Addiction is a family disease that stresses the family to the breaking point. Impacts the stability of the home, the family’s unity, mental health, physical health, finances, and overall family dynamics. Living with addiction can put family members under unusual stress. Without help, active addiction can totally disrupt family life and cause harmful affects that can last a lifetime. Addict control freaks manipulate and dominate and possess others with the thinking and behaviors of the gang or cult leader. They charm, love bomb, Hoover, provoke, flip the script, false accusations and refusal of dialogue, pity ploy, uniquely “broken” and “insecure”, random verbal abuse, staging and framing games, the telephone game, self righteous indignation, stir up the mob, ply the spiritual guru, grandstanding and one upping, rigid unspoken rules and rigid rules, drama triangles, lie about others, anti social group dynamics, terrorism, child abuse and neglect, alienating and isolating targets, silent treatment, stonewalling, gaslighting, escalating conflict, abuse by proxy, murder by proxy, sabotage others relationships and careers, smear campaign, a prolonged campaign of denigration, (projecting all disowned negative traits onto the evil enemy) “stupid, crazy, bitch” saccharine guise, extreme sentimentality, and always tight control of communication. The evil and sick aspects can be defined as that which is devilish, objectifying others, exploiting others, demeaning and dehumanizing others, politics, haughty arrogance, grandiosity, false humility, warfare, secrets, lies, manipulation, temptation and domination. Help is available. Recovery is possible.
The thing about thinking outside the box is you would want to have some mental clarity and be able to see reality as it is and the imagination to come up with creative solutions. And articulate those things to others. Acting out with emotion and no words is what immature people do. Sometimes it can tell the truth but it is often used to play staging and framing games or to manipulate and dominate others. It is a sign of ignorance. Acting out without using your words can project blame onto an innocent bystander and can be used against you. It can feel threatening to others. It is confusing and can be misinterpreted. Or it can cause others to think exactly what you want them to think. Sneakily and slyly. It can be a way to aggrandize oneself and show off. Emotional manipulation. People can get the impression you imagine you are gods gift and superior to others. It also can indicate a sense of entitlement. The rules don’t apply. If a person uses words to tell his story and what he thinks about it and what he feels and believes and wants and needs and listens to the other then you can resolve issues and solve problems civilly. Acting out and refusing dialogue is behavior associated with the feminine. It can be a way to stir up the mob and put people against each other and revel in destruction. With no sense of self responsibility. If a person has insecurities and uses them for special privileges that can be threatening to others. It’s double standards. It can be irresponsible and undisciplined. Imagining one is uniquely oppressed can be a power play. A guilt trip. A way to one up and grandstand and dominate. False empowerment. Everyone else has to walk on eggshells. It can cause insanity in others. It can be about greed. Or a false sense of superiority. It doesn’t demonstrate competence or fair play. It can be unsportsmanlike conduct. If a person feels insecure than what specifically happened? What does she expect and want and need and how do you turn those insecurities into real strength? If we make mistakes or commit crimes then what was it we didn’t know and who do we owe apologies and amends to and how do we get to forgiveness and restore truth and trust? If some narcissist comes along and gives bad advice with omniscient certainty then we can really go off the beam. I think we gain awareness and insight when we ask ourselves what thoughts preceded those emotions and actions and where did the lie creep in and what were some healthier and more functional choices we could have made. Nothing changes when nothing changes. If you don’t like a proverb then what is it and what do you disagree with? Very unclear. The vague generalizations of the political shit weasel. If you disagree with something then you could ask questions for clarity and decide if the person is in reality enough to make conscious contact. If he speaks in distortions and fallacies then conscious contact is not possible. Reconciliation is not possible. Atonement is not possible. We can hope and pray for him to become willing and humble and reflective. We can try to persuade him to discuss things rationally and help him understand he is ignorant and distorts reality and encourage him to learn more about how to reason together. Let us reason together. The pretense of saying I am you and you are me without words is just empty spiritual jargon. You cannot love one another of you can’t see where you end and I begin. Or when I am a fantasy character in your soap opera villain drama. Being so cynical and jaded that everyone is just an evil enemy or an object to be used or to give others confirmation bias for their delusions is insane. Frivolous data about other people’s criticism or bids for connection or understanding or vague descriptions of abuse is too unclear to identify the problem or the issue and you can’t resolve or solve it that way. Imagining no one can ever criticize you is ridiculous. We do give one another negative feedback and if a parent can’t see you or feel you or hear you then you get no guidance and direction. Or if someone else built a wall between you and taught to objectify some others or devalue and dehumanize the, or of they are so deluded you can’t discuss anything or certain things they don’t know about and they’re pretending to be god like then you end up in a lot of pain. And no way to understand it or resolve it unless you can level with one another. Hopefully we have developed a process of reflecting and considering the data and choices and sharing together and moving forward. If a person makes an inarticulate cry for help and there is no one to discuss specific behavioral detail and feelings and thoughts and beliefs and be able to identify the problem clearly and resolve it but just ignores everything and gives pity and adulation or missatunement and defines reality in a distorted way like a Pablo Picasso painting then he is an island alone with his suffering and like a dog chasing his own tail. Playing at these games like a child in a fantasy world and imagining something real is happening is bullshit. Good brothers are not about brother right or wrong and pride cometh before a fall. What specifically does a person mean when he says he is “proud”? The bottom line is that bullies destroy others with mental abuse known as word salad. And imagine the other is an evil dragon who must be destroyed. An alien creature. An it. A thing. In a psychotic fantasy world. Stupidly provoking and then pathologizing the reactions and stonewalling like a fairy princess. Allowing People to fight over you and not being able to see your part or responsible for mature dialogue and grievance procedures is the behavior of an evil queen. Pretense. A child pretending to be a mature human being. With callous disregard for the rights and feelings of some others.
