto Rican to be specific.) . I hope I am wrong about your country but it is too sad since the diversity , nature and the people are nice there.
“Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s goods”…this one is just plain f*cking stupid…coveting your neighbor’s goods is what keeps the economy going! ~George Carlin
@@kellydalstok8900If you’re a fan of darkmatter2525, and never heard of George Carlin; I highly recommend to look up George Carlin. You might get a kick out of him, he’s really funny.
@@kellydalstok8900If you have a political opinion; the Bible validates ALL OF THEM. My stepmom hates it when I mention she’s contradicting herself every time she shoves the Bible in my face.
I remember years ago when Hilary was running and the republicans were screaming that the democrats wanted to abolish or rewrite the constitution. Does anyone else remember that?
That isn't what the ruling said. The ruling said that the president is immune from any LAWFUL acts preformed while president. If you read the whole ruling it pushed the case back to the lower courts to rule on if Trump trying to challenge the vote was a lawful act as defined under the acts of president as defined by congress. Most constitutional scholars have said that it was lawful to challenge some of the anomalies. However it was not lawful to call for a rally on Nov 6 in DC. Could Trump be held secondarily responsible for the riot, yes. Could he be held responsible and charged as a felon for questioning the GA vote, no.
@@redtiger7268 It's funny... My comment didn't mention Trump at all... 1. Getting immunity for lawful acts doesn't make any sense... Because in order to be prosecuted, you must be charged with a crime... Immunity shields someone who committed a crime from being protected.... 2. The ruling states that crimes committed as part of "official" acts (not lawful acts) are immune from protection... It also eliminates "official acts" from being used as evidence of crime committed as an unofficial act... And doesn't define what an official and unofficial act is... 3. No one thinks that questioning the results of the Georgia election is a crime... The crime is pressuring an election official to "find" votes... There's also the plot to send fake electors to forge votes for him...
@@redtiger7268 "The ruling said that the president is immune from any LAWFUL acts performed while president." - It said "OFFICIAL".... being immune to prosecution for lawful acts doesn't make any sense... you would have to commit a crime in order to be prosecuted in the first place.... there would have to be something to charge you for... > The whole concept of prosecutorial immunity is that when you have it, you aren't prosecuted for a crime.... you don't need immunity if you're not suspected of a crime.... - it also doesn't allow evidence from official acts to be used against a president who commits a crime as part of an unofficial act.... It also doesn't define what an "official" act is, leaving it up to interpretation.... "If you read the whole ruling it pushed the case back to the lower courts to rule on if Trump trying to challenge the vote was a lawful act as defined under the acts of president as defined by congress." - "Challenging the vote" is lawful.... that's not what Trump was being prosecuted for.... he was being prosecuted for trying to coerce an election official of one state to "find votes" that didn't exist and for sending allies to impersonate other election officials to declare him the winner of another state..... Also.... coercing his vice president, Mike Pence to refuse to certify election results (which is a ceremonial duty of the former vice president when a new administration takes over and has absolutely no power to change the outcome of the election, but was still attempted by Trump) "Most constitutional scholars have said that it was lawful to challenge some of the anomalies." - Again... it was never in question that it's legal for him to challenge the results of any election for which he has legal standing.... > There's an already established process for that.... you challenge it in court.... which he did.... multiple times..... And it was found that there was no merit or evidence for his claims every time.... but that's not what he's been prosecuted for..... "However it was not lawful to call for a rally on Nov 6 in DC." - It was absolutely lawful for Trump to throw a rally on *JANUARY* 6TH.... That's his right and absolutely no one thinks that having that rally was illegal.... It was January, by the way.... What was illegal was sending the attendees of that rally to break into the Capitol building to threaten members of congress and interfere with official proceedings (transferring presidential power from Trump to Biden)... > The gathering itself was legal, constitutionally protected speech and assembly... the riot afterwards was not... "Could he be held responsible and charged as a felon for questioning the GA vote, no." - That's not what he was being charged for....
@@redtiger7268 part 1 "The ruling said that the president is immune from any LAWFUL acts performed while president." - It said "OFFICIAL".... being immune to prosecution for lawful acts doesn't make any sense... you would have to commit a crime in order to be prosecuted in the first place.... there would have to be something to charge you for... > The whole concept of prosecutorial immunity is that when you have it, you aren't prosecuted for a crime.... you don't need immunity if you're not suspected of a crime.... - it also doesn't allow evidence from official acts to be used against a president who commits a crime as part of an unofficial act.... It also doesn't define what an "official" act is, leaving it up to interpretation.... "If you read the whole ruling it pushed the case back to the lower courts to rule on if Trump trying to challenge the vote was a lawful act as defined under the acts of president as defined by congress." - "Challenging the vote" is lawful.... that's not what Trump was being prosecuted for.... he was being prosecuted for trying to coerce an election official of one state to "find votes" that didn't exist and for sending allies to impersonate other election officials to declare him the winner of another state..... Also.... coercing his vice president, Mike Pence to refuse to certify election results (which is a ceremonial duty of the former vice president when a new administration takes over and has absolutely no power to change the outcome of the election, but was still attempted by Trump)
@@redtiger7268 Part 1 "The ruling said that the president is immune from any LAWFUL acts performed while president." - It said "OFFICIAL".... being immune to prosecution for lawful acts doesn't make any sense... you would have to commit a crime in order to be prosecuted in the first place.... there would have to be something to charge you for... > The whole concept of prosecutorial immunity is that when you have it, you aren't prosecuted for a crime.... you don't need immunity if you're not suspected of a crime.... - it also doesn't allow evidence from official acts to be used against a president who commits a crime as part of an unofficial act.... It also doesn't define what an "official" act is, leaving it up to interpretation....
THAT was the best speech I've heard on modern America. It should be on TV. It's just, how do you get people to pay attention for longer than a goldfish.
I am 77 years old. When I learned the Pledge of Allegiance, the "under god" was not part of the Pledge. Excellent Video!
Yup, replaced 'indivisible' with 'under god,' now isn't that a huge tell right there.
@@meh2510 There was division going on at the time with communist parties and such. The commie scare also led to a a defacto scare of atheism even more so than normal, so they replaced it. I don't think it was nefariously done, honestly, just misguided and unconstitutional.
@@meh2510 it isn't quite replaced, they are both in it.
This guy speaking the truth
Even I know that, and I'm an Australian. But that's what over 58 years of being exposed to American culture through the T.V will do you. You don't need to really live in a country to "get to know it's cultural norms" very well.
The party of "small gov" sure seemed to have dumped a LOT of power into the government.
That’s exactly what I’ve been thinking. The people that are happy about this ruling are the same ones that were rioting on Jan 6th saying the government is corrupt, American democracy is being challenged and our freedoms are being taken away. But now it’s cool i guess because the guy we like is benefiting from it 😀.
They want a very dense government!
“When highly committed parties strongly believe [in] things that they cannot achieve democratically, they don’t give up on their beliefs - they give up on democracy.
- David From
@@IRGeamer Democracy will always prevail. Always.
