Holocaust Survivor Testimony: Yitzchok Wargon Part 1 of 3

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • When we reflect on the experiences of survivors of the Holocaust, it is striking to see the commonalities that come across, as well as what makes each survivor’s story unique. Yitzchok Wargon, born August 28, 1922 in Radomsko, Poland, has a story that is unlike any other, while still ringing similar to so many we have heard before. In this oral history testimony, conducted by Amud Aish Memorial Museum in partnership with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Yitzchok shares his fascinating testimony.
    Yitzchok was raised in a Chasidic household and remembers antisemitism rising around him and the eventual Nazi invasion. The area around their home became part of the ghetto and all able-bodied men were forced to do slave labor. His family was eventually deported to Treblinka and Majdanek, and Yitzchok was forced to do nine months of slave labor at Skarzysko-Kamienna ammunition factory. Eventually, the camp was liquidated and the inmates were deported to Buchenwald, then Schlieben, and eventually being sent on a death march to Berlin, Germany. After liberation, Yitzchok was involved in the black market and even managed to sneak into Hitler’s bunker, where he got inebriated on Hitler’s 90 proof spirit (!!!), and confiscated a silver set with a Führer engraving. In 1949, with help from HIAS, Yitzchok moved to New York City and met his wife.
    Out of his entire extended family, Yitzchok was the only person to survive the Holocaust. According to Yitzchok, even in the worst of times, Jews clung to the belief of never losing faith no matter what was happening around them. And his closing statement, all these years later, despite losing his entire family during the Holocaust remains the same: We Jewish people cannot give up! Am Yisrael Chai.
    (PART 1 of 3)


  • @luzalgarin9518
    @luzalgarin9518 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much for sharing with me an infamous fragment of the Hitler's Nazi horrendous regimen, via the interview.
    It must have been a painful odyssey to recollect such memories and to recount them; they only echo the evilness of Hitler and his followers.
    The crimes and cruelties committed against my sons and daughters, my fathers and mothers, my brothers and sisters hurt me deeply, regardless their ethnicity and nationality.
    In Isaiah 2: 4, Jehovah God, the Creator and Source of life, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, promises:
    "He will be judge among the nations and will settle matters in relation to many peoples. They will turn their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. The nations will no longer raise their swords against each other and learn no more to wage war."
    My immediate neighbors are Jews and I am a Jehovah's Witness.
    Their hearts are superior than pure gold by far. They are extremely kind.
    The gentleman takes care of my trash can every Wednesday without my asking him to do so. They are lovely human beings, and they are not in need of the smallest improvement.

    • @luzalgarin9518
      @luzalgarin9518 3 роки тому

      @Diana Beebe Yes, all those who did not support the Nazi regimen lived barbarian suffering.
      Here are two positive thoughts taken from the holy Hebrew Scriptures that will console all broken hearts:
      First-Promise recorded in Psalm 37: 9-12 says:
      "For the wicked will be eliminated, but those who put their hope in Jehovah will inherit the earth. Just a little while longer, and the wicked will no longer exist; you will look where they were, and they will no longer be there. But the meek will inherit the earth and fully enjoy of abundant peace."
      Second-Promise recorded in Isaiah 25: 8 says:
      "He will remove death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will wipe the tears from all faces. He will remove from all the earth the disgrace of his people, for Jehovah himself has spoken."
      Have a very pleasant day.

    • @luzalgarin9518
      @luzalgarin9518 3 роки тому

      @Diana Beebe Then this promise recorded in Psalm 37:9-11 will truly console humanity:
      "For evil men will be done away with, But those hoping in Jehovah will possess the earth. Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there. But the meek will possess the earth, And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace."
      For how long?
      The answer in recorded in verse 29:
      "The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it."
      Would you not like to live for ever on Earth, made a paradise, with no evil doer hurting his neighbors?

    • @luzalgarin9518
      @luzalgarin9518 3 роки тому

      Your thoughts are in harmony with the account of Revelation 12.
      Verse 12 is only on fraction of it:
      "On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.”
      And with 1 Peter 5:8:
      "Keep your senses, be watchful! Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone."