The Lord has me studying the Book of Revelations with Mr. Missler. What God has gifted him in the ability to teach and unlock truth along with connecting the old with the new for a panoramic view of the entire Bible is remarkable. What he now knows about the witnesses I’m sure he is smiling knowing wow, look at those two men powerful and faithful and ready to be brought back to the earth to complete God’s work, and yes, totally willing to die so that they both can then be resurrected into their glorified body like Jesus. I can only imagine what Chuck Missler sees right now from the inside court from heaven.
The two witnesses have already been fulfilled. it's not future They came during the time in Jerusalem when there were consecutive Wars within the inhabited land. Jesus said that there will be great tribulation not since there was a nation even to this time No Nor Ever shall be. 70Ad was the beginning of Sorrows because the Wars commenced in Jerusalem from 115ad through 1967ad the six day war these wars were the great tribulation that Jesus spoke of in Matt.24. There is no such thing as a 7 year tribulation period if that was true Jesus would be still waiting to enter into the Holy place in heaven but Jesus has already entered into the holy place once and for all time God bless 🙏
Except that these are not Moses and Elijah. They are the 2 Lampstands and the 2 olive trees. Romans 11 will tell you who the olive trees are same as in Zacharia 4. The Lampstands are a metaphor for the church, the light to the world not to mention the 7! churches are tired to Lampstands.
I love the fact that GOD is sovereign and can do whatever he pleases , whether we can understand it or not. There are many examples in the Bible where humanity says "Wait! How can this be?" Our GOD is truly Awesome!😁😁😁
Hello children of the one true living God, please ask the Lord to let the Holy Spirit cleanse you and to guide you. And provide you with wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and discernment.
Very little sound Doctrine is being taught today. I pray that the Lord will help me understand Scriptures. I have so much sorrow in my heart. Many people are being led astray. So many are lost. It's too much to bare sometimes.
I agree with Rims, I feel the same. I pray for us All time is running out it is written my people are destroyed by lack of knowledge. I believe this man is Spirit led. There is also Sandu Sandar Selvaraj plus Neville Johnson. David Wilkerson there are men that are speaking the truth in the world. And some are false.
It's Jesus Christ who cleansed your sin debt already never to be remembered again. The Spirit is sent to point Christ, the Spirit does not cleans you, it just directs you to Christ as being the one true God.
Chuck Missler appeared in a dream to me a few weeks ago explaining about the antichrist and mark of the beast. Since then, I started to watch him and he’s pretty good. Glory to God
He may be pretty good but he doesn't know anything. Here are the witnesses, 1 "O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel,...10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen:" Isaiah 43
Dr. Missler, I just love listening to your teaching :) Bummer, I have been in the Boise area for a few months and haven't made it up to your church yet:( Maybe soon :) I just added you and Nancy to my daily prayer list, I saw her in Washington at a women's conference (Camano Island) and just love her so much (who doesn't?) !!! Please tell her I will be praying for her and give her a big ol' hug for me :) Major hugs, jana
I'm close to there as well...Missler's Church is nearby?... very awesome!! Ole RV ;) I want to do a "Is God Real" themed camper for research. I noticed we both love the same peeps!!
Hasn't even been 3 whole months since u posted this.Now we r in January 2020 and n that short time look what all has blown up as far as prophesy.The time is definitely near.Amen n God bless you!
December 2024, seriously, any day now. The muslims are getting saved by the hundreds. God is still moving in great ways. We are all looking up waiting for our redemption💕
ya and gods word said to drink jesus blood and eat his flesh ( cannablism ??) no !! the bible clearly told us the 2 wittnesses are the olive branch and candlestick , and other verses plainly tell us the candlestick and and olive branch is the christians and the jews !!!!
God really buried this one, right under our noses. It's amazing how many think Elijah and Moses, when Zech. 1-4; Haggia 2 and Jeremiah 50:42-46 specifically identify them as Joshua and Zerubbabel and also shows that they will show up right after the Gog/Magog war (which is also a clue since Israel burns the weapons for "7 years"). The two witnesses show up right after this. In Acts 3, Deut. 18 is quoted where Moses said there would be a prophet "like unto me" raised up in the latter days. Moses and Aaron were Levites, priests. So too is Joshua, the high priest in Zech. 2. In addition, in Haggai 2:23, the Lord says He has "chosen Zerubbabel" as His signet. Jeremiah 50:44 asks "who is a chosen man"; the context of these verses is right after the armies of Gog are defeated. The horses and chariots and "every man's sword shall be against his brother" (see Jer. 50:44; Micah 5:10; Haggai 2:22; Ez. 38:4,15,21; Ez. 39:20). Also, Zerubbabel means "child or seed of Babylon" as he was born in Babylon. And he will come "not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord" and lead Israel "out of Babylon" just as Moses (meaning "to draw out") was born in Egypt and led the children of Israel out of Egypt (see Zech. 2:7; 4:6). Just as in the precedent set by John the Baptist, who also came in the power and spirit of Elijah, so too will Zerubbabal come in the power and spirit of Elijah. Remember, Jesus said Elijah will surely come, but I tell you he has come already.....indicating that it does not have to be Elijah himself. Elijah was "scared" for his life and ran....he will not be one of the two witnesses, maybe initially God has chosen him, but then chose Zerubbabel to fulfill this mission. Also, remember in 2 Kings 2 - some prophets wanted to "look for Elijah" but Elisha said no, "DO NOT LOOK FOR HIM". And it says they looked for "3 Days and FOUND HIM NOT". Lastly, Just as John is given a measuring rod in Rev. 11:1; so too does Zech. vision in chapter 2 begin with a man measuring Jerusalem. In Rev. 11, we then immediately read about the 2 Witnesses. In Zech, we read the Joshua is standing before the Lord, and Satan, the the Lord rebukes Satan (sound like Moses' body in Jude). Then Zech. sees the two olive trees, golden bowl and 7 lamps burning. Then we read about Zerubbabel and then Zechariah is specifically told in Zech. 4:14 that these two are the "anointed ones which stand y the Lord of the earth." It has been right there in Scripture the whole time, but most people don't take the time to study and think it through. Just as Joshua and Zerubbabel led the nation of Israel back to God and to rebuild the 2nd Temple (see Haggai); so too will they be used by God during the first 3.5 years of the 70th Week, to turn Israel back to God and to lead in the rebuilding of the 3rd/Tribulation temple - just in time for the mid-trib "abomination of desolation" to occur.
Revelation 12 Ministries Congratulations you have deep understanding of the Word of God. I am He ZERRUBABEL -I have slot of proof to show the whole Word that I am the End time Elijah/Zerrubabel because after coming out from the 21days Daniel prayer and fasting-I was told by my Master JESUS told prophecy 1260 score days as ZERRUBBABEL- on 29/6/18- I have visited Heaven many times and been visited by many of the ancient prophets in the Bible. The found Myself before Moses and Elijah the Transfiguration in the month of May 2018 and 2017 23/5/17 Jesus told me I have ANNOINTED you with the special anointing of Elijah and Moses. I have been visited by Moses and Elijah about 5 times now and they came to Empower,Strengthen,Give me the Fire but ALL i can say is that I was filled with so much power to accomplish this purpose. I do not know if they are other Witnesses that are prophesied in Revelation 11,Malachi 4,Zachariah,Matthew 17,Haggai 2. But all I know as the Holy Spirit is my WITNESS -I am the Endtime ELIJAH and ZERUBABEL-With the KEY OF DAVID-Because I saw myself and my Wife in Heaven been crowned as a KING and QUEEN -The first creation of ADAM AND EVE-I was also told I had been promoted to the HIGHEST RANK in the Kingdom of GOD-MAJOR GENERAL on 3/8/18 and promoted to the HIGHEST level in the Kingdom of God on 5/8/18- which is LEVEL 13. check me on FaceBook sambo sambo or text me on whatsapp +260979602188 and I will reply to you and send you audio messages I have been sending to the body of Christ many times to prepare and repent because we are in the 7years TRIBULATION. When you check and scrutinize the prophecies of Events yet to come and of which many have come to pass-Then you will have discovered the prophesied Elijah and Zerrubabel. I carry a Kingly anointing of David and Solomon because JESUS told me that I am ROYALTY of which I never knew all my life. ALL I CAN SAY IS ALL GLORY BE TO MY FATHER IN HEAVEN AND MY MASTER JESUS. JESUS IS LORD
I agree with you. I came to the same conclusion. Zechariah seems to explain the exact thing talked about in Rev.11:4. When I looked in the center column notes ( verse cross reference) it led me to Zechariah. Thanks for your post.
The LAW for the old covenant people required two witnesses to accuse anyone of breaking the law. The harlot (unfaithful wife) who had committed whoredom with the nations around her was accused of breaking the covenant law by two witnesses and their bodies were thrown over the wall of Jerusalem. Those two high priests were recorded by Josephus, the Jewish historian. One cannot understand the bible without some knowledge of Hebrew law, customs, language and their history. The high priests administered the LAW and had the gift of prophesy.
Post script, Since there is no definitive answer given in scripture,any theories are based on extrapolation, mine included. Therefore no dogma can be set. Therefore we should be like the Bereans and be open to idea's as long as scripture is used for evidence. Out of the fullness of heart the mouth speaks.
There is a an answer to this question however the answer comes from a Gentile condemned for crucifying the lord of Glory PIlate has something to say about this matter but people rejected his testimony. Note: Enoch & Elijah did not see death and were taken into Heaven (Genesis 5:21-24 & 2 King 2:1-11). 2 And two very ancient men met them, and were asked by the saints, Who are ye, who have not yet been with us in hell, and have had your bodies placed in Paradise? 3 One of them answering, said, I am Enoch, who was translated by the word of God: 5 and this man who is with me, is Elijah the Tishbite, who was translated in a fiery chariot. 6 4 Here we have hitherto been, and have not tasted death, but are now about to return at the coming of Antichrist, being armed with divine signs and miracles, to engage with him in battle, and to be slain by him at Jerusalem, and to be taken up alive again into the clouds, after three days and a half. 7 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Arch Cast most assume who these two are...but reject the scriptural link of the two olive trees that stand before the throne. Go back to the ONLY reference for this, in Zachariah, then that opens a whole new study !
Chuck, i will share with you something that most don't know, and that is that just as John the baptist was the spirit of Elijah, John the apostle was the spirit of Moses. I don't know how its possible, but i know its true, and that all things are possible with God, it's what he has shown me in visions and dreams. Shalom.
The LAW for the old covenant people required two witnesses to accuse anyone of breaking the law. The harlot (unfaithful wife) who had committed whoredom with the nations around her was accused of breaking the covenant law by two witnesses and their bodies were thrown over the wall of Jerusalem. Those two high priests were recorded by Josephus, the Jewish historian. One cannot understand the bible without some knowledge of Hebrew law, customs, language and their history. The high priests administered the LAW and had the gift of prophesy.
The scripture your thinking of is talking about Jesus only having to die once for the people it doesn't have anything to do with people only being allowed to die once because we know from scripture that some have died multiple times, and that some won't die. Take the rapture for example, if you believe that we all have to die once then you would after being raptured have to come back to die so you can get your one death in. It doesn't have anything to do with us it was speaking of Christ our Savior.
It’s Moses and Elijah, but you are also correct if you say John and John, cause I have been shown that the apostle John was the spirit of Moses the same spirit and that the spirit of John the Baptist was that of Elijah the same spirit somehow allowed to go on multiple missions for our God and King. Shalom.
I'm likely missing something here, but someone remind me why it's assumed that the two witnesses will be resurrected OT saints as opposed to simply being contemporary tribulation saints?
Not sure what your question is but. The word says man only dies once so the witnesses have to be someone that hasn't died yet because they get killed in Jerusalem and are resurrected after three days and then Jesus comes down.
I believe it is Elijah and Moses, I wonder though if they will come in the spirit of them as John the Baptist's had in a new body, different earthly identity.. I don't know though, concretely, how could you right now? I sure hope if the rapture happens before, we can still.. you know, watch the action. if not, I will be a huge two witness fan.. (running for my life and all)
Only the spirit of Elijah and the spirit of Moses Chuck Missler is one of the best teachers I have ever heard he is extremely intelligent he has a wonderful spirit but we will follow the spirit of Jesus Christ no man is perfect that's why we all need the Holy Spirit to teach us all things only Jesus knows the answers and he will reveal the truth when we need it just keep on good terms with Jesus and his teachers
The Bible, especially Revelation, uses a writing style that's common in Semitic language. It often introduces ideas in one chapter and expands on them in the next. This happens with the two witnesses in Revelation 11 and expands in 12. In Rev chapter 12:16, we see this interesting bit: "The serpent tried to sweep away the woman with a flood from its mouth. But the earth helped her by swallowing the flood." Then it talks about the dragon going after "the rest of her offspring." So, who are these offspring? Is it Jews only or, is it the Church also? The next verse gives us a clue: Rev 12:17 Then the dragon (Islam) became furious with the woman (in bible Israel is Woman) and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God (Jews) and those who hold to the testimony of Jesus (Church). The language of Revelation 12, the persecution of Israel, and really even bigger than Israel-the people of God who follow Jesus (and they’re also linked to this 1260-day stuff and the “time, times, and half a time”) So, in short, it seems the "The Witnesses" here means all believers in Jesus, and ethnic Jews.