Instead of troll storming he could engage with people in a reasonable dialogue involving sharing perceptions and thoughts and feelings and beliefs and demonstrate critical thinking and complex thought. In an environment as a king child with a rigid unspoken hierarchy and rigid unspoken rules children learn to triangulate. They provoke and then stonewall. They let people fight over them like a spoiled girl. With a sense of entitlement. The process of learning to think and act like a sociopath is an indoctrination involving rigid prejudices and seduction and shifting blame and mental abuse and double tankards. It is narcissistic abuse. They learn to speak others reputations and a saccharine guise and people don’t realize they see others as worthless nothings. They learn to rate others unmercifully. They don’t question what is happening or open minded trying to learn and grow together though any kind of discussions but learn to pretend they know everything. They will parrot the original abusers and mimic empty rhetoric and cliches. They learn to evade and devilry and deflect from the process of seeking truth and finding meaning and understanding together. They are taught to automatically shift blame and spar with word salad. No apologies or forgiveness. Very black and white thinking. They can do whatever they want and if the person who is seen as lower status or the enemy protests or retaliates it just gives them confirmation bias it is a stupid, crazy, bitch. They do not self reflect. They speak with omniscient certainty. Adult children speak in a way that gives them away as feeling omniscient and omnipotent and omnipresent. They tell the story of the family myth and worship themselves. Self esteem is paramount. And discounting and devaluing anyone who tries to have a mature discussion. To a spoiled child, mature people are weird and yucky. With a chip on his shoulder, any criticism is seen as an attack on his “insecurities”. How dare you! He blames the wrong targets for his wounds. Displacement. And acts out the cycle of abuse. Has to keep feeding the queen her narcissistic supply. Loves her and hates everyone else. Worships the pure goddess who makes him feel so good! Gives him pity and adulation he is addicted too. Praises him when he abuses others and plays his big protector. Asks no questions. He card stacks and bonds over the common enemy. Pits gangsters on anyone who speaks up. Defines reality for him like a child pretending to be an adult. He doesn’t engage in good faith discussions with the evil monster enemy. Just talks nonsense. With omniscient certainty. The trolls in the mob come along and feed off the human sacrifice. Delights in the hatred and abuse of the evil other. Smiles to their face. Us against you. Stupid people think he’s a friend.
I feel concerned about teens who were taken in by this mythology and in his thrall. This is cult of personality rhetoric. Gang leader linguistics. It’s ego mania.
@@karlynfinnegan6571 Sounds like you completely missed the point of this poem. "Too many of them still more worried about graduating their bullets than improving their lives." He's talking about escaping that mindset and using that drive to get out.
Patrick carnes, Henry cloud, melody and Bradshaw can be a big help for healing the child within. Learning healthier boundaries, leadership and communication can save lives. This message is in the problem. It is circular reasoning. Discipline solves problems. M Scott peck is also good. In college hopefully we learn how to keep learning and to solve problems. Recovery is physical, mental and spiritual.
Saying you will leave a trail of destruction to get what you feel you deserve is sick. It’s extreme. Yes we need to disappoint people when we focus on our goals. But the thing about lies is something to consider that’s for sure. Christ is king. You appear to be placing your mother and her glib cliches and yourself in the place of god.
I don’t know who this is honey but I hope life is treating you kindly. Looks like Cardenas is trying to work through some things and trying to identify instead of compare. There’s a difference between “proverbs” and thought stopping empty rhetoric, mind numbing cliches, and hypnotic suggestion. People block connection with different devices. “When I was a child a saw through a glass darkly, but then FACE TO FACE.” Love is truth, love is trust. Conscious contact. God is there. It’s good to hear Clayton’s voice. It’s hard to pull out of gangster fantasies and revenge ideation. The stereotypical dumb blonde and crippled blond hurts me. Hopefully we don’t stereotype ourselves and play the rigid role some “little mothers” in a fantasy world conditioned us into. We do have a Prince of Peace who is a healer. Truth!
What am I hearing you say? Is this a depiction of an indigenous gangster trying to manipulate and dominate you like a common criminal? Or are you saying that you are the bad guy who doesn’t know how to communicate with indigenous thugs or little girls? Are you saying that he is laughing at you because the little girl is on his side? Or that women are too stupid to let you be a man? Are you in a double bind? Scanning the environment for “predators” to play the big protector? And powerless and impotent against the women’s beliefs? Between a rock and a hard place? Are you open minded enough to learn more about psychosocial dynamics and functional relating and communication? It is confusing to see pictures of you with the hands making gun signs with a Vegas shooting backdrop. And to hear you speak like a Mexican gangster when one knows you were given the privilege of the best education that money can buy in this world. An opportunity I suspect was wasted in large part. Otherwise you would be able to persuade a person who loves you to think and behave and speak with some basic core values and codes of conduct. And what is this about giving advice to not let politics and religion and family get in the way of success? Being weinsteined is not something anyone can prevent. It is invisible abuse. False prophet acting teachers promote the psychopaths value system. Parroting that is foolishness. I’m telling the truth. When JMarx name was mentioned in the football stands your mothers face distorted with hatred. When values like friendship and team work were brought up she again cringed with contempt. We had a right to know about this discrimination. It is painful to face unresolved issues. It is not as simple as remembering that you reframed abandonment as yourself being understanding. The question is what specifically happened to her and how do we change those patterns? If you can’t engage JMarx in a mutual and reasoned deliberation about the objective reality of our lives then you can’t help anyone. There is no mature and intelligent dialogue! You are acting out and calling it art! You don’t care about jmarx! You don’t care about JMarx! Callous disregard! Childish stonewalling! Do you think you are different from this clown? You don’t know how to explain things to little girls! All you have to say is I will talk to you about this later I promise when she says why? She shows critical thinking but you don’t! She’s worried about this poor guy. She doesn’t know about the alcoholism and domestic abuse and ignorance and refusal to get educated. The class divisions and complexities and complications. My grandmother took care of a brother like this her whole life. There was a tremendous group effort to train him without falsely empowering him. He had an insight that was important and was extremely vulnerable to predators. She went to visit him in the army and when she left he kept showing up on her doorstep. Which she thought was hilarious. She would take him back and when she got home there he was. Again. His name was Chester. He was a cowboy. He knew how to train animals. He caused no problems. His father was shot in the back I found out. Nobody talked about it. His sister was beautiful and she looked like an aristocrat. Elegance personified. She didn’t act like these phony “princesses”. Opposite. Humility. If you don’t know how to explain things to a little girl or she is incapable of understanding you then maybe she has been alienated from you by haters. You don’t have to act out a rigid role people cast you in but the fact you don’t try to engage in a mutual open dialogue and appear to be using art as propaganda is disturbing to me. Hopefully you have decent people around you to keep you grounded in reality who know how to communicate behind that ridiculously superficial interview about showing “heart” and “vulnerability”. That is not my personal experience of you. I see you as someone who misused power at this point. I believe we have obligations and responsibilities in life that we can discuss according to objective standards of reason and reality. And that sick people distort those obligations and responsibilities in terms of “pride” and “brother right or wrong” and “don’t let family or religion or politics get in the way of success” and it is nonsense! I am sorry to say that your language patterns are extremely troubling to me personally and you have affected my life and the life of my loved one deleteriously and continue to do so. I would like to talk about it in good faith. Your behavior shows bad faith and I am in my rights to speak up about it publically. . Im appalled at the flashbacks of JMarx being affected by your persuasion techniques and by what I see as your ignorant stonewalling during recent events. It is sickening to me that you appear to be so immature that you are incapable of considering that you may have things to learn that could place you in a position to help others who have helped you. Instead you seem to minimize and normalize substance abuse and ignorant about it. I implore you to take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth and to consider the fact that enormous numbers of people do not care about fame and fortune and Hollywood and gangster shows. And in fact consider it a plague and bad “art”. They will eat you up and spit you out unless you are ten times more savvy than you are now. And I would consider more carefully your choices as an “artist”. I’m terribly sorry you have a problem finding one single decent woman to have a family with. And why the hell are you chasing these blondes and making them look like losers? Straight is the way and narrow is the gate Clayton. Have fun being a womanizer and making up all women are cheaters haha.
