Good Joke = Hide again! Hide & Joke Seek on Terminal

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @richardmontes7286
    @richardmontes7286 Рік тому +44

    That girl needa to shut up lowkey

    • @mayne7937
      @mayne7937 12 годин тому

      no cap ian even start the vid yet (I watched it, and I'm not watching no swift vids with her in it)

  • @Clxpz_Playz
    @Clxpz_Playz Рік тому +89

    I’m sure shadow sniper is a great person and all but idk how swift or anyone for that matter haven’t lost composure over the random outbursts while ppl are talking.

    • @merickbindrup
      @merickbindrup Рік тому +10

      Oh my lanta!!! YES! I came to say the same thing. It's shotgun for me, especially with his speech impediment!!!!

    • @somespaz4999
      @somespaz4999 Рік тому +10

      Her and that funk dude always got something to say like they need to chill out

    • @Clxpz_Playz
      @Clxpz_Playz Рік тому +4

      @@somespaz4999 I understand funk saying stuff because he is a fellow streamer. I also got used to Shotgun saying stuff while there was stuff going on as well after a couple videos. I’m not hating on any of them, I just don’t see how they don’t find themselves being a bit rude when swift is talking or when others are prompted to say something

    • @somespaz4999
      @somespaz4999 Рік тому +5

      @@Clxpz_Playz it didn’t bother me at first the odd vids but now it’s every single time it’s always them

    • @childofnewlight
      @childofnewlight Рік тому +7

      @@merickbindrup Shotgun is fine. He's typically aware of what's going on in the stream. It's the people who just pay no heed to Swiftor as host or what anyone else is saying that get obnoxious. I'm sure Shadow Sniper would be great too if she relaxed and was more cognizant of the fact there are thousands of people watching in addition to just a few people on Discord.

  • @codywaterfield2295
    @codywaterfield2295 Рік тому +36

    Shadow sniper is so annoying… and she’s a snitch

  • @TheOreoReaper
    @TheOreoReaper Рік тому +41

    Respectfully, shadow sniper was yappin quite a bit and that shit got annoying fast.

  • @bertillethdalsgaard9341
    @bertillethdalsgaard9341 Рік тому +24

    i could only watch 2 minutes at a time because sniper was so mutch, props to everyone that endured that

  • @danieldelgado9265
    @danieldelgado9265 Рік тому +35

    I think we can all agree sniper is the most annoying player in this episode. Paired with funk and shotgun, this makes it like the most annoying trio for me, all 3 of them are the first at bat to talk over somebody or interrupt that it really just gets annoying.

    • @Stevenson198
      @Stevenson198 Рік тому +7

      Agreed, kinda wish sniper just left or swift or mute her

  • @CT_Squishy
    @CT_Squishy Рік тому +23

    Bro the sniper girl whatever is the most annoying type of person. I’m actually getting mad hearing her talk.

  • @notoriouszak
    @notoriouszak Рік тому +24

    Shadow sniper gotta go from now on

  • @Redpilledcatholic
    @Redpilledcatholic Рік тому +14

    Bro that girl who said that that many acres is not that big needs some friends that can really humble her. Like some friends who at least grew up in the hood. I pray to God I can say something like that with confidence and as nonchalant as she did.

    • @De414Work
      @De414Work 10 місяців тому +1

      Right I thought bro I live in this concert jungle and this bih saying 10acres ain’t shit

  • @Bible_leadership_skills
    @Bible_leadership_skills 10 місяців тому +9

    Sniper is an opp and even worse talks over swiftor

  • @eggfuuyung
    @eggfuuyung Рік тому +26

    Someone buy sniper a headset with a mute switch for Christmas please

    • @GreenSageDog
      @GreenSageDog Рік тому +4

      Facts, bro is literally the mayor of yappingsburg.

    • @MFxDANZO
      @MFxDANZO Рік тому +3

      Yappingsburg is crazy but not wrong 😅😂 ​@@GreenSageDog

  • @childofnewlight
    @childofnewlight Рік тому +9

    Hide and JOKE Seek: "I don't have a joke" "I don't have one either" "Lemme pull it up"... I fear for our future.

  • @kelseykreppel
    @kelseykreppel Рік тому +14

    @swiftor have you ever thought of doing an “All Star Swiftor Says” where it’s entirely past winners of the game?

  • @sethg535
    @sethg535 Рік тому +14

    I don't play this game, I enjoy watching the videos, but Shadow Sniper should definitely be banned from these...

  • @kylepolack5963
    @kylepolack5963 4 місяці тому +1

    Shadow sniper wants her 15 minutes of fame so bad.

  • @thomasjohnson6868
    @thomasjohnson6868 Рік тому +10

    Shadow sinper647 need to never join ruins the quality

  • @Mark-eb2vt
    @Mark-eb2vt 11 місяців тому +1

    Sucking my thumb joke was wild lol

  • @That1fookinguy
    @That1fookinguy 7 місяців тому +1

    That Sniper girl needs to chill 😵‍💫

  • @glassknight1940
    @glassknight1940 Місяць тому +1

    Please for the love of god swiftor don't let shadowsniper come back

  • @joedoe6496
    @joedoe6496 11 місяців тому +2

    We is not rockin with sniper‼️‼️‼️

  • @jdholiman9546
    @jdholiman9546 Рік тому

    These people can’t comprehend the hiders jokes

  • @B3tt3rThanZu3s
    @B3tt3rThanZu3s Рік тому +1

    These can’t be the same kids I play against that slap me on SnD

  • @RickNasty42069YOLO
    @RickNasty42069YOLO 10 місяців тому +1

    I think people were too stupid to get the sausage joke..

