I love the creativity they had in all of these Wierdmaggedeon episodes. Most of all in the cartoon horror that would still fit Disney censors but still horrify the viewer.
To find out what happened to Giffany, Time Baby and the time force squad, check the Real life Journal #3. In the bubble scene, the two persons who appeared were Dipper and Wendy's Voice actors. Jason Ritter and Linda Cardellini Also the Giant Head with the hand is voiced by Louis CK. However, in the TV version, Alex Hirsch had to re record all of his lines because Disney decided to cut all ties the show had to Louis C.K. because of what he did in the past I think he will still be in the DVD versions but not the TV airings.
Thats weird. They cut out Louis C.K, but left in TJ Miller even though he was involved in the MeToo stuff too? Either do both or don't do it at all, lol.
I remember when I watched the official livestream of this episode when it was released. A memory I will never forget is when the intro came on. I was so blown away by it. They even played it again in the break, cause everyone was freaking out over it. Alex Hirsch is a genuis.
Its the same feeling I got when I saw the jojo openings, both this and that show when they changed the intro to fit in with the villain just blew my mind
The live action bit people were the voice actors for Dipper and Wendy, Jason Ritter also the son of John Ritter and Linda Cardellini also the live action Velma in the Scooby-Doo movies
The large guy who's a head with an arm wanting to eat people was originally voiced by Louis C.K. but after the revelations of his sexual misconduct, the show redubbed him with Alex Hirsch's voice
In the end the code said that Time Baby will regenarate in 1000 years and that he won't be happy and in one of the specials Dipper discovered that the world will end in 3012 and thats what they saw in the Time Travelers Pig. I love me sime tie-ins xd
I'm excited for when y'all are done the series so you can read up on everything about the show (ex. all of the characters Alex Hirsch voices). Also, can't remember if they've brought it up in a previous reaction video, but have any of the Normies realized Nathan Fillion is Mr. Northwest?
Bill is one of my favourite villains Alex made a good job with not limiting him. Only thing that bad about him isn't kill Dipper when he had a chance sigh plot armor.
People hated Mabel because she was so selfish with dipper.what I mean by this is that dipper would always have to sacrifice a lot for her “summer romances” and even with the apprenticeship she wants him to come home with her but it’s a huge opportunity for dipper
I think it's stupid to hate her because of it. She is just very emotional and passionate about things, she didn't force Dipper to do any of that for her, she would just be sad if he didn't, Dipper is kinda spoiling her sacrificing himself all the time. Also, she is a child and have flaws, wow, so surprising, right? xD
It's messed up that the giant head and arm just ate a guy along with the car.. and that same giant head and arm almost got Dipper while calling him rude.
I like Mabel, characters like her and Ed from Bebop who are in their own world are super fun. But I think the show lets her get away with lots of mean and hurtful behavior, encourage you to look up examples. Not her fault more the shows fault
oh! fun Rick & Morty / GF crossover fact: one of Bill's henchmen, Eightball, shows up in R&M (Rest & Ricklaxation) in the toxic realm, all dead & stuff in a pile...
Goals? Bill Cipher doesn't have goals. He just wants to have a good time. "A party that never ends with a host that never dies!" Surprised he never took up with Rick Sanchez.
Bro this is one of the best lines in all of Disney “ This party never stops. Time is dead and meaning has no meaning. Existence is upside down and I reign supreme. Welcome one and all to WEIRDMAGEDDON.
GRAVITY FALLS IS NOT WHAT YOU’D CALL A SLEEPY TOWN!!!!!!! Ps:giffiny wasn’t part of teh arcade and was destroyed at the end of her episode. That’s why she didn’t emerge from the arcade.
I would like to see Gravity Falls return at some point in the future with another summer of the kids visiting but now there are new threats, as seeing how the ending on weirdmageddon part 3 Ford talks about anomalies that got out. Maybe one of those is a new kind of threat. Plus I'm pretty sure there was still a lot of mystical creatures they never got around to showing from the books or what had yet to be discovered Not to many the different dimensions
Since they're watching this on Hulu, they're watching the version with Alex Hirsch as the Hand-Head guy. Though, the file they used to edit in the visuals for the reaction is the Louis CK version.
@@Jeremy-jm3fe That's because they got a separate file to edit in the episode into the video. If you listen very closely, you can make out the echo from the actual recording.