And his testimony continues from the end of the 2300 day/ actual year timeline, exactly as God declared , in 1844 when the keys of Daniel were unlocked and then used to decipher the Revelation. We are in the time of the end.
@@ThePatriots2012 He said the end of all things is at hand. In other words the way it was worded, the sum of all things - Christ Jesus and the kingdom of God. People often say that the way Revelation is worded it is the end of time but the end of the 2300 year period is the time of the end. Last era. Just like when the angel declared time no more, you'll notice that all of the prophecies that had specific time were completed. Now all we have left are event prophecies, such as cashless society etc.. Most people also think that the new covenant means that the law was nailed to the cross as well, and it's just not so. The handwritten ordinances were , as stated but the new covenant still includes the commandments of God BUT love was added. The ol heart of flesh He even spoke about in the old testament repeatedly.
@@richardpotter6313 The New covenant is not subject to angels (Heb 2:5, 3rd party mediators, priests, prophets, etc( therefore any passage that mentions angels carrying out commands is of the old. The close of the old covenant was near but did not arrive until all the old elements were burnt in the fire of 70 AD.
@@ThePatriots2012 I'm not following what you're talking about exactly. I was talking about when John was on Patmos and the angel declared 'time no more' and what it means prophetically. There's a definite timeline shewn. It coincides with the 70 weeks of Daniel - which gave the exact season and year Christ was Baptized, crucified and when Stephen was stoned. That's when God was done with them. Both that prophecy and the 2300 days have the same starting point- when Artixerxes gave the command to rebuild and restore Jerusalem in 457 bc. God gave them 490 years to get their act together. Now we only become as His people (even called Jews in scripture) by following Christ ...His way, not our own.
The two witnesses are the olive trees and candlesticks..Revelation 11:3-5...the Jews and the church are the "olivetrees" and the churches are the 2 lampstands🤷♀️..zechariah 4:14, Jerm 11:6, Roman's 11:16-26, acts 1:8, Rev 11:3...the spirit of man s the candle of the Lord..Jesus said we are the light stand..also see Rev. 1:12.. Jesus told his disciples that Elijah already came in John the Baptist...Matthew 17:12-23..Lule 1:17..the angel told Zachariah that his sons name would be John's and he would be in the spirit of Elijah..the 2 witnesses are the jews who are converted and the new believers or church in the faith of Christ during the tribulation.. Appointed once to die doesn't apply because some of us will never die when we are raptured.
I love the teachings that chuck brings to us, and I've learned so much from him. I have watched and listened to him so many times, and I'm afraid this is the only time I've come to disagree with any interpretation of chucks. That doesn't mean I think he's wrong, he could very well be correct. Long story short, it would take to much typing to explain why and I came up with this idea, but I believe the two witnesses, the two olive trees, represent two groups of people, and not two individuals. One of the trees represent the Jews that in those times have came back to Christ and accepted him, the other would be a group of Gentiles that refuse to deny Christ. Who really knows for sure?! That's the best I could come up with from all my studies. Like I said, there are many reasons why I've come to take this view.
Two witnesses will likely be the Apostle John and James. Read Matthew 20:20-23, then read Revelation 10:11. James and John (sons of Zebedee) agreed to drink the cup that Jesus drinks. Jesus prophesied for 3 1/2 years, so do the two witnesses. Jesus was killed at the end, so will the two witnesses be killed at the end of their prophesying. Jesus was dead for 3 days, so will the two witnesses be dead 3 days. Jesus was resurrected after 3 days and went to heaven, so too will the two witnesses. This is the "cup" John and James agreed to drink. Then you see the angel telling John that John would prophesy to many peoples, nations, tongues and kings (the whole world). That's what the two witnesses do.
You are right. Note the transfiguration, on the 6th day, which signifies 6000 years, or soon before Christ's true second coming(which happens AFTER the Antichrist's death). Also the spirit of Moses comes to educate, and free the Hebrews (Christians) from Egypt and Pharoah (the antichrist body of people, or beast, and the Antichrist himself respectively). Then comes the spirit of Elijah like the John the Baptist to pave the way for Christ's second coming. Note Enoch and Elijah both died in bodily form. The significance of them being 'taken' was to signify they wouldn't turn to dust ( like Adam and Eve), but were guaranteed a resurrection at the appropriate time.
Debra Tefs Be careful you don't miss them. And if you do listen to their testimony. That is their true purpose : to bear witness to Jesus message , and testify against the wickedness in the world. Their divine power merely protects them to complete their witness, and cement their position as God's messengers.
Daniel and John both was told to seal up the book that Jesus was giving them in a vision. He told Daniel Daniel 12:13 But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days. And he told John Revelation of John 10:11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. Isnt it possible these are the two witnesses?
@@harveywabbit9541 your denial of historical facts in no way means they are not true. It does however prove that you are a liar and no truth is in you.
@@harveywabbit9541 your great grandparents are fairy tales. Prove they existed. As I said, take your ignorance and lies to your gay friends. No one here will believe you. But it appears you want attention. Ask Jesus to show himself to you. You just mat be surprised at what happens.
@@harveywabbit9541 and liars do not get to go back through genealogy and say, no not real. What's not real is your words. They are lies. You've already proven that
Chuck, Greetings, I have been a fan of yours since I attended your Bible studies at calvary chapel costa mesa many years ago. Chuck, I have a problem and a different opinion on this topic.because you do not bring in Zechariah's vision in chapter 4. Without this, I see how you and many others come to various conclusions. I believe this is a huge mistake. The Lord revealed to the apostle John that the two witnesses are the two olive trees. You have to explain this revelation. Without this, you do not have the whole council of God. This is, I believe the key to the identity of the two witnesses. This seems to be the epicenter of the confusion. If I have missed something, then this is where you can help clarify. I have heard you say that, where you have made mistakes in your interpretation, that it was because you did not take the scripture literally. With respect, I think this is the case here. This is what I would need explained. How could Elijah and Moses or Enoch or the Old and New testament be the two olive trees? Why does no one see this? It plainly pictures that the olive trees are the sorce, the start,the beginning of the fresh oil. Did Elijah or Moses ever claim to be the sorce of the anointing? No they did not! They knew that the sorce of their anoiting was God. The prophet Zechariah asked what the visions meaning was. The answer that he was given could not be any clearer. Not by might nor by power (human might or human power) but by my spirit, saith the Lord. I believe, the ministry of the two witnesses is like that of Messiah. It could not be performed by human beings. Question, why, when Daniel was so precise in his prophecies about the last days,did he not mention the two witnesses. I believe he did. But he was told to shut up the vision. It was to be understood in the last days. I see the two witnesses in chapter 8, the ram with the two horns. I know you teach this is speaking of Alexander the great and the Medo-Persian empire, but would not explain why Daniel became sick to his stomach and fainted. Or for the fact that in verse 19,21 and 26 Daniel was told that the vision was a prophecy for the last days. I know what I'm suggesting is a wild idea. I thought that if this were true,it would have to have scripture to back it up. And so I continued my search. It is said that the heart of Judaism is the temple, and the heart of the temple is the altar. This is where I found my answer! I began a Bible study concerning the altar and specifically about the daily sacrifice. It was also known by the perpetual sacrifice. The animals used were three. In the morning was a lamb offered, and in the evening a bull and a ram. Without spot or blemish is the key. I believe that the two witnesses are represented in the evening sacrifice. Their blood was used to anoint the Holy of Holies and poured out at the base of the altar,just as the blood of the lamb was. They are the evening sacrifice that will be taken away! Stated in Daniel. When they are killed and the beast sets himself up as god this is the abomination that causes desolation. This is why the vision made Daniel sick,as it would any saint. Why are the two witnesses invincible until 1,260 are fulfilled, just as Jesus! Please look into this. That is all I ask. We are about to see why,your statment is true, that there is more written about this time than any other. Shalom in Yeshua the Christ E-mail at
Sadly, teachers as this will not answer questions as these not because they do not know this information but it goes against their teachings and they do not how to answer the questions.
Daniel Whittaker If Mr. Missler were to answer every question posed to him, he would not have time for anything else. I suggest that this question be sent to the proper department, if there is one. One man can not take care of everyone's concerns. This is a fair question, but you can not expect that Mr. Missler (especially now, that he is gone to Heaven) would read comments left on You Tube. I would like to know what a Koinenia House study of this question turn up.
Two witnesses will likely be the Apostle John and James. Read Matthew 20:20-23, then read Revelation 10:11. James and John (sons of Zebedee) agreed to drink the cup that Jesus drinks. Jesus prophesied for 3 1/2 years, so do the two witnesses. Jesus was killed at the end, so will the two witnesses be killed at the end of their prophesying. Jesus was dead for 3 days, so will the two witnesses be dead 3 days. Jesus was resurrected after 3 days and went to heaven, so too will the two witnesses. This is the "cup" John and James agreed to drink. Then you see the angel telling John that John would prophesy to many peoples, nations, tongues and kings (the whole world). That's what the two witnesses do.
@@Harpazo_to_Yeshua You can not discover the identity of the two witnesses without showing how James and John fit into the vision of the two olive trees Zachariah 4:11. (This is the key 🗝️) You make the same mistake Chuck Missler did...and many others.
Chuck is a good teacher. He also believes in the muliplicity of scriptural meanings so America is indeed one possibility of interpretation. To often we argue that our interpretation is the only one when many times we may all have just a fragment of the entire truth. So you are as right as any of us. We all see through a glass darkly.
So you say the church is going to be rapture, so who is going through tribulation, Who endured to the end, then why is he shortened the days of tribulation less no flesh left alive for his elect sake, and why did Jesus said immediately after tribulation you shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory everyone will see him even the one that pierced his side, and he sent his angels to gather his elect to the other party of the earth. . So the church will not be tested?, they're are greater than the master?, Jesus said I suffer, and you will too for my sake for the servant is not greater than the master. Who shall lose his life for my sake, will have a crown of righteousness. We have His seal , and no one can pluck us out of His hand. And I can keep going on. And what about the 105 million standing by the throne of God who had lost their life. What is going on her.
The great multitude standing before the Lord in heaven could also be the raptured, so that part isn't clear for me. As for the believer in the Greatest Tribulation, there won't be many, and it seems that all of them will be beheaded, as they are the only ones resurrected afterwards to reign in the millennium. The rest if the dead aren't resurrected until the end of the millennium. The other folks alive just prior to the millennium are judged as sheep or goats, the sheep are ushered into the millennium, the goats are executed. I think the criteria for that will be how did they treat the persecuted elect during the tribulation. Whatsoever you have done unto these, you have done unto me.
Good stuff Mr.Missler. One point of contention I have is that God could give any prophet any "ability". God is the Power, the prophet is only a conduit. And one conduit is as good as another.
it is appointed unto man, once to die. the only 2 that did not die are Enoch and Elijah. Moses died. Therefore I feel that the 2 witnesses will be Enoch and Elijah
That is good reasoning, but remember it is coming from the mind of fallen man. God's ways are not our ways and many of them are beyond our finding out , let's keep that in mind also.
Two witnesses will likely be the Apostle John and James. Read Matthew 20:20-23, then read Revelation 10:11. James and John (sons of Zebedee) agreed to drink the cup that Jesus drinks. Jesus prophesied for 3 1/2 years, so do the two witnesses. Jesus was killed at the end, so will the two witnesses be killed at the end of their prophesying. Jesus was dead for 3 days, so will the two witnesses be dead 3 days. Jesus was resurrected after 3 days and went to heaven, so too will the two witnesses. This is the "cup" John and James agreed to drink. Then you see the angel telling John that John would prophesy to many peoples, nations, tongues and kings (the whole world). That's what the two witnesses do.
That reasoning seems right to the mind of man. But remember when Jesus rose many that were in the graves rose with him and were seen of many. What makes you think God can't resurrect Moses body and send Him back? he already appeared in the Transfiguration with Jesus?
@@donsimonds5186 account of those who where ressurected in the time Jesus was crucified and was risen the people who came back to life where given 3 days to spend passover with their relatives, the sons of the High priest who where brought back to life testified that the two witness in the end of days will be enoch and Elijah. you can find this documents in praetorium in Jerusalem heavily guarded by romans in pilates time .... 2 And two very ancient men met them, and were asked by the saints, Who are ye, who have not yet been with us in hell, and have had your bodies placed in Paradise? 3 One of them answering, said, I am Enoch, who was translated by the word of God: 5 and this man who is with me, is Elijah the Tishbite, who was translated in a fiery chariot. 6 4 Here we have hitherto been, and have not tasted death, but are now about to return at the coming of Antichrist, being armed with divine signs and miracles, to engage with him in battle, and to be slain by him at Jerusalem, and to be taken up alive again into the clouds, after three days and a half. 7
Moses and Elijah are now glorified. To come back to earth they would need to be de - glorified! NO NAMES are given to these two witnesses yet Moses is named in the Revelation! What has God always done when he needed witnesses,prophets,etc.He calls people that are alive on earth. That is the Lord’s pattern.
The two witnesses are symbolic for the old and new testament. Jesus said that he will come at a time when we are not looking for him. Too many of us are looking for prophecies that have already taken place.
Your are right. After 11 years of being a believer. It’s not Moses or Elijah. Or Enoch. Because they are in their glorified body’s. Glorified bodies don’t die. So it’s not them.