You hear and see the video but not feeling what he’s saying about it unless you lived it. Knowing how it is to receive the greatest gift any mother or father can give a child is to be born in poverty. Poverty fills a heart filled with want and tough love. It’s what open our eyes at a young age. no silver spoons will know what we go through or had to do to survive and be better then the surrounding. los hijos de reyes no sufren. pero un dia Seré rey para que mis hijos no sufran
Candel lit houses and Dollar menu meals,but no one can tare down my momma! I am whatever I say I am. I will be whatever I want to be. I am a King among Kings.God Bless all mothers & fathers out here.
I wish I could see the rest of this comments but I guess people deleted them. But damn girl. You like trolled every single one of his videos. And I'm just going point out that art is for someone to get the word the feelings the pain the anger happiness out! He did great not cause of the video but because he spoke the words that need to be said for him. Not you and not the rest of the world. Some people just will never get it
You are the one who doesn’t get it. Feelings aren’t always facts. If the thoughts are distorted and fallacious then the feelings are not valid. And what is it you are really seeing and hearing here? Besides the generalizations and mind numbing cliches?
Here we see the vague generalizations of the political shit weasel and the mind numbing cliches of the unprincipled pretender. It’s all distortions and fallacies. Yea I’m sure you see the victims reaction as predatory lol. I notice you didn’t demonstrate any critical thinking. Yea, you’re deep. Got it all figured out lol.
Exactly right. Clayton speaks in the language patterns of the disturbed malignant narcissists. Blonde haired people of both sexes are exploited by him. He is a person of the lie and is about manipulation, domination, and possession. He treats others like objects in his drama and poor reflective functioning. It is delusions of grandeur. Self centered. God complex. The language patterns can be understood in terms of logical fallacies. Thought stopping empty rhetoric, mind numbing cliches, and hypnotic suggestion. He is a plagiarizer and a mimic.
I want too know who is it's gurl friend on this show .... Or who going too be ... Thought lady was it's wife for a sec .... Wats up with it. .. I want too play .... Lol .... Even do im in love with JD my boo thing ... Sexy .... Im exited too see new episodes ... Wish had at least the episodes that already watched on here ... im so ready for Tuesday .... Watch this show ... In love ....
I would get an intelligent PR person. Your complaints sound frivolous. Friends give us honest feedback. They ask questions and discuss things with mutuality. I knew dick delson. He would have given you honest advice. You don't have to play the troubled rebel without a cause for Hollywood. They'll eat you up spit you out and stereotype you.
Maybe actually read proverbs before you judge. There’s a difference between “proverbs” and thought stopping empty rhetoric, mind numbing cliches, euphemisms, and the deadly HYPNOTIC SUGGESTION.
i feel how raw he is when he talk
he gave my body the chills
Shut up.
He’s not a sex object. Get a soul.
Addiction is a family disease that stresses the family to the breaking point. Impacts the stability of the home, the family’s unity, mental health, physical health, finances, and overall family dynamics. Living with addiction can put family members under unusual stress. Without help, active addiction can totally disrupt family life and cause harmful affects that can last a lifetime. Addict control freaks manipulate and dominate and possess others with the thinking and behaviors of the gang or cult leader. They charm, love bomb, Hoover, provoke, flip the script, false accusations and refusal of dialogue, pity ploy, uniquely “broken” and “insecure”, random verbal abuse, staging and framing games, the telephone game, self righteous indignation, stir up the mob, ply the spiritual guru, grandstanding and one upping, rigid unspoken rules and rigid rules, drama triangles, lie about others, anti social group dynamics, terrorism, child abuse and neglect, alienating and isolating targets, silent treatment, stonewalling, gaslighting, escalating conflict, abuse by proxy, murder by proxy, sabotage others relationships and careers, smear campaign, a prolonged campaign of denigration, (projecting all disowned negative traits onto the evil enemy) “stupid, crazy, bitch” saccharine guise, extreme sentimentality, and always tight control of communication. The evil and sick aspects can be defined as that which is devilish, objectifying others, exploiting others, demeaning and dehumanizing others, politics, haughty arrogance, grandiosity, false humility, warfare, secrets, lies, manipulation, temptation and domination. Help is available. Recovery is possible.