@@OceanusHeliosI wish that was always true but look at North Korea, Russia and Iran.
As a child Christian Hypocrisy turned me off of religion. History class made me fearful of a Theocracy. As a adult I find no comfort in having that fear founded.
At first I thought you where calling yourself a Child Christian Hypocrite... If you put a comma after "child", I would have known you meant when you were a child, you found Christian hypocrisy a turn off. lol Sometimes just having a comma makes a difference.
@@DreamyAbaddonHey, so just been revisiting some of this YT’ers slightly older vid’s & came across your msg to previous commentator here.. I was wondering if you had ever heard of an old legend of Danish standup/improv comedian/pianist, using his piano often in his bits, the late, great Mr. Victor Borge? He lived from 1909 to 2000 & had one of THEE BEST, FUNNIEST takes on “phonetic punctuation” I’ve ‘ever’ “heard”! If you’ve not heard of him, you may find his PHONETIC Punctuation bits HYSTERICAL!!!
Likewise. When i was younger (I'm 16 now), i turned away from religion in primary school? Because of homophobia. Because...it's just love? Why are you telling me how to go about my faith? Why are you telling me what to do with m my body? It ended up making me leave it.
@@DreamyAbaddonLet's eat grandpa!
"Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool." - Voltaire.
Love that! Its absolutely true.
Huh. It actually was him. Cool. Makes great quotes.
Also - religion began when the first king met the first priest and asked “How do I get those nitwits to die for me?”
Voltaire never said it. Voltaire did say something similar in a letter to Frederick II of Prussia in December 1740, "May we not return to those scoundrels of old, the illustrious founders of superstition and fanaticism, who first took the knife from the altar to make victims of those who refused to be their disciples?"
@@charlesbrowne9590In Sumer, the priests were around for centuries before the first secular king. Though the kings later claimed they'd been around for two hundred thousand years.
If America was intended to be a Christian nation, the 1st Amendment would say the freedom to practice Christianity and not the freedom of religion.
If America was intended to be a Christian nation, the 1st Amendment would say the NECESSITY to practice Christianity and not the freedom of religion.
@@goaway7346 The DUTY to practise christianity. There would be an initial discussion which forms of christianity but I think the big three would make it into law: Roman-Catholicism, Evangelism and Mormonism.
@@AntonArmsbergNope...it would be Episcopalian (the Church of England minus the king), where the president would be the pope too, delegated by a cabinet level their own version of Bishop of Canterbury.
Mormon and current Evangelical only exist after independent, and Catholic were absolute enemy of American Englishmen (and heretics) of that time.
They did it as a cover up from the fact that even then they knew religion was a foolish joke thats why secretly the law is freedom FROM religion that way the government can't cut off your head for not believing in gawd like Iran does
@@AntonArmsberg Mormonism wasn't a thing when the Constitution was written. It never could have happened because Smith would have been arrested and possibly executed for blasphemy right out of the gate.
I am a Christian but I would never want to be in a Christian Theocracy. History has taught me enough to know it will be horrible.
We need more like you.
Good you should be against it its bad for you too since any denomination that takes power would immediately outlaw all the others. You need freedom from religion to have freedom to practice it too.
Sooo still brainwashed then?
@@ThirtytwoJ Time and place.
As Madison noted in a letter to Edward Livingston (1822), "religion & Govt. will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together." Theocracy corrupts both government and religion.
The Bible never even mentioned the United States or the Constitution or the founding of America. We have reached pure idiocracy.
Not only that, but the first commandment directly goes against the first amendment
@@ethanwinters7829 yes, a 2,000 year old book doesn't make any mention of a 250 year old nation. Brilliant insight.
@@markzuckergecko621 True, but that is the insanity of the claim that America is the the kingdom of God and that its appropriate to teach the bible in schools
@@BuddyWudzyn the Bible has more academic value than teaching kids that men can get pregnant and socialism will totally work this time, just ignore the millions of people it's killed and dozens of countries it destroyed.
Electrolytes its what plants crave!
Christian Value:
"When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again."
Exodus 21: 7-8
Another one:
“If a man finds a girl who is a virgin, who is not engaged, and seizes her and lies with her and they are discovered, then the man who lay with her shall give to the girl's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall become his wife because he has violated her; he cannot divorce her all his days.”
-Deuteronomy 22:28-29
This is JEWISH LAW - the old testament.
Jewish Law... so why other countries ever need to follow this law?? So Christians can also actually ignore the Old Testament!
@@arkology_city I wish you were honest, but Jesus Christ disagrees with you in the New Testament:
““Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.”
- Matthew 5:17-18
AAAAYY-MEN!! (But not women!!!)
Never trust a preacher that tells you how to vote or a politician that tells you how to pray.
They make money 😂
They TAKE money.
Haven’t heard it put like this but I’m thankful to have found it now!
But muh Islamic republic.
Shouldn't trust a living ass to begin with
what was that quote. 'if fascism came to America it would be draped in the flag and holding a bible'
It's been attributed to Sinclair Lewis, but it's not clear that he said it, however he had said many things like that. Eugene V. Debs did say "Every robber or oppressor in history has wrapped himself in a cloak of patriotism or religion, or both."
Yep, no one's entirely sure who said it and there are several variations with different wording.
A very apt quote for the current state of affairs, all the same.
Read his book “ It Will Never Happen Here.”
@@steveOCalley Welcome to Wackyland
"It can happen here"
Population: 341.5 million nuts and a slippery orange squirrel
"Consider this the second American revolution... it will be bloodless as long as the left allows it to be."
- President of the Heritage Foundation (the "gold seal" approval body for ALL republican judge appontees since the 80's) about the 2025 project
Christians realize more and more people are leaving religion. This is just a desperate move on their part. Religion is on its way out. Hopefully sooner than later.
that's hard to tell, because outside of religion things are also pretty horrible
All that feminism, gynocentrism and pedocentrism , insane mistreatment of men and boys.
@@georgem2334 a little less than 90% of the world is religious in some capacity, I don't think you should start your victory lap yet.
Did you see what the head of the heritage foundation said the other day? They are moving towards a second revolution. It will be bloodless as long as the left obeys. Find it and watch yourself.
Its always stated religion will go out in a bang.
@@deltaxcdFeminism addresses what men face too btw
When you fear integrity and accountability, you are no longer the good guys.
"We have to teach the Bible as part of American history, because history is so important."
"Okay, so we're teaching about slavery then right? That was a big part of American history."
"Um, no. That's woke. We don't teach woke."
And it is in the bible!
I've never heard anyone argue that teaching slavery in history is woke.
Thats a strawman if I've ever heard one.
@@saytax You've never heard of Florida?
Now imagine that a kid in a social studies class asks a question like "why is it that black families on average have only 2% of the household wealth of white families?" If the teacher tries to explain the long-term effects of 350 years of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, and discrimination, they might make white kids feel bad...which breaks the law, so can't even start on any of that. On the other hand, without that, the only other possible thing the teacher can say is some version of "white people have worked harder," which violates another part of the same law. The intent, clearly, was to intimidate teachers into not getting into any such issues...censoring reality to suit the ideological desires of one party.