Hi, how do you reconcile •••what the angel Gabriel said to Zechariah about John the Baptist- "And he [John] shall go before Him, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn hearts of fathers unto children, and disobedient ones to the wisdom of righteous ones, to make ready for the Lord, a people prepared." (Luke 1:17) •••with what Jesus said of John the Baptist- "And if you are willing to accept it, John himself is Elijah who was to come." (Matthew 11:14) •••with what John the Baptist himself said of himself?- "They asked [John the Baptist], “What then? Are you Elijah?” And he said, “I am not.” (John 1:21) I don't know how to understand this. Both Gabriel and Jesus mentioned that John the Baptist is Elijah but John himself denied it.
Why must they be prophets of old. Its one god one sprit and therefore will bring forth one fruit. Its not them who did it but the spirit. It can be new prophets as a possibility.
You are the first person to think what I thought. Why does it have to be somebody from the past ? Why couldn't it be somebody new, from the present or future, as it were. Somebody living during the end times. I've just always kinda thought that's how it would be, based on nothing but a gut feeling. So don't chastize me for not having proof or scriptures to back up that claim.
I do not understand why people ignore Jesus’s words given to the disciples on the mt of olives, saying that after the tribulation of those days He will return for us, and Revelation says it so clearly!
I'm not quite convinced by Chuck on this one. But I still think he's worth the listen. May more ears come across this video! I liked and was already subscribed. Did you?
we would be to arrogant to think we are so "special" that we wouldnt go thru tribulation. its best to be a pantribber folks bcs there is no solid word stating anything different.🕊
Imminent return of Christ... Can't get around it. Not appointed for gods wrath. If we are His "bride" what groom beats His wife before taking her to His Father's home for the honeymoon (wedding feast) Guess that feast would be a small snack....🙄
The two witnesses are two men alive today. One with the annointing of Moses, the other with the annointing of John the Baptist. Both calling Gods people to repentance. The Bible doesn't say who they are. Any who think they know are simply assuming because of similarities to old testament prophets. Many are simply guessing.
I have to beg to differ on who the 2 witnesses will be and I know you'll know my argument....... because Moses IS DEAD...... And it is appointed for every man to die ONCE. Enoch did not die. I love your incredible understanding. Always wanted to be able to go to one of your conferences. I always think of my dad when I hear you. He was a nuclear engineer and I have always felt that you are the only man who could have had the ability to make his brilliant mind understand the truth.
Leslie Kendall you are right about the two witnesses. I agree that the witnesses are Elijah and Enoch. They were the only ones who never died. Even Jesus,our Savior, had to die once for all mankind to be redeem. That is why they have to die so they will be resurrected.
Leslie Kendall but that strange mysterious scripture in Jude about Michael the archangel fighting with Satan over the body of Moses..what’s that about..
I was called chosen because of the bloodline of Abraham to be a witness in sprit of Elijah. Not my thought not nothing of me but chosen by our lord God
I know Dr Missler is gone, but the 2 witnesses are the two Candle Sticks and the two Branches which are churches, End times Churches The 2 branch one Natural and one Adopted. I have studied This a LONG LONG LONG time, the 2 witnesses are The End Time Saints and The Israelite's that believe in Yahshuahs Name, that he is the IAM that IAM in Flesh, In Yah's Name Aman! Much Agape Marci T
The two witnesses are symbolic for the old and new testament. Jesus said he will come at a time when we are not looking for him. Too many of us are looking for the future fulfillment of prophecies that have already taken or taking place.
Hammer USN ] GOD can do as he wants, he is the creator of all. We where made for his pleasure my BROTHER!! enjoy your stay untill it,s time to leave. [ AMEN ] Give all praise and glory to GOD in the name of JESUS* the CHRIST B.PROCTOR
+Pauline Dubois not true...God is a right one and He limited himself from the beginning He will never broke what he every body on this earth need to Elijah and Enoch will come to die for the name of the Lord
His bones were never found because. I believe God took him. But 2 witnesses have to be whole lamb both old & new 2 leaves dripping down on body souls being made alive by whole Word in bride that made herself clean by water of Word adhering to walk following up right spirit of Truth Word comes to our flesh If cleaned made ready head rest in her bride _ body _ souls in agreement w/ head In air not outer. Space but inward space between ur ears & in ur hands _ the open One Word
Acts 1:8.1 Peter 3:15.1.Jew.2.Gentile.WE the church as a whole are the two witnesses.We go forth in the spirit of Moses and Elijah.God has given us that anointing as his witnesses to reach the lost.🙏🔥👑
totally agree its Elijah & Moses because of they were who Jesus was speaking too at the Transfiguration.Tradition states these two prophets did not die, The Jews expect Elijah and God is going to fulfill all prophecies to both The Jews & Christians . But I forgot about the link with the works of Elijah & Moses. Very good points you make. God bless you with your common sense teaching
May - Elijah, I'd agree but, not Moses. Remember Moses was rebuked by God for 'showing off' as he struck the rock that God told him to strike for water but, moses struck it again and again making it seem like Moses was doing the miracle. That's the reason God told Moses he would not enter the 'promised land'. Besides God calls these two witnesses two 'olive trees' or 'two candlesticks'. So, either Elijah and Enoch, the two who as of yet didn't DIE, or Michael and Gabriel His two most powerful ANGELS! My bet is on the Angels!
+0000 0000 your comment..Elijah and Enoch will come back to earth again to finish theirs mission as 2 witnesses ...they never died , they are hide by Almighty on the second heaven and they will be killed at the end of times
0000 0000 it will be Enoch and Elijah. God said it is appointed unto man to die once, and to be absent from the body is to be with the Lord. The only one who never died was Enoch and Elijah. This is why they have to die physically. It aligned up to God's word. Jesus had to die once for all humanity to be redeem. Makes sense to me.follow the bread crumbs
Luke 16: 19- 31 is a parrable. Matt. 13: 34 . Yahshua spoke to the people in parrables and only in parrables. May Yahweh bless you with understanding in His WORD. Bless you You are not reading the scripture. You are reading words in a book. 2 Cor. 3: 6. The WORD " Forever" in the scripture is ALWAYS a fixed period of time. We are told not to lean on our own understanding. Pro. 3: 5- 6. When we lean on Yahweh's understanding We find that the WORD " Forever" is ALWAYS a fixed period of time. ALL different periods of time. In Jonah "forever" is " a day and a night". In levitcus "forever" is for 7 years. In another place “forever " is until a man dies. In another place " forever" is until the end of the age. In Gen. 3 " forever" is 1,000 years. In Rev. 20: 10 "forever " a day and a night. 24 hours. Rev. 20: 7- 15 is the LAST day of this corruptible creation. In Gen. 1 Yahweh created corruptible Time, Space and matter. 1ST day. Rev. 20: 7- 15 Yahweh will TAKE AWAY this corruptible Time, Space and Matter. The LAST DAY. John 6: 39, 40, 44, 53 and 54. Before Gen. 1: 1 There was the Everlasting incorruptible Kingdom of Yahweh. After Rev. 20: 7 - 15 The Everlasting Kingdom of Yahweh will CONTINUE. 1 Cor. 2: 9. IF your eye has seen it: IT is NOT in Yahweh's Everlasting incorruptible Kingdom. IF your ear has heard it: IT is NOT in Yahweh's Everlasting incorruptible Kingdom. IF you can imagine it: IT is NOT in Yahweh's Everlasting incorruptible Kingdom. Rev. 20: 7- 15 is the LAST day of this corruptible creation. Rev. chapters 21 and 22 commence at the second coming and are fufilled on the LAST day. Rev. 20: 7- 15. Rev. 20: 7- 15 is a 24 hour period of time. WHEN you read EVERY scripture with the WORD " FOREVER" in it THEN you will have Yahweh's understanding of the "WORD FORVER". Until then you are leaning on your own understanding or the understanding of men wise in their own opinion. May Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures of things to come. Bless you You are not reading the scripture. You are reading words in a book. 2 Cor. 3: 6. The WORD " Forever" in the scripture is ALWAYS a fixed period of time. We are told not to lean on our own understanding. Pro. 3: 5- 6. When we lean on Yahweh's understanding We find that the WORD " Forever" is ALWAYS a fixed period of time. ALL different periods of time. In Jonah "forever" is " a day and a night". In levitcus "forever" is for 7 years. In another place “forever " is until a man dies. In another place " forever" is until the end of the age. In Gen. 3 " forever" is 1,000 years. In Rev. 20: 10 "forever " a day and a night. 24 hours. Rev. 20: 7- 15 is the LAST day of this corruptible creation. In Gen. 1 Yahweh created corruptible Time, Space and matter. 1ST day. Rev. 20: 7- 15 Yahweh will TAKE AWAY this corruptible Time, Space and Matter. The LAST DAY. John 6: 39, 40, 44, 53 and 54. Before Gen. 1: 1 There was the Everlasting incorruptible Kingdom of Yahweh. After Rev. 20: 7 - 15 The Everlasting Kingdom of Yahweh will CONTINUE. 1 Cor. 2: 9. IF your eye has seen it: IT is NOT in Yahweh's Everlasting incorruptible Kingdom. IF your ear has heard it: IT is NOT in Yahweh's Everlasting incorruptible Kingdom. IF you can imagine it: IT is NOT in Yahweh's Everlasting incorruptible Kingdom. Rev. 20: 7- 15 is the LAST day of this corruptible creation. Rev. chapters 21 and 22 commence at the second coming and are fufilled on the LAST day. Rev. 20: 7- 15. Rev. 20: 7- 15 is a 24 hour period of time. WHEN you read EVERY scripture with the WORD " FOREVER" in it THEN you will have Yahweh's understanding of the "WORD FORVER". Until then you are leaning on your own understanding or the understanding of men wise in their own opinion. May Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures of things to come. Bless you
+raymond lindroth proverbs 8:1 Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice?8:2 She standeth in the top of high places, by the way in the places of the paths.8:3 She crieth at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors.8:4 Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man.8:5 O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart.8:6 Hear; for I will speak of excellent things; and the opening of my lips shall be right things.8:7 For my mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness is an abomination to my lips.8:8 All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them.8:9 They are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that find knowledge.8:10 Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than choice gold.8:11 For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.8:12 I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.8:13 The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.8:14 Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength.8:15 By me kings reign, and princes decree justice.8:16 By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth.8:17 I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.8:18 Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness.8:19 My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver.8:20 I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment:8:21 That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures.8:22 The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old.8:23 I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was.8:24 When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water.8:25 Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth:8:26 While as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world.8:27 When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass upon the face of the depth:8:28 When he established the clouds above: when he strengthened the fountains of the deep:8:29 When he gave to the sea his decree, that the waters should not pass his commandment: when he appointed the foundations of the earth:8:30 Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him;8:31 Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men.8:32 Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye children: for blessed are they that keep my ways.8:33 Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not.8:34 Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors.8:35 For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the LORD.8:36 But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.
+Trevor Johnson Pro. chapter 8. Good council from Our Father.verse 17. This is talking about Yahweh. Jeremiah says the SAME. You shall seek Me with all your heart and you shall find me says Yahweh.Verse 22 - 31. Yahweh possesed His SON Yahshua from the beginning.Gen. 1: 3. Yahshua was put in the world on day 1 of creation.Gen. 6: 3. Yahshua spoke to Noah.Gen. 18: 25. yahshua spoke to Abraham.Gen. 32: 24- 29. Yahshua spoke to Jacob.Yahshua walked this earth for 3,600 years in His Incorruptible flesh and blood body and spoke to ALL the Prophets from Genesis to Malachi.Yahshua preached the Coming Kingdom of Yahweh to ALL the nations before the flood in His incorruptible flesh and blood body.Pro. 30: 4. Yahweh is His NAME and Yahshua is His SONS name.May Yahweh bless you
Weigh in on this~! Why! They know; their hearts are adamant, and will dismiss anyone who does not have an iota of authority. So, keep struggling with your mayhaps and wheretofores. Good luck und God bless
JESUS CHRIST said that once the tribulation commences, it will be shortened or else not one Christian will be left alive, listen to what Jesus said in his own words ok, which means when the tribulation starts all who are alive that are true Christians will be there as it happens, but it will be cut short so all do not parish. GOD BLESS YOU ALL, read the King James Version, its the only Bible that doesn't diminish the Divinity of JESUS CHRIST in any way. I Love you. Seek JESUS and remember, only GOD knows which will be the 2 Prophets. GOD BLESS
Shortened? It's already been shortened. The prophecies give us the exact amount of time in which the tribulation will last. It will last 1,335 days. As for only reading the KJV, that's just plan wrong. In the forward by the KJV translators they recommend that we read other translations to get a better understanding of the Word. There are excellent translations available, more accurately translated then the KJV (RNKJV is one of them, same with the ISR). I think I know what Bibles you are speaking about, like the NIV and most of the newer translations that definitely do downplay the Messiah's authority and power. They claim that the older codices are more accurate and that those codices do not use the powerful titles of our Messiah as much as the Majority Text. Codex Vaticanus and codex Alexandria I believe. Older doesn't mean better. But be aware, there are mistakes in the KJV and you can find better translations for specific verses. This is a fact, I'm not making it up my friend.-peace.
Rev 1:20 specifically tells us that 'lampstands' are 'churches' and the 'two witnesses' are the 'two lampstands' (Rev 11:4), so why do we see these as two men, rather than two churches? Just curious.
