Seed Wars 17: The Nagas serpent race

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • This video explores the serpent races described in Asian, Indian and Meso-American traditions.


  • @MissSassy
    @MissSassy Рік тому +56

    I'm from India. Here every year we have a serpent festival in August month where it's compulsory for us Hindus to worship Naga as our ancestors & offer them food & take blessings from them
    We are doing it since last 5000+ years, continuous tradition... Every Hindu God is connected to the Nagas.. Lord Ganesha has Naga tied on his belly.. Lord Shiva has Naga wrapped around his neck... Lord Vishnu rests on the Naga King Shesha! We have thousands of ancient temples where Nagas are carved everywhere!
    We worship Naga's daily even today. My family has named me as "NagKanya" it means "Daughter of Naga's". My parents decided to give me this name as I was born on holy day of serpent festival in the month of August where we worship Naga god's!😄😊

    • @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952
      @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952  Рік тому +8

      That is incredible. thank you for sharing your testimony. I greatly appreciate and respect that.

    • @ubuntuber1619
      @ubuntuber1619 10 місяців тому

      ​@@theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952i had sex with one of the Nag Kanyas (serpent girl)
      one morning i visited the temple of Kamakhya in Assam and saw this same beautiful North Eastern girl by the banks of Brahmaputra river later that day, whom i earlier saw staring at me in the temple..
      Then i traveled to Sikkim from there... to my surprise this girl was in the same guest house... we shared a smile... but i thought these kind of things happen in tourist circuits. and i got busy with my day being a tourist.
      That very night, i felt my legs are coiled and tightened by something slittering and i couldn't open my eyes, it felt as though ive been caught by a python whos constricting me to become its food but it felt sexually i didn't bother.
      next thing i remember it was morning and i woke up very relaxed and fresh.. my legs were paining... i thought i had night fall but there wasnt any discharge on the sheets or my shorts... i went to the shower and masturbated just to check if it was some kind of weird dream... but my tank was empty nothing came out in ejaculation as opposed to me practicing semen retention for months...
      there was fleeting memory and thoughts of that girl that was reoccurring the whole day.. with a pleasing nostalgia of an un explainable aroma.

    • @jaddek.astrie3071
      @jaddek.astrie3071 10 місяців тому +7

      I love Indian spirituality ❤❤❤❤❤I was visited by a reptilian after years after my kundalini awaken through ayahuasca but I believe he directed me in a way to get there. When I meet him I was on a 23rd floor apt I was seating in bed and he showed up he was like a teenager dressed in a white garnet and he had a golden crest. He said go to sleep. I fall asleep. Then years after I did ayahuasca and asked where he was, and I was truly concerned then he showed up and he was a young adult and his energy was really strong. I told him I love him and happy he was there and few days ago I found other info of Nagas from a guru and now this podcast. It’s incredible. I’m also do often mantras and Studying Krishna and need to get another book that’s talks about kundalini yoga. ❤❤❤❤❤

    • @krownneghas8623
      @krownneghas8623 10 місяців тому +3

      I was born in bali, i believe to have naga dna in my bloodline.

    • @sakurajamison3899
      @sakurajamison3899 9 місяців тому +4

      My maternal Grandfather's family is from Nagasaki, Japan. My family definitely has strong Naga ties in names and symbols and traditions and world view. The Dragon is the dominant archetype that our family honors by way of given names (Tatsu, Kieran, Drake) and innumerable procured works of art such as statues and paintings. And the Dragon is
      deeply revered by my family and beloved to be a protector, progenitor and closely related to the divine and spiritual.

  • @lingy74
    @lingy74 5 місяців тому +7

    Important distinction though - the Nagas in the east are neither good nor evil. Much like humans, there are good ones and evil ones. They live in their own naga realm.

    • @thisnthat7760
      @thisnthat7760 2 місяці тому +1


    • @PaterNoster777
      @PaterNoster777 6 днів тому

      Luciferian mumbo jumbo. Yes is yes, no is no. The Law of Identity: A is A, B is B. There is good, there is evil, there is no in between or Law of Excluded Middle. Get your Kabbalist crap out of here

  • @cajunasian240
    @cajunasian240 3 роки тому +31

    Same players, different names- this is throughout every ancient culture since the beginning of human kind.

    • @YoungBlvckSpitta
      @YoungBlvckSpitta 2 роки тому +1

      It’s not a coincidence. It’s probably the truth.

    • @MrTK-uv6vg
      @MrTK-uv6vg 2 роки тому

      who are the players... explain

    • @cajunasian240
      @cajunasian240 2 роки тому +7

      @@MrTK-uv6vg Enki (Sumerian) aka Ea (Assyrian/Babylonian); Poseidon (Greek), Odin (Norse), Neptune (Roman), Quetzalcoatl (Mesoamerica), etc….. Examples of this one ancient deity, off the top of my head, that had the same traits and similar stories in many different cultures all over the world.

    • @MrTK-uv6vg
      @MrTK-uv6vg 2 роки тому

      dear how is it possible...
      That same players different names different cultures different languages almost same stories..
      and long distances apart...
      e. g america...
      who are they.. Did ppl reach america before colombus..
      or are they a different race..
      or what ppl call them ET or aliens
      or what the monothiestic religions call them satan and his footsoldiers..

    • @victortorres3560
      @victortorres3560 2 роки тому +1

      @@MrTK-uv6vg we has cell phones back then.

  • @dreamworld1733
    @dreamworld1733 2 роки тому +23

    The way u break down and explain God’s Truth and also expose and weave together the many cultures and their Satanic influence is second to none.
    I think everyone who claims to be a follower of Christ should watch your SeedWars and Days of Noah series in full.
    Even if they didn’t agree with your interpretations,
    The treasure trove of religious, historical, cultural and educational information in your videos is nothing short of amazing. Ive honestly learned more thru your videos than I have learned from years and years of history and religion classes. Thank You Again Dave, may God Bless You for doing His Good Work 🙏

    • @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952
      @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952  2 роки тому +5

      Your absolutely welcome brother. It’s not often that I get a comment of that magnitude. I’m truly honored and humbled for you to say those things. I often diminish my work….because of my own insecurities.
      I do hope and pray that people will find something unique in this material that resonates as truth. And like you said, there is an awful lot of room for different interpretations…and I fully understand that. There is still so much that we don’t understand…. And so many holes in the story. But I do believe knowledge is increasing to and fro… Just as the prophet Daniel said it would in the last days. And the pieces of the puzzle are beginning to come together. I praise the Holy spirit for leading and guiding us into truth. Thanks again. Godspeed

    • @seditt5146
      @seditt5146 9 місяців тому

      Bro you got this all so backwards its unreal@@theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952

    • @BUS-US
      @BUS-US 9 місяців тому


    • @traviswiebe8679
      @traviswiebe8679 9 місяців тому +2

      I nearly scrolled on. But this channel obv has alot to offer, without having to agree 100%

    • @thebloodofyeshua1362
      @thebloodofyeshua1362 7 місяців тому

      @@theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952 I've always been an opponent of the Serpent Seed Theory, but you make it sound reasonable. Can you please upload your videos onto Internet Archive site? I read when someone asked you to create DVD sets but you stated that you don't feel comfortable accepting money. I hate for your info to get kicked off of YT. Oh and I don't trust Rumble. Peace, Missy

  • @svatekzprahy
    @svatekzprahy 2 роки тому +9

    Two things:
    1. Christianity is run off of fear, which is evident in their fear of eternal hell (which doesn't exist), serpents, and the unknown, calling anything they do not understand "demonic." Snakes represent the wisdom that comes from breaking through illusion and gaining knowledge of one's source, and gaining strength of will over ones impulses through disciplined spiritual study and practices.
    2. You can find examples of people, leaders representing any tradition or religion getting drunk on power and misbehaving. Pointing this out is not proof that a religion is malevolent. Meditating on drugs is dangerous. Becoming drunk under any circumstances is dangerous. Absolutely opens the possibility of one becoming entangled with and possessed by demons. Unfortunately, one of the great Christian pitfalls is their self-righteous revel in pointing fingers at the poor behavior of certain members of other traditions, yet are unwilling to reflect on the demonic behaviors of the leadership and members of their churches. How ironic!
    Nothing is outside of God. There is no outside of God. Everything is a facet, a reflection, a corridor of God.

    • @luisposada7050
      @luisposada7050 9 місяців тому +1

      finally one person who sees the truth

    • @Ming44446
      @Ming44446 16 днів тому

      I was confused when he said these serpents leads to demonic realm. Like with all these info he chose to stick with the bible god which is impossible to be the creator of the universe (hatred, jealousy, judgments)

    • @PaterNoster777
      @PaterNoster777 6 днів тому

      "Nothing is outside of God" Then nothing would have existed for the First Mover exists outside of time and space. Eastern mumbo jumbo. God exists outside of time and space and is perfect and eternal. Thomas Aquinas solved it all centuries ago

  • @stillbmarie7178
    @stillbmarie7178 3 роки тому +39

    The serpent symbolizes knowledge. In this story, it's knowledge of "other". If you want to get spooky, you call it evil or the devil. You can also call it shadow or in simplistic terms, duality. We are one. Those who identify strongly with the body rather than soul will like these kinds of literal and physical interpretations of the Scriptures. It's more wise to look for the similarities rather than the differences. This is what Christ did and why he said he came for all people - to show all people the way to The One. This is a shift from the faulty, and quite common, interpretation that Christ came to show all people one way.

    • @WOLeifFr
      @WOLeifFr 3 роки тому +3

      Matthew 10 5 These twelve Jesus sent out, instructing them, “Go nowhere among the Gentiles and enter no town of the Samaritans, 6 but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
      Matthew 15 21 And Jesus went away from there and withdrew to the district of Tyre and Sidon. 22 And behold, a Canaanite woman from that region came out and was crying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely oppressed by a demon.” 23 But he did not answer her a word. And his disciples came and begged him, saying, “Send her away, for she is crying out after us.” 24 He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” 25 But she came and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, help me.” 26 And he answered, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.” 27 She said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.” 28 Then Jesus answered her, “O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed instantly.
      Romans 15 8 For I tell you that Christ became a servant to the circumcised to show God’s truthfulness, in order to confirm the promises given to the patriarchs,

    • @stillbmarie7178
      @stillbmarie7178 3 роки тому +4

      @@WOLeifFr Matthew 13 24 ...“The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.
      27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’
      28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.
      “The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’
      29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”

    • @ixisinvestigator6009
      @ixisinvestigator6009 9 місяців тому

      this is not what christ did ! jesus is not a good new age prophet. jesus want only spiritual desevolution so you can follow him blindly. the goal of jesus christ is for you to repeat how he is the light and the way and the truth, and how so great he is ! so he can brainwash you into thinking him he is god. but jesus christ is the real devil ! kundalini and blue hindu gods has nothing to do with the reptilian alien race, that new age interpretation ! for jesus every gods = a demon pretending to be god. because there arrogant jealous god of the bible hate to have any other gods worshiped beside him
      - Jesus will wield a sword when he returns for judgment day, as a very violent figure.
      - Christians should accept Jesus and suffer for him in order to escape demons, gremlins, monsters, and hellfire.
      - God, in order to manifest on Earth, impregnated a human woman to give birth to a 100% humanified God.
      - Jews will betray Jesus and the Romans will execute him, but his death somehow magically extinguishes sin.
      cause this simple execution is in reality all the sins of the world that jesus carry on his cross while he is crusified
      he is not put to death because the romans sentenced him. but because he somehow magically extinguished sin by dying.
      god is so much great and so smart and love you so much that he sent his only son to die without letting him ask his choice
      "father why have you forsaken me" but somehow his death is magical and save ! read john-13 he still is god ! (jesus ret*rded logic)
      - the book of Revelation claim that only the elected or those who believe in the man-made book will be saved, while others will go to hell.

    • @onlyfortherealdigitaltapes
      @onlyfortherealdigitaltapes 5 місяців тому +1

      Imo the serpent symbolizes discernment

  • @udachainparadise8044
    @udachainparadise8044 3 роки тому +79

    The APPLE was the fruit of knowledge and it says so in the ancient texts - I don't know in the modern ones -. It is curious that in the most ancient religions (Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Mesoamerican and African) snakes or nagas or dragons are not considered evil. In fact, Buddha is protected by a seven-headed naga. However, in Christianity - today - as well as in Judaism and Islam (all three religions originating from the same enclave) it is considered negative or diabolical. Let us point out that in the bible they speak of the fruit of knowledge. I repeat the word, "knowledge". So we have that a supposedly divine being did not let them "eat" the fruit of knowledge while the other "diabolical" being invites them to do so. Curious, very curious, especially when the oriental cultures are much more pacific than those that follow the Abrahamic religions that have conquered the world and not exactly by means of Peace.

    • @whitemagiktiger
      @whitemagiktiger 2 роки тому

      Early christians, known as gnostics, shared the same view as you:

    • @sophiashekinah9872
      @sophiashekinah9872 2 роки тому +8

      What text specifies the fruit as an apple?

    • @lukeyznaga7627
      @lukeyznaga7627 2 роки тому

      THIS IS A VERY important comment by UDACHA in Paradise. Sir, or ma'am....YOU CAR CORRECT. I remember reading some old Jesuit books that talked about old myths many years ago. ONLY THE BIBLE has these beings described as evil. Why would any god forbid the fruit of knowledge? Many ancient religions portray snakes and nagas as good. IN FACT, THE SNAKE became the symbol of GOOD MEDICINE and is still used in symbols for DOCTORS AND THE SCHOOL of medicine!!

    • @lukeyznaga7627
      @lukeyznaga7627 2 роки тому

      Also, I know this sounds controversial, but perhaps Lucifer and this "evil" being in old and new actually the GOOD GUY. But see, when you have SO MANY people deceived and ENTRENCHED in this corrupt Christianity for SO is hard to make them see. They dont' care about searching for truth, reading and exploring their beliefs. They don't research and are brainwashed. How do you convince Christians that AMERICAN would have been a better place to live, if we had all adopted Eastern religious beliefs or culture rather than the CONQUERING WESTERN EUROPEAN Catholics system of "west civilization"...I use the term "civil-ization" loosely!!! Many years ago, there was a great book written called "When God was a woman". Very, very long ago, if you research will find SOME of the myths of ancient [ I mean ANCIENT ] civilizations, where the woman gods were the rulers and the main distributors of knowledge and peace .

    • @sophiashekinah9872
      @sophiashekinah9872 2 роки тому +8

      @@lukeyznaga7627 The God of one culture becomes the devil of the next.

  • @jaclynshawmsbisii3521
    @jaclynshawmsbisii3521 2 роки тому +72

    Why not mention the ancient woman and the sacred temples of the serpant. Women were Goddesses and worshiped for their ability to create life, and they were conduits for great wisdom connected with their awakening. Perhaps the Bible turned it around about the time it was popular to turn brutish against women - doesn't mean its right. Just the opposite perhaps. Mary Magdalene, the divine feminine equal, was said to gone through her kundalini awakening and Jesus was a huge feminist. Not sure what Jews think, but Jewish culture has been a part of the bullying women culture. The Nagas blessed humanity with the knowledge of Shamanism. They approached women first because of the sensitivity of the female gender. The first Shamans were women. Humanity thrived in these ancient times. As you can see an aggressive masculine force has been seeking to keep women away from the snake people. Among other things, the Nagas had magic that kept and nourished the vitality of the Earth Mother. Now that the aggressive masculine force has taken over, the waters have been contaminated, and the Nagas are suffering. They are no longer able to maintain the earth with their magic.

    • @mangosrepent1817
      @mangosrepent1817 Рік тому +8

      Fallen angels 🌷😉 abuse their power

    • @DR-dudders
      @DR-dudders Рік тому +25

      That read like new age spiritualism and modern feminist views.
      Probably why he isn't talking about it.

    • @undergroundriptiles7005
      @undergroundriptiles7005 11 місяців тому

      That’s luciferian lies

    • @joelassee-wj1my
      @joelassee-wj1my 11 місяців тому +6

      What great shit !

    • @DR-dudders
      @DR-dudders 11 місяців тому +8

      ​@@joelassee-wj1my i view that stuff as the narcissistic version of spirituality. A compilation of bits from history but its just the fun and feel good parts so people can feel special and unique.

  • @religionoffreedom
    @religionoffreedom 9 місяців тому +7

    Quetzalcoatl’s dragon is a Giant avatar whose carcass makes up the eastern part of North America. Aztec legends are to be taken very literally.