There are people out there actively trying to do what puckerings mentioned.
They think the bible inspired the constitution?
The first amendment of the constitution literally contradicts the first commandment of the bible.
Zeus was a very jealous sun god.
@@2l84me8 and the bible contradicts itself consistently throughout it. Christian beliefs contradict their own God, God contradicts himself in the bible completely.
1st contradiction and most notable is that the biblical figure of God, apart from the beginning of genesis, and all that he did has absolutely nothing to do with the role of being a Creator. From the slaughter of the Philistines to the death of the Canaanites to the flood of Noah to the plagues of Egypt. None of that stuff had anything remotely related to the role of one who calls himself the Creator of all things. The source and maker of life itself would not become an arbiter of death and destruction, especially not just to prove a point to someone.
2nd contradiction: Your deeds can't earn your way into Heaven.
This is contradicted throughout the bible. Constantly it is said the your deeds cannot get you into heaven yet they can condemn you to hell? Redemption is all about what your deeds can do and in the matters of the final judgement mankind is to stand and be held accountable for the deeds of their life, it said specifically in the gospel of John that the final judgement shall herald a great accounting for all our deeds. So that is heavily contradictive to what we are led to believe.
3rd contradiction. Man is born of the original sin.
This has been an argument for eons. That man is imperfect and unclean in God's eyes who is the Pinnacle of perfection and immaculate of sin. Even the AI platforms define him as a symbol of good so no wrong can exist in him. This whole thing is contradictive. If it were true then God would not command his creations to kill one another, he wouldn't have flooded the earth or killed the firstborn of Egypt. Also the birth of Jesus was a symbolic statement that was supposed to denounce this belief of man being born of sin because of the fornication their parents. His immaculate conception defied this belief proving that their law was not inspired or commanded by God but upheld and designed by men to maintain control over their beliefs through fear.
That was why they sought to kill Jesus at birth because he defied their control.
Separation of church and state!
@@Stormstorm1 ...Is the first thing they want to get rid of, naturally bc what they want is a Christian nation. Who is they? Todays Christian Nationalists, the coalition of far right, prosperity doctrine evangelicals - The Federalist Society, who'se head Leonard Leo joined the Trump transition team and handed Trump a list from which he chose 3 SCOTUS pics with the express guarantee to overturn Roe v wade, they and the Heritage Foundation along with hundreds of like minded non-profit groups who generate billions to spread influence in govt and stack courts. They know DJT has not a religious bone in his body and they ckoose to disregard the fact bc he's a useful idiot that will do their bidding, pure mutual interest, they use their $ and influence to get him elected. This hypocrisy is done to achieve their repressive, regressive authoritarian and theocratic aims for the US. - Shine a light on these cockroaches! No to Protect 25, Trumpism and all christo-fascists.
The people of the time were religious. Not in a way we would consider religious today, they held their own beliefs and cultures. To say "the bible inspired" is disingenuous. What would be more arcuate is to say is the men of the time had SOME of their beliefs inspired from religious teachings and SOME of those beliefs were carried over into the constitution. We must resist the urge to judge history based on what we know now. 400 years ago you would probably have very different beliefs than you do now.
I really like how he framed the Constitution as law restricting the government. That is one of, if not, the most important aspect of it.
I cannot believe I was alive during this time
I cannot believe I have watched our rights be stripped one by one
This is absolutely madness
Keep pop blind
I am glad you have made a video commenting on this. I am truly saddened and terrified for our country.
Same Alex, I complain about this country all the time but it is our country and I want better for us.
@@chelseawilliams8588 I couldn’t have said it better myself!
What I'm terrified about is my religious family's inability to allow me to achieve autonomy and think for myself without filtering any of it through the bible or the faith.
I genuinely think I'm going to not have a country anymore in my lifetime. Maybe democracy is a failed experiment, maybe there's no way to make it work without it falling to fascism within 400 years. It happened to Rome too--theirs lasted about a long as ours did before their first Civil War and then their fell to Ceasar and his successors within 400 years of its founding. Maybe constitutional monarchies are the most stable form of government and that's what everyone should adopt.
@@fingerboxeshey, I just wanted to point out that your comment describes a self-fullfilling prophecy. Even if we miraculously knew exactly, and objectively, which form of governance is most stable, that still wouldn't make that form the best. Now "the best" might be a tad bit subjective, but I believe it would encompass the most well known principles/values of the American Constitution: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To achieve them we would indeed need a rather stable form of governance. But its stability is not the only necessary characteristic, nor does it alone guarantee the achieving of the aforementioned. It is my belief that democracy, with all its faults, is still the "best" form of governance in order to achieve the 3 fundamental principles as presented above. But, democracy per definition, requires a great amount of effort continuously by all citizens. We are the ones fighting for our rights, established through democracy, so we can achieve the 3 fundamental principles. You admitting defeat is exactly what opponents of democracy want, in order for them to gain more power and trample all over your rights. By giving up on democracy, it weakens and falters, which then people observe and interpret as its inherent nature, which then motivates them even less to engage, in fight for democracy, choosing disregard it for some other regime. I cannot guarantee you, and it evidently hasn't been the case historically, that some sort of monarchy would be more stable or better for you, me and the people in general, than what we have now.
"The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries" James Madison, 1803
I've always been a strong supporter of the Dragonheart rule. "No one is above the law; ESPECIALLY the king."
Which laws. There are a lot of them. Most people including the police and politucians pick and choose which ones to prioritize. Gods going to choose the ones he likes and other people will priorituze theirs. You are more important than a law.
@@HalasterBlackCloak-u2wIt's more about how those in charge should be held the most accountable to the rules they invoke. They're not allowed to escape the penalties they would have others suffer for the same actions.
Oklahoma: 46th in education, and sinking
I thought we were 49th
They're in a fierce race to the bottom with Texas and the entire Deep South
@@meh2510 There's a lot of competition to reach and hold the bottom. Oklahoma will have to try harder.
Good luck. Louisiana isn't going to make it easy to reach the bottom.
Nevada has you beat
Our forefathers wanted a separation between church & state.
who cares? They also wanted a slave owning nation where only land owning men voted. They're not the gods of mt olympus, and just because 'we always did it this way', or some deference to dead ancestors, is a terrible reason to justify anything. Sure, they did, but we can use actual reasons for why that should be the case, instead of a knee jerk:"Dead people said so!" so mic drop.
@@akbarsdesign No, because they know how horrible theocracies are.
@@akbarsdesignI'm gonna need a citation on that one
@@akbarsdesignLol. Most of the founders were Deists.
They meant the Catholics. We are a protestant nation.
I live outside the US but this has the potential to affect the whole world, scary stuff.
Jup. I got a lot of "why would you care? You are not even American" in the last few years. U.S. foreign policy can destroy a lot of lives.
USA is part of the global spider’s web. A trapped fly in the corner shakes the whole world
True. Without democrats supporting the aid bill ukraine would have already lost and if p2025 passes most US allies would be abandoned in a war. Israel would probably be the only country they would still fund because apparently "jeebus will land in jeruselum" according to some right wing interpretation of revelation.
