What is NIRVANA in BUDDHISM ? | Life Of Buddha ( Facts To Known )

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • #Nirvana#LifeOfBuddha#FactsToKnow#


  • @yoursubconscious
    @yoursubconscious 3 роки тому +4

    mark my word: once the dust settles on the crazy bubble with social media, ppl. will look for enlightenment. Glad we found it so soon! If you read this far, just keep going. Nothing is pure and the more you try to make it, you never truly become pure.

    • @V3RTiGo7
      @V3RTiGo7 2 роки тому +1

      Glad you even mentioned it. I've only discovered a pinch of enlightenment and I'm a changed person now. We're one and I'm nobody, so does everyone.

  • @randomvicky939
    @randomvicky939 3 роки тому +6

    I’ve been there . It’s the most amazing sensation a person can have . I’m not a Buddhist or anything, I was actually very depressed at the time and out of nowhere this miracle came into my rescue . Until this day I don’t know why it happened to me . I’m still looking for answers ....

    • @leongkhengneoh6581
      @leongkhengneoh6581 3 роки тому


    • @yoursubconscious
      @yoursubconscious 3 роки тому +3

      If I could provide my own. Have you ever heard of Alan Watts? He has grandfathered so many of us. If not, check him out. He has inspire me beyond my own realization. my own two cents: You may never find yourself, but you have begun a journey to help others.

    • @V3RTiGo7
      @V3RTiGo7 2 роки тому +1

      That happened when life requires a balance. We're surrounded by nature, which is part of universe. When it comnects to your life, you feel no burden, peace, pure neutrality. The bliss of nothingness. That's the beginning of enlightenment for you.

    • @Royal-ud6gv
      @Royal-ud6gv 2 роки тому +1

      All the answers you will ever need are already inside of you. Depression happens when you forget you are made from perfection stop comparing your life to others and follow you own bliss you are worthy!😀

    • @randomvicky939
      @randomvicky939 2 роки тому

      @@Royal-ud6gv Sooooo true ! I know but our brain is a trickster

  • @santsu8392
    @santsu8392 3 роки тому +10

    After nirvana, the soul goes into Nirvikalpa. The state of experience infinite consciousness of God. Infinite Bliss, infinite intelligence. The I'm God state.

    • @11gugugaga11
      @11gugugaga11 10 місяців тому

      Absolutely not. You Don t seem to have comprehended what nirvana is if you bring a God in to it

    • @santsu8392
      @santsu8392 10 місяців тому

      @@11gugugaga11 I did not say nirvana is God state. Nirvana is a total vaccum state where conscious itself cease to exist. But it's a temporary state. Soon after nirvana, follows Nirvikalpa. The aham bhramasmi state where the atma knows and experience the infinite state of power knowledge and bliss or Sat Chit Ananda state. The final destination.

    • @11gugugaga11
      @11gugugaga11 10 місяців тому

      @@santsu8392 nirvana once achieved guarantees nonexistence. No more propagation of the self in a space-time-causality continuum called existence thereby achieving a state of nonexistence.
      When there's nothing existing what do you propose archives these nirvikalpa and other states you talk about?

    • @santsu8392
      @santsu8392 10 місяців тому

      @@11gugugaga11 yes. Absolutely. But it's not permanent. You will transverse into the state of Nirvikalpa soon after that. Read God Speaks by Meher Baba

    • @11gugugaga11
      @11gugugaga11 10 місяців тому

      @@santsu8392 who is this mehe baba to explain nirvana compared to the SammaSamBuddha... why would i believe baba nonsense over Buddha fact?

  • @dushyantshakya4080
    @dushyantshakya4080 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks for sharing

  • @zlatomirravic3780
    @zlatomirravic3780 4 місяці тому

    Moksha, Sunjata, Nibbana, Nirmanakaya, Dharmakaya, Samokaya, Sambobokaya, Svabhavikakaya, Supreme Nirmanakaya and Pairinibanna

  • @hgdon-homeiswheretreesare-9239
    @hgdon-homeiswheretreesare-9239 2 роки тому

    It’s the end of the cycle, yes, one has achieved an eternal peace and harmony ( such a state or place beyond our normal world ).