Lampstands give light. Both the churches and individuals can be used of God to give light to others. Olive branches are Jews, so not the church. These two individuals represent the Law and the Prophets. The Jews will finally realise that both of those pointed to Jesus Christ as the Messiah.
the only two men who didn't die in the bible was enoch and elija . but if you also look there are many times that Christ shows up in the old testament also . even adam said I know my redeemer liveith and when Joshua was about to cross the Jordan to battle jehrico that he met the angel of the lord but he was told to take off his sandles because he was standing on holy ground. this was only previously stated when moses was in front of the burning bush. so I believe that Joshua was actually in the presence of Christ since Christ is the word and the physical body of god. and also when the three men appeared to Abraham before they went to Sodom and Gomorrah I think they were Christ and the two angels that always stand in his presence so I suspect that it is these two angels that will be the two witnesses that are talked about in the revelation of Christ since it also declairs that the witnesses are before Christ always
Jorge Diaz if this was the old and new testaments. How did they lay dead in the street, and we're refused a burial, and people sent presents to each other to celebrate. Read those verses again.
Ive always wondered why the 2 witness have to be humans that have already lived... i don't know why they can't be 2 completely new humans. Just like John the Baptist was "the Elijah that was to come"
The church that is raptured never will taste death. Therefore it's not mandatory for Elijah or Enoch to taste death either. It was credited to them as righteousness just like Father Abraham. The lambstand and olive trees are the CHURCH and ISRAEL. THE TWO WITNESSES!!
The christens all dye dailey .We as Christians we'll die daily and before the church will be raptured all Christians will have died daily they will be perfected through the Living Word of God and are new creatures in Jesus Christ the two witnesses will be two people who are chosen by God they could be a man or a woman or two men whoever God chooses they will have the spirit of Moses and Elijah the same as John the Baptist had the spirit of Elijah to deliver the message of the first coming of Jesus Christ these two witnesses could be Jew and a gentile we should ask our lord Jesus these questions for the Bible clearly tells us to let every man is word be a lie and let God's word be true this will come when you pray to the father as Peter did when Jesus asked him who do you say I am the solid rock that the church is built upon is the Living Word of God revealed bye the living Christ you can't go wrong when Jesus gives you the revelation directly through prayer
the 2 witnesses is the old and new testament!!! The word of God!!! Study it and you'll surely put it together!!! God has promised to show you the truth if you search for truth with all your heart!
The Two Witnesses are no human beings, Chuck is mistaken. The Scriptures are used to define symbols, allegories, or literal events. The Two witnesses are the Two olive trees (the Holy Spirit) and the Word of YHWH (The Scriptures themselves). The 144,000 who are sealed are the chosen ones who will preach the gospel to the whole earth during the 1,260 days of tribulation.
the two witnesses are men-"dressed in sackcloth" REV 11. one is a jew the other a gentile. the gentile witness is preparing the church for the rpture..after which he will be sent to israel to join the jewish witness. if u can please look up DR DAVID OWUOR.
henry mango Sorry but no, you're wrong and I'll tell you why. The Bible must interpret all analogous language and symbols itself. 2Peter 1:20 makes it clear that there are no private interpretations of prophecy. Why do you think Revelation mentions 144,000 Israelites (not of blood but of the Spirit)? They will carry out the gospel message to the whole world, then the end will come. The Two witnesses are the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit and they will empower the 144,000 to preach the gospel during the great tribulation. I understand why you believe what you believe but I have to tell you it is an erroneous doctrine. There are many clues in the Tanakh that prove this. There isn't going to be some pre-tribulation rapture, there will not be some "seven year peace treaty" or anything like it. All of these teachings are dead wrong and the Scriptures themselves attest to that. Daniel 9:24-27 is talking about Messiah (the covenant He makes with many in the middle of the 70th week was Him dying for all of us. The 70th week ended with the stoning of Stephen). Yahushua made this clear by using the exact same language found in Daniel during the last supper (passover). Why would the Father remove the salt of the earth (His holy people) when the world needs them more then ever during the great tribulation? And why did Yahushua (whom you call "Jesus") pray to the Father to keep us in the world? Why did Paul say that we would be with the Messiah "at the last trump" if we're all supposed to be raptured away before the great tribulation? The last trump happens at the very end, just before the great and terrible day of the Father. Think about this next point deeply; Why would you and I get a pass, being His holy children, when Noah had to go through the flood, when the Twelve tribes had to go through the slavery in Egypt for 400 years, when the prophets were murdered for His word, and most importantly, He allowed His only Son to suffer and die for us. The great tribulation is a time of testing for everyone, including the assembly of YHWH, called Israel. We will be on the earth when the great tribulation commences. But remember, pray you are worth and you may escape these things (live through the tribulation) to see Yahushua coming in the clouds. Pray you will make it to the end of the 1,335 days prophesied by Daniel. If you or I make it then we will be transformed, in the twinkling of an eye, and be with our Savior in the air.
Wow i can’t get over how much disinformation is in this comment section. I tend to listen to and give great respect to what the late Chuck Missler has to say even though he repeatedly said not to take his word for anything, but search the scriptures for yourself. Work out your own salvation in fear and trembling. I miss you horribly Dr. Missler though we never met. Would love to give you a great big hug someday in the here after.
Daniel and John were the only TWO who were brought through visions to the end times, and shown what will happen at the time of the end. Daniel and John.
Note: Enoch & Elijah did not see death and were taken into Heaven (Genesis 5:21-24 & 2 King 2:1-11). 2 And two very ancient men met them, and were asked by the saints, Who are ye, who have not yet been with us in hell, and have had your bodies placed in Paradise? 3 One of them answering, said, I am Enoch, who was translated by the word of God: 5 and this man who is with me, is Elijah the Tishbite, who was translated in a fiery chariot. 6 4 Here we have hitherto been, and have not tasted death, but are now about to return at the coming of Antichrist, being armed with divine signs and miracles, to engage with him in battle, and to be slain by him at Jerusalem, and to be taken up alive again into the clouds, after three days and a half. 7 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
I believe you are right on point with Enoch and Elijah because they were the only 2 people taken to heaven that never died on earth. It makes sense that they are being saved for something special. The miracle and gift of resurrection is different than being taken to heaven. Jesus told his apostles that Lazarus was sleeping when Lazarus had died. Also in the New Testament, Phillip was "translated"/teleported by God to a different geographical location to continue preaching the Good News after baptizing an Ethiopian eunuch in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I have never heard of Enoch being referred to as a Gentile... The scripture you gave from Genesis chapter 5 tells the lineage of Enoch & how he was the father of Methuselah, but I have never heard anyone refer to Adam, Seth, Methuselah or Noah as Gentiles. Hebrews 11:4-7 4 By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh. 5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. 6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. 7 By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith. There is an account of 1 resurrection in the Old Testament. 2 Kings 13:20-21 20And Elisha died and was buried. Now the Moabite raiders used to come into the land every spring. 21Once, as the Israelites were burying a man, suddenly they saw a band of raiders, so they threw the man’s body into Elisha’s tomb. And as soon as his body touched the bones of Elisha, the man was revived and stood up on his feet.
I hope this helps in clearing up any confusion as to who these wonderful and awesome and loving and faithful two witnesses are: John 5:39(KJV) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. Acts 20:28 (KJV) 28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the HOLY GHOST hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with HIS OWN BLOOD. Revelation 1:5(KJV) And from JESUS CHRIST, who is the faithful WITNESS, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in HIS OWN BLOOD, Hebrews 10:15(KJV) Whereof the HOLY GHOST also is a WITNESS to us: for after that he had said before,
We don't know exactly when they're going to appear, but if you're in Christ you're part of the church and you won't be here when that happens. Do you think God is going to pour His judgment out against his bride ?God (Jesus) wants a clean and spotless bride for the marriage supper which will probably be going on as this happens.
The LAW for the old covenant people required two witnesses to accuse anyone of breaking the law. The harlot (unfaithful wife) who had committed whoredom with the nations around her was accused of breaking the covenant law by two witnesses and their bodies were thrown over the wall of Jerusalem. Those two high priests were recorded by Josephus, the Jewish historian. One cannot understand the bible without some knowledge of Hebrew law, customs, language and their history. The high priests administered the LAW and had the gift of prophesy.
I have read in one of the lost books of the bible where God tells the writer that the two prophets are Enoch and Elijah ,which book I can not remember.
I just got a premonition, if that's even the correct word for what , at this moment came to me. And it is that I had a mighty wind come upon my breath and my heart filled with what felt like winds but yet waves, of fluttering Joy. And I heard the Name, Moses: Witness of The 1st Exodus And 2nd Name came out of my mouth as I stood up and spoke out loud, but it didn't sound like my voice. The name was .... John The Baptist, Witness of The 2nd Exodus. I heard waves and flapping of wings. And just had to share this.
The two witnesses are not named in the Bible but the good book does say they stand in the presence of the living God thus becoming His two witnesses. It says very little about them but it remarks about them having power. Nothing can stop their testimony.
Matthew 24:37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. Luke 17:26 “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. Based on this, I believe it would be much smarter to have Enoch, who was in the world during those days, thus, he may be more equipped to recognize the traps we need to be aware of... just a thought...
All my wasted years of high school I could have been learning this,very interesting
I left for a time ~ this I regret deeply ~ this prodigal returned ~ Thank you FATHER Thru my Messiah ~ Yeshua!
Seventh Dominion The two witness told me to send y’all this
I Am Witness
Or, you could have been born in an Islamic many years would have been wasted then?
So true!
The Lord has me studying the Book of Revelations with Mr. Missler. What God has gifted him in the ability to teach and unlock truth along with connecting the old with the new for a panoramic view of the entire Bible is remarkable. What he now knows about the witnesses I’m sure he is smiling knowing wow, look at those two men powerful and faithful and ready to be brought back to the earth to complete God’s work, and yes, totally willing to die so that they both can then be resurrected into their glorified body like Jesus. I can only imagine what Chuck Missler sees right now from the inside court from heaven.
The two witnesses have already been fulfilled. it's not future
They came during the time in Jerusalem when there were consecutive Wars within the inhabited land.
Jesus said that there will be great tribulation not since there was a nation even to this time No Nor Ever shall be.
70Ad was the beginning of Sorrows because the Wars commenced in Jerusalem from 115ad through 1967ad the six day war these wars were the great tribulation that Jesus spoke of in Matt.24.
There is no such thing as a 7 year tribulation period if that was true Jesus would be still waiting to enter into the Holy place in heaven but Jesus has already entered into the holy place once and for all time
God bless 🙏
I personally think we are Revelation 16 after the great Earthquake heading into the 7th bowl, where do you think we are
I also think the two witnesses are the scriptures and the saints
@pattymaier2141 The book of Revelation has already been fulfilled its not in our future
Thank you Mr.Chuck Missler for all you wonderful teachings.
Except that these are not Moses and Elijah. They are the 2 Lampstands and the 2 olive trees. Romans 11 will tell you who the olive trees are same as in Zacharia 4. The Lampstands are a metaphor for the church, the light to the world not to mention the 7! churches are tired to Lampstands.
I love the fact that GOD is sovereign and can do whatever he pleases , whether we can understand it or not. There are many examples in the Bible where humanity says "Wait! How can this be?" Our GOD is truly Awesome!😁😁😁
Hello children of the one true living God, please ask the Lord to let the Holy Spirit cleanse you and to guide you. And provide you with wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and discernment.
Very little sound Doctrine is being taught today. I pray that the Lord will help me understand Scriptures. I have so much sorrow in my heart. Many people are being led astray. So many are lost. It's too much to bare sometimes.
I agree with Rims, I feel the same. I pray for us All time is running out it is written my people are destroyed by lack of knowledge. I believe this man is Spirit led. There is also Sandu Sandar Selvaraj plus Neville Johnson. David Wilkerson there are men that are speaking the truth in the world. And some are false.
Roger that big brother !
Thank you for your prayers, Michael.
It's Jesus Christ who cleansed your sin debt already never to be remembered again. The Spirit is sent to point Christ, the Spirit does not cleans you, it just directs you to Christ as being the one true God.
I just found this guy love it! Best ever! Eye opening
Thank you Koinonia House for sharing this video with us.
Great anointing on this man of God.
I like how he said Enoch was a symbol of the rapture
Wisdom abound
Chuck Missler appeared in a dream to me a few weeks ago explaining about the antichrist and mark of the beast. Since then, I started to watch him and he’s pretty good. Glory to God
Had you been aware of him before your dream or did you see/hear his name in your dream? That’s pretty extraordinary.
He may be pretty good but he doesn't know anything. Here are the witnesses, 1 "O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel,...10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen:" Isaiah 43
@@markh4926 and you're no better.
Dr. Missler, I just love listening to your teaching :) Bummer, I have been in the Boise area for a few months and haven't made it up to your church yet:( Maybe soon :) I just added you and Nancy to my daily prayer list, I saw her in Washington at a women's conference (Camano Island) and just love her so much (who doesn't?) !!! Please tell her I will be praying for her and give her a big ol' hug for me :)
Major hugs, jana
I'm close to there as well...Missler's Church is nearby?... very awesome!! Ole RV ;) I want to do a "Is God Real" themed camper for research. I noticed we both love the same peeps!!
I would love to see Chuck and Nancy's reunion in Heaven, we will miss his insights and zeal for revelation in the scriptures!
We're closer now than ever before ~ 12Nov2019 ~ Yeshua!
