Why wouldn't you grow miscanthus giganteus? My understanding is it's more than twice as productive and stands last 20 or more years and establishes much faster.
Justin: I'm not altogether sure what you are asking. Here is one of the best overall resources for CenUSA Bioenergy www.extension.org/pages/68136/resources-from-cenusa-sustainable-production-and-distribution-of-bioenergy-for-the-central-usa other than our website (www.cenusa.iastate.edu). I apologize for our website. It is being extensively revamped. Let me know a little bit more about what you are interested in and I will be sure to get you an answer. In the meantime you can register for our bi-monthly newsletter, BLADES at visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/manage/optin?v=001aDucyD7f1df3Py3aa2NcY40x9RlpgJVUo8mpk-gvbSIe1mFm4LM6GtbGj7b9zO6IitmZTJXOMZkF-ncptJ6XyPtdr3vOsK87AvteyK3Kov8%3D where we share some good information on perennials and their presence in the bioeconomy. Anne Kinzel, COO CenUSA Bioenergy
Almost looks like your no-till counters are set to make minimal to zero contact with the ground?
Why wouldn't you grow miscanthus giganteus? My understanding is it's more than twice as productive and stands last 20 or more years and establishes much faster.
Is there anymore information on the bioenergy aspect of this grass? Like where to take it?
Justin: I'm not altogether sure what you are asking. Here is one of the best overall resources for CenUSA Bioenergy www.extension.org/pages/68136/resources-from-cenusa-sustainable-production-and-distribution-of-bioenergy-for-the-central-usa other than our website (www.cenusa.iastate.edu). I apologize for our website. It is being extensively revamped. Let me know a little bit more about what you are interested in and I will be sure to get you an answer. In the meantime you can register for our bi-monthly newsletter, BLADES at visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/manage/optin?v=001aDucyD7f1df3Py3aa2NcY40x9RlpgJVUo8mpk-gvbSIe1mFm4LM6GtbGj7b9zO6IitmZTJXOMZkF-ncptJ6XyPtdr3vOsK87AvteyK3Kov8%3D where we share some good information on perennials and their presence in the bioeconomy.
Anne Kinzel, COO CenUSA Bioenergy