Goals? Bill Cipher doesn't have goals. He just wants to have a good time. "A party that never ends with a host that never dies!" Surprised he never took up with Rick Sanchez.
There's a theory that because there is a world where a person's inner thoughts/visual of that becomes a person with it's abilities, and there's a vile in the room with the memories in rick and morty as well labeled 'Bill C.' so there's a good chance that Rick's inner self created Bill Cipher on that world because of his capabilities.
I know there is a lot of good stuff in the episode but the cuts in this one were rough. A lot of cutting off mid sentence. Just a small criticism. Can't wait for part 2 of weirdmageddon
I love the creativity they had in all of these Wierdmaggedeon episodes. Most of all in the cartoon horror that would still fit Disney censors but still horrify the viewer.
"Cue the happy Intro" LMAO
Top 10 photos taken seconds before disaster
Bill's like: no, it's not weird enough
Perfect. Timing.
4:59 hilarious! And perfect. I always had thought this show could use an intro that got corrupted.
Cue the happy intro before a river of blood starts flowing upside down into the sky.
The human versions of Dipper and Wendy are the actual voice actors. Jason Ritter and Linda Cardellini.
Wow, interesting.
That's so cool!!!
Yeah, and when I watched Weirdmageddon originally, I actually was so into Gravity Falls that I knew all the VAs so that little bit was fantastic.
Linda Cardellini, more known as hot Velma
Yeah kinda bothers me that they think the one male character that isnt Alex Hirsch is
I'm glad you guys quickly realized that this isn't dipper and mabel's show anymore, this is Bill's show now.
Their reaction to the intro itself is all I needed to see to love this episode.
Wish that bit was not edited so I can the full reaction to the full intro!
I would just like to note that at 7:26 Bill arranged the journals as 132. This is a binary joke that basically amounts to flipping the middle finger.
The quote "Those death metal albums covers got it surprisingly right" made me love Wendy SO much more
"Cause I'm a flippin Corduroy!" That one line speaks volumes of Wendy's character and is pure Corduroy bad ass
To find out what happened to Giffany, Time Baby and the time force squad, check the Real life Journal #3. In the bubble scene, the two persons who appeared were Dipper and Wendy's Voice actors. Jason Ritter and Linda Cardellini Also the Giant Head with the hand is voiced by Louis CK. However, in the TV version, Alex Hirsch had to re record all of his lines because Disney decided to cut all ties the show had to Louis C.K. because of what he did in the past I think he will still be in the DVD versions but not the TV airings.
Okay that is just silly. Unless the issue was before the episodes aired or during production. But after it aired, there is no point to it.
Thats weird. They cut out Louis C.K, but left in TJ Miller even though he was involved in the MeToo stuff too? Either do both or don't do it at all, lol.
Apparently Giffany is dating the guy from Fight Fighters, is what ive read
What? So what happened To Giffany?
And isn’t she that DDLC girl from Soos’s dating game?
Also I think Giffany should be one of Bills Henchmaniacs
When the main antagonist take over the show’s INTRO, you know shits about to go down
The theme song only sounds weird because it’s playing backwards and forwards at the same time
“Cue the happy intro” Bill: are you sure about that
Weirdmageddon 3 has a higher rating than any other episode of the show.
@@larniieplayz6285 why okay
@@aarongaming2878 bro what
@@xreaper2451 nevermind
I remember when I watched the official livestream of this episode when it was released. A memory I will never forget is when the intro came on. I was so blown away by it. They even played it again in the break, cause everyone was freaking out over it.
Alex Hirsch is a genuis.
Its the same feeling I got when I saw the jojo openings, both this and that show when they changed the intro to fit in with the villain just blew my mind
13:06 those are the voice actors for dipper and wendy, Jason Ritter and Linda Cardellini.
Wait... If his hat is flesh, in the episode “sock opera” Bill says “Hats off to you” and removed his hat. He just removed his flesh
I hope you are all ready for some of the craziest episodes in the series and a finale that makes me bawl my eyes out every single time I watch it.
The live action bit people were the voice actors for Dipper and Wendy, Jason Ritter also the son of John Ritter and Linda Cardellini also the live action Velma in the Scooby-Doo movies
Linda was also the star of the cult classic drama, Freaks & Geeks. It was an amazing show, and cancelled way too soon.
The live action people were Dipper and Wendy's voice actors!!!!
When Dipper and Wendy became real people (those were the voice actors) Alex is not the voice actor of Dipper
Yeah but literally of everybody else. XD
@@sophieheimann8064 no
@@larniieplayz6285 yes
4:02 "And I, for one, welcome our new weirdness overlord!"
I just watched the last 3 episodes last night, so I can watch your guys reaction when I got off work.
Gideons "will you tell her what I did" was so cute
10:19 Billy's sworn enemy
When bill shouts it's the best
The large guy who's a head with an arm wanting to eat people was originally voiced by Louis C.K. but after the revelations of his sexual misconduct, the show redubbed him with Alex Hirsch's voice
In the end the code said that Time Baby will regenarate in 1000 years and that he won't be happy and in one of the specials Dipper discovered that the world will end in 3012 and thats what they saw in the Time Travelers Pig. I love me sime tie-ins xd
3:17 YUaOr WEAAlComE
Cue the happy music.
Bill: I don't think so.
Stan’s the man with a plan.
I'm excited for when y'all are done the series so you can read up on everything about the show (ex. all of the characters Alex Hirsch voices). Also, can't remember if they've brought it up in a previous reaction video, but have any of the Normies realized Nathan Fillion is Mr. Northwest?
Bill is one of my favourite villains Alex made a good job with not limiting him. Only thing that bad about him isn't kill Dipper when he had a chance sigh plot armor.
Bill’s hubris was his downfall.
There was a song cut from this episode called it's gonna get weird it's really good but sadly it removed from it probably because pacing reasons
People hated Mabel because she was so selfish with dipper.what I mean by this is that dipper would always have to sacrifice a lot for her “summer romances” and even with the apprenticeship she wants him to come home with her but it’s a huge opportunity for dipper
I think it's stupid to hate her because of it. She is just very emotional and passionate about things, she didn't force Dipper to do any of that for her, she would just be sad if he didn't, Dipper is kinda spoiling her sacrificing himself all the time. Also, she is a child and have flaws, wow, so surprising, right? xD
NOOO I'll have to wait another week!
It's messed up that the giant head and arm just ate a guy along with the car.. and that same giant head and arm almost got Dipper while calling him rude.
This is possibly my favourite cartoon that Disney has ever made...but honestly though how did this get green Lit? Lol
Those were the VA's for Dipper and Wendy respectively.
They’ll never guess what’s in the bubble.
8:24 It wasn't the adult pterodactyl that got eaten by McGucket, it was the baby pterodactyl.
C'mon guys pls get the whole gang for the very last episodes .
Perfect timing, just finished the bojack reaction
5:04 BEST PART to me
13:14---Nope, Jason Ritter (voice of Dipper) and the actress playing Wendy (can't remember her name)
Again watch them back to back!!!!
*I've been looking forward to this.*
I like Mabel, characters like her and Ed from Bebop who are in their own world are super fun. But I think the show lets her get away with lots of mean and hurtful behavior, encourage you to look up examples. Not her fault more the shows fault
I agree
You haven’t even started the episode yet but I’m pausing to say you’re all a bunch of weirdos and I fluffing love you for that
that FEZ Level is over 9000
disney channel: You're insane!
disney xd: Of course i am! whats your point?
5:09 OMG that laugh tho XD
A show for kids...
No shit it's for kids
Don’t be...weird?!
Yeah it is
This finale is TOTALLY for kids
oh! fun Rick & Morty / GF crossover fact: one of Bill's henchmen, Eightball, shows up in R&M (Rest & Ricklaxation) in the toxic realm, all dead & stuff in a pile...
please please please add the final words and what he really says at the end, yall NEED to react to that
YOU GUYS GOTTA WATCH VOLTRON LEGENDARY DEFENDER! It just finished and you'll absolutely love it! Same people from Last Airbender and Korra!!!
It’s the people who animated Korra they had nothing to do with avatar
Goals? Bill Cipher doesn't have goals. He just wants to have a good time. "A party that never ends with a host that never dies!" Surprised he never took up with Rick Sanchez.
Make sure you react to between the pines before weirdmageddon 3
Bill is sick, he does not do this for being a god or destroying everything (well sorta destroying everything) He does it cause he can
Fyi the head with the arm was originally voiced by Louis CK the comedian , but because of the scandal they later changed it.
I see Chris is enjoying himself lol!
Nice one Normies!