  • @Nina_Medina
    @Nina_Medina 3 роки тому +40

    Thank you for all the information, I'm here to testify that when I was involved in gangs & heavy drugs I would hear voices, I would have out of body experience were I would be physically speaking to an individual, and out of nowhere I would see myself coming out of my body and stabbing that person, I would crave blood, all I wanted to do was hurt/torture people. I would have restless nights & have demonic dreams that would leave me paralyzed, every night I would automatically wake up around 3am and I would walk to the cemetery to go to sleep without a second thought. Every time I was locked up they would have the psychiatrist evaluate me and put me on medications that made things worst for me in my mind. The demonic spiritual world is real, I unknowingly opened the doors through drugs & violence.
    I thank God for having mercy upon me
    I thank Him for the precious blood of Jesus Christ who has redeemed me from the grips of the enemy. Glory be to God that He can turn any life around who accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord & saviour ❤️
    Also when I found out about cursed items that are demonic I ended up burning & demolishing everything that had to do with my aztec roots. My life began to change drastically for the betterment! Glory be to God

    • @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952
      @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952  3 роки тому +9

      Thanks for sharing that amazing testimony. Sounds like you have experienced a lot! What a great testimony of the power of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in your life removing all those demons and occultism. Thanks for another great confirmation. Godspeed

    • @Nina_Medina
      @Nina_Medina 3 роки тому +7

      @@theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952 Amen brother,
      I pray God Almighty continues to bless you, your family, & this platform by which you proclaim God's Truth🙏
      in Jesus mighty & precious name, Amen

    • @navagatingthroughthebeasts2908
      @navagatingthroughthebeasts2908 3 роки тому +3

      I suspect I have a family curse Nina , or I took on demons along my life's path???? Metal music , drugs ect.. Cannot seem to be free & feel at peace. Im glad you have , thats great

    • @Nina_Medina
      @Nina_Medina 3 роки тому +3

      Most likely, when you do drugs you open up doors for the enemy to influence/torture you...But first things first
      1. Give your life to Jesus Christ (if you haven't done so yet)
      2. Put your confidence in God & Pray/ask Him to deliver you. (Be persistent, keep praying until your free) some things are instantaneously and others takes time.
      3. Renounce anything that you were involved in or did that brought sin in your life (in Jesus Christ name & plead the blood of Jesus over yourself)
      4. Fill yourself with God's word daily, meditate on scripture that is going to come back the enemy when He comes in like a flood trying to tempt you, or condemn you.
      Isaiah 54:16 No weapon formed against you (Me) shall prosper,
      And every tongue which rises against you (Me) in judgment
      You (I) shall condemn.
      This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
      And their righteousness is from Me,”
      Says the Lord.
      I Pray this helps you🙏 in due time you will be testifying too. I have no doubt because you are searching & seeking. God honors that desire & in His time all things will make sense, you will not be bound by confusion but God's peace, & His Holy Spirit that brings freedom 🙏
      Listening/studying derek prince (old pastor) helped me alot on my christian journey

    • @navagatingthroughthebeasts2908
      @navagatingthroughthebeasts2908 3 роки тому +1

      @@Nina_Medina hey thank you Nina! Yes I have listened to the Derek Prince vids on deliverance , prayed along , read comments & people state to have been freed going through them. I can't call it kiddo , I reckon His will / His time be done.... Yes I am lazy in prayer , reading of word , still have struggles of flesh ( addictions ) so there is that as well. I reckon gotta just keep on plugging only 2 sides & no sittin on the fence. Thanks again

  • @blablblaaaaaaaaa
    @blablblaaaaaaaaa 3 роки тому +10

    I don t think this reptilian being are evil so i disagree on this one,but on the rest man what a video!!! One of the best on this subject,you put real work into this for correlate so many different traditions in such a precise way!!

    • @cbluejay2499
      @cbluejay2499 3 роки тому +3

      The Reptilians enslaved the humans on earth. Their master are the Archons,and dracos . Many Reptilians took over the humans body👎👎👎👎👎👎 i don't trust them at all

    • @jadewilliams5660
      @jadewilliams5660 2 роки тому

      @@cbluejay2499 there were more then one race of reptilian beings read into the different kinds yes there are the evil ones who took over this world and who are in our deep state making this world the way it is

    • @ixisinvestigator6009
      @ixisinvestigator6009 9 місяців тому

      jesus want only spiritual desevolution so you can follow him blindly. the goal of jesus christ is for you to repeat how he is the light and the way and the truth, and how so great he is ! so he can brainwash you into thinking him he is god. but jesus christ is the real devil ! kundalini and blue hindu gods has nothing to do with the reptilian alien race, that new age interpretation ! for jesus every gods = a demon pretending to be god. because there arrogant jealous god of the bible hate to have any other gods worshiped beside him
      - Jesus will wield a sword when he returns for judgment day, as a very violent figure.
      - Christians should accept Jesus and suffer for him in order to escape demons, gremlins, monsters, and hellfire.
      - God, in order to manifest on Earth, impregnated a human woman to give birth to a 100% humanified God.
      - Jews will betray Jesus and the Romans will execute him, but his death somehow magically extinguishes sin.
      cause this simple execution is in reality all the sins of the world that jesus carry on his cross while he is crusified
      he is not put to death because the romans sentenced him. but because he somehow magically extinguished sin by dying.
      god is so much great and so smart and love you so much that he sent his only son to die without letting him ask his choice
      "father why have you forsaken me" but somehow his death is magical and save ! read john-13 he still is god ! (jesus ret*rded logic)
      - the book of Revelation claim that only the elected or those who believe in the man-made book will be saved, while others will go to hell.

  • @mehrdadaz6995
    @mehrdadaz6995 2 роки тому +6

    A very very valuable video. Thank you!

  • @Theactualcurrentsea
    @Theactualcurrentsea 9 місяців тому +4

    Got a new sub with this one. I was super hesitant but when I heard less opinions and just stating the facts as you see them, I decided to stay and finish. I heard you hint to the blue bloods, I have not heard many speak on that, horseshoe crabs and the other animals with blue blood. Look forward to hearing what you have on that and vampirism hidden in our world.
    Thank you for your time on this.

    • @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952
      @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952  9 місяців тому +1

      Awesome. Welcome. Thanks for your comment. The blue bloods are the European royalty with white skin and blue veins… most were hemophiliacs which translates “blood lovers”. All of there coat of arms include dragon imagery. Probably the origins of vampire legends like vlad the impaler.

    • @kennyproctor7691
      @kennyproctor7691 9 місяців тому

      @@theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952The "ambrosia", the "nectar of the gods" this is adrenacrome. This is what hides behind the legends of vampires. The fallen ones literally feed of the terrorized blood of young ones. Its all in the statiatics. 8 million children go missing every year across the earth. This is the nightmare of reality that almost no one is willing to hear much less do something about. Because of disobedience Yah has allowed/is allowing this to happen. "because you have forgotten my laws I too will forget your children"

    • @TheEnigmaticmuse
      @TheEnigmaticmuse 9 місяців тому +1

      They also had/have a heritable blood disorder from long inbreeding that caused them to be blue.

    • @AsenathMoon
      @AsenathMoon Місяць тому

      @@theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952The Amuru Khans worshipped the Great Spirit EIOH Jehovah Oahspe Bible it is the land of the plumed Serpent Ohio is5) Altar

  • @patrickpham7973
    @patrickpham7973 3 роки тому +16

    Serpent 🐍 kundalini symbol of eternal cycles of reincarnation and civilisations and enlightement is to escape there cycles. We are here to experiment and to learn in differents avatars ,evil and angles are teachers ,without ego how could you learn to up your chakras ( without bad ,good not exist )

    • @ixisinvestigator6009
      @ixisinvestigator6009 9 місяців тому

      jesus want only spiritual desevolution so you can follow him blindly. the goal of jesus christ is for you to repeat how he is the light and the way and the truth, and how so great he is ! so he can brainwash you into thinking him he is god. but jesus christ is the real devil ! kundalini and blue hindu gods has nothing to do with the reptilian alien race, that new age interpretation ! for jesus every gods = a demon pretending to be god. because there arrogant jealous god of the bible hate to have any other gods worshiped beside him
      - Jesus will wield a sword when he returns for judgment day, as a very violent figure.
      - Christians should accept Jesus and suffer for him in order to escape demons, gremlins, monsters, and hellfire.
      - God, in order to manifest on Earth, impregnated a human woman to give birth to a 100% humanified God.
      - Jews will betray Jesus and the Romans will execute him, but his death somehow magically extinguishes sin.
      cause this simple execution is in reality all the sins of the world that jesus carry on his cross while he is crusified
      he is not put to death because the romans sentenced him. but because he somehow magically extinguished sin by dying.
      god is so much great and so smart and love you so much that he sent his only son to die without letting him ask his choice
      "father why have you forsaken me" but somehow his death is magical and save ! read john-13 he still is god ! (jesus ret*rded logic)
      - the book of Revelation claim that only the elected or those who believe in the man-made book will be saved, while others will go to hell.

