Yowie on the bridge with me and what looks like one in the distance 29 Oct 2021

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • OMG. I don't know what to say. I'm excited and nervous as I write this. At the 0:49 second mark yellow hair can be seen (far left and top edge of video) moving about. The thing is, even though I have long hair, I was not moving at the time of seeing the hair and it was not windy. I actually saw the hair in the camera's display as I was filming the creek and it was about 3 feet ahead of me. I was facing the railing and was twisting my body around to resume walking again, hence the camera movement. A moment later and I began walking again but I ended up taking two steps and felt very uncomfortable about going any further ahead. I just did not want to be in that spot where I was about to walk, and there was a very intense feeling of a presence of a Yowie in the spot where I was about to tread (my third step if I had've taken it). I got the feeling the Yowie had stopped walking and I felt what I felt because he did not want me walking into him. (I don't think he wanted that kind of physical interaction with me, even if it was by accident.) I felt very nervous when I first started recording this video and just wanted to leave to film the other side of the bridge. My only verbal reaction to the Yowie's presence was the word "Shit" as I stepped onto the road part of the bridge. I don't know why I chose to cross to the other side of the bridge rather than simply go around the Yowie. I guess all those feelings got the better of me and I chose to give the Yowie a very wide birth. Once I got to the other side of the bridge the nervousness disappeared but feeling his presence remained for about a further 20 seconds.
    This was a quick video on the way into town to do some shopping. We had heavy rain this morning and just before I started walking into town the sun came out. It was hot again. I wanted to quickly film the creek with water flowing in it as this sort of thing does not happen very often here. I was focused on filming the creek rather than looking for Yowies. I have never seen this sort of activity before. I've seen partial glimpses of them, silhouettes and 3 second physical sightings but nothing like this with the hair. Even though I did film Yowie hair, it wasn't physical hair as such. The Yowie was invisible but had lowered his vibrational energy level low enough for me to get a partial glimpse of him - in the form of physical hair. And if you look closely, the Yowie had also stopped to look at the creek and was facing the same way I was. He began to turn and move but then suddenly stopped. The hair moved in an arced movement just like how human hair moves when one changes direction. The key word here is movement. He moved forward and turned at the same time, matching my movement but not my timing. I'm still in shock that a Yowie would show itself, even partially, on camera right next to me.
    Edited 10 February 2022 due to a lack of information.


  • @waynegraham7611
    @waynegraham7611 2 роки тому +14

    I see nothing, I tried ! lol

  • @yommmrr
    @yommmrr 2 роки тому +3

    It's the waters reflection?

  • @michaelking432
    @michaelking432 2 роки тому +8

    Lady what's you been smoking?

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  2 роки тому

      I used to think people who experienced or saw creatures, even aliens and ufos, were crazy until I began to see them and encounter them myself. I still often think I am hallucinating but cameras don't lie. Yowies (aka Bigfoot/Sasquatch) are next to impossible to prove that they exist because of the lack of physical evidence of their existence. I've given up trying to prove their existence. I am simply recording what I see and hear in my environment no matter what it is. I don't need to explain myself nor my reasons to anyone. Maybe I am crazy. Maybe I am a nutty woman who has lost her marbles. Or maybe I am the sane one and you are the crazy one for not having an open mind in the first place. I am just one person out of millions who have seen and/or encountered these creatures. Are we all crazy? Fear mongering will get you nowhere. Until you encounter a Yowie or Bigfoot/sasquatch you will never know what real fear is.

    • @michaelking432
      @michaelking432 2 роки тому +3

      @@ShirleyHardyAu lady stop eating the mushrooms leave them in the ground

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  2 роки тому

      @@michaelking432 Whatever

    • @keithkimsten5111
      @keithkimsten5111 2 роки тому

      For some it's hard to understand what reality is from their "safe place", they can never experience anything but what their mental prison feels like.
      Remember 99% of psychologists were searching for answers to their own mental illnesses in college but soon found professors who would justify their mental illnesses sending them out into the world with no answers but selfindulged ignorance.
      You can never get truth from those who are closeminded.
      Brush them off like the gnats they are.

  • @sherylhowell5320
    @sherylhowell5320 2 роки тому +5

    Your "yowie" would literally have to be riding on ur back if u think the yellow "flashes" are hairs from a yowie that is supposedly 7-8 ft tall. Really?
    BTW, wtf is a yowie?

