w va bobwhite quail
- Опубліковано 6 лют 2025
Great looking birds and nice setup 👍🕊
thank you, always ready to learn . we have a small family operation with only about 1000 each, phes. quail, ckrs, like to see how others set up. taking note of your advice on misting them. may the lord bless your efforts.. english pointers everywhere applaud you.
I love my Bobwhites! My dad has white hair and is named Bob.Does he count 4 being a Bobwhite,too?🙂😄🤗😘❤️
God Bless you for trying. The Great Blizzard of'78 killed many here in Eastern Ohio...sure miss hearing their call in the summer down in the woods.
This was great, I have been researching "rearing quail chicks" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about - Eeyila Rudimentary Expediency - (search on google ) ? It is a good one of a kind product for discovering how to raise healthy and fertile quail minus the hard work. Ive heard some interesting things about it and my mate got excellent results with it.
Have 7 bobwhites pipping their shells in the bator now! Love seeing this many at once! If even half of the 30 eggs hatch I will be amazed! Have a 25 ft x 9 ft circular aviary with coturnix already, hope they get along.
Hope all your bobwhite's hatch out,good luck.
@@wild1478njhg Ten made it out okay so far!
I am in Ohio and in my first year building a flock of birds. Damn it’s tough. These are very fragile birds hellbent on dying.
Lost a whole hatch at least once. The process of rooster to hen ratio, through intricate incubator stuff, brooder densities, the need for 30% crumble, clean water, avoiding coccidiosis, treating it, careful bird densities, clean water at all times, adequate light, adequate heat (lamps) , incredible micro management. You need a real big flight pen. My prototype is 20x8 but can be double or tripled, built with cattle pen and hardware cloth. Shelter, some lamp heat to counter cold snaps and freezing temps. Always minimum 20% crumble for the birds.
Brooders need to be just right. Warm and no poop, use puppy tracing pads for first six weeks changed often. First 7 days crumble is powdered so that babies can eat quick, waterers use marbles so that they do not get wet/drown!
Bobwhites are wild birds and anyone who thinks that they are expensive to buy really needs a rain check.
It is a lot of work raiseing quail,if you want good flyer ,i sprayed them with a mist of water out side the brooder house to condision their feathers for flying,if you have a roof over your pen you need to spray them with a water hose,when their about 6 week old until release. good luck
What do you use the barns for nowdays?
The quail building the chickens I have go in and roost,it empty.
I raised bobwhite for a while and it’s very time consuming and labor entensive...I’m in Texas and there is serious competition too
Yumurta gonderebilirmisiniz
Hello friend. Good job whith this quails. If you have some time available, I would like to talk about the bobwhite quail. I live in Brasil, and I am going to start my quail breeding: bobwhite and european. The first eggs are hatching at the moment. I find it difficult to get good matrices around here. If you have some free time and we can talk about it, I would like some guidance and maybe negotiate some eggs if possible. Thank you in advance for your attention. And congratulations on the video
i went out of bussness a few years a go,could not make enough money to keep raiseing them.i mainly tryed to get them restarted in the state of w va where i live.when my grand pa was growing up their was many bobwhite quail in w va.
Can you keep several males in with the females or are they like chickens where there’s always conflict? Thanks sir. They’re beautiful.
you can keep about 50/50 until they start fighting,the more room you have the less fighting.
wild1478njhg, thanks man. If I buy a couple dozen chicks some will be males,if I raise them to adults can those males successfully fertilize the eggs so I can hatch more chicks or do I need to get males from a different place to make sure they aren’t brother/sister, does it matter? I don’t want two headed chicks running around because of inbreeding lol. Thanks again.
I bought eggs or chicks from a hatchery,never had much luck letting them hatch out on there own. wolfes game bird hatchery in pa.
wild1478njhg, thanks again man.
is there anyone here ready to ship to indonesia???
Sorry i am out of business until i get some funding.
@@wild1478njhg okee thanks
where is the egg?
How do you catch them?
I would use a fish net or run them in to a small catch pen.
I would love to find a source for W.Va. quail stock to breed & raise. If anyone has the info on where I can buy chicks or a small flock please let me know! I'm very saddened you didn't find enough interest to keep such a worthy project going. It would be fantastic to start out knowing the genes in my birds were the same as the wild birds of yesteryear & making releasing the first covey back into the mountain wilds extra special!
Roger Chaplin que tengas una buena noche de las amigas
I want to buy some (10) fertil eggs of gambel quail
Sorry no eggs or chicks,went out of business, could not make enough money to keep doing the bird farm
@@wild1478njhg can you tell me for some one can sale me ?
I have 4 Bobwhite quails. One male and 3 females. On to occasions one female was attacked and her shoulder bloodied. She healed up, and after a month I put them back together. They where fine for a few months, then it happened again. This time the attack was savage. It looked like she was skinned form her forehead to the back of her neck. Today, you'd never know what happened as all of the feathers grew back. Is this common....why would that happen?? Thank you.
sometimes quail will pick each other and fight.you can try trimming their beak's with toe nail clipper's ,sometimes this help's. or maybe a bigger pen with cover to hide in.allso give them different food to eat may help.thank for watching the video
wild1478njhg Alright thanks , I'll try the different food. One of the attacks occurred a day after I mixed dog food with their regular food.....would that have something to do with it.
I have birds here in Ohio but think we should talk about your idea
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