Everyone forgets Tyler’s name lol. (The mayor.)
Now..... Star vs the Forces of Evil!
Erick de Oliveira oh god please no
Dude nobody is forcing you to watch
Doesn't it get all edgy and shit later? All the stuff about what's her name and her daughter seemed to suck all the fun out of the show.
Erick de Oliveira we need to get this on the wheel, last spin was devastating, thanks AJ lol
Cant wait for The Next episode
Well that escalated quickly :-)
Bro this is one of the best lines in all of Disney “ This party never stops. Time is dead and meaning has no meaning. Existence is upside down and I reign supreme. Welcome one and all to WEIRDMAGEDDON.
Ps:giffiny wasn’t part of teh arcade and was destroyed at the end of her episode. That’s why she didn’t emerge from the arcade.
I love the gravity falls intro so much.
what?! mabel's the hook for me till i really got into the story. she's hilariously random & has such a fitting voice. lol
I love this.
I would like to see Gravity Falls return at some point in the future with another summer of the kids visiting but now there are new threats, as seeing how the ending on weirdmageddon part 3 Ford talks about anomalies that got out. Maybe one of those is a new kind of threat. Plus I'm pretty sure there was still a lot of mystical creatures they never got around to showing from the books or what had yet to be discovered
Not to many the different dimensions
The real version of them where their voice actors.
The Hand-Head guy is voiced by Louis CK lol
It used to be but with all the stuff going on with him they redubbed it with Alex Hirsch doing the voice.
Since they're watching this on Hulu, they're watching the version with Alex Hirsch as the Hand-Head guy. Though, the file they used to edit in the visuals for the reaction is the Louis CK version.
He was but it got changed to Alex Hirsch himself
15:15 But this sounds exactly like Louis CK
@@Jeremy-jm3fe That's because they got a separate file to edit in the episode into the video. If you listen very closely, you can make out the echo from the actual recording.
Chris: You're the most physically fit one here except Suraj
Marketa: Am I a joke to you?
By the way, that sound effect you recognized was the Oozaru cry in Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z.
4:18 Aaaaaaaand nightmare fuel.
you know for kids
Mable is like at the center of almost every single conflict
Ford was to blame for literally everything that went wrong. He needs to stop messing with things he doesn’t understand.
@@Melanie-jy2nw i 100 percent agree but the thing is thats also exactly what mables problem was too especially when she made that deal with bill
@@spookygirl31 true but he was an adult and she is 12 so he should’ve known better
I want to watch full version without any cuts or any dissapearing screens...
They have to avoid copyright strikes by only showing 10 minutes of it...
That's not the point of a reaction. You can easily find the full episodes online
The video description is wrong guys. It says "The last mabelcorn"
13:04 WAIT. Did yall see? Wendy had pink hair in anime 0-0
The beginning of the end...
No triple upload? Awwww.
Why some comments 2 weeks ago but it was just posted?
They are from the people who watched it on patreon for early access
Fullmetal Alchemist oh ok
Star vs the forces of evil...
5:03 UFF How i cannot get Rock hard when the op changes? Ah and btw Dipper did exchange places with 8-ball
12:52 Anyone remember that Billy&Mandy scene?
Oh shit. You're right. That would have been a great time to bring her back.
Is that a scooby doo reference at 13:58
I think fortnite got the reality wave from the weirdness wave lol
Every once in a while i come and check if they started the next season of Peaky Blinders 🤷🏽♂️
9:23 Corona virus
I’m glad I was a teenager when this came out Bc if I was a little kid I would’ve been haunted
Pretty weird indeed
Suraj is zaddy like always !!
Goals? Bill Cipher doesn't have goals. He just wants to have a good time. "A party that never ends with a host that never dies!" Surprised he never took up with Rick Sanchez.
@Snoergee And he DID meet Ford, too...
He was trapped he couldn't lol
@@chrissonofpear1384 what
There's a theory that because there is a world where a person's inner thoughts/visual of that becomes a person with it's abilities, and there's a vile in the room with the memories in rick and morty as well labeled 'Bill C.' so there's a good chance that Rick's inner self created Bill Cipher on that world because of his capabilities.
@@yakere8251 no. Just no.
I know there is a lot of good stuff in the episode but the cuts in this one were rough. A lot of cutting off mid sentence. Just a small criticism. Can't wait for part 2 of weirdmageddon