Bo Burnham - Sexting

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @jamb_21
    @jamb_21 3 роки тому +2032

    One thing I notice is that at 1:21 Bo's fingers move at the same time with the bassline

    • @brandonmchugh9821
      @brandonmchugh9821 3 роки тому +82

      That's some real attention to detail on bo's part

    • @lazy11123
      @lazy11123 3 роки тому +13

      @@brandonmchugh9821 don't you mean that's some real paying attention to JAMB

    • @brandonmchugh9821
      @brandonmchugh9821 3 роки тому +8

      @@lazy11123 no, because idk what JAMB is lol

    • @TortillaPizzeria
      @TortillaPizzeria 2 роки тому +20

      Just shows you how much love and attention Bo puts in his work.

    • @lazy11123
      @lazy11123 2 роки тому +16

      @@TortillaPizzeria absolutely, as he said in another special, he works on it to the gesture

  • @fernandoalcantud8388
    @fernandoalcantud8388 2 роки тому +1316

    "We'll talk dirty like we are antient egyptians" always get me

    • @FreelancerND
      @FreelancerND 2 роки тому +24

      Actually VERY true. You can check it yourself by reading some of ancient Egyptian myths. My god, there's some really perverted shit =)

    • @fernandoalcantud8388
      @fernandoalcantud8388 2 роки тому +13

      @@FreelancerND really ? Didnt know that. Makes the whole joke even funnier

    • @brtuh5865
      @brtuh5865 2 роки тому +1

      @@FreelancerND it wasnt perverted by their standards so idt its fair to call it that, but whatever

    • @MaximumAxiom
      @MaximumAxiom 2 роки тому +5

      For what's its worth Egyptians mostly used an alphabet, and the hieroglyphs visuals refer to the what pronunciation sounded like to them. If it was more analogous to English then the letter "h" might be drawn as a house symbol and use in place of "h". They would also use the hieroglyphs for the visual meanings in clever ways, like they might write the sun hieroglyph as a shorthand for the sun in context.

    • @davethegoofyahh5632
      @davethegoofyahh5632 Рік тому +3

      ancient* 🤓

  • @yeetyeetpotatoskeet7948
    @yeetyeetpotatoskeet7948 3 роки тому +2407

    The Ferris wheel line is one of the most purely funny things i've ever heard, especially along with bo's face while he says that's pretty abstract

    • @monke980
      @monke980 3 роки тому +81

      the way he distressingly said FERRIS WHEEEEEEL had me chuckling. almost sounded like he was saying ferris whale.

    • @jschn7074
      @jschn7074 3 роки тому +7

      Amazing pfp btw

    • @maxthescarecrow4038
      @maxthescarecrow4038 2 роки тому +48

      The "I chicken out and send a picture of my face instead
      Because my dick looks like the baby from Eraserhead" lines are some of the most relatable lyrics to ever be eternalized in a song.
      And it's hilarious as fuck.

    • @spongebobsquarepants8403
      @spongebobsquarepants8403 2 роки тому +21

      I think it's because she means she wants him to ride her like a ferris wheel lmao.

    • @BestSpaceGuy
      @BestSpaceGuy 2 роки тому +5

      Sometimes I only watch the video for this same reason

  • @kezzi6083
    @kezzi6083 3 роки тому +1914

    Man if I could personally thank Bo for putting in 2:07 I would. He managed to perfectly capture the issues surrounding intimacy nowadays where people can end up feeling corralled into sending content they don't feel comfortable with out of not wanting to disappoint their partners. So glad someone's finally vocalised it. A very real moment in an otherwise funny song.

    • @solus8685
      @solus8685 3 роки тому +237

      @T H not when it's Bo Burnham

    • @cooperwhaley3340
      @cooperwhaley3340 3 роки тому +149

      @T H its never that simple with Bo

    • @ash2xx1
      @ash2xx1 3 роки тому +125

      @T H Bo uses humor to talk about tough subjects and probe social subjects. He isn't just about comedy.