  • @davidstevenson9052
    @davidstevenson9052 2 роки тому +1

    Well part of it makes some sense but the part about ware were freed from desire well for them to get to nervana they must have the desire to do so ! So it’s confusing me that part

  • @galkisselakkana6386
    @galkisselakkana6386 2 роки тому


  • @ed92122
    @ed92122 Рік тому

    Does that mean that you will have feelings when in nirvana and consciousness.Will there still be a kind of me or I?

  • @prashikvdhande3153
    @prashikvdhande3153 3 роки тому


  • @timelessadventurer
    @timelessadventurer Рік тому

    These AI voiced videos bother me…I couldn’t get through the video.

  • @vijayjosh5895
    @vijayjosh5895 3 роки тому +1

    Nirvaan is originally a Pali word, Sanskrit is derived from Pali. Many so called Hindu books' origin is in Shraman, Jain and Boudhd books. Aryans did not have any developed culture of their own.

  • @11gugugaga11
    @11gugugaga11 10 місяців тому

    Utter romanticism I'd say. Confusing rather than explaining Nirvana is none of this persay.
    The businesses of living is about been subjected to dukkha.
    What's dukkha... most call it suffering but it's a mistranslitteration of the intended true sense.
    Let's first get rid of this translitteration error of calling dhukka suffering. Translate it in to dukkha been a "tedious and pointless futile exercise".
    What is this business called living?
    The bottom line of living is about a conscious being existing from moment to moment bombarded by sensory stimuli from the 6 senses (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, other tactile sensors and mind), to which the being has one of 3 possible reactions.
    Neutral, in which case the corresponding reaction is likely nonwillful but autonomous according to the beings body physio-chemistry.
    Pleasurable, in which case the being likes it and wilfully exerts effort to acquire this set of stimuli, sustaining it, and reacquiring it. This is called the greed reaction.
    Displeasureable, in which case the being dislikes it and wilfully exerts effort to avoid this set of stimuli, escape it. This is called aversion reaction.
    Every second the reality of life or existence is about reaction in one of the above ways. Nothing more nothing less.
    No sensory stimuli is permanent. It arises, exists for a defined duration then attenuates. That's because the causality that gave rise to the conditions of stimuli itself is ever changing and impermanent. When the causality prevails the stimuli driven sensation comes in to being, when the causality attenuates so does the stimuli and sensation…
    Life is about existence in the space-time-causality continuum called samsara… which is impermanent and always in a state of flux.
    Another universal truth is that there are more displeasureable stimuli than pleasurable stimuli. At the very least, between one moment and the next, on the moments on either side of a pleasurable stimuli, before and after, are 2 displeasureable stimuli, before the effort put to acquire the pleasure stimuli, after the displeasure of the inevitability of the pleasure stimuli attenuating.
    We're duped by the joy of the pleasure stimuli in to believing life is worth living for this pleasureable stimuli though the reality is that there's more displeasureable stimuli experienced by the being in the business of living.
    This is the “viparinama dukkha” where at minimum you are in a cycle of displeasureable stimuli→Pleasurable stimuli→displeasureable stimuli. But there are also 12 types of dhukkas that crowd the cycle in reality.
    These reaction propagation can be called mental volition samskara or naama.
    What is samskara?
    It is the combination of physical matter the body with consiousness that we call a living being. They coexist in a joint venture one feeding off the other from moment to moment.
    The reality of physical matter proven by quantum physics, is that it's a propagating energy wave. There's nothing solid or permanent. A quanta arises, sustains, attenuates only to arise again. Uthpada thithi bhanga cycle according to the doctrine of the Buddha. Nothing solid but a propagating energy wave… one cycle of the wave is a creation of the immediate past cycle of the wave and the next cycle is a creation of the current cycle of this present moment. This happens every quantum second.
    This is the impermanence of matter samskara ruupa.
    Add now to this consiousness, which is fed by stimuli encountered by the physical body, born of physics/chemistry physical nature of the universe (or imagination of the mind which is still electrochemistry of the brain), to generate one of the 3 types of reactions…
    Naama ruupa samskara operating in tandem reduces the definition of existence to nothing more than a propagation of the self in a space-time-causality continuum called existence or samsaara.
    If one looks at the matter analytically, one awakens to the truth that existence is a futile purposeless businesses of a never-ending cyclic propagation the carrot being the statistically lesser number of aggregate pleasure stimuli overwhelmed equally statistically by a greater number of displeasureable stimuli, the latter camouflaged by the greed for the former.
    Thus the two concepts converge to the absolute awakening to the truth, dukkha arya sathya, the first noble truth.
    Fortunately there are 4 noble truth in all and there's a way out of this predicament… complete stoppage of the propagation of the self in a space-time-causality continuum called existence, a state of nonexistence called nirvana.
    How to go about that is the rest of the doctrine of the Buddha…