  • @iamhiphoptk
    @iamhiphoptk 7 місяців тому

    Damn Shotgun needs to shut up

  • @RenegadeSP
    @RenegadeSP Рік тому +6

    As the video progressed the excessive talking just got worse. Love the content but painful to stick through sometimes

    • @RenegadeSP
      @RenegadeSP Рік тому

      Got much better after Swift asked for silence

  • @Paholainen
    @Paholainen Рік тому +1

    @swiftor I have a good one for you:
    A young police office join his daily pub and get his dinner, behind him is a old couple and he can listen what they talk about.
    The old woman say to her husband. Can you remember, we met us here 60 years ago the first time.
    The husband say, yes my darling I can remember every spot and I still love you, like day one.
    The woman asked than the husband, let us roll out to our old place and do the same like in our youth.
    The man agreed.
    Both walked out, went to the back where is a huge meadow.
    The police officer was curious and followed them.
    The couple starting to making love, the act got more and more exited, they did it for like an hour, both went crazy.
    After they finished, the officer excused himself and asked the couple, how they could have in that age this great sex.
    Both still shaking and out of breath.
    The man said, 60 years ago here weren't an electric wire!
    Nice greets from Portugal. ;)

  • @invincible.rex.2712
    @invincible.rex.2712 Рік тому

    What do you call 2 black men in one red sleeping bag? KITKAT

  • @eeveecollector217
    @eeveecollector217 11 місяців тому

    To all the sick players: Saltine Crackers, Chamomile Tea, and LOTS of water (along with cold/flu medicine)

  • @HarrisonNemeth
    @HarrisonNemeth Рік тому +3

    No offense to anyone involved, but as much as I love Swiftor, the past 10 or so videos (at least) have been unwatchable for me. Idk, maybe it's just not my sense of humor, but everyone who's in these videos lately I have found really annoying. It doesn't help that they won't just mute. I wouldn't care if it was a little comment here and there, but talking and talking all game long (IMO) is warrant to temp ban all the yappers.

  • @SinfulWarrior87
    @SinfulWarrior87 Рік тому +6

    That sniper chicks voice is so annoying 😒😒

  • @BigBadKozart
    @BigBadKozart 11 місяців тому

    Would you guys focus more on your joke or your hiding spot?

  • @myrontate3937
    @myrontate3937 Рік тому

    crablo talked so fast im surprised anyone hear his joke😂😂

  • @saygerow
    @saygerow Рік тому

    i have several jokes that could be serious hit or misses id use if i was in one of these games

  • @Solinaru
    @Solinaru Рік тому

    I hope to catch this live one day lol

  • @notoriouszak
    @notoriouszak Рік тому +4

    Never allow shotgun to join again. Please and thanks

  • @demonslayer7014
    @demonslayer7014 10 місяців тому

    When an american audience doesn't understand British humor lol, this was funnier than i thought ngl, were quick on the uptake about riddes and jokes, we take jokes to the next level,we take that shit so far it'll start tekken battle on the streets

    • @blackout_1349
      @blackout_1349 8 місяців тому

      It's not that we don't understand certain humor we just couldn't understand what he was saying.

  • @wulfywulfynrir1296
    @wulfywulfynrir1296 Рік тому +1

    I actually like the idea of this one. Needs restructured a bit to make the punchline hit harder, but i love the idea 😂

  • @informaticalfps4285
    @informaticalfps4285 10 місяців тому

    Sniper is so enoying

  • @brutusdeagon9816
    @brutusdeagon9816 Рік тому

    What did the wolfman say when his pants fell down?

  • @erasmoyanez678
    @erasmoyanez678 9 місяців тому

    Stupid broke the game physics.

  • @Itsuki0419
    @Itsuki0419 Рік тому

    man I wish I could join these games but I don't have MWIII

  • @RenegadeSP
    @RenegadeSP Рік тому +3

    Wish people would stop talking while people are trying to tell jokes

  • @Burn2Ashe
    @Burn2Ashe 11 місяців тому +3

    I feel bad for all the comments about sniper.. Think she just needs to learn to mute up when she's not being spoken to, don't think she deserves a ban though. Yes, it's annoying, but gatekeeping events for them simply being talkative is a bit much.

  • @jaylc
    @jaylc 7 місяців тому

    Episode was tough to watch with Sniper talking over Swiftor, interrupting, talking about random BS...etc. Show some damn respect for the streamer.

  • @alfray9093
    @alfray9093 Рік тому

    TCU's big mouth ruined it

  • @Mr.Mlsunderstood
    @Mr.Mlsunderstood Рік тому +1

    Shadow talks alot just gotta say lmao. Edit- holy shit it got so much worse she gotta go

  • @Melefit
    @Melefit Рік тому

    I was dare to comment “ like this comment and I would do the same amount of push😂”

  • @bummerfriends908
    @bummerfriends908 6 місяців тому +1

    y’all yapping about shadow sniper but the guy with the voice defect hella more annoying i could feel spit landing on my face thru the screen

  • @Phoenixweatherradios
    @Phoenixweatherradios Рік тому +21

    I liked my own comment

  • @Monkey_69121
    @Monkey_69121 Рік тому

    Hi swiftor

  • @greenwalltree
    @greenwalltree 10 місяців тому +2


  • @blackout_1349
    @blackout_1349 8 місяців тому

    They vote yes just because it's funk. Those were not good jokes sorry bud.

  • @CasualGamer069
    @CasualGamer069 Рік тому


  • @azcula
    @azcula Рік тому


  • @LadiesLovesClaw
    @LadiesLovesClaw Рік тому

    This episode was a j9ke started with a guy without a joke and all the jokes were awfull…needed to stop after 4 min