    • @TheGamerGirls22
      @TheGamerGirls22 3 роки тому +28

      happened with my first bf,,, yeah. i dont hold anything to it though bc i wasnt stupid and he was a good guy. but you (and of course bo) are absolutely right

    • @monke980
      @monke980 3 роки тому +46

      @T H i dont think that applies to ANYTHING in inside.

  • @xtroupax
    @xtroupax 2 роки тому +893

    I literally laughed my ass off out of my bed at the line "my dick looks like the baby from Eraserhead'" and got wedged upside down between my furniture for 20 minutes and seriously thought I was going to die here. Worth it.

    • @evldedgrl
      @evldedgrl 2 роки тому +26

      I scared my cat I laughed so loud at that line.

    • @thatsreelcreative
      @thatsreelcreative Рік тому

      I got a bit concerned when I read your message, are you okay? I hope you didn't die? Let me know if you're not dead, thanks.

    • @AzureRadio
      @AzureRadio Рік тому +3

      I always love when I have to explain the reference. Then the look of pure horror when I show them what it looks like.
      Then the girl I'm having sex with tells me that my dick 100% looks like the baby from Eraserhead.
      Guess that's still a win though

    • @chrisb8193
      @chrisb8193 7 місяців тому +2

      I love it because Bo is probably a nerdy cinephile like us.

    • @chrisb8193
      @chrisb8193 7 місяців тому +1

      What’s crazy is even when Bo is making fun of a certain type of song/pop culture cliche like a sexy R&B song, an inspirational anthem, the memorializing of someone’ mother on social media etc. The actual song is so fucking good it makes you laugh and enjoy the content in 2 completely different ways. Like, the things he makes to make fun of things are way better than the things he’s actually making fun of. It’s crazy.

  • @sam5706
    @sam5706 2 роки тому +468

    2:08, the message on the screen. I feel that all the time, every day. I relate to that so heavily. Wow. Anxiety sucks.

    • @Dmitry-cx1bw
      @Dmitry-cx1bw 4 місяці тому +3

      Same... If u search "Sorry" in my DM with my friend... Well, there will be a lot of them

  • @cassidya5629
    @cassidya5629 2 роки тому +272

    This is undoubtedly a masterpiece, but the 'aye aye, AT&T' throughout gets me every time😂

    • @dhanceljade6518
      @dhanceljade6518 2 роки тому


    • @DavidBruns-v5z
      @DavidBruns-v5z 10 місяців тому +3

      Especially b/c their service in LA (where I think he lives) is known to be generally quite shitty (at least it was for my family lived out there). I always find that humorous for their struggles alone

  • @TheAdvertisement
    @TheAdvertisement 2 роки тому +159

    The visual of the sex-associated emojis projected onto Bo's face is genuinely genius.

  • @alex_ze_awsumyt5484
    @alex_ze_awsumyt5484 3 роки тому +706

    Off topic, but Bo with earrings is just-- *chef's kiss*

    • @LadySquiffington
      @LadySquiffington 3 роки тому +24

      1980s George Michael is smiling

    • @nabhchandra_
      @nabhchandra_ 3 роки тому +2

      how does earrings even make a difference? you cant even see it most times

    • @DearValentina
      @DearValentina 3 роки тому +51

      @@nabhchandra_ But when you do see em, they look fire.

    • @nabhchandra_
      @nabhchandra_ 3 роки тому +5

      @@DearValentina i honestly would never have seen em had i not seen this comment, but maybe thats just me🤷‍♂️

    • @v1sitation.of.the.gh0st
      @v1sitation.of.the.gh0st 2 роки тому +3

      I was the earrings, can confirm

  • @Assisi4
    @Assisi4 3 роки тому +609

    If you look closely you'll see the A/C on the upper right is set to 69 😉

    • @GLnoG420
      @GLnoG420 3 роки тому +11

      Thats comedy for you

    • @Jadie999
      @Jadie999 3 роки тому +33

      you probably already know this but Bo did that too in one of the first songs, comedy. He put the calculator on 69 and 420🤣

    • @vexmythoclast9476
      @vexmythoclast9476 3 роки тому +2


    • @Conocobhar
      @Conocobhar 2 роки тому +4

      To be fair, its a fantastic temp to sleep at

    • @razorface9309
      @razorface9309 2 роки тому


  • @ash2xx1
    @ash2xx1 3 роки тому +546

    This song is a mood. A lot of social interaction, including sex, has moved to the internet, especially for a lot of us with problems socializing or lack of transportation.