  • @mikelindinger
    @mikelindinger 3 роки тому

    Klingt alles recht kompliziert, wo es doch alles so einfach ist.
    Wir alle sind/werden geträumt, es gibt kein finales Nirvana,
    es gibt kein ewiges Leben, kein ewiges Paradies, keine Wiedergeburt etc.
    Es Gibt Nur Bewusstsein.
    Der Sinn des Lebens ist Gott sein,
    Und Gott ist der UNGEDINGTE WILLE Liebe geben zu wollen, that's it.
    Die Liebe zum Grusse
    Das Mike

  • @leongkhengneoh6581
    @leongkhengneoh6581 3 роки тому

    Can there be happiness without suffering?

    • @sajomathew
      @sajomathew 2 роки тому

      If I may say, happiness is simply the body at ease. Eternal bliss is our basic nature I think. When we cling on to our self image, suffering occurs.

  • @lakhbinderjitsingh7795
    @lakhbinderjitsingh7795 Рік тому

    Flame from ⭐ is done ✅ , knowing truths of 🌏 but what the use of it , useless things that I still called it bad luck ok

  • @mr.hazamayukiterumi2909
    @mr.hazamayukiterumi2909 2 роки тому

    If there is no "soul" than reincarnation is pointless. Even if you say it's the "mind" or "consciousness" then where do they come from?
    As a Buddhist, I always find if contradicting with these "teachings" and it's a good thing I question them

    • @kkk-xx
      @kkk-xx 2 роки тому

      Are you even a buddhist. Ask a monk where mind came he will answer it

    • @kkk-xx
      @kkk-xx 2 роки тому

      Read suttra pitaka it will answer all

    • @kkk-xx
      @kkk-xx 2 роки тому

      You are a muslim. 🤣

    • @TojiiZzzz
      @TojiiZzzz 2 роки тому

      I’m a buddhist as well :)

    • @achi9869
      @achi9869 2 роки тому

      The true soul or true essence, does not exist in Buddhism.But it's also not said to be completely non-existent, but something called soul, is something that has been conditioned, So it can be said to be a soul, it is necessary to know that something conditioned arises because of a cause, This essence or soul in Buddhism is pancakhanda or in short it becomes mind and the body, because this mind and body exist, there is a presumption of the notion of "I" in which the true "I" does not exist, later if you delve into Buddhist teachings you can find out more deeply, how the mind can be formed and composed or conditioned. In Abhidhamma it is explained how consciousness can be formed, and how consciousness can disappear.

  • @boonka88
    @boonka88 3 роки тому


  • @amilasampathsubasinghe6023
    @amilasampathsubasinghe6023 Рік тому

    nirvana means stay death after death. no nothing