    • @toomanydonuts
      @toomanydonuts 7 місяців тому

      I am the creator. I am pure consciousness. I set you apart. I put words in your mouth.
      Do not tell me you are a child. You will go to whom I send you. Do not fear the looks on their faces. I am with you. The words you speak are word that I have given to you. You are here to plant and to build, and to tear down and to destroy, and to plant and build again.
      I have known you always. i have known you since before you were in your mother's womb. I have set you apart before you were born. I ordained you as a prophet to nations.
      The words you speak are the word that I have given you. You are my child.

    • @isamar998
      @isamar998 Місяць тому

      The Torah and Name of Yahweh is primary, period. Don't tell me your blind to the obvious disrespect to Jesus in T.V., music, movies, and now the Olympics...or did you not see the mockery to Christ in the intro to 2024 Olympics?

    • @travissimpson7829
      @travissimpson7829 29 днів тому +1

      ​@@isamar998Yhwh as depicted in the Bible is pathetic. He gets jealous if you don't worship him and wishes harm on you and your children. What would you think about a person who acted like that?

    • @Ming44446
      @Ming44446 16 днів тому

      @@travissimpson7829definitely not the creator of the universe

  • @canadianpatriotsagainstthe7479
    @canadianpatriotsagainstthe7479 4 місяці тому +2

    One night in my apartment a couple of years ago, I asked whomever might be listening "why is everything so secret and cryptic; why can't we just be told in a more direct manner the answers to questions like who am I?". Well, I got my answer. A being/person appeared beside me, on one knee next to the couch to be eye level with me. He was wearing a bronze/gold colored breast plate, red/burgundy tunic underneath that ended above the knee, blond hair hanging down the sides of his face (almost white), very striking eyes that sparkled like stars (think they were blue), very pale and just "glowy". Some kind of glowing translucent energy mass on/near his back. The area around him was darker than my apartment lighting and a little warpy, which is what caught my attention in the corner of my eye when it started. It was like another reality was opened up in this one. Little flecks of orange light flowing in one direction like a calm river of embers from a fire. He looked at me with this almost pleased half smile kind of a look, and in a tone of voice one uses to answer a question just said, "David, you are a son of God", and then vanished in the twinkling of an eye as it were. Pretty sure it was an angel, or maybe higher self as a gifted lady stated to me.

  • @Julian91250
    @Julian91250 Рік тому +7

    My idea in the fact that Adam and eve were covered of skin just means they were incarnated, they are not in their original body of light anymore because of sin. They are now mortal. It is not said that any animal was sacrificed. Don't you think. Thank you for sharing your research, it is very precious.

    • @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952
      @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952  Рік тому +5

      Yeah that’s an interesting way to look at. You may very well be right… they took on flesh and became corporal.
      Then later in Gen 3:21 God covers there nakedness with coats of skin, which is foreshadowing of the future animal sacrificial system and the future sacrifice of Christ as atonement for sin.

    • @Julian91250
      @Julian91250 Рік тому +3

      @@theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952Thank you for your response. I read the scriptures in French. It is my native language. It is not said that their nakedness was covered. Genèse 3:21 "L'Éternel Dieu fit à Adam et à sa femme des habits de peau, et il les en revêtit./The eternal God made for Adam and his wife garments of skin, which he clothed them with.

    • @creativityink
      @creativityink 9 місяців тому +1

      Genesis 2:21 describes Adam as having flesh and bone.

  • @taiwanjohnson9799
    @taiwanjohnson9799 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you brother you have gave it to me better than anybody because I'm trying to figure out who I really is..Love 💙

  • @Usererror28
    @Usererror28 Місяць тому

    Thanks for all this information…
    43:40 just want to add that stories are told that Xolotl turned himself into an axolotl so he wasn’t killed.
    What is interesting is the axolotl has regenerative powers.
    Never thought much about it until now.
    Thanks 🎉

  • @ashnas5454
    @ashnas5454 7 місяців тому +2

    Thers good naga and bad naga , bad and good is in everything the good nagas wanted to teach us that our body is the temple and with our chakra we are capable to do anything, so are you going to use your power for the good or the bad, that's what makes you good or bad , no matter how much power you have
    There's a war between good and bad in everything so meditate and overcome thers infinity of knowledge

  • @Inkednfree333
    @Inkednfree333 3 роки тому +8

    Makes my security work at night go better :)

  • @Machinima5000
    @Machinima5000 6 днів тому

    Chinese history confirms the existence of Nagas in India. The Chinese used to trade with them. The Chinese called them Dragons and even had Dragon Emperors of their own.

  • @inquisitive-
    @inquisitive- 9 місяців тому +4

    I think a lot of the step pyramids are the hanging gardens of Babylon and the dirt that covered them originally was intentional for planting and nourishing various foods and it would be an ideal way of best utilizing water, decay from the plants themselves, managing pests like insects and wild animals or unwelcome intruders from helping themselves to your crops and a tier of trees could provide shade when needed and a row of corn could grow unbothered right below and the chambers inside would also produce ample storage and space to dry crops as needed and shelter for avian flocks that also perform mite and insect duty safe from fox and larger predatory birds potentially

    • @ixisinvestigator6009
      @ixisinvestigator6009 9 місяців тому

      so? jesus want only spiritual desevolution so you can follow him blindly. the goal of jesus christ is for you to repeat how he is the light and the way and the truth, and how so great he is ! so he can brainwash you into thinking him he is god. but jesus christ is the real devil ! kundalini and blue hindu gods has nothing to do with the reptilian alien race, that new age interpretation ! for jesus every gods = a demon pretending to be god. because there arrogant jealous god of the bible hate to have any other gods worshiped beside him
      - Jesus will wield a sword when he returns for judgment day, as a very violent figure.
      - Christians should accept Jesus and suffer for him in order to escape demons, gremlins, monsters, and hellfire.
      - God, in order to manifest on Earth, impregnated a human woman to give birth to a 100% humanified God.
      - Jews will betray Jesus and the Romans will execute him, but his death somehow magically extinguishes sin.
      cause this simple execution is in reality all the sins of the world that jesus carry on his cross while he is crusified
      he is not put to death because the romans sentenced him. but because he somehow magically extinguished sin by dying.
      god is so much great and so smart and love you so much that he sent his only son to die without letting him ask his choice
      "father why have you forsaken me" but somehow his death is magical and save ! read john-13 he still is god ! (jesus ret*rded logic)
      - the book of Revelation claim that only the elected or those who believe in the man-made book will be saved, while others will go to hell.

  • @Purple_Sky_05
    @Purple_Sky_05 4 місяці тому +2

    One thing that irked me very much is lord Vishnu being the king of nagas because it was never mentioned in any of our scriptures that he was a naga person if he was ,then all of the temple across India would have depicted him in a half human and half serpent body but that's not the case, every time he is depicted he is in human form. For correction the "KING of all SERPENTS" "SHESHA NAGA" is a huge devotee of lord Vishnu and he is the serpent who is depicted with him every time. He is the serpent bed that the lord Vishnu rests on.

  • @missm6546
    @missm6546 9 місяців тому +1

    I have seen these men/serpentine before. Your spot on and other things I did not know. Thanks

  • @jr-is8vp
    @jr-is8vp 3 роки тому +2

    Thanks made my morning at work better

  • @siddislikesgoogle
    @siddislikesgoogle 9 місяців тому +2

    "Be wise as serpents, gentle as doves". Why would Jesus positively reference the animal that caused humanity to fall.Thoughts?

    • @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952
      @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952  9 місяців тому +2

      Maybe it has to do with being as wise as your enemy. The Bible refers to The devil as the wise old serpent who comes to steel kill and destroy humanity… and that we should not be ignorant of his schemes.

  • @tghodosko7259
    @tghodosko7259 Рік тому +9

    Blue doesn't represent serpent, brother, it is attributed to the throat chakra which connects the head and the heart. In Buddhism they teach to not worship any idols, Also the serpent race represents all that is dark about humanity aka the shadow. But that doesn't mean I don't believe that they are the fallen race of Ben Elohim, in fact I do. just wanted to clear a couple things up. Great video BTW thank you. Oh yeah, the two serpents in the caduceus represent the two nervous systems besides our spine: the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, also called Yehoshua and Lucifer.

  • @damedesmontagnes
    @damedesmontagnes 2 роки тому +3

    The carving of Quetzalcoatl looks like he's rising up out of the smoke of burning wood pieces, and the person looking at him is holding wood for the fire.

  • @YoungBlvckSpitta
    @YoungBlvckSpitta 2 роки тому +6

    You got to talk about the fallen angels and the sons of god from the book of job. Alot of the famous paintings from the renaissance’s time period depict flaming chariots of god carrying people away and leading people to victory like the famous pairing of alexander the great with a ufo in the background

  • @macromonster365
    @macromonster365 3 роки тому +6

    Huge thumbs down. HUUUUUGE thumbs down. Don't know what you are talking about with all due respect.

  • @millertyme4114
    @millertyme4114 9 місяців тому +2

    I'm just saying I never took anything...never realized what was happening...but kundiline happened to me..I was divinely woken how I look at it...and this happened to me after I poured out my heart to God...and Jesus as I understand him...I knew something happened to me

    • @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952
      @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952  9 місяців тому +2

      It sounds like your experience of "divine awakening" was from the Holy Spirit as opposed to the kundalini serpent....Titus 3:5 not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit.

  • @corndog9482
    @corndog9482 Рік тому +3

    hey, brother. Just want to let you know that the word "Khmer" is pronounced "Come-Eye" (said together as one word).

  • @TehutiofNewKmt
    @TehutiofNewKmt Рік тому +1

    The probability of the ubiquity of serpentary "mythology" is difficult to deny that there is a deep truth conveyed from an actual shared experience

    • @davidbenyahuda5190
      @davidbenyahuda5190 10 місяців тому

      Perhaps some of us are unaware that we are on a Black planet. That might have something to do with it. You don't think that Black people were just hanging out, do you? Or is it more likely that without the appearance of so-called nonblack people that these particular Black people had time to develop a higher level of consciousness? So-called nonblack people have disrupted the force on the planet due to the fact that our planet is part of a computer program in which specific people play specific roles. IE it is no coincidence that a particular group of Black people love truth and justice and everyone else does not.

  • @jaddek.astrie3071
    @jaddek.astrie3071 10 місяців тому +1

    I hope you can do ayahuasca and kundalini yoga you will recall ancient memories and many truths you can ask anything during your shadow work and inner journey. It’s unique and a beautiful experience ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @Inkednfree333
    @Inkednfree333 3 роки тому +2

    Love this man I agree on all ur videos 100 percent

    • @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952
      @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952  3 роки тому +2

      Thanks brother. I appreciate that a lot. It’s nice to know there’s at least one person out there that doesn’t think I’m crazy:)

    • @Inkednfree333
      @Inkednfree333 3 роки тому +1

      @@theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952 bro trust me I feel the same way! We get persecuted a lot for this stuff even by our own so called Christian brothers and sisters who are just believing a world view of what it is to be a Christian and not led by the Holy Spirit deceived in these 501c3 churches I’ve dedicated my whole life to studying this stuff and you are spot on and done a way better job then I ever could you are the most knowledgeable about all the subjects I try to tell everyone when it comes to this stuff I agree 100 percent on all you say I actually prayed to God to show me even deeper knowledge about all this stuff cuz it seems a lot of people seem to study and only go far with it and people just repeat the same stuff over and over but you get into detail and God led me to your channel :) God bless u man it would be amazing to do a podcast or a video with you talking about this all if you ever get a chance or phone call

  • @jahzbird
    @jahzbird 9 місяців тому +1

    Very good, Thank You!!

  • @BlackestSheepBobBarker333
    @BlackestSheepBobBarker333 9 місяців тому +1

    Translate "Tree" in Genesis and you'll find it translates as "Naga." Lol smh, family tree...
    I personally don't know how bad the meditation, energy work type stuff, or just the knowledge is itself. The problem is, it can be like handing a child a torch at night. This child can see at night, drive back predators, start fires, but this child is bound to eventually burn himself, burn his home down, etc. Imo, if you do indeed choose to weild an actual Practice,you better know full well what the risks are and you had better clear it with the Creators Divine Spirit first and keep your Spiritual ears open. Good stuff, im shocked YT recommended the Channel. Im stoked to dig through the other episodes, this is the EXACT same Truth I've come to regarding Genesis. I mean come in Churchianity, the Father says speaking to the Serpent after this took place, He says "I shall put enmity between YOUR SEED and the Seed if the woman." It's right there.. Mason's Apron depicts the descent into matter as well, with a down pointing arrow. In the Craft of Egypt, their Apron actually had a Serpent above the down facing arrow upon the Apron.

  • @spearshaker7974
    @spearshaker7974 2 роки тому +5

    I’m starting to think snakes represent electricity and the snake shield that protects time maybe the magnetosphere coiled around us that if it goes away time stops and rebirth stuff

    • @DzR1591
      @DzR1591 2 роки тому +1

      they rule the 3rd dimension
      they lost there prowless of higher dimensions when they turned on God
      God is EVERYTHING. they know this and are hell bent on destroying all of God's creations. through dna manipulation.
      they are the fallen angels..... ancient race since the beginning of time and creation

    • @curtsoulonline
      @curtsoulonline 2 роки тому

      Snakes are symbols to represent energy/electricity/current etc. Kundalini energy moves up and down the spine like a snake does. Ida and Pingala, the black and white serpernt.

  • @dr876
    @dr876 3 роки тому +3

    lots of thansk for the time spent putting this info together. great stuff.
    did the Book of Enoch have anything similar on this subject matter?

    • @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952
      @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952  3 роки тому +2

      Thank you! I appreciate it. The book of Enoch goes into great detail about the 200 watchers who made a pact to contaminate the women. And it describes the abominations of their offspring ...the nephilim. There’s definitely some overlap between Enoch and this lecture in that I believe the Nagas and all of the other legends that I spoke of... are all the same thing.

    • @goldenwoods4583
      @goldenwoods4583 2 роки тому

      @@theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952 omg pls do a vid on this! Enoch and the curse on women. There’s so many stories out there but they don’t seem to make sense. Pls do one and if you have one up pls link it. Thank you 🤍

  • @lindsey1044
    @lindsey1044 3 місяці тому

    Great video! I would like to know more about Egypt, as I think the serpent people were there as well.

  • @ktor538
    @ktor538 9 місяців тому

    Very interesting, inspired me to research further!

  • @ShriyaDamayanthi
    @ShriyaDamayanthi 9 місяців тому

    සින්හල පරිවරතනයන් සමග ( කතනය ) තුලින් ඉදිරිපත් කරන්නේ නම් ඉතාමත් වටිනවා . ඉස්තුති ✍️ deyaana

  • @blablblaaaaaaaaa
    @blablblaaaaaaaaa 3 роки тому +2

    At Isha Yoga there is the statue of a giant naga,Sadhguru openly stated they live underground and they "helped the develpoment of human consciousness during the ages" and the serpentine forthe form most of time they manifest in this reality

    • @blablblaaaaaaaaa
      @blablblaaaaaaaaa 3 роки тому +1

      And most of time they manifest in this reality in serpentine forms

    • @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952
      @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952  3 роки тому +3

      So this detail that you shared seems very similar to the serpent story in the garden of eden. We know the serpent opened up mankind‘s eyes to the tree of gnosis/knowledge. So you could say that the serpent also helped the development of human consciousness… Just like the Naga. In my opinion they’re all different renditions of the same entities. Which I think directly connect back to the fallen seraphim reptilian angelic beings of old. And it’s interesting that they’re always hybrids… Half human half serpent like. That clearly comes from the genetic hybridization before the flood.

  • @xcorat1586
    @xcorat1586 6 місяців тому

    Listen with as much awe as you'd listen to a blind man explaining the Mona Lisa..

  • @DelSimamora
    @DelSimamora 8 місяців тому +2

    I had a slice of marijuana cake once in 2022, i nearly dead for 2 days , i saw weird stuffs, dragon, snakes and dinosaurs. I have never seen in my real life. I dont know how to explain that. It so scary, i thought i already died. I just called Jesus help me, forgive me .

  • @canadianpatriotsagainstthe7479
    @canadianpatriotsagainstthe7479 4 місяці тому

    3 at my work place...they are all telepathic.

  • @lukeyznaga7627
    @lukeyznaga7627 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you for talking about the Nakash. In VERY OLD versions of the old testament and old myths that SURROUNDED Israel way back then, when the "writing" might have happened..this was common knowledge. Many creation myths involved the Nakash. It is known in VERY OLD Hebrew, and Egyptian, Sumerian writings very old Hindu myths and stories and in Native American cultures. Too many just to be coincidence. If you believe that Dinosaurs MUST HAVE EVOLVED since they were around SO VERY LONG before mankind, you can see how this "race" might have evolved before Humans came about (or mammals or Chimps )!!

    • @TheEnigmaticmuse
      @TheEnigmaticmuse 9 місяців тому

      They were probably dragons. Some of the apocryphal texts talk directly about the dragons. Bel and the dragon.

  • @ageg3572
    @ageg3572 3 дні тому

    Just like in the book of Adam and Eve they were chase by a cobra like snake that thumped the ground just like cobras do. An angel saved them and dropped the serpent off in a city. When I looked the city up it was in India still to this day!

  • @jeanstratton964
    @jeanstratton964 10 місяців тому +1

    And again she gave birth to able. And again in strong's concordance means to CONTINUE IN LABOR! THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!

  • @shyampanikar5462
    @shyampanikar5462 2 роки тому +9

    I really appreciate for so much of research u did on nagas..loved your from kerala😋😍

  • @traviswiebe8679
    @traviswiebe8679 9 місяців тому

    That apple was the gift of inspiration, and awareness that the spirit of God is omniscient. That awareness allowed us compassion outside of ourselves, and acts as a pathway.

  • @OliverMichael8
    @OliverMichael8 9 місяців тому +1


  • @commandokiller4651
    @commandokiller4651 6 днів тому

    Bro, we have to talk... I can confirm everything.. I'm only halfway thru vid atm, new to your channel.. nevertheless I agree 100 and been researching all this too.. especially the whole concept of kundalini.. ascension is very real tho.. i jus felt using serpents to taint the ascension was jus part of lizard programming. I think it's awesome the way you tie a lot of different terminology together, to make it easy for people unfamiliar with it all. And i totally agree to that eve was def contacted by serpent man, bc remember the curse on the serpent after the fall was that would crawl on their bellies... as if they were all walking upright before the fall. They key for me regarding immortality tho is any powers one receives, only use them to heal and not to harm..and invoke holy spirit. Christ is def alive in us all.. the importance of yoga an Tai chi is to strengthen the nervous system so the body can conduct more electricity from higher dimensions. Of course this can be used for bad if one's intention is such yet the school of light doesn't change. I really agree w you tho how much of new age mysticism gets tainted without the holy spirit in the heart. The thing is tho I'm one of those blue bloods that also has a dynasty for a heritage. Yet bear in mind there are 2 sides to these ancient wars. The sole enemy of the Naga are the garunda or griffin. Which our fam proudly bears symbol to on our crest. So not sure if you will cover this aspect of the Naga history and the other aspect of royal bloodlines that are def not evil yet the opposite and the sworn enemy of the Naga races. The ancient Magi.. and we are still here.. our family name is so old it stretches past the times of names. And as old as it is, it is even more noble and royal. We go back to the days of atlantis and the great crystal before the dark robes corrupted the priests.. who used black magic to open portals to hell. And caused the destruction of atlantis an lemuria and the great catastrophies and cataclysm. Atlantis is the garden of eden. The dark robes were the fallen angels. The Martians that entered were the nephilim annunakki, aka Naga. Snake serpent men aka, Draco reptilians.
    ... one thing I never liked about transcendental meditation was the use of snake symbolism to describe energy in the spinal merideans.. like one could use an infinite of other analogies to describe it or guide it... and the use of the snake an dragon as a symbol of wisdom also I think is def brainwashing... lots of other animals are just as wise as a serpent or dragon.. so we must be wiser!!!! Bless up bro, I know I wrote a book but you are brilliant and proud of you!! Grat job w vid, I'll def be watching more of your vids too!! Thank you again also bc I feel my faith in holy spirit has been weak and lately I really been praying and I feel that your vid has already helped me to protect myself from demons I was possibly unaware of.. sincerely bro bless up love and light!!!!

  • @franciscominero95
    @franciscominero95 9 місяців тому +1

    Hello. Is the serpent 🐍 race same as The Reptilians form The 4 density

  • @adrift690
    @adrift690 Рік тому +6

    Hi! Do you have a video on this playlist that addresses the Rh- (copper) blood vs Rh+ iron (blood)
    Really appreciate your videos - amazing work!
    Thank you so much for sharing 🙏🏻

    • @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952
      @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952  Рік тому +3

      No unfortunately I don’t. I started a video on that once but it got to complicated and I became unsure about my conclusions. Maybe down the road after more time and study?
      Thanks for your support. God bless.

    • @emilylopez6927
      @emilylopez6927 10 місяців тому

      Look up Richard montbleau mystery of life

    • @adrift690
      @adrift690 10 місяців тому +3

      @@emilylopez6927 I just looked him up & I see he’s associated with jonathon kleck. I like some of Jonathans teachings, but something in my spirit has never really sat well, in regards to him. I’ve done a lot of research on the Rh- bloodline and Im leaning towards it being the antediluvian bloodline. And that’s Genesis 6:4 … Them mating with daughters of men.
      But, I will check out his video you recommended, thank you!

    • @emilylopez6927
      @emilylopez6927 10 місяців тому +2

      It took me awhile to really digest what he was decoding because it goes against all indoctrination and programming. I really prayed for wisdom and discernment, for “eyes to see and ears to hear” for a long time. When I started reading Bible verses in the StrongConcordance, I was able to see for myself that was exactly what was in the Bible. It’s really amazing when you digest the Bible on your own with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. His series are numbered, and I really hope you get to watch them. “ Us and them” really explains the bloodline and DNA. After that his videos go into “Jesus is my rock”

    • @inquisitive-
      @inquisitive- 9 місяців тому

      ​@@adrift690several points: copper blood might have less to do with blood type and more with the people who originally mined and smelted copper ore, which is the same chemically as turquoise and what happens when copper oxidizes? Turns sorts When copper is reduced to powder, which ancient merchants often transported in this manner (ready to smelt for coinsmiths and significantly lighter weight for their vessels and laborers) - those miners, smiths and slaves likely took on a blue green tone to their skin. Roma, Romani, gypsies were often these same people... Including the cobra gypsies of India

  • @rizanz2108
    @rizanz2108 2 місяці тому

    Thanks for clarification. The extent to which 2000 - 7000 year old christian bible and abrahamic religions borrowed from over 10000 year old cultures.

  • @bebluebop
    @bebluebop 10 місяців тому +2

    In north east india there is an entire state named Nagaland. I guess you already know... incase if you missed.

  • @haruslim7846
    @haruslim7846 9 місяців тому +1

    Dude, if God places these working glands, their functions and systems in the human body, how is it evil to use them? If God created herbs, roots and their effects on the human body, same question? Heavenly beings and demonic beings fought a war; they exist on the same realm. You're reaching.

  • @wingset
    @wingset 10 місяців тому +3

    Everyone except for the Abrahamic religions have a positive impression of them, why are they necessarily evil? Quetzalcoatl was supposedly even against human sacrifice.

    • @ixisinvestigator6009
      @ixisinvestigator6009 9 місяців тому

      because jesus want only spiritual desevolution so you can follow him blindly. the goal of jesus christ is for you to repeat how he is the light and the way and the truth, and how so great he is ! so he can brainwash you into thinking him he is god. but jesus christ is the real devil ! kundalini and blue hindu gods has nothing to do with the reptilian alien race, that new age interpretation ! for jesus every gods = a demon pretending to be god. because there arrogant jealous god of the bible hate to have any other gods worshiped beside him
      - Jesus will wield a sword when he returns for judgment day, as a very violent figure.
      - Christians should accept Jesus and suffer for him in order to escape demons, gremlins, monsters, and hellfire.
      - God, in order to manifest on Earth, impregnated a human woman to give birth to a 100% humanified God.
      - Jews will betray Jesus and the Romans will execute him, but his death somehow magically extinguishes sin.
      cause this simple execution is in reality all the sins of the world that jesus carry on his cross while he is crusified
      he is not put to death because the romans sentenced him. but because he somehow magically extinguished sin by dying.
      god is so much great and so smart and love you so much that he sent his only son to die without letting him ask his choice
      "father why have you forsaken me" but somehow his death is magical and save ! read john-13 he still is god ! (jesus ret*rded logic)
      - the book of Revelation claim that only the elected or those who believe in the man-made book will be saved, while others will go to hell.