@@LalaDepala_00It seem they ignorant of how USA have power over internacional policy, economical, socially or even ideologically. Americans in some way believe its affect them only but honestly USA affect in indirectly or directly to us outsiders( not much for me since I am one on of the territorios of USA which is PR). One example I see that affect on european and latinamerican countries is the redpill believe it or not the redpill existe on these areas. I see also "racialist science" , some maga latinos supporting Donald Trump. I met a puerto rican veteran marine who was a MAGA fan. He got the american tattos, MAGA hat. Only diferenr is he was dress like a casual boricua rapper. I got people like Fitnico who is an argentinian fitness youtuber who then move to redpill. Spaniard youtubers with mgtow stuff , antifeminism, altright. Latinamerican right winger have a despective way to refer leftwinger as " progrezombie", " "zurdo de mierda" , " pagafantas" , " empobrecedor de naciones". There also altright ideas and some even repeat some talking points fron USA translsted in other languages and uses said meses with their cultural spin but the message is similar.
Trump wants to leave Nato, it would really help if other country leaders spoke up about how dangerous that really is
I have a Brother that is a Christian Nationalist. He has all the very worst beliefs of that horrible ideology. I hope we can stop the advance of religious extremism that threatens our freedom from being forced break down the separation of church and state!
Two states that hold spots 49 and 50 for educational achievement are running this crap out. So instead of spending precious taxpayer money on the students, they are choosing to spend it paying their LAWYERS. WHEN they should be visiting SUCCESSFUL schools to learn what's working, they're planning to visit the SCOTUS instead. F preparing their citizenry to be able to get better jobs, right, Ok and La?
They have a vested interest in creating a large and ignorant population in order to use them for their own profit. No humanity here.
I'm really sorry for you guys overseas... I've never ever met any evolution denier or flat earther until visiting the US, not to mention how much it felt like a police state despite the ''ultimate freedom'' I was presented with my entire childhood.
edit: I'm not making illusions about not having many problems over here, but that antiintelectualism thing is I'd say a culture specific feature heavily linked to religiosity and ego-feeding mindset
I'm sorry for not being aware of you own situation.
I'm Swiss and sure it's not the same but if one doesn't sees the polarisation even in europe he must be blind or live in an ivory tower.
And if you don't see the same exchanging of freedom with a propagated and institutionalized questionable security, then i can't help you.
Seems like you are not often out on the streets to hear the grapevine and "viper poison" which is spread.
It starts at the kitchen table, as stereotype it seems to be it is.
It's not displayed as in the states in europe but it exists more as you might guess.
"Teachers and doctors are all crooks and thieves" is atill a saying in switzerland no matter if that is a 500 year old lie.
But they won't tell it in your face that's the difference.
(Lehrer und Döckter sind alles Vagante und Dieb)
While a "Vagant" is an interesting hoistorical element in europe.
The younger male cildren of wealthy fanilies in medieval which have put in a monastery likewise the girls, they never swore the oath and was set off when matured, some might have worked as secretary, others might have abused their knowledge and third went out to teach the peasants which leaded in the end to reformation.
Since teachers and doctors never was welcome to church and lordship they was called evil and some here still gift this twisted "knowledge" to their children - at the kitchen table, if you like though.
We fight against a milennial old deamon, even in the USA, demon in the sense of a compulsory action, a poisonous thought passed from generation to generation, an inherited psychosis, but likewise a demon it "eats children" or its carrier and spreads like a demon.
The only real way to fight this is to go out in the streets you won't reach nobody from here, but if you reach only one your already reached thousands, yes indeed
Here we can meet and exchange ideas, that is as well important.
It's not especally "flat earth" it's the general distrust in science since that is believed to be from establishment and must be wrong, that scientists was responsible for the enlightenment of the mas they have long time forgot and also no one teached them this since today it is enough to count and calculate the profit any else skill is not longer of interest in the west. And they even believe that an orgon for $7000 protects you against imagined EMR.
They are the stupid ones which are so easy to mislead and follow every guru who wears a broad smile and speaks about an afterlife or any turd. And you hardly can count all the 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 anymore even here. (yech)
Common folks post countless 🙏, what do they expect?
That Jesus will help us out of our selfinflicted crisis?
He wouldn't do neiterh that he could even if he would exist - goddammit!
My boyfriends dads a nutjob that believes nearly all conspiracy theories, thats in the uk
I'm from hungary and I'm the last one who can even criticize USA for their insanity. I think my country is the cancer of europe and I'm partially responsible for our citizen's choices voting for Orban. I mean I don't do anything about it. Showing the white of my eyes. The white horse symbolism by David Lynch.
what part of it felt like a police state?
@@Gernot66mate that tells more about the social circles that you frequent than about the reality outside the US
The government of the United States was not based on the Bible.
The Confederacy was.
The US constitution and the Confederate constitution were identical aside from allowing the federal govt to ban slavery.
@@lochnessspeedwerkz6557 that's not true at all. Go actually read it.
@@beefortebrea9386 I did. It is true. Its obvious YOU havent read them.
Why does it feel like the entire nation has amnesia, it's maddening
Dude I have memory problems that are just getting worse. I’ve heard other people complain about similar things. Don’t know if it’s just early dementia or if something’s in the water
It's worse to feel like nobody else can see the future.
@Emiliapocalypse It's because the bs is too much. I think our brains are just regularly purging shit so we don't have to remember all the bad
@@domecrack Well somethings are just predictable. As in, 'What the fuck did you THINK was going to happen, genius?!?" That's not predicting the future any more than expecting a man who plans on sticking his hand into the fire to be very soon yanking his hand out of it and screaming.
@@OceanusHelios I...didn't...say it...was?
The original Constitution of the United States that was ratified in 1789 had only ONE REFERENCE TO RELIGION: [Article 6] No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any Office or Public Trust under the United States.
The de facto motto of the United States, adopted as part of the Great Seal of the U.S. by an Act of Congress in 1782, was E. Pluribus Unum (Out of Many, One). Congress changed it 174 years later (1956) to "In God We Trust".
The ORIGINAL 'Pledge of Allegiance' was written in 1892 by Baptist Minister Francis Bellamy who DID NOT INCLUDE the words "Under God". Those were added by Congress 62 year later (1954).
The U.S. didn't issue Paper Currency until 1861, & 'In God We Trust' didn't appear on it for 96 years (1957).
“As the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian Religion" ~ Treaty of Tripoli; initiated under President George Washington, 1796, signed into law by President John Adams, 1797, ratified unanimously by the Senate, 1797, published in full in all 13 states, with no record of complaint or dissent.
"I am for freedom of religion and against all maneuvers to bring about a legal ascendancy of one sect over another."
--Thomas Jefferson, letter to Elbridge Gerry, January 26, 1799
“Christianity neither is, nor ever was part of the common law.” Thomas Jefferson
“Religion and government will both exist in greater purity the less they are mixed together.” James Madison
“The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.” John Adams
"In every country, in every age, the priest has always been hostile to liberty...He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection of his own."