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  2 роки тому +1

      It was approximately 3 feet in front of me actually. I have never stated how tall the Yowie is because I simply do not know that fact. I do not know the species either. You know you can simply google what a Yowie is rather than ask me.

    • @andydierickx4346
      @andydierickx4346 2 роки тому +2

      Equivalent of Bigfoot/Sasquatch in Australia

  • @andrewmeidl8424
    @andrewmeidl8424 2 роки тому +5

    It's not a yowie. Seeing something when there's nothing.

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  2 роки тому

      I said it looks like one, not there is one there along the creek. The shadow anomoly is weird. It is more likely a reflection on the water.

  • @ronaldtipton6035
    @ronaldtipton6035 3 місяці тому +1

    That looks like it's literally 3 feet away from her. If it was a Yowie, she'd have seen & smelled it.

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  3 місяці тому

      You don't need to see and smell a Yowie to know one is there, Ronald. They rarely show themselves anyway, so one's physical senses are pretty much useless in that respect. Smelling a Yowie doesn't happen that often, and from all the odours I have smelled in regards to "them", it only happens when 2 Yowies are courting each other. The dead giveaway that I instantly knew it was a Yowie was the overpowering "emotions" I suddenly was feeling. They're not like our emotions, they are 100 times more powerful, so powerful when expressed the air fills with emotions. Or to put it bluntly, it was like the Yowie's aura expanded to the radius of at least 75-100 metres and within all that area was the emotions He was feeling. When I felt his emotions I felt like I had ran into a brick wall and then became one with the brick wall. But when I felt his presence close up, when I was next to him, I could sense he was about a foot or two taller than me and wider than I am at the shoulders.

  • @cmccormick5072
    @cmccormick5072 2 роки тому +5


    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  2 роки тому

      If it were a shadow of a tree or shrub it would be there every single day at the same time but its not.

  • @bruntonharris1347
    @bruntonharris1347 2 роки тому +5

    The fact that there are dogs going off in the distance means something is about. I know this sounds lame but I cannot really see this blonde yowie however if you feel them looking at you go with that 6th sense. They are curious creatures and the fact you have plum coloured hair and that you are by yourself alone on a backroad probably drew their attention. The other thing is that yowies are always found near good water. Thanks for posting and good luck trying to catch one close up. Flir and the go for nights and those fancy film telescopes are the go for daytime distance shots.

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  2 роки тому

      Yes, dogs barking. I wish they'd shut up for once. There's one neighbourhood dog I love to give larrengitis to. This dog drives me up the wall of a night time when it starts barking and barely stops until dawn. Where I live is on a particular street, the last street that before the scrub starts. Its only one block wide out of the whole road that does this going east to west and that is because of the creek. Going south from here though is a different story because there is much closer bush sections along the creek which heads south-east to the dam. So I basically live right on the edge of town. I have observed Yowie activity in the middle of town and in busy areas of town too. Some go to the supermarket too as I often see orange or banana peels on the side of the road where no kids walk home from school.
      A FLIR camera would be nice but I don't have that kind of money. I wouldn't risk the chance of using it and uploading the videos here after the fact, I believe, a Yowie nearly destroyed my laptop almost a week ago. Thankfully my brother fixed it but I lost everything on my laptop in the process, including another bit of physical evidence of their existence I was turning into an edited video. I couldn't even save anything. I have to outsmart them and block my intentions somehow.
      One thing I know for certain about most Yowies is they can materialise and dematerialise at will. Its the younger ones that practice this a lot and they are the ones whom I capture on film by accident. The older ones use much higher energy frequencies when they vanish so you won't see their energy vibrations at all. I see this vibrational energy with my naked eye only when one is close to me and is beginning to materialise but doesn't fully do so. I never thought a camera would pick it up as well. That's why I am so excited about this particular incident with this particular Yowie showing itself. No, the Yowie is not physically showing itself to me. It is showing itself in energy form. The difference between energy form and physical form is just a matter of vibration. This incident is a confirmation from above that what I have learnt and seen all these years is true and real because cameras can't lie. Cameras can be manipulated, yes, but I ain't that clever. Using technology is difficult for me. If I can figure out how to use it, I'll use it. If I can't figure it out I won't use it.

