FREE ENERGY for ALL! Luna Snow is... confusing.

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @tassy-amudamichael8910
    @tassy-amudamichael8910 15 днів тому +47

    Top 0.3% fan here ( according to my UA-cam review), came early just to say this 😂

    • @ninaisnoob
      @ninaisnoob  15 днів тому +19

      Haha appreciate the support 💖

    • @dopeguy10
      @dopeguy10 15 днів тому +6

      How did u find that

    • @tassy-amudamichael8910
      @tassy-amudamichael8910 15 днів тому

      @@dopeguy10 just check your profile, under gaming recap

    • @ninaisnoob
      @ninaisnoob  14 днів тому

      @@dopeguy10 in your youtube recap i think!

  • @Dan016
    @Dan016 10 днів тому

    Dunno if anybody has mentioned this but for some reason your videos just look more crisp/cleaner than other UA-camrs in the marvel snap space. Just thought I’d give kudos for the attention to detail here ☺️👍🏻

  • @TaurussMAGNUS
    @TaurussMAGNUS 15 днів тому +17

    Think I’m just gonna save my key attempts for Penni and Doom 2099.

    • @Beware_Dripzilla
      @Beware_Dripzilla 15 днів тому +3

      Try and use tokens for doom if ya can man, you'll need all the extra keys for next month! Plus his week is kind of horrible, two s4s and one of which may become a s3 quite soon

  • @Lightning0803
    @Lightning0803 15 днів тому +4

    wish the eletra ability is changed to activate so it can combo with this

  • @darktemper91
    @darktemper91 15 днів тому +2

    I knew she would be .....confusing. i just love your titles....LOL

  • @MrB0nez
    @MrB0nez 15 днів тому +7

    My second key 🔑 was a luna snooooow !!! Let's gooo ! 🎉

  • @davidmilesillustration
    @davidmilesillustration 15 днів тому +13

    I wonder if Electra will become a valuable card to remove the opponents Icicle? It would be fun to see her be a little more useful.

    • @chrisblake4198
      @chrisblake4198 15 днів тому +4

      As I heard someone else say today that is slotting a bad card to make a good card slightly better. Just work on getting Red Guardian, who is solid across the board.

  • @fechin4
    @fechin4 15 днів тому +5

    Im here to comment so you make more snap content.

  • @TheCrosshare
    @TheCrosshare 15 днів тому +4

    And as an update; took 4 keys, and got nico which i already had. Ah well! :D The variants are quite nice, although now i'm *really* considering risking for the snow variant XD

  • @Mydogatemycomment
    @Mydogatemycomment 15 днів тому

    I love this card already 🙂 So fun
    thanks for uploading!

  • @JesusSalinas-h2z
    @JesusSalinas-h2z 15 днів тому +5

    whats the playlist you're using in the background for music? Great video by the way!

  • @Blangadanger
    @Blangadanger 15 днів тому +2

    The Ice Cube melting at the beginning of the turn instead of the end is an unexpected mechanic. That does make it a much better ramp card for the person who is playing Luna, but it unfortunately also makes it harder to melt your opponent's Ice Cube with clog. Maybe it's best to just accept you will take more advantage than your opponent will rather than try to destroy theirs.

    • @LunarisRuin
      @LunarisRuin 15 днів тому +1

      Basically what you said. Decks using Luna are built to utilize her and the extra energy you get. Sometimes it helps the opponent but for the most part they won't be making full use of the energy in the way you are.

  • @draakisback
    @draakisback 15 днів тому +1

    They are never going to fix card acquisition. I really wish they would but I don't see it happening anytime soon

  • @brianl2799
    @brianl2799 15 днів тому

    Thanks to my favorite streamer for making more Snap content!

  • @ivn_fgc8005
    @ivn_fgc8005 15 днів тому

    I love this card already

  • @94jmbottaro
    @94jmbottaro 15 днів тому +1

    Gonna save up for bruce banner, ravonna and HE week. Need all 3 of those so bad

  • @chapliito
    @chapliito 15 днів тому +1

    I love Arishem 💓

  • @jonalocker51
    @jonalocker51 15 днів тому +1

    Snap is such an awsome game. I have trust in the devs that they will fix the card issue. Just give them a bit more time

  • @HanNotDan
    @HanNotDan 15 днів тому +6

    It would seem I'm early, I don't know how I feel about luna but we'll see

    • @HanNotDan
      @HanNotDan 15 днів тому +1

      I'm an avid clog player tho lol so she'll be a nice white widow replacement since widow got hugely nerfed

    • @elriatonvaquero6212
      @elriatonvaquero6212 15 днів тому

      @@HanNotDanluna’s clog also gets destroyed like widow’s kiss tho

    • @HanNotDan
      @HanNotDan 15 днів тому +1

      @@elriatonvaquero6212 yeh but the opp doesn't want to play there making the clog way easier

    • @Mr_Myst13
      @Mr_Myst13 15 днів тому

      If there's one thing I learned about Wiccan, extra energy is uncontested rn and Luna Snow may be useful in lists in the future

  • @nicklazza2222
    @nicklazza2222 15 днів тому +2

    Baron Zemo,right?