The thing about thinking outside the box is you would want to have some mental clarity and be able to see reality as it is and the imagination to come up with creative solutions. And articulate those things to others. Acting out with emotion and no words is what immature people do. Sometimes it can tell the truth but it is often used to play staging and framing games or to manipulate and dominate others. It is a sign of ignorance. Acting out without using your words can project blame onto an innocent bystander and can be used against you. It can feel threatening to others. It is confusing and can be misinterpreted. Or it can cause others to think exactly what you want them to think. Sneakily and slyly. It can be a way to aggrandize oneself and show off. Emotional manipulation. People can get the impression you imagine you are gods gift and superior to others. It also can indicate a sense of entitlement. The rules don’t apply. If a person uses words to tell his story and what he thinks about it and what he feels and believes and wants and needs and listens to the other then you can resolve issues and solve problems civilly. Acting out and refusing dialogue is behavior associated with the feminine. It can be a way to stir up the mob and put people against each other and revel in destruction. With no sense of self responsibility. If a person has insecurities and uses them for special privileges that can be threatening to others. It’s double standards. It can be irresponsible and undisciplined. Imagining one is uniquely oppressed can be a power play. A guilt trip. A way to one up and grandstand and dominate. False empowerment. Everyone else has to walk on eggshells. It can cause insanity in others. It can be about greed. Or a false sense of superiority. It doesn’t demonstrate competence or fair play. It can be unsportsmanlike conduct. If a person feels insecure than what specifically happened? What does she expect and want and need and how do you turn those insecurities into real strength? If we make mistakes or commit crimes then what was it we didn’t know and who do we owe apologies and amends to and how do we get to forgiveness and restore truth and trust? If some narcissist comes along and gives bad advice with omniscient certainty then we can really go off the beam. I think we gain awareness and insight when we ask ourselves what thoughts preceded those emotions and actions and where did the lie creep in and what were some healthier and more functional choices we could have made. Nothing changes when nothing changes. If you don’t like a proverb then what is it and what do you disagree with? Very unclear. The vague generalizations of the political shit weasel. If you disagree with something then you could ask questions for clarity and decide if the person is in reality enough to make conscious contact. If he speaks in distortions and fallacies then conscious contact is not possible. Reconciliation is not possible. Atonement is not possible. We can hope and pray for him to become willing and humble and reflective. We can try to persuade him to discuss things rationally and help him understand he is ignorant and distorts reality and encourage him to learn more about how to reason together. Let us reason together. The pretense of saying I am you and you are me without words is just empty spiritual jargon. You cannot love one another of you can’t see where you end and I begin. Or when I am a fantasy character in your soap opera villain drama. Being so cynical and jaded that everyone is just an evil enemy or an object to be used or to give others confirmation bias for their delusions is insane. Frivolous data about other people’s criticism or bids for connection or understanding or vague descriptions of abuse is too unclear to identify the problem or the issue and you can’t resolve or solve it that way. Imagining no one can ever criticize you is ridiculous. We do give one another negative feedback and if a parent can’t see you or feel you or hear you then you get no guidance and direction. Or if someone else built a wall between you and taught to objectify some others or devalue and dehumanize the, or of they are so deluded you can’t discuss anything or certain things they don’t know about and they’re pretending to be god like then you end up in a lot of pain. And no way to understand it or resolve it unless you can level with one another. Hopefully we have developed a process of reflecting and considering the data and choices and sharing together and moving forward. If a person makes an inarticulate cry for help and there is no one to discuss specific behavioral detail and feelings and thoughts and beliefs and be able to identify the problem clearly and resolve it but just ignores everything and gives pity and adulation or missatunement and defines reality in a distorted way like a Pablo Picasso painting then he is an island alone with his suffering and like a dog chasing his own tail. Playing at these games like a child in a fantasy world and imagining something real is happening is bullshit. Good brothers are not about brother right or wrong and pride cometh before a fall. What specifically does a person mean when he says he is “proud”? The bottom line is that bullies destroy others with mental abuse known as word salad. And imagine the other is an evil dragon who must be destroyed. An alien creature. An it. A thing. In a psychotic fantasy world. Stupidly provoking and then pathologizing the reactions and stonewalling like a fairy princess. Allowing People to fight over you and not being able to see your part or responsible for mature dialogue and grievance procedures is the behavior of an evil queen. Pretense. A child pretending to be a mature human being. With callous disregard for the rights and feelings of some others.