  • @iliketoeatchickenbal
    @iliketoeatchickenbal 9 місяців тому +1

    Kundalini is NOT demonic..... shocking your reading the most edited book and talking down on others.

  • @morkstork5419
    @morkstork5419 2 роки тому +1

    I find it interesting that one of the words for the mandrake plant in sanskrit is Laksmana which was one of the avatars of Shesha Naag who was the king of the naga.
    Another word in sanskrit that is related to the mandrake plant is putrada which appears to be related to the special day of Pausha Putrada Ekadashi which is observed mainly by women who are desiring of a son. Putrada in hindi means giver of sons.
    The final word related to the mandrake plant in sanskrit is Raktavindu. Which seems to mean a flaw in a perfect gem or a drop of blood..

    • @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952
      @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952  Рік тому

      Wow. That is interesting. There’s a lot of ancient history that we obviously don’t fully know or understand. Thanks for sharing.

    • @lococomrade3488
      @lococomrade3488 9 місяців тому

      ​@theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952 Dude. You very clearly do not know or understand and Ancient History.
      You should delete this pseudoscience bullshit videos of yours.

  • @syconinja3400
    @syconinja3400 11 днів тому

    Exactly right

  • @Julian91250
    @Julian91250 Рік тому +2

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and research.
    Do you think cannibalism could find its roots in the garden considering Genesis 3:14 "On your belly you shall go, And you shall eat dust All the days of your life." and then to Adam
    Genesis 3:19 "for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."
    God could be condemning the serpent to cannibalism.

    • @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952
      @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952  Рік тому +2

      That is a great question. im not sure when cannibalism began. Some say the word cannibal derives from Cainabel. The ancient rabbis taught in their traditions that Cain drank Abels blood after he killed him. We know for sure that the nephilim in genesis 6 were blood drinkers. Its all satanic. And yes... man was made from the dust of the earth and the serpent is cursed to eat the dust... so I think your assertion is very reasonable in my opinion.

  • @ninashirley432
    @ninashirley432 Місяць тому +1

    The poison, apple . Yes true like explain in the dark true about fairy tales that were written for adults and not meant for children. The pear is the golden fruit of knowledge

  • @lokae06
    @lokae06 7 днів тому

    We worship Nagas as home god , in our family many named as Nagashesha( King of Naga) , Nageshwari (Naga queen)

  • @aniea4784
    @aniea4784 2 місяці тому

    Vishnu isn't Naga king, His Naga is very beloved deciple of Him.All known and unknown creature are different form of Him.🙏

    @SAPHYTYRA 5 місяців тому

    The descendants are still here in America from which the Naga came.

  • @roseharding
    @roseharding 5 місяців тому

    Wow! It’s interesting about history!

  • @sophiashekinah9872
    @sophiashekinah9872 2 роки тому +3

    In both Greek and Latin, Soma means "the body". Or the "body of an organism". Synonymous with "flesh".

    • @navnitmistry8970
      @navnitmistry8970 10 місяців тому +3

      Greek language was derived from Sanskrit.

    • @lococomrade3488
      @lococomrade3488 9 місяців тому +1

      Soma doesn't mean anything near "the body" in ancient sanskrit.
      You should read The Vedas, instead of watching bullshit on UA-cam from conspiracy bullshit channels.
      Some of you are absolutely braindead.

    • @vadoinak620
      @vadoinak620 9 місяців тому +1


  • @PatriceBoivin
    @PatriceBoivin 10 місяців тому +1

    You realize that Genesis is newer than the Indian ancient texts

    • @lococomrade3488
      @lococomrade3488 9 місяців тому

      They don't.
      They're completely uneducated.
      Listen to this bullshit. The entire thing in nonsense.

  • @hawkverity835
    @hawkverity835 3 роки тому +3

    Wow thanks for making these.... also have you ever just googled earth near Antarctica 🇦🇶 and look at the gigantic serpent head in the water

    • @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952
      @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952  3 роки тому +1

      Hey hawk, no I haven’t done that... I’ll check that out.

    • @hawkverity835
      @hawkverity835 3 роки тому +1

      @@theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952 you can’t Unsee it once you do see it:) It’s body looks to literally circle around All of Antarctica and his/her head seems to rest on it’s coiled body-might give new meaning to why there is dragon scale ice in Antarctica and also the reason for the name of “drakes passage” and also the name of the equipment used there. I also have some other pics of things I can’t explain that I discovered while searching..... but the creature circling Antarctica is the largest and its left eye is covered,... which I thought goes along with some symbolism displayed in modern pop culture

    • @deepanshumolasi7151
      @deepanshumolasi7151 2 роки тому +1

      @@hawkverity835 can you please share a link where I can find images of this serpent head. Thx

    • @hawkverity835
      @hawkverity835 2 роки тому +2

      @@deepanshumolasi7151 it’s on my channel

    • @ceesno9955
      @ceesno9955 9 місяців тому +1

      Coordinates please. Latitude and longitude

  • @RobertoTorres-sk1lb
    @RobertoTorres-sk1lb 9 місяців тому +1

    Please don’t use words to praise your idea of the nagas . If nagas are humans are worst our brain is so brain washed with so much opinions and false info we can’t figure it out

  • @valenciawalker6498
    @valenciawalker6498 9 місяців тому +1

    Great lecture🙏🏽✝️🕊️

    • @ixisinvestigator6009
      @ixisinvestigator6009 9 місяців тому

      jesus want only spiritual desevolution so you can follow him blindly. the goal of jesus christ is for you to repeat how he is the light and the way and the truth, and how so great he is ! so he can brainwash you into thinking him he is god. but jesus christ is the real devil ! kundalini and blue hindu gods has nothing to do with the reptilian alien race, that new age interpretation ! for jesus every gods = a demon pretending to be god. because there arrogant jealous god of the bible hate to have any other gods worshiped beside him
      - Jesus will wield a sword when he returns for judgment day, as a very violent figure.
      - Christians should accept Jesus and suffer for him in order to escape demons, gremlins, monsters, and hellfire.
      - God, in order to manifest on Earth, impregnated a human woman to give birth to a 100% humanified God.
      - Jews will betray Jesus and the Romans will execute him, but his death somehow magically extinguishes sin.
      cause this simple execution is in reality all the sins of the world that jesus carry on his cross while he is crusified
      he is not put to death because the romans sentenced him. but because he somehow magically extinguished sin by dying.
      god is so much great and so smart and love you so much that he sent his only son to die without letting him ask his choice
      "father why have you forsaken me" but somehow his death is magical and save ! read john-13 he still is god ! (jesus ret*rded logic)
      - the book of Revelation claim that only the elected or those who believe in the man-made book will be saved, while others will go to hell.

  • @jessicawicker3582
    @jessicawicker3582 8 місяців тому

    Remember, there. Was 2 uprisings, 1 where Lucier tried to ascend, ans was casted out... then later, 200 angel captains, were the ones who, left their estate, and came here....too these are of those🎉🎉🎉

  • @Well-beingCris..
    @Well-beingCris.. 9 місяців тому +2

    16:00 two spirits out there: love and fear. Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists.

  • @ruphersonkiirii9254
    @ruphersonkiirii9254 9 місяців тому

    When you realise half of the people in this world has a history of coming out of caves,as their origins.

    @BENJAMIN12M 2 роки тому +9

    We all know who the serpents are, their time has come to once again rise and be the gods they were.

    • @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952
      @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952  2 роки тому +5

      Yes. It appears so.

    • @nisa3695
      @nisa3695 9 місяців тому +1

      Who were they? Seriously asking

    • @bra195
      @bra195 7 місяців тому

      ​@@nisa3695 In genesis 6 celestial beans mixed with humans (womans). The womans born extraordinary bens...

    • @nisa3695
      @nisa3695 7 місяців тому

      @@bra195 so they are demons?

    • @bra195
      @bra195 7 місяців тому

      @@nisa3695 No. The angels are not bad...only fell in love with beauty ladies. Probably, the result of this mix, was hybrid humans as u can see in ancient myths.

  • @thecrockadilewhowalkslikea3798
    @thecrockadilewhowalkslikea3798 8 місяців тому

    Also the serpent clearly walked before the SIN became manifest.