Thomas Jefferson
Founding Father Thomas Paine on Christianity. “The most detestable wickedness, the most horrid cruelties, and the greatest miseries that have afflicted the human race, have had their origin in this thing called revelation, or revealed religion…”
In God we trust was added to coins back in the 1860's though.
@@seannolan9857 10 second google search:
"Congress passed his act requesting the addition of “In God We Trust,” adapted from a lesser-known verse of Francis Scott Key’s “Star-Spangled Banner,” and the first two-cent coin with the phrase was minted in 1864."
"By the turn of the century, however... President Teddy Roosevelt considered the mingling of God and Mammon to be vulgar, and he ordered the phrase removed from newly designed gold coins in 1907."
"By the mid-1950s, the concern with piety in Washington had apparently deepened; in 1955 Congress ordered the same phrase to appear on all paper currency."
mfer has a spreadsheet against christianity 💀
@@seannolan9857 No. The 1950s. E Pluribus Unum was on coins I remember seeing and USING when I was a kid. Classic example of how bad they are lying to you or how poor your education is. The entiere "In God We Trust" horse shit was done in response to the "Red Scare" that the Right Wing Nut Jobs and Neo-Naz faction came up with to differentiate themselves from "Godless Heathens" in China. So, in other words they were more than happy to take a gigantic stinking shit on the founding fathers and theire wisdom in order to insert their dumb as fucking box of rocks agenda for political gain.
The words "In God We Trust" were taken (although modified) from the third portion of the Star Spangled Banner.
"Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: In God is our trust."
Just in case you wondered where those words came from and why they were chosen. I learned this while originally researching the topic years ago.
This is absolutely one your best videos. I've been watching you for over a decade. The opening line sums it all up perfectly. "Why do you want our politicians to be able to commit crimes?" Seriously. Why is that a GOOD thing for the American people?
The US is taking the same path of some of the Arabic nations. Once brilliant and innovative societies lost to superstition and suppressive theocratic rule.
IKR? Mesopotamia gave us a lot of mathematics we still use.
When I was learning about empires and how they failed when I was a kid in school (not in the USA), I always wondered how it would've been to witness the fall of an empire from the side lines.
Now, 30 years later, I feel like I am witnessing exactly that with the things are going over there.
It always starts with them believing that they are the largest, the best and that nothing can bring them down. And then it happens.
You might find Fall of Civilizations a cool channel.
As homework I’ll reread my copy of Decline and Fall (The end of empire and the future of democracy in 21st century America) by John Michael Greer
The American education system is a failure.
I just finished reading Why Empires Fall: Rome, America, and the Future of the West by Peter Heather and John Rapley. It shows the parallels and contrasts between the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century and the situation facing the "Western Empire" (U.S. and its allies) today. Peter Heather is a historian who specializes in the migrations of the Germanic tribes into the empire at the time, and John Rapley is an economist. It's a great corrective to idiot claims like "it fell because everyone was gay" and other such right-wing BS.
The loudest voices in American public discourse on facts about the Bible and the Constitution are coming from people who've read neither. It's exhausting.
Much appreciated
The Heritage Foundation thinks they're doing the right thing. That is the most messed up part about this.
The head of that foundation has publicly stated their mission is to destroy democracy, institute a strong man and establish a theocratic government. Said there will be a revolution and they will win, that it could be bloodless IF the left allows it to be. In other words, don't think about opposing them or it will get bloody.
The Nationalist Socialist party of Germany thought they were doing the right thing. And it is amazing how they are all using the same justifications to try to, laughably, turn the world back into a Victorian Era nightmare. That was the apex of the "White Man Good" all else bad imperial age.
The Birch Society and the federalist society are also problematic. So much to look out for.
No, The Heritage Foundation has convinced the ignorant and uneducated that what they are doing is the right thing. The Heritage Foundation itself just wants to up-end everything so that they can be at the top of the heap when all is settled. These people have NEVER shown that they believe that they should be held to the insane standards that they preach that everyone else should be held to.
@@Elusive.magick all of these right wing orgs are so financially backed by billionaire oil and the petrochemical oligarchs in Texas and Louisiana..
We need Bezos’s ex wife to pick our side and start fighting back with her billions.
If the Ten Commandments were law, then Trump would be in prison.
What about the commandment about not wearing mixed fabrics or eating shrimps?
Absolutely true❤
@mainely8007They worship the Golden Calf.
@@joca6282literally! Remember the golden trump statue? 😃
Thanks for your passionate thoughts! Theocracy is ALWAYS a detrimental form of government.
crazy how easily its all falling in spite of all the safeguards the founders put up. feels bad man.
The problem was relying so heavily on the safeguards of men in the 1700s who had no ability to predict half of the crap we're facing nowadays. It was up to us as Americans to deeply inspect and improve upon those documents as they were *never* perfect, as much as some people asserted they were. We were given the mechanisms to do just that, and used them mostly reluctantly and after great societal upheaval, instead of consistently looking at where society was going and tweaking the Constitution as needed. Our failure to do just that is a huge reason why we are where we are right now, relying on the tattered scraps of thoughts of men long gone.
@@iboofer Note that information is traveling so much faster now via the internet. Previously, people might have stayed informed from TV and radio, both of which were regulated enough to have fake news be curbed in away. both by the government and by the people. Now, any idiot with a phone or nearby library can post falsehoods anywhere, and gullible idiots will believe it simply by merit that they saw it. Since sensational lies travel fast and far while the boring truth moves much slower, when the time it takes for truth to correct any given lie is exponentially longer, we are screwed as a species. We'll always have lies being posted, convincing swathes of the gullible who then share/spread the lies further, and between the time it'll take to procure the truth of the matter and the fact that unless the lies are taken down by the hosting service there will always be a source/wellspring of those lies perpetually convincing people we will ultimately be drowned misinformation.
How can We The People be trusted to act properly in the face of such a manmade horror? We obviously can't.
@@iboofer Not really. To make changes to the Constitution we need 2/3's of the States to sign off on it. What are we supposed to do when the GOP controls so many low population States? We need 2/3's to even evict them from the Union.
@@ibooferUmair Haque argued that the younger the Constitution the more modern the country. We've been driving on 18th Century fumes for too long.
@@iboofer Agreed. I sort of cringe at how I used to view the Constitution as some sort of unchangeable, sacred document when I was more of a Christian conservative; I now think many of our country’s founders would actually scoff at that idea if they were somehow able to live until now. It’s sort of like how many fundamentalists follow the Bible to the letter, even the parts that involve the endorsement of slavery, genocide, etc.
I remember hearing a liberal Anglican priest saying this about the Bible, but I think it also applies to the U.S. Constitution: “You can take it literally or you can take it seriously, but not always both.” Although the funny thing is, a lot of these so called “constitutional conservatives” aren’t even taking it literally anymore.
Respect for calling this out
what happened to church and state separation,,which is why America is so respected
We have people waging war against it.
"Conservatism" happened. Christofascism happened. Whats worse is... they're not done yet.