Instead of troll storming he could engage with people in a reasonable dialogue involving sharing perceptions and thoughts and feelings and beliefs and demonstrate critical thinking and complex thought. In an environment as a king child with a rigid unspoken hierarchy and rigid unspoken rules children learn to triangulate. They provoke and then stonewall. They let people fight over them like a spoiled girl. With a sense of entitlement. The process of learning to think and act like a sociopath is an indoctrination involving rigid prejudices and seduction and shifting blame and mental abuse and double tankards. It is narcissistic abuse. They learn to speak others reputations and a saccharine guise and people don’t realize they see others as worthless nothings. They learn to rate others unmercifully. They don’t question what is happening or open minded trying to learn and grow together though any kind of discussions but learn to pretend they know everything. They will parrot the original abusers and mimic empty rhetoric and cliches. They learn to evade and devilry and deflect from the process of seeking truth and finding meaning and understanding together. They are taught to automatically shift blame and spar with word salad. No apologies or forgiveness. Very black and white thinking. They can do whatever they want and if the person who is seen as lower status or the enemy protests or retaliates it just gives them confirmation bias it is a stupid, crazy, bitch. They do not self reflect. They speak with omniscient certainty. Adult children speak in a way that gives them away as feeling omniscient and omnipotent and omnipresent. They tell the story of the family myth and worship themselves. Self esteem is paramount. And discounting and devaluing anyone who tries to have a mature discussion. To a spoiled child, mature people are weird and yucky. With a chip on his shoulder, any criticism is seen as an attack on his “insecurities”. How dare you! He blames the wrong targets for his wounds. Displacement. And acts out the cycle of abuse. Has to keep feeding the queen her narcissistic supply. Loves her and hates everyone else. Worships the pure goddess who makes him feel so good! Gives him pity and adulation he is addicted too. Praises him when he abuses others and plays his big protector. Asks no questions. He card stacks and bonds over the common enemy. Pits gangsters on anyone who speaks up. Defines reality for him like a child pretending to be an adult. He doesn’t engage in good faith discussions with the evil monster enemy. Just talks nonsense. With omniscient certainty. The trolls in the mob come along and feed off the human sacrifice. Delights in the hatred and abuse of the evil other. Smiles to their face. Us against you. Stupid people think he’s a friend.
My motivation for life! I can relate to these man, all the bullshit I went through. Rip Jefita I will be want you always wanted me to be, GREAT!
Poem of the hurt but unbreakable. Nothing but raw truth. Keep speaking it. Many will hear it and identify. Hopefully, they'll grow from it✊✊✊
these keep getting better and better. bravo my friend.
I Feal his passion and his heart
I feel your bullshit.
I feel concerned about teens who were taken in by this mythology and in his thrall. This is cult of personality rhetoric. Gang leader linguistics. It’s ego mania.
Resentments and blame shifting. It’s good to self reflect and try to course correct when people give you negative feedback.
@@karlynfinnegan6571 Sounds like you completely missed the point of this poem. "Too many of them still more worried about graduating their bullets than improving their lives." He's talking about escaping that mindset and using that drive to get out.
@@karlynfinnegan6571 you have two accounts?? 😂🤔😂
Absolutely Beautiful 💕🥹
i nown him when we were younger
Is he a good guy? ☺
Deep spoken words from soul give me goosebumps 💓 Mr. Cardenas 💋
I am who I say I am. I am King among Kings.
Dig it. Great work brother
No. It is not great work. He needs real friends who call him on his bullshit. People who can level. Who are on the level.
that was firme ... story after story ftom out the box just helps the cora heal and not feel alone
Patrick carnes, Henry cloud, melody and Bradshaw can be a big help for healing the child within. Learning healthier boundaries, leadership and communication can save lives. This message is in the problem. It is circular reasoning. Discipline solves problems. M Scott peck is also good. In college hopefully we learn how to keep learning and to solve problems. Recovery is physical, mental and spiritual.
I know a lot of fancy dancers. People who can glide you on the floor. They move so smooth but have no answers. - cat Stevens.
Try instilling grieving your losses and some insights into what really happened. Instead of hanging out in the rage of the ego maniac.
Yea I’m sure you are a real win lose type.
Saying you will leave a trail of destruction to get what you feel you deserve is sick. It’s extreme. Yes we need to disappoint people when we focus on our goals. But the thing about lies is something to consider that’s for sure. Christ is king. You appear to be placing your mother and her glib cliches and yourself in the place of god.
This fellow brown brother went hard on this video, very touching as well. Keep it up carnal.
