How to get good at leetcode

  • Опубліковано 31 бер 2024
  • There are 3 steps to get good at leetcode
    For the 30 foundational problems any list of problems will likely be fine but try to hit the following concepts:
    linkedlist (reverse, kth from end, cycle detection trick, mergesort),
    dfs (paint fill, phone number letter combinations),
    backtracking (comb sum without duplicates),
    bfs (level order traversal for shortest path, knight moves),
    dp (top down + bottom up, longest increasing subsequence, coin change problems, knapsack),
    binary search (first and last position in sorted, bin search on fn arguments ie capacity to ship within D days)
    string stuff (palindrome after removing invalid chars),
    array stuff (missing/duplicate numbers, move zeros, rotate, 3sum, path sum, max product subarray)
    interval problems (merging, meeting room trickery)
    stack stuff (matching parens, calculator, monotonic increasing stack, backspace string compare)
    matrix stuff (rotate, sudoko junk, search, number of islands)
    tree stuff (min height, diameter of tree, longest univalue path)
    BST stuff (preorder, postorder, inorder traversal, inorder successor, all vals k distance from target)
    trie data structure
    sliding window (anagram of one string in another)
    topological sort (course prereqs)
    harder graph stuff (connected components: union find and dfs, cheapest flights k stops)
    heap stuff (merge k sorted lists, k most frequent, interval problems)
    lru cache
    babbys first mathy stuff (sieve of eratowhatever, reversing digits, convert to base whatever, add strings)
  • Наука та технологія


  • @Psych0ticCamel
    @Psych0ticCamel 2 місяці тому

    Really appreciate people who analyze the process of learning and attempt to figure out optimal strategies. Thank you for sharing your insights!

  • @jetzawada884
    @jetzawada884 2 місяці тому

    The point you made about not needing to be solving the problems every time but just becoming familiar is important and I reckon often overlooked, Good vid!

  • @davisuga
    @davisuga 2 місяці тому

    Great video! Try noise reduction tools or audio AI tools like adobe podcast to enhance your audio. Great content.

  • @cariyaputta
    @cariyaputta 2 місяці тому

    I always categorize and drill the concepts, not a particular problem. And also using Anki is very helpful.