The U.S. is not the only, or first, nation to have seperation of church and state.
@@LalaDepala_00 Oh? What country was the first?
@@littlebitofhope1489 Technically you could say Rome. But I'm sure there were others before that. There have been a lot of empires and nations that had religion completely seperate from the state and law.
Another great DarkMatter episode.
I have to be honest - when I clicked on this video I assumed it was going to be the exact opposite. Was glad to see myself proven wrong.
Religiosity is NOT one of America's merits. Ideological freedom is.
POV: You're a tiny person sitting on DarkMatter2525's desk listening to him spit facts
Opinions NOT facts
@@DiscordCNope just straight facts
Ok that made me laugh
Dear USA, I'm sorry. Best of luck. I really hope you can get through this. Yours, Some foreigner. P.S. Project 2025.. What the absolute boiled frog?!
I know. I'm terrified of Project 2025
Whenever a mortal holds up an ancient text and tells you they know God's will for you, run.
Gods will for you is for you to be in eternal happiness.
Even far-right conservatives in my country don't understand the appeal of Trump. He doesn't have any ideology except himself.
Trump is just a tool used by the far right evangelical movement. They want a monstrously evil dictator precisely because we find it so abhorrent.
european far-"the right" are probably pretty epic "leftards" by the american standards 😂
and, well, yeah - trump has no values or standards - the tell for that is that he doesn't have a solid position on anything - he just says whatever is popular, whatever is likely to get him elected.
That's why he's so perfect for us "reality" show watching rubes.
I suppose it’s because people easily project their values onto him, even if he has none himself. It also helps that he appointed socially conservative justices, which allowed for the overturning of Roe v. Wade. I get the feeling that Trump’s more than happy to play the role as a vehicle for extremists if it means boosting his ego and ambition.
That’s why I don’t get why more people aren’t clamoring for reform on the whole election system. The people having so little control, and only being given two options at a time is like going to an ice cream parlor and being given choice between two flavors: moose tracks and rum raisin. Surely those two flavors would appease the vast majority of people? Plenty of republicans hate or just frankly don’t agree with trump and are also not satisfied with him as a candidate. How is the system so out of the people’s hands and why aren’t we doing feck all to change it? We don’t need handlers, we need local bottom up control of the system.
Difficult to have any respect for a leader who doesn't lead by example.
His example is , being a felon is ok if you are in my camp.
It’s so true he everything he claims he needs to save Americans from, he’s a criminal, he’s arapist, he’s a liar, he’s a thief, he’s an adulter, he has seggs with porn star s and unprotected seggs with x workers, he’s a con artist. I mean the list goes on probably so much horrible things we don’t even know
Thank you for bringing this up. Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion. Separation of church & state, doesn’t mean the church is the state. Burning women at the stake because religious zealots pointed at them & called them witches.
"Fascism will come to America wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross" ~ unknown.
But I say more and more people will unite on common economic grounds against it.
Hopefully, the losses of the far right (after winning the first round of voting easily and waking up the left) in France in the second round will happen in the US as well.
That would be the dream, but what I currently see is that people are quite happy to have their economic situation worsen if it means their god appointed leader is ruling over them.
@@Kleyguerth Until their god appointed leader decides and proclaims he is god himself!
@@EdwardM-t8p Nah, too direct, they're appointed by god because god appoints a man to appoint the god-appointed.
I Will Not Bow Down to any King or his court Jesters.
That is why Oklahoma ranks 49th in education as of July 22, 2024.
The Bible for science and maths? This is going to reach Moral Orel levels of, "What was the answer?" "Jesus"
The right talks a lot about limiting goverment power. While actively working to increase it.
They love limiting the government's power to improve ordinary people's lives. They'll happily vote against every measure to provide aid and support to their fellow citizens, and then turn around and take credit for that aid and support (when Dems pass it) to their constituents.
“When highly committed parties strongly believe [in] things that they cannot achieve democratically, they don’t give up on their beliefs - they give up on democracy.
- David From
The left and the right are just the exact same shit in America doing the same things and worshipping Israel.
When fools listen to monsters...the world burns.
Contradiction: equals child like mind
You're doing a good job. We need people like you to reach people.
I'm very concerned about the direction this country is heading.
Me too. Progressives are even worse than the Republicans.
Thank you for being one of the reasonable voices on this platform. Crazy times man.
"Thou shalt not worship any god except me."
... who is you tho?! How can we worship something we do not even know?!!
He is the The LORD God, known as YHWH, Yahweh, Jehovah, or God. The Alpha and Omega, who creates the world and will judge in the time of His choosing. He freed the Israelites from enslavement in Egypt, raised them up as a mighty nation when they followed him and cast them into ruin when they turned their back on him. He sent his Prophets to them, to praise them for their faith and warn of his wrath when their faith was weak. He chose them to bear witness to the Revelation, the coming of Jesus Christ, the God Man, who came to show us how to live within the law, who was hated and killed for bringing the truth, and who overcame death itself so that we might all have eternal life in him.
You can know Him, but to know Him you must approach Him with proper respect and awe, for He is your Father who created the entire world, and He is so much greater than you that you can only begin to understand once you humble yourself before Him.
@@wolfofthewest8019is it? Any evidence available?
Well come and get to know me. Go on the quest. Lots of love guys.
The people that came to the colonies were fleeing persecution by other religious groups who had used the states power to persecute them. They knew all too well what a religious monarchy was and wanted no part of it. The constitution was written explicitly to protect religious people from other religious people. It was intentionally areligious
I'm not from the US, but everything the US does, my country tries to emulate it within a year or two, so project 2025 is a menace to the whole world, no doubt about it!
what country is that?
Are you brazilian by any chance? We did have Bolsonaro trying his best to emulate Trump, and now our own evangelical wing trying to pass abortion laws exactly akin to Texas.
If your from the UK you don't need to worry to much. We just booted out the Hard Right who leaned towards supporting Trump. Plus the UK's churches are emptying and I'm wondering if that coincided with the UK independent reports into the covering up of CSA in all organized religion which we were all informed about on all TV news outlets here.
But yes project 2025 is very much a danger.
Brazilian bootleg Trump was probably one of the worst things to happen to my country i swear, I don't understand why people like him so much.
@@damon22441 Brazil.
Just found your channel. Since the advent of Trumpism and the corruption of SCOTUS, the right has gotten very aggressive about dismantling core constitutional tenets, such as separation of powers and separation of church and state. This is something that most Americans- left and right - do NOT want. Thank you for discussing this important topic. Don’t stop.
