Repercussions of the 1848 German Revolution and the Jews

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • www.moin-moin....
    The 1848ers (“Forty-eighters”), typified by charismatic Gabriel Riesser and Theodor Olshausen, were a relatively small number of democratic revolutionaries, who emigrated from Europe in the late 1840s and early 1850s after fighting unsuccessfully with both pen and sword for liberty, democracy, and national unity. Many of the German Forty-eighters immigrated to the United States, with a large number from the present-day state of Schleswig-Holstein choosing Davenport & Scott County, Iowa as their adopted home. After settling in America, these unique and talented individuals provided an intellectual transfusion affecting not only their fellow German immigrants but also the political and social history of the United States during one of its most critical periods.
    Gabriel Riesser, a Jewish lawyer from Hamburg, was sent as a representative to the democratic Paulskirchen Parliament in Frankfurt in 1848 by the Duchy of Lauenburg; and was the outstanding Vice President there with his brilliant speeches- i.e. 175 years ago! Beginning in 1836, his friend Theodor Olshausen published Riesser's excellent articles on the emancipation of the Jews in Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, and later in the Mississippi town of Davenport, Iowa.
    You might get a first idea about our topic & speaker from a short video of “Deutsche Welle”, Germany’s International Broadcaster:
    Dr. Joachim "Yogi" Reppmann was born in Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, in 1957. He attended the Altes Gymnasium, a school founded by Danish King Frederick II in 1566. He matriculated at the University of Kiel, where he studied history, American literature, and philosophy. In 1984, he completed his master's thesis entitled Transplanted Ideas: The Concept of Freedom and Democracy of the Schleswig-Holstein Forty-Eighters - Origins and Effects 1846-1856. He has written several books on notable Schleswig-Holstein emigrants and the mass migration to the United States; served as a professor of German at St. Olaf and Carleton Colleges in Northfield, Minnesota; and chaired several conferences. The Steuben Society of America’s History Award, 2014, has been presented to him for his research on the 1848 movement’s democratic impact in Germany, and the USA.