UPDATE: The title has been corrected to the track's proper name: the 1997 CD issue misprinted the track as 'Etoral', and vice versa. Sorry for any confusion. While you're here, do consider getting the reissue linked above, or any of Kayn's newly-restored work on rolandkayn.bandcamp.com/, and support his daughter Ilse's monumental effort in bringing all his music into the light at last.
UPDATE: The title has been corrected to the track's proper name: the 1997 CD issue misprinted the track as 'Etoral', and vice versa. Sorry for any confusion.
While you're here, do consider getting the reissue linked above, or any of Kayn's newly-restored work on rolandkayn.bandcamp.com/, and support his daughter Ilse's monumental effort in bringing all his music into the light at last.
in magnificent sound pools we swim, together, through alien palaces, ignoring we were Empire's temporary slaves, future flesh reserve
Everytime I listen to this I visualized myself roaming in an alien desert planet
Very interesting work. The development of the sound is fantastic.
Kayn is king!
when i listen to this, i imagine it’s like starting directly into some void. or an endless, barren land
Roaring through the thick atmosphere of Titan?
where can i find the rest of the album?
Just being re released