“In a few days I will lay down my official responsibilities in this office, to take up once more _the only title in our democracy superior to that of President, the title of citizen.”_ -President Jimmy Carter, January 14, 1981 [emphasis mine]
The Supreme Court ruling is in itself unconstitutional and should be wholly ignored. I quote Alexander Hamilton from Federalist #69 in responding to constitutional criticism that the president is and elected king:
"The President of the United States would be liable to be impeached, tried, and, upon conviction of treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors, removed from office; AND WOULD AFTERWARDS BE LIABLE TO PROSECUTION AND PUNISHMENT IN THE ORDINARY COURSE OF LAW"
As much of the inspiration for the constitution and particulars of the government for a new America actually comes from philosopher John Locke and notably anti-Christian deist Thomas Paine, it is to no surprise that many of the founders were also non-Christian deists (former Protestant) and in the case of Samuel Adams, a devout Puritan with strong anti-Catholic views. They advocated for a secular government to Locke's point; that religious freedom and inclusion be given save for those religions who's tendency is to cause societal chaos and disruption by attempts to institutionalize their doctrine and calls to depose or overthrow governments they feel don't act to their religious beliefs ( their main qualm with with the Roman Catholics ).
Hey DM2525 you need to run for office! I'd certainly vote for you. Unfortunately, a "tell it like it is" candidate can scare lots of people - who like to think that the USA can't be so "bad".
I second-guess and triple-guess my decisions while I’m driving because I don’t want to get a fine. I still manage to get to work every day. Why shouldn’t the president have to second guess his decisions?
“The greatest threat to freedom is the absence of criticism.”
- Wole Soyinka
"I'd rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned”
- Richard Feynman
He isn't sapient.
How can ancient middle eastern mythology be considered American history?
IDK, Joseph Smith apparently tried it.
All things are possible with the power of magical thinking and making s#it up.
Creativity friends, creativity.
I am disgusted by the supreme court ruling, that's madness.
They're spineless corrupt and utterly self absorbed.
Just wanna say I love your channel and your method of delivery. Your message leaves no room for interpretation. Thank you for taking your time to do it.
I agree, Darkmatter.
The States should be giving more power to the people. The States should be giving less power to its politicians.
The thing about Christianity is that it’s a religion of martyrs. One of the main reasons it’s so appealing is because its adherents get a profound sense of righteousness by opposing some unknown force or group.
However, the moment they become the oppressors or the dictators, the veil of victimhood they’ve cultivated their image or “rebellion” falls off. You can’t be a rebel or a martyr if you’re the one doing the who everyone else is opposed to.
Finally, somebody else said it.
Power attracts the corruptible.
This guy is absolutely incredible and logical. Been watching this page for a while and I agree with 99 percent of what this guy says.
I’m in Oklahoma, and it goes against the Oklahoma constitution as well. In Oklahoma, each school district can teach as they please so Walter’s teaching the Bible is not valid. I called our school board and asked and Shawnee won’t be teaching the Bible
Damn. America is in trouble. These people are dangerous. Great video.
When I think of the Ten Commandments, I think of George Carlin's masterful bit on how dumb it is!
“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”
- George Carlin
This was succinct & enlightening. A great summation of what’s going on right now. Thanks for sharing.
0:15 - This country is circling the drain and becoming everything we say we hate while still admonishing the rest of the world for acting that way. And it feels like all we can do sometimes is laugh while we watch.
We need to speak up and speak out about this kind of bullshit they be tryin to pull on us.
The Heritage Foundation gotta go.
absolutely vile. there is no end to how low christians will go. thank you for this video darkmatter i will spread it around
After all, their entire worldview is based on narcissism and mental gymnastics.
This dude could talk about basket weaving and I'd be intrigued! I wish I had a voice like his.
They want Handmaid's Tale. We must stop them.
This is very similar to what happened in Italy with Berlusconi. There was a time where he basically managed to get 'impunity' for him and 4 others to get away from legal persecution. However, this 'immunity' only lasted a few days before being declared anti-constitutional.
However, in those few days, as few of those 5 people were seriously consider who should they kill 'in a hurry' before this was reverted.
My question regarding this subject has always remained the same. "Can you give me 1 example of a theocratic government that has not turned into a shitshow"? And always remember that more people have been slain in the name of "God" than for any other grievance.
The Oklahoma school districts has been pretty sorry for a few years now, thanks for covering this. As an Oklahoman, it speaks to me closely.
I'm pretty sure a good portion of these followers want their guys to be above the law because they mistakenly believe that said guys will reward them by making _them_ above the law, free to do as they like while others are bound by rules and thus can't fight back. The ultimate power fantasy.
Considering how narcissistic religion tends to be definitely! They've deluded themselves into believing that anything they do is good and therefore they ought to be unbound by laws.
this makes rigging the election 100% legal. 2020, 2024, and here on out. weird how the people who claim to worry about election rigging seem not to mind
Well, you know what they say about people who accuse their partners of cheating without any evidence. Chances are they’re doing it themselves.
That's because it's projection with the right wing, all the time, every time.
They don't mind election rigging when THEIR people do it!
Vote wisely in November dear Americans, don't disappoint.
We should nominate someone other than Joe Biden as well, if possible. Many are upset at his treatment of Palestine and don't want to vote for him (as petty as that is. It's not like Trump would have done different)
@@jacobc9221 Not voting for Biden is making Trump one vote closer to winning. Flawed Biden or evil Trump is the choice, there is no other.
Thank you for the video, lord DarkMatter.
I kept telling my friends and family: when you put a businessman in the oval office, you are no longer citizens, you are employees. Employees who can't quit. Employees who won't have the right to determine pay, benefits, or retirement.
Yes, thank you.
I'm so embarrassed and disappointed in my country of birth.
We are living in crazy days as a Republican I 💯 percent agree with everything you said . We need to get maga out period.trump is a joke and I found that out his first term.
Thank you for showing a sense of reason.
I dont know what trump has to do with this, but to me they seem all terrible. Every single one of them. The worst US president so far was probably Abraham Lincoln given he enslaved the south.
Instead, i propose that democracy needs to be rejected and liberty embraced.
"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist."
-Lysander Spooner
HE is a PRODUCT, a puppet to dance for it's master.
I have been leaning more conservative / libertarian these days but I can't get past the clear theocratic goals. There's increasing sentient on the right that women shouldn't be allowed to vote (and that the civil rights act needs to be repealed like roe v wade). Lots a hypocrits everywhere.
@@milktea-xb6gq German here, why the heck should women, as people who will NEVER have to die in the wars they are voting for, vote? Weve seen what that leads to when we gave women the vote in Weimar Germany. You know, that democratic socialist from austria?
But then, why should ANYONE vote? The POINT of democracy is to oppress the minority in the name of muh majority.
Nah, keep your damn "laws" off my property.
The U.S. is a secular nation. Always was and hopefully always will be. The founding fathers knew and understood the threat of religion.
Thanks for thIs. You've listed much of what's been rattling around my brain. I'm terrified for my grandchildren.
This ruling enables a president to conduct genocide and face NO consequences for his actions. Imagine the women and minorities and LGTBQ and those of minority religions being fired from their government positions. And there will be required loyalty pledges for gov't workers who don't lose their jobs. If trump is elected and 2025 is allowed to continue (it HAS been going g on-where do you think Judge Cannon came from?), this country is headed for a steep downhill decline.
The Bible is Historical understanding???? LOL!
In terms of the history of the book, how it was put together, and the mythologies of old middle eastern lore, its full of history. But as for the content; pure rubbish, mostly plagiarized, and dangerous if taken as anything other than fiction.