  • @MaynardEppersonIV
    @MaynardEppersonIV Рік тому +68

    “I’m getting hot at just the thought of what I’d do to you, cause in my head I’m in your bed and getting through to you” is unironically a banger of a line

  • @lazy11123
    @lazy11123 3 роки тому +154

    2:41 is probably relatable to more people

    • @Fuckjaredmilton
      @Fuckjaredmilton 3 роки тому +12

      It's also so fucking good music wise lmao

    • @kaylluhb
      @kaylluhb 2 роки тому +3

      @@Fuckjaredmilton i’ve been trying to what flow it reminds me of for months

    • @actuallyJubb
      @actuallyJubb 9 місяців тому +2

      ​@@kaylluhbman any good guesses? I'm only getting that one bit from girls like you by maroon V 😭🙏

    • @eoinsmith15
      @eoinsmith15 8 місяців тому +1

      Kinda of reminds me of White Iverson by Post Malone​@@kaylluhb

  • @Impuhlz
    @Impuhlz 2 роки тому +122

    Truly a masterpiece- production, editing, comedically, musically, just absolutely magical. Only Bo could give us such a vibe that compares a vagina to a ferris wheel in one verse and displays a heartfelt message about the pressures of intimacy 2:07 all in the same groove. Bo is just levels beyond, so thankful for all of this work and dedication to his growing list of crafts. The aliens will have a special folder dedicated to Bo, if they use that sort of filing system I suppose

  • @ameliagreg6566
    @ameliagreg6566 2 роки тому +230

    I return exclusively to admire the perfection of his gyrating at 1:57

    • @synesthesia.aesthetic
      @synesthesia.aesthetic 2 роки тому +10

      That's my favorite part! 😂

    • @Sugary-Stardust
      @Sugary-Stardust 2 роки тому +12

      Thank you for the timestamp, because it makes me laugh lmao

    • @emoollinii
      @emoollinii 2 роки тому +5

      him dancing gives me life

    • @jessicabarton5913
      @jessicabarton5913 2 роки тому +1

      Me too, I think it's my favourite things ever in the history of ever 🤷 there's so much I love about Inside but I genuinely think those couple seconds are my favourite bit of the whole thing, with close second being near the end of problematic where he's on the cross 🤣

  • @MrMoman7
    @MrMoman7 3 роки тому +74

    1:55 the swim goggles with the honey pots - yes.

  • @synesthesia.aesthetic
    @synesthesia.aesthetic 2 роки тому +39

    I love his little dance @1:57

  • @Dervraka
    @Dervraka 2 роки тому +126

    Bo Burnham sure aged well, he looked like a nerdy kid until he was damn near 30, then it was like genetics suddenly flipped a switch and he turned into some ripped male model.

    • @Bem-0
      @Bem-0 Рік тому +19

      Maybe not ripped but definitely grown up

    • @sk1dzzz608
      @sk1dzzz608 Рік тому +1

      Yeah,bro looked like a nerd but now looks completely different

    • @lucerocastaneda9497
      @lucerocastaneda9497 Рік тому +10

      Definitely not ripped but this + "problematic" definitely give sex symbol vibes 🔥

  • @chain-wallet
    @chain-wallet 3 роки тому +167

    anyone here old enough to remember when parent were losing their minds over kids sexting? man those were the good ol days

    • @ylianacontreras9954
      @ylianacontreras9954 2 роки тому +3

      Yeah, mine still do

    • @once.upon.a.time.
      @once.upon.a.time. 2 роки тому +11

      My sister's boyfriend sent her a photo of his new haircut, he happened to not have a shirt on. When my dad saw it he took her phone away permanently 🤣 She didn't get another one until she moved out