Carnals the word. And not a good one. Ew
Incredibly ignorant!
He didn’t go hard on this video! It’s crap! Go back to school!
Oh yea! Awesome and deep! I wish! What a nightmare.
Bro he is actually Spaniard
I saw this waaaayyyy before Mayans came out, almost half a decade ago, I thought angel looked familiar and now I know why!
whaddupp thats wassup usooo you know we feel it much love back from DayGO 760 Krooks bruhhhh
ayyy papi this is fuckin firme..
straight up firme
That 1 right there got me man. I felt like your a OG teaching my ass some real knowledge. And I learned from it. Thank you
I am a king amongst kingz
Christ is king. As a child, I saw through a glass darkly. As a man I put away childish things.
: ). The Bible says with all your getting, get understanding. It’s says “let us reason together”.
I don’t know who this is honey but I hope life is treating you kindly. Looks like Cardenas is trying to work through some things and trying to identify instead of compare. There’s a difference between “proverbs” and thought stopping empty rhetoric, mind numbing cliches, and hypnotic suggestion. People block connection with different devices. “When I was a child a saw through a glass darkly, but then FACE TO FACE.” Love is truth, love is trust. Conscious contact. God is there. It’s good to hear Clayton’s voice. It’s hard to pull out of gangster fantasies and revenge ideation. The stereotypical dumb blonde and crippled blond hurts me. Hopefully we don’t stereotype ourselves and play the rigid role some “little mothers” in a fantasy world conditioned us into. We do have a Prince of Peace who is a healer. Truth!
Who said you were rude? I got your sincerity. 100%
What am I hearing you say? Is this a depiction of an indigenous gangster trying to manipulate and dominate you like a common criminal? Or are you saying that you are the bad guy who doesn’t know how to communicate with indigenous thugs or little girls? Are you saying that he is laughing at you because the little girl is on his side? Or that women are too stupid to let you be a man? Are you in a double bind? Scanning the environment for “predators” to play the big protector? And powerless and impotent against the women’s beliefs? Between a rock and a hard place? Are you open minded enough to learn more about psychosocial dynamics and functional relating and communication? It is confusing to see pictures of you with the hands making gun signs with a Vegas shooting backdrop. And to hear you speak like a Mexican gangster when one knows you were given the privilege of the best education that money can buy in this world. An opportunity I suspect was wasted in large part. Otherwise you would be able to persuade a person who loves you to think and behave and speak with some basic core values and codes of conduct. And what is this about giving advice to not let politics and religion and family get in the way of success? Being weinsteined is not something anyone can prevent. It is invisible abuse. False prophet acting teachers promote the psychopaths value system. Parroting that is foolishness. I’m telling the truth. When JMarx name was mentioned in the football stands your mothers face distorted with hatred. When values like friendship and team work were brought up she again cringed with contempt. We had a right to know about this discrimination. It is painful to face unresolved issues. It is not as simple as remembering that you reframed abandonment as yourself being understanding. The question is what specifically happened to her and how do we change those patterns? If you can’t engage JMarx in a mutual and reasoned deliberation about the objective reality of our lives then you can’t help anyone. There is no mature and intelligent dialogue! You are acting out and calling it art! You don’t care about jmarx! You don’t care about JMarx! Callous disregard! Childish stonewalling! Do you think you are different from this clown? You don’t know how to explain things to little girls! All you have to say is I will talk to you about this later I promise when she says why? She shows critical thinking but you don’t! She’s worried about this poor guy. She doesn’t know about the alcoholism and domestic abuse and ignorance and refusal to get educated. The class divisions and complexities and complications. My grandmother took care of a brother like this her whole life. There was a tremendous group effort to train him without falsely empowering him. He had an insight that was important and was extremely vulnerable to predators. She went to visit him in the army and when she left he kept showing up on her doorstep. Which she thought was hilarious. She would take him back and when she got home there he was. Again. His name was Chester. He was a cowboy. He knew how to train animals. He caused no problems. His father was shot in the back I found out. Nobody talked about it. His sister was beautiful and she looked like an aristocrat. Elegance personified. She didn’t act like these phony “princesses”. Opposite. Humility. If you don’t know how to explain things to a little girl or she is incapable of understanding you then maybe she has been alienated from you by haters. You don’t have to act out a rigid role people cast you in but the fact you don’t try to engage in a mutual open dialogue and appear to be using art as propaganda is disturbing to me. Hopefully you have decent people around you to keep you grounded in reality who know how to communicate behind that ridiculously superficial interview about showing “heart” and “vulnerability”. That is not my personal