  • @TheCrosshare
    @TheCrosshare 15 днів тому

    Might as well, got 5 keys, only issue is the ones that come with the spotlight. Have both, well, maybe deathstrike variant wouldn't be the worst. Can see lots of fun with Snow, even in arishem, or snow into abso man, just different fun stuff :D

  • @adam-l74
    @adam-l74 15 днів тому +1

    The Spotlights are indeed very bad this month for sure. I hope whatever they have planned for next year will help with card acquisition.

  • @aburose23
    @aburose23 15 днів тому +2

    So, you play Luna on Marvel Boy deck. Well, Marvel Boy is still my favorite deck right now 👍

  • @Breadcrumbs593
    @Breadcrumbs593 15 днів тому

    All the cards seem pretty lackluster, but I’m really excited for peni. what are your thoughts on it tho?

    • @ninaisnoob
      @ninaisnoob  15 днів тому

      Peni looks really good! And I'm excited about Doom 2099 too!

  • @IdkBrock
    @IdkBrock 14 днів тому

    Been playing her in high evolutionary

  • @Cy1ord
    @Cy1ord 15 днів тому

    This is my sign to gamble my keys away, thank you.

  • @consequences
    @consequences 15 днів тому

    I put both in my Surfer deck, they seem a little clunky, so far, although I'm sure some creators will find obnoxious ways to use them.

    • @consequences
      @consequences 15 днів тому

      Never mind I'm constantly shit on when I use them

  • @llamaboi_Games
    @llamaboi_Games 15 днів тому

    Can you pleae do more collecter chest videos with the variants PLEASE!!!?❤😊
    Also love your vids nina❤❤

  • @alfonsomezab.1390
    @alfonsomezab.1390 15 днів тому +1

    Is Luna worth it for Collector Tokens?

  • @ledsenkatt
    @ledsenkatt 15 днів тому

    I'd have bought the season pass if the Galacta variant was the Rivals portrait, but they used the Chibi and put the Rivals variant in a spotlight for who knows when. They already took away emotes, they shouldn't need to do this

  • @coleeg69
    @coleeg69 15 днів тому +1

    I thought Junk would be her best place and if you use armor then it shouldn't destroy itself yeah?

    • @ninaisnoob
      @ninaisnoob  15 днів тому +1

      If it takes 2 turns to set up then I think Luna into Red guardian is better since then they don’t get the extra energy. But I think you waste too much energy setting that up. Not really worth it.

  • @JustCarda
    @JustCarda 15 днів тому

    What about Luna into Elektra on T4? You can still play X2 6 cost cards

    • @ninaisnoob
      @ninaisnoob  15 днів тому

      Yep, that would work but it’s kinda expensive to set up. You waste your whole turn 4 doing it for 2 extra energy.

  • @sammchunu7893
    @sammchunu7893 15 днів тому +2

    I'm tempted but I'm not sure

    • @ninaisnoob
      @ninaisnoob  15 днів тому +3

      Yea, I honestly don’t love that she gives your opponent extra energy for at least 1 turn unless you play Luna into Elektra. but that means playing it out on turn 4 only and then that location is kinda clogged with low power cards.

  • @simplicitysitruc
    @simplicitysitruc 15 днів тому +1

    Free energy for all who are you Oprah

  • @stargazing209
    @stargazing209 15 днів тому

    If Luna herself gave +1 energy per turn but only spawned ice cube on enemy's side

    • @m7mad182
      @m7mad182 15 днів тому

      Beyond broken 😂

  • @nuruhu5122
    @nuruhu5122 15 днів тому

    Even though lady deathstrike has been featured so many times, I still do not have her😂. I do not even really want her. If I get her at random its okay but I will never waste my tokens or keys so this spotlight is a pass.

  • @sanraik
    @sanraik 15 днів тому +1

    Ice cube works so confusing in the first clip... Making white widow nerf even more frustrating... Kiss destroyes instantly and ice cube not? Really?

    • @ledsenkatt
      @ledsenkatt 15 днів тому

      I agree, that's the interaction I was most excited to try too.

  • @reeceholmes6594
    @reeceholmes6594 15 днів тому

    only been watching you for a couple minutes you are quite smart I mean, at this game anyway

  • @awesomemike3857
    @awesomemike3857 15 днів тому

    Top 0.6 fan

  • @botheredbiskit
    @botheredbiskit 15 днів тому

    Gilgamesh, Zemo, Blink and Gwenpool still haven't been in caches yet. This system is so bad.

  • @madmax1171ify
    @madmax1171ify 14 днів тому

    Im the deadpool Archetypes its meee I need X-23😭😭

  •  15 днів тому

    defo skipping... I'm satisfied with my collection right now so it's time to save keys

  • @Charly_nout
    @Charly_nout 15 днів тому

    I love You nina ❤

  • @Devi-pt8gt
    @Devi-pt8gt 15 днів тому


  • @smgo89
    @smgo89 15 днів тому +1