    • @ylianacontreras9954
      @ylianacontreras9954 2 роки тому +9

      @@once.upon.a.time. damn that really sucks, your poor sister

    • @once.upon.a.time.
      @once.upon.a.time. 2 роки тому +1

      @@ylianacontreras9954 lol well that was about 15 years ago so she's over it by now. But yes, it was quite devastating then 😔😁

    • @ylianacontreras9954
      @ylianacontreras9954 2 роки тому +2

      @@once.upon.a.time. I remember almost getting caught doing what this song is called so many times, it gave me such and adrenaline rush, I did get caught a couple of times and it was embarrassing but I don't regret it, it was fun

  • @qwertyuiop.lkjhgfdsa
    @qwertyuiop.lkjhgfdsa Рік тому +37

    i think the fact that 2:08 is the most replayed because people were trying to pause on it is unreasonably funny
    _no pressure by the way at any point we can stop i just want to make sure ur comfortable all this and please dont feel obligated to send anything you dont want to just cuz i want things doesnt mean i should get them and its sometimes confusing because i think you enjoy it when i beg and express how much i want you but I dont ever want that to turn into you feeling pressured into doing something you don’t want or feeling like youre disappointing me this is just meant to be fun and if ay any point its not fun for you we can stop and im sorry if me saying this is killing the mood i just feel like_
    exact quote, any typos in there are not my own

    • @heyhoney3080
      @heyhoney3080 6 місяців тому

      it's been a year, but thank you :)

  • @Pdt7484
    @Pdt7484 2 роки тому +62

    Greatest visual artist in my opinion. The fact that he makes great songs that are both visually captivating and also deeply thought provoking is something that not many artists can do. Plus the fact that this entire album is a masterpiece is just incredible.

    • @hugh-jasole
      @hugh-jasole Рік тому

      Ummmm....and also...its funny? Id say even Bo would agree the funny trumps everything else.

  • @jackshizt6670
    @jackshizt6670 3 роки тому +201

    I just love how he sings about the best (and worst) things in this god forsaken world.. cause none of you are going to heaven!

  • @TLBization
    @TLBization 2 роки тому +48

    Except for a top hat gets me every time

    • @marcelo_gomez07
      @marcelo_gomez07 2 роки тому +2

      But I didn't mean it...

    • @sk1dzzz608
      @sk1dzzz608 Рік тому

      Bo is like pink guy and weird Al combined to form one person

  • @baroknimakronka
    @baroknimakronka 3 роки тому +48

    Oh my- thank you for posting this🛐

  • @demonicizu
    @demonicizu 2 роки тому +12

    This song is my second favourite song from this special. All eyes on me is my favourite. I just love how catchy this one is

  • @snarkmaiden4397
    @snarkmaiden4397 2 роки тому +48

    I was watching the special with my dad and this song started the moment my mom came downstairs

    • @ykMMD
      @ykMMD 2 роки тому +2


  • @rodrigomontoya8653
    @rodrigomontoya8653 2 роки тому +55

    0:36 that face of confussion kills me everytime

    • @TheWooly77
      @TheWooly77 Місяць тому

      Absolutely the same. Why I keep watching it 😂

  • @MalvinaDeClares
    @MalvinaDeClares Рік тому +14

    It's like if the weeknd was a really awkward white guy

  • @jessicamak8367
    @jessicamak8367 2 роки тому +24

    It's all consensual (2:08). Bo has all his bases covered 😍.

  • @MarTini160
    @MarTini160 2 роки тому +82

    Who caught the musical joke at the VERY END? That little scale begins on the supertonic (2nd scale degree) and falls all the way past tonic to the leading tone: you never get resolution to the tonic (symbolic of an orgasm), but you’re ALMOST there. 😂🤣😂🤣 Genius.