  • @bruntonharris1347
    @bruntonharris1347 2 роки тому +3

    Sorry at the 50 second mark into your video there is a flash of yellow hair to the left of you. If you have really long hair maybe but you do not so it is a bit of a mystery. Also I noticed the plover squawking and the towards the end it is flying towards the area you zoomed in on. These birds usually are on the ground and make a racket when something gets near them. I am presuming this was early in the morning?

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  2 роки тому

      I do have long hair but that yellow hair was not mine because it was about 3 feet in front of me. My hair, even on a windy day, does not go 3 feet away from my head. It was a bit windy at the time this video was recorded. The time was around 12:30PM. The only possible thing it may have been would be a seed head of grass growing on the bridge in a crack. But the grass stalks with the seed heads was not that tall at the time and were just behind me. The bird at the end is actually a Little Corella not a Plover. Yes, Plover do go off at anything and everything, 2 and 4 legged. But dogs are far worse. They'll bark at cars as well as all the normal stuff and often bark at their own echo. Dogs are stupid in that regard. The one thing I have noticed in my environment is when Yowies are in the area the wildlife is noisy. When they are not in the area everything is silent, even the frogs.

    • @robbiej1343
      @robbiej1343 2 місяці тому

      Birds are known for calling out when predators are around, a bird would be the one to warn the dog, only problem is if the dog is domesticated it doesn't understand the calls as its used to other noises, humans talking, gates open and closing vehicles, ect, a dingo or fox would understand it tho instantly, its the birds in the wild that will let you know if something is around, not a dog @ShirleyHardyAu

  • @antonrudenham3259
    @antonrudenham3259 2 роки тому +4

    The yellow 'hair' is actually a sheaf of corn or wheat or crop, maybe it got caught in your clothing during your walk?

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  2 роки тому

      Yes it does look like that Anton but its not. I was walking for about 60-90 seconds before reaching the bridge and there is only grass in the surrounding areas. Some grasses do grow that high when they go to seed, like on the bridge and the east side of the bridge but they were not over 5 feet tall at the time. They are now because we have had a lot of eain since then. Therefore, it was not any type of plant material.

    • @fjb4932
      @fjb4932 5 місяців тому

      "Oh Please !" ☆

  • @keithkimsten5111
    @keithkimsten5111 2 роки тому +1

    I brought the video on my TV... Didn't help. I did note there was no movement at all in the few seconds of your clip. Shrug... Maybe go back around the same time and re-film that area to show that it's not there anymore?
    Anyways, I learned long ago our sightings of the unusual sometimes cannot be explained and I except that.

  • @whitewolves37
    @whitewolves37 2 роки тому +2

    looks so peaceful also fishing time lol

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  2 роки тому +1

      The only fish you'll find in that creek, Mark, are tiny little ones. Peaceful is not a word I would choose, too much traffic all the time going passed on the bridge. Thanks for watching.

  • @AnnoyedAirplaneWindow-gd9cz
    @AnnoyedAirplaneWindow-gd9cz 3 місяці тому

    Wow I saw nothing. What about the one on the bridge .

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  3 місяці тому

      It was an experience only I saw, apparently. Any other encounters I have I will just not upload so as to not waste anyone else's time because most of them only I see and/or the camera doesn't pick anything up.

  • @kenwebster5053
    @kenwebster5053 Рік тому

    It's a reflection on the water, an inverted image of the dark space between sun lit foliage directly above it.

  • @davidadams5280
    @davidadams5280 2 місяці тому

    That just looks like part of the natural landscape. Both ahead and next to you I see nothing

  • @mjay6508
    @mjay6508 Рік тому +1

    Always trust your dogs

  • @worldsfastestube7302
    @worldsfastestube7302 2 роки тому +1

    Well I had a few questions about Bigfoot on my channel so I made a video been crazy ever since

  • @gold3084
    @gold3084 2 роки тому +1

    Where are you located ?

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  2 роки тому

      New South Wales, Australia

    • @gold3084
      @gold3084 2 роки тому

      @@ShirleyHardyAu Melbourne

    • @risingvibes100
      @risingvibes100 2 роки тому +1

      @David Goldfish home right now but going to IGA soon

  • @debbiejohnson9120
    @debbiejohnson9120 2 роки тому +2

    I seen the yellow hair & the one in the water looked rather large from that distance. How long has this been going on, being followed, & are you north or south New South Wales please. To all the non believers, if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all or, prove her wrong. You won't be able to.