Hasn't even been 3 whole months since u posted this.Now we r in January 2020 and n that short time look what all has blown up as far as prophesy.The time is definitely near.Amen n God bless you!
I Am Witness
Dec 27th 1:58 am 2020, even closer!
Come LORD Jesus!
December 2024, seriously, any day now. The muslims are getting saved by the hundreds. God is still moving in great ways.
We are all looking up waiting for our redemption💕
Good message about the two witnesses. Thank you.
If Chuck Missler believed these two will be the two witnesses...then so do I...
1 "O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel,...10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen:" Isaiah 43
I love & appreciate chuck missler & his teachings! He will be missed! But God always knows best! Praise His Holy Name now & forever!
The two witness will come,. Gods word is true.
ya and gods word said to drink jesus blood and eat his flesh ( cannablism ??) no !! the bible clearly told us the 2 wittnesses are the olive branch and candlestick , and other verses plainly tell us the candlestick and and olive branch is the christians and the jews !!!!
Wine and bread - "do these in remembrance of me".
God and Christ ,all thinks come to pass but not word?
Angel Woman ok
Well bring them on already
What a great teacher.
God really buried this one, right under our noses. It's amazing how many think Elijah and Moses, when Zech. 1-4; Haggia 2 and Jeremiah 50:42-46 specifically identify them as Joshua and Zerubbabel and also shows that they will show up right after the Gog/Magog war (which is also a clue since Israel burns the weapons for "7 years"). The two witnesses show up right after this. In Acts 3, Deut. 18 is quoted where Moses said there would be a prophet "like unto me" raised up in the latter days. Moses and Aaron were Levites, priests. So too is Joshua, the high priest in Zech. 2. In addition, in Haggai 2:23, the Lord says He has "chosen Zerubbabel" as His signet. Jeremiah 50:44 asks "who is a chosen man"; the context of these verses is right after the armies of Gog are defeated. The horses and chariots and "every man's sword shall be against his brother" (see Jer. 50:44; Micah 5:10; Haggai 2:22; Ez. 38:4,15,21; Ez. 39:20).
Also, Zerubbabel means "child or seed of Babylon" as he was born in Babylon. And he will come "not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord" and lead Israel "out of Babylon" just as Moses (meaning "to draw out") was born in Egypt and led the children of Israel out of Egypt (see Zech. 2:7; 4:6). Just as in the precedent set by John the Baptist, who also came in the power and spirit of Elijah, so too will Zerubbabal come in the power and spirit of Elijah. Remember, Jesus said Elijah will surely come, but I tell you he has come already.....indicating that it does not have to be Elijah himself. Elijah was "scared" for his life and ran....he will not be one of the two witnesses, maybe initially God has chosen him, but then chose Zerubbabel to fulfill this mission. Also, remember in 2 Kings 2 - some prophets wanted to "look for Elijah" but Elisha said no, "DO NOT LOOK FOR HIM". And it says they looked for "3 Days and FOUND HIM NOT".
Lastly, Just as John is given a measuring rod in Rev. 11:1; so too does Zech. vision in chapter 2 begin with a man measuring Jerusalem. In Rev. 11, we then immediately read about the 2 Witnesses. In Zech, we read the Joshua is standing before the Lord, and Satan, the the Lord rebukes Satan (sound like Moses' body in Jude). Then Zech. sees the two olive trees, golden bowl and 7 lamps burning. Then we read about Zerubbabel and then Zechariah is specifically told in Zech. 4:14 that these two are the "anointed ones which stand y the Lord of the earth."
It has been right there in Scripture the whole time, but most people don't take the time to study and think it through. Just as Joshua and Zerubbabel led the nation of Israel back to God and to rebuild the 2nd Temple (see Haggai); so too will they be used by God during the first 3.5 years of the 70th Week, to turn Israel back to God and to lead in the rebuilding of the 3rd/Tribulation temple - just in time for the mid-trib "abomination of desolation" to occur.
Revelation 12 Ministries Congratulations you have deep understanding of the Word of God.
I am He ZERRUBABEL -I have slot of proof to show the whole Word that I am the End time Elijah/Zerrubabel because after coming out from the 21days Daniel prayer and fasting-I was told by my Master JESUS told prophecy 1260 score days as ZERRUBBABEL- on 29/6/18-
I have visited Heaven many times and been visited by many of the ancient prophets in the Bible. The found Myself before Moses and Elijah the Transfiguration in the month of May 2018 and 2017 23/5/17 Jesus told me I have
ANNOINTED you with the special anointing of Elijah and Moses.
I have been visited by Moses and Elijah about 5 times now and they came to Empower,Strengthen,Give me the Fire but ALL i can say is that I was filled with so much power to accomplish this purpose. I do not know if they are other Witnesses that are prophesied in Revelation 11,Malachi 4,Zachariah,Matthew 17,Haggai 2.
But all I know as the Holy Spirit is my WITNESS -I am the Endtime ELIJAH and ZERUBABEL-With the KEY OF DAVID-Because I saw myself and my Wife in Heaven been crowned as a KING and QUEEN -The first creation of ADAM AND EVE-I was also told I had been promoted to the HIGHEST RANK in the Kingdom of GOD-MAJOR GENERAL on 3/8/18 and promoted to the HIGHEST level in the Kingdom of God on 5/8/18- which is LEVEL 13.
check me on FaceBook sambo sambo or text me on whatsapp +260979602188 and I will reply to you and send you audio messages I have been sending to the body of Christ many times to prepare and repent because we are in the 7years TRIBULATION.
When you check and scrutinize the prophecies of Events yet to come and of which many have come to pass-Then you will have discovered the prophesied Elijah and Zerrubabel.
I carry a Kingly anointing of David and Solomon because JESUS told me that I am ROYALTY of which I never knew all my life.
I agree with you. I came to the same conclusion. Zechariah seems to explain the exact thing talked about in Rev.11:4. When I looked in the center column notes ( verse cross reference) it led me to Zechariah. Thanks for your post.
My picks as well. The two lamps olive trees
The LAW for the old covenant people required two witnesses to accuse anyone of breaking the law. The harlot (unfaithful wife) who had committed whoredom with the nations around her was accused of breaking the covenant law by two witnesses and their bodies were thrown over the wall of Jerusalem. Those two high priests were recorded by Josephus, the Jewish historian.
One cannot understand the bible without some knowledge of Hebrew law, customs, language and their history.
The high priests administered the LAW and had the gift of prophesy.
Miss you teaching us...
Post script,
Since there is no definitive answer given in scripture,any theories are based on extrapolation, mine included.
Therefore no dogma can be set.
Therefore we should be like the Bereans and be open to idea's as long as scripture is used for evidence.
Out of the fullness of heart the mouth speaks.
Jim Frugia + Well said.
There is a an answer to this question however the answer comes from a Gentile condemned for crucifying the lord of Glory PIlate has something to say about this matter but people rejected his testimony. Note: Enoch & Elijah did not see death and were taken into Heaven (Genesis 5:21-24 & 2 King 2:1-11).
2 And two very ancient men met them, and were asked by the saints, Who are ye, who have not yet been with us in hell, and have had your bodies placed in Paradise?
3 One of them answering, said, I am Enoch, who was translated by the word of God: 5 and this man who is with me, is Elijah the Tishbite, who was translated in a fiery chariot. 6
4 Here we have hitherto been, and have not tasted death, but are now about to return at the coming of Antichrist, being armed with divine signs and miracles, to engage with him in battle, and to be slain by him at Jerusalem, and to be taken up alive again into the clouds, after three days and a half. 7 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Arch Cast most assume who these two are...but reject the scriptural link of the two olive trees that stand before the throne.
Go back to the ONLY reference for this, in Zachariah, then that opens a whole new study !
Thank you Dr Missler...:)
Chuck, i will share with you something that most don't know, and that is that just as John the baptist was the spirit of Elijah, John the apostle was the spirit of Moses. I don't know how its possible, but i know its true, and that all things are possible with God, it's what he has shown me in visions and dreams. Shalom.
I like this pastor!
I've always thought and still do think the two witnesses will be types of Mosses and Elijah.
jerryjamify The two witness told me to send y’all this
catching touchdowns over the enemy...i see it.
In a Strongs concordance it means 'instruction'. It's the two golden candlesticks. The Word. The old and new testaments.
The LAW for the old covenant people required two witnesses to accuse anyone of breaking the law. The harlot (unfaithful wife) who had committed whoredom with the nations around her was accused of breaking the covenant law by two witnesses and their bodies were thrown over the wall of Jerusalem. Those two high priests were recorded by Josephus, the Jewish historian.
One cannot understand the bible without some knowledge of Hebrew law, customs, language and their history.
The high priests administered the LAW and had the gift of prophesy.
I sure don't know. I just want be rdy. Come Lord Jesus come quickly. Amen
Enoch and Elijah the only two that did not see death.
No, there are others too like John the Revelator. He never died.
The scripture your thinking of is talking about Jesus only having to die once for the people it doesn't have anything to do with people only being allowed to die once because we know from scripture that some have died multiple times, and that some won't die. Take the rapture for example, if you believe that we all have to die once then you would after being raptured have to come back to die so you can get your one death in. It doesn't have anything to do with us it was speaking of Christ our Savior.
The two witnesses will be the Christian's and the jews that already believe in jesus. Read in the bible what an olive tree represent.
Look up Mathew robert Payne from Australia.
@@southseasprincess9485 -
The Apostle John did not die a martyr's death, but he died nevertheless.
The 2 witnesses are the 2 who spoke with Jesus on top of the hill.
It’s Moses and Elijah, but you are also correct if you say John and John, cause I have been shown that the apostle John was the spirit of Moses the same spirit and that the spirit of John the Baptist was that of Elijah the same spirit somehow allowed to go on multiple missions for our God and King. Shalom.
Would it be fair to say the two witnesses may be the Two Churches, i.e., The Bride of Yahweh and The Bride of Christ?
Different perspective, what about the two people mentioned in the Bible who never died? Elijah and Enoch.
@@brettbrignac7591 No, Moses and Elijah are the two witnesses two individuals. Shalom
The sprit of M oses and E lijah
Fweekin googeel
Spirit of Elijah was in John the Baptist
Kevin Martin The two witness told me to send y’all this
I Am Witness
@@colin31928 you're witness to a deleted video.
I'm likely missing something here, but someone remind me why it's assumed that the two witnesses will be resurrected OT saints as opposed to simply being contemporary tribulation saints?
Not sure what your question is but. The word says man only dies once so the witnesses have to be someone that hasn't died yet because they get killed in Jerusalem and are resurrected after three days and then Jesus comes down.
Nope, Elijah and Enoch are the 2 because everybody has to die.
Superb explanation even I teach as Elijah and Moses
I believe it is Elijah and Moses, I wonder though if they will come in the spirit of them as John the Baptist's had in a new body, different earthly identity.. I don't know though, concretely, how could you right now? I sure hope if the rapture happens before, we can still.. you know, watch the action. if not, I will be a huge two witness fan.. (running for my life and all)
Enoch and Eli
Only the spirit of Elijah and the spirit of Moses Chuck Missler is one of the best teachers I have ever heard he is extremely intelligent he has a wonderful spirit but we will follow the spirit of Jesus Christ no man is perfect that's why we all need the Holy Spirit to teach us all things only Jesus knows the answers and he will reveal the truth when we need it just keep on good terms with Jesus and his teachers
You are completely correct, Mr Missler.
The Two Witnesses are Elijah and Moses.
The Bible, especially Revelation, uses a writing style that's common in Semitic language. It often introduces ideas in one chapter and expands on them in the next. This happens with the two witnesses in Revelation 11 and expands in 12.
In Rev chapter 12:16, we see this interesting bit:
"The serpent tried to sweep away the woman with a flood from its mouth. But the earth helped her by swallowing the flood."
Then it talks about the dragon going after "the rest of her offspring." So, who are these offspring?
Is it Jews only or, is it the Church also?
The next verse gives us a clue:
Rev 12:17 Then the dragon (Islam) became furious with the woman (in bible Israel is Woman) and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God (Jews) and those who hold to the testimony of Jesus (Church).
The language of Revelation 12, the persecution of Israel, and really even bigger than Israel-the people of God who follow Jesus (and they’re also linked to this 1260-day stuff and the “time, times, and half a time”)
So, in short, it seems the "The Witnesses" here means all believers in Jesus, and ethnic Jews.
John the Revalotor never finished his ministry either, as he was told... “you must again testify before many...”
And his testimony continues from the end of the 2300 day/ actual year timeline, exactly as God declared , in 1844 when the keys of Daniel were unlocked and then used to decipher the Revelation. We are in the time of the end.
@@richardpotter6313 Peter said that they were in the time of the end. 1 Pet 4:7. Can't be 2000 years later. So what was coming to an end? Heb 8:13.
@@ThePatriots2012 He said the end of all things is at hand. In other words the way it was worded, the sum of all things - Christ Jesus and the kingdom of God. People often say that the way Revelation is worded it is the end of time but the end of the 2300 year period is the time of the end. Last era. Just like when the angel declared time no more, you'll notice that all of the prophecies that had specific time were completed. Now all we have left are event prophecies, such as cashless society etc.. Most people also think that the new covenant means that the law was nailed to the cross as well, and it's just not so. The handwritten ordinances were , as stated but the new covenant still includes the commandments of God BUT love was added. The ol heart of flesh He even spoke about in the old testament repeatedly.