    • @inexp1
      @inexp1 2 роки тому +3

      lmaoooo TRUE

    • @BingQilin
      @BingQilin 11 місяців тому +1

      I only recognized it because Linda Ronstadt's Long Long Time does the same thing

  • @SuperDynaZty
    @SuperDynaZty 2 роки тому +14

    "You say lmao but I doubt that"
    I felt that

  • @Murdocslove
    @Murdocslove 2 роки тому +7

    I can't express how deeply I appreciate the "baby from Eraserhead" reference. Chilling.

  • @oxaalzuur
    @oxaalzuur 2 роки тому +40

    this song will always remind me of him omfg

  • @thepigeonmanlyon7155
    @thepigeonmanlyon7155 2 роки тому +68

    In case you were also confused: The ferris wheel is probably meant to be "Do you want to have fun?" so the ticket stub would be confirming "Yes." Took me too long to figure that one out lol.

  • @nehcik8
    @nehcik8 3 роки тому +21

    Came here for the eraserhead refrence. Thank you

  • @timedanimates8026
    @timedanimates8026 2 роки тому +18

    "she sent a feris wheel how abstract" best line in the damn song
    Also it absolutely slaps for a song about sending nudes

  • @CJFreeza
    @CJFreeza 2 роки тому +6

    I'm not sure what's better the lyrics or the beat cuz all of it is hilariously fiya 🔥🔥

  • @Jadie999
    @Jadie999 3 роки тому +66

    Whenever I hear or see the word At&t I think of this song

    • @kinseydesignsbrands
      @kinseydesignsbrands 3 роки тому +2

      Same lol then I sing ay ay at & t - they should make it their new jingle!

    • @rubub8455
      @rubub8455 2 роки тому +1

      this song was my first time even hearing "at & t"

    • @Jadie999
      @Jadie999 2 роки тому +1

      @@rubub8455 what😂 it’s a phone company

    • @ykMMD
      @ykMMD 2 роки тому +2

      @@Jadie999 There's a compilation of John Oliver bashing at&t and it just makes this song funnier :')

  • @BrokenAntelope
    @BrokenAntelope 3 роки тому +31

    Ayyy ayyy ayyy t & t

  • @JeanBrink1971
    @JeanBrink1971 2 роки тому +22

    I'm obsessed with this song, it can't be healthy... 😳🧐😅🙈😍

    • @ykMMD
      @ykMMD 2 роки тому


  • @АлександрСавин-и5п
    @АлександрСавин-и5п 2 роки тому +9

    1:58 - is my favorite part of it 🤣

  • @lunamaarouf_
    @lunamaarouf_ 2 роки тому +109

    Y’all this song is catchy.. and I wanna show it to people… but I can only ironically listen to it…but at the same time imagine if someone came up to you like
    Hello my dearest of friends I have acquired iTunes and would like to show you this musically artistic masterpiece I found on said platform, I need you to give it a serious listen so as to capture every nuance of its essence

    • @marcelo_gomez07
      @marcelo_gomez07 2 роки тому +9

      Why hello dearest friend *shakes hand*, I would be pleasured to use my ears' hearing to listen to this musically artistic lyrical melodical song on ITunes and seriously listen to it to fully comprehend the meaning and reasoning behind this musically artistic lyrical melodic song on said application. I really do hope it does not disappoint me unlike a song I have found on an application called UA-cam, the title of said unliked song in my opinion song is Baby Shark do do do do do.
      (Way too long lmao)

    • @lunamaarouf_
      @lunamaarouf_ 2 роки тому

      @@marcelo_gomez07 this reply is brilliant holy fuck- also fuck you baby shark slaps XD…
      *I hope you didn’t take that seriously I fully agree with you on how bad baby shark is*

    • @hugh-jasole
      @hugh-jasole Рік тому

      "Send a picture of your tits, please "

  • @StrawberryJamming
    @StrawberryJamming 3 роки тому +89

    2:18 im still trying to understand if he says "fry-tanned" or "frightened"

    • @catmar123ful
      @catmar123ful 3 роки тому +19

      Freight train?