experience of you. I see you as someone who misused power at this point. I believe we have obligations and responsibilities in life that we can discuss according to objective standards of reason and reality. And that sick people distort those obligations and responsibilities in terms of “pride” and “brother right or wrong” and “don’t let family or religion or politics get in the way of success” and it is nonsense! I am sorry to say that your language patterns are extremely troubling to me personally and you have affected my life and the life of my loved one deleteriously and continue to do so. I would like to talk about it in good faith. Your behavior shows bad faith and I am in my rights to speak up about it publically. . Im appalled at the flashbacks of JMarx being affected by your persuasion techniques and by what I see as your ignorant stonewalling during recent events. It is sickening to me that you appear to be so immature that you are incapable of considering that you may have things to learn that could place you in a position to help others who have helped you. Instead you seem to minimize and normalize substance abuse and ignorant about it. I implore you to take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth and to consider the fact that enormous numbers of people do not care about fame and fortune and Hollywood and gangster shows. And in fact consider it a plague and bad “art”. They will eat you up and spit you out unless you are ten times more savvy than you are now. And I would consider more carefully your choices as an “artist”. I’m terribly sorry you have a problem finding one single decent woman to have a family with. And why the hell are you chasing these blondes and making them look like losers? Straight is the way and narrow is the gate Clayton. Have fun being a womanizer and making up all women are cheaters haha.
omg.i love this.!!
Very interesting
You hear and see the video but not feeling what he’s saying about it unless you lived it. Knowing how it is to receive the greatest gift any mother or father can give a child is to be born in poverty. Poverty fills a heart filled with want and tough love. It’s what open our eyes at a young age. no silver spoons will know what we go through or had to do to survive and be better then the surrounding. los hijos de reyes no sufren. pero un dia Seré rey para que mis hijos no sufran
This was absolutely beautiful 💕💕
I felt it. I think he is my other half
👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 That was awesome
Does any one know how I can get the full song to the Luna by ilka
Candel lit houses and Dollar menu meals,but no one can tare down my momma! I am whatever I say I am. I will be whatever I want to be. I am a King among Kings.God Bless all mothers & fathers out here.
I wish I could see the rest of this comments but I guess people deleted them. But damn girl. You like trolled every single one of his videos. And I'm just going point out that art is for someone to get the word the feelings the pain the anger happiness out! He did great not cause of the video but because he spoke the words that need to be said for him. Not you and not the rest of the world. Some people just will never get it
You are the one who doesn’t get it. Feelings aren’t always facts. If the thoughts are distorted and fallacious then the feelings are not valid. And what is it you are really seeing and hearing here? Besides the generalizations and mind numbing cliches?
Here we see the vague generalizations of the political shit weasel and the mind numbing cliches of the unprincipled pretender. It’s all distortions and fallacies. Yea I’m sure you see the victims reaction as predatory lol. I notice you didn’t demonstrate any critical thinking. Yea, you’re deep. Got it all figured out lol.
@@misstmemrs you need serious psychological help. And quick. 😬
jhahaha jjeejejeje clayton and his weirdo chick followers down there
Exactly right. Clayton speaks in the language patterns of the disturbed malignant narcissists. Blonde haired people of both sexes are exploited by him. He is a person of the lie and is about manipulation, domination, and possession. He treats others like objects in his drama and poor reflective functioning. It is delusions of grandeur. Self centered. God complex. The language patterns can be understood in terms of logical fallacies. Thought stopping empty rhetoric, mind numbing cliches, and hypnotic suggestion. He is a plagiarizer and a mimic.
If you dint want people to see you as a villain then dint advertise villainy.
I want too know who is it's gurl friend on this show .... Or who going too be ... Thought lady was it's wife for a sec .... Wats up with it. .. I want too play .... Lol .... Even do im in love with JD my boo thing ... Sexy .... Im exited too see new episodes ... Wish had at least the episodes that already watched on here ... im so ready for Tuesday .... Watch this show ... In love ....
I would get an intelligent PR person. Your complaints sound frivolous. Friends give us honest feedback. They ask questions and discuss things with mutuality. I knew dick delson. He would have given you honest advice. You don't have to play the troubled rebel without a cause for Hollywood. They'll eat you up spit you out and stereotype you.
Maybe actually read proverbs before you judge. There’s a difference between “proverbs” and thought stopping empty rhetoric, mind numbing cliches, euphemisms, and the deadly HYPNOTIC SUGGESTION.
Here’s a picture of haughty arrogance. How dare you is interesting from people with double standards.