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks for your comment, Debbie. Its really appreciated. Yeah, that hair is what got me because it physically confirmed, to me, that there was a Yowie there. Mind you, seeing a Yowie like that has never happened before. Its hard to say how long it has been when I first started being followed. More than 20 years. I used to love walking by myself at night as I always felt safe. I always had company though and at first I thought they were Angels accompanying me on my walks. Nope. It turned out they were Yowies. I live in northern NSW now but am originally from South Australia where I had Yowie encounters as well, but of the bad kind of encounter. I think there is a family group of Yowies here in my area at the moment but I am uncertain. I only ever get some sort of vibe that there may be some about in one specific location away from the creek but I'm never certain about it. This only occurs with this particular family group, which has been here for about a week. These ones don't interact with me, don't make noises, etc and I cannot tell which species they are either. I haven't seen or felt their presence but have heard a few subtle noises and found myself suddenly stopping, turning and staring at a tree, about 14 feet up, for no reason and for about 30 seconds straight. That happened last week though. Sometimes its hard to figure out if Yowies are here or not yet other times its obvious. Shirley

    • @debbiejohnson9120
      @debbiejohnson9120 2 роки тому +2

      @@ShirleyHardyAu thanks for the prompt reply Shirley. I'm in far north Nsw as you can get & have seen a few up here. I've been in hospital on & off over the last 12 months & I happened to, by sheer flook, see 2 behind the hospital about 30 mtrs back in the bush. They didn't hide or run off & I sat there for 45 minutes watching them & checking the rest of the area. I had to go back in for lunch but I returned around 2 hours later & they were still there but had moved further in the bush & to the right.
      You stay safe out there. Keep the camera rolling & it won't take forever to get a following, but then again I don't know how long you have been at this. Greatest of luck to you & hope to talk again soon. Deb.

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  2 роки тому +1

      @@debbiejohnson9120 hi again, Debbie. I hope you are feeling better and your health is back to normal. No, that wasn't sheer fluke, Debbie. They let you see them. I'm 100 percent certain of it.
      I live in Tenterfield. I origonally moved here because the sun light was not intense here but since 2005 it has been intense. (Hence my interest in there being a second sun and related videos I record). I've always been interested in recording videos and taking photos. I first started out being interested in birds. I even discovered an unofficial and unrecorded new bird species but I never got it on film and the birds disappeared from town in 2005 when all the rains stopped. Over time a lot of the bird species left the area, over 100 different species. Well, one thing lead to another and I took interest in trees and frogs and rocks and the creek. Which lead me to discovering tree breaks, stick structures on the ground, etc. And that lead me to discovering Yowies were in the area. That was about 4 years ago now. I started recording their activity about 3 years ago, only in photos, which was around the same time when Yowies started taking an interest in me.
      They've partially shown themselves to me over that time. Nearly on all the times I've seen them or have had heard them and knew they were following me I never had a phone or camera on me. I'm currently trying to find the fine line between recording them and them not knowing I'm recording them. Its tricky. Its all about what my intentions are - they know my intentions.

    • @billyballsup2685
      @billyballsup2685 2 роки тому

      @@ShirleyHardyAu go pro mite help. Put tape over colour light coming from it.

    • @MatthewDalglish-jz6lp
      @MatthewDalglish-jz6lp Рік тому +1

      U prove us wrong

  • @ianbalogh8492
    @ianbalogh8492 6 місяців тому

    Cant see anything

  • @fjb4932
    @fjb4932 5 місяців тому

    Dyed hair is fine, for a silly teenager, which i doubt you are . . . ☆

  • @stevendudgeon208
    @stevendudgeon208 Рік тому

    Shirley there's no Yowie there I have seen a Yowie and they don't have yellow hair

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  Рік тому

      It wasn't yellow hair as such rather yellow energy, higher vibrational energy, not physical matter. There's a difference.

    • @stevendudgeon208
      @stevendudgeon208 Рік тому

      @@ShirleyHardyAu oh okay but did you see it

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  Рік тому

      @@stevendudgeon208 No but I sensed it and felt it's emotions from 200 metres away. It wasn't watching me that much I do know. It was a young Yowie, male, and I think it had been scorned or was upset about something. The emotions I was picking up from it was way too intense for me to deal with as a human. And then I almost walked into it as it suddenly stopped. After I crossed to the other side of the road on the bridge itself, a second Yowie appeared and looked right at me which is why I turned and pointed the camera in the direction of the other side of the bridge. I didn't physically that one either but in my head I did and it was roughly 12 feet tall.