    • @hannahhillig9970
      @hannahhillig9970 3 роки тому +21

      The cc on Netflix says frightened

    • @SpragginsDesigns
      @SpragginsDesigns 3 роки тому +9

      It's frightened

    • @SpragginsDesigns
      @SpragginsDesigns 3 роки тому +3

      I ripped it, took it in Adobe Premiere Pro, cut it just for this song on Plex and it cracks me up Everytime. I've purchased all his content since I use syncler instead of Netflix, but I go out of my way to buy his stuff.

    • @jello7380
      @jello7380 3 роки тому +6

      Both. It’s wordplay.

  • @dog._8435
    @dog._8435 2 роки тому +10

    This is probably my favorite song from inside 😂

  • @tgrady2570
    @tgrady2570 2 роки тому +5

    I never noticed how he moves his head so the sunglasses emoji lines up perfectly

  • @kaniphish
    @kaniphish 2 роки тому +32

    ngl the snowman took me several listens to understand.
    snowmen have carrots in their face.
    Still don't get the ferris wheel.
    I guess vag but that can't just be it... can it?

    • @liefschneider3123
      @liefschneider3123 2 роки тому +11

      The snowman thing went over my head lol. I was like if she texted snowman does that mean "that's cold", but then he says "crisis averted", so he takes it to mean something else. Which is probably all part of the cleverness that it would seem like she's saying that's cold, but she's actually saying put a carrot in my face, or at least that is his implied interpretation since texts are always ambiguous.
      Thanks for the post, don't think I would have though of the fact snowmen with carrot noses, cleaver.

    • @nellexicon
      @nellexicon 2 роки тому +11

      The carrot is his nose in her, uh, peach. The snowman means "melting". Took me quite a few listens to understand these myself!

    • @liefschneider3123
      @liefschneider3123 2 роки тому +4

      I wonder if the ferriswheel is meaning going up and down? And then with the snowman to take the carrot up and down on her face?

    • @nellexicon
      @nellexicon 2 роки тому +21

      @@liefschneider3123 "Ride me" is the ferris wheel and the ticket is acceptance of the offer. The carrot is just his nose in her peach, there's no larger meaning with the snowman necessarily - but it does make kind of a fun pun/callback to the carrot

    • @sophie.1
      @sophie.1 2 роки тому +1

      Thanks for explaining the snowman 😆

  • @Adrinana95
    @Adrinana95 2 роки тому +9

    The picture of his face does it for me 2:27

  • @sanfernvalley619
    @sanfernvalley619 2 роки тому +9

    This is the modern equivalent of an ancient Roman/Egyptian/Greek gay sex vase

  • @cambriablake2431
    @cambriablake2431 2 місяці тому

    Everything about this video is so well thought out and funny

  • @souljynx
    @souljynx 2 роки тому +7

    100% convinced five years was scrapped for this

  • @BickNutton
    @BickNutton 2 роки тому +13

    At 2:07, I have sent something like that many times

  • @timefuzzball8097
    @timefuzzball8097 2 роки тому +14

    It was very awkward watching this with my family. Good thing the show was awesome.

  • @Crysis1334
    @Crysis1334 Рік тому +2

    Bo is the only artist other than Trevor moore that can make me cry and laugh all in the same song. I don't know how they do it but they're geniuses.

  • @jaimereynolds3914
    @jaimereynolds3914 2 роки тому +6

    just wanted to point out 2:08
    cause it`s important

  • @TeodorLojewski
    @TeodorLojewski Рік тому +2

    It's impressive he made this song with one arm!

  • @jond2697
    @jond2697 8 місяців тому

    2:08! The fucking wall of text got me! Hahahahaha

  • @l3joint
    @l3joint 2 роки тому +14

    Jesus fucking christ I guess I never learrrrrrn LOL 😆

  • @sarakotevska5089
    @sarakotevska5089 2 роки тому +5


  • @justanorange6599
    @justanorange6599 2 роки тому +1

    i like the surprise songs in inside, its funky

  • @jessicamak8367
    @jessicamak8367 2 роки тому +3

    Every eyebrow raise gives me a funny feeling.