  • @Flyingthundergod4
    @Flyingthundergod4 22 дні тому

    Naga was meant to represent the kundalini and human overcoming the animal nature within himself

  • @MyceliumNet
    @MyceliumNet Місяць тому

    The nagas evolved from the maya, which was the root race after the flood. There’s no such thing as demonic, it’s all energy manipulation.

  • @craigdagenhart2122
    @craigdagenhart2122 9 місяців тому

    In 1275 Angela de Labarthe
    Reportedly gave birth to a monster with a wolfs head and a serpent's tail - she subsequently became the first person known to have been executed for intercourse with a demon Incubus.

    @DARKWINGWATCH 3 роки тому +3

    We need some new videos.

  • @cashDBG19
    @cashDBG19 6 місяців тому

    Blue comes from the word indigo/inde/Indian, blue represents the black Indians Hindu kushite naga/niga/negro, we are blue/black, we are awake now, we are the avatar, all your movies are about us, the Holy Spirit/wisdom/kundalini has brought all things back to our remembrance

  • @ednadiaz4193
    @ednadiaz4193 Рік тому +3

    😂 was funny to hear how you pronounced the name of Mayan god Quetzalcoatl.

    • @lococomrade3488
      @lococomrade3488 9 місяців тому +1

      It's almost like:
      He doesn't know what he's talking about, at all.

  • @astablack8812
    @astablack8812 9 місяців тому

    I believe people with snake bodies just lived under the ground and there’s a lot of history that shows we lived underground a lot!

  • @InterDIMEnsionals10
    @InterDIMEnsionals10 9 місяців тому

    I see the beings discussed in my high altitude mountain photos of Southern Colorado.

  • @ubuntuber1619
    @ubuntuber1619 10 місяців тому

    i tuned out the moment you said seed wars #16

  • @navnitmistry8970
    @navnitmistry8970 10 місяців тому +1

    You have got Diva and Deva confused. Diva is a person who revels in being famous and have large following.
    Deva's, are a higher beings or god like who are Divine, humble

  • @shelll7306
    @shelll7306 10 місяців тому +3

    There was a breastplate with various crystals/gems that was worn to protect the high priest when he was near the ark of the covenant.

    • @00leaveralone
      @00leaveralone 9 місяців тому +1

      Urrim & Thummim, I think? Those names seem related to radioactive elements listed on our periodic table of elements….perhaps Urrim & Thummim block or reduce radiation exposure to protect a mortal man (priest)? Just an idea. The Ark opening scenario in Raiders of the Lost Ark was pretty interesting.

    • @TheEnigmaticmuse
      @TheEnigmaticmuse 9 місяців тому +1

      Aaron's breastplate. It had twelve stones in it, one for each tribe. They are listed in Scripture.

  • @nycsweetnessniijiamarukhan7918
    @nycsweetnessniijiamarukhan7918 2 роки тому +2

    Sounds like they are talking about subterranean regions called agartha aka the inner earth/hollow earth. Colonel Byrd spoke on it. Supposedly lizard beings live there, & giants also. I wanna add that, the nephilim also survived in the waters. Water creatures would survive a flood. Like the mermaids 🧜‍♀️ (book of Enoch speaks of sirens, but idk because different translations says sirens are bird creatures not mermaids) but, the book of Enoch says that Sirens are the wives of the watchers who rebelled & were turned into sirens

  • @tlb31m
    @tlb31m 9 місяців тому

    This was truly amazing and well informative I’ve learn some of this but rly helped with a lot of other things #ChristIsKing

  • @winolowardichelli2850
    @winolowardichelli2850 2 роки тому +1

    Do you think some of us still have some of that genes or they were completely wiped in the flood??

    • @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952
      @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952  2 роки тому +2

      I don’t think they were all wiped out in the flood. I believe the seed of the serpent survived the flood and continued to reign on earth as the mighty pharaohs and cesars and kings throughout history… and are directly related to the royal bloodlines of the Illuminati who are still running the planet today.

    • @winolowardichelli2850
      @winolowardichelli2850 2 роки тому

      @@theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952 and the evil spirits of today?? They are the spirits of the mixed humans with angels or the spirits of the fallen angels themselves?

  • @fabriziopassley
    @fabriziopassley 8 місяців тому

    Snake on the staff is connected to moses and rafiel

  • @Saints_ravenfortheRainbow
    @Saints_ravenfortheRainbow 2 місяці тому

    Have you looked into mayong india at their black magic..
    I just found that and I had looked into india many years here and there.

  • @Sheenalove432hz
    @Sheenalove432hz 10 місяців тому +1

    Like they say t rex had feathers too some theories

  • @MsGroovalicious
    @MsGroovalicious Рік тому +2

    This teaching is spectacular and the information is HUGE! Glory to GOD!!!! Thank you!

    • @lococomrade3488
      @lococomrade3488 9 місяців тому

      Nah. This is just racist prejudiced bullshit.
      The man clearly has no idea what he's talking about and is just making shit up.

  • @BleachedWheat
    @BleachedWheat 9 місяців тому +1

    Seed Wars? Like Rob Skiba?

    • @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952
      @theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952  9 місяців тому +1

      exactly...only I wouldn't put me in the same category as Rob. God rest his soul.

    • @BleachedWheat
      @BleachedWheat 9 місяців тому +1

      @@theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952 God bless u!

    • @linin3288
      @linin3288 9 місяців тому

      ​@@theprotoevangeliumandtheda9952are you a flat earther

  • @msim28
    @msim28 9 місяців тому

    Wings may also symbolize as the direction of travel. The sacred oil rising to the heavens.
    Vega is represented by birds/wings and felion.

  • @jamesdonnely3249
    @jamesdonnely3249 2 роки тому +3

    Hey brother. Your series is so well researched. This is a must watch, as I can't wait to see what you're going to come up with next! To heck with any streaming shows! Can't wait to start your Noah series after this!
    One quick question:
    In all your research how have you not stumbled upon how important the names Yahuah and Yahuah's are?
    Just wondering. Thx. 🙏

    • @jamesdonnely3249
      @jamesdonnely3249 2 роки тому +1

      You check these comments?

    • @lococomrade3488
      @lococomrade3488 9 місяців тому

      No. It wasn't.
      His pronunciation is absolutely terrible.
      He doesn't understand Eastern religions. *AT ALL.*
      His videos are purely made-up bullshit.
      There is absolutely zero valid research to any of this.

  • @brotherlittlefoot2216
    @brotherlittlefoot2216 3 місяці тому +1

    The Gnostics turn the whole Biblical story on its end. Lucifer was portrayed as a serpent in the garden and Lucifer is the true angel of the Creator,while "Yahweh" /"Jehovah" is actually described as a jealous dragon god,aka the "Anunnaki". Also read The Epic of Gilgamesh and other earlier texts where the OT got most of its stories from,though you likely have already.
    .......I research and work w Sasquatches nightly and have had to deal w humans believing that the Sasquatch are the Nephilim,so I have had to do my fair share of research on these and other "cryptids". And then there's personal experience...The Nagas are real and like humans,some are "good" and some maybe not so much,but who are humans to judge? I have recently encountered some "good" Nagas.
    ........The Nephilim bloodline are carried through humans,at least those who seek control. The proof is in John 8:44,where Yahshua actually called them out...,"You brood of vipers! You sons of snakes...!" Who else did Christ ever call by those references? A whole People - be they Nagas,Sasquatch,human,or other,cannot inherently be evil. Just those who seek to control others.
    .......The Nagas and Sasquatch were here long before humans and our religions. The Anunnaki left us here w them after creating humans to be slaves for them. Many of the cryptids and what remains of human ancestors or relatives are not happy w the Anunnaki for leaving us here,and also not happy w humans for what we have done to the Earth - and I don't mean CC,which is environmentally cyclical and predicted by the massive presence of the Sabe/Sasquatch all over the world now according to more than one Indigenous Americas prophecy. I know these things bc we talk - all of us,and I have most of it on audio,though not Nagas yet.
    .....The Sabe/Sasquatch are not the Nephilim,either,who seek as much power and control as possible in these realms,while most cryptids are either near or full on hunter/gatherers w "excess" abilities.
    ........I'm a Shaman and a Witch (the healing/protective /steward and student of the Earth kind),a spirit medium,son of a preacher,author, as well as an educated and professional Horticulturist and dropout Primatology and Conservation student.
    Not everything is demonic unless humans project things to be so,but humans project from within.As above,so below - just the way it is. That's why if you want to see change,you must begin with yourself.
    ....Humans are the most finite of all such beings and therefore,so will our knowledge be.