Hark the Herald Angels Sing Chris Tomlin

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024


  • @Arlene131
    @Arlene131 14 років тому

    As only Chris can - he brings this old classic back to life by slowing it down and making it thoughtful. Lovely.

  • @reformedcatholic457
    @reformedcatholic457 13 років тому

    this is why i always listen to Christian singers sing, Chris Tomlin sings with passion because the Name of Jesus means something to Him.

  • @jrj0381
    @jrj0381 13 років тому

    Outstanding version, great song!!

  • @brunettebabyyx
    @brunettebabyyx 14 років тому

    so beautiful

  • @zachfernandez92
    @zachfernandez92 13 років тому

    I love this song

  • @stevmans1993
    @stevmans1993 13 років тому

    this song is the best song

  • @DannyMcKinney79
    @DannyMcKinney79 8 років тому

    Hawk the Herald Angels sing Glory to the New born King. He shall reign forever

  • @kujjaval
    @kujjaval 11 років тому

    And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Teacher, rebuke your disciples. And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.
    Luke 19:39-40

  • @nyxarhea
    @nyxarhea 12 років тому

    The Bible says in Romans 1:19-20, 22, "Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shown it to them.
    For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.
    Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools."

  • @FruitFly14
    @FruitFly14 11 років тому

    Yes and how many people actually work on the sabbath that don't get crumpled pulp

  • @561820ry
    @561820ry 12 років тому

    he can sing

  • @jostenan37572
    @jostenan37572 12 років тому

    We cannot be sure if some god of some kind exists. All of the following scenarios are possible: 1. A god created our universe in the same way that we might buy an ant farm, just to watch it for entertainment, but he never contacts us or cares what we do, 2 an evil god made us just so he could see suffering and that’s the only thing he enjoys about watching us, 3 there is a whole society of gods and one or more made our universe. continued...

  • @reformedcatholic457
    @reformedcatholic457 12 років тому


  • @CarlJamesGranacki
    @CarlJamesGranacki 11 років тому

    Sorry that sounds awkward but they should be stopped I believe in justice

  • @FruitFly14
    @FruitFly14 11 років тому

    Mate I don't know y u want to turn people away from Christ people love Christ. But I don't see people that love evolution. Ok mate its Christmas just live it and have fun.

  • @nyxarhea
    @nyxarhea 12 років тому

    I am sorry that you feel that way, and that you misunderstand what God is really about. Check out Kent Hovind. He's got really good scientific evidence that the Bible is true.

  • @jostenan37572
    @jostenan37572 12 років тому

    If this is supposed to be symbolism then you can interpret anything in the bible to “symbolically” mean whatever you want as long as the "holy spirit" is somehow controlling your brain to interpret things the "right" way. This raises the question why, when the eternal fate of our souls rests in the balance, would a god communicate so unclearly and make us guess at what he means when it is supposedly such an important message? Christianity was invented by humans with no help from a god.

  • @CarlJamesGranacki
    @CarlJamesGranacki 11 років тому

    Yeah im judist christains and these other religions especaily catholics have turned it into thier own little sick thing lol