  • @silvanarodriguesmendonca9930

    Man the aesthetic part the song it's just perfect

  • @erinmylungs8711
    @erinmylungs8711 3 місяці тому

    It’s like flight of the Concordes never went anywhere❤

  • @swft89
    @swft89 2 роки тому +3

    2:07 hero

  • @melancholy-kate9116
    @melancholy-kate9116 10 місяців тому +1


  • @angryman...
    @angryman... 2 роки тому +4

    this song fucks

  • @Algox
    @Algox 2 роки тому +4

    Someone shall recreate the text messages irl.

  • @kittymama611
    @kittymama611 Рік тому +1

    "We'll talk dirty like we're ancient Egyptians " 🎡

  • @AustinBrileyPFL
    @AustinBrileyPFL 2 роки тому +3

    1:41 Bo gettin’ down

  • @MercurySpades
    @MercurySpades 2 роки тому +13

    Be like Bo at 2:08

  • @jimmysellers1601
    @jimmysellers1601 Рік тому +1

    M hips and shoulders literally sway the moment this song comes on 😌😌😌

  • @musical_costumer7976
    @musical_costumer7976 2 роки тому +3

    This is the weirdest thing

  • @aesthethicc69420
    @aesthethicc69420 Рік тому +1

    After doomscrolling through a p0rn Twitter account until 3 am I listen to this to feel better

  • @Anthony_Smart16
    @Anthony_Smart16 27 днів тому


  • @Breesey
    @Breesey 2 роки тому +1

    Genius! This really reminds me of Urban Flora by Alina Baraz and I'm here for that

  • @tizianaparisi8725
    @tizianaparisi8725 Рік тому

    You are a genius

  • @79Flowa
    @79Flowa Рік тому

    😂😅 I’m dying laughing here

  • @15UGADawg
    @15UGADawg 2 роки тому +6

    So thinking about this.. when she replied with a snowman.. wouldn’t that mean like, that’s cold? 🤷‍♂️🧐

  • @echomikoart
    @echomikoart 11 місяців тому

    I did an animated version of this song, took me over a year but damn it it was worth it.
    This is my fav song in the album

  • @magicman-jp2bf
    @magicman-jp2bf Рік тому

    The baby from Eraserhead is hilarious

  • @JackSparrow-re4ql
    @JackSparrow-re4ql 2 роки тому +2

    Ladies and gentlemen, I give you; the human condition.

  • @adamtuohy332
    @adamtuohy332 Рік тому

    slowed down this is the chillest fucking lowfi fucking best ever shit

  • @nathanthompson6720
    @nathanthompson6720 Рік тому

    Bos songs are so catchy

  • @echomikoart
    @echomikoart Рік тому +1

    Bro... I just realized why he panicked. The ticket emoji looks like a condom pack

  • @savexd6201
    @savexd6201 2 роки тому +3

    bro why the ac temp is set to 69F lol

  • @samanthaorick2280
    @samanthaorick2280 2 місяці тому +2

    I'm so attracted to this man.

  • @alastor1419
    @alastor1419 4 місяці тому

    Me and my gf all the time. (we wished we were at each other's places)

  • @thepaqua846
    @thepaqua846 Рік тому +2

    no pressure by the way at any point we can stop i just want to make sure ur comfortable all this and please dont feel obligated to send anything you dont want to just cuz i want things doesnt mean i should get them and its sometimes confusing because i think you enjoy it when i beg and express how much i want you but I dont ever want that to turn into you feeling pressured into doing something you don't want or feeling like youre dissapointing me this is just meant to be fun and if at any point its not fun for you we can stop and im sorry if me saying this is killing the mood i just feel like

  • @stackbundles848
    @stackbundles848 Рік тому +1

    crisis averted

  • @kylevo1814
    @kylevo1814 2 роки тому +6

    I can’t relate to this song, I have Tmobile

  • @jasonvoorhees8606
    @jasonvoorhees8606 2 роки тому

    what's happend on the mensage in 2:07 ? I can't learn

  • @MrGamerDa1st_YT
    @MrGamerDa1st_YT Рік тому +1


  • @Im.KapsRS
    @Im.KapsRS 11 місяців тому

    realest shit ive ever heard

  • @gyroelongatedpentagonalbip728
    @gyroelongatedpentagonalbip728 9 місяців тому

    Where did you get this video?