And King James Bible beget Israel onto its self. And it was good.
It helps us understand how historically insane and ignorant people were back then.
Welcome to Brazil, where the top politicians have parliamentary immunity and their own separate judicial system whose judges they themselves pick, and they often do nothing except serve the will of these politicians. We're looking more and more alike.
USA is becoming like you guys altright. The intermixxing , the religiosity , ideological fights, criminality and all. That is why when I wanted to go Brazil and learnt somewhat portuguese languages. I was very dissapointed that Brazil is very religious more so than my country and that is have some issues in "racial democracy" which led me not wanting to go there. First off , I am latinamerican ( Puerto Rican to be specific.) . I hope I am wrong about your country but it is too sad since the diversity , nature and the people are nice there.
@@Erastoneus45 hope you come visit one day ^^, is not all bad, go to the right places and you'll have a wonderful time 🇧🇷
The whole continent is a dumpster fire
“Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s goods”…this one is just plain f*cking stupid…coveting your neighbor’s goods is what keeps the economy going!
~George Carlin
It sounds like the kind of law someone who makes money by exploiting poor people would come up with.
And the ass!
If the country was founded on the 10 commandments, the Trail of Tears, among many other things, wouldn't have occurred
@@kellydalstok8900If you’re a fan of darkmatter2525, and never heard of George Carlin; I highly recommend to look up George Carlin. You might get a kick out of him, he’s really funny.
@@kellydalstok8900If you have a political opinion; the Bible validates ALL OF THEM.
My stepmom hates it when I mention she’s contradicting herself every time she shoves the Bible in my face.
I remember years ago when Hilary was running and the republicans were screaming that the democrats wanted to abolish or rewrite the constitution. Does anyone else remember that?
And now who literally has a rewrite ready to go.
Supreme Court ruling: The President needs to be able to commit crimes in order to do their job...
That isn't what the ruling said. The ruling said that the president is immune from any LAWFUL acts preformed while president. If you read the whole ruling it pushed the case back to the lower courts to rule on if Trump trying to challenge the vote was a lawful act as defined under the acts of president as defined by congress. Most constitutional scholars have said that it was lawful to challenge some of the anomalies. However it was not lawful to call for a rally on Nov 6 in DC. Could Trump be held secondarily responsible for the riot, yes. Could he be held responsible and charged as a felon for questioning the GA vote, no.
It's funny... My comment didn't mention Trump at all...
1. Getting immunity for lawful acts doesn't make any sense... Because in order to be prosecuted, you must be charged with a crime... Immunity shields someone who committed a crime from being protected....
2. The ruling states that crimes committed as part of "official" acts (not lawful acts) are immune from protection... It also eliminates "official acts" from being used as evidence of crime committed as an unofficial act... And doesn't define what an official and unofficial act is...
3. No one thinks that questioning the results of the Georgia election is a crime... The crime is pressuring an election official to "find" votes...
There's also the plot to send fake electors to forge votes for him...
"The ruling said that the president is immune from any LAWFUL acts performed while president."
- It said "OFFICIAL".... being immune to prosecution for lawful acts doesn't make any sense... you would have to commit a crime in order to be prosecuted in the first place.... there would have to be something to charge you for...
> The whole concept of prosecutorial immunity is that when you have it, you aren't prosecuted for a crime.... you don't need immunity if you're not suspected of a crime....
- it also doesn't allow evidence from official acts to be used against a president who commits a crime as part of an unofficial act.... It also doesn't define what an "official" act is, leaving it up to interpretation....
"If you read the whole ruling it pushed the case back to the lower courts to rule on if Trump trying to challenge the vote was a lawful act as defined under the acts of president as defined by congress."
- "Challenging the vote" is lawful.... that's not what Trump was being prosecuted for.... he was being prosecuted for trying to coerce an election official of one state to "find votes" that didn't exist and for sending allies to impersonate other election officials to declare him the winner of another state..... Also.... coercing his vice president, Mike Pence to refuse to certify election results (which is a ceremonial duty of the former vice president when a new administration takes over and has absolutely no power to change the outcome of the election, but was still attempted by Trump)
"Most constitutional scholars have said that it was lawful to challenge some of the anomalies."
- Again... it was never in question that it's legal for him to challenge the results of any election for which he has legal standing....
> There's an already established process for that.... you challenge it in court.... which he did.... multiple times.....
And it was found that there was no merit or evidence for his claims every time.... but that's not what he's been prosecuted for.....
"However it was not lawful to call for a rally on Nov 6 in DC."
- It was absolutely lawful for Trump to throw a rally on *JANUARY* 6TH.... That's his right and absolutely no one thinks that having that rally was illegal.... It was January, by the way....
What was illegal was sending the attendees of that rally to break into the Capitol building to threaten members of congress and interfere with official proceedings (transferring presidential power from Trump to Biden)...
> The gathering itself was legal, constitutionally protected speech and assembly... the riot afterwards was not...
"Could he be held responsible and charged as a felon for questioning the GA vote, no."
- That's not what he was being charged for....
@@redtiger7268 part 1
"The ruling said that the president is immune from any LAWFUL acts performed while president."
- It said "OFFICIAL".... being immune to prosecution for lawful acts doesn't make any sense... you would have to commit a crime in order to be prosecuted in the first place.... there would have to be something to charge you for...
> The whole concept of prosecutorial immunity is that when you have it, you aren't prosecuted for a crime.... you don't need immunity if you're not suspected of a crime....
- it also doesn't allow evidence from official acts to be used against a president who commits a crime as part of an unofficial act.... It also doesn't define what an "official" act is, leaving it up to interpretation....
"If you read the whole ruling it pushed the case back to the lower courts to rule on if Trump trying to challenge the vote was a lawful act as defined under the acts of president as defined by congress."
- "Challenging the vote" is lawful.... that's not what Trump was being prosecuted for.... he was being prosecuted for trying to coerce an election official of one state to "find votes" that didn't exist and for sending allies to impersonate other election officials to declare him the winner of another state..... Also.... coercing his vice president, Mike Pence to refuse to certify election results (which is a ceremonial duty of the former vice president when a new administration takes over and has absolutely no power to change the outcome of the election, but was still attempted by Trump)
@@redtiger7268 Part 1
"The ruling said that the president is immune from any LAWFUL acts performed while president."
- It said "OFFICIAL".... being immune to prosecution for lawful acts doesn't make any sense... you would have to commit a crime in order to be prosecuted in the first place.... there would have to be something to charge you for...
> The whole concept of prosecutorial immunity is that when you have it, you aren't prosecuted for a crime.... you don't need immunity if you're not suspected of a crime....
- it also doesn't allow evidence from official acts to be used against a president who commits a crime as part of an unofficial act.... It also doesn't define what an "official" act is, leaving it up to interpretation....
Which 10 commandments? They always ignore the actual 10 commandments that were "exactly the same" as the first 10... Except it is about 80% different.
THAT was the best speech I've heard on modern America. It should be on TV. It's just, how do you get people to pay attention for longer than a goldfish.