@@richardpotter6313 The New covenant is not subject to angels (Heb 2:5, 3rd party mediators, priests, prophets, etc( therefore any passage that mentions angels carrying out commands is of the old. The close of the old covenant was near but did not arrive until all the old elements were burnt in the fire of 70 AD.
@@ThePatriots2012 I'm not following what you're talking about exactly. I was talking about when John was on Patmos and the angel declared 'time no more' and what it means prophetically. There's a definite timeline shewn. It coincides with the 70 weeks of Daniel - which gave the exact season and year Christ was Baptized, crucified and when Stephen was stoned. That's when God was done with them. Both that prophecy and the 2300 days have the same starting point- when Artixerxes gave the command to rebuild and restore Jerusalem in 457 bc. God gave them 490 years to get their act together. Now we only become as His people (even called Jews in scripture) by following Christ ...His way, not our own.
There is no council against the Lord. Don't forget that. Thanks for your video. God bless you
The two witnesses are the olive trees and candlesticks..Revelation 11:3-5...the Jews and the church are the "olivetrees" and the churches are the 2 lampstands🤷♀️..zechariah 4:14, Jerm 11:6, Roman's 11:16-26, acts 1:8, Rev 11:3...the spirit of man s the candle of the Lord..Jesus said we are the light stand..also see Rev. 1:12..
Jesus told his disciples that Elijah already came in John the Baptist...Matthew 17:12-23..Lule 1:17..the angel told Zachariah that his sons name would be John's and he would be in the spirit of Elijah..the 2 witnesses are the jews who are converted and the new believers or church in the faith of Christ during the tribulation..
Appointed once to die doesn't apply because some of us will never die when we are raptured.
I love the teachings that chuck brings to us, and I've learned so much from him. I have watched and listened to him so many times, and I'm afraid this is the only time I've come to disagree with any interpretation of chucks. That doesn't mean I think he's wrong, he could very well be correct. Long story short, it would take to much typing to explain why and I came up with this idea, but I believe the two witnesses, the two olive trees, represent two groups of people, and not two individuals. One of the trees represent the Jews that in those times have came back to Christ and accepted him, the other would be a group of Gentiles that refuse to deny Christ. Who really knows for sure?! That's the best I could come up with from all my studies. Like I said, there are many reasons why I've come to take this view.
What if the Lord is keeping it a secret. He kept many things to keep things safe.this is interesting and I will ponder this and seek answers .
Mark 13:23 KJV But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.
Yehovah kept nothing from us. All was taught out in the open.
deanna.m deason The two witness told me to send y’all this
Two witnesses will likely be the Apostle John and James. Read Matthew 20:20-23, then read Revelation 10:11. James and John (sons of Zebedee) agreed to drink the cup that Jesus drinks. Jesus prophesied for 3 1/2 years, so do the two witnesses. Jesus was killed at the end, so will the two witnesses be killed at the end of their prophesying. Jesus was dead for 3 days, so will the two witnesses be dead 3 days. Jesus was resurrected after 3 days and went to heaven, so too will the two witnesses. This is the "cup" John and James agreed to drink. Then you see the angel telling John that John would prophesy to many peoples, nations, tongues and kings (the whole world). That's what the two witnesses do.
Praise the LORD!
Listen the two witnesses will have the spirit of Elijah and Moses be like unto them it could be anyone that has the spirit
You are right. Note the transfiguration, on the 6th day, which signifies 6000 years, or soon before Christ's true second coming(which happens AFTER the Antichrist's death). Also the spirit of Moses comes to educate, and free the Hebrews (Christians) from Egypt and Pharoah (the antichrist body of people, or beast, and the Antichrist himself respectively). Then comes the spirit of Elijah like the John the Baptist to pave the way for Christ's second coming. Note Enoch and Elijah both died in bodily form. The significance of them being 'taken' was to signify they wouldn't turn to dust ( like Adam and Eve), but were guaranteed a resurrection at the appropriate time.
these witnesses will have the POWER OF GOD!!
Debra Tefs Be careful you don't miss them. And if you do listen to their testimony. That is their true purpose : to bear witness to Jesus message , and testify against the wickedness in the world. Their divine power merely protects them to complete their witness, and cement their position as God's messengers.
It is longer than 6000yrs since Adam's creation, so the deception has begun.
Clay What about the year 5777?
Daniel and John both was told to seal up the book that Jesus was giving them in a vision. He told Daniel Daniel 12:13
But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days. And he told John Revelation of John 10:11
And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.
Isnt it possible these are the two witnesses?
@@harveywabbit9541 lol. Take your voodoo hoodoo out of here guy. Do you think that will bring you salvation. GODS words are true. Not your myths
@@harveywabbit9541 how about your many myths are a copy of Gods words about Moses. You people hijack everything for your satanic cult.
@@harveywabbit9541 your denial of historical facts in no way means they are not true. It does however prove that you are a liar and no truth is in you.
@@harveywabbit9541 your great grandparents are fairy tales. Prove they existed. As I said, take your ignorance and lies to your gay friends. No one here will believe you. But it appears you want attention. Ask Jesus to show himself to you. You just mat be surprised at what happens.
@@harveywabbit9541 and liars do not get to go back through genealogy and say, no not real. What's not real is your words. They are lies. You've already proven that
Greetings, I have been a fan of yours since I attended your Bible studies at calvary chapel costa mesa many years ago.
Chuck, I have a problem and a different opinion on this topic.because you do not bring in Zechariah's vision in chapter 4. Without this, I see how you and many others come to various conclusions. I believe this is a huge mistake. The Lord revealed to the apostle John that the two witnesses are the two olive trees. You have to explain this revelation. Without this, you do not have the whole council of God.
This is, I believe the key to the identity of the two witnesses. This seems to be the epicenter of the confusion. If I have missed something, then this is where you can help clarify.
I have heard you say that, where you have made mistakes in your interpretation, that it was because you did not take the scripture literally. With respect, I think this is the case here. This is what I would need explained. How could Elijah and Moses or Enoch or the Old and New testament be the two olive trees? Why does no one see this? It plainly pictures that the olive trees are the sorce, the start,the beginning of the fresh oil. Did Elijah or Moses ever claim to be the sorce of the anointing? No they did not! They knew that the sorce of their anoiting was God. The prophet Zechariah asked what the visions meaning was. The answer that he was given could not
be any clearer. Not by might nor by power (human might or human power) but by my spirit, saith the Lord.
I believe, the ministry of the two witnesses is like that of Messiah. It could not be performed by human beings.
Question, why, when Daniel was so precise in his prophecies about the last days,did he not mention the two witnesses. I believe he did. But he was told to shut up the vision. It was to be understood in the last days. I see the two witnesses in chapter 8, the ram with the two horns. I know you teach this is speaking of Alexander the great and the Medo-Persian empire, but would not explain why Daniel became sick to his stomach and fainted. Or for the fact that in verse 19,21 and 26 Daniel was told that the vision was a prophecy for the last days. I know what I'm suggesting is a wild idea. I thought that if this were true,it would have to have scripture to back it up. And so I continued my search.
It is said that the heart of Judaism is the temple, and the heart of the temple is the altar. This is where I found my answer!
I began a Bible study concerning the altar and specifically about the daily sacrifice. It was also known by the perpetual sacrifice. The animals used were three. In the morning was a lamb offered, and in the evening a bull and a ram. Without spot or blemish is the key. I believe that the two witnesses are represented in the evening sacrifice. Their blood was used to anoint the Holy of Holies and poured out at the base of the altar,just as the blood of the lamb was.
They are the evening sacrifice that will be taken away! Stated in Daniel. When they are killed and the beast sets himself up as god this is the abomination that causes desolation. This is why the vision made Daniel sick,as it would any saint.
Why are the two witnesses invincible until 1,260 are fulfilled, just as Jesus!
Please look into this. That is all I ask.
We are about to see why,your statment is true, that there is more written about this time than any other.
Shalom in Yeshua the Christ
E-mail at
Sadly, teachers as this will not answer questions as these not because they do not know this information but it goes against their teachings and they do not how to answer the questions.
Daniel Whittaker
If Mr. Missler were to answer every question posed to him, he would not have time for anything else. I suggest that this question be sent to the proper department, if there is one. One man can not take care of everyone's concerns.
This is a fair question, but you can not expect that Mr. Missler (especially now, that he is gone to Heaven) would read comments left on You Tube. I would like to know what a Koinenia House study of this question turn up.
Two witnesses will likely be the Apostle John and James. Read Matthew 20:20-23, then read Revelation 10:11. James and John (sons of Zebedee) agreed to drink the cup that Jesus drinks. Jesus prophesied for 3 1/2 years, so do the two witnesses. Jesus was killed at the end, so will the two witnesses be killed at the end of their prophesying. Jesus was dead for 3 days, so will the two witnesses be dead 3 days. Jesus was resurrected after 3 days and went to heaven, so too will the two witnesses. This is the "cup" John and James agreed to drink. Then you see the angel telling John that John would prophesy to many peoples, nations, tongues and kings (the whole world). That's what the two witnesses do.
You can not discover the identity of the two witnesses without showing how James and John fit into the vision of the two olive trees Zachariah 4:11. (This is the key 🗝️)
You make the same mistake Chuck Missler did...and many others.
VERY interesting.Ive always wandered about this.
I've met at least 15 lunatics claiming to be one of the witnesses. I think half of them are in this comment section.
haha! well said!
Maybe theyre just hearing from the 2 witnesses. God is patient and kind. Pray for them & bless them,they obviously seek the spirit.
Chuck is a good teacher. He also believes in the muliplicity of scriptural meanings so America is indeed one possibility of interpretation. To often we argue that our interpretation is the only one when many times we may all have just a fragment of the entire truth. So you are as right as any of us. We all see through a glass darkly.
So you say the church is going to be rapture, so who is going through tribulation,
Who endured to the end, then why is he shortened the days of tribulation less no flesh left alive for his elect sake, and why did Jesus said immediately after tribulation you shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory everyone will see him even the one that pierced his side, and he sent his angels to gather his elect to the other party of the earth. . So the church will not be tested?, they're are greater than the master?,
Jesus said I suffer, and you will too for my sake for the servant is not greater than the master. Who shall lose his life for my sake, will have a crown of righteousness. We have His seal , and no one can pluck us out of His hand. And I can keep going on.
And what about the 105 million standing by the throne of God who had lost their life.
What is going on her.
The great multitude standing before the Lord in heaven could also be the raptured, so that part isn't clear for me. As for the believer in the Greatest Tribulation, there won't be many, and it seems that all of them will be beheaded, as they are the only ones resurrected afterwards to reign in the millennium. The rest if the dead aren't resurrected until the end of the millennium. The other folks alive just prior to the millennium are judged as sheep or goats, the sheep are ushered into the millennium, the goats are executed. I think the criteria for that will be how did they treat the persecuted elect during the tribulation. Whatsoever you have done unto these, you have done unto me.
A question, how did you you come up with the number 105 million?
Yeah I was wondering that too :)
Anthony Loy , the foolish virgin will go through the tribulation to wake them up...that's my belief
I think you`re right. Happy Easter, guys! Christ is risen!
Good stuff Mr.Missler. One point of contention I have is that God could give any prophet any "ability". God is the Power, the prophet is only a conduit. And one conduit is as good as another.
Lorne Virgin True. It all comes from God.
Both Elijah & Enoch never tasted death. God buried Moses after he died. Based on this fact, I believe they are the 2 witnesses.
it is appointed unto man, once to die. the only 2 that did not die are Enoch and Elijah. Moses died. Therefore I feel that the 2 witnesses will be Enoch and Elijah
That is good reasoning, but remember it is coming from the mind of fallen man. God's ways are not our ways and many of them are beyond our finding out , let's keep that in mind also.
Lazarus died twice.
Two witnesses will likely be the Apostle John and James. Read Matthew 20:20-23, then read Revelation 10:11. James and John (sons of Zebedee) agreed to drink the cup that Jesus drinks. Jesus prophesied for 3 1/2 years, so do the two witnesses. Jesus was killed at the end, so will the two witnesses be killed at the end of their prophesying. Jesus was dead for 3 days, so will the two witnesses be dead 3 days. Jesus was resurrected after 3 days and went to heaven, so too will the two witnesses. This is the "cup" John and James agreed to drink. Then you see the angel telling John that John would prophesy to many peoples, nations, tongues and kings (the whole world). That's what the two witnesses do.
I Am Witness, here is the video.
I Am Witness, here is the video.
May God rest your soul, Mr Missler.
2 witnesses , witnessed everything till present . What makes you think they are of man .
William Fisher The two witness told me to send y’all this
I Am Witness, here is the video.
I wonder from what written text did the writers of Luke and James find out Elijah started the drought and ended it (4:00) Enoch ? Jasher
Moses bones was buried meaning he died its Elijah & Enoc who was taking up (never died ) these 2
That reasoning seems right to the mind of man. But remember when Jesus rose many that were in the graves rose with him and were seen of many. What makes you think God can't resurrect Moses body and send Him back? he already appeared in the Transfiguration with Jesus?
@@donsimonds5186 account of those who where ressurected in the time Jesus was crucified and was risen the people who came back to life where given 3 days to spend passover with their relatives, the sons of the High priest who where brought back to life testified that the two witness in the end of days will be enoch and Elijah. you can find this documents in praetorium in Jerusalem heavily guarded by romans in pilates time .... 2 And two very ancient men met them, and were asked by the saints, Who are ye, who have not yet been with us in hell, and have had your bodies placed in Paradise?