  • @alicia4733
    @alicia4733 Місяць тому

    LMAo the baby from eraser head

  • @themattrobinson
    @themattrobinson 2 роки тому +6


  • @Aimlessartist
    @Aimlessartist 8 місяців тому

    The baby from Eraserhead 😂

  • @user-po1ndx73r
    @user-po1ndx73r Рік тому

    It may be a joke song but it’s bomb af

  • @visibly-tired
    @visibly-tired 2 роки тому +1

    I don't know what the baby from Eraserhead is but at this point I'm too afraid to ask

  • @ashisogiji2757
    @ashisogiji2757 3 роки тому +11

    Lyrics please

    • @ashisogiji2757
      @ashisogiji2757 3 роки тому +2

      @@noiseisnice Very helpful

    • @ashisogiji2757
      @ashisogiji2757 3 роки тому +5

      @@noiseisnice Thanks 🖤😬 you're the best haha

    • @leaflet7738
      @leaflet7738 Рік тому

      Here you go!
      Sexting (whoa-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh)
      It isn't sex, it's the next best thing
      Ayy, ayy, AT&T
      I am in bed, I am ready to go with you
      Tonight, I'm thinking of taking it slow
      We'll use emojis only, we don't need phonetic-al diction
      We'll talk dirty like we're ancient Egyptians
      You send me a peach (oh)
      I send a carrot back (ah)
      You send a Ferris wheel
      That's pretty abstract
      I send back a ticket stub
      Implying that the Ferris wheel's your body
      And I'd really love admission to it (ah)
      Oh, no! What if, now, you think that I'm implying
      Your vagina is as big as a Ferris wheel? (Damn)
      You send back a snowman
      Crisis averted (thank God)
      Sexting (whoa-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh)
      It isn't sex, it's the next best thing
      (Next best) sexting
      Ayy, ayy, AT&T
      No more emojis, now it's on to words
      I ask, "What you're wearing?", you reply, "A shirt"
      You say, "Are you naked?"
      I say, "Yeah, except for a top hat"
      You say, "LMAO, but I doubt that"
      I'm getting hot at just the thought of what I'd do to you
      'Cause in my head, I'm in your bed
      And getting through to you
      They made the internet for nights like these (nights like these)
      I love you, baby, send a picture of your tits, please
      Sexting (whoa-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh)
      It isn't sex, it's the next best thing
      (Next best) sexting
      Ayy, ayy (we are sexting), AT&T
      You send the pic' and say it's now my turn
      Jesus fucking Christ, I guess I never learn
      My phone's flash is my only light, and
      The flash makes my dick look frightened
      I chicken out and send a picture of my face instead
      Because my dick looks like the baby from Eraserhead
      You say, "I sent my titties, that's not fair" (that's not fair)
      So I send it to you, and then my phone dies
      Another night on my own, yeah
      Stuck in my home, yeah
      Sitting alone
      One hand on my dick and one hand on my phone, yeah
      Another night on my own, yeah
      Stuck in my home, yeah
      Sitting alone
      One hand on my dick and one hand on my phone, yeah
      Another night on my own, yeah
      Stuck in my home, yeah
      Sitting alone
      One hand on my dick and one hand on my phone, yeah
      another night on my own, yeah
      (Titties) stuck in my home, yeah
      (Balls) sitting alone
      One hand on my dick and one hand on my phone, yeah

  • @Terrabyte425
    @Terrabyte425 Рік тому +1

    Why does this have more views than the actual bo burnham channel video😂