  • @Mrbeescifi
    @Mrbeescifi 2 роки тому +1

    Cool Video i seen lots of interesting beings and yowies in this near the water in between the reflections and trees , some are Shadows but when you look they pop out in very clear detail. A large headed entity looks to be working on some sort of machine or device very transparent but its there, keep filming these areas around you i would like to see more, certain people can attract more than others cool to see.

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks. I don't really see much except for what looks like a Yowie/Bigfoot in the creek water. My eyesight is pretty crap. I'm not good with distance. I'll add more videos of this area when I get the chance. Its about 50 metres from home.

  • @racko6ix
    @racko6ix 2 роки тому +3

    100% real. stay safe and pray for protection always.

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  2 роки тому

      There's been so many interesting things happen at this creek. Some were just weird. The Yowie in this video, along with it's family, are no longer here. However, the creek gets taken over by Yowies days later after the previous ones move out, unless something bad is going to happen then it'll take longer for Yowies to return. Since this new lot of Yowies has been here extra weird things are happening. Weird even for me. It started with the 2 footprints I discovered on my front lawn. I'm uploading a video tomorrow that I've only just finished reviewing on my laptop. I had to do a lot of research to rule out all other animals in the area that it didn't come from them. Hence me still being awake at 3:30 AM.

  • @simonjones3863
    @simonjones3863 Рік тому

    You need to hide a little camera down there. Yowie need to drink water too!

  • @desert-walker
    @desert-walker Рік тому

    Well, Bigfoot should’ve been on the bridge you didn’t see it? That’s kind of weird.😮

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  Рік тому

      No, I didn't see it with my naked eyes but I did feel it's presence. I almost walked into it too, which is why I said "Sh*t" then turned and crossed to the other side of the bridge. However, from what I have learnt over time about them, is they can appear not only in a physical form in our reality, but also as a dark, shadow form, and in a much higher frequency than the shadow form. In both these other forms they are still in a physical form and they can be touched and feel like solid matter. They CAN see us but we cannot see them in these higher physical forms. Whilst I was on the bridge I sensed a second Yowie approach and then stop just before the footpath on the bridge - the first Yowie's parent. It was very tall, about 12-14 feet. It was watching me and talking to it's son on the bridge. I couldn't see or hear anything with my physical body but somehow I knew all of this from what I was picking up with my sixth sense. Mostly from the energy vibes I was sensing. I don't know what the one on the bridge was going through but my afterthought was that it felt like he had been scorned by something he did by one of his parents. Or maybe he had been rejected by a female of his liking. The vibes I was picking up was that of paranoia, sadness, concern, worry, despair, and just wanted to be left alone. And those emotions were very intense and I could feel them from 75 metres away. I was actually scared to approach the area but I had to cross that bridge to keep walking in that direction. Hence this video.

  • @robertross3673
    @robertross3673 2 роки тому

    Nothing in any video.

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  2 роки тому

      Well, then stop watching my videos and go elsewhere.

  • @certinstructorron4050
    @certinstructorron4050 2 роки тому

    We have in the US too! Many people don't believe in them... Evidence says differently! Tracks 6 feet apart in the middle of nowhere! Scott Carpenter's book is good on the subject!

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  2 роки тому +1

      Yeah, people tend to believe what the media and government says over actual sightings from people in the public. Here in Australia, finding evidence is a lot harder because Yowies/Bigfoots are much sneakier. We also don't have the large trees like you see in North America. All the hardwood trees are basically extinct because of passed logging. We also don't have large predators as native animals, and no native hooved animals. Just a whole bunch of introduced animals, camels, horses, water buffaloes, foxes, rabbits, goats, pigs, etc and feral dogs and cats. But Yowies do use rocks and sticks as markers. And they must use caves because they go elsewhere in Autumn/Winter and when they return they have a baby with them. That's just what I've found in my area though. I get 2 different species of Yowies in this area, so I struggle sometimes to identify which species is which. I have, however, come to identify quirks of one clan - they moo like cows. This clan is the largest species and also use rock and stick markers bear the creek. And sometimes, to the best of my knowledge, a Dogman stays in the area for several weeks when no Yowies are about.

    • @certinstructorron4050
      @certinstructorron4050 2 роки тому

      @@ShirleyHardyAu , I had an encounter with some thing that whistled and threw a big object like a rock in the water! I've never seen a Bigfoot, I seen some of the evidence from them, casts of foot prints. I do think it's possible they are some sort of hybrid that can sense electronics! Some say they are related to the Nephilim ( fallen angels). I've heard stories of them vanishing! Even being connected with UFOS, orbs and other paranormal events! People often will not question things... I've investigated the paranormal for about 40 years. It's REAL!

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  2 роки тому

      I've seen a Bigfoot a few times, in person but it was always dark or at twilight. I've never seen their faces though. They have shown me their faces in my mind which is not something I could conjur up going on the unique diversity of their faces, eye colour, and the way their hair parts on their heads. I don't believe they are hybrids or even related to the fallen Angels. One thing is certain is they are dimensional Beings capable of shape shifting into a different form. I actually believe they are Divine Angels.

    • @certinstructorron4050
      @certinstructorron4050 2 роки тому

      @@ShirleyHardyAu , Look at Scott Carpenter's book... The Bigfoots aren't always friendly! There's reported cases of them even kidnapping humans!

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  2 роки тому

      @@certinstructorron4050 Maybe in the US but here in Australia there's only a few reported cases of Yowies killing people, in the last 200 years. I have not heard of any kidnappings by Yowies either. If they are annoyed by us humans they will throw rocks, etc at people. They also follow humans but generally nothing bad comes from it down here.

  • @edmc1000
    @edmc1000 2 роки тому

    And yet you did not call out to it?

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  2 роки тому

      I wasn't sure what I was looking at, let alone if it was indeed a Yowie.

    • @heox123
      @heox123 2 роки тому

      Why would you call out an unknown creature thats several times stronger and faster than you. Why dont people call out to lions, bears or gorillas to get a clearer picture? I wonder why lol

  • @potatofry1237
    @potatofry1237 2 роки тому

    Is that the BUNYIP

  • @MatthewDalglish-jz6lp
    @MatthewDalglish-jz6lp Рік тому

    U smoking

  • @pm2886
    @pm2886 2 роки тому +2

    I'm sure you're a lovely person, but you need to consider why you believe something as ludicrous as an eight foot tall primate following you around in broad daylight, in clear sight of other people and in semi-rural areas. If you live alone it's even more important to seek help. Depression and isolation can cause all sorts of delusions if ignored.

    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  2 роки тому

      I do sometimes get depressed but it is always short-lived. That entirely depends upon what's happening at the time, like realising I'm getting nowhere in life, or we are in a drought and it isn't raining. I have a healthy state of mind. Why I believe Yowies follow me is because there is too much evidence for it. I'm actually trying to prove to myself that they don't exist but unfortunately that is not working. I keep finding evidence that they do exist.

    • @alex_123more
      @alex_123more 2 роки тому

      What's ludicrous is your opinion of something you've never experienced, P M. You absolutely cannot "discount" someone's experience, it is simply their experience and "science" doesn't have to back it up

    • @keithkimsten5111
      @keithkimsten5111 2 роки тому

      I agree with you 100%.
      I was raised in the deep woods country surrounded by miles and miles of woods which were Native American lands long before ours and they knew of these beings, passed on in their folklore, (unwritten history)...
      Our house was very old and close to a place of worship for those native Americans and I found their tribal fire pit in an area that was high on a point of land overlooking their lands below, as a child. It was a place where I went often growing up and sometimes time would have no meaning there... Hours would go by in minutes and drumming could be heard there during those times.
      Those who doubt and spread doubt can never see or understand what true reality is. Closeminded people wither and stagnate within their own worthless realities.
      I could tell you times that I and my siblings know to be real that would shock those who are filled with doubt but those times were ours alone and never shared by any of us. Decades went by before we even knew each of us had those same events happen to us growing up.
      Reality isn't necessarily proven by science. Reality is sometimes yours and yours alone.
      After all, those who only see and project their own reality onto others are the Truely blind and ignorant among us.

  • @bennoble6320
    @bennoble6320 10 місяців тому

    Yowies can smell your yummy food you cook.

  • @jimdawson5299
    @jimdawson5299 2 роки тому +1


    • @ShirleyHardyAu
      @ShirleyHardyAu  2 роки тому

      If you watch this video it will prove it was not a shadow. ua-cam.com/video/y_R0AUZqmvE/v-deo.html

    • @manuelanzualda1816
      @manuelanzualda1816 2 роки тому

      @ in the field..just curious but what is a yowie???not being funny..seriously curious..