3 One of them answering, said, I am Enoch, who was translated by the word of God: 5 and this man who is with me, is Elijah the Tishbite, who was translated in a fiery chariot. 6
4 Here we have hitherto been, and have not tasted death, but are now about to return at the coming of Antichrist, being armed with divine signs and miracles, to engage with him in battle, and to be slain by him at Jerusalem, and to be taken up alive again into the clouds, after three days and a half. 7
God will resurrect Moses on earth, that is why Michael and Samael/Lucifer were fighting over Moses's body
This is the best explanation I have heard, far more probable than what the Seven Day Adventist proclaim.
Oh how many of you are under an own spirit of deception! And each thinks he is right. But none can say - "Thus saith the Lord".
I agree with you. We are of the same Spirit.
Moses and Elijah are now glorified. To come back to earth they would need to be de - glorified!
NO NAMES are given to these two witnesses yet Moses is named in the Revelation!
What has God always done when he needed witnesses,prophets,etc.He calls people that are alive on earth. That is the Lord’s pattern.
The two witnesses are symbolic for the old and new testament. Jesus said that he will come at a time when we are not looking for him. Too many of us are looking for prophecies that have already taken place.
Your are right. After 11 years of being a believer. It’s not Moses or Elijah. Or Enoch. Because they are in their glorified body’s. Glorified bodies don’t die. So it’s not them.
Hi, how do you reconcile
•••what the angel Gabriel said to Zechariah about John the Baptist- "And he [John] shall go before Him, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn hearts of fathers unto children, and disobedient ones to the wisdom of righteous ones, to make ready for the Lord, a people prepared." (Luke 1:17)
•••with what Jesus said of John the Baptist-
"And if you are willing to accept it, John himself is Elijah who was to come." (Matthew 11:14)
•••with what John the Baptist himself said of himself?-
"They asked [John the Baptist], “What then? Are you Elijah?” And he said, “I am not.” (John 1:21)
I don't know how to understand this. Both Gabriel and Jesus mentioned that John the Baptist is Elijah but John himself denied it.
Why must they be prophets of old. Its one god one sprit and therefore will bring forth one fruit. Its not them who did it but the spirit. It can be new prophets as a possibility.
Watch AOC Network on UA-cam the two witnesses movie I think you would enjoy it
You are the first person to think what I thought. Why does it have to be somebody from the past ? Why couldn't it be somebody new, from the present or future, as it were. Somebody living during the end times. I've just always kinda thought that's how it would be, based on nothing but a gut feeling. So don't chastize me for not having proof or scriptures to back up that claim.
Someone alive today from these ancient bloodlines ???
I do not understand why people ignore Jesus’s words given to the disciples on the mt of olives, saying that after the tribulation of those days He will return for us, and Revelation says it so clearly!
FBN Flavius Broadcasting Network people like to keep their heads in the sand so they can stay in their bubble
Daniel and John the Revelator
I'm not quite convinced by Chuck on this one. But I still think he's worth the listen. May more ears come across this video! I liked and was already subscribed. Did you?
we would be to arrogant to think we are so "special" that we wouldnt go thru tribulation. its best to be a pantribber folks bcs there is no solid word stating anything different.🕊
Imminent return of Christ... Can't get around it. Not appointed for gods wrath. If we are His "bride" what groom beats His wife before taking her to His Father's home for the honeymoon (wedding feast) Guess that feast would be a small snack....🙄
The two witnesses are two men alive today. One with the annointing of Moses, the other with the annointing of John the Baptist. Both calling Gods people to repentance. The Bible doesn't say who they are. Any who think they know are simply assuming because of similarities to old testament prophets. Many are simply guessing.
Matthew 17:3
I have to beg to differ on who the 2 witnesses will be and I know you'll know my argument....... because Moses IS DEAD...... And it is appointed for every man to die ONCE. Enoch did not die. I love your incredible understanding. Always wanted to be able to go to one of your conferences. I always think of my dad when I hear you. He was a nuclear engineer and I have always felt that you are the only man who could have had the ability to make his brilliant mind understand the truth.
Leslie Kendall yet - Christ Jesus stated that John the Baptist was the Ellijay to come ya?
Leslie Kendall that’s what I was thinking ab Moses dying....Enoch maybe, instead?
You said that already 😂.... I didn’t read your entire comment
Leslie Kendall you are right about the two witnesses. I agree that the witnesses are Elijah and Enoch. They were the only ones who never died. Even Jesus,our Savior, had to die once for all mankind to be redeem. That is why they have to die so they will be resurrected.
Leslie Kendall but that strange mysterious scripture in Jude about Michael the archangel fighting with Satan over the body of Moses..what’s that about..
I was called chosen because of the bloodline of Abraham to be a witness in sprit of Elijah. Not my thought not nothing of me but chosen by our lord God
I know Dr Missler is gone, but the 2 witnesses are the two Candle Sticks and the two Branches which are churches, End times Churches The 2 branch one Natural and one Adopted. I have studied This a LONG LONG LONG time, the 2 witnesses are The End Time Saints and The Israelite's that believe in Yahshuahs Name, that he is the IAM that IAM in Flesh, In Yah's Name Aman! Much Agape Marci T
Apostle John spoke the TRUTH.
Elijah and Enoch are the two witnesses. ..Thank you Jesus !
The two witnesses are symbolic for the old and new testament. Jesus said he will come at a time when we are not looking for him. Too many of us are looking for the future fulfillment of prophecies that have already taken or taking place.
They’re 2 Jewish witnesses, Enoch wasn’t Jewish.
the olive branches in zechariah 5:14 are the two anointed ones who stand by the lord of the whole earth referred from revelations 11:3
gail decker Zechariah 4:3 and 4:11. Not 5:14.
but moses died, and is buried?
Hammer USN ] GOD can do as he wants, he is the creator of all. We where made for his pleasure my BROTHER!! enjoy your stay untill it,s time to leave. [ AMEN ] Give all praise and glory to GOD in the name of JESUS* the CHRIST B.PROCTOR
+Pauline Dubois not true...God is a right one and He limited himself from the beginning He will never broke what he every body on this earth need to Elijah and Enoch will come to die for the name of the Lord
His bones were never found because. I believe God took him.
But 2 witnesses have to be whole lamb both old & new 2 leaves dripping down on body souls being made alive by whole Word in bride that made herself clean by water of Word adhering to walk following up right spirit of Truth Word comes to our flesh
If cleaned made ready head rest in her bride _ body _ souls in agreement w/ head
In air not outer. Space but inward space between ur ears & in ur hands _ the open One Word
Acts 1:8.1 Peter 3:15.1.Jew.2.Gentile.WE the church as a whole are the two witnesses.We go forth in the spirit of Moses and Elijah.God has given us that anointing as his witnesses to reach the lost.🙏🔥👑
totally agree its Elijah & Moses because of they were who Jesus was speaking too at the Transfiguration.Tradition states these two prophets did not die, The Jews expect Elijah and God is going to fulfill all prophecies to both The Jews & Christians . But I forgot about the link with the works of Elijah & Moses. Very good points you make. God bless you with your common sense teaching
May - Elijah, I'd agree but, not Moses. Remember Moses was rebuked by God for 'showing off' as he struck the rock that God told him to strike for water but, moses struck it again and again making it seem like Moses was doing the miracle. That's the reason God told Moses he would not enter the 'promised land'. Besides God calls these two witnesses two 'olive trees' or 'two candlesticks'. So, either Elijah and Enoch, the two who as of yet didn't DIE, or Michael and Gabriel His two most powerful ANGELS! My bet is on the Angels!
+0000 0000 your comment..Elijah and Enoch will come back to earth again to finish theirs mission as 2 witnesses ...they never died , they are hide by Almighty on the second heaven and they will be killed at the end of times
0000 0000 it will be Enoch and Elijah. God said it is appointed unto man to die once, and to be absent from the body is to be with the Lord. The only one who never died was Enoch and Elijah. This is why they have to die physically. It aligned up to God's word. Jesus had to die once for all humanity to be redeem. Makes sense to me.follow the bread crumbs
Very educative.
Luke 16: 19- 31 is a parrable. Matt. 13: 34 . Yahshua spoke to the people in parrables and only in parrables. May Yahweh bless you with understanding in His WORD. Bless you
You are not reading the scripture. You are reading words in a book. 2 Cor. 3: 6.
The WORD " Forever" in the scripture is ALWAYS a fixed period of
time. We are told not to lean on our own understanding. Pro. 3: 5- 6. When we
lean on Yahweh's understanding We find that the WORD " Forever" is
ALWAYS a fixed period of time. ALL different periods of time. In Jonah
"forever" is " a day and a night". In levitcus
"forever" is for 7 years. In another place “forever " is until a
man dies. In another place " forever" is until the end of the age. In
Gen. 3 " forever" is 1,000 years. In Rev. 20: 10 "forever "
a day and a night. 24 hours. Rev. 20: 7- 15 is the LAST day of this corruptible
creation. In Gen. 1 Yahweh created corruptible Time, Space and matter. 1ST day.
Rev. 20: 7- 15 Yahweh will TAKE AWAY this corruptible Time, Space and Matter.
The LAST DAY. John 6: 39, 40, 44, 53 and 54. Before Gen. 1: 1 There was the
Everlasting incorruptible Kingdom of Yahweh. After Rev. 20: 7 - 15 The
Everlasting Kingdom of Yahweh will CONTINUE. 1 Cor. 2: 9. IF your eye has seen
it: IT is NOT in Yahweh's Everlasting incorruptible Kingdom. IF your ear has
heard it: IT is NOT in Yahweh's Everlasting incorruptible Kingdom. IF you can
imagine it: IT is NOT in Yahweh's Everlasting incorruptible Kingdom. Rev. 20:
7- 15 is the LAST day of this corruptible creation. Rev. chapters 21 and 22
commence at the second coming and are fufilled on the LAST day. Rev. 20: 7- 15.
Rev. 20: 7- 15 is a 24 hour period of time. WHEN you read EVERY scripture with the
WORD " FOREVER" in it THEN you will have Yahweh's understanding of
the "WORD FORVER". Until then you are leaning on your own
understanding or the understanding of men wise in their own opinion. May Yahweh
give you understanding in these salvation scriptures of things to come. Bless you
You are not reading the scripture. You are reading words in a book. 2 Cor. 3: 6. The WORD " Forever" in the scripture is ALWAYS a fixed period of time. We are told not to lean on our own understanding. Pro. 3: 5- 6. When we lean on Yahweh's understanding We find that the WORD " Forever" is ALWAYS a fixed period of time. ALL different periods of time. In Jonah "forever" is " a day and a night". In levitcus "forever" is for 7 years. In another place “forever " is until a man dies. In another place " forever" is until the end of the age. In Gen. 3 " forever" is 1,000 years. In Rev. 20: 10 "forever " a day and a night. 24 hours. Rev. 20: 7- 15 is the LAST day of this corruptible creation. In Gen. 1 Yahweh created corruptible Time, Space and matter. 1ST day. Rev. 20: 7- 15 Yahweh will TAKE AWAY this corruptible Time, Space and Matter. The LAST DAY. John 6: 39, 40, 44, 53 and 54. Before Gen. 1: 1 There was the Everlasting incorruptible Kingdom of Yahweh. After Rev. 20: 7 - 15 The Everlasting Kingdom of Yahweh will CONTINUE. 1 Cor. 2: 9. IF your eye has seen it: IT is NOT in Yahweh's Everlasting incorruptible Kingdom. IF your ear has heard it: IT is NOT in Yahweh's Everlasting incorruptible Kingdom. IF you can imagine it: IT is NOT in Yahweh's Everlasting incorruptible Kingdom. Rev. 20: 7- 15 is the LAST day of this corruptible creation. Rev. chapters 21 and 22 commence at the second coming and are fufilled on the LAST day. Rev. 20: 7- 15. Rev. 20: 7- 15 is a 24 hour period of time. WHEN you read EVERY scripture with the WORD " FOREVER" in it THEN you will have Yahweh's understanding of the "WORD FORVER". Until then you are leaning on your own understanding or the understanding of men wise in their own opinion. May Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures of things to come. Bless you
Wow you are off again. I hope that The Lord opens your eyes and closes your mouth until you gain more knowledge.
+The Prophet May Yahweh show you what manner of spirit you are made of.Bless you
+raymond lindroth
proverbs 8:1 Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice?8:2 She standeth in the top of high places, by the way in the places of the paths.8:3 She crieth at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors.8:4 Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man.8:5 O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart.8:6 Hear; for I will speak of excellent things; and the opening of my lips shall be right things.8:7 For my mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness is an abomination to my lips.8:8 All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them.8:9 They are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that find knowledge.8:10 Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than choice gold.8:11 For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.8:12 I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.8:13 The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.8:14 Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength.8:15 By me kings reign, and princes decree justice.8:16 By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth.8:17 I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.8:18 Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness.8:19 My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver.8:20 I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment:8:21 That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures.8:22 The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old.8:23 I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was.8:24 When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water.8:25 Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth:8:26 While as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world.8:27 When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass upon the face of the depth:8:28 When he established the clouds above: when he strengthened the fountains of the deep:8:29 When he gave to the sea his decree, that the waters should not pass his commandment: when he appointed the foundations of the earth:8:30 Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him;8:31 Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men.8:32 Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye children: for blessed are they that keep my ways.8:33 Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not.8:34 Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors.8:35 For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the LORD.8:36 But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.
+Trevor Johnson Pro. chapter 8. Good council from Our Father.verse 17. This is talking about Yahweh. Jeremiah says the SAME. You shall seek Me with all your heart and you shall find me says Yahweh.Verse 22 - 31. Yahweh possesed His SON Yahshua from the beginning.Gen. 1: 3. Yahshua was put in the world on day 1 of creation.Gen. 6: 3. Yahshua spoke to Noah.Gen. 18: 25. yahshua spoke to Abraham.Gen. 32: 24- 29. Yahshua spoke to Jacob.Yahshua walked this earth for 3,600 years in His Incorruptible flesh and blood body and spoke to ALL the Prophets from Genesis to Malachi.Yahshua preached the Coming Kingdom of Yahweh to ALL the nations before the flood in His incorruptible flesh and blood body.Pro. 30: 4. Yahweh is His NAME and Yahshua is His SONS name.May Yahweh bless you
+raymond lindroth
Weigh in on this~! Why! They know; their hearts are adamant, and will dismiss anyone who does not have an iota of authority. So, keep struggling with your mayhaps and wheretofores. Good luck und God bless
JESUS CHRIST said that once the tribulation commences, it will be shortened or else not one Christian will be left alive, listen to what Jesus said in his own words ok, which means when the tribulation starts all who are alive that are true Christians will be there as it happens, but it will be cut short so all do not parish. GOD BLESS YOU ALL, read the King James Version, its the only Bible that doesn't diminish the Divinity of JESUS CHRIST in any way. I Love you. Seek JESUS and remember, only GOD knows which will be the 2 Prophets. GOD BLESS
Shortened? It's already been shortened. The prophecies give us the exact amount of time in which the tribulation will last. It will last 1,335 days. As for only reading the KJV, that's just plan wrong. In the forward by the KJV translators they recommend that we read other translations to get a better understanding of the Word. There are excellent translations available, more accurately translated then the KJV (RNKJV is one of them, same with the ISR).
I think I know what Bibles you are speaking about, like the NIV and most of the newer translations that definitely do downplay the Messiah's authority and power. They claim that the older codices are more accurate and that those codices do not use the powerful titles of our Messiah as much as the Majority Text. Codex Vaticanus and codex Alexandria I believe. Older doesn't mean better.
But be aware, there are mistakes in the KJV and you can find better translations for specific verses. This is a fact, I'm not making it up my friend.-peace.
Greyswyndir u take the symbolism literally
Christians and Jews are the two witnesses
Rev 1:20 specifically tells us that 'lampstands' are 'churches' and the 'two witnesses' are the 'two lampstands' (Rev 11:4), so why do we see these as two men, rather than two churches? Just curious.
Lampstands give light. Both the churches and individuals can be used of God to give light to others. Olive branches are Jews, so not the church. These two individuals represent the Law and the Prophets. The Jews will finally realise that both of those pointed to Jesus Christ as the Messiah.
the only two men who didn't die in the bible was enoch and elija . but if you also look there are many times that Christ shows up in the old testament also . even adam said I know my redeemer liveith and when Joshua was about to cross the Jordan to battle jehrico that he met the angel of the lord but he was told to take off his sandles because he was standing on holy ground. this was only previously stated when moses was in front of the burning bush. so I believe that Joshua was actually in the presence of Christ since Christ is the word and the physical body of god. and also when the three men appeared to Abraham before they went to Sodom and Gomorrah I think they were Christ and the two angels that always stand in his presence so I suspect that it is these two angels that will be the two witnesses that are talked about in the revelation of Christ since it also declairs that the witnesses are before Christ always
if christ showed up in the old testament, please explain the following scripture;
st. John 1:18
john schouten Do you mean Job said "i know my redeemer liveth" in Job 19:25 ? Or can you show me where Adam said that please?
Jorge Diaz if this was the old and new testaments. How did they lay dead in the street, and we're refused a burial, and people sent presents to each other to celebrate. Read those verses again.
john schouten I agree with you fully on the Joshua angel of the Lord appearance. Yeshua is the Lord of hosts.
Ive always wondered why the 2 witness have to be humans that have already lived... i don't know why they can't be 2 completely new humans. Just like John the Baptist was "the Elijah that was to come"
The church that is raptured never will taste death. Therefore it's not mandatory for Elijah or Enoch to taste death either. It was credited to them as righteousness just like Father Abraham. The lambstand and olive trees are the CHURCH and ISRAEL. THE TWO WITNESSES!!
The bible state clearly they are man not Church and Israel. Zechariah 4 verse 11-14
Honey Pie Excuse me???? Did you even read my comment? Obviously not......
+Jeanene Day AMEN, finally someone that understands the Word. Yes, the Gentile grafted in Church and Israel. Praise the Lord.
The christens all dye dailey .We as Christians we'll die daily and before the church will be raptured all Christians will have died daily they will be perfected through the Living Word of God and are new creatures in Jesus Christ the two witnesses will be two people who are chosen by God they could be a man or a woman or two men whoever God chooses they will have the spirit of Moses and Elijah the same as John the Baptist had the spirit of Elijah to deliver the message of the first coming of Jesus Christ these two witnesses could be Jew and a gentile we should ask our lord Jesus these questions for the Bible clearly tells us to let every man is word be a lie and let God's word be true this will come when you pray to the father as Peter did when Jesus asked him who do you say I am the solid rock that the church is built upon is the Living Word of God revealed bye the living Christ you can't go wrong when Jesus gives you the revelation directly through prayer
the 2 witnesses is the old and new testament!!! The word of God!!! Study it and you'll surely put it together!!! God has promised to show you the truth if you search for truth with all your heart!
The Two Witnesses are no human beings, Chuck is mistaken. The Scriptures are used to define symbols, allegories, or literal events. The Two witnesses are the Two olive trees (the Holy Spirit) and the Word of YHWH (The Scriptures themselves). The 144,000 who are sealed are the chosen ones who will preach the gospel to the whole earth during the 1,260 days of tribulation.
the two witnesses are men-"dressed in sackcloth" REV 11. one is a jew the other a gentile. the gentile witness is preparing the church for the rpture..after which he will be sent to israel to join the jewish witness. if u can please look up DR DAVID OWUOR.
henry mango
Sorry but no, you're wrong and I'll tell you why. The Bible must interpret all analogous language and symbols itself. 2Peter 1:20 makes it clear that there are no private interpretations of prophecy. Why do you think Revelation mentions 144,000 Israelites (not of blood but of the Spirit)? They will carry out the gospel message to the whole world, then the end will come. The Two witnesses are the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit and they will empower the 144,000 to preach the gospel during the great tribulation.
I understand why you believe what you believe but I have to tell you it is an erroneous doctrine. There are many clues in the Tanakh that prove this. There isn't going to be some pre-tribulation rapture, there will not be some "seven year peace treaty" or anything like it. All of these teachings are dead wrong and the Scriptures themselves attest to that. Daniel 9:24-27 is talking about Messiah (the covenant He makes with many in the middle of the 70th week was Him dying for all of us. The 70th week ended with the stoning of Stephen). Yahushua made this clear by using the exact same language found in Daniel during the last supper (passover).
Why would the Father remove the salt of the earth (His holy people) when the world needs them more then ever during the great tribulation? And why did Yahushua (whom you call "Jesus") pray to the Father to keep us in the world? Why did Paul say that we would be with the Messiah "at the last trump" if we're all supposed to be raptured away before the great tribulation? The last trump happens at the very end, just before the great and terrible day of the Father.
Think about this next point deeply; Why would you and I get a pass, being His holy children, when Noah had to go through the flood, when the Twelve tribes had to go through the slavery in Egypt for 400 years, when the prophets were murdered for His word, and most importantly, He allowed His only Son to suffer and die for us. The great tribulation is a time of testing for everyone, including the assembly of YHWH, called Israel.
We will be on the earth when the great tribulation commences. But remember, pray you are worth and you may escape these things (live through the tribulation) to see Yahushua coming in the clouds. Pray you will make it to the end of the 1,335 days prophesied by Daniel. If you or I make it then we will be transformed, in the twinkling of an eye, and be with our Savior in the air.
henry mango u are taking the symbolism literally
The two witnesses DIE and lay in the streets of Jerusalem... so HOW is it they are the church and Israel? The Bible means what it says.
***** that stands for the tribulation and persecution that will nearly overcome the Christians and the Jews.
Wow i can’t get over how much disinformation is in this comment section. I tend to listen to and give great respect to what the late Chuck Missler has to say even though he repeatedly said not to take his word for anything, but search the scriptures for yourself. Work out your own salvation in fear and trembling. I miss you horribly Dr. Missler though we never met. Would love to give you a great big hug someday in the here after.
Yes Susan, yes!
damn that was the fastest 10 mins ever!
We are in the final hours. Dont let your hearts be found luke warm. Jesus is coming!
Daniel and John were the only TWO who were brought through visions to the end times, and shown what will happen at the time of the end.
Daniel and John.
I believe it will be Elijah and Moses because, they were with Jesus Christ on the mount of configuration.
Is it possible the two witnesses could be the Old Covenant/Testament and the New Covenant/Testament and will be used by both Olive Trees? 🕎❤️✝️
Note: Enoch & Elijah did not see death and were taken into Heaven (Genesis 5:21-24 & 2 King 2:1-11).
2 And two very ancient men met them, and were asked by the saints, Who are ye, who have not yet been with us in hell, and have had your bodies placed in Paradise?
3 One of them answering, said, I am Enoch, who was translated by the word of God: 5 and this man who is with me, is Elijah the Tishbite, who was translated in a fiery chariot. 6
4 Here we have hitherto been, and have not tasted death, but are now about to return at the coming of Antichrist, being armed with divine signs and miracles, to engage with him in battle, and to be slain by him at Jerusalem, and to be taken up alive again into the clouds, after three days and a half. 7 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
I believe you are right on point with Enoch and Elijah because they were the only 2 people taken to heaven that never died on earth. It makes sense that they are being saved for something special. The miracle and gift of resurrection is different than being taken to heaven. Jesus told his apostles that Lazarus was sleeping when Lazarus had died. Also in the New Testament, Phillip was "translated"/teleported by God to a different geographical location to continue preaching the Good News after baptizing an Ethiopian eunuch in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
I have never heard of Enoch being referred to as a Gentile... The scripture you gave from Genesis chapter 5 tells the lineage of Enoch & how he was the father of Methuselah, but I have never heard anyone refer to Adam, Seth, Methuselah or Noah as Gentiles.
Hebrews 11:4-7
4 By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.
5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.
6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
7 By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.
There is an account of 1 resurrection in the Old Testament.
2 Kings 13:20-21
20And Elisha died and was buried.
Now the Moabite raiders used to come into the land every spring. 21Once, as the Israelites were burying a man, suddenly they saw a band of raiders, so they threw the man’s body into Elisha’s tomb. And as soon as his body touched the bones of Elisha, the man was revived and stood up on his feet.
I hope this helps in clearing up any confusion as to who these wonderful and awesome and loving and faithful two witnesses are:
John 5:39(KJV)
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
Acts 20:28 (KJV)
28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the HOLY GHOST hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with HIS OWN BLOOD.
Revelation 1:5(KJV)
And from JESUS CHRIST, who is the faithful WITNESS, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in HIS OWN BLOOD,
Hebrews 10:15(KJV)
Whereof the HOLY GHOST also is a WITNESS to us: for after that he had said before,
Eduardo, when exactly do the two witness's appear? Thank You
God Bless
blinko656 Revelation 11
We don't know exactly when they're going to appear, but if you're in Christ you're part of the church and you won't be here when that happens. Do you think God is going to pour His judgment out against his bride ?God (Jesus) wants a clean and spotless bride for the marriage supper which will probably be going on as this happens.
The LAW for the old covenant people required two witnesses to accuse anyone of breaking the law. The harlot (unfaithful wife) who had committed whoredom with the nations around her was accused of breaking the covenant law by two witnesses and their bodies were thrown over the wall of Jerusalem. Those two high priests were recorded by Josephus, the Jewish historian.
One cannot understand the bible without some knowledge of Hebrew law, customs, language and their history.
The high priests administered the LAW and had the gift of prophesy.
I have read in one of the lost books of the bible where God tells the writer that the two prophets are Enoch and Elijah ,which book I can not remember.
I just got a premonition, if that's even the correct word for what , at this moment came to me. And it is that I had a mighty wind come upon my breath and my heart filled with what felt like winds but yet waves, of fluttering Joy. And I heard the Name, Moses: Witness of The 1st Exodus
And 2nd Name came out of my mouth as I stood up and spoke out loud, but it didn't sound like my voice. The name was ....
John The Baptist, Witness of
The 2nd Exodus. I heard waves and flapping of wings. And just had to share this.
The old Testament. And the new Testament.
The two witnesses are not named in the Bible but the good book does say they stand in the presence of the living God thus becoming His two witnesses. It says very little about them but it remarks about them having power. Nothing can stop their testimony.
Matthew 24:37
As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
Luke 17:26
“Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man.
Based on this, I believe it would be much smarter to have Enoch, who was in the world during those days, thus, he may be more equipped to recognize the traps we need to be aware of... just a thought...