Keeping that body turn with a connected arm swing with minimal wrist hinge helps keep speed off and improve distance control! Thanks for watching and commenting Tony, appreciate you!!
A good wedge shot with great spin control there is no real divot - what she is doing here looks like massive contact with ground and she will hits massive bullets with such steep contact. Let the bounce do the work, no real divots and most of all great contact with good spin
She already struggles with lack of angle into the golf ball… we are also practicing stock penetrating wedges and not higher softer ones where there would be less divot and more bounce used.
What do you do to control wedge distances? Grab 3 Private Videos To Gain Distance Now -
Another great lesson!
I love this. I never hinge even up to 120. Well hinge like a normal person. Lol.
Keeping that body turn with a connected arm swing with minimal wrist hinge helps keep speed off and improve distance control! Thanks for watching and commenting Tony, appreciate you!!
A good wedge shot with great spin control there is no real divot - what she is doing here looks like massive contact with ground and she will hits massive bullets with such steep contact. Let the bounce do the work, no real divots and most of all great contact with good spin
She already struggles with lack of angle into the golf ball… we are also practicing stock penetrating wedges and not higher softer ones where there